- * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
static int ClearBTNodes(struct vnode *vp, long blksize, off_t offset, off_t amount);
static int btree_journal_modify_block_end(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct buf *bp);
+void btree_swap_node(struct buf *bp, __unused void *arg);
OSStatus SetBTreeBlockSize(FileReference vp, ByteCount blockSize, __unused ItemCount minBlockCount)
BTreeControlBlockPtr bTreePtr;
OSStatus GetBTreeBlock(FileReference vp, u_int32_t blockNum, GetBlockOptions options, BlockDescriptor *block)
OSStatus retval = E_NONE;
struct buf *bp = NULL;
+ u_int8_t allow_empty_node;
+ /* If the btree block is being read using hint, it is
+ * fine for the swap code to find zeroed out nodes.
+ */
+ if (options & kGetBlockHint) {
+ allow_empty_node = true;
+ } else {
+ allow_empty_node = false;
+ }
if (options & kGetEmptyBlock) {
daddr64_t blkno;
* size once the B-tree control block is set up with the node size
* from the header record.
- retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeHeaderRecordOnly);
+ retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeHeaderRecordOnly, allow_empty_node);
} else if (block->blockReadFromDisk) {
* The node was just read from disk, so always swap/check it.
* This is necessary on big endian since the test below won't trigger.
- retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeBigToHost);
+ retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeBigToHost, allow_empty_node);
} else if (*((u_int16_t *)((char *)block->buffer + (block->blockSize - sizeof (u_int16_t)))) == 0x0e00) {
* The node was left in the cache in non-native order, so swap it.
* This only happens on little endian, after the node is written
* back to disk.
- retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeBigToHost);
+ retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (block, vp, kSwapBTNodeBigToHost, allow_empty_node);
void ModifyBlockStart(FileReference vp, BlockDescPtr blockPtr)
struct hfsmount *hfsmp = VTOHFS(vp);
bp = (struct buf *) blockPtr->blockHeader;
if (bp == NULL) {
- panic("ModifyBlockStart: null bp for blockdescptr %p?!?\n", blockPtr);
+ panic("hfs: ModifyBlockStart: null bp for blockdescptr %p?!?\n", blockPtr);
blockPtr->isModified = 1;
-static void
btree_swap_node(struct buf *bp, __unused void *arg)
// struct hfsmount *hfsmp = (struct hfsmount *)arg;
block.blockReadFromDisk = (buf_fromcache(bp) == 0);
block.blockSize = buf_count(bp);
- // swap the data now that this node is ready to go to disk
- retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (&block, vp, kSwapBTNodeHostToBig);
+ /* Swap the data now that this node is ready to go to disk.
+ * We allow swapping of zeroed out nodes here because we might
+ * be writing node whose last record just got deleted.
+ */
+ retval = hfs_swap_BTNode (&block, vp, kSwapBTNodeHostToBig, true);
if (retval)
- panic("btree_swap_node: about to write corrupt node!\n");
+ panic("hfs: btree_swap_node: about to write corrupt node!\n");
OSStatus ReleaseBTreeBlock(FileReference vp, BlockDescPtr blockPtr, ReleaseBlockOptions options)
struct hfsmount *hfsmp = VTOHFS(vp);
} else {
buf_brelse(bp); /* note: B-tree code will clear blockPtr->blockHeader and blockPtr->buffer */
+ /* Don't let anyone else try to use this bp, it's been consumed */
+ blockPtr->blockHeader = NULL;
} else {
if (options & kForceWriteBlock) {
if (hfsmp->jnl) {
} else {
retval = VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ /* Don't let anyone else try to use this bp, it's been consumed */
+ blockPtr->blockHeader = NULL;
} else if (options & kMarkBlockDirty) {
struct timeval tv;
buf_clearflags(bp, B_LOCKED);
+ /* Don't let anyone else try to use this bp, it's been consumed */
+ blockPtr->blockHeader = NULL;
} else {
// check if we had previously called journal_modify_block_start()
// on this block and if so, abort it (which will call buf_brelse()).
} else {
buf_brelse(bp); /* note: B-tree code will clear blockPtr->blockHeader and blockPtr->buffer */
- };
- };
+ /* Don't let anyone else try to use this bp, it's been consumed */
+ blockPtr->blockHeader = NULL;
+ }
+ }
return (retval);
OSStatus ExtendBTreeFile(FileReference vp, FSSize minEOF, FSSize maxEOF)
#pragma unused (maxEOF)
trim = ((filePtr->fcbEOF - origSize) % btInfo.nodeSize);
- ret = TruncateFileC(vcb, filePtr, filePtr->fcbEOF - trim, 0);
+ ret = TruncateFileC(vcb, filePtr, filePtr->fcbEOF - trim, 0, 0, FTOC(filePtr)->c_fileid, 0);
filePtr->fcbEOF = (u_int64_t)filePtr->ff_blocks * (u_int64_t)vcb->blockSize;
// XXXdbg - panic if the file didn't get trimmed back properly
if (ret) {
// XXXdbg - this probably doesn't need to be a panic()
panic("hfs: error truncating btree files (sz 0x%llx, trim %lld, ret %ld)\n",
- filePtr->fcbEOF, trim, ret);
+ filePtr->fcbEOF, trim, (long)ret);
goto out;
BTreeControlBlockPtr btcb = NULL;
struct buf *bp = NULL;
void * buffer;
+ u_int8_t *bitmap;
u_int16_t *index;
+ u_int32_t node_num, num_map_nodes;
+ u_int32_t bytes_per_map_record;
+ u_int32_t temp;
u_int16_t offset;
int intrans = 0;
int result;
+ int newvnode_flags = 0;
* Serialize creation using HFS_CREATING_BTREE flag.
bzero(&cfork, sizeof(cfork));
cfork.cf_clump = nodesize * nodecnt;
- result = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork, &vp);
+ result = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr,
+ &cfork, &vp, &newvnode_flags);
if (result) {
goto exit;
goto exit;
btcb->totalNodes = VTOF(vp)->ff_size / nodesize;
- btcb->freeNodes = btcb->totalNodes - 1;
+ /*
+ * Figure out how many map nodes we'll need.
+ *
+ * bytes_per_map_record = the number of bytes in the map record of a
+ * map node. Since that is the only record in the node, it is the size
+ * of the node minus the node descriptor at the start, and two record
+ * offsets at the end of the node. The "- 2" is to round the size down
+ * to a multiple of 4 bytes (since sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor) is not a
+ * multiple of 4).
+ *
+ * The value "temp" here is the number of *bits* in the map record of
+ * the header node.
+ */
+ bytes_per_map_record = nodesize - sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor) - 2*sizeof(u_int16_t) - 2;
+ temp = 8 * (nodesize - sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor)
+ - sizeof(BTHeaderRec)
+ - kBTreeHeaderUserBytes
+ - 4 * sizeof(u_int16_t));
+ if (btcb->totalNodes > temp) {
+ num_map_nodes = howmany(btcb->totalNodes - temp, bytes_per_map_record * 8);
+ }
+ else {
+ num_map_nodes = 0;
+ }
+ btcb->freeNodes = btcb->totalNodes - 1 - num_map_nodes;
* Initialize the b-tree header on disk
ndp = (BTNodeDescriptor *)buffer;
+ if (num_map_nodes != 0)
+ ndp->fLink = 1;
ndp->kind = kBTHeaderNode;
ndp->numRecords = 3;
offset = sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor);
offset += kBTreeHeaderUserBytes;
index[(nodesize / 2) - 3] = offset;
- /* FILL IN THE MAP RECORD (only one node in use). */
- *((u_int8_t *)buffer + offset) = 0x80;
+ /* Mark the header node and map nodes in use in the map record.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Assumes that the header node's map record has at least
+ * (num_map_nodes + 1) bits.
+ */
+ bitmap = (u_int8_t *) buffer + offset;
+ temp = num_map_nodes + 1; /* +1 for the header node */
+ while (temp >= 8) {
+ *(bitmap++) = 0xFF;
+ temp -= 8;
+ }
+ *bitmap = ~(0xFF >> temp);
offset += nodesize - sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor) - sizeof(BTHeaderRec)
- kBTreeHeaderUserBytes - (4 * sizeof(int16_t));
index[(nodesize / 2) - 4] = offset;
if (result)
goto exit;
+ /* Create the map nodes: node numbers 1 .. num_map_nodes */
+ for (node_num=1; node_num <= num_map_nodes; ++node_num) {
+ bp = buf_getblk(vp, node_num, nodesize, 0, 0, BLK_META);
+ if (bp == NULL) {
+ result = EIO;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ buffer = (void *)buf_dataptr(bp);
+ blkdesc.buffer = buffer;
+ blkdesc.blockHeader = (void *)bp;
+ blkdesc.blockReadFromDisk = 0;
+ blkdesc.isModified = 0;
+ ModifyBlockStart(vp, &blkdesc);
+ bzero(buffer, nodesize);
+ index = (u_int16_t *)buffer;
+ /* Fill in the node descriptor */
+ ndp = (BTNodeDescriptor *)buffer;
+ if (node_num != num_map_nodes)
+ ndp->fLink = node_num + 1;
+ ndp->kind = kBTMapNode;
+ ndp->numRecords = 1;
+ offset = sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor);
+ index[(nodesize / 2) - 1] = offset;
+ /* Fill in the map record's offset */
+ /* Note: We assume that the map record is all zeroes */
+ offset = sizeof(BTNodeDescriptor) + bytes_per_map_record;
+ index[(nodesize / 2) - 2] = offset;
+ if (hfsmp->jnl) {
+ result = btree_journal_modify_block_end(hfsmp, bp);
+ } else {
+ result = VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ }
+ if (result)
+ goto exit;
+ }
/* Update vp/cp for attribute btree */
hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp = VTOC(vp);