- if (breakpoint_list[i].address)
- {
- kdp_vm_write((caddr_t)&(breakpoint_list[i].old_instruction), (caddr_t)breakpoint_list[i].address, sizeof(int));
- breakpoint_found = TRUE;
- breakpoint_list[i].address = 0;
- }
- }
- if (breakpoint_found)
- printf("kdp_remove_all_breakpoints: found extant breakpoints, removing them.\n");
- }
- return breakpoint_found;
-#define MAX_FRAMES 1000
-static int pid_from_task(task_t task)
- int pid = -1;
- if (task->bsd_info)
- pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info);
- return pid;
-kdp_stackshot(int pid, void *tracebuf, uint32_t tracebuf_size, unsigned trace_options, uint32_t *pbytesTraced)
- char *tracepos = (char *) tracebuf;
- char *tracebound = tracepos + tracebuf_size;
- uint32_t tracebytes = 0;
- int error = 0;
- task_t task = TASK_NULL;
- thread_t thread = THREAD_NULL;
- int nframes = trace_options;
- thread_snapshot_t tsnap = NULL;
- unsigned framesize = 2 * sizeof(vm_offset_t);
- struct task ctask;
- struct thread cthread;
- if ((nframes <= 0) || nframes > MAX_FRAMES)
- nframes = MAX_FRAMES;
- queue_iterate(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks) {
- if ((task == NULL) || (ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t) task, (vm_offset_t) &ctask, sizeof(struct task)) != sizeof(struct task)))
- goto error_exit;
- /* Trace everything, unless a process was specified */
- if ((pid == -1) || (pid == pid_from_task(task)))
- queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads){
- if ((thread == NULL) || (ml_nofault_copy((vm_offset_t) thread, (vm_offset_t) &cthread, sizeof(struct thread)) != sizeof(struct thread)))
- goto error_exit;
- if (((tracepos + 4 * sizeof(struct thread_snapshot)) > tracebound)) {
- error = -1;
- goto error_exit;
- }
-/* Populate the thread snapshot header */
- tsnap = (thread_snapshot_t) tracepos;
- tsnap->thread_id = thread;
- tsnap->state = thread->state;
- tsnap->wait_queue = thread->wait_queue;
- tsnap->wait_event = thread->wait_event;
- tsnap->kernel_stack = thread->kernel_stack;
- tsnap->reserved_stack = thread->reserved_stack;
- tsnap->continuation = thread->continuation;
-/* Add the BSD process identifiers */
- if ((tsnap->pid = pid_from_task(task)) != -1)
- proc_name_kdp(task, tsnap->p_comm, MAXCOMLEN + 1);
- else
- tsnap->p_comm[0] = '\0';
- tsnap->snapshot_magic = 0xfeedface;
- tracepos += sizeof(struct thread_snapshot);
-/* Call through to the machine specific trace routines
- * Frames are added past the snapshot header.
- */
- if (tsnap->kernel_stack != 0)
- tracebytes = machine_trace_thread(thread, tracepos, tracebound, nframes, FALSE);
- tsnap->nkern_frames = tracebytes/(2 * sizeof(vm_offset_t));
- tracepos += tracebytes;
- tracebytes = 0;
- tsnap->user64_p = 0;
-/* Trace user stack, if any */
- if (thread->task->map != kernel_map) {
-/* 64-bit task? */
- if (task_has_64BitAddr(thread->task)) {
- tracebytes = machine_trace_thread64(thread, tracepos, tracebound, nframes, TRUE);
- tsnap->user64_p = 1;
- framesize = 2 * sizeof(addr64_t);
- }
- else {
- tracebytes = machine_trace_thread(thread, tracepos, tracebound, nframes, TRUE);
- framesize = 2 * sizeof(vm_offset_t);
- }
- }
- tsnap->nuser_frames = tracebytes/framesize;
- tracepos += tracebytes;
- tracebytes = 0;