-#define PIPE_ASYNC 0x004 /* Async? I/O. */
-#define PIPE_WANTR 0x008 /* Reader wants some characters. */
-#define PIPE_WANTW 0x010 /* Writer wants space to put characters. */
-#define PIPE_WANT 0x020 /* Pipe is wanted to be run-down. */
-#define PIPE_SEL 0x040 /* Pipe has a select active. */
-#define PIPE_EOF 0x080 /* Pipe is in EOF condition. */
-#define PIPE_LOCKFL 0x100 /* Process has exclusive access to pointers/data. */
-#define PIPE_LWANT 0x200 /* Process wants exclusive access to pointers/data. */
-#define PIPE_DIRECTW 0x400 /* Pipe direct write active. */
-#define PIPE_DIRECTOK 0x800 /* Direct mode ok. */
-#define PIPE_KNOTE 0x1000 /* Pipe has kernel events activated */
-#ifdef KERNEL
+#define PIPE_ASYNC 0x004 /* Async? I/O. */
+#define PIPE_WANTR 0x008 /* Reader wants some characters. */
+#define PIPE_WANTW 0x010 /* Writer wants space to put characters. */
+#define PIPE_WANT 0x020 /* Pipe is wanted to be run-down. */
+#define PIPE_SEL 0x040 /* Pipe has a select active. */
+#define PIPE_EOF 0x080 /* Pipe is in EOF condition. */
+#define PIPE_LOCKFL 0x100 /* Process has exclusive access to pointers/data. */
+#define PIPE_LWANT 0x200 /* Process wants exclusive access to pointers/data. */
+#define PIPE_DIRECTW 0x400 /* Pipe direct write active. */
+#define PIPE_DIRECTOK 0x800 /* Direct mode ok. */
+// was PIPE_KNOTE 0x1000
+#define PIPE_DRAIN 0x2000 /* Waiting for I/O to drop for a close. Treated like EOF;
+ * only separate for easier debugging. */
+#define PIPE_WSELECT 0x4000 /* Some thread has done an FWRITE select on the pipe */
+#define PIPE_DEAD 0x8000 /* Pipe is dead and needs garbage collection */
+#ifdef KERNEL