3. 3 low 10-bits are packed into a 32-bit word, this is after the dictionary indices section.
cclee, 11/30/12
+ Added zero page, single value page, sparse page, early abort optimizations
+ rsrini, 09/14/14
.align 4,0x90
+#define SV_RETURN $0 // return value when SV, ZV page is found
+#define MZV_MAGIC $17185 // magic value used to identify MZV page encoding
+#define CHKPT_BYTES 416 // for early aborts: checkpoint after processing this many bytes. Must be in range [4..4096]
+#define CHKPT_TAG_BYTES (CHKPT_BYTES/16) // size of the tags for CHKPT_BYTES of data
+#define CHKPT_SHRUNK_BYTES 426 // for early aborts: max size of compressed stream to allow further processing ..
+ // .. to disable early aborts, set CHKPT_SHRUNK_BYTES to 4096
+#if CHKPT_BYTES > 4096
+ #error CHKPT_BYTES must be <= 4096
+#if CHKPT_BYTES < 4
+ #error CHKPT_BYTES must be >= 4
.globl _WKdm_compress_new
pushq %rbp
pushq %r13
pushq %r12
pushq %rbx
- subq $(24+64), %rsp
+ subq $(48+64), %rsp
- #define tempTagsArray 64(%rsp)
+ #define tempTagsArray 64(%rsp)
#define tempLowBitsArray 72(%rsp)
+ #define start_next_full_patt 80(%rsp)
+ #define start_next_input_word 88(%rsp)
+ #define byte_budget 96(%rsp)
+ #define start_next_qp tempQPosArray
+ #define start_next_low_bits tempLowBitsArray
#define next_tag %r8
#define next_input_word %rdi
#define end_of_input %r13
#define next_full_patt %rbx
#define dict_location %rcx
#define next_qp %r10
+ #define checkpoint %r11
#define dictionary %rsp
- #define scratch %r11
#define dest_buf %r12
#define hashTable %r14
#define tempQPosArray %r15
#define byte_count %r9d
movq %rsi, %r12 // dest_buf
- movq %rdx, scratch // scratch = dictionary
movq %rdx, tempTagsArray // &tempTagsArray[0]
movq %rdx, next_tag // next_tag always points to the one following the current tag
leaq 1024(%rdx), tempQPosArray // &tempQPosArray[0]
movq tempQPosArray, next_qp // next_qp
+ leaq CHKPT_BYTES(%rdi), checkpoint // checkpoint = src_buf + CHKPT_BYTES
leaq 4096(%rdi), end_of_input // end_of_input = src_buf + num_input_words
leaq 268(%rsi), %rbx // dest_buf + [TAGS_AREA_OFFSET + (num_input_words / 16)]*4
subl $(12+256), byte_count // header + tags
jle L_budgetExhausted
- movl $1, 0(dictionary)
- movl $1, 4(dictionary)
- movl $1, 8(dictionary)
- movl $1, 12(dictionary)
- movl $1, 16(dictionary)
- movl $1, 20(dictionary)
- movl $1, 24(dictionary)
- movl $1, 28(dictionary)
- movl $1, 32(dictionary)
- movl $1, 36(dictionary)
- movl $1, 40(dictionary)
- movl $1, 44(dictionary)
- movl $1, 48(dictionary)
- movl $1, 52(dictionary)
- movl $1, 56(dictionary)
- movl $1, 60(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 0(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 4(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 8(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 12(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 16(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 20(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 24(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 28(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 32(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 36(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 40(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 44(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 48(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 52(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 56(dictionary)
+ movl $0, 60(dictionary)
leaq 2048(%rdx), %rax // &tempLowBitsArray[0]
movq %rax, tempLowBitsArray // save for later reference
movq %rax, next_low_bits // next_low_bits
leaq _hashLookupTable_new(%rip), hashTable // hash look up table
+ movq next_full_patt, start_next_full_patt
+ movq next_input_word, start_next_input_word
+ movl %ecx, byte_budget // save the byte budget
jmp L_scan_loop
.align 4,0x90
movb $0, -1(next_tag) // *next_tag = ZERO;
addq $4, next_input_word // next_input_word++;
- cmpq next_input_word, end_of_input // end_of_input vs next_input_word
- jbe L_done_search
+ cmpq next_input_word, checkpoint // checkpoint time?
movl (next_input_word), %edx
incq next_tag // next_tag++
movb $2, -1(next_tag) // *next_tag = 2 for miss
subl $4, byte_count // fill in a new 4-bytes word
jle L_budgetExhausted
- cmpq next_input_word, end_of_input // end_of_input vs next_input_word
- ja L_scan_loop
+ cmpq next_input_word, checkpoint // checkpoint time?
+ jne L_scan_loop
// restore registers and return
- addq $(24+64), %rsp
+ addq $(48+64), %rsp
popq %rbx
popq %r12
popq %r13
movb $3, -1(next_tag) // *next_tag = 3 for exact
movb %cl, (next_qp) // *next_qp = word offset (4-bit)
incq next_qp // next_qp++
- cmpq next_input_word, end_of_input // end_of_input vs next_input_word
- ja L_scan_loop
- jmp L_done_search
+ cmpq next_input_word, checkpoint // checkpoint time?
+ jne L_scan_loop
.align 4,0x90
incq next_qp // next_qp++
mov %dx, (next_low_bits) // save next_low_bits
addq $2, next_low_bits // next_low_bits++
- cmpq next_input_word, end_of_input // end_of_input vs next_input_word
- ja L_scan_loop
- jmp L_done_search
+ cmpq next_input_word, checkpoint // checkpoint time?
+ jne L_scan_loop
+ cmpq end_of_input, checkpoint // end of buffer or compression ratio check?
+ jne L_check_compression_ratio
+ // check if any dictionary misses in page
+ cmpq start_next_full_patt, next_full_patt
+ jne L_check_single_value_page
+ cmpq start_next_qp, next_qp // check if any partial or exact dictionary matches
+ jne L_check_single_value_page
+ mov SV_RETURN, %rax // Magic return value
+ jmp L_done
+ movq next_full_patt, %rax // get # dictionary misses
+ subq start_next_full_patt, %rax
+ shrq $2, %rax
+ movq next_qp, %r11 // get # dictionary hits (exact + partial)
+ subq start_next_qp, %r11
+ movq next_low_bits, %r13 // get # dictionary partial hits
+ subq start_next_low_bits, %r13
+ shrq $1, %r13
+ movq tempTagsArray, %r14 // get the address of the first tag
+ // Single value page if one of the follwoing is true:
+ // partial == 0 AND hits == 1023 AND miss == 1 AND tag[0] == 2 (i.e. miss)
+ // partial == 1 AND hits == 1024 AND tag[0] == 1 (i.e. partial)
+ //
+ cmpq $0, %r13 // were there 0 partial hits?
+ jne 1f
+ cmpq $1023, %r11 // were there 1023 dictionary hits
+ jne 1f
+ cmpq $1, %rax // was there exacly 1 dictionary miss?
+ jne 1f
+ cmpb $2, 0(%r14) // was the very 1st tag a miss?
+ je L_is_single_value_page
+ cmpq $1, %r13 // was there 1 partial hit?
+ jne L_check_mostly_zero
+ cmpq $1024, %r11 // were there 1024 dictionary hits
+ jne L_check_mostly_zero
+ cmpb $1, 0(%r14) // was the very 1st tag a partial?
+ jne L_check_mostly_zero
+ mov SV_RETURN, %rax // Magic return value
+ jmp L_done
+ // how much space will the sparse packer take?
+ addq %r11, %rax // rax += (next_qp - start_next_qp)
+ movq $6, %rdx
+ mulq %rdx // rax *= 6 (i.e. 4 byte word + 2 byte offset)
+ addq $4, %rax // rax += 4 byte for header
+ movq %rax, %r11
+ // how much space will the defaut packer take?
+ movq next_low_bits, %rax
+ subq start_next_low_bits, %rax // get bytes consumed by lower-10 bits
+ movq $1365, %rdx
+ mulq %rdx
+ shrq $11, %rax // rax = 2/3*(next_low_bits - start_next_low_bits)
+ movq next_full_patt, %rdx
+ subq start_next_full_patt, %rdx // get bytes consumed by dictionary misses
+ addq %rdx, %rax // rax += (next_full_patt - start_next_full_patt)
+ movq next_qp, %rdx
+ subq start_next_qp, %rdx
+ shrq $1, %rdx // get bytes consumed by dictionary hits
+ addq %rdx, %rax // rax += (next_qp - start_next_qp)/2
+ addq $(12+256), %rax // rax += bytes taken by the header + tags
+ cmpq %r11, %rax // is default packer the better option?
+ jb L_done_search
+ cmpl byte_budget, %r11d // can the sparse packer fit into the given budget?
+ ja L_budgetExhausted
+ movl MZV_MAGIC, 0(dest_buf) // header to indicate a sparse packer
+ addq $4, dest_buf
+ movq $0, %rdx // rdx = byte offset in src of non-0 word
+ movq start_next_input_word, %r8
+ movq 0(%r8, %rdx), %rax // rax = read dword
+ testq %rax, %rax // is dword == 0
+ jne 5f
+ addq $8, %rdx // 8 more bytes have been processed
+ cmpq $4096, %rdx
+ jne 1b
+ movq %r11, %rax // store the size of the compressed stream
+ jmp L_done
+ testl %eax, %eax // is lower word == 0
+ je 6f
+ movl %eax, 0(dest_buf) // store the non-0 word in the dest buffer
+ mov %dx, 4(dest_buf) // store the byte index
+ addq $6, dest_buf
+ shrq $32, %rax // get the upper word into position
+ testl %eax, %eax // is upper word == 0
+ je 3b
+ addq $4, %rdx
+ movl %eax, 0(dest_buf) // store the word in the dest buffer
+ mov %dx, 4(dest_buf) // store the byte index
+ addq $6, dest_buf
+ addq $4, %rdx
+ jmp 4b
+ movq end_of_input, checkpoint // checkpoint = end of buffer
+ movq next_low_bits, %rax
+ subq start_next_low_bits, %rax // get bytes consumed by lower-10 bits
+ movq $1365, %rdx
+ mulq %rdx
+ shrq $11, %rax // rax = 2/3*(next_low_bits - start_next_low_bits)
+ movq next_full_patt, %rdx
+ subq start_next_full_patt, %rdx // get bytes consumed by dictionary misses
+ addq %rdx, %rax // rax += (next_full_patt - start_next_full_patt)
+ movq next_qp, %rdx
+ subq start_next_qp, %rdx
+ shrq $1, %rdx
+ addq %rdx, %rax // rax += (next_qp - start_next_qp)/2
+ addq $CHKPT_TAG_BYTES, %rax // rax += bytes taken by the tags
+ cmpq $CHKPT_SHRUNK_BYTES, %rax
+ ja L_budgetExhausted // compressed size exceeds budget
+ jmp L_scan_loop