* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
* file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
static inline void
-_os_trace_verify_printf(const char *msg, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
+_os_trace_verify_printf(const char *msg, ...)
+__attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)))
#pragma unused(msg)
/* use old macros for anything less than iOS 10 and MacOS 10.12 */
#define _os_trace_0(_l, _m, _t) __extension__({ \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l); \
#define _os_trace_1(_l, _m, _t, _1) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- uint8_t _s[1]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ uint8_t _s[1]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._cnt = 1, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._cnt = 1, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_2(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- uint8_t _s[2]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ uint8_t _s[2]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._cnt = 2, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._cnt = 2, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_3(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- uint8_t _s[3]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ uint8_t _s[3]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._cnt = 3, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._cnt = 3, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_4(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_4) _c4 = _4; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- uint8_t _s[4]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ uint8_t _s[4]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._cnt = 4, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._cnt = 4, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_5(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_5) _c5 = _5; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- uint8_t _s[5]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ uint8_t _s[5]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._cnt = 5, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._cnt = 5, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_6(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_6) _c6 = _6; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
- uint8_t _s[6]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
+ uint8_t _s[6]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
- ._cnt = 6, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
+ ._cnt = 6, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_7(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_7) _c7 = _7; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6, _c7); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
- __typeof__(_c7) _f7; \
- uint8_t _s[7]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
+ __typeof__(_c7) _f7; \
+ uint8_t _s[7]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
- ._f7 = _c7, ._s[6] = sizeof(_c7), \
- ._cnt = 7, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
+ ._f7 = _c7, ._s[6] = sizeof(_c7), \
+ ._cnt = 7, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), NULL); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_1(_l, _m, _t, _payload) __extension__({ \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_2(_l, _m, _t, _1, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- uint8_t _s[1]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ uint8_t _s[1]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._cnt = 1, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._cnt = 1, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_3(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- uint8_t _s[2]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ uint8_t _s[2]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._cnt = 2, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._cnt = 2, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_4(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- uint8_t _s[3]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ uint8_t _s[3]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._cnt = 3, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._cnt = 3, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_5(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_4) _c4 = _4; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- uint8_t _s[4]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ uint8_t _s[4]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._cnt = 4, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._cnt = 4, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_6(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_4) _c5 = _5; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- uint8_t _s[5]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ uint8_t _s[5]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._cnt = 5, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._cnt = 5, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_7(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_6) _c6 = _6; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
- uint8_t _s[6]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
+ uint8_t _s[6]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
- ._cnt = 6, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
+ ._cnt = 6, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define _os_trace_with_payload_8(_l, _m, _t, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _payload) __extension__({ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wpacked\"") \
const __typeof__(_1) _c1 = _1; \
const __typeof__(_2) _c2 = _2; \
const __typeof__(_3) _c3 = _3; \
const __typeof__(_7) _c7 = _7; \
_os_trace_verify_printf(_l, _c1, _c2, _c3, _c4, _c5, _c6, _c7); \
const struct __attribute__((packed)) { \
- __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
- __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
- __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
- __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
- __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
- __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
- __typeof__(_c7) _f7; \
- uint8_t _s[7]; \
- uint8_t _cnt; \
+ __typeof__(_c1) _f1; \
+ __typeof__(_c2) _f2; \
+ __typeof__(_c3) _f3; \
+ __typeof__(_c4) _f4; \
+ __typeof__(_c5) _f5; \
+ __typeof__(_c6) _f6; \
+ __typeof__(_c7) _f7; \
+ uint8_t _s[7]; \
+ uint8_t _cnt; \
} _buf = { \
- ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
- ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
- ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
- ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
- ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
- ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
- ._f7 = _c7, ._s[6] = sizeof(_c7), \
- ._cnt = 7, \
+ ._f1 = _c1, ._s[0] = sizeof(_c1), \
+ ._f2 = _c2, ._s[1] = sizeof(_c2), \
+ ._f3 = _c3, ._s[2] = sizeof(_c3), \
+ ._f4 = _c4, ._s[3] = sizeof(_c4), \
+ ._f5 = _c5, ._s[4] = sizeof(_c5), \
+ ._f6 = _c6, ._s[5] = sizeof(_c6), \
+ ._f7 = _c7, ._s[6] = sizeof(_c7), \
+ ._cnt = 7, \
}; \
_os_trace_with_buffer(&__dso_handle, _m, _t, &_buf, sizeof(_buf), _payload); \
__asm__(""); /* avoid tailcall */ \
- _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") \
#define OS_TRACE_CALL(format, _m, _t, ...) __extension__({ \
* @typedef os_trace_payload_t
* A block that populates an xpc_object_t of type XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY to represent
* complex data. This block will only be invoked under conditions where tools
- * have attached to the process. The payload can be used to send arbitrary data
- * via the trace call. Tools may use the data to validate state for integration
- * tests or provide other introspection services. No assumptions are made about
+ * have attached to the process. The payload can be used to send arbitrary data
+ * via the trace call. Tools may use the data to validate state for integration
+ * tests or provide other introspection services. No assumptions are made about
* the format or structure of the data.
typedef void (^os_trace_payload_t)(xpc_object_t xdict);
* @function os_trace_info