known failures. And please tag any new exceptions you find with "todo"
in the comment and the radar number of the bug.
-To build a fat binary, export ARCH="i386 x86_64". This will work
-for any architectures that Apple gcc recognizes.
-Added four defines which you can use at the compile line to build variants.
+xnu_quick_test is built automatically by BNI for both Mac (10.9 and later), and
+iOS (7 and later) trains, and is delivered on AppleInternal builds in
+/AppleInternal/CoreOS/xnu_quick_test. It is built as part of the xnu_quick_test
+build alias, so you can also find a copy on ~rc at:
+Alternatively you can build it yourself using make like so:
+SDKROOT=/path/to/sdk make
+For example:
+# build for Mac, current OS
+SDKROOT=/ make
+# build for iOS
+SDKROOT=`xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos.internal -version Path` make
+By default xnu builds all-way fat, but you can restrict this by explicitly
+specifying architectures like so:
+# build for only armv7 and armv7s
+SDKROOT=`xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos.internal -version Path` make ARCH="armv7 armv7s"
+There are four defines which you can use at the compile line to build variants.
turn on additional printfs