- * Routine: atm_invoke_collection
- * Purpose: Sends a notification with array of memory buffer.
- * Note: may block till user daemon responds.
- */
- atm_value_t atm_value,
- mach_atm_subaid_t sub_aid,
- uint32_t flags)
- aid_t aid = atm_value->aid;
- kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
- uint32_t array_count = 0, i = 0, j = 0, requestor_index = 0;
- uint64_t *sizes_array = NULL;
- atm_link_object_t link_object = NULL;
- mach_port_t *mem_array = NULL;
- boolean_t need_swap_first = FALSE;
- atm_task_descriptor_t requesting_descriptor = current_task()->atm_context;
- lck_mtx_lock(&atm_value->listener_lock);
- array_count = atm_value->listener_count;
- lck_mtx_unlock(&atm_value->listener_lock);
- if (array_count == 0){
- return KERN_SUCCESS;
- }
- mem_array = kalloc(sizeof(mach_port_t) * array_count);
- if (mem_array == NULL){
- return KERN_NO_SPACE;
- }
- sizes_array = kalloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * array_count);
- if (sizes_array == NULL){
- kfree(mem_array, sizeof(mach_port_t) * array_count);
- return KERN_NO_SPACE;
- }
- lck_mtx_lock(&atm_value->listener_lock);
- queue_iterate(&atm_value->listeners, link_object, atm_link_object_t, listeners_element) {
- if (i >= array_count){
- break;
- }
- if (!need_swap_first && requesting_descriptor == link_object->descriptor){
- assert(requesting_descriptor != NULL);
- requestor_index = i;
- need_swap_first = TRUE;
- }
- sizes_array[i] = link_object->descriptor->trace_buffer_size;
- mem_array[i] = ipc_port_copy_send(link_object->descriptor->trace_buffer);
- if (!IPC_PORT_VALID(mem_array[i])){
- mem_array[i] = NULL;
- }
- i++;
- }
- lck_mtx_unlock(&atm_value->listener_lock);
- /*
- * Swap the position of requesting task ahead, diagnostics can
- * process its buffers the first.
- */
- if (need_swap_first && requestor_index != 0){
- assert(requestor_index < array_count);
- mach_port_t tmp_port = mem_array[0];
- uint64_t tmp_size = sizes_array[0];
- mem_array[0] = mem_array[requestor_index];
- sizes_array[0] = sizes_array[requestor_index];
- mem_array[requestor_index] = tmp_port;
- sizes_array[requestor_index] = tmp_size;
- }
- if (i > 0) {
- kr = atm_send_user_notification(aid, sub_aid, mem_array, sizes_array, i, flags);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- if (mem_array[j] != NULL)
- ipc_port_release_send(mem_array[j]);
- }
- kfree(mem_array, sizeof(mach_port_t) * array_count);
- kfree(sizes_array, sizeof(uint64_t) * array_count);
- return kr;
- * Routine: atm_send_user_notification
- * Purpose: Make an upcall to user space daemon if its listening for atm notifications.
- * Returns: KERN_SUCCESS for successful delivery.
- * KERN_FAILURE if port is dead or NULL.
- */
- aid_t aid,
- mach_atm_subaid_t sub_aid,
- mach_port_t *buffers_array,
- uint64_t *sizes_array,
- mach_msg_type_number_t count,
- uint32_t flags)
- mach_port_t user_port;
- int error;
- thread_t th = current_thread();
- kern_return_t kr;
- error = host_get_atm_notification_port(host_priv_self(), &user_port);
- if ((error != KERN_SUCCESS) || !IPC_PORT_VALID(user_port)) {
- return KERN_FAILURE;
- }
- /* Set the honor queue limit option on the thread. */
- th->options |= TH_OPT_HONOR_QLIMIT;
- kr = atm_collect_trace_info(user_port, aid, sub_aid, flags, buffers_array, count, sizes_array, count);
- /* Make sure that honor queue limit option is unset on the thread. */
- th->options &= (~TH_OPT_HONOR_QLIMIT);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- ipc_port_release_send(user_port);
- if (kr == MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT) {
- }
- }
- return kr;
- * Routine: atm_send_proc_inspect_notification
- * Purpose: Make an upcall to user space daemon if its listening for trace
- * notifications for per process inspection.
- * Returns: KERN_SUCCESS for successful delivery.
- * KERN_FAILURE if port is dead or NULL.
- */
- task_t task,
- int32_t traced_pid,
- uint64_t traced_uniqueid)
- mach_port_t user_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- mach_port_t memory_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- kern_return_t kr;
- atm_task_descriptor_t task_descriptor = ATM_TASK_DESCRIPTOR_NULL;
- uint64_t buffer_size = 0;
- int error;
- thread_t th = current_thread();
- if (disable_atm || (atm_get_diagnostic_config() & ATM_TRACE_DISABLE))
- /* look for the requested memory in target task */
- if (!task)
- task_lock(task);
- if (task->atm_context){
- task_descriptor = task->atm_context;
- atm_descriptor_get_reference(task_descriptor);
- }
- task_unlock(task);
- if (task_descriptor == ATM_TASK_DESCRIPTOR_NULL){
- return KERN_FAILURE;
- }
- memory_port = ipc_port_copy_send(task_descriptor->trace_buffer);
- buffer_size = task_descriptor->trace_buffer_size;
- atm_task_descriptor_dealloc(task_descriptor);
- /* get the communication port */
- error = host_get_atm_notification_port(host_priv_self(), &user_port);
- if ((error != KERN_SUCCESS) || !IPC_PORT_VALID(user_port)) {
- ipc_port_release_send(memory_port);
- return KERN_FAILURE;
- }
- /* Set the honor queue limit option on the thread. */
- th->options |= TH_OPT_HONOR_QLIMIT;
- kr = atm_inspect_process_buffer(user_port, traced_pid, traced_uniqueid, buffer_size, memory_port);
- /* Make sure that honor queue limit option is unset on the thread. */
- th->options &= (~TH_OPT_HONOR_QLIMIT);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- ipc_port_release_send(user_port);
- if (kr == MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT) {
- }
- }
- ipc_port_release_send(memory_port);
- return kr;