- * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
* software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
* thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
+ *
- *
+ *
* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
+ *
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+ *
* any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
* the rights to redistribute these changes.
-#ifndef _KERN_SCHED_PRIM_H_
+#ifndef _KERN_SCHED_PRIM_H_
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <mach/machine/vm_types.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
+#include <kern/percpu.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <kern/block_hint.h>
+extern int thread_get_current_cpuid(void);
+#include <kern/sched_urgency.h>
+#include <kern/thread_group.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
/* Initialization */
-extern void sched_init(void) __attribute__((section("__TEXT, initcode")));
+extern void sched_init(void);
+extern void sched_startup(void);
-extern void sched_startup(void);
+extern void sched_timebase_init(void);
-extern void sched_timebase_init(void);
+extern void pset_rt_init(processor_set_t pset);
+extern void sched_rtlocal_init(processor_set_t pset);
+extern rt_queue_t sched_rtlocal_runq(processor_set_t pset);
+extern void sched_rtlocal_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor);
+extern int64_t sched_rtlocal_runq_count_sum(void);
+extern void sched_check_spill(processor_set_t pset, thread_t thread);
+extern bool sched_thread_should_yield(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
+extern bool sched_steal_thread_DISABLED(processor_set_t pset);
+extern bool sched_steal_thread_enabled(processor_set_t pset);
/* Force a preemption point for a thread and wait for it to stop running */
-extern boolean_t thread_stop(
- thread_t thread);
+extern boolean_t thread_stop(
+ thread_t thread,
+ boolean_t until_not_runnable);
/* Release a previous stop request */
-extern void thread_unstop(
- thread_t thread);
+extern void thread_unstop(
+ thread_t thread);
/* Wait for a thread to stop running */
-extern void thread_wait(
- thread_t thread,
- boolean_t until_not_runnable);
+extern void thread_wait(
+ thread_t thread,
+ boolean_t until_not_runnable);
/* Unblock thread on wake up */
-extern boolean_t thread_unblock(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_result_t wresult);
+extern boolean_t thread_unblock(
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t wresult);
/* Unblock and dispatch thread */
-extern kern_return_t thread_go(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_result_t wresult);
+extern kern_return_t thread_go(
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t wresult,
+ waitq_options_t option);
+/* Check if direct handoff is allowed */
+extern boolean_t
+ thread_t thread);
/* Handle threads at context switch */
-extern void thread_dispatch(
- thread_t old_thread,
- thread_t new_thread);
+extern void thread_dispatch(
+ thread_t old_thread,
+ thread_t new_thread);
/* Switch directly to a particular thread */
-extern int thread_run(
- thread_t self,
- thread_continue_t continuation,
- void *parameter,
- thread_t new_thread);
+extern int thread_run(
+ thread_t self,
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
+ thread_t new_thread);
/* Resume thread with new stack */
-extern void thread_continue(
- thread_t old_thread);
+extern __dead2 void thread_continue(thread_t old_thread);
/* Invoke continuation */
-extern void call_continuation(
- thread_continue_t continuation,
- void *parameter,
- wait_result_t wresult);
+extern __dead2 void call_continuation(
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
+ wait_result_t wresult,
+ boolean_t enable_interrupts);
+ * Flags that can be passed to set_sched_pri
+ * to skip side effects
+ */
+__options_decl(set_sched_pri_options_t, uint32_t, {
+ SETPRI_LAZY = 0x1, /* Avoid setting AST flags or sending IPIs */
/* Set the current scheduled priority */
-extern void set_sched_pri(
- thread_t thread,
- int priority);
+extern void set_sched_pri(
+ thread_t thread,
+ int16_t priority,
+ set_sched_pri_options_t options);
/* Set base priority of the specified thread */
-extern void set_priority(
- thread_t thread,
- int priority);
+extern void sched_set_thread_base_priority(
+ thread_t thread,
+ int priority);
+/* Set absolute base priority of the specified thread */
+extern void sched_set_kernel_thread_priority(
+ thread_t thread,
+ int priority);
+/* Set the thread's true scheduling mode */
+extern void sched_set_thread_mode(thread_t thread,
+ sched_mode_t mode);
+/* Demote the true scheduler mode */
+extern void sched_thread_mode_demote(thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t reason);
+/* Un-demote the true scheduler mode */
+extern void sched_thread_mode_undemote(thread_t thread,
+ uint32_t reason);
+extern void sched_thread_promote_reason(thread_t thread, uint32_t reason, uintptr_t trace_obj);
+extern void sched_thread_unpromote_reason(thread_t thread, uint32_t reason, uintptr_t trace_obj);
-/* Reset scheduled priority of thread */
-extern void compute_priority(
- thread_t thread,
- boolean_t override_depress);
+/* Re-evaluate base priority of thread (thread locked) */
+void thread_recompute_priority(thread_t thread);
-/* Adjust scheduled priority of thread during execution */
-extern void compute_my_priority(
- thread_t thread);
+/* Re-evaluate scheduled priority of thread (thread locked) */
+extern void thread_recompute_sched_pri(
+ thread_t thread,
+ set_sched_pri_options_t options);
/* Periodic scheduler activity */
-extern void sched_init_thread(void (*)(void));
+extern void sched_init_thread(void);
/* Perform sched_tick housekeeping activities */
-extern boolean_t can_update_priority(
- thread_t thread);
+extern boolean_t can_update_priority(
+ thread_t thread);
-extern void update_priority(
- thread_t thread);
+extern void update_priority(
+ thread_t thread);
-extern void lightweight_update_priority(
- thread_t thread);
+extern void lightweight_update_priority(
+ thread_t thread);
-extern void sched_traditional_quantum_expire(thread_t thread);
+extern void sched_default_quantum_expire(thread_t thread);
-/* Idle processor thread */
-extern void idle_thread(void);
+/* Idle processor thread continuation */
+extern void idle_thread(
+ void* parameter,
+ wait_result_t result);
-extern kern_return_t idle_thread_create(
- processor_t processor);
+extern kern_return_t idle_thread_create(
+ processor_t processor);
/* Continuation return from syscall */
extern void thread_syscall_return(
- kern_return_t ret);
+ kern_return_t ret);
/* Context switch */
-extern wait_result_t thread_block_reason(
- thread_continue_t continuation,
- void *parameter,
- ast_t reason);
+extern wait_result_t thread_block_reason(
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter,
+ ast_t reason);
+__options_decl(sched_options_t, uint32_t, {
+ SCHED_NONE = 0x0,
+ SCHED_TAILQ = 0x1,
+ SCHED_HEADQ = 0x2,
/* Reschedule thread for execution */
-extern void thread_setrun(
- thread_t thread,
- integer_t options);
+extern void thread_setrun(
+ thread_t thread,
+ sched_options_t options);
-#define SCHED_TAILQ 1
-#define SCHED_HEADQ 2
-#define SCHED_PREEMPT 4
-extern processor_set_t task_choose_pset(
- task_t task);
+extern processor_set_t task_choose_pset(
+ task_t task);
/* Bind the current thread to a particular processor */
-extern processor_t thread_bind(
- processor_t processor);
+extern processor_t thread_bind(
+ processor_t processor);
-/* Choose the best processor to run a thread */
-extern processor_t choose_processor(
- processor_set_t pset,
- processor_t processor,
- thread_t thread);
+extern bool pset_has_stealable_threads(
+ processor_set_t pset);
+extern processor_set_t choose_starting_pset(
+ pset_node_t node,
+ thread_t thread,
+ processor_t *processor_hint);
+extern pset_node_t sched_choose_node(
+ thread_t thread);
-/* Choose a thread from a processor's priority-based runq */
-extern thread_t choose_thread(
- processor_t processor,
- run_queue_t runq,
- int priority);
+/* Choose the best processor to run a thread */
+extern processor_t choose_processor(
+ processor_set_t pset,
+ processor_t processor,
+ thread_t thread);
+extern void sched_SMT_balance(
+ processor_t processor,
+ processor_set_t pset);
extern void thread_quantum_init(
- thread_t thread);
+ thread_t thread);
-extern void run_queue_init(
- run_queue_t runq);
+extern void run_queue_init(
+ run_queue_t runq);
-extern thread_t run_queue_dequeue(
- run_queue_t runq,
- integer_t options);
+extern thread_t run_queue_dequeue(
+ run_queue_t runq,
+ sched_options_t options);
-extern boolean_t run_queue_enqueue(
- run_queue_t runq,
- thread_t thread,
- integer_t options);
+extern boolean_t run_queue_enqueue(
+ run_queue_t runq,
+ thread_t thread,
+ sched_options_t options);
-extern void run_queue_remove(
- run_queue_t runq,
- thread_t thread);
-/* Remove thread from its run queue */
-extern boolean_t thread_run_queue_remove(
- thread_t thread);
+extern void run_queue_remove(
+ run_queue_t runq,
+ thread_t thread);
-extern void thread_timer_expire(
- void *thread,
- void *p1);
+extern thread_t run_queue_peek(
+ run_queue_t runq);
-extern boolean_t thread_eager_preemption(
- thread_t thread);
+struct sched_update_scan_context {
+ uint64_t earliest_bg_make_runnable_time;
+ uint64_t earliest_normal_make_runnable_time;
+ uint64_t earliest_rt_make_runnable_time;
+ uint64_t sched_tick_last_abstime;
+typedef struct sched_update_scan_context *sched_update_scan_context_t;
-/* Fair Share routines */
-void sched_traditional_fairshare_init(void);
+extern void sched_rtlocal_runq_scan(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
-int sched_traditional_fairshare_runq_count(void);
+extern void sched_pset_made_schedulable(
+ processor_t processor,
+ processor_set_t pset,
+ boolean_t drop_lock);
-uint64_t sched_traditional_fairshare_runq_stats_count_sum(void);
+ * Enum to define various events which need IPIs. The IPI policy
+ * engine decides what kind of IPI to use based on destination
+ * processor state, thread and one of the following scheduling events.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+} sched_ipi_event_t;
+/* Enum to define various IPI types used by the scheduler */
+typedef enum {
+} sched_ipi_type_t;
+/* The IPI policy engine behaves in the following manner:
+ * - All scheduler events which need an IPI invoke sched_ipi_action() with
+ * the appropriate destination processor, thread and event.
+ * - sched_ipi_action() performs basic checks, invokes the scheduler specific
+ * ipi_policy routine and sets pending_AST bits based on the result.
+ * - Once the pset lock is dropped, the scheduler invokes sched_ipi_perform()
+ * routine which actually sends the appropriate IPI to the destination core.
+ */
+extern sched_ipi_type_t sched_ipi_action(processor_t dst, thread_t thread,
+ boolean_t dst_idle, sched_ipi_event_t event);
+extern void sched_ipi_perform(processor_t dst, sched_ipi_type_t ipi);
-void sched_traditional_fairshare_enqueue(thread_t thread);
+/* sched_ipi_policy() is the global default IPI policy for all schedulers */
+extern sched_ipi_type_t sched_ipi_policy(processor_t dst, thread_t thread,
+ boolean_t dst_idle, sched_ipi_event_t event);
-thread_t sched_traditional_fairshare_dequeue(void);
+/* sched_ipi_deferred_policy() is the global default deferred IPI policy for all schedulers */
+extern sched_ipi_type_t sched_ipi_deferred_policy(processor_set_t pset,
+ processor_t dst, sched_ipi_event_t event);
-boolean_t sched_traditional_fairshare_queue_remove(thread_t thread);
-void sched_grrr_fairshare_init(void);
+extern boolean_t thread_update_add_thread(thread_t thread);
+extern void thread_update_process_threads(void);
+extern boolean_t runq_scan(run_queue_t runq, sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
-int sched_grrr_fairshare_runq_count(void);
+extern boolean_t sched_clutch_timeshare_scan(queue_t thread_queue, uint16_t count, sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
-uint64_t sched_grrr_fairshare_runq_stats_count_sum(void);
+extern void sched_timeshare_init(void);
+extern void sched_timeshare_timebase_init(void);
+extern void sched_timeshare_maintenance_continue(void);
-void sched_grrr_fairshare_enqueue(thread_t thread);
+extern boolean_t priority_is_urgent(int priority);
+extern uint32_t sched_timeshare_initial_quantum_size(thread_t thread);
-thread_t sched_grrr_fairshare_dequeue(void);
+extern int sched_compute_timeshare_priority(thread_t thread);
-boolean_t sched_grrr_fairshare_queue_remove(thread_t thread);
+/* Remove thread from its run queue */
+extern boolean_t thread_run_queue_remove(thread_t thread);
+thread_t thread_run_queue_remove_for_handoff(thread_t thread);
+/* Put a thread back in the run queue after being yanked */
+extern void thread_run_queue_reinsert(thread_t thread, sched_options_t options);
+extern void thread_timer_expire(
+ void *thread,
+ void *p1);
+extern bool thread_is_eager_preempt(thread_t thread);
extern boolean_t sched_generic_direct_dispatch_to_idle_processors;
/* Set the maximum interrupt level for the thread */
__private_extern__ wait_interrupt_t thread_interrupt_level(
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
__private_extern__ wait_result_t thread_mark_wait_locked(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
/* Wake up locked thread directly, passing result */
__private_extern__ kern_return_t clear_wait_internal(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_result_t result);
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t result);
+struct sched_statistics {
+ uint32_t csw_count;
+ uint32_t preempt_count;
+ uint32_t preempted_rt_count;
+ uint32_t preempted_by_rt_count;
+ uint32_t rt_sched_count;
+ uint32_t interrupt_count;
+ uint32_t ipi_count;
+ uint32_t timer_pop_count;
+ uint32_t idle_transitions;
+ uint32_t quantum_timer_expirations;
+PERCPU_DECL(struct sched_statistics, sched_stats);
+extern bool sched_stats_active;
extern void sched_stats_handle_csw(
- processor_t processor,
- int reasons,
- int selfpri,
- int otherpri);
+ processor_t processor,
+ int reasons,
+ int selfpri,
+ int otherpri);
extern void sched_stats_handle_runq_change(
- struct runq_stats *stats,
- int old_count);
-#define SCHED_STATS_CSW(processor, reasons, selfpri, otherpri) \
-do { \
- if (__builtin_expect(sched_stats_active, 0)) { \
- sched_stats_handle_csw((processor), \
- (reasons), (selfpri), (otherpri)); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-#define SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(stats, old_count) \
-do { \
- if (__builtin_expect(sched_stats_active, 0)) { \
- sched_stats_handle_runq_change((stats), \
- (old_count)); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-#define THREAD_URGENCY_NONE 0 /* indicates that there is no currently runnable */
-#define THREAD_URGENCY_BACKGROUND 1 /* indicates that the thread is marked as a "background" thread */
-#define THREAD_URGENCY_NORMAL 2 /* indicates that the thread is marked as a "normal" thread */
-#define THREAD_URGENCY_REAL_TIME 3 /* indicates that the thread is marked as a "real-time" or urgent thread */
-#define THREAD_URGENCY_MAX 4 /* Marker */
-/* Returns the "urgency" of the currently running thread (provided by scheduler) */
-extern int thread_get_urgency(
- uint64_t *rt_period,
- uint64_t *rt_deadline);
-/* Tells the "urgency" of the just scheduled thread (provided by CPU PM) */
-extern void thread_tell_urgency(
- int urgency,
- uint64_t rt_period,
- uint64_t rt_deadline);
+ struct runq_stats *stats,
+ int old_count);
+#define SCHED_STATS_INC(field) \
+ if (__improbable(sched_stats_active)) { \
+ PERCPU_GET(sched_stats)->field++; \
+ } \
+#if DEBUG
+#define SCHED_STATS_CSW(processor, reasons, selfpri, otherpri) \
+ if (__improbable(sched_stats_active)) { \
+ sched_stats_handle_csw((processor), \
+ (reasons), (selfpri), (otherpri)); \
+ } \
+#define SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(stats, old_count) \
+ if (__improbable(sched_stats_active)) { \
+ sched_stats_handle_runq_change((stats), (old_count)); \
+ } \
+#else /* DEBUG */
+#define SCHED_STATS_CSW(processor, reasons, selfpri, otherpri) do { }while(0)
+#define SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(stats, old_count) do { }while(0)
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+extern uint32_t sched_debug_flags;
+ if (__improbable(sched_debug_flags & \
+ } \
+ if (__improbable(sched_debug_flags & \
+ } \
/* Tells if there are "active" RT threads in the system (provided by CPU PM) */
-extern void active_rt_threads(
- boolean_t active);
+extern void active_rt_threads(
+ boolean_t active);
+/* Returns the perfcontrol attribute for the thread */
+extern perfcontrol_class_t thread_get_perfcontrol_class(
+ thread_t thread);
+/* Generic routine for Non-AMP schedulers to calculate parallelism */
+extern uint32_t sched_qos_max_parallelism(int qos, uint64_t options);
+extern void thread_bind_cluster_type(thread_t, char cluster_type, bool soft_bind);
-extern boolean_t assert_wait_possible(void);
+extern int sched_get_rt_n_backup_processors(void);
+extern void sched_set_rt_n_backup_processors(int n);
+/* Toggles a global override to turn off CPU Throttling */
+extern void sys_override_cpu_throttle(boolean_t enable_override);
****************** Only exported until BSD stops using ********************
+extern void thread_vm_bind_group_add(void);
/* Wake up thread directly, passing result */
extern kern_return_t clear_wait(
- thread_t thread,
- wait_result_t result);
+ thread_t thread,
+ wait_result_t result);
/* Start thread running */
-extern void thread_bootstrap_return(void);
+extern void thread_bootstrap_return(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
/* Return from exception (BSD-visible interface) */
-extern void thread_exception_return(void) __dead2;
-#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-/* Context switch */
-extern wait_result_t thread_block(
- thread_continue_t continuation);
-extern wait_result_t thread_block_parameter(
- thread_continue_t continuation,
- void *parameter);
-/* Declare thread will wait on a particular event */
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait(
- event_t event,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Assert that the thread intends to wait with a timeout */
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait_timeout(
- event_t event,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
- uint32_t interval,
- uint32_t scale_factor);
+extern void thread_exception_return(void) __dead2;
-extern wait_result_t assert_wait_deadline(
- event_t event,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
- uint64_t deadline);
+/* String declaring the name of the current scheduler */
+extern char sched_string[SCHED_STRING_MAX_LENGTH];
-/* Wake up thread (or threads) waiting on a particular event */
-extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_prim(
- event_t event,
- boolean_t one_thread,
- wait_result_t result);
+__options_decl(thread_handoff_option_t, uint32_t, {
-extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_prim_internal(
- event_t event,
- boolean_t one_thread,
- wait_result_t result,
- int priority);
+/* Remove thread from its run queue */
+thread_t thread_prepare_for_handoff(thread_t thread, thread_handoff_option_t option);
+/* Attempt to context switch to a specific runnable thread */
+extern wait_result_t thread_handoff_deallocate(thread_t thread, thread_handoff_option_t option);
-#define thread_wakeup(x) \
- thread_wakeup_prim((x), FALSE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
-#define thread_wakeup_with_result(x, z) \
- thread_wakeup_prim((x), FALSE, (z))
-#define thread_wakeup_one(x) \
- thread_wakeup_prim((x), TRUE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
+__attribute__((nonnull(1, 2)))
+extern void thread_handoff_parameter(thread_t thread,
+ thread_continue_t continuation, void *parameter, thread_handoff_option_t) __dead2;
-#define thread_wakeup_one_with_pri(x, pri) \
- thread_wakeup_prim_internal((x), TRUE, THREAD_AWAKENED, pri)
+extern struct waitq *assert_wait_queue(event_t event);
-extern boolean_t preemption_enabled(void);
+extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_one_with_pri(event_t event, int priority);
+extern thread_t thread_wakeup_identify(event_t event, int priority);
-#ifndef __LP64__
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
- * Obsolete interfaces.
- */
+/* Set pending block hint for a particular object before we go into a wait state */
+extern void thread_set_pending_block_hint(
+ thread_t thread,
+ block_hint_t block_hint);
-extern void thread_set_timer(
- uint32_t interval,
- uint32_t scale_factor);
+extern uint32_t qos_max_parallelism(int qos, uint64_t options);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-extern void thread_set_timer_deadline(
- uint64_t deadline);
+extern void thread_yield_with_continuation(
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter) __dead2;
-extern void thread_cancel_timer(void);
+/* Context switch */
+extern wait_result_t thread_block(
+ thread_continue_t continuation);
+extern wait_result_t thread_block_parameter(
+ thread_continue_t continuation,
+ void *parameter);
+/* Declare thread will wait on a particular event */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-#define thread_set_timer_deadline(a) \
- thread_set_timer_deadline(__OSAbsoluteTime(a))
+/* Assert that the thread intends to wait with a timeout */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_timeout(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ uint32_t interval,
+ uint32_t scale_factor);
+/* Assert that the thread intends to wait with an urgency, timeout and leeway */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_timeout_with_leeway(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ wait_timeout_urgency_t urgency,
+ uint32_t interval,
+ uint32_t leeway,
+ uint32_t scale_factor);
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_deadline(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ uint64_t deadline);
+/* Assert that the thread intends to wait with an urgency, deadline, and leeway */
+extern wait_result_t assert_wait_deadline_with_leeway(
+ event_t event,
+ wait_interrupt_t interruptible,
+ wait_timeout_urgency_t urgency,
+ uint64_t deadline,
+ uint64_t leeway);
+/* Wake up thread (or threads) waiting on a particular event */
+extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_prim(
+ event_t event,
+ boolean_t one_thread,
+ wait_result_t result);
+#define thread_wakeup(x) \
+ thread_wakeup_prim((x), FALSE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
+#define thread_wakeup_with_result(x, z) \
+ thread_wakeup_prim((x), FALSE, (z))
+#define thread_wakeup_one(x) \
+ thread_wakeup_prim((x), TRUE, THREAD_AWAKENED)
-#endif /* __LP64__ */
+/* Wakeup the specified thread if it is waiting on this event */
+extern kern_return_t thread_wakeup_thread(event_t event, thread_t thread);
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+extern boolean_t preemption_enabled(void);
* a function pointer table.
#error Enable at least one scheduler algorithm in osfmk/conf/MASTER.XXX
-#define SCHED(f) (sched_current_dispatch->f)
+#if __AMP__
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_edge_dispatch;
+#define SCHED(f) (sched_edge_dispatch.f)
+#else /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_amp_dispatch;
+#define SCHED(f) (sched_amp_dispatch.f)
+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE */
+#else /* __AMP__ */
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_clutch_dispatch;
+#define SCHED(f) (sched_clutch_dispatch.f)
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_dualq_dispatch;
+#define SCHED(f) (sched_dualq_dispatch.f)
+#endif /* __AMP__ */
struct sched_dispatch_table {
- void (*init)(void); /* Init global state */
- void (*timebase_init)(void); /* Timebase-dependent initialization */
- void (*processor_init)(processor_t processor); /* Per-processor scheduler init */
- void (*pset_init)(processor_set_t pset); /* Per-processor set scheduler init */
- void (*maintenance_continuation)(void); /* Function called regularly */
+ const char *sched_name;
+ void (*init)(void); /* Init global state */
+ void (*timebase_init)(void); /* Timebase-dependent initialization */
+ void (*processor_init)(processor_t processor); /* Per-processor scheduler init */
+ void (*pset_init)(processor_set_t pset); /* Per-processor set scheduler init */
+ void (*maintenance_continuation)(void); /* Function called regularly */
* Choose a thread of greater or equal priority from the per-processor
* runqueue for timeshare/fixed threads
- thread_t (*choose_thread)(
- processor_t processor,
- int priority);
+ thread_t (*choose_thread)(
+ processor_t processor,
+ int priority,
+ ast_t reason);
+ /* True if scheduler supports stealing threads for this pset */
+ bool (*steal_thread_enabled)(processor_set_t pset);
* Steal a thread from another processor in the pset so that it can run
* immediately
- thread_t (*steal_thread)(
- processor_set_t pset);
+ thread_t (*steal_thread)(
+ processor_set_t pset);
- * Recalculate sched_pri based on base priority, past running time,
- * and scheduling class.
+ * Compute priority for a timeshare thread based on base priority.
- void (*compute_priority)(
- thread_t thread,
- boolean_t override_depress);
+ int (*compute_timeshare_priority)(thread_t thread);
+ /*
+ * Pick the best node for a thread to run on.
+ */
+ pset_node_t (*choose_node)(
+ thread_t thread);
* Pick the best processor for a thread (any kind of thread) to run on.
- processor_t (*choose_processor)(
- processor_set_t pset,
- processor_t processor,
- thread_t thread);
+ processor_t (*choose_processor)(
+ processor_set_t pset,
+ processor_t processor,
+ thread_t thread);
* Enqueue a timeshare or fixed priority thread onto the per-processor
* runqueue
boolean_t (*processor_enqueue)(
- processor_t processor,
- thread_t thread,
- integer_t options);
+ processor_t processor,
+ thread_t thread,
+ sched_options_t options);
/* Migrate threads away in preparation for processor shutdown */
void (*processor_queue_shutdown)(
- processor_t processor);
+ processor_t processor);
/* Remove the specific thread from the per-processor runqueue */
- boolean_t (*processor_queue_remove)(
- processor_t processor,
- thread_t thread);
+ boolean_t (*processor_queue_remove)(
+ processor_t processor,
+ thread_t thread);
* Does the per-processor runqueue have any timeshare or fixed priority
* threads on it? Called without pset lock held, so should
* not assume immutability while executing.
- boolean_t (*processor_queue_empty)(processor_t processor);
+ boolean_t (*processor_queue_empty)(processor_t processor);
* Would this priority trigger an urgent preemption if it's sitting
* on the per-processor runqueue?
- boolean_t (*priority_is_urgent)(int priority);
+ boolean_t (*priority_is_urgent)(int priority);
* Does the per-processor runqueue contain runnable threads that
* should cause the currently-running thread to be preempted?
- ast_t (*processor_csw_check)(processor_t processor);
+ ast_t (*processor_csw_check)(processor_t processor);
* Does the per-processor runqueue contain a runnable thread
* of > or >= priority, as a preflight for choose_thread() or other
* thread selection
- boolean_t (*processor_queue_has_priority)(processor_t processor,
- int priority,
- boolean_t gte);
+ boolean_t (*processor_queue_has_priority)(processor_t processor,
+ int priority,
+ boolean_t gte);
/* Quantum size for the specified non-realtime thread. */
- uint32_t (*initial_quantum_size)(thread_t thread);
+ uint32_t (*initial_quantum_size)(thread_t thread);
/* Scheduler mode for a new thread */
- sched_mode_t (*initial_thread_sched_mode)(task_t parent_task);
- /* Scheduler algorithm supports timeshare (decay) mode */
- boolean_t (*supports_timeshare_mode)(void);
+ sched_mode_t (*initial_thread_sched_mode)(task_t parent_task);
* Is it safe to call update_priority, which may change a thread's
* runqueue or other state. This can be used to throttle changes
* to dynamic priority.
- boolean_t (*can_update_priority)(thread_t thread);
+ boolean_t (*can_update_priority)(thread_t thread);
* Update both scheduled priority and other persistent state.
* Side effects may including migration to another processor's runqueue.
- void (*update_priority)(thread_t thread);
+ void (*update_priority)(thread_t thread);
/* Lower overhead update to scheduled priority and state. */
- void (*lightweight_update_priority)(thread_t thread);
+ void (*lightweight_update_priority)(thread_t thread);
/* Callback for non-realtime threads when the quantum timer fires */
- void (*quantum_expire)(thread_t thread);
- /*
- * Even though we could continue executing on this processor, does the
- * topology (SMT, for instance) indicate that a better processor could be
- * chosen
- */
- boolean_t (*should_current_thread_rechoose_processor)(processor_t processor);
+ void (*quantum_expire)(thread_t thread);
* Runnable threads on per-processor runqueue. Should only
* be used for relative comparisons of load between processors.
- int (*processor_runq_count)(processor_t processor);
+ int (*processor_runq_count)(processor_t processor);
/* Aggregate runcount statistics for per-processor runqueue */
- uint64_t (*processor_runq_stats_count_sum)(processor_t processor);
- /* Initialize structures to track demoted fairshare threads */
- void (*fairshare_init)(void);
- /* Number of runnable fairshare threads */
- int (*fairshare_runq_count)(void);
- /* Aggregate runcount statistics for fairshare runqueue */
- uint64_t (*fairshare_runq_stats_count_sum)(void);
- void (*fairshare_enqueue)(thread_t thread);
- thread_t (*fairshare_dequeue)(void);
- boolean_t (*fairshare_queue_remove)(thread_t thread);
+ uint64_t (*processor_runq_stats_count_sum)(processor_t processor);
+ boolean_t (*processor_bound_count)(processor_t processor);
+ void (*thread_update_scan)(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
+ /* Supports more than one pset */
+ boolean_t multiple_psets_enabled;
+ /* Supports scheduler groups */
+ boolean_t sched_groups_enabled;
+ /* Supports avoid-processor */
+ boolean_t avoid_processor_enabled;
+ /* Returns true if this processor should avoid running this thread. */
+ bool (*thread_avoid_processor)(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
- * Use processor->next_thread to pin a thread to an idle
- * processor. If FALSE, threads are enqueued and can
- * be stolen by other processors.
- */
- boolean_t direct_dispatch_to_idle_processors;
+ * Invoked when a processor is about to choose the idle thread
+ * Used to send IPIs to a processor which would be preferred to be idle instead.
+ * Called with pset lock held, returns pset lock unlocked.
+ */
+ void (*processor_balance)(processor_t processor, processor_set_t pset);
+ rt_queue_t (*rt_runq)(processor_set_t pset);
+ void (*rt_init)(processor_set_t pset);
+ void (*rt_queue_shutdown)(processor_t processor);
+ void (*rt_runq_scan)(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);
+ int64_t (*rt_runq_count_sum)(void);
+ uint32_t (*qos_max_parallelism)(int qos, uint64_t options);
+ void (*check_spill)(processor_set_t pset, thread_t thread);
+ sched_ipi_type_t (*ipi_policy)(processor_t dst, thread_t thread, boolean_t dst_idle, sched_ipi_event_t event);
+ bool (*thread_should_yield)(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);
+ /* Routine to update run counts */
+ uint32_t (*run_count_incr)(thread_t thread);
+ uint32_t (*run_count_decr)(thread_t thread);
+ /* Routine to update scheduling bucket for a thread */
+ void (*update_thread_bucket)(thread_t thread);
+ /* Routine to inform the scheduler when a new pset becomes schedulable */
+ void (*pset_made_schedulable)(processor_t processor, processor_set_t pset, boolean_t drop_lock);
+ /* Routine to inform the scheduler when CLPC changes a thread group recommendation */
+ void (*thread_group_recommendation_change)(struct thread_group *tg, cluster_type_t new_recommendation);
-#define kSchedTraditionalString "traditional"
-#define kSchedTraditionalWithPsetRunqueueString "traditional_with_pset_runqueue"
extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_traditional_dispatch;
extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_traditional_with_pset_runqueue_dispatch;
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_multiq_dispatch;
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_dualq_dispatch;
+#if __AMP__
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_amp_dispatch;
-#define kSchedProtoString "proto"
extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_proto_dispatch;
#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR)
-#define kSchedGRRRString "grrr"
extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_grrr_dispatch;
-#define kSchedFixedPriorityString "fixedpriority"
-#define kSchedFixedPriorityWithPsetRunqueueString "fixedpriority_with_pset_runqueue"
-extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_fixedpriority_dispatch;
-extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_fixedpriority_with_pset_runqueue_dispatch;
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_clutch_dispatch;
- * It is an error to invoke any scheduler-related code
- * before this is set up
- */
-enum sched_enum {
- sched_enum_unknown = 0,
- sched_enum_traditional = 1,
- sched_enum_traditional_with_pset_runqueue = 2,
-#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_PROTO)
- sched_enum_proto = 3,
+#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_EDGE)
+extern const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_edge_dispatch;
-#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR)
- sched_enum_grrr = 4,
- sched_enum_fixedpriority = 5,
- sched_enum_fixedpriority_with_pset_runqueue = 6,
- sched_enum_max = 7
-extern const struct sched_dispatch_table *sched_current_dispatch;
-#endif /* _KERN_SCHED_PRIM_H_ */
+#endif /* _KERN_SCHED_PRIM_H_ */