+ unsigned char csb_cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN];
+ struct cs_hash *csb_hashtype;
+ vm_size_t csb_hash_pagesize; /* each hash entry represent this many bytes in the file */
+ vm_size_t csb_hash_pagemask;
+ vm_size_t csb_hash_pageshift;
+ vm_size_t csb_hash_firstlevel_pagesize; /* First hash this many bytes, then hash the hashes together */
+ const CS_CodeDirectory *csb_cd;
+ const char *csb_teamid;
+ const CS_GenericBlob *csb_entitlements_blob; /* raw blob, subrange of csb_mem_kaddr */
+ void * csb_entitlements; /* The entitlements as an OSDictionary */
+ unsigned int csb_platform_binary:1;
+ unsigned int csb_platform_path:1;