+# code decryption... used on embedded for app protection
+# must be set in all the bsd/conf and osfmk/conf MASTER files
+options CONFIG_CODE_DECRYPTION # <config_embedded>
+# Context switched counters
+options CONFIG_COUNTERS # <config_counters>
+# Timeshare scheduler implementations
+options CONFIG_SCHED_TRADITIONAL # <config_sched_traditional>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_PROTO # <config_sched_proto>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR # <config_sched_grrr>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_FIXEDPRIORITY # <config_sched_fixedpriority>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR_CORE # <config_sched_grrr,config_sched_fixedpriority>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_IDLE_IN_PLACE # <config_sched_idle_in_place>
+options CONFIG_GZALLOC # <config_gzalloc>
+# enable per-process memory priority tracking
+options CONFIG_MEMORYSTATUS # <memorystatus>
+# enable jetsam - used on embedded
+options CONFIG_JETSAM # <jetsam>
+# enable freezing of suspended processes - used on embedded
+options CONFIG_FREEZE # <freeze>
+options CHECK_CS_VALIDATION_BITMAP # <config_cs_validation_bitmap>
+# Enable dispatch of memory pressure events from the vm_pageout_garbage_collect thread
+options VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS # <vm_pressure_events>
+# Enable allocation of contiguous physical memory through vm_map_enter_cpm()
+options VM_CPM # <vm_cpm>
+options CONFIG_SKIP_PRECISE_USER_KERNEL_TIME # <config_skip_precise_user_kernel_time>