* _INSERT_AFTER + + + + +
* _INSERT_TAIL - - + + +
* _CONCAT - - + + -
+ * _REMOVE_AFTER + - + - -
* _REMOVE_HEAD + - + - -
+ * _REMOVE_HEAD_UNTIL - - + - -
* _REMOVE + + + + +
+ * _SWAP - + + + -
#define TRASHIT(x)
#endif /* QUEUE_MACRO_DEBUG */
+ * Horrible macros to enable use of code that was meant to be C-specific
+ * (and which push struct onto type) in C++; without these, C++ code
+ * that uses these macros in the context of a class will blow up
+ * due to "struct" being preprended to "type" by the macros, causing
+ * inconsistent use of tags.
+ *
+ * This approach is necessary because these are macros; we have to use
+ * these on a per-macro basis (because the queues are implemented as
+ * macros, disabling this warning in the scope of the header file is
+ * insufficient), whuch means we can't use #pragma, and have to use
+ * _Pragma. We only need to use these for the queue macros that
+ * prepend "struct" to "type" and will cause C++ to blow up.
+ */
+#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wmismatched-tags\"")
+#define __MISMATCH_TAGS_POP \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
* Singly-linked List declarations.
#define SLIST_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *slh_first; /* first element */ \
+} \
{ NULL }
#define SLIST_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
struct type *sle_next; /* next element */ \
+} \
* Singly-linked List functions.
#define SLIST_NEXT(elm, field) ((elm)->field.sle_next)
-#define SLIST_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) do { \
+#define SLIST_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) \
+do { \
if (SLIST_FIRST((head)) == (elm)) { \
SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field); \
} \
struct type *curelm = SLIST_FIRST((head)); \
while (SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field) != (elm)) \
curelm = SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field); \
- SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field) = \
- SLIST_NEXT(SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field), field); \
+ SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(curelm, field); \
} \
TRASHIT((elm)->field.sle_next); \
+} while (0) \
+#define SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(elm, field) do { \
+ SLIST_NEXT(elm, field) = \
+ SLIST_NEXT(SLIST_NEXT(elm, field), field); \
} while (0)
#define SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do { \
* Singly-linked Tail queue declarations.
#define STAILQ_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *stqh_first;/* first element */ \
struct type **stqh_last;/* addr of last next element */ \
+} \
{ NULL, &(head).stqh_first }
#define STAILQ_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
struct type *stqe_next; /* next element */ \
+} \
* Singly-linked Tail queue functions.
} while (0)
#define STAILQ_LAST(head, type, field) \
(STAILQ_EMPTY((head)) ? \
NULL : \
((struct type *)(void *) \
- ((char *)((head)->stqh_last) - __offsetof(struct type, field))))
+ ((char *)((head)->stqh_last) - __offsetof(struct type, field))))\
#define STAILQ_NEXT(elm, field) ((elm)->field.stqe_next)
-#define STAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) do { \
+#define STAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) \
+do { \
if (STAILQ_FIRST((head)) == (elm)) { \
STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field); \
} \
struct type *curelm = STAILQ_FIRST((head)); \
while (STAILQ_NEXT(curelm, field) != (elm)) \
curelm = STAILQ_NEXT(curelm, field); \
- if ((STAILQ_NEXT(curelm, field) = \
- STAILQ_NEXT(STAILQ_NEXT(curelm, field), field)) == NULL)\
- (head)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_NEXT((curelm), field);\
+ STAILQ_REMOVE_AFTER(head, curelm, field); \
} \
TRASHIT((elm)->field.stqe_next); \
-} while (0)
+} while (0) \
#define STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do { \
if ((STAILQ_FIRST((head)) = \
(head)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_FIRST((head)); \
} while (0)
-#define STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD_UNTIL(head, elm, field) do { \
- if ((STAILQ_FIRST((head)) = STAILQ_NEXT((elm), field)) == NULL) \
- (head)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_FIRST((head)); \
+#define STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD_UNTIL(head, elm, field) do { \
+ if ((STAILQ_FIRST((head)) = STAILQ_NEXT((elm), field)) == NULL) \
+ (head)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_FIRST((head)); \
+} while (0)
+#define STAILQ_REMOVE_AFTER(head, elm, field) do { \
+ if ((STAILQ_NEXT(elm, field) = \
+ STAILQ_NEXT(STAILQ_NEXT(elm, field), field)) == NULL) \
+ (head)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_NEXT((elm), field); \
} while (0)
+#define STAILQ_SWAP(head1, head2, type) \
+do { \
+ struct type *swap_first = STAILQ_FIRST(head1); \
+ struct type **swap_last = (head1)->stqh_last; \
+ STAILQ_FIRST(head1) = STAILQ_FIRST(head2); \
+ (head1)->stqh_last = (head2)->stqh_last; \
+ STAILQ_FIRST(head2) = swap_first; \
+ (head2)->stqh_last = swap_last; \
+ if (STAILQ_EMPTY(head1)) \
+ (head1)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_FIRST(head1); \
+ if (STAILQ_EMPTY(head2)) \
+ (head2)->stqh_last = &STAILQ_FIRST(head2); \
+} while (0) \
* List declarations.
#define LIST_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *lh_first; /* first element */ \
+} \
{ NULL }
#define LIST_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
struct type *le_next; /* next element */ \
struct type **le_prev; /* address of previous next element */ \
+} \
* List functions.
TRASHIT((elm)->field.le_prev); \
} while (0)
+#define LIST_SWAP(head1, head2, type, field) \
+do { \
+ struct type *swap_tmp = LIST_FIRST((head1)); \
+ LIST_FIRST((head1)) = LIST_FIRST((head2)); \
+ LIST_FIRST((head2)) = swap_tmp; \
+ if ((swap_tmp = LIST_FIRST((head1))) != NULL) \
+ swap_tmp->field.le_prev = &LIST_FIRST((head1)); \
+ if ((swap_tmp = LIST_FIRST((head2))) != NULL) \
+ swap_tmp->field.le_prev = &LIST_FIRST((head2)); \
+} while (0) \
* Tail queue declarations.
#define TAILQ_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *tqh_first; /* first element */ \
struct type **tqh_last; /* addr of last next element */ \
+} \
{ NULL, &(head).tqh_first }
#define TAILQ_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
struct type *tqe_next; /* next element */ \
struct type **tqe_prev; /* address of previous next element */ \
+} \
* Tail queue functions.
} while (0)
#define TAILQ_LAST(head, headname) \
- (*(((struct headname *)((head)->tqh_last))->tqh_last))
+ (*(((struct headname *)((head)->tqh_last))->tqh_last)) \
#define TAILQ_NEXT(elm, field) ((elm)->field.tqe_next)
#define TAILQ_PREV(elm, headname, field) \
- (*(((struct headname *)((elm)->field.tqe_prev))->tqh_last))
+ (*(((struct headname *)((elm)->field.tqe_prev))->tqh_last)) \
#define TAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, field) do { \
if ((TAILQ_NEXT((elm), field)) != NULL) \
QMD_TRACE_ELEM(&(elm)->field); \
} while (0)
+ * Why did they switch to spaces for this one macro?
+ */
+#define TAILQ_SWAP(head1, head2, type, field) \
+do { \
+ struct type *swap_first = (head1)->tqh_first; \
+ struct type **swap_last = (head1)->tqh_last; \
+ (head1)->tqh_first = (head2)->tqh_first; \
+ (head1)->tqh_last = (head2)->tqh_last; \
+ (head2)->tqh_first = swap_first; \
+ (head2)->tqh_last = swap_last; \
+ if ((swap_first = (head1)->tqh_first) != NULL) \
+ swap_first->field.tqe_prev = &(head1)->tqh_first; \
+ else \
+ (head1)->tqh_last = &(head1)->tqh_first; \
+ if ((swap_first = (head2)->tqh_first) != NULL) \
+ swap_first->field.tqe_prev = &(head2)->tqh_first; \
+ else \
+ (head2)->tqh_last = &(head2)->tqh_first; \
+} while (0) \
* Circular queue definitions.
#define CIRCLEQ_HEAD(name, type) \
struct name { \
struct type *cqh_first; /* first element */ \
struct type *cqh_last; /* last element */ \
+} \
#define CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(type) \
struct { \
struct type *cqe_next; /* next element */ \
struct type *cqe_prev; /* previous element */ \
+} \
* Circular queue functions.