* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* static */
IOStateReporter::with(IOService *reportingService,
- IOReportCategories categories,
- int nstates,
- IOReportUnits unit/* = kIOReportUnitHWTicks*/)
+ IOReportCategories categories,
+ int nstates,
+ IOReportUnit unit /* = kIOReportUnitHWTicks*/)
- IOStateReporter *reporter, *rval = NULL;
- // kprintf("%s\n", __func__); // can't IORLOG() from static
- reporter = new IOStateReporter;
- if (!reporter) goto finish;
- if (!reporter->initWith(reportingService, categories, nstates, unit)) {
- goto finish;
- }
- // success
- rval = reporter;
+ IOStateReporter *reporter, *rval = NULL;
+ // kprintf("%s\n", __func__); // can't IORLOG() from static
+ reporter = new IOStateReporter;
+ if (!reporter) {
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ if (!reporter->initWith(reportingService, categories, nstates, unit)) {
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // success
+ rval = reporter;
- if (!rval) {
- OSSafeReleaseNULL(reporter);
- }
- return rval;
+ if (!rval) {
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(reporter);
+ }
+ return rval;
IOStateReporter::initWith(IOService *reportingService,
- IOReportCategories categories,
- int16_t nstates,
- IOReportUnits unit)
+ IOReportCategories categories,
+ int16_t nstates,
+ IOReportUnit unit)
- bool success = false;
- IOReportChannelType channelType = {
- .categories = categories,
- .report_format = kIOReportFormatState,
- .nelements = static_cast<uint16_t>(nstates),
- .element_idx = 0
- };
- if(super::init(reportingService, channelType, unit) != true) {
- IORLOG("ERROR super::initWith failed");
- success = false;
- goto finish;
- }
- _currentStates = NULL;
- _lastUpdateTimes = NULL;
- success = true;
- return success;
+ bool success = false;
+ IOReportChannelType channelType = {
+ .categories = categories,
+ .report_format = kIOReportFormatState,
+ .nelements = static_cast<uint16_t>(nstates),
+ .element_idx = 0
+ };
+ if (super::init(reportingService, channelType, unit) != true) {
+ IORLOG("ERROR super::initWith failed");
+ success = false;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ _currentStates = NULL;
+ _lastUpdateTimes = NULL;
+ success = true;
+ return success;
- if (_currentStates) {
- PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(_nChannels, int);
- IOFree(_currentStates, (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(int));
- }
- if (_lastUpdateTimes) {
- PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(_nChannels, uint64_t);
- IOFree(_lastUpdateTimes, (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
- }
- super::free();
+ if (_currentStates) {
+ PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(_nChannels, int);
+ IOFree(_currentStates, (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ if (_lastUpdateTimes) {
+ PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(_nChannels, uint64_t);
+ IOFree(_lastUpdateTimes, (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ }
+ super::free();
IOStateReporter::handleSwapPrepare(int newNChannels)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- size_t newCurStatesSize, newTSSize;
- //IORLOG("handleSwapPrepare (state) _nChannels before = %u", _nChannels);
- if (_swapCurrentStates || _swapLastUpdateTimes) {
- panic("IOStateReporter::_swap* already in use");
- }
- // new currentStates buffer
- PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(newNChannels, int);
- newCurStatesSize = (size_t)newNChannels * sizeof(int);
- _swapCurrentStates = (int*)IOMalloc(newCurStatesSize);
- if (_swapCurrentStates == NULL) {
- res = kIOReturnNoMemory; goto finish;
- }
- memset(_swapCurrentStates, -1, newCurStatesSize); // init w/"no state"
- // new timestamps buffer
- PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(newNChannels, uint64_t);
- newTSSize = (size_t)newNChannels * sizeof(uint64_t);
- _swapLastUpdateTimes = (uint64_t *)IOMalloc(newTSSize);
- if (_swapLastUpdateTimes == NULL) {
- res = kIOReturnNoMemory; goto finish;
- }
- memset(_swapLastUpdateTimes, 0, newTSSize);
- res = super::handleSwapPrepare(newNChannels);
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ size_t newCurStatesSize, newTSSize;
+ //IORLOG("handleSwapPrepare (state) _nChannels before = %u", _nChannels);
+ if (_swapCurrentStates || _swapLastUpdateTimes) {
+ panic("IOStateReporter::_swap* already in use");
+ }
+ // new currentStates buffer
+ PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(newNChannels, int);
+ newCurStatesSize = (size_t)newNChannels * sizeof(int);
+ _swapCurrentStates = (int*)IOMalloc(newCurStatesSize);
+ if (_swapCurrentStates == NULL) {
+ res = kIOReturnNoMemory; goto finish;
+ }
+ memset(_swapCurrentStates, -1, newCurStatesSize); // init w/"no state"
+ // new timestamps buffer
+ PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(newNChannels, uint64_t);
+ newTSSize = (size_t)newNChannels * sizeof(uint64_t);
+ _swapLastUpdateTimes = (uint64_t *)IOMalloc(newTSSize);
+ if (_swapLastUpdateTimes == NULL) {
+ res = kIOReturnNoMemory; goto finish;
+ }
+ memset(_swapLastUpdateTimes, 0, newTSSize);
+ res = super::handleSwapPrepare(newNChannels);
- if (res) {
- if (_swapCurrentStates) {
- IOFree(_swapCurrentStates, newCurStatesSize);
- _swapCurrentStates = NULL;
- }
- if (_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
- IOFree(_swapLastUpdateTimes, newTSSize);
- _swapLastUpdateTimes = NULL;
- }
- }
- return res;
+ if (res) {
+ if (_swapCurrentStates) {
+ IOFree(_swapCurrentStates, newCurStatesSize);
+ _swapCurrentStates = NULL;
+ }
+ if (_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
+ IOFree(_swapLastUpdateTimes, newTSSize);
+ _swapLastUpdateTimes = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::handleAddChannelSwap(uint64_t channelID,
- const OSSymbol *symChannelName)
+ const OSSymbol *symChannelName)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- int cnt;
- int *tmpCurStates;
- uint64_t *tmpTimestamps;
- bool swapComplete = false;
- //IORLOG("IOStateReporter::handleSwap");
- if (!_swapCurrentStates || !_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
- IORLOG("IOReporter::handleSwap ERROR swap variables uninitialized!");
- goto finish;
- }
- // Copy any existing buffers
- if (_currentStates) {
- PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(_nChannels, int);
- memcpy(_swapCurrentStates, _currentStates,
- (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(int));
- if (!_lastUpdateTimes) {
- panic("IOStateReporter::handleAddChannelSwap _lastUpdateTimes unset despite non-NULL _currentStates");
- }
- PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(_nChannels, uint64_t);
- memcpy(_swapLastUpdateTimes, _lastUpdateTimes,
- (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
- }
- // Update principal instance variables, keep old values in _swap* for cleanup
- tmpCurStates = _currentStates;
- _currentStates = _swapCurrentStates;
- _swapCurrentStates = tmpCurStates;
- tmpTimestamps = _lastUpdateTimes;
- _lastUpdateTimes = _swapLastUpdateTimes;
- _swapLastUpdateTimes = tmpTimestamps;
- swapComplete = true;
- // subclass success
- // invoke superclass(es): base class updates _nChannels & _nElements
- res = super::handleAddChannelSwap(channelID, symChannelName);
- if (res) {
- IORLOG("handleSwap(state) ERROR super::handleSwap failed!");
- goto finish;
- }
- // Channel added successfully, initialize the new channel's state_ids to 0..nStates-1
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
- handleSetStateID(channelID, cnt, (uint64_t)cnt);
- }
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ int cnt;
+ int *tmpCurStates;
+ uint64_t *tmpTimestamps;
+ bool swapComplete = false;
+ //IORLOG("IOStateReporter::handleSwap");
+ if (!_swapCurrentStates || !_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
+ IORLOG("IOReporter::handleSwap ERROR swap variables uninitialized!");
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // Copy any existing buffers
+ if (_currentStates) {
+ PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(_nChannels, int);
+ memcpy(_swapCurrentStates, _currentStates,
+ (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(int));
+ if (!_lastUpdateTimes) {
+ panic("IOStateReporter::handleAddChannelSwap _lastUpdateTimes unset despite non-NULL _currentStates");
+ }
+ PREFL_MEMOP_FAIL(_nChannels, uint64_t);
+ memcpy(_swapLastUpdateTimes, _lastUpdateTimes,
+ (size_t)_nChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ }
+ // Update principal instance variables, keep old values in _swap* for cleanup
+ tmpCurStates = _currentStates;
+ _currentStates = _swapCurrentStates;
+ _swapCurrentStates = tmpCurStates;
+ tmpTimestamps = _lastUpdateTimes;
+ _lastUpdateTimes = _swapLastUpdateTimes;
+ _swapLastUpdateTimes = tmpTimestamps;
+ swapComplete = true;
+ // subclass success
+ // invoke superclass(es): base class updates _nChannels & _nElements
+ res = super::handleAddChannelSwap(channelID, symChannelName);
+ if (res) {
+ IORLOG("handleSwap(state) ERROR super::handleSwap failed!");
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // Channel added successfully, initialize the new channel's state_ids to 0..nStates-1
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
+ handleSetStateID(channelID, cnt, (uint64_t)cnt);
+ }
- if (res && swapComplete) {
- // unswap so the unused buffers get cleaned up
- tmpCurStates = _currentStates;
- _currentStates = _swapCurrentStates;
- _swapCurrentStates = tmpCurStates;
- tmpTimestamps = _lastUpdateTimes;
- _lastUpdateTimes = _swapLastUpdateTimes;
- _swapLastUpdateTimes = tmpTimestamps;
- }
- return res;
+ if (res && swapComplete) {
+ // unswap so the unused buffers get cleaned up
+ tmpCurStates = _currentStates;
+ _currentStates = _swapCurrentStates;
+ _swapCurrentStates = tmpCurStates;
+ tmpTimestamps = _lastUpdateTimes;
+ _lastUpdateTimes = _swapLastUpdateTimes;
+ _swapLastUpdateTimes = tmpTimestamps;
+ }
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::handleSwapCleanup(int swapNChannels)
- super::handleSwapCleanup(swapNChannels);
- if (_swapCurrentStates) {
- PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(swapNChannels, int);
- IOFree(_swapCurrentStates, (size_t)swapNChannels * sizeof(int));
- _swapCurrentStates = NULL;
- }
- if (_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
- PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(swapNChannels, uint64_t);
- IOFree(_swapLastUpdateTimes, (size_t)swapNChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
- _swapLastUpdateTimes = NULL;
- }
+ super::handleSwapCleanup(swapNChannels);
+ if (_swapCurrentStates) {
+ PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(swapNChannels, int);
+ IOFree(_swapCurrentStates, (size_t)swapNChannels * sizeof(int));
+ _swapCurrentStates = NULL;
+ }
+ if (_swapLastUpdateTimes) {
+ PREFL_MEMOP_PANIC(swapNChannels, uint64_t);
+ IOFree(_swapLastUpdateTimes, (size_t)swapNChannels * sizeof(uint64_t));
+ _swapLastUpdateTimes = NULL;
+ }
IOStateReporter::_getStateIndices(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id,
- int *channel_index,
- int *state_index)
+ uint64_t state_id,
+ int *channel_index,
+ int *state_index)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- int cnt;
- IOStateReportValues *values;
- int element_index = 0;
- if (getChannelIndices(channel_id,
- channel_index,
- &element_index) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- goto finish;
- }
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
- values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(element_index + cnt);
- if (values == NULL) {
- res = kIOReturnError;
- goto finish;
- }
- if (values->state_id == state_id) {
- *state_index = cnt;
- res = kIOReturnSuccess;
- goto finish;
- }
- }
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ int cnt;
+ IOStateReportValues *values;
+ int element_index = 0;
+ if (getChannelIndices(channel_id,
+ channel_index,
+ &element_index) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
+ values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(element_index + cnt);
+ if (values == NULL) {
+ res = kIOReturnError;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ if (values->state_id == state_id) {
+ *state_index = cnt;
+ res = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- return res;
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::setChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t new_state_id)
+ uint64_t new_state_id)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- int channel_index, new_state_index;
- uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
- uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
- lockReporter();
- if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, new_state_id, &channel_index, &new_state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
- last_intransition,
- prev_state_residency);
- goto finish;
- }
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ int channel_index, new_state_index;
+ uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, new_state_id, &channel_index, &new_state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
+ last_intransition,
+ prev_state_residency);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::setChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t new_state_id,
- uint64_t last_intransition,
- uint64_t prev_state_residency)
+ uint64_t new_state_id,
+ uint64_t last_intransition,
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency)
- return setChannelState(channel_id, new_state_id);
+ return setChannelState(channel_id, new_state_id);
IOStateReporter::overrideChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id,
- uint64_t time_in_state,
- uint64_t intransitions,
- uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
+ uint64_t state_id,
+ uint64_t time_in_state,
+ uint64_t intransitions,
+ uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- int channel_index, state_index;
- lockReporter();
- if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, state_id, &channel_index, &state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- if (_lastUpdateTimes[channel_index]) {
- panic("overrideChannelState() cannot be used after setChannelState()!\n");
- }
- res = handleOverrideChannelStateByIndices(channel_index, state_index,
- time_in_state, intransitions,
- last_intransition);
- goto finish;
- }
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ int channel_index, state_index;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, state_id, &channel_index, &state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ if (_lastUpdateTimes[channel_index]) {
+ panic("overrideChannelState() cannot be used after setChannelState()!\n");
+ }
+ res = handleOverrideChannelStateByIndices(channel_index, state_index,
+ time_in_state, intransitions,
+ last_intransition);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::handleOverrideChannelStateByIndices(int channel_index,
- int state_index,
- uint64_t time_in_state,
- uint64_t intransitions,
- uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
+ int state_index,
+ uint64_t time_in_state,
+ uint64_t intransitions,
+ uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
- IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
- IOStateReportValues state_values;
- int element_index;
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
- result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
- }
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
- / _channelDimension) {
- result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
- kerr = copyElementValues(element_index,(IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr; goto finish;
- }
- // last_intransition = 0 -> no current state ("residency summary only")
- state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
- state_values.intransitions = intransitions;
- state_values.upticks = time_in_state;
- // determines current time for metadata
- kerr = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr; goto finish;
- }
- // success
- result = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
+ IOStateReportValues state_values;
+ int element_index;
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
+ result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
+ }
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
+ / _channelDimension) {
+ result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
+ kerr = copyElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr; goto finish;
+ }
+ // last_intransition = 0 -> no current state ("residency summary only")
+ state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
+ state_values.intransitions = intransitions;
+ state_values.upticks = time_in_state;
+ // determines current time for metadata
+ kerr = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr; goto finish;
+ }
+ // success
+ result = kIOReturnSuccess;
- return result;
+ return result;
IOStateReporter::incrementChannelState(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id,
- uint64_t time_in_state,
- uint64_t intransitions,
- uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
+ uint64_t state_id,
+ uint64_t time_in_state,
+ uint64_t intransitions,
+ uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- int channel_index, state_index;
- lockReporter();
- if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, state_id, &channel_index, &state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- if (_lastUpdateTimes[channel_index]) {
- panic("incrementChannelState() cannot be used after setChannelState()!\n");
- }
- res = handleIncrementChannelStateByIndices(channel_index, state_index,
- time_in_state, intransitions,
- last_intransition);
- goto finish;
- }
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ int channel_index, state_index;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (_getStateIndices(channel_id, state_id, &channel_index, &state_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ if (_lastUpdateTimes[channel_index]) {
+ panic("incrementChannelState() cannot be used after setChannelState()!\n");
+ }
+ res = handleIncrementChannelStateByIndices(channel_index, state_index,
+ time_in_state, intransitions,
+ last_intransition);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::handleIncrementChannelStateByIndices(int channel_index,
- int state_index,
- uint64_t time_in_state,
- uint64_t intransitions,
- uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
+ int state_index,
+ uint64_t time_in_state,
+ uint64_t intransitions,
+ uint64_t last_intransition /*=0*/)
- IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
- IOStateReportValues state_values;
- int element_index;
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
- result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
- }
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
- / _channelDimension) {
- result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
- kerr = copyElementValues(element_index,(IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr;
- goto finish;
- }
- state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
- state_values.intransitions += intransitions;
- state_values.upticks += time_in_state;
- // determines current time for metadata
- kerr = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr;
- goto finish;
- }
- // success
- result = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
+ IOStateReportValues state_values;
+ int element_index;
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
+ result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
+ }
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
+ / _channelDimension) {
+ result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
+ kerr = copyElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
+ state_values.intransitions += intransitions;
+ state_values.upticks += time_in_state;
+ // determines current time for metadata
+ kerr = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // success
+ result = kIOReturnSuccess;
- return result;
+ return result;
IOStateReporter::setState(uint64_t new_state_id)
- uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
- uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- IOStateReportValues *values;
- int channel_index = 0, element_index = 0, new_state_index = 0;
- int cnt;
- lockReporter();
- if (_nChannels == 1) {
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
- new_state_index = element_index + cnt;
- values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(new_state_index);
- if (values == NULL) {
- res = kIOReturnError;
- goto finish;
- }
- if (values->state_id == new_state_id) {
- res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
- last_intransition,
- prev_state_residency);
- goto finish;
- }
- }
- }
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ IOStateReportValues *values;
+ int channel_index = 0, element_index = 0, new_state_index = 0;
+ int cnt;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (_nChannels == 1) {
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
+ new_state_index = element_index + cnt;
+ values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(new_state_index);
+ if (values == NULL) {
+ res = kIOReturnError;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ if (values->state_id == new_state_id) {
+ res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
+ last_intransition,
+ prev_state_residency);
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::setState(uint64_t new_state_id,
- uint64_t last_intransition,
- uint64_t prev_state_residency)
+ uint64_t last_intransition,
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency)
- return setState(new_state_id);
+ return setState(new_state_id);
IOStateReporter::setStateID(uint64_t channel_id,
- int state_index,
- uint64_t state_id)
+ int state_index,
+ uint64_t state_id)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- lockReporter();
- res = handleSetStateID(channel_id, state_index, state_id);
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ lockReporter();
+ res = handleSetStateID(channel_id, state_index, state_id);
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::handleSetStateID(uint64_t channel_id,
- int state_index,
- uint64_t state_id)
+ int state_index,
+ uint64_t state_id)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- IOStateReportValues state_values;
- int element_index = 0;
- if (getFirstElementIndex(channel_id, &element_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- if (state_index >= _channelDimension) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
- }
- if (_nElements - state_index <= element_index) {
- res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- element_index += state_index;
- if (copyElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- goto finish;
- }
- state_values.state_id = state_id;
- res = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
- }
- // FIXME: set a bit somewhere (reporter-wide?) that state_ids can no longer be
- // assumed to be contiguous
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ IOStateReportValues state_values;
+ int element_index = 0;
+ if (getFirstElementIndex(channel_id, &element_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ if (state_index >= _channelDimension) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
+ }
+ if (_nElements - state_index <= element_index) {
+ res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ element_index += state_index;
+ if (copyElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ state_values.state_id = state_id;
+ res = setElementValues(element_index, (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values);
+ }
+ // FIXME: set a bit somewhere (reporter-wide?) that state_ids can no longer be
+ // assumed to be contiguous
- return res;
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::setStateByIndices(int channel_index,
- int new_state_index)
+ int new_state_index)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
- uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
- lockReporter();
- res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
- last_intransition, prev_state_residency);
- unlockReporter();
- return res;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ uint64_t last_intransition = 0;
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency = 0;
+ lockReporter();
+ res = handleSetStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index,
+ last_intransition, prev_state_residency);
+ unlockReporter();
+ return res;
IOStateReporter::setStateByIndices(int channel_index,
- int new_state_index,
- uint64_t last_intransition,
- uint64_t prev_state_residency)
+ int new_state_index,
+ uint64_t last_intransition,
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency)
- return setStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index);
+ return setStateByIndices(channel_index, new_state_index);
IOStateReporter::handleSetStateByIndices(int channel_index,
- int new_state_index,
- uint64_t last_intransition,
- uint64_t prev_state_residency)
+ int new_state_index,
+ uint64_t last_intransition,
+ uint64_t prev_state_residency)
- IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
- IOStateReportValues curr_state_values, new_state_values;
- int curr_state_index = 0;
- int curr_element_index, new_element_index;
- uint64_t last_ch_update_time = 0;
- uint64_t recordTime = mach_absolute_time();
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
- }
- // if no timestamp provided, last_intransition = time of recording (now)
- if (last_intransition == 0) {
- last_intransition = recordTime;
- }
- // First update target state if different than the current state
- // _currentStates[] initialized to -1 to detect first state transition
- curr_state_index = _currentStates[channel_index];
- if (new_state_index != curr_state_index) {
- // fetch element data
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements-new_state_index)
- / _channelDimension) {
- res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- new_element_index = channel_index*_channelDimension + new_state_index;
- if (copyElementValues(new_element_index,
- (IOReportElementValues *)&new_state_values)) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- goto finish;
- }
- // Update new state's transition info
- new_state_values.intransitions += 1;
- new_state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
- // and store the values
- res = setElementValues(new_element_index,
- (IOReportElementValues *)&new_state_values,
- recordTime);
- if (res != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- goto finish;
- }
- _currentStates[channel_index] = new_state_index;
- }
- /* Now update time spent in any previous state
- If new_state_index = curr_state_index, this updates time in the
- current state. If this is the channel's first state transition,
- the last update time will be zero.
- Note: While setState() should never be called on a channel being
- updated with increment/overrideChannelState(), that's another way
- that the last update time might not exist. Regardless, if there
- is no basis for determining time spent in previous state, there's
- nothing to update!
- */
- last_ch_update_time = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
- if (last_ch_update_time != 0) {
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements-curr_state_index)
- / _channelDimension) {
- res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- curr_element_index = channel_index*_channelDimension + curr_state_index;
- if (copyElementValues(curr_element_index,
- (IOReportElementValues *)&curr_state_values)) {
- res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- goto finish;
- }
- // compute the time spent in previous state, unless provided
- if (prev_state_residency == 0) {
- prev_state_residency = last_intransition - last_ch_update_time;
- }
- curr_state_values.upticks += prev_state_residency;
- res = setElementValues(curr_element_index,
- (IOReportElementValues*)&curr_state_values,
- recordTime);
- if (res != kIOReturnSuccess) {
- goto finish;
- }
- }
- // record basis for next "time in prior state" calculation
- // (also arms a panic in override/incrementChannelState())
- _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index] = last_intransition;
+ IOReturn res = kIOReturnError;
+ IOStateReportValues curr_state_values, new_state_values;
+ int curr_state_index = 0;
+ int curr_element_index, new_element_index;
+ uint64_t last_ch_update_time = 0;
+ uint64_t recordTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
+ }
+ // if no timestamp provided, last_intransition = time of recording (now)
+ if (last_intransition == 0) {
+ last_intransition = recordTime;
+ }
+ // First update target state if different than the current state
+ // _currentStates[] initialized to -1 to detect first state transition
+ curr_state_index = _currentStates[channel_index];
+ if (new_state_index != curr_state_index) {
+ // fetch element data
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - new_state_index)
+ / _channelDimension) {
+ res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ new_element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + new_state_index;
+ if (copyElementValues(new_element_index,
+ (IOReportElementValues *)&new_state_values)) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // Update new state's transition info
+ new_state_values.intransitions += 1;
+ new_state_values.last_intransition = last_intransition;
+ // and store the values
+ res = setElementValues(new_element_index,
+ (IOReportElementValues *)&new_state_values,
+ recordTime);
+ if (res != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ _currentStates[channel_index] = new_state_index;
+ }
+ /* Now update time spent in any previous state
+ * If new_state_index = curr_state_index, this updates time in the
+ * current state. If this is the channel's first state transition,
+ * the last update time will be zero.
+ *
+ * Note: While setState() should never be called on a channel being
+ * updated with increment/overrideChannelState(), that's another way
+ * that the last update time might not exist. Regardless, if there
+ * is no basis for determining time spent in previous state, there's
+ * nothing to update!
+ */
+ last_ch_update_time = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
+ if (last_ch_update_time != 0) {
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - curr_state_index)
+ / _channelDimension) {
+ res = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ curr_element_index = channel_index * _channelDimension + curr_state_index;
+ if (copyElementValues(curr_element_index,
+ (IOReportElementValues *)&curr_state_values)) {
+ res = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ // compute the time spent in previous state, unless provided
+ if (prev_state_residency == 0) {
+ prev_state_residency = last_intransition - last_ch_update_time;
+ }
+ curr_state_values.upticks += prev_state_residency;
+ res = setElementValues(curr_element_index,
+ (IOReportElementValues*)&curr_state_values,
+ recordTime);
+ if (res != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ }
+ // record basis for next "time in prior state" calculation
+ // (also arms a panic in override/incrementChannelState())
+ _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index] = last_intransition;
- return res;
+ return res;
// blocks might make this slightly easier?
IOStateReporter::getStateInTransitions(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id)
+ uint64_t state_id)
- return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kInTransitions);
+ return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kInTransitions);
IOStateReporter::getStateResidencyTime(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id)
+ uint64_t state_id)
- return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kResidencyTime);
+ return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kResidencyTime);
IOStateReporter::getStateLastTransitionTime(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id)
+ uint64_t state_id)
- return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kLastTransitionTime);
+ return _getStateValue(channel_id, state_id, kLastTransitionTime);
IOStateReporter::_getStateValue(uint64_t channel_id,
- uint64_t state_id,
- enum valueSelector value)
+ uint64_t state_id,
+ enum valueSelector value)
- int channel_index = 0, element_index = 0, cnt;
- IOStateReportValues *values = NULL;
- uint64_t result = kIOReportInvalidValue;
- lockReporter();
- if (getChannelIndices(channel_id, &channel_index, &element_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- if (updateChannelValues(channel_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
- values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(element_index);
- if (state_id == values->state_id) {
- switch (value) {
- case kInTransitions:
- result = values->intransitions;
- break;
- case kResidencyTime:
- result = values->upticks;
- break;
- case kLastTransitionTime:
- result = values->last_intransition;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- element_index++;
- }
- }
- }
- unlockReporter();
- return result;
+ int channel_index = 0, element_index = 0, cnt;
+ IOStateReportValues *values = NULL;
+ uint64_t result = kIOReportInvalidValue;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (getChannelIndices(channel_id, &channel_index, &element_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ if (updateChannelValues(channel_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < _channelDimension; cnt++) {
+ values = (IOStateReportValues *)getElementValues(element_index);
+ if (state_id == values->state_id) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case kInTransitions:
+ result = values->intransitions;
+ break;
+ case kResidencyTime:
+ result = values->upticks;
+ break;
+ case kLastTransitionTime:
+ result = values->last_intransition;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ element_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unlockReporter();
+ return result;
IOStateReporter::getStateLastChannelUpdateTime(uint64_t channel_id)
- int channel_index;
- uint64_t result = kIOReportInvalidValue;
- lockReporter();
- if (getChannelIndex(channel_id, &channel_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
- result = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
- }
- unlockReporter();
- return result;
+ int channel_index;
+ uint64_t result = kIOReportInvalidValue;
+ lockReporter();
+ if (getChannelIndex(channel_id, &channel_index) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ result = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
+ }
+ unlockReporter();
+ return result;
/* updateChannelValues() is called to refresh state before being
- reported outside the reporter. In the case of IOStateReporter,
- this is primarily an update to the "time in state" data.
+ * reported outside the reporter. In the case of IOStateReporter,
+ * this is primarily an update to the "time in state" data.
+ */
IOStateReporter::updateChannelValues(int channel_index)
- IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
- int state_index, element_idx;
- uint64_t currentTime;
- uint64_t last_ch_update_time;
- uint64_t time_in_state;
- IOStateReportValues state_values;
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
- result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
- }
- /* First check to see whether this channel has begun self-
- calculation of time in state. It's possible this channel
- has yet to be initialized or that the driver is updating
- the channel with override/incrementChannelState() which
- never enable automatic time-in-state updates. In that case,
- there is nothing to update and we return success.
- */
- last_ch_update_time = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
- if (last_ch_update_time == 0) {
- result = kIOReturnSuccess; goto finish;
- }
- // figure out the current state (if any)
- state_index = _currentStates[channel_index];
- // e.g. given 4 4-state channels, the boundary is ch[3].st[3] <- _elems[15]
- if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
- / _channelDimension) {
- result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
- }
- element_idx = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
- // get the current values
- kerr = copyElementValues(element_idx,(IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr; goto finish;
- }
- // calculate time in state
- currentTime = mach_absolute_time();
- time_in_state = currentTime - last_ch_update_time;
- state_values.upticks += time_in_state;
- // and store the values
- kerr = setElementValues(element_idx,
- (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values,
- currentTime);
- if (kerr) {
- result = kerr; goto finish;
- }
- // Record basis for next "prior time" calculation
- _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index] = currentTime;
- // success
- result = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOReturn kerr, result = kIOReturnError;
+ int state_index, element_idx;
+ uint64_t currentTime;
+ uint64_t last_ch_update_time;
+ uint64_t time_in_state;
+ IOStateReportValues state_values;
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= _nChannels) {
+ result = kIOReturnBadArgument; goto finish;
+ }
+ /* First check to see whether this channel has begun self-
+ * calculation of time in state. It's possible this channel
+ * has yet to be initialized or that the driver is updating
+ * the channel with override/incrementChannelState() which
+ * never enable automatic time-in-state updates. In that case,
+ * there is nothing to update and we return success.
+ */
+ last_ch_update_time = _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index];
+ if (last_ch_update_time == 0) {
+ result = kIOReturnSuccess; goto finish;
+ }
+ // figure out the current state (if any)
+ state_index = _currentStates[channel_index];
+ // e.g. given 4 4-state channels, the boundary is ch[3].st[3] <- _elems[15]
+ if (channel_index < 0 || channel_index > (_nElements - state_index)
+ / _channelDimension) {
+ result = kIOReturnOverrun; goto finish;
+ }
+ element_idx = channel_index * _channelDimension + state_index;
+ // get the current values
+ kerr = copyElementValues(element_idx, (IOReportElementValues*)&state_values);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr; goto finish;
+ }
+ // calculate time in state
+ currentTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ time_in_state = currentTime - last_ch_update_time;
+ state_values.upticks += time_in_state;
+ // and store the values
+ kerr = setElementValues(element_idx,
+ (IOReportElementValues *)&state_values,
+ currentTime);
+ if (kerr) {
+ result = kerr; goto finish;
+ }
+ // Record basis for next "prior time" calculation
+ _lastUpdateTimes[channel_index] = currentTime;
+ // success
+ result = kIOReturnSuccess;
- return result;
+ return result;