+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
* Copyright (c) 2002 Luigi Rizzo, Universita` di Pisa
static void ipfw_kev_post_msg(u_int32_t );
+static int Get32static_len(void);
+static int Get64static_len(void);
static int ipfw_sysctl SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS;
SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet_ip, OID_AUTO, fw, CTLFLAG_RW|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, 0, "Firewall");
SYSCTL_PROC(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, enable,
&fw_enable, 0, ipfw_sysctl, "I", "Enable ipfw");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, autoinc_step, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, autoinc_step, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&autoinc_step, 0, "Rule number autincrement step");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, one_pass,
&fw_one_pass, 0,
"Only do a single pass through ipfw when using dummynet(4)");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, debug,
&fw_debug, 0, "Enable printing of debug ip_fw statements");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, verbose,
&fw_verbose, 0, "Log matches to ipfw rules");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, verbose_limit, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, verbose_limit, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&verbose_limit, 0, "Set upper limit of matches of ipfw rules logged");
static u_int32_t static_count; /* # of static rules */
static u_int32_t static_len; /* size in bytes of static rules */
+static u_int32_t static_len_32; /* size in bytes of static rules for 32 bit client */
+static u_int32_t static_len_64; /* size in bytes of static rules for 64 bit client */
static u_int32_t dyn_count; /* # of dynamic rules */
static u_int32_t dyn_max = 4096; /* max # of dynamic rules */
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_buckets, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_buckets, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_buckets, 0, "Number of dyn. buckets");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, curr_dyn_buckets, CTLFLAG_RD,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, curr_dyn_buckets, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&curr_dyn_buckets, 0, "Current Number of dyn. buckets");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_count, CTLFLAG_RD,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_count, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_count, 0, "Number of dyn. rules");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_max, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_max, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_max, 0, "Max number of dyn. rules");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, static_count, CTLFLAG_RD,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, static_count, CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&static_count, 0, "Number of static rules");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_ack_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_ack_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_ack_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for acks");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_syn_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_syn_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_syn_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for syn");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_fin_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_fin_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_fin_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for fin");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_rst_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_rst_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_rst_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for rst");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_udp_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_udp_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_udp_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for UDP");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_short_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_short_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_short_lifetime, 0, "Lifetime of dyn. rules for other situations");
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_keepalive, CTLFLAG_RW,
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip_fw, OID_AUTO, dyn_keepalive, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
&dyn_keepalive, 0, "Enable keepalives for dyn. rules");
static int
else log a ; \
+#define RULESIZE64(rule) (sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + \
+ ((struct ip_fw *)(rule))->cmd_len * 4 - 4)
+#define RULESIZE32(rule) (sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) + \
+ ((struct ip_fw *)(rule))->cmd_len * 4 - 4)
void ipfwsyslog( int level, const char *format,...)
#define msgsize 100
unsigned char pri;
int loglen;
+ bzero(msgBuf, msgsize);
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(struct kev_msg));
va_start( ap, format );
loglen = vsnprintf(msgBuf, msgsize, format, ap);
va_end( ap );
#undef TT
+static int
+ int diff;
+ int len = static_len_32;
+ struct ip_fw *rule;
+ char *useraction;
+ for (rule = layer3_chain; rule ; rule = rule->next) {
+ if (rule->reserved_1 == IPFW_RULE_INACTIVE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( rule->act_ofs ){
+ useraction = (char*)ACTION_PTR( rule );
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ diff = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe) - sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe_32);
+ if (diff)
+ len -= diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
+static int
+ int diff;
+ int len = static_len_64;
+ struct ip_fw *rule;
+ char *useraction;
+ for (rule = layer3_chain; rule ; rule = rule->next) {
+ if (rule->reserved_1 == IPFW_RULE_INACTIVE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( rule->act_ofs ){
+ useraction = (char *)ACTION_PTR( rule );
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ diff = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe_64) - sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe);
+ if (diff)
+ len += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
+static void
+copyto32fw_insn( struct ip_fw_32 *fw32 , struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, int cmdsize)
+ char *end;
+ char *fw32action;
+ char *useraction;
+ int justcmdsize;
+ int diff=0;
+ int actioncopysize;
+ end = ((char*)user_ip_fw->cmd) + cmdsize;
+ useraction = (char*)ACTION_PTR( user_ip_fw );
+ fw32action = (char*)fw32->cmd + (user_ip_fw->act_ofs * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if ( ( justcmdsize = ( fw32action - (char*)fw32->cmd)))
+ bcopy( user_ip_fw->cmd, fw32->cmd, justcmdsize);
+ while ( useraction < end ){
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ actioncopysize = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe_32);
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->opcode = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->arg1 = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->arg1;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->len = F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn_pipe_32);
+ diff = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len - ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->len;
+ if ( diff ){
+ fw32->cmd_len -= diff;
+ }
+ } else{
+ actioncopysize = (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ bcopy( useraction, fw32action, actioncopysize );
+ }
+ useraction += (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ fw32action += actioncopysize;
+ }
+static void
+copyto64fw_insn( struct ip_fw_64 *fw64 , struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, int cmdsize)
+ char *end;
+ char *fw64action;
+ char *useraction;
+ int justcmdsize;
+ int diff;
+ int actioncopysize;
+ end = ((char *)user_ip_fw->cmd) + cmdsize;
+ useraction = (char*)ACTION_PTR( user_ip_fw );
+ if ( (justcmdsize = (useraction - (char*)user_ip_fw->cmd)))
+ bcopy( user_ip_fw->cmd, fw64->cmd, justcmdsize);
+ fw64action = (char*)fw64->cmd + justcmdsize;
+ while ( useraction < end ){
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)user_ip_fw)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)user_ip_fw)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ actioncopysize = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe_64);
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->opcode = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->arg1 = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->arg1;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->len = F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn_pipe_64);
+ diff = ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->len - ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len;
+ if (diff)
+ fw64->cmd_len += diff;
+ } else{
+ actioncopysize = (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ bcopy( useraction, fw64action, actioncopysize );
+ }
+ useraction += (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)useraction)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ fw64action += actioncopysize;
+ }
+static void
+copyto32fw( struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, struct ip_fw_32 *fw32 , __unused size_t copysize)
+ size_t rulesize, cmdsize;
+ fw32->version = user_ip_fw->version;
+ fw32->context = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT( user32_addr_t, user_ip_fw->context);
+ fw32->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t, user_ip_fw->next);
+ fw32->next_rule = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t, user_ip_fw->next_rule);
+ fw32->act_ofs = user_ip_fw->act_ofs;
+ fw32->cmd_len = user_ip_fw->cmd_len;
+ fw32->rulenum = user_ip_fw->rulenum;
+ fw32->set = user_ip_fw->set;
+ fw32->set_masks[0] = user_ip_fw->set_masks[0];
+ fw32->set_masks[1] = user_ip_fw->set_masks[1];
+ fw32->pcnt = user_ip_fw->pcnt;
+ fw32->bcnt = user_ip_fw->bcnt;
+ fw32->timestamp = user_ip_fw->timestamp;
+ fw32->reserved_1 = user_ip_fw->reserved_1;
+ fw32->reserved_2 = user_ip_fw->reserved_2;
+ rulesize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) + (user_ip_fw->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn) - 4);
+ cmdsize = user_ip_fw->cmd_len * sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ copyto32fw_insn( fw32, user_ip_fw, cmdsize );
+static void
+copyto64fw( struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, struct ip_fw_64 *fw64, size_t copysize)
+ size_t rulesize, cmdsize;
+ fw64->version = user_ip_fw->version;
+ fw64->context = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(__uint64_t, user_ip_fw->context);
+ fw64->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user64_addr_t, user_ip_fw->next);
+ fw64->next_rule = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user64_addr_t, user_ip_fw->next_rule);
+ fw64->act_ofs = user_ip_fw->act_ofs;
+ fw64->cmd_len = user_ip_fw->cmd_len;
+ fw64->rulenum = user_ip_fw->rulenum;
+ fw64->set = user_ip_fw->set;
+ fw64->set_masks[0] = user_ip_fw->set_masks[0];
+ fw64->set_masks[1] = user_ip_fw->set_masks[1];
+ fw64->pcnt = user_ip_fw->pcnt;
+ fw64->bcnt = user_ip_fw->bcnt;
+ fw64->timestamp = user_ip_fw->timestamp;
+ fw64->reserved_1 = user_ip_fw->reserved_1;
+ fw64->reserved_2 = user_ip_fw->reserved_2;
+ rulesize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + (user_ip_fw->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn) - 4);
+ if (rulesize > copysize)
+ cmdsize = copysize - sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + 4;
+ else
+ cmdsize = user_ip_fw->cmd_len * sizeof(u_int32_t);
+ copyto64fw_insn( fw64, user_ip_fw, cmdsize);
+static int
+copyfrom32fw_insn( struct ip_fw_32 *fw32 , struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, int cmdsize)
+ char *end;
+ char *fw32action;
+ char *useraction;
+ int justcmdsize;
+ int diff;
+ int actioncopysize;
+ end = ((char*)fw32->cmd) + cmdsize;
+ fw32action = (char*)ACTION_PTR( fw32 );
+ if ((justcmdsize = (fw32action - (char*)fw32->cmd)))
+ bcopy( fw32->cmd, user_ip_fw->cmd, justcmdsize);
+ useraction = (char*)user_ip_fw->cmd + justcmdsize;
+ while ( fw32action < end ){
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ actioncopysize = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe);
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode = ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->opcode;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->arg1 = ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->arg1;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len = F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn_pipe);
+ diff = ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len - ((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)->len;
+ if (diff){
+ /* readjust the cmd_len */
+ user_ip_fw->cmd_len += diff;
+ }
+ } else{
+ actioncopysize = (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw32action) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ bcopy( fw32action, useraction, actioncopysize );
+ }
+ fw32action += (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw32action) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw32action)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ useraction += actioncopysize;
+ }
+ return( useraction - (char*)user_ip_fw->cmd );
+static int
+copyfrom64fw_insn( struct ip_fw_64 *fw64 , struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, int cmdsize)
+ char *end;
+ char *fw64action;
+ char *useraction;
+ int justcmdsize;
+ int diff;
+ int actioncopysize;
+ end = ((char *)fw64->cmd) + cmdsize ;
+ fw64action = (char*)ACTION_PTR( fw64 );
+ if ( (justcmdsize = (fw64action - (char*)fw64->cmd)))
+ bcopy( fw64->cmd, user_ip_fw->cmd, justcmdsize);
+ useraction = (char*)user_ip_fw->cmd + justcmdsize;
+ while ( fw64action < end ){
+ if ( ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->opcode == O_QUEUE || ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->opcode == O_PIPE){
+ actioncopysize = sizeof(ipfw_insn_pipe);
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->opcode = ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->opcode;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->arg1 = ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->arg1;
+ ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len = F_INSN_SIZE(ipfw_insn_pipe);
+ diff = ((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)->len - ((ipfw_insn*)useraction)->len;
+ if (diff) {
+ /* readjust the cmd_len */
+ user_ip_fw->cmd_len -= diff;
+ }
+ } else{
+ actioncopysize = (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw64action) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ bcopy( fw64action, useraction, actioncopysize );
+ }
+ fw64action += (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw64action) ? (F_LEN((ipfw_insn*)fw64action)) : 1 ) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ useraction += actioncopysize;
+ }
+ return( useraction - (char*)user_ip_fw->cmd );
+static size_t
+copyfrom32fw( struct ip_fw_32 *fw32, struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, size_t copysize)
+ size_t rulesize, cmdsize;
+ user_ip_fw->version = fw32->version;
+ user_ip_fw->context = CAST_DOWN(void *, fw32->context);
+ user_ip_fw->next = CAST_DOWN(struct ip_fw*, fw32->next);
+ user_ip_fw->next_rule = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(struct ip_fw*, fw32->next_rule);
+ user_ip_fw->act_ofs = fw32->act_ofs;
+ user_ip_fw->cmd_len = fw32->cmd_len;
+ user_ip_fw->rulenum = fw32->rulenum;
+ user_ip_fw->set = fw32->set;
+ user_ip_fw->set_masks[0] = fw32->set_masks[0];
+ user_ip_fw->set_masks[1] = fw32->set_masks[1];
+ user_ip_fw->pcnt = fw32->pcnt;
+ user_ip_fw->bcnt = fw32->bcnt;
+ user_ip_fw->timestamp = fw32->timestamp;
+ user_ip_fw->reserved_1 = fw32->reserved_1;
+ user_ip_fw->reserved_2 = fw32->reserved_2;
+ rulesize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) + (fw32->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn) - 4);
+ if ( rulesize > copysize )
+ cmdsize = copysize - sizeof(struct ip_fw_32)-4;
+ else
+ cmdsize = fw32->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn);
+ cmdsize = copyfrom32fw_insn( fw32, user_ip_fw, cmdsize);
+ return( sizeof(struct ip_fw) + cmdsize - 4);
+static size_t
+copyfrom64fw( struct ip_fw_64 *fw64, struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, size_t copysize)
+ size_t rulesize, cmdsize;
+ user_ip_fw->version = fw64->version;
+ user_ip_fw->context = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT( void *, fw64->context);
+ user_ip_fw->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(struct ip_fw*, fw64->next);
+ user_ip_fw->next_rule = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(struct ip_fw*, fw64->next_rule);
+ user_ip_fw->act_ofs = fw64->act_ofs;
+ user_ip_fw->cmd_len = fw64->cmd_len;
+ user_ip_fw->rulenum = fw64->rulenum;
+ user_ip_fw->set = fw64->set;
+ user_ip_fw->set_masks[0] = fw64->set_masks[0];
+ user_ip_fw->set_masks[1] = fw64->set_masks[1];
+ user_ip_fw->pcnt = fw64->pcnt;
+ user_ip_fw->bcnt = fw64->bcnt;
+ user_ip_fw->timestamp = fw64->timestamp;
+ user_ip_fw->reserved_1 = fw64->reserved_1;
+ user_ip_fw->reserved_2 = fw64->reserved_2;
+ //bcopy( fw64->cmd, user_ip_fw->cmd, fw64->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn));
+ rulesize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + (fw64->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn) - 4);
+ if ( rulesize > copysize )
+ cmdsize = copysize - sizeof(struct ip_fw_64)-4;
+ else
+ cmdsize = fw64->cmd_len * sizeof(ipfw_insn);
+ cmdsize = copyfrom64fw_insn( fw64, user_ip_fw, cmdsize);
+ return( sizeof(struct ip_fw) + cmdsize - 4);
+void cp_dyn_to_comp_32( struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_32 *dyn_rule_vers1, int *len)
+ struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_32 *dyn_last=NULL;
+ ipfw_dyn_rule *p;
+ int i;
+ if (ipfw_dyn_v) {
+ for (i = 0; i < curr_dyn_buckets; i++) {
+ for ( p = ipfw_dyn_v[i] ; p != NULL ; p = p->next) {
+ dyn_rule_vers1->chain = (user32_addr_t)(p->rule->rulenum);
+ dyn_rule_vers1->id = p->id;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->mask = p->id;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->type = p->dyn_type;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->expire = p->expire;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->pcnt = p->pcnt;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->bcnt = p->bcnt;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->bucket = p->bucket;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->state = p->state;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT( user32_addr_t, p->next);
+ dyn_last = dyn_rule_vers1;
+ *len += sizeof(*dyn_rule_vers1);
+ dyn_rule_vers1++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dyn_last != NULL) {
+ dyn_last->next = ((user32_addr_t)0);
+ }
+ }
+void cp_dyn_to_comp_64( struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_64 *dyn_rule_vers1, int *len)
+ struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_64 *dyn_last=NULL;
+ ipfw_dyn_rule *p;
+ int i;
+ if (ipfw_dyn_v) {
+ for (i = 0; i < curr_dyn_buckets; i++) {
+ for ( p = ipfw_dyn_v[i] ; p != NULL ; p = p->next) {
+ dyn_rule_vers1->chain = (user64_addr_t) p->rule->rulenum;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->id = p->id;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->mask = p->id;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->type = p->dyn_type;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->expire = p->expire;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->pcnt = p->pcnt;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->bcnt = p->bcnt;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->bucket = p->bucket;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->state = p->state;
+ dyn_rule_vers1->next = CAST_DOWN(user64_addr_t, p->next);
+ dyn_last = dyn_rule_vers1;
+ *len += sizeof(*dyn_rule_vers1);
+ dyn_rule_vers1++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dyn_last != NULL) {
+ dyn_last->next = CAST_DOWN(user64_addr_t, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+static int
+sooptcopyin_fw( struct sockopt *sopt, struct ip_fw *user_ip_fw, size_t *size )
+ size_t valsize, copyinsize = 0;
+ int error = 0;
+ valsize = sopt->sopt_valsize;
+ if ( size )
+ copyinsize = *size;
+ if (proc_is64bit(sopt->sopt_p)) {
+ struct ip_fw_64 *fw64=NULL;
+ if ( valsize < sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) ) {
+ return(EINVAL);
+ }
+ if ( !copyinsize )
+ copyinsize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_64);
+ if ( valsize > copyinsize )
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize = copyinsize;
+ if ( sopt->sopt_p != 0) {
+ fw64 = _MALLOC(copyinsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if ( fw64 == NULL )
+ return(ENOBUFS);
+ if ((error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, fw64, valsize)) != 0){
+ _FREE(fw64, M_TEMP);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), fw64, valsize);
+ }
+ valsize = copyfrom64fw( fw64, user_ip_fw, valsize );
+ _FREE( fw64, M_TEMP);
+ }else {
+ struct ip_fw_32 *fw32=NULL;
+ if ( valsize < sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) ) {
+ return(EINVAL);
+ }
+ if ( !copyinsize)
+ copyinsize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_32);
+ if ( valsize > copyinsize)
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize = copyinsize;
+ if ( sopt->sopt_p != 0) {
+ fw32 = _MALLOC(copyinsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if ( fw32 == NULL )
+ return(ENOBUFS);
+ if ( (error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, fw32, valsize)) != 0){
+ _FREE( fw32, M_TEMP);
+ return( error );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), fw32, valsize);
+ }
+ valsize = copyfrom32fw( fw32, user_ip_fw, valsize);
+ _FREE( fw32, M_TEMP);
+ }
+ if ( size )
+ *size = valsize;
+ return error;
* The following checks use two arrays of 8 or 16 bits to store the
* bits that we want set or clear, respectively. They are in the
TAILQ_FOREACH(ia, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
- if (ia->ifa_addr == NULL)
- continue;
- if (ia->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET)
+ IFA_LOCK(ia);
+ if (ia->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET) {
+ }
if (cmd->p.ip.s_addr == ((struct sockaddr_in *)
(ia->ifa_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr) {
return(1); /* match */
rtalloc_ign(&ro, RTF_CLONING|RTF_PRCLONING);
- if ((ro.ro_rt == NULL) || (ifp == NULL) ||
- (ro.ro_rt->rt_ifp->if_index != ifp->if_index))
- return 0;
+ if (ro.ro_rt != NULL)
+ RT_LOCK_SPIN(ro.ro_rt);
+ else
+ return 0; /* No route */
+ if ((ifp == NULL) ||
+ (ro.ro_rt->rt_ifp->if_index != ifp->if_index)) {
+ RT_UNLOCK(ro.ro_rt);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ RT_UNLOCK(ro.ro_rt);
return 1;
- * Transmit a TCP packet, containing either a RST or a keepalive.
+ * Generate a TCP packet, containing either a RST or a keepalive.
* When flags & TH_RST, we are sending a RST packet, because of a
* "reset" action matched the packet.
* Otherwise we are sending a keepalive, and flags & TH_
-static void
+static struct mbuf *
send_pkt(struct ipfw_flow_id *id, u_int32_t seq, u_int32_t ack, int flags)
struct mbuf *m;
struct ip *ip;
struct tcphdr *tcp;
- struct route sro; /* fake route */
if (m == 0)
- return;
+ return NULL;
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = (struct ifnet *)0;
m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
m->m_data += max_linkhdr;
ip->ip_ttl = ip_defttl;
ip->ip_len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
- bzero (&sro, sizeof (sro));
- ip_rtaddr(ip->ip_dst, &sro);
m->m_flags |= M_SKIP_FIREWALL;
- ip_output_list(m, 0, NULL, &sro, 0, NULL, NULL);
- if (sro.ro_rt)
- RTFREE(sro.ro_rt);
+ return m;
struct tcphdr *const tcp =
L3HDR(struct tcphdr, mtod(args->m, struct ip *));
if ( (tcp->th_flags & TH_RST) == 0) {
- send_pkt(&(args->f_id), ntohl(tcp->th_seq),
+ struct mbuf *m;
+ m = send_pkt(&(args->f_id), ntohl(tcp->th_seq),
tcp->th_flags | TH_RST);
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ struct route sro; /* fake route */
+ bzero (&sro, sizeof (sro));
+ ip_output_list(m, 0, NULL, &sro, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (sro.ro_rt)
+ RTFREE(sro.ro_rt);
+ }
} else
dst_ip, htons(dst_port),
wildcard, NULL);
- if (pcb == NULL || pcb->inp_socket == NULL)
+ if (pcb == NULL || pcb->inp_socket == NULL)
#if __FreeBSD_version < 500034
#define socheckuid(a,b) (kauth_cred_getuid((a)->so_cred) != (b))
(gid_t)((ipfw_insn_u32 *)cmd)->d[0], &match);
+ /* release reference on pcb */
+ in_pcb_checkstate(pcb, WNT_RELEASE, 0);
static_len += l;
+ static_len_32 += RULESIZE32(input_rule);
+ static_len_64 += RULESIZE64(input_rule);
DEB(printf("ipfw: installed rule %d, static count now %d\n",
rule->rulenum, static_count);)
return (0);
prev->next = n;
static_len -= l;
+ static_len_32 -= RULESIZE32(rule);
+ static_len_64 -= RULESIZE64(rule);
(*rule)->reserved_1 = IPFW_RULE_INACTIVE;
static_len -= l;
+ static_len_32 -= RULESIZE32(*rule);
+ static_len_64 -= RULESIZE64(*rule);
timeout(flush_inactive, *rule, 30*hz); /* 30 sec. */
int command;
int error;
size_t size;
+ size_t rulesize = RULE_MAXSIZE;
struct ip_fw *bp , *buf, *rule;
+ int is64user = 0;
/* copy of orig sopt to send to ipfw_get_command_and_version() */
struct sockopt tmp_sopt = *sopt;
/* first get the command and version, then do conversion as necessary */
error = ipfw_get_command_and_version(&tmp_sopt, &command, &api_version);
if (error) {
/* error getting the version */
return error;
+ if (proc_is64bit(sopt->sopt_p))
+ is64user = 1;
switch (command) {
case IP_FW_GET:
+ {
+ size_t dynrulesize;
* pass up a copy of the current rules. Static rules
* come first (the last of which has number IPFW_DEFAULT_RULE),
* The last dynamic rule has NULL in the "next" field.
- size = static_len; /* size of static rules */
- if (ipfw_dyn_v) /* add size of dyn.rules */
- size += (dyn_count * sizeof(ipfw_dyn_rule));
+ if (is64user){
+ size = Get64static_len();
+ dynrulesize = sizeof(ipfw_dyn_rule_64);
+ if (ipfw_dyn_v)
+ size += (dyn_count * dynrulesize);
+ }else {
+ size = Get32static_len();
+ dynrulesize = sizeof(ipfw_dyn_rule_32);
+ if (ipfw_dyn_v)
+ size += (dyn_count * dynrulesize);
+ }
* XXX todo: if the user passes a short length just to know
bp = buf;
for (rule = layer3_chain; rule ; rule = rule->next) {
- int i = RULESIZE(rule);
if (rule->reserved_1 == IPFW_RULE_INACTIVE) {
- bcopy(rule, bp, i);
- bcopy(&set_disable, &(bp->next_rule),
- sizeof(set_disable));
- bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + i);
+ if (is64user){
+ int rulesize_64;
+ copyto64fw( rule, (struct ip_fw_64 *)bp, size);
+ bcopy(&set_disable, &(( (struct ip_fw_64*)bp)->next_rule), sizeof(set_disable));
+ /* do not use macro RULESIZE64 since we want RULESIZE for ip_fw_64 */
+ rulesize_64 = sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + ((struct ip_fw_64 *)(bp))->cmd_len * 4 - 4;
+ bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + rulesize_64);
+ }else{
+ int rulesize_32;
+ copyto32fw( rule, (struct ip_fw_32*)bp, size);
+ bcopy(&set_disable, &(( (struct ip_fw_32*)bp)->next_rule), sizeof(set_disable));
+ /* do not use macro RULESIZE32 since we want RULESIZE for ip_fw_32 */
+ rulesize_32 = sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) + ((struct ip_fw_32 *)(bp))->cmd_len * 4 - 4;
+ bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + rulesize_32);
+ }
if (ipfw_dyn_v) {
int i;
- ipfw_dyn_rule *p, *dst, *last = NULL;
- dst = (ipfw_dyn_rule *)bp;
+ ipfw_dyn_rule *p;
+ char *dst, *last = NULL;
+ dst = (char *)bp;
for (i = 0 ; i < curr_dyn_buckets ; i++ )
for ( p = ipfw_dyn_v[i] ; p != NULL ;
- p = p->next, dst++ ) {
- bcopy(p, dst, sizeof *p);
- bcopy(&(p->rule->rulenum), &(dst->rule),
- sizeof(p->rule->rulenum));
- /*
- * store a non-null value in "next".
- * The userland code will interpret a
- * NULL here as a marker
- * for the last dynamic rule.
- */
- bcopy(&dst, &dst->next, sizeof(dst));
- last = dst ;
- dst->expire =
- TIME_LEQ(dst->expire, timenow.tv_sec) ?
- 0 : dst->expire - timenow.tv_sec ;
+ p = p->next, dst += dynrulesize ) {
+ if ( is64user ){
+ ipfw_dyn_rule_64 *ipfw_dyn_dst;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst = (ipfw_dyn_rule_64 *)dst;
+ /*
+ * store a non-null value in "next".
+ * The userland code will interpret a
+ * NULL here as a marker
+ * for the last dynamic rule.
+ */
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user64_addr_t, dst);
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->rule = p->rule->rulenum;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->parent = CAST_DOWN(user64_addr_t, p->parent);
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->pcnt = p->pcnt;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->bcnt = p->bcnt;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->id = p->id;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->expire =
+ TIME_LEQ(p->expire, timenow.tv_sec) ?
+ 0 : p->expire - timenow.tv_sec;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->bucket = p->bucket;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->state = p->state;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->ack_fwd = p->ack_fwd;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->ack_rev = p->ack_rev;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->dyn_type = p->dyn_type;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->count = p->count;
+ last = (char*)&ipfw_dyn_dst->next;
+ } else {
+ ipfw_dyn_rule_32 *ipfw_dyn_dst;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst = (ipfw_dyn_rule_32 *)dst;
+ /*
+ * store a non-null value in "next".
+ * The userland code will interpret a
+ * NULL here as a marker
+ * for the last dynamic rule.
+ */
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->next = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t, dst);
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->rule = p->rule->rulenum;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->parent = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t, p->parent);
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->pcnt = p->pcnt;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->bcnt = p->bcnt;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->id = p->id;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->expire =
+ TIME_LEQ(p->expire, timenow.tv_sec) ?
+ 0 : p->expire - timenow.tv_sec;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->bucket = p->bucket;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->state = p->state;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->ack_fwd = p->ack_fwd;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->ack_rev = p->ack_rev;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->dyn_type = p->dyn_type;
+ ipfw_dyn_dst->count = p->count;
+ last = (char*)&ipfw_dyn_dst->next;
+ }
if (last != NULL) /* mark last dynamic rule */
- bzero(&last->next, sizeof(last));
+ bzero(last, sizeof(last));
for (i = 0; i < static_count; i++) {
/* static rules have different sizes */
int j = RULESIZE(bp);
- ipfw_convert_from_latest(bp, rule_vers0, api_version);
+ ipfw_convert_from_latest(bp, rule_vers0, api_version, is64user);
bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + j);
len += sizeof(*rule_vers0);
} else if (api_version == IP_FW_VERSION_1) {
int i, len = 0, buf_size;
- struct ip_fw_compat *buf2, *rule_vers1;
- struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat *dyn_rule_vers1, *dyn_last = NULL;
- ipfw_dyn_rule *p;
+ struct ip_fw_compat *buf2;
+ size_t ipfwcompsize;
+ size_t ipfwdyncompsize;
+ char *rule_vers1;
- buf_size = static_count * sizeof(struct ip_fw_compat) +
- dyn_count * sizeof(struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat);
+ if ( is64user ){
+ ipfwcompsize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_compat_64);
+ ipfwdyncompsize = sizeof(struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_64);
+ } else {
+ ipfwcompsize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_compat_32);
+ ipfwdyncompsize = sizeof(struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_32);
+ }
+ buf_size = static_count * ipfwcompsize +
+ dyn_count * ipfwdyncompsize;
buf2 = _MALLOC(buf_size, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
if (buf2 == 0) {
error = ENOBUFS;
if (!error) {
bp = buf;
- rule_vers1 = buf2;
+ rule_vers1 = (char*)buf2;
/* first do static rules */
for (i = 0; i < static_count; i++) {
/* static rules have different sizes */
- int j = RULESIZE(bp);
- ipfw_convert_from_latest(bp, rule_vers1, api_version);
- bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + j);
- len += sizeof(*rule_vers1);
- rule_vers1++;
- }
- /* now do dynamic rules */
- dyn_rule_vers1 = (struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat *)rule_vers1;
- if (ipfw_dyn_v) {
- for (i = 0; i < curr_dyn_buckets; i++) {
- for ( p = ipfw_dyn_v[i] ; p != NULL ; p = p->next) {
- dyn_rule_vers1->chain = p->rule->rulenum;
- dyn_rule_vers1->id = p->id;
- dyn_rule_vers1->mask = p->id;
- dyn_rule_vers1->type = p->dyn_type;
- dyn_rule_vers1->expire = p->expire;
- dyn_rule_vers1->pcnt = p->pcnt;
- dyn_rule_vers1->bcnt = p->bcnt;
- dyn_rule_vers1->bucket = p->bucket;
- dyn_rule_vers1->state = p->state;
- dyn_rule_vers1->next = (struct ipfw_dyn_rule *) dyn_rule_vers1;
- dyn_last = dyn_rule_vers1;
- len += sizeof(*dyn_rule_vers1);
- dyn_rule_vers1++;
- }
- }
- if (dyn_last != NULL) {
- dyn_last->next = NULL;
+ if ( is64user ){
+ int rulesize_64;
+ ipfw_convert_from_latest(bp, (void *)rule_vers1, api_version, is64user);
+ rulesize_64 = sizeof(struct ip_fw_64) + ((struct ip_fw_64 *)(bp))->cmd_len * 4 - 4;
+ bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + rulesize_64);
+ }else {
+ int rulesize_32;
+ ipfw_convert_from_latest(bp, (void *)rule_vers1, api_version, is64user);
+ rulesize_32 = sizeof(struct ip_fw_32) + ((struct ip_fw_32 *)(bp))->cmd_len * 4 - 4;
+ bp = (struct ip_fw *)((char *)bp + rulesize_32);
+ len += ipfwcompsize;
+ rule_vers1 += ipfwcompsize;
+ /* now do dynamic rules */
+ if ( is64user )
+ cp_dyn_to_comp_64( (struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_64 *)rule_vers1, &len);
+ else
+ cp_dyn_to_comp_32( (struct ipfw_dyn_rule_compat_32 *)rule_vers1, &len);
error = sooptcopyout(sopt, buf2, len);
_FREE(buf2, M_TEMP);
_FREE(buf, M_TEMP);
+ }
* Normally we cannot release the lock on each iteration.
case IP_FW_ADD:
+ {
+ size_t savedsopt_valsize=0;
if (rule == 0) {
error = ENOBUFS;
bzero(rule, RULE_MAXSIZE);
if (api_version != IP_FW_CURRENT_API_VERSION) {
- error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, rule, api_version);
+ error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, rule, api_version, is64user);
else {
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, rule, RULE_MAXSIZE,
- sizeof(struct ip_fw) );
+ savedsopt_valsize = sopt->sopt_valsize; /* it might get modified in sooptcopyin_fw */
+ error = sooptcopyin_fw( sopt, rule, &rulesize);
if (!error) {
* adjust sopt_valsize to match what would be expected.
sopt->sopt_valsize = RULESIZE(rule);
+ rulesize = RULESIZE(rule);
- error = check_ipfw_struct(rule, sopt->sopt_valsize);
+ error = check_ipfw_struct(rule, rulesize);
if (!error) {
error = add_rule(&layer3_chain, rule);
if (api_version == IP_FW_VERSION_0) {
struct ip_old_fw rule_vers0;
- ipfw_convert_from_latest(rule, &rule_vers0, api_version);
+ ipfw_convert_from_latest(rule, &rule_vers0, api_version, is64user);
sopt->sopt_valsize = sizeof(struct ip_old_fw);
error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &rule_vers0, sizeof(struct ip_old_fw));
} else if (api_version == IP_FW_VERSION_1) {
struct ip_fw_compat rule_vers1;
- ipfw_convert_from_latest(rule, &rule_vers1, api_version);
+ ipfw_convert_from_latest(rule, &rule_vers1, api_version, is64user);
sopt->sopt_valsize = sizeof(struct ip_fw_compat);
error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &rule_vers1, sizeof(struct ip_fw_compat));
} else {
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, rule, size);
+ char *userrule;
+ userrule = _MALLOC(savedsopt_valsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if ( userrule == NULL )
+ userrule = (char*)rule;
+ if (proc_is64bit(sopt->sopt_p)){
+ copyto64fw( rule, (struct ip_fw_64*)userrule, savedsopt_valsize);
+ }
+ else {
+ copyto32fw( rule, (struct ip_fw_32*)userrule, savedsopt_valsize);
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, userrule, savedsopt_valsize);
+ if ( userrule )
+ _FREE(userrule, M_TEMP);
_FREE(rule, M_TEMP);
+ }
case IP_FW_DEL:
bzero(&temp_rule, sizeof(struct ip_fw));
if (api_version != IP_FW_CURRENT_API_VERSION) {
- error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, &temp_rule, api_version);
+ error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, &temp_rule, api_version, is64user);
else {
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &temp_rule, sizeof(struct ip_fw),
- sizeof(struct ip_fw) );
+ error = sooptcopyin_fw(sopt, &temp_rule, 0 );
if (!error) {
/* there is only a simple rule passed in
* (no cmds), so use a temp struct to copy
- struct ip_fw temp_rule;
+ struct ip_fw temp_rule;
bzero(&temp_rule, sizeof(struct ip_fw));
if (api_version != IP_FW_CURRENT_API_VERSION) {
- error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, &temp_rule, api_version);
+ error = ipfw_convert_to_latest(sopt, &temp_rule, api_version, is64user);
else {
if (sopt->sopt_val != 0) {
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &temp_rule, sizeof(struct ip_fw),
- sizeof(struct ip_fw) );
+ error = sooptcopyin_fw( sopt, &temp_rule, 0);
static void
ipfw_tick(__unused void * unused)
+ struct mbuf *m0, *m, *mnext, **mtailp;
int i;
ipfw_dyn_rule *q;
struct timeval timenow;
if (dyn_keepalive == 0 || ipfw_dyn_v == NULL || dyn_count == 0)
goto done;
+ /*
+ * We make a chain of packets to go out here -- not deferring
+ * until after we drop the ipfw lock would result
+ * in a lock order reversal with the normal packet input -> ipfw
+ * call stack.
+ */
+ m0 = NULL;
+ mtailp = &m0;
for (i = 0 ; i < curr_dyn_buckets ; i++) {
for (q = ipfw_dyn_v[i] ; q ; q = q->next ) {
if (TIME_LEQ(q->expire, timenow.tv_sec))
continue; /* too late, rule expired */
- send_pkt(&(q->id), q->ack_rev - 1, q->ack_fwd, TH_SYN);
- send_pkt(&(q->id), q->ack_fwd - 1, q->ack_rev, 0);
+ *mtailp = send_pkt(&(q->id), q->ack_rev - 1, q->ack_fwd, TH_SYN);
+ if (*mtailp != NULL)
+ mtailp = &(*mtailp)->m_nextpkt;
+ *mtailp = send_pkt(&(q->id), q->ack_fwd - 1, q->ack_rev, 0);
+ if (*mtailp != NULL)
+ mtailp = &(*mtailp)->m_nextpkt;
+ for (m = mnext = m0; m != NULL; m = mnext) {
+ struct route sro; /* fake route */
+ mnext = m->m_nextpkt;
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ bzero (&sro, sizeof (sro));
+ ip_output_list(m, 0, NULL, &sro, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (sro.ro_rt)
+ RTFREE(sro.ro_rt);
+ }
timeout(ipfw_tick, NULL, dyn_keepalive_period*hz);