kIODirectionCompleteWithDataValid = 0x00000080,
- // prepare/complete() notify DMA command active
- kIODirectionDMACommand = 0x00000100,
- kIODirectionDMACommandMask = 0x0001FE00,
- kIODirectionDMACommandShift = 9,
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef IOOptionBits IODirection;
#endif /* __LP64__ */
kIOMemoryPersistent = 0x00010000,
- kIOMemoryReserved6156215 = 0x00020000,
+ kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite = 0x00020000,
+ kIOMemoryRemote = 0x00040000,
kIOMemoryThreadSafe = 0x00100000, // Shared with Buffer MD
kIOMemoryClearEncrypt = 0x00200000, // Shared with Buffer MD
kIOMemoryUseReserve = 0x00800000, // Shared with Buffer MD
kIOMDSetDMAInactive = kIOMDDMAActive,
kIOMDAddDMAMapSpec = 0x04000000,
kIOMDDMAMap = 0x05000000,
+ kIOMDDMAUnmap = 0x06000000,
kIOMDDMACommandOperationMask = 0xFF000000,
struct IOMDDMACharacteristics {
UInt64 fOffset; // Input/Output offset
UInt64 fIOVMAddr, fLength; // Output variables
UInt8 fMapped; // Input Variable, Require mapped IOVMA
+ UInt64 fMappedBase; // Input base of mapping
typedef UInt8 IOMDDMAWalkSegmentState[128];
+// fMapped:
+ kIOMDDMAWalkMappedLocal = 2
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
struct IOMemoryReference * _memRef;
+ vm_tag_t _kernelTag;
+ vm_tag_t _userTag;
+ int16_t _dmaReferences;
+ uint16_t _internalFlags;
+ kern_allocation_name_t _mapName;
- void * __iomd_reserved5;
+ void * __iomd_reserved5;
+ uint16_t __iomd_reserved1[4];
+ uintptr_t __iomd_reserved2;
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#ifdef __LP64__
- uint64_t __iomd_reserved1;
- uint64_t __iomd_reserved2;
- uint64_t __iomd_reserved3;
- uint64_t __iomd_reserved4;
-#else /* !__LP64__ */
+ uintptr_t __iomd_reserved3;
+ uintptr_t __iomd_reserved4;
+#ifndef __LP64__
IODirection _direction; /* use _flags instead */
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
IOByteCount _length; /* length of all ranges */
uint64_t length,
uint64_t * mapAddress,
uint64_t * mapLength);
+ IOReturn dmaUnmap(
+ IOMapper * mapper,
+ IODMACommand * command,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ uint64_t mapAddress,
+ uint64_t mapLength);
+ void dmaMapRecord(
+ IOMapper * mapper,
+ IODMACommand * command,
+ uint64_t mapLength);
void setVMTags(vm_tag_t kernelTag, vm_tag_t userTag);
vm_tag_t getVMTag(vm_map_t map);
virtual IOOptionBits getTag( void );
+/*! @function getFlags
+ @abstract Accessor to the retrieve the options the memory descriptor was created with.
+ @discussion Accessor to the retrieve the options the memory descriptor was created with, and flags with its state. These bits are defined by the kIOMemory* enum.
+ @result The flags bitfield. */
+ uint64_t getFlags(void);
/*! @function readBytes
@abstract Copy data from the memory descriptor's buffer to the specified buffer.
@discussion This method copies data from the memory descriptor's memory at the given offset, to the caller's buffer. The memory descriptor MUST have the kIODirectionOut direcction bit set and be prepared. kIODirectionOut means that this memory descriptor will be output to an external device, so readBytes is used to get memory into a local buffer for a PIO transfer to the device.