-# Install kernel header files
-ifeq ($(RC_ProjectName),Libsyscall)
- bsdmake -C libsyscall installhdrs
-else # xnu
-installhdrs: exporthdrs installhdrs_mi installhdrs_md
- @echo "[ $(SRCROOT) ] make installhdrs installing Kernel.framework"
- $(_v)kincpath=$(DSTROOT)/$(KINCDIR); \
- krespath=$(DSTROOT)/$(KRESDIR); \
- kframepath=$(DSTROOT)/$(KINCFRAME); \
- [ -d $$krespath ] || $(MKDIR) $$krespath; \
- [ -d $$kincpath ] || $(MKDIR) $$kincpath; \
- install $(FILE_INSTALL_FLAGS) Info.plist $$krespath; \
- $(SRCROOT)/config/newvers.pl $${krespath}/Info.plist; \
- cd $$kframepath/Versions; \
- [ -L Current ] || $(LN) $(KINCVERS) Current; \
- cd $$kframepath; \
- [ -L Headers ] || $(LN) Versions/Current/Headers Headers; \
- [ -L Resources ] || $(LN) Versions/Current/Resources Resources; \
- cd $$kframepath; [ -L PrivateHeaders ] || \
- $(LN) Versions/Current/PrivateHeaders PrivateHeaders;
-# Install header files order
-.ORDER: installhdrs_mi installhdrs_md
+# -*- mode: makefile;-*-
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+# MakeInc.dir contains the recursion rules for the build system.
+# For instance, the "build_installhdrs_md" target is auto-generated
+# such that make(1) recurses into a specified set of subdirectories
+# (building "build_installhdrs_md" in turn at each level) before
+# building the special "do_installhdrs_md" target at the current
+# level. "do_installhdrs_md" is defined in MakeInc.rule.
+# $(1) is the name of the target to produce that will perform the
+# recursive behavior via dependencies
+# $(2) is a list of subdirectories to recurse into
+# $(3) is the target to build with a sub-make after
+# the subdirectories have been recursed into
+# $(4) should be "1" if TARGET should be pinned to the per-arch
+# build COMPONENT directory, or empty if it should recurse
+# in lockstep with the source recursion
+define RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template
+$(1)_recurse_target_list = $$(addprefix $(1)_recurse_into_,$(2))
+.PHONY: $$($(1)_recurse_target_list)
+ $$(_v)$$(MKDIR) $$(CURDIR)/$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@)
+ $$(_v)$${MAKE} -C $$(CURDIR)/$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@) \
+ -f $$(SOURCE)$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@)/Makefile \
+ SOURCE=$$(SOURCE)$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@)/ \
+ RELATIVE_SOURCE_PATH=$$(RELATIVE_SOURCE_PATH)/$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@) \
+ TARGET=$(if $(4),$${OBJPATH}/$$(COMPONENT),$$(TARGET)$$(patsubst $(1)_recurse_into_%,%,$$@)/) \
+ $(1);
+.PHONY: $(1)
+$(1): $$($(1)_recurse_target_list)
+ $$(_v)$${MAKE} -C $$(CURDIR) \
+ -f $$(firstword $$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) \
+ $(3);
-# Install machine independent header files
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- kernel_config=$(INSTALL_TYPE); \
- arch_config=$(INSTALL_ARCH_DEFAULT); \
- installinc_dir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- [ -d $${installinc_dir} ] ||$(MKDIR) $${installinc_dir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${installinc_dir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}/ \
- build_installhdrs_mi; \
-# Install machine dependent kernel header files
+# Setup pass for all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- kernel_config=$(INSTALL_TYPE); \
- machine_config=$(MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- for arch_config in $(INSTALL_ARCHS); \
- do \
- if [ $${arch_config} = ARM ] ; then \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- machine_config=$(DEFAULT_ARM_MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- objpath=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- else \
- objpath=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- fi; \
- [ -d $${objpath} ] || $(MKDIR) $${objpath}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${objpath} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${objpath}/ \
- build_installhdrs_md; \
- done;
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_setup,$(SETUP_SUBDIRS),do_build_setup,))
# Install machine independent kernel header files
- @echo "[ $(SOURCE) ] make build_installhdrs_mi $(KERNEL_CONFIG) $(ARCH_CONFIG) $(TARGET)"
- $(_v)for installinc_subdir in $(INSTINC_SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- [ -d $${installinc_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${installinc_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${installinc_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=$(SOURCE)$${installinc_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=$(SOURCE)$${installinc_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=$(TARGET)$${installinc_subdir}/ \
- build_installhdrs_mi; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_installhdrs_mi;
-# Install machine dependent kernel header files
- @echo "[ $(SOURCE) ] make installhdrs_md $(KERNEL_CONFIG) $(ARCH_CONFIG) $(TARGET)"
- $(_v)for installinc_subdir in $($(addprefix INSTINC_SUBDIRS_, $(ARCH_CONFIG))); \
- do \
- [ -d $${installinc_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${installinc_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${installinc_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=$(SOURCE)$${installinc_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=$(SOURCE)$${installinc_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=$(TARGET)$${installinc_subdir}/ \
- build_installhdrs_md; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_installhdrs_md;
-# Install kernel header files
-exporthdrs: exporthdrs_mi exporthdrs_md
-# Install header files order
-.ORDER: exporthdrs_mi exporthdrs_md
-# Install machine independent header files
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- kernel_config=$(INSTALL_TYPE); \
- arch_config=$(INSTALL_ARCH_DEFAULT); \
- exportinc_dir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- [ -d $${exportinc_dir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${exportinc_dir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${exportinc_dir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${exportinc_dir}/ \
- build_exporthdrs_mi; \
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_installhdrs_mi,$(INSTINC_SUBDIRS),do_installhdrs_mi,))
# Install machine dependent kernel header files
-# Note - installation of machine dependent kernel header files only occurs for architecture
-# defined in INSTALL_TYPE. We use skipit variable to skip over architectures that are not
-# equal to what is in the INSTALL_TYPE variable.
-# TARGET_CONFIGS_UC variable holds sets of three configuration options. The first item in the
-# set is the kernel configuration. The second item in the set is the architecture and the
-# third item is the machine configuration. There may be multiple sets to build.
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- my_counter=1; \
- for my_config in $(TARGET_CONFIGS_UC); \
- do \
- if [ $${my_counter} -eq 1 ] ; then \
- skipit=0; \
- my_counter=2; \
- kernel_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${kernel_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- kernel_config=$(DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- if [ $${kernel_config} != $(INSTALL_TYPE) ] ; then \
- skipit=1; \
- fi; \
- elif [ $${my_counter} -eq 2 ] ; then \
- my_counter=3; \
- arch_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- arch_config=`arch | $(TR) a-z A-Z`; \
- fi; \
- else \
- my_counter=1; \
- machine_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${skipit} -eq 0 ] ; then \
- if [ $${arch_config} = ARM ] ; then \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- machine_config=$(DEFAULT_ARM_MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- exportinc_dir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- else \
- exportinc_dir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- fi; \
- [ -d $${exportinc_dir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${exportinc_dir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${exportinc_dir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${exportinc_dir}/ \
- build_exporthdrs_md; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done;
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_installhdrs_md,$(INSTINC_SUBDIRS_$(CURRENT_ARCH_CONFIG)),do_installhdrs_md,))
# Install machine independent kernel header files
- for exportinc_subdir in $${_TMP_EXPINC_SUBDIRS}; \
- do \
- [ -d $${exportinc_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${exportinc_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${exportinc_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=$(SOURCE)$${exportinc_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=$(SOURCE)$${exportinc_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=$(TARGET)$${exportinc_subdir}/ \
- build_exporthdrs_mi; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_exporthdrs_mi;
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_exporthdrs_mi,$(EXPINC_SUBDIRS),do_exporthdrs_mi,))
# Install machine dependent kernel header files
- $(_v)_TMP_exportinc_subdir="$($(addprefix EXPINC_SUBDIRS_, $(ARCH_CONFIG)))"; \
- for exportinc_subdir in $${_TMP_exportinc_subdir}; \
- do \
- [ -d $${exportinc_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${exportinc_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${exportinc_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=$(SOURCE)$${exportinc_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=$(SOURCE)$${exportinc_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=$(TARGET)$${exportinc_subdir}/ \
- build_exporthdrs_md; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_exporthdrs_md;
-# Setup pass for all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- for kernel_config in $(KERNEL_CONFIGS); \
- do \
- for arch_config in $(ARCH_CONFIGS); \
- do \
- setup_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- [ -d $${setup_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${setup_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${setup_subdir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${setup_subdir}/ \
- build_setup; \
- done; \
- done;
- $(_v)_TMP_setup_subdir="$(SETUP_SUBDIRS) $($(addprefix SETUP_SUBDIRS_, $(ARCH_CONFIG)))"; \
- for setup_subdir in $${_TMP_setup_subdir}; \
- do \
- [ -d $${setup_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${setup_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${setup_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/$${setup_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=${SOURCE}/$${setup_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=${TARGET}/$${setup_subdir}/ \
- build_setup; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} do_build_setup;
-# Build all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
-# Note - TARGET_CONFIGS_UC variable holds sets of three configuration options. The first
-# item in the set is the kernel configuration. The second item in the set is the architecture
-# and the third item is the machine configuration. There may be multiple sets to build.
-ifeq ($(RC_ProjectName),Libsyscall)
- bsdmake -C libsyscall install
-else # xnu
-ifeq ($(COMPONENT), .)
-all: exporthdrs
- $(_v)my_counter=1; \
- for my_config in $(TARGET_CONFIGS_UC); \
- do \
- if [ $${my_counter} -eq 1 ] ; then \
- my_counter=2; \
- kernel_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${kernel_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- kernel_config=$(DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- elif [ $${my_counter} -eq 2 ] ; then \
- my_counter=3; \
- arch_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- arch_config=`arch | $(TR) a-z A-Z`; \
- fi; \
- else \
- my_counter=1; \
- machine_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = ARM ] ; then \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- machine_config=$(DEFAULT_ARM_MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- build_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- else \
- build_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- fi; \
- [ -d $${build_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${build_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${build_subdir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MACHINE_CONFIG=$${machine_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- build_all; \
- fi; \
- done;
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_exporthdrs_md,$(EXPINC_SUBDIRS_$(CURRENT_ARCH_CONFIG)),do_exporthdrs_md,))
# Build all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
- $(_v)if [ $(MACHINE_CONFIG) = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- else \
- fi; \
- _TMP_comp_subdir="$(COMP_SUBDIRS) $($(addprefix COMP_SUBDIRS_, $(ARCH_CONFIG)))"; \
- for comp_subdir in $${_TMP_comp_subdir}; \
- do \
- [ -d $${comp_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${comp_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${comp_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/$${comp_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=${SOURCE}$${comp_subdir}/ \
- build_all; \
- done; \
- _TMP_comp_subdir="$(CONFIG_SUBDIRS) $($(addprefix CONFIG_SUBDIRS_, $(ARCH_CONFIG)))"; \
- for comp_subdir in $${_TMP_comp_subdir}; \
- do \
- [ -d $${comp_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${comp_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${comp_subdir} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/$${comp_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=${SOURCE}$${comp_subdir}/ \
- build_all; \
- done;
-# Build all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
-# Note - TARGET_CONFIGS_UC variable holds sets of three configuration options. The first
-# item in the set is the kernel configuration. The second item is the architecture
-# and the third item is the machine configuration. There may be multiple sets to build.
- $(_v)my_counter=1; \
- for my_config in $(TARGET_CONFIGS_UC); \
- do \
- if [ $${my_counter} -eq 1 ] ; then \
- my_counter=2; \
- kernel_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${kernel_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- kernel_config=$(DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- elif [ $${my_counter} -eq 2 ] ; then \
- my_counter=3; \
- arch_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- arch_config=`arch | $(TR) a-z A-Z`; \
- fi; \
- else \
- my_counter=1; \
- machine_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = ARM ] ; then \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- machine_config=$(DEFAULT_ARM_MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- build_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}; \
- else \
- build_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}; \
- fi; \
- [ -d $${build_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${build_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${build_subdir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MACHINE_CONFIG=$${machine_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${build_subdir}/ \
- build_mach_kernel; \
- fi; \
- done;
-# Build all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
- $(_v)${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_build_mach_kernel;
-# Install dependencies order
-.ORDER: installhdrs exporthdrs all
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_all,$(COMP_SUBDIRS) $(COMP_SUBDIRS_$(CURRENT_ARCH_CONFIG)),do_build_all,1))
-# Install kernel based on RC_ARCHS for all INSTALL_TYPES
-# Install kernel header files based on RC_ARCHS
+# Post-process build results
-install: installhdrs all installman installmachinekernels
-ifeq ($(RC_ProjectName),Libsyscall)
-# nothing to do
-else # xnu
- $(_v)rel_path=$(shell $(RELPATH) $(SRCROOT) $(SOURCE)); \
- machine_config=$(MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- for kernel_config in $(INSTALL_TYPE); \
- do \
- for arch_config in $(INSTALL_ARCHS); \
- do \
- if [ $${arch_config} = ARM ] ; then \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- machine_config=$(DEFAULT_ARM_MACHINE_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if [ $${machine_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- install_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- else \
- install_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}/$${rel_path}; \
- fi; \
- [ -d $${install_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${install_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${install_subdir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MACHINE_CONFIG=$${machine_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- build_install; \
- done; \
- done;
- @echo "[ $(SOURCE) ] make installmachinekernels"; \
- my_counter=1; \
- for my_config in $(TARGET_CONFIGS_UC); \
- do \
- if [ $${my_counter} -eq 1 ] ; then \
- my_counter=2; \
- kernel_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${kernel_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- kernel_config=$(DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG); \
- fi; \
- elif [ $${my_counter} -eq 2 ] ; then \
- my_counter=3; \
- arch_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${arch_config} = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- arch_config=`arch | $(TR) a-z A-Z`; \
- fi; \
- else \
- my_counter=1; \
- machine_config=$${my_config}; \
- if [ $${machine_config} != DEFAULT ] ; then \
- build_subdir=${OBJROOT}/$${kernel_config}_$${arch_config}_$${machine_config}; \
- install_file_list=mach.`printf "%s" "$${kernel_config}" | $(TR) A-Z a-z`.`printf "%s" "$${machine_config}" | $(TR) A-Z a-z`; \
- [ -d $${build_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${build_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${build_subdir} \
- INSTALL_FILE_LIST=$${install_file_list} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- ARCH_CONFIG=$${arch_config} \
- MACHINE_CONFIG=$${machine_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- TARGET=$${build_subdir}/ \
- do_build_install; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done;
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,config_all,$(CONFIG_SUBDIRS),do_config_all,1))
# Install for all architectures for all Configuration/Architecture options
- $(_v)if [ $(MACHINE_CONFIG) = DEFAULT ] ; then \
- else \
- fi; \
- ${MAKE} TARGET=$${TARGET} setup_build_install; \
- kernel_config=$(KERNEL_CONFIG); \
- for install_subdir in $(INST_SUBDIRS); \
- do \
- [ -d $${install_subdir} ] || $(MKDIR) $${install_subdir}; \
- ${MAKE} -C $${install_subdir} \
- KERNEL_CONFIG=$${kernel_config} \
- MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/$${install_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=${SOURCE}$${install_subdir}/ \
- build_install; \
- done; \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} TARGET=$${TARGET} do_build_install;
-# Install source tree
- $(_v)(tar -c --mode go=r,+X --no-ignore-case --exclude .svn --exclude cscope.\* --exclude BUILD --exclude \*~ -f - .) | (cd $(SRCROOT) && tar --no-same-owner -xf -)
-# Clean up source tree
-# Build source file list for cscope database and tags
- @echo "Building file list for cscope and tags"
- @find . -name '*.h' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD > _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @find . -name '*.defs' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD >> _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @find . -name '*.c' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD >> _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @find . -name '*.cpp' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD >> _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @find . -name '*.s' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD >> _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @find . -name '*.h.template' -type f | grep -v ^..BUILD >> _cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @echo -k -q -c > cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @sort -u < _cscope.files >> cscope.files 2> /dev/null
- @rm -f _cscope.files _cscope.files2 2> /dev/null
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_install_primary,$(INST_SUBDIRS),do_build_install_primary,1))
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,build_install_non_primary,$(INST_SUBDIRS),do_build_install_non_primary,1))
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,config_install,$(CONFIG_SUBDIRS),do_config_install,1))
-# Build cscope database
+# Install text files
-cscope: cscope.files
- @echo "Building cscope database"
- @cscope -bvU 2> /dev/null
-# Build tags
-tags: cscope.files
- @echo "Building ctags"
- @-sed 1d cscope.files | xargs ctags -dtw 2> /dev/null || \
- echo "Phantom files detected!" 2>&1 > /dev/null
- @-[ -f TAGS ] || ${MAKE} TAGS
-TAGS: cscope.files
- @echo "Building etags"
- @-cat cscope.files | etags -l auto -S - 2> /dev/null
-# Install Man Pages
-ifeq ($(RC_ProjectName),Libsyscall)
- bsdmake -C libsyscall install-man
-else # xnu
- @echo "[ $(SRCROOT) ] Installing man pages"
- $(_v)manpath=$(DSTROOT)/$(MANDIR); \
- [ -d $$manpath ] || $(MKDIR) $$manpath; \
- ${MAKE} MAKEFILES=${SOURCE}/Makefile \
- build_installman
- ${SOURCE}/config/compress-man-pages.pl ${DSTROOT}/${MANDIR}
- @echo "[ $(SOURCE) ] make build_installman"
- $(_v)if [ -n "$(strip $(INSTMAN_SUBDIRS))" ]; then \
- for installman_subdir in $(INSTMAN_SUBDIRS); do \
- ${MAKE} -C $${installman_subdir} -r \
- MAKEFILES=$(SOURCE)$${installman_subdir}/Makefile \
- SOURCE=$(SOURCE)$${installman_subdir}/ \
- TARGET=$(TARGET)$${installman_subdir}/ \
- build_installman; \
- done; \
- fi; \
- if [ -n "$(strip $(INSTALL_MAN_LIST))" ]; then \
- ${MAKE} ${MAKEJOBS} do_installman; \
- fi
+$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_BUILD_RULES_template,textfiles_install,$(INSTTEXTFILES_SUBDIRS),do_textfiles_install,))
# vim: set ft=make: