* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
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+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
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+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
// properties found in the registry root
-#define kIOConsoleUsersKey "IOConsoleUsers" /* value is OSArray */
-#define kIOMaximumMappedIOByteCountKey "IOMaximumMappedIOByteCount" /* value is OSNumber */
-#define kIOStartupMkextCRC "IOStartupMkextCRC" /* value is 32-bit OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleLockedKey "IOConsoleLocked" /* value is OSBoolean */
+#define kIOConsoleUsersKey "IOConsoleUsers" /* value is OSArray */
+#define kIOMaximumMappedIOByteCountKey "IOMaximumMappedIOByteCount" /* value is OSNumber */
// properties found in the console user dict
+#define kIOConsoleSessionAuditIDKey "kCGSSessionAuditIDKey" /* value is OSNumber */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionIDKey "kCGSSessionIDKey" /* value is OSNumber */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionUserNameKey "kCGSSessionUserNameKey" /* value is OSString */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionUIDKey "kCGSSessionUserIDKey" /* value is OSNumber */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionConsoleSetKey "kCGSSessionConsoleSetKey" /* value is OSNumber */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionOnConsoleKey "kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey" /* value is OSBoolean */
-#define kIOConsoleSessionSecureInputPIDKey "kCGSSessionSecureInputPID" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionUserNameKey "kCGSSessionUserNameKey" /* value is OSString */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionUIDKey "kCGSSessionUserIDKey" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionConsoleSetKey "kCGSSessionConsoleSetKey" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionOnConsoleKey "kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey" /* value is OSBoolean */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionLoginDoneKey "kCGSessionLoginDoneKey" /* value is OSBoolean */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionSecureInputPIDKey "kCGSSessionSecureInputPID" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionScreenLockedTimeKey "CGSSessionScreenLockedTime" /* value is OSNumber, secs - 1970 */
+#define kIOConsoleSessionScreenIsLockedKey "CGSSessionScreenIsLocked" /* value is OSBoolean */
// IOResources property
-#define kIOConsoleUsersSeedKey "IOConsoleUsersSeed" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOConsoleUsersSeedKey "IOConsoleUsersSeed" /* value is OSNumber */
+// IODeviceTree:chosen properties
+#define kIOProgressBackbufferKey "IOProgressBackbuffer" /* value is OSData */
+#define kIOProgressColorThemeKey "IOProgressColorTheme" /* value is OSNumber */
+#define kIOBridgeBootSessionUUIDKey "bridge-boot-session-uuid" /* value is OSData */
+// interest type
+#define kIOConsoleSecurityInterest "IOConsoleSecurityInterest"
// private keys for clientHasPrivilege
-#define kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleUser "console"
-#define kIOClientPrivilegeSecureConsoleProcess "secureprocess"
+#define kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleUser "console"
+#define kIOClientPrivilegeSecureConsoleProcess "secureprocess"
+#define kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleSession "consolesession"
+// Embedded still throttles NVRAM commits via kIONVRAMSyncNowPropertyKey, but
+// some clients still need a stricter NVRAM commit contract. Please use this with
+// care.
+// GUID to address variables for the system NVRAM region
+#define kIOKitSystemGUID "40A0DDD2-77F8-4392-B4A3-1E7304206516"
+#define kIOKitSystemGUIDPrefix (kIOKitSystemGUID ":")
+// Internal only key to give access to system region on internal builds
+#define kIONVRAMSystemInternalAllowKey "com.apple.private.iokit.system-nvram-internal-allow"
// clientHasPrivilege security token for kIOClientPrivilegeSecureConsoleProcess
typedef struct _IOUCProcessToken {
- void * token;
- UInt32 pid;
+ void * token;
+ UInt32 pid;
} IOUCProcessToken;
-#define kIOKernelHasSafeSleep 1
+#define kIOKernelHasSafeSleep 1
+#define kIOPlatformSleepActionKey "IOPlatformSleepAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformWakeActionKey "IOPlatformWakeAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey "IOPlatformQuiesceAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformActiveActionKey "IOPlatformActiveAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformHaltRestartActionKey "IOPlatformHaltRestartAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformPanicActionKey "IOPlatformPanicAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOPlatformFunctionHandlerSet "IOPlatformFunctionHandlerSet"
+#define kIOPlatformFunctionHandlerMaxBusDelay "IOPlatformFunctionHandlerMaxBusDelay"
+#define kIOPlatformMaxBusDelay "IOPlatformMaxBusDelay"
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+#define kIOPlatformFunctionHandlerMaxInterruptDelay "IOPlatformFunctionHandlerMaxInterruptDelay"
+#define kIOPlatformMaxInterruptDelay "IOPlatformMaxInterruptDelay"
+#endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) */
+enum {
+ // these flags are valid for the prepare() method only
+ kIODirectionPrepareNoZeroFill = 0x00000010,
+enum {
+ kIOServiceTerminateNeedWillTerminate = 0x00000100,
-enum { kIOPrepareToPhys32 = 0x04 };
+#define kIOClassNameOverrideKey "IOClassNameOverride"
-#define kIODirectionPrepareToPhys32 ((IODirection) kIOPrepareToPhys32)
+enum {
+ kIOClassNameOverrideNone = 0x00000001,
-#define kIOPlatformSleepActionKey "IOPlatformSleepAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
-#define kIOPlatformWakeActionKey "IOPlatformWakeAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
-#define kIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey "IOPlatformQuiesceAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
-#define kIOPlatformActiveActionKey "IOPlatformActiveAction" /* value is OSNumber (priority) */
+#define kIOServiceLegacyMatchingRegistryIDKey "IOServiceLegacyMatchingRegistryID"