* Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <libkern/crypto/crypto_internal.h>
#include <libkern/libkern.h>
#include <libkern/crypto/aesxts.h>
xts_start(uint32_t cipher __unused, // ignored - we're doing this for xts-aes only
- const uint8_t *IV __unused, // ignored
- const uint8_t *key1, int keylen,
- const uint8_t *key2, int tweaklen __unused, // both keys are the same size for xts
- uint32_t num_rounds __unused, // ignored
- uint32_t options __unused, // ignored
- symmetric_xts *xts)
+ const uint8_t *IV __unused, // ignored
+ const uint8_t *key1, int keylen,
+ const uint8_t *key2, int tweaklen __unused, // both keys are the same size for xts
+ uint32_t num_rounds __unused, // ignored
+ uint32_t options __unused, // ignored
+ symmetric_xts *xts)
- const struct ccmode_xts *enc, *dec;
- if(!g_crypto_funcs)
- panic("%s: corecrypto not registered!\n", __FUNCTION__);
- enc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_encrypt;
- dec = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_decrypt;
- if(!enc && !dec)
- panic("%s: xts mode not registered? enc=%p, dec=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, enc, dec);
- /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
- if((enc->size>sizeof(xts->enc)) || (dec->size>sizeof(xts->dec)))
- panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES-XTS context", __FUNCTION__);
- enc->init(enc, xts->enc, keylen, key1, key2);
- dec->init(dec, xts->dec, keylen, key1, key2);
- return 0; //never fails
+ const struct ccmode_xts *enc, *dec;
+ if (!g_crypto_funcs) {
+ panic("%s: corecrypto not registered!\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ enc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_encrypt;
+ dec = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_decrypt;
+ if (!enc && !dec) {
+ panic("%s: xts mode not registered? enc=%p, dec=%p\n", __FUNCTION__, enc, dec);
+ }
+ /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
+ if ((enc->size > sizeof(xts->enc)) || (dec->size > sizeof(xts->dec))) {
+ panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES-XTS context", __FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ int rc = enc->init(enc, xts->enc, keylen, key1, key2);
+ rc |= dec->init(dec, xts->dec, keylen, key1, key2);
+ return rc;
-int xts_encrypt(const uint8_t *pt, unsigned long ptlen,
- uint8_t *ct,
- const uint8_t *iv, // this can be considered the sector IV for this use
- symmetric_xts *xts)
+xts_encrypt(const uint8_t *pt, unsigned long ptlen,
+ uint8_t *ct,
+ const uint8_t *iv, // this can be considered the sector IV for this use
+ symmetric_xts *xts)
const struct ccmode_xts *xtsenc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_encrypt;
ccxts_tweak_decl(xtsenc->tweak_size, tweak);
- if(ptlen%16) panic("xts encrypt not a multiple of block size\n");
- xtsenc->set_tweak(xts->enc, tweak, iv);
- xtsenc->xts(xts->enc, tweak, ptlen/16, pt, ct);
- return 0; //never fails
+ if (ptlen % 16) {
+ panic("xts encrypt not a multiple of block size\n");
+ }
+ int rc = xtsenc->set_tweak(xts->enc, tweak, iv);
+ if (rc) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ xtsenc->xts(xts->enc, tweak, ptlen / 16, pt, ct);
+ return 0;
-int xts_decrypt(const uint8_t *ct, unsigned long ptlen,
- uint8_t *pt,
- const uint8_t *iv, // this can be considered the sector IV for this use
- symmetric_xts *xts)
+xts_decrypt(const uint8_t *ct, unsigned long ptlen,
+ uint8_t *pt,
+ const uint8_t *iv, // this can be considered the sector IV for this use
+ symmetric_xts *xts)
const struct ccmode_xts *xtsdec = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_xts_decrypt;
ccxts_tweak_decl(xtsdec->tweak_size, tweak);
- if(ptlen%16) panic("xts decrypt not a multiple of block size\n");
+ if (ptlen % 16) {
+ panic("xts decrypt not a multiple of block size\n");
+ }
- xtsdec->set_tweak(xts->dec, tweak, iv);
- xtsdec->xts(xts->dec, tweak, ptlen/16, ct, pt);
+ int rc = xtsdec->set_tweak(xts->dec, tweak, iv);
+ if (rc) {
+ return rc;
+ }
- return 0; //never fails
+ xtsdec->xts(xts->dec, tweak, ptlen / 16, ct, pt);
+ return 0;
-void xts_done(symmetric_xts *xts __unused)
+xts_done(symmetric_xts *xts __unused)
+ cc_clear(sizeof(xts->enc), xts->enc);
+ cc_clear(sizeof(xts->dec), xts->dec);