+# only execute signed code. Hang this off config_embedded since there's
+# nothing more appropriate right now
+options CONFIG_ENFORCE_SIGNED_CODE # <config_embedded>
+# support dynamic signing of code
+options CONFIG_DYNAMIC_CODE_SIGNING # <dynamic_codesigning>
+# code decryption... used on embedded for app protection
+# must be set in all the bsd/conf and osfmk/conf MASTER files
+options CONFIG_CODE_DECRYPTION # <config_embedded>
+# User Content Protection, used on embedded
+options CONFIG_PROTECT # <config_protect>
+# freeze - support app hibernation, used on embedded
+# CONFIG_FREEZE_SUSPENDED_MIN is the minimum number of suspended
+# processes to be left unhibernated
+options CONFIG_FREEZE # <freeze>
+options CHECK_CS_VALIDATION_BITMAP # <config_cs_validation_bitmap>