* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* @(#)resourcevar.h 8.4 (Berkeley) 1/9/95
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
* Kernel per-process accounting / statistics
* (not necessarily resident except when running).
struct pstats {
-#define pstat_startzero p_ru
- struct rusage p_ru; /* stats for this proc */
- struct rusage p_cru; /* (PL) sum of stats for reaped children */
+ struct rusage p_ru; /* stats for this proc */
+ struct rusage p_cru; /* (PL) sum of stats for reaped children */
- struct uprof { /* profile arguments */
+ struct uprof { /* profile arguments */
struct uprof *pr_next; /* multiple prof buffers allowed */
- caddr_t pr_base; /* buffer base */
- u_long pr_size; /* buffer size */
- u_long pr_off; /* pc offset */
- u_long pr_scale; /* pc scaling */
- u_long pr_addr; /* temp storage for addr until AST */
- u_long pr_ticks; /* temp storage for ticks until AST */
+ caddr_t pr_base; /* buffer base */
+ u_int32_t pr_size; /* buffer size */
+ u_int32_t pr_off; /* pc offset */
+ u_int32_t pr_scale; /* pc scaling */
+ u_int32_t pr_addr; /* temp storage for addr until AST */
+ u_int32_t pr_ticks; /* temp storage for ticks until AST */
} p_prof;
-#define pstat_endzero p_start
- struct timeval p_start; /* starting time ; compat only */
+ uint64_t ps_start; /* starting time ; compat only */
#ifdef KERNEL
- struct user_uprof { /* profile arguments */
+ struct rusage_info_child ri_child; /* (PL) sum of additional stats for reaped children (proc_pid_rusage) */
+ struct user_uprof { /* profile arguments */
struct user_uprof *pr_next; /* multiple prof buffers allowed */
- user_addr_t pr_base; /* buffer base */
- user_size_t pr_size; /* buffer size */
- user_ulong_t pr_off; /* pc offset */
- user_ulong_t pr_scale; /* pc scaling */
- user_ulong_t pr_addr; /* temp storage for addr until AST */
- user_ulong_t pr_ticks; /* temp storage for ticks until AST */
+ user_addr_t pr_base; /* buffer base */
+ user_size_t pr_size; /* buffer size */
+ user_ulong_t pr_off; /* pc offset */
+ user_ulong_t pr_scale; /* pc scaling */
+ user_ulong_t pr_addr; /* temp storage for addr until AST */
+ user_ulong_t pr_ticks; /* temp storage for ticks until AST */
} user_p_prof;
#endif // KERNEL
* and a copy must be made for the child of a new fork that isn't
* sharing modifications to the limits.
- * Modifications are done with the list lock held (p_limit as well)and access indv
- * limits can be done without limit as we keep the old copy in p_olimit. Which is
+ * Modifications are done with the list lock held (p_limit as well)and access indv
+ * limits can be done without limit as we keep the old copy in p_olimit. Which is
* dropped in proc_exit. This way all access will have a valid kernel address
struct plimit {
- struct rlimit pl_rlimit[RLIM_NLIMITS];
- int pl_refcnt; /* number of references */
+ struct rlimit pl_rlimit[RLIM_NLIMITS];
+ int pl_refcnt; /* number of references */
#ifdef KERNEL
-/* add user profiling from AST */
-#define ADDUPROF(p) \
- addupc_task(p, \
- (proc_is64bit((p)) ? (p)->p_stats->user_p_prof.pr_addr \
- : CAST_USER_ADDR_T((p)->p_stats->p_prof.pr_addr)), \
- (proc_is64bit((p)) ? (p)->p_stats->user_p_prof.pr_ticks \
- : (p)->p_stats->p_prof.pr_ticks))
-void addupc_intr(struct proc *p, u_long pc, u_int ticks);
-void addupc_task(struct proc *p, user_addr_t pc, u_int ticks);
-void calcru(struct proc *p, struct timeval *up, struct timeval *sp,
- struct timeval *ip);
-void ruadd(struct rusage *ru, struct rusage *ru2);
+void calcru(struct proc *p, struct timeval *up, struct timeval *sp,
+ struct timeval *ip);
+void ruadd(struct rusage *ru, struct rusage *ru2);
+void update_rusage_info_child(struct rusage_info_child *ru, rusage_info_current *ru_current);
void proc_limitget(proc_t p, int whichi, struct rlimit * limp);
void proc_limitdrop(proc_t p, int exiting);
void proc_limitfork(proc_t parent, proc_t child);
#endif /* KERNEL */
-#endif /* !_SYS_RESOURCEVAR_H_ */
+#endif /* !_SYS_RESOURCEVAR_H_ */