struct cl_readahead *cl_rahead; /* cluster read ahead context */
struct cl_writebehind *cl_wbehind; /* cluster write behind context */
+ struct timespec cs_mtime; /* modify time of file when
+ first cs_blob was loaded */
struct cs_blob *cs_blobs; /* for CODE SIGNING */
void *cs_valid_bitmap; /* right now: used only for signed files on the read-only root volume */
int ubc_cs_blob_add(vnode_t, cpu_type_t, off_t, vm_address_t, off_t, vm_size_t);
int ubc_cs_sigpup_add(vnode_t, vm_address_t, vm_size_t);
struct cs_blob *ubc_get_cs_blobs(vnode_t);
+void ubc_get_cs_mtime(vnode_t, struct timespec *);
int ubc_cs_getcdhash(vnode_t, off_t, unsigned char *);
kern_return_t ubc_cs_blob_allocate(vm_offset_t *, vm_size_t *);
void ubc_cs_blob_deallocate(vm_offset_t, vm_size_t);