# Kernel gdb macros
# These gdb macros should be useful during kernel development in
# All the convenience variables used by these macros begin with $kgm_
-define showversion
-#Display version string, a pointer to which is pinned at 0x501C in the kernel's
-#low memory globals
- p (char *) *0x501c
-document showversion
-Syntax: showversion
-| Read the kernel version string from a fixed address in low
-| memory. Useful if you don't know which kernel is on the other end,
-| and need to find the appropriate symbols. Beware that if you've
-| loaded a symbol file, but aren't connected to a remote target,
-| the version string from the symbol file will be displayed instead.
-| This macro expects to be connected to the remote kernel to function
-| correctly.
+set print asm-demangle on
+set cp-abi gnu-v2
-set $kgm_dummy = &proc0
-set $kgm_dummy = &kmod
-set $kgm_mtype = ((struct mach_header)_mh_execute_header).cputype
+# This option tells gdb to relax its stack tracing heuristics
+# Useful for debugging across stack switches
+# (to the interrupt stack, for instance). Requires gdb-675 or greater.
+set backtrace sanity-checks off
echo Loading Kernel GDB Macros package. Type "help kgm" for more info.\n
| These are the kernel gdb macros. These gdb macros are intended to be
| used when debugging a remote kernel via the kdp protocol. Typically, you
| would connect to your remote target like so:
-| (gdb) target remote-kdp
-| (gdb) attach <name-of-remote-host>
+| (gdb) target remote-kdp
+| (gdb) attach <name-of-remote-host>
| The following macros are available in this package:
| showversion Displays a string describing the remote kernel version
| showallvm Display a summary listing of all the vm maps
| showallvme Display a summary listing of all the vm map entries
| showallipc Display a summary listing of all the ipc spaces
+| showipcsummary Display a summary listing of the ipc spaces of all tasks
| showallrights Display a summary listing of all the ipc rights
-| showallkmods Display a summary listing of all the kernel modules
-| showallclasses Display info about all OSObject subclasses in the system
+| showallkexts Display a summary listing of all loaded kexts (alias: showallkmods)
+| showallknownkexts Display a summary listing of all kexts, loaded or not
+| showallbusyports Display a listing of all ports with unread messages
+| showallprocessors Display a listing of all psets and processors
+| showallclasses Display info about all OSObject subclasses in the system
+| showobject Show info about an OSObject - its vtable ptr and retain count, & more info for simple container classes.
+| showregistry Show info about all registry entries in the current plane
+| showregistryprops Show info about all registry entries in the current plane, and their properties
+| showregistryentry Show info about a registry entry; its properties and descendants in the current plane
+| setregistryplane Set the plane to be used for the iokit registry macros (pass zero for list)
+| setfindregistrystr Set the encoded string for matching with
+| findregistryentry or findregistryprop (created from
+| strcmp_arg_pack64)
+| findregistryentry Find a registry entry that matches the encoded string
+| findregistryentries Find all the registry entries that match the encoded string
+| findregistryprop Search the registry entry for a property that matches
+| the encoded string
| showtask Display info about the specified task
| showtaskthreads Display info about the threads in the task
| showtaskvme Display info about the task's vm_map entries
| showtaskipc Display info about the specified task's ipc space
| showtaskrights Display info about the task's ipc space entries
+| showtaskrightsbt Display info about the task's ipc space entries with back traces
+| showtaskbusyports Display all of the task's ports with unread messages
| showact Display info about a thread specified by activation
| showactstack Display the stack for a thread specified by activation
| showpid Display info about the process identified by pid
| showproc Display info about the process identified by proc struct
+| showprocinfo Display detailed info about the process identified by proc struct
+| showprocfiles Given a proc_t pointer, display the list of open file descriptors
+| showproclocks Given a proc_t pointer, display the list of advisory file locks
+| zombproc Print out all procs in the zombie list
+| showproctree Show all the processes in a hierarchical tree form
+| allproc Print out all process in the system not in the zombie list
+| zombstacks Print out all stacks of tasks that are exiting
+| showinitchild Print out all processes in the system which are children of init process
-| showkmod Display info about a kernel module
-| showkmodaddr Given an address, display the kernel module and offset
+| showkext Display info about a kext (alias: showkmod)
+| showkextaddr Given an address, display the kext and offset (alias: showkmodaddr)
| dumpcallqueue Dump out all the entries given a queue head
| switchtoctx Switch to different context
| showuserstack Display numeric backtrace of the user stack for an
| activation
+| showtaskuserstacks Display user stacks for a specified task
+| showuserregisters Display user registers for the specified thread
+| showtaskuserregisters Display user registers for the specified task
| switchtouserthread Switch to the user context of the specified thread
| resetstacks Return to the original kernel context
| resume_off Don't resume when detaching from gdb
| sendcore Configure kernel to send a coredump to the specified IP
+| sendsyslog Configure kernel to send a system log to the specified IP
+| sendpaniclog Configure kernel to send a panic log to the specified IP
| disablecore Configure the kernel to disable coredump transmission
+| getdumpinfo Retrieve the current remote dump parameters
+| setdumpinfo Configure the remote dump parameters
| switchtocorethread Corefile version of "switchtoact"
| resetcorectx Corefile version of "resetctx"
+| readphys8 Reads the specified untranslated address (8-bit read)
+| readphys16 Reads the specified untranslated address (16-bit read)
+| readphys32 Reads the specified untranslated address (32-bit read)
+| readphys64 Reads the specified untranslated address (64-bit read)
+| writephys8 Writes to the specified untranslated address (8-bit write)
+| writephys16 Writes to the specified untranslated address (16-bit write)
+| writephys32 Writes to the specified untranslated address (32-bit write)
+| writephys64 Writes to the specified untranslated address (64-bit write)
+| readioport8 Read 8-bits from the specified I/O Port
+| readioport16 Read 16-bits from the specified I/O Port
+| readioport32 Read 32-bits from the specified I/O Port
+| writeioport8 Write 8-bits into the specified I/O Port
+| writeioport16 Write 16-bits into the specified I/O Port
+| writeioport32 Write 32-bits into the specified I/O Port
+| readmsr64 Read 64-bits from the specified MSR
+| writemsr64 Write 64-bits into the specified MSR
+| rtentry_showdbg Print the debug information of a route entry
+| rtentry_trash Walk the list of trash route entries
+| inifa_showdbg Print the debug information of an IPv4 interface address
+| in6ifa_showdbg Print the debug information of an IPv6 interface address
+| inm_showdbg Print the debug information of an IPv4 multicast address
+| ifma_showdbg Print the debug information of a link multicast address
+| ifpref_showdbg Print the debug information of an interface ref count
+| ndpr_showdbg Print the debug information of a nd_prefix structure
+| nddr_showdbg Print the debug information of a nd_defrouter structure
+| imo_showdbg Print the debug information of a ip_moptions structure
+| im6o_showdbg Print the debug information of a ip6_moptions structure
+| inifa_trash Walk the list of trash in_ifaddr entries
+| in6ifa_trash Walk the list of trash in6_ifaddr entries
+| inm_trash Walk the list of trash in_multi entries
+| in6m_trash Walk the list of trash in6_multi entries
+| ifma_trash Walk the list of trash ifmultiaddr entries
+| mbuf_walkpkt Walk the mbuf packet chain (m_nextpkt)
+| mbuf_walk Walk the mbuf chain (m_next)
+| mbuf_buf2slab Find the slab structure of the corresponding buffer
+| mbuf_buf2mca Find the mcache audit structure of the corresponding mbuf
+| mbuf_showmca Print the contents of an mbuf mcache audit structure
+| mbuf_showactive Print all active/in-use mbuf objects
+| mbuf_showinactive Print all freed/in-cache mbuf objects
+| mbuf_showall Print all mbuf objects
+| mbuf_slabs Print all slabs in the group
+| mbuf_slabstbl Print slabs table
+| mbuf_stat Print extended mbuf allocator statistics
+| mbuf_countchain Count the length of an mbuf chain
+| mbuf_topleak Print the top suspected mbuf leakers
+| mbuf_traceleak Print the leak information for a given leak address
+| mcache_walkobj Walk the mcache object chain (obj_next)
+| mcache_stat Print all mcaches in the system
+| mcache_showcache Display the number of objects in the cache
+| showbootargs Display boot arguments passed to the target kernel
+| showbootermemorymap Dump phys memory map from EFI
+| systemlog Display the kernel's printf ring buffer
+| hexdump Show the contents of memory as a hex/ASCII dump
+| showvnodepath Print the path for a vnode
+| showvnodelocks Display list of advisory locks held/blocked on a vnode
+| showvnodedev Display information about a device vnode
+| showtty Display information about a struct tty
+| showallvols Display a summary of mounted volumes
+| showvnode Display info about one vnode
+| showvolvnodes Display info about all vnodes of a given volume
+| showvolbusyvnodes Display info about busy (iocount!=0) vnodes of a given volume
+| showallbusyvnodes Display info about all busy (iocount!=0) vnodes
+| showallvnodes Display info about all vnodes
+| print_vnode Print out the fields of a vnode struct
+| showprocvnodes Print out all the open fds which are vnodes in a process
+| showallprocvnodes Print out all the open fds which are vnodes in any process
+| showmountvnodes Print the vnode list
+| showmountallvnodes Print the vnode inactive list
+| showworkqvnodes Print the vnode worker list
+| shownewvnodes Print the new vnode list
+| ifconfig display ifconfig-like output
+| showifnets show the list of attached and detached interfaces
+| showifaddrs show the list of addresses for the given ifp
+| showifmultiaddrs show the list of multicast addresses for the given ifp
+| showinmultiaddrs show the list of IPv4 multicast addresses records
+| showin6multiaddrs show the list of IPv6 multicast addresses records
+| showsocket Display information about a socket
+| showprocsockets Given a proc_t pointer, display information about its sockets
+| showallprocsockets Display information about the sockets of all the processes
+| show_tcp_pcbinfo Display the list of the TCP protocol control blocks
+| show_tcp_timewaitslots Display the list of the TCP protocol control blocks in TIMEWAIT
+| show_udp_pcbinfo Display the list of UDP protocol control blocks
+| show_rt_inet Display the IPv4 routing table
+| show_rt_inet6 Display the IPv6 routing table
+| showpmworkqueue Display the IOPMWorkQueue object
+| showregistrypmstate Display power management state for all IOPower registry entries
+| showioservicepm Display the IOServicePM object
+| showstacksaftertask showallstacks starting after a given task
+| showstacksafterthread showallstacks starting after a given thread
+| showMCAstate Print machine-check register state after MC exception.
+| showallgdbstacks Cause GDB to trace all thread stacks
+| showallgdbcorestacks Corefile equivalent of "showallgdbstacks"
+| kdp-reenter Schedule reentry into the debugger and continue.
+| kdp-reboot Restart remote target
+| kdp-version Get KDP version number
+| zstack Print zalloc caller stack (zone leak debugging)
+| findoldest Find oldest zone leak debugging record
+| countpcs Print how often a pc occurs in the zone leak log
+| showtopztrace Print the ztrace with the most outstanding allocated memory
+| showztrace Print a backtrace record given its index
+| showzalloc Print an allocation record + stacktrace at index
+| showztraceaddr Print a backtrace record given its address
+| showztracesabove Print all the backtrace records with a size bigger than X
+| showzstacktrace Symbolicate and print a stored OSBacktrace
+| showztraces Finds all in-use traces in the ztraces table
+| showzallocs Finds all in-use allocations in the zallocs table
+| showzstats Shows the statistics gathered about the hash tables
+| showzallocsfortrace Print all the allocations that refer to a trace
+| showztracehistogram Prints a histogram of the ztraces table
+| showzallochistogram Prints a histogram of the zallocs table
+| pmap_walk Perform a page-table walk
+| pmap_vtop Translate a virtual address to physical address
+| showuserdyldinfo Show dyld information and error messages
+| in the target task
+| showuserlibraries Show binary images known by dyld in the
+| target task
+| showallvmstats Prints a summary of vm statistics in a table format
+| memstats Displays memory statistics in a table format
+| showthreadfortid Displays the address of the thread structure
+| for a given thread_id value.
-| kdp-reboot Restart remote target
+| strcmp_nomalloc A version of strcmp that avoids the use of malloc
+| through the use of encoded strings created via
+| strcmp_arg_pack64.
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 Pack a string into a 64-bit quantity for use by
+| strcmp_nomalloc
+| pci_cfg_read8 Read 8-bits from a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_read16 Read 16-bits from a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_read32 Read 32-bits from a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_write8 Write 8-bits into a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_write16 Write 16-bits into a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_write32 Write 32-bits into a PCI config space register
+| pci_cfg_dump Dump entire config space for a PCI device
+| pci_cfg_scan Perform a scan for PCI devices
+| pci_cfg_dump_all Dump config spaces for all detected PCI devices
+| lapic_read32 Read APIC entry
+| lapic_write32 Write APIC entry
+| lapic_dump Dump APIC entries
+| ioapic_read32 Read IOAPIC entry
+| ioapic_write32 Write IOAPIC entry
+| ioapic_dump Dump IOAPIC entries
+| showallproviders Display summary listing of all dtrace_providers
+| showallmodctls Display summary listing of all dtrace modctls
+| showmodctl Display info about a dtrace modctl
+| showfbtprobe Display info about an fbt probe given an id (traverses fbt_probetab)
+| processortimers Display all processor timers, noting any inconsistencies
+| maplocalcache Enable local caching in GDB for improved debug speeds
+| flushlocalcahe Disable local caching in GDB (deletes all memory regions)
| Type "help <macro>" for more specific help on a particular macro.
| Type "show user <macro>" to see what the macro is really doing.
+# This macro should appear before any symbol references, to facilitate
+# a gdb "source" without a loaded symbol file.
+define showversion
+ kdp-kernelversion
+document showversion
+Syntax: showversion
+| Read the kernel version string from a fixed address in low
+| memory. Useful if you don't know which kernel is on the other end,
+| and need to find the appropriate symbols. Beware that if you've
+| loaded a symbol file, but aren't connected to a remote target,
+| the version string from the symbol file will be displayed instead.
+| This macro expects to be connected to the remote kernel to function
+| correctly.
+set $kgm_mtype_ppc = 0x00000012
+set $kgm_mtype_arm = 0x0000000C
+set $kgm_mtype_i386 = 0x00000007
+set $kgm_mtype_x86_64 = 0x01000007
+set $kgm_mtype_x86_any = $kgm_mtype_i386
+set $kgm_mtype_x86_mask = 0xFEFFFFFF
+set $kgm_mtype = ((unsigned int *)&_mh_execute_header)[1]
+set $kgm_lp64 = $kgm_mtype & 0x01000000
+set $kgm_manual_pkt_ppc = 0x549C
+set $kgm_manual_pkt_i386 = 0x249C
+set $kgm_manual_pkt_x86_64 = 0xFFFFFF8000002930
+set $kgm_manual_pkt_arm = 0xFFFF04A0
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_data_len = 128
+# part of data packet
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_req_off = 0
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_seq_off = 1
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_len_off = 2
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_key_off = 4
+# after data packet
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_len_off = $kgm_kdp_pkt_data_len
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_input_off = $kgm_kdp_pkt_data_len + 4
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hostreboot = 0x13
+set $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_size = 8
+set $kgm_readphys_force_kdp = 0
+set $kgm_readphys_force_physmap = 0
+set $kgm_lcpu_self = 0xFFFE
+set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+set $kgm_reg_depth_max = 0xFFFF
+set $kgm_reg_plane = (IORegistryPlane *) gIOServicePlane
+set $kgm_namekey = (OSSymbol *) 0
+set $kgm_childkey = (OSSymbol *) 0
+set $kgm_show_object_addrs = 0
+set $kgm_show_object_retain = 0
+set $kgm_show_props = 0
+set $kgm_show_data_alwaysbytes = 0
+set $kgm_show_kmod_syms = 0
+# send a manual packet header that doesn't require knowing the location
+# of everything.
+define manualhdrint
+ set $req = $arg0
+ set $hdrp = (uint32_t *) $kgm_manual_pkt_i386
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ set $hdrp = (uint32_t *) $kgm_manual_pkt_ppc
+ set $req = $req << 1 # shift to deal with endiannness
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $hdrp = (uint64_t *) $kgm_manual_pkt_x86_64
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $hdrp = (uint32_t *) $kgm_manual_pkt_arm
+ end
+ set $pkt_hdr = *$hdrp
+ set *((uint8_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_input_off)) = 0
+ set *((uint32_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_len_off)) = $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_size
+ set *((uint8_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_req_off)) = $req
+ set *((uint8_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_seq_off)) = 0
+ set *((uint16_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_len_off)) = $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_size
+ set *((uint32_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_hdr_key_off)) = 0
+ set *((uint8_t *) ($pkt_hdr + $kgm_kdp_pkt_input_off)) = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+# Print a pointer
+define showptr
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "0x%016llx", $arg0
+ else
+ printf "0x%08x", $arg0
+ end
+# for headers, leave 8 chars for LP64 pointers
+define showptrhdrpad
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " "
+ end
+# Print a userspace pointer, using $kgm_tasp
+define showuserptr
+ set $kgm_userptr_task_64 = ( $kgm_taskp->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ if $kgm_userptr_task_64
+ printf "0x%016llx", $arg0
+ else
+ printf "0x%08x", $arg0
+ end
define showkmodheader
- printf "kmod address size "
- printf "id refs version name\n"
+ printf "kmod_info "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " address "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " size "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " id refs version name\n"
define showkmodint
set $kgm_kmodp = (struct kmod_info *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_kmodp->address
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_kmodp->size
+ showptr $kgm_kmodp
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_kmodp->address
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_kmodp->size
+ printf " "
printf "%3d ", $kgm_kmodp->id
printf "%5d ", $kgm_kmodp->reference_count
- printf "%10s ", &$kgm_kmodp->version
- printf "%s\n", &$kgm_kmodp->name
+ printf "%10s ", $kgm_kmodp->version
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_kmodp->name
-set $kgm_kmodmin = 0xffffffff
-set $kgm_fkmodmin = 0x00000000
-set $kgm_kmodmax = 0x00000000
-set $kgm_fkmodmax = 0xffffffff
+# cached info of the last kext found, to speed up subsequent lookups
set $kgm_pkmod = 0
set $kgm_pkmodst = 0
set $kgm_pkmoden = 0
-define showkmodaddr
- printf "0x%x" , $arg0
- if ((unsigned int)$arg0 >= (unsigned int)$kgm_pkmodst) && ((unsigned int)$arg0 <= (unsigned int)$kgm_pkmoden)
- set $kgm_off = ((unsigned int)$arg0 - (unsigned int)$kgm_pkmodst)
+define showkmodaddrint
+ showptr $arg0
+ if ((unsigned long)$arg0 >= (unsigned long)$kgm_pkmodst) && ((unsigned long)$arg0 < (unsigned long)$kgm_pkmoden)
+ set $kgm_off = ((unsigned long)$arg0 - (unsigned long)$kgm_pkmodst)
printf " <%s + 0x%x>", $kgm_pkmod->name, $kgm_off
- if ((unsigned int)$arg0 <= (unsigned int)$kgm_fkmodmax) && ((unsigned int)$arg0 >= (unsigned int)$kgm_fkmodmin)
- set $kgm_kmodp = (struct kmod_info *)kmod
- while $kgm_kmodp
- set $kgm_kmod = *$kgm_kmodp
- if $kgm_kmod.address && ($kgm_kmod.address < $kgm_kmodmin)
- set $kgm_kmodmin = $kgm_kmod.address
- end
- if ($kgm_kmod.address + $kgm_kmod.size) > $kgm_kmodmax
- set $kgm_kmodmax = $kgm_kmod.address
- end
- set $kgm_off = ((unsigned int)$arg0 - (unsigned int)$kgm_kmod.address)
- if ($kgm_kmod.address <= $arg0) && ($kgm_off <= $kgm_kmod.size)
- printf " <%s + 0x%x>", $kgm_kmodp->name, $kgm_off
- set $kgm_pkmod = $kgm_kmodp
- set $kgm_pkmodst = $kgm_kmod.address
- set $kgm_pkmoden = $kgm_pkmodst + $kgm_kmod.size
- set $kgm_kmodp = 0
- else
- set $kgm_kmodp = $kgm_kmod.next
- end
- end
- if !$kgm_pkmod
- set $kgm_fkmodmin = $kgm_kmodmin
- set $kgm_fkmodmax = $kgm_kmodmax
+ set $kgm_kmodp = (struct kmod_info *)kmod
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64) && ($arg0 >= (unsigned long)&_mh_execute_header)
+ # kexts are loaded below the kernel for x86_64
+ set $kgm_kmodp = 0
+ end
+ while $kgm_kmodp
+ set $kgm_off = ((unsigned long)$arg0 - (unsigned long)$kgm_kmodp->address)
+ if ($kgm_kmodp->address <= $arg0) && ($kgm_off < $kgm_kmodp->size)
+ printf " <%s + 0x%x>", $kgm_kmodp->name, $kgm_off
+ set $kgm_pkmod = $kgm_kmodp
+ set $kgm_pkmodst = $kgm_kmodp->address
+ set $kgm_pkmoden = $kgm_pkmodst + $kgm_kmodp->size
+ set $kgm_kmodp = 0
+ else
+ set $kgm_kmodp = $kgm_kmodp->next
+define showkmodaddr
+ showkmodaddrint $arg0
document showkmodaddr
+Syntax: (gdb) showkmodaddr <addr>
| Given an address, print the offset and name for the kmod containing it
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showkmodaddr <addr>
define showkmod
showkmodint $arg0
document showkmod
-| Routine to print info about a kernel module
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showkmod <kmod>
+Syntax: (gdb) showkmod <kmod>
+| Routine to print info about a kext
+define showkext
+ showkmod $arg0
+document showkext
+Syntax: (gdb) showkext <kmod_info_address>
+| Routine to print info about a kext
define showallkmods
document showallkmods
-| Routine to print a summary listing of all the kernel modules
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallkmods
+Syntax: (gdb) showallkmods
+| Routine to print a summary listing of all loaded kexts
+define showallkexts
+ showallkmods
+document showallkexts
+Syntax: (gdb) showallkexts
+| Routine to print a summary listing of all loaded kexts
+# See OSKextVersion.c for the C code this is based on
+set $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MAJ_MULT = 100000000
+set $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MIN_MULT = 1000000
+define printoskextversion
+ set $vers_scratch = $arg0
+ if ($vers_scratch == -1)
+ printf "(invalid)"
+ else
+ set $vers_major = $vers_scratch / $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MAJ_MULT
+ set $vers_scratch = $vers_scratch - ($vers_major * $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MAJ_MULT)
+ set $vers_minor = $vers_scratch / $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MIN_MULT
+ set $vers_scratch = $vers_scratch - ( $vers_minor * $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_MIN_MULT)
+ set $vers_revision = $vers_scratch / $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_REV_MULT
+ set $vers_scratch = $vers_scratch - ( $vers_revision * $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_REV_MULT)
+ set $vers_stage = $vers_scratch / $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_STAGE_MULT
+ set $vers_scratch = $vers_scratch - ( $vers_stage * $KGM_OSKEXT_VERS_STAGE_MULT)
+ set $vers_stagelevel = $vers_scratch
+ printf "%d.%d", $vers_major, $vers_minor
+ if ($vers_revision > 0)
+ printf ".%d", $vers_revision
+ end
+ if ($vers_stage == 1)
+ printf "d"
+ end
+ if ($vers_stage == 3)
+ printf "a"
+ end
+ if ($vers_stage == 5)
+ printf "b"
+ end
+ if ($vers_stage == 7)
+ printf "fc"
+ end
+ if ($vers_stage == 1 || $vers_stage == 3 || $vers_stage == 5 || $vers_stage == 7)
+ printf "%d", $vers_stagelevel
+ end
+ end
+define showallknownkexts
+ set $kext_count = sKextsByID->count
+ set $kext_index = 0
+ printf "%d kexts in sKextsByID:\n", $kext_count
+ printf "OSKext * "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "load_addr "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " id name (version)\n"
+ while $kext_index < $kext_count
+ set $kext_id = sKextsByID->dictionary[$kext_index].key->string
+ set $oskext = (OSKext *)sKextsByID->dictionary[$kext_index].value
+ showptr $oskext
+ printf " "
+ if ($oskext->flags.loaded)
+ showptr $oskext->kmod_info
+ printf " "
+ printf "%3d", $oskext->loadTag
+ else
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " -------- "
+ printf " "
+ printf " --"
+ end
+ printf " "
+ printf "%.64s (", $kext_id
+ printoskextversion (uint64_t)$oskext->version
+ printf ")\n"
+ set $kext_index = $kext_index + 1
+ end
+document showallknownkexts
+Syntax: (gdb) showallknownkexts
+| Routine to print a summary listing of all kexts, loaded or not
define showactheader
- printf " activation "
- printf "thread pri state wait_queue wait_event\n"
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " thread "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " thread_id "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " processor "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " pri io_policy state wait_queue"
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " wait_event\n"
define showactint
- printf " 0x%08x ", $arg0
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
set $kgm_thread = *(struct thread *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
- printf "%3d ", $kgm_thread.sched_pri
+ showptr $arg0
+ if ($kgm_thread.static_param)
+ printf "[WQ]"
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf " 0x%llx ", $kgm_thread.thread_id
+ showptr $kgm_thread.last_processor
+ printf " %3d ", $kgm_thread.sched_pri
+ if ($kgm_thread.uthread != 0)
+ set $kgm_printed = 0
+ set $kgm_uthread = (struct uthread *)$kgm_thread.uthread
+ if ($kgm_uthread->uu_flag & 0x400)
+ printf "RAGE "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ set $diskpolicy = 0
+ if ($kgm_thread->ext_appliedstate.hw_disk != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = $kgm_thread->ext_appliedstate.hw_disk
+ else
+ if ($kgm_thread->appliedstate.hw_disk != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = $kgm_thread->appliedstate.hw_disk
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_thread->ext_appliedstate.hw_bg != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = 5
+ end
+ if ($kgm_thread->appliedstate.hw_bg != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = 4
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 2)
+ printf "PASS "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 3)
+ printf "THROT "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 4)
+ printf "BG_THRT "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 5)
+ printf "EBG_THRT"
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_printed == 0)
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
set $kgm_state = $kgm_thread.state
if $kgm_state & 0x80
printf "I"
printf "S"
if $kgm_state & 0x01
- printf "W\t"
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_thread.wait_queue
- if ((unsigned)$kgm_thread.wait_event > (unsigned)sectPRELINKB)
- showkmodaddr $kgm_thread.wait_event
- else
- output /a (unsigned) $kgm_thread.wait_event
+ printf "W"
+ printf "\t "
+ showptr $kgm_thread.wait_queue
+ printf " "
+ if (((unsigned long)$kgm_thread.wait_event > (unsigned long)&last_kernel_symbol) \
+ && ($arg1 != 2) && ($kgm_show_kmod_syms == 0))
+ showkmodaddr $kgm_thread.wait_event
+ else
+ output /a $kgm_thread.wait_event
+ end
+ if ($kgm_thread.uthread != 0)
+ set $kgm_uthread = (struct uthread *)$kgm_thread.uthread
+ if ($kgm_uthread->uu_wmesg != 0)
+ printf "\t \"%s\"", $kgm_uthread->uu_wmesg
+ end
+ if ($kgm_thread.uthread != 0)
+ set $kgm_uthread = (struct uthread *)$kgm_thread.uthread
+ if ($kgm_uthread->pth_name && $kgm_uthread->pth_name[0])
+ printf "\n\t\tThread Name: %s", $kgm_uthread->pth_name
+ end
+ end
if $arg1 != 0
if ($kgm_thread.kernel_stack != 0)
+ if ($kgm_thread.uthread != 0)
+ printf "\n "
+ set $kgm_uthread = (struct uthread *)$kgm_thread.uthread
+ if ($kgm_uthread->uu_kwe.kwe_kwqqueue != 0)
+ set $kwq = (ksyn_wait_queue_t)$kgm_uthread->uu_kwe.kwe_kwqqueue
+ printf " kwq_lockcount:0x%x; kwq_retval:0x%x", $kgm_uthread->uu_kwe.kwe_lockseq, $kgm_uthread->uu_kwe.kwe_psynchretval
+ printf "\n "
+ show_kwq $kwq
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
if ($kgm_thread.reserved_stack != 0)
- printf "\n\t\treserved_stack=0x%08x", $kgm_thread.reserved_stack
+ printf "\n "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " reserved_stack="
+ showptr $kgm_thread.reserved_stack
- printf "\n\t\tkernel_stack=0x%08x", $kgm_thread.kernel_stack
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ printf "\n "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " kernel_stack="
+ showptr $kgm_thread.kernel_stack
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
set $mysp = $kgm_thread.machine.pcb->save_r1
- else
- set $kgm_statep = (struct i386_kernel_state *) \
- ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack + 0x4000 \
- - sizeof(struct i386_kernel_state))
- set $mysp = $kgm_statep->k_ebp
- set $prevsp = 0
- printf "\n\t\tstacktop=0x%08x", $mysp
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct x86_kernel_state *) \
+ ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size \
+ - sizeof(struct x86_kernel_state))
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $mysp = $kgm_statep->k_ebp
+ else
+ set $mysp = $kgm_statep->k_rbp
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ if (((unsigned long)$r7 < ((unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack+kernel_stack_size))) \
+ && ((unsigned long)$r7 > (unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack)))
+ set $mysp = $r7
+ else
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct arm_saved_state *)$kgm_thread.machine.kstackptr
+ set $mysp = $kgm_statep->r[7]
+ end
+ end
+ set $prevsp = $mysp - 16
+ printf "\n "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " stacktop="
+ showptr $mysp
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
set $stkmask = 0xf
- set $stklimit = 0xb0000000
set $stkmask = 0x3
- set $stklimit = 0xfc000000
+ set $kgm_return = 0
+ set $kgm_actint_framecount = 0
while ($mysp != 0) && (($mysp & $stkmask) == 0) \
- && ($mysp < $stklimit) \
- && ((unsigned)$mysp > (unsigned)$prevsp)
- printf "\n\t\t0x%08x ", $mysp
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ && ($mysp != $prevsp) \
+ && ((((unsigned long) $mysp - (unsigned long) $prevsp) < 0x4000) \
+ || (((unsigned long)$mysp < ((unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack+kernel_stack_size))) \
+ && ((unsigned long)$mysp > (unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack)))) \
+ && ($kgm_actint_framecount < 128)
+ printf "\n "
+ set $kgm_actint_framecount = $kgm_actint_framecount + 1
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " "
+ showptr $mysp
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
set $kgm_return = *($mysp + 8)
- else
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_return = *($mysp + 4)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_return = *(unsigned long *)($mysp + 8)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
set $kgm_return = *($mysp + 4)
- if ((unsigned) $kgm_return > (unsigned) sectPRELINKB)
- showkmodaddr $kgm_return
+ if (((unsigned long) $kgm_return < (unsigned long) &_mh_execute_header || \
+ (unsigned long) $kgm_return >= (unsigned long) &last_kernel_symbol ) \
+ && ($kgm_show_kmod_syms == 0))
+ showkmodaddr $kgm_return
- output /a (unsigned) $kgm_return
+ output /a $kgm_return
set $prevsp = $mysp
- set $mysp = * $mysp
+ set $mysp = *(unsigned long *)$mysp
- printf "\n\t\tstackbottom=0x%08x", $prevsp
+ set $kgm_return = 0
+ printf "\n "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " stackbottom="
+ showptr $prevsp
- printf "\n\t\t\tcontinuation="
- output /a (unsigned) $kgm_thread.continuation
+ printf "\n "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " continuation="
+ output /a $kgm_thread.continuation
printf "\n"
showactint $arg0 0
document showact
+Syntax: (gdb) showact <activation>
| Routine to print out the state of a specific thread.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showact <activation>
showactint $arg0 1
document showactstack
+Syntax: (gdb) showactstack <activation>
| Routine to print out the stack of a specific thread.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showactstack <activation>
define showallthreads
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
printf "\n"
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
document showallthreads
+Syntax: (gdb) showallthreads
| Routine to print out info about all threads in the system.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallthreads
+define showprocessorint
+ set $kgm_processor_int = (struct processor *)$arg0
+ printf "Processor "
+ showptr $kgm_processor_int
+ printf " State %d (cpu_id 0x%x)\n", ($kgm_processor_int)->state, ($kgm_processor_int)->cpu_id
define showcurrentthreads
-set $kgm_prp = processor_list
+ set $kgm_prp = (struct processor *)processor_list
while $kgm_prp != 0
+ showprocessorint $kgm_prp
if ($kgm_prp)->active_thread != 0
set $kgm_actp = ($kgm_prp)->active_thread
document showcurrentthreads
+Syntax: (gdb) showcurrentthreads
| Routine to print out info about the thread running on each cpu.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showcurrentthreads
+define _showrunqint
+ set $kgm_runq = (struct run_queue *)$arg0
+ printf " Priority Run Queue Info: Count %d\n", $kgm_runq->count
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_i = 0
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_count = sizeof($kgm_runq->queues)/sizeof($kgm_runq->queues[0])
+ while $kgm_runq->count && $kgm_runq_queue_i < $kgm_runq_queue_count
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_head = &$kgm_runq->queues[$kgm_runq_queue_i]
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_p = $kgm_runq_queue_head->next
+ if $kgm_runq_queue_p != $kgm_runq_queue_head
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_this_count = 0
+ while $kgm_runq_queue_p != $kgm_runq_queue_head
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_this_count = $kgm_runq_queue_this_count + 1
+ showtask ((thread_t)$kgm_runq_queue_p)->task
+ showactstack $kgm_runq_queue_p
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_p = $kgm_runq_queue_p->next
+ end
+ printf " Queue Priority %3d [", $kgm_runq_queue_i
+ showptr $kgm_runq_queue_head
+ printf "] Count %d\n", $kgm_runq_queue_this_count
+ end
+ set $kgm_runq_queue_i = $kgm_runq_queue_i + 1
+ end
+define _showgrrrint
+ set $kgm_grrr_runq = $arg0
+ printf " GRRR Info: Count %d Weight %d Current Group ", $kgm_grrr_runq->count, $kgm_grrr_runq->weight
+ showptr $kgm_grrr_runq->current_group
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_i = 0
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_count = sizeof($kgm_grrr_runq->groups)/sizeof($kgm_grrr_runq->groups[0])
+ while $kgm_grrr_runq->count && $kgm_grrr_group_i < $kgm_grrr_group_count
+ set $kgm_grrr_group = &$kgm_grrr_runq->groups[$kgm_grrr_group_i]
+ if $kgm_grrr_group->count > 0
+ printf " Group %3d [", $kgm_grrr_group->index
+ showptr $kgm_grrr_group
+ printf "] Count %d Weight %d\n", $kgm_grrr_group->count, $kgm_grrr_group->weight
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_client_head = &$kgm_grrr_group->clients
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_client = $kgm_grrr_group_client_head->next
+ while $kgm_grrr_group_client != $kgm_grrr_group_client_head
+ # showtask ((thread_t)$kgm_grrr_group_client)->task
+ # showactstack $kgm_grrr_group_client
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_client = $kgm_grrr_group_client->next
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_grrr_group_i = $kgm_grrr_group_i + 1
+ end
+define showallprocessors
+ set $kgm_pset = &pset0
+ set $kgm_show_grrr = 0
+ set $kgm_show_priority_runq = 0
+ set $kgm_show_priority_pset_runq = 0
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_grrr = 0
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_list = 0
+ if _sched_enum == 1
+ set $kgm_show_priority_runq = 1
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_list = 1
+ end
+ if _sched_enum == 2
+ set $kgm_show_priority_pset_runq = 1
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_list = 1
+ end
+ if _sched_enum == 4
+ set $kgm_show_grrr = 1
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_grrr = 1
+ end
+ if _sched_enum == 5
+ set $kgm_show_priority_runq = 1
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_list = 1
+ end
+ if _sched_enum == 6
+ set $kgm_show_priority_pset_runq = 1
+ set $kgm_show_fairshare_list = 1
+ end
+ while $kgm_pset != 0
+ printf "Processor Set "
+ showptr $kgm_pset
+ printf " Count %d (cpu_id 0x%x-0x%x)\n", ($kgm_pset)->cpu_set_count, ($kgm_pset)->cpu_set_low, ($kgm_pset)->cpu_set_hi
+ printf " Active Processors:\n"
+ set $kgm_active_queue_head = &($kgm_pset)->active_queue
+ set $kgm_active_elt = $kgm_active_queue_head->next
+ while $kgm_active_elt != $kgm_active_queue_head
+ set $kgm_processor = (processor_t)$kgm_active_elt
+ printf " "
+ showprocessorint $kgm_processor
+ if $kgm_show_priority_runq
+ set $kgm_runq = &$kgm_processor->runq
+ _showrunqint $kgm_runq
+ end
+ if $kgm_show_grrr
+ set $kgm_grrr_runq = &$kgm_processor->grrr_runq
+ _showgrrrint $kgm_grrr_runq
+ end
+ if $kgm_processor->processor_meta != 0 && $kgm_processor->processor_meta->primary == $kgm_processor
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head = &$kgm_processor->processor_meta->idle_queue
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle = $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head->next
+ while $kgm_processor_meta_idle != $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head
+ printf " Idle Meta Processor: "
+ showprocessorint $kgm_processor_meta_idle
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle = $kgm_processor_meta_idle->next
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_active_elt = $kgm_active_elt->next
+ end
+ printf " Idle Processors:\n"
+ set $kgm_idle_queue_head = &($kgm_pset)->idle_queue
+ set $kgm_idle_elt = $kgm_idle_queue_head->next
+ while $kgm_idle_elt != $kgm_idle_queue_head
+ set $kgm_processor = (processor_t)$kgm_idle_elt
+ printf " "
+ showprocessorint $kgm_processor
+ if $kgm_processor->processor_meta != 0 && $kgm_processor->processor_meta->primary == $kgm_processor
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head = &$kgm_processor->processor_meta->idle_queue
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle = $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head->next
+ while $kgm_processor_meta_idle != $kgm_processor_meta_idle_head
+ printf " Idle Meta Processor: "
+ showprocessorint $kgm_processor_meta_idle
+ set $kgm_processor_meta_idle = $kgm_processor_meta_idle->next
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_idle_elt = $kgm_idle_elt->next
+ end
+ if $kgm_show_priority_pset_runq
+ set $kgm_runq = &$kgm_pset->pset_runq
+ printf "\n"
+ _showrunqint $kgm_runq
+ end
+ set $kgm_pset = ($kgm_pset)->pset_list
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "Realtime Queue Count %d\n", rt_runq.count
+ set $kgm_rt_runq_head = &rt_runq.queue
+ set $kgm_rt_runq = $kgm_rt_runq_head->next
+ while $kgm_rt_runq != $kgm_rt_runq_head
+ showtask ((thread_t)$kgm_rt_runq)->task
+ showact $kgm_rt_runq
+ set $kgm_rt_runq = $kgm_rt_runq->next
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_show_fairshare_list
+ printf "Fair Share Queue Count %d\n", fs_runq.count
+ set $kgm_fs_runq_head = &fs_runq.queue
+ set $kgm_fs_runq = $kgm_fs_runq_head->next
+ while $kgm_fs_runq != $kgm_fs_runq_head
+ showtask ((thread_t)$kgm_fs_runq)->task
+ showact $kgm_fs_runq
+ set $kgm_fs_runq = $kgm_fs_runq->next
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_show_fairshare_grrr
+ printf "Fair Share Queue Count %d\n", fs_grrr_runq.count
+ set $kgm_fs_grrr = &fs_grrr_runq
+ _showgrrrint $kgm_fs_grrr
+ end
+document showallprocessors
+Syntax: (gdb) showallprocessors
+| Routine to print out info about all psets and processors
+set $decode_wait_events = 0
define showallstacks
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
- showtaskheader
+ showtaskheader
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
- set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
- showactint $kgm_actp 1
- set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
- end
+ if ($decode_wait_events > 0)
+ showactint $kgm_actp 1
+ else
+ showactint $kgm_actp 2
+ end
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
printf "\n"
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ printf "\nZombie Processes:\n"
+ zombstacks
document showallstacks
+Syntax: (gdb) showallstacks
| Routine to print out the stack for each thread in the system.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallstacks
+| If the variable $decode_wait_events is non-zero, the routine attempts to
+| interpret thread wait_events as kernel module offsets, which can add to
+| processing time.
define showcurrentstacks
-set $kgm_prp = processor_list
+ set $kgm_prp = processor_list
while $kgm_prp != 0
+ showprocessorint $kgm_prp
if ($kgm_prp)->active_thread != 0
set $kgm_actp = ($kgm_prp)->active_thread
set $kgm_prp = ($kgm_prp)->processor_list
document showcurrentstacks
+Syntax: (gdb) showcurrentstacks
| Routine to print out the thread running on each cpu (incl. its stack)
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showcurrentstacks
define showwaiterheader
- printf "waiters activation "
- printf "thread pri state wait_queue wait_event\n"
+ printf "waiters thread "
+ printf "processor pri state wait_queue wait_event\n"
define showwaitqwaiters
- set $kgm_w_waitqp = (struct wait_queue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_w_waitqp = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
set $kgm_w_linksp = &($kgm_w_waitqp->wq_queue)
- set $kgm_w_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_w_linksp->next
+ set $kgm_w_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_w_linksp->next
set $kgm_w_found = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_w_wqe != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_w_linksp)
if ($kgm_w_wqe->wqe_type != &_wait_queue_link)
set $kgm_w_shuttle = (struct thread *)$kgm_w_wqe
showactint $kgm_w_shuttle 0
- set $kgm_w_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_w_wqe->wqe_links.next
+ set $kgm_w_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_w_wqe->wqe_links.next
define showwaitqwaitercount
- set $kgm_wc_waitqp = (struct wait_queue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_wc_waitqp = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
set $kgm_wc_linksp = &($kgm_wc_waitqp->wq_queue)
- set $kgm_wc_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_wc_linksp->next
+ set $kgm_wc_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_wc_linksp->next
set $kgm_wc_count = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_wc_wqe != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_wc_linksp)
if ($kgm_wc_wqe->wqe_type != &_wait_queue_link)
set $kgm_wc_count = $kgm_wc_count + 1
- set $kgm_wc_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_wc_wqe->wqe_links.next
+ set $kgm_wc_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_wc_wqe->wqe_links.next
printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_wc_count
define showwaitqmembercount
- set $kgm_mc_waitqsetp = (struct wait_queue_set *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_mc_waitqsetp = (WaitQueueSet*)$arg0
set $kgm_mc_setlinksp = &($kgm_mc_waitqsetp->wqs_setlinks)
- set $kgm_mc_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_mc_setlinksp->next
+ set $kgm_mc_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_mc_setlinksp->next
set $kgm_mc_count = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_mc_wql != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_mc_setlinksp)
set $kgm_mc_count = $kgm_mc_count + 1
- set $kgm_mc_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_mc_wql->wql_setlinks.next
+ set $kgm_mc_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_mc_wql->wql_setlinks.next
printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_mc_count
define showwaitqmemberint
- set $kgm_m_waitqp = (struct wait_queue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_m_waitqp = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_m_waitqp
printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_m_waitqp->wq_interlock.lock_data
if ($kgm_m_waitqp->wq_fifo)
define showwaitqmemberof
- set $kgm_mo_waitqp = (struct wait_queue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_mo_waitqp = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
set $kgm_mo_linksp = &($kgm_mo_waitqp->wq_queue)
- set $kgm_mo_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_mo_linksp->next
+ set $kgm_mo_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_mo_linksp->next
set $kgm_mo_found = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_mo_wqe != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_mo_linksp)
if ($kgm_mo_wqe->wqe_type == &_wait_queue_link)
set $kgm_mo_found = 1
- set $kgm_mo_wqlp = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_mo_wqe
- set $kgm_mo_wqsetp = (struct wait_queue *)($kgm_mo_wqlp->wql_setqueue)
+ set $kgm_mo_wqlp = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_mo_wqe
+ set $kgm_mo_wqsetp = (WaitQueue*)($kgm_mo_wqlp->wql_setqueue)
showwaitqmemberint $kgm_mo_wqsetp
- set $kgm_mo_wqe = (struct wait_queue_element *)$kgm_mo_wqe->wqe_links.next
+ set $kgm_mo_wqe = (WaitQueueElement *)$kgm_mo_wqe->wqe_links.next
define showwaitqmembers
- set $kgm_ms_waitqsetp = (struct wait_queue_set *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_ms_waitqsetp = (WaitQueueSet*)$arg0
set $kgm_ms_setlinksp = &($kgm_ms_waitqsetp->wqs_setlinks)
- set $kgm_ms_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_ms_setlinksp->next
+ set $kgm_ms_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_ms_setlinksp->next
set $kgm_ms_found = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_ms_wql != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_ms_setlinksp)
set $kgm_ms_waitqp = $kgm_ms_wql->wql_element.wqe_queue
set $kgm_ms_found = 1
showwaitqmemberint $kgm_ms_waitqp
- set $kgm_ms_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_ms_wql->wql_setlinks.next
+ set $kgm_ms_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_ms_wql->wql_setlinks.next
define showwaitqint
- set $kgm_waitqp = (struct wait_queue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_waitqp = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_waitqp
if ($kgm_waitqp->wq_type == 0xf1d1)
- printf "0x%08x ", ((struct wait_queue_set *)$kgm_waitqp)->wqs_refcount
+ printf "0x%08x ", ((WaitQueueSet*)$kgm_waitqp)->wqs_refcount
printf "0x00000000 "
define showwaitq
- set $kgm_waitq1p = (wait_queue_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_waitq1p = (WaitQueue*)$arg0
showwaitqint $kgm_waitq1p
if ($kgm_waitq1p->wq_type == 0xf1d1)
define showmapheader
- printf "vm_map pmap vm_size "
- printf "#ents rpage hint first_free\n"
+ printf "vm_map "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " pmap "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " vm_size "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " #ents rpage hint "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " first_free\n"
define showvmeheader
- printf " entry start "
- printf " prot #page object offset\n"
+ printf " entry "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " start prot #page object "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " offset\n"
define showvmint
set $kgm_mapp = (vm_map_t)$arg0
set $kgm_map = *$kgm_mapp
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_map.pmap
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_map.size
- printf "%3d ", $kgm_map.hdr.nentries
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_map.pmap
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_map.size
+ printf " %3d ", $kgm_map.hdr.nentries
if $kgm_map.pmap
printf "%5d ", $kgm_map.pmap->stats.resident_count
printf "<n/a> "
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_map.hint
- printf "0x%08x\n", $kgm_map.first_free
+ showptr $kgm_map.hint
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_map.first_free
+ printf "\n"
if $arg1 != 0
- showvmeheader
- set $kgm_head_vmep = &($kgm_mapp->hdr.links)
- set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_map.hdr.links.next
- while (($kgm_vmep != 0) && ($kgm_vmep != $kgm_head_vmep))
- set $kgm_vme = *$kgm_vmep
- printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_vmep
- printf "0x%016llx ", $kgm_vme.links.start
- printf "%1x", $kgm_vme.protection
- printf "%1x", $kgm_vme.max_protection
- if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x0
- printf "S"
- end
- if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x1
- printf "C"
- end
- if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x2
- printf "-"
- end
- if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x3
- printf "D"
- end
- if $kgm_vme.is_sub_map
- printf "s "
- else
- if $kgm_vme.needs_copy
- printf "n "
- else
- printf " "
- end
- end
- printf "%5d ",($kgm_vme.links.end - $kgm_vme.links.start) >> 12
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_vme.object.vm_object
- printf "0x%016llx\n", $kgm_vme.offset
- set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_vme.links.next
+ showvmeheader
+ set $kgm_head_vmep = &($kgm_mapp->hdr.links)
+ set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_map.hdr.links.next
+ while (($kgm_vmep != 0) && ($kgm_vmep != $kgm_head_vmep))
+ set $kgm_vme = *$kgm_vmep
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_vmep
+ printf " 0x%016llx ", $kgm_vme.links.start
+ printf "%1x", $kgm_vme.protection
+ printf "%1x", $kgm_vme.max_protection
+ if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x0
+ printf "S"
+ end
+ if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x1
+ printf "C"
+ end
+ if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x2
+ printf "-"
+ end
+ if $kgm_vme.inheritance == 0x3
+ printf "D"
+ end
+ if $kgm_vme.is_sub_map
+ printf "s "
+ else
+ if $kgm_vme.needs_copy
+ printf "n "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%6d ",($kgm_vme.links.end - $kgm_vme.links.start) >> 12
+ showptr $kgm_vme.object.vm_object
+ printf " 0x%016llx\n", $kgm_vme.offset
+ set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_vme.links.next
printf "\n"
-define showmapvme
+define showmapwiredp
+ set $kgm_mapp = (vm_map_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_map = *$kgm_mapp
+ set $kgm_head_vmep = &($kgm_mapp->hdr.links)
+ set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_map.hdr.links.next
+ set $kgm_objp_prev = (struct vm_object *)0
+ if $arg1 == 0
+ set $kgm_saw_kernel_obj = 0
+ set $kgm_wired_count = 0
+ set $kgm_objp_print_space = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_objp_print_space = 0
+ end
+ while (($kgm_vmep != 0) && ($kgm_vmep != $kgm_head_vmep))
+ set $kgm_vme = *$kgm_vmep
+ set $kgm_objp = $kgm_vme.object.vm_object
+ if $kgm_vme.is_sub_map
+ if $arg1 == 0
+ set $kgm_mapp_orig = $kgm_mapp
+ set $kgm_vmep_orig = $kgm_vmep
+ set $kgm_vme_orig = $kgm_vme
+ set $kgm_head_vmep_orig = $kgm_head_vmep
+ printf "\n****"
+ showptr $kgm_objp
+ showmapwiredp $kgm_objp 1
+ set $kgm_vme = $kgm_vme_orig
+ set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_vmep_orig
+ set $kgm_mapp = $kgm_mapp_orig
+ set $kgm_head_vmep = $kgm_head_vmep_orig
+ set $kgm_objp = (struct vm_object *)0
+ else
+ printf "\n????"
+ showptr $kgm_mapp
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_vmep
+ set $kgm_objp = (struct vm_object *)0
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_objp == $kgm_objp_prev)
+ set $kgm_objp = (struct vm_object *)0
+ end
+ if $kgm_objp == kernel_object
+ if $kgm_saw_kernel_obj
+ set $kgm_objp = (struct vm_object *)0
+ end
+ set $kgm_saw_kernel_obj = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_objp && $kgm_objp->wired_page_count
+ if $kgm_objp_print_space == 1
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_mapp
+ end
+ set $kgm_objp_print_space = 1
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_vmep
+ printf " 0x%016llx ", $kgm_vme.links.start
+ printf "%5d", $kgm_vme.alias
+ printf "%6d ",($kgm_vme.links.end - $kgm_vme.links.start) >> 12
+ showptr $kgm_objp
+ printf "[%3d]", $kgm_objp->ref_count
+ printf "%7d\n", $kgm_objp->wired_page_count
+ set $kgm_wired_count = $kgm_wired_count + $kgm_objp->wired_page_count
+ set $kgm_objp_prev = $kgm_objp
+ end
+ set $kgm_vmep = $kgm_vme.links.next
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 0
+ printf "total wired count = %d\n", $kgm_wired_count
+ end
+define showmapwired
+ printf " map "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " entry "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " start alias #page object "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " wired\n"
+ showmapwiredp $arg0 0
+document showmapwired
+Syntax: (gdb) showmapwired <vm_map>
+| Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries with wired pages in a vm_map
+define showmapvme
showvmint $arg0 1
document showmapvme
+Syntax: (gdb) showmapvme <vm_map>
| Routine to print out a summary listing of all the entries in a vm_map
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showmapvme <vm_map>
showvmint $arg0 0
document showmap
+Syntax: (gdb) showmap <vm_map>
| Routine to print out info about the specified vm_map
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showmap <vm_map>
define showallvm
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
showvmint $kgm_taskp->map 0
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
document showallvm
+Syntax: (gdb) showallvm
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm maps
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallvm
define showallvme
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
showvmint $kgm_taskp->map 1
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
document showallvme
+Syntax: (gdb) showallvme
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the vm map entries
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallvme
define showipcheader
- printf "ipc_space is_table table_next "
- printf "flags tsize splaytree splaybase\n"
+ printf "ipc_space "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " is_task "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " is_table "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " flags ports table_next "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " low_mod high_mod\n"
define showipceheader
- printf " name object "
- printf "rite urefs destname destination\n"
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "object "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "name rite urefs destname "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "destination\n"
define showipceint
set $kgm_ie = *(ipc_entry_t)$arg0
- printf " 0x%08x ", $arg1
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_ie.ie_object
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptr $kgm_ie.ie_object
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $arg1
if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00100000
- printf "Dead "
+ printf "Dead "
printf "%5d\n", $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0xffff
if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00080000
- printf "SET "
+ printf "SET "
printf "%5d\n", $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0xffff
if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00010000
- if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00020000
- printf " SR"
- else
- printf " S"
- end
+ if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00020000
+ printf " SR"
+ else
+ printf " S"
+ end
- if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00020000
- printf " R"
- end
+ if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00020000
+ printf " R"
+ end
if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00040000
- printf " O"
+ printf " O"
if $kgm_ie.index.request
- printf "n"
+ set $kgm_port = (ipc_port_t)$kgm_ie.ie_object
+ set $kgm_requests = $kgm_port->ip_requests
+ set $kgm_req_soright = $kgm_requests[$kgm_ie.index.request].notify.port
+ if $kgm_req_soright
+# Armed send-possible notification?
+ if (uintptr_t)$kgm_req_soright & 0x1
+ printf "s"
+ else
+# Delayed send-possible notification?
+ if (uintptr_t)$kgm_req_soright & 0x2
+ printf "d"
+ else
+# Dead-name notification
+ printf "n"
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
printf " "
+# Collision (with tree)?
if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00800000
- printf "c"
+ printf "c"
- printf " "
+ printf " "
printf "%5d ", $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0xffff
showportdest $kgm_ie.ie_object
define showipcint
set $kgm_isp = (ipc_space_t)$arg0
set $kgm_is = *$kgm_isp
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_is.is_table
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_is.is_table_next
- if $kgm_is.is_growing != 0
- printf "G"
- else
- printf " "
- end
- if $kgm_is.is_fast != 0
- printf "F"
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_is.is_task
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_is.is_table
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_is.is_bits & 0x40000000) == 0
+ printf "A"
- printf " "
+ printf " "
- if $kgm_is.is_active != 0
- printf "A "
+ if ($kgm_is.is_bits & 0x20000000) != 0
+ printf "G "
- printf " "
+ printf " "
- printf "%5d ", $kgm_is.is_table_size
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_is.is_tree_total
- printf "0x%08x\n", &$kgm_isp->is_tree
+ printf "%5d ", $kgm_is.is_table_size
+ showptr $kgm_is.is_table_next
+ printf " "
+ printf "%10d ", $kgm_is.is_low_mod
+ printf "%10d", $kgm_is.is_high_mod
+ printf "\n"
if $arg1 != 0
- showipceheader
- set $kgm_iindex = 0
- set $kgm_iep = $kgm_is.is_table
- set $kgm_destspacep = (ipc_space_t)0
+ showipceheader
+ set $kgm_iindex = 0
+ set $kgm_iep = $kgm_is.is_table
+ set $kgm_destspacep = (ipc_space_t)0
while ( $kgm_iindex < $kgm_is.is_table_size )
- set $kgm_ie = *$kgm_iep
- if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x001f0000
- set $kgm_name = (($kgm_iindex << 8)|($kgm_ie.ie_bits >> 24))
- showipceint $kgm_iep $kgm_name
- end
- set $kgm_iindex = $kgm_iindex + 1
- set $kgm_iep = &($kgm_is.is_table[$kgm_iindex])
- end
- if $kgm_is.is_tree_total
- printf "Still need to write tree traversal\n"
- end
+ set $kgm_ie = *$kgm_iep
+ if $kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x001f0000
+ set $kgm_name = (($kgm_iindex << 8)|($kgm_ie.ie_bits >> 24))
+ showipceint $kgm_iep $kgm_name
+ if $arg2 != 0
+ if $kgm_ie.ie_object != 0 && ($kgm_ie.ie_bits & 0x00070000) && ((ipc_port_t) $kgm_ie.ie_object)->ip_callstack[0] != 0
+ printf " user bt: "
+ showportbt $kgm_ie.ie_object $kgm_is.is_task
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_iindex = $kgm_iindex + 1
+ set $kgm_iep = &($kgm_is.is_table[$kgm_iindex])
+ end
printf "\n"
define showipc
- set $kgm_isp = (ipc_space_t)$arg0
- showipcheader
- showipcint $kgm_isp 0
+ set $kgm_isp = (ipc_space_t)$arg0
+ showipcheader
+ showipcint $kgm_isp 0 0
document showipc
+Syntax: (gdb) showipc <ipc_space>
| Routine to print the status of the specified ipc space
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showipc <ipc_space>
define showrights
set $kgm_isp = (ipc_space_t)$arg0
- showipcheader
- showipcint $kgm_isp 1
+ showipcheader
+ showipcint $kgm_isp 1 0
document showrights
+Syntax: (gdb) showrights <ipc_space>
| Routine to print a summary list of all the rights in a specified ipc space
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showrights <ipc_space>
define showtaskipc
set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
- showipcheader
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
- showipcint $kgm_taskp->itk_space 0
+ showipcheader
+ showipcint $kgm_taskp->itk_space 0 0
document showtaskipc
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskipc <task>
| Routine to print info about the ipc space for a task
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskipc <task>
define showtaskrights
set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
- showipcheader
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
- showipcint $kgm_taskp->itk_space 1
+ showipcheader
+ showipcint $kgm_taskp->itk_space 1 0
document showtaskrights
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskrights <task>
| Routine to print info about the ipc rights for a task
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskrights <task>
+define showtaskrightsbt
+ set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
+ showtaskheader
+ showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ showipcheader
+ showipcint $kgm_taskp->itk_space 1 1
+document showtaskrightsbt
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskrightsbt <task>
+| Routine to print info about the ipc rights for a task with backtraces
define showallipc
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_cur_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskint $kgm_cur_taskp
- showtaskint $kgm_cur_taskp
- showipcint $kgm_cur_taskp->itk_space 0
- set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ showipcint $kgm_cur_taskp->itk_space 0 0
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->tasks.next)
document showallipc
+Syntax: (gdb) showallipc
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the ipc spaces
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallipc
+define showipcsumheader
+ printf "task "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " pid "
+ printf " #acts "
+ printf " tsize "
+ printf "command\n"
+define showipcsummaryint
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$arg0
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf "%7d", ((struct proc *)$kgm_taskp->bsd_info)->p_pid
+ printf "%15d", $kgm_taskp->thread_count
+ printf "%15d", $kgm_cur_taskp->itk_space.is_table_size
+ printf " %s\n", ((struct proc *)$kgm_taskp->bsd_info)->p_comm
+define showipcsummary
+ showipcsumheader
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_cur_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showipcsummaryint $kgm_cur_taskp
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+document showipcsummary
+Syntax: (gdb) showipcsummary
+| Summarizes the IPC state of all tasks. This is a convenient way to dump
+| some basic clues about IPC messaging. You can use the output to determine
+| tasks that are candidates for further investigation.
define showallrights
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_cur_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskint $kgm_cur_taskp
- showtaskint $kgm_cur_taskp
- showipcint $kgm_cur_taskp->itk_space 1
- set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ showipcint $kgm_cur_taskp->itk_space 1 0
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->tasks.next)
document showallrights
+Syntax: (gdb) showallrights
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the ipc rights
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallrights
showvmint $kgm_taskp->map 0
document showtaskvm
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskvm <task>
| Routine to print out info about a task's vm_map
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskvm <task>
define showtaskvme
set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
- showmapheader
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ showmapheader
showvmint $kgm_taskp->map 1
document showtaskvme
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskvme <task>
| Routine to print out info about a task's vm_map_entries
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskvme <task>
define showtaskheader
- printf "task vm_map ipc_space #acts "
+ printf "task "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " vm_map "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " ipc_space "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " #acts "
define showtaskint
- set $kgm_task = *(struct task *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_task.map
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_task.itk_space
- printf "%3d ", $kgm_task.thread_count
- showprocint $kgm_task.bsd_info
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$arg0
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_taskp->map
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_taskp->itk_space
+ printf " %5d ", $kgm_taskp->thread_count
+ showprocint $kgm_taskp->bsd_info
define showtask
showtaskint $arg0
document showtask
+Syntax (gdb) showtask <task>
| Routine to print out info about a task.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtask <task>
document showtaskthreads
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskthreads <task>
| Routine to print info about the threads in a task.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskthreads <task>
document showtaskstacks
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskstacks <task>
| Routine to print out the stack for each thread in a task.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showtaskstacks <task>
+define showqueue_elems
+ set $queue_head = (struct queue_entry *)($arg0)
+ set $queue = (struct queue_entry *)($queue_head->next)
+ while $queue != $queue_head
+ showptr $queue
+ printf " "
+ set $thread = (struct thread *)$queue
+ set $task = (struct task *)$thread->task
+ set $bsd = (struct proc *)$task->bsd_info
+ set $guy = (char *)$bsd->p_comm
+ showptr $thread
+ printf " "
+ showptr $task
+ printf " "
+ showptr $bsd
+ printf " "
+ showptr $guy
+ #printf " %s\n", $kgm_procp->p_comm
+ printf "\n"
+ set $queue = (struct queue_entry *)($queue->next)
+ end
define showalltasks
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
document showalltasks
+Syntax: (gdb) showalltasks
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the tasks
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showalltasks
+| wq_state -> reports "number of workq threads", "number of scheduled workq threads", "number of pending work items"
+| if "number of pending work items" seems stuck at non-zero, it may indicate that the workqueue mechanism is hung
+| io_policy -> RAGE - rapid aging of vnodes requested
+| NORM - normal I/O explicitly requested (this is the default)
+| PASS - passive I/O requested (i.e. I/Os do not affect throttling decisions)
+| THROT - throttled I/O requested (i.e. thread/task may be throttled after each I/O completes)
define showprocheader
- printf " pid proc command\n"
+ printf " pid process "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "io_policy wq_state command\n"
define showprocint
set $kgm_procp = (struct proc *)$arg0
if $kgm_procp != 0
+ set $kgm_printed = 0
printf "%5d ", $kgm_procp->p_pid
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_procp
- printf "%s\n", $kgm_procp->p_comm
+ showptr $kgm_procp
+ if ($kgm_procp->p_lflag & 0x400000)
+ printf " RAGE "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ set $ptask = (struct task *)$kgm_procp->task
+ set $diskpolicy = 0
+ if ($ptask->ext_appliedstate.hw_disk != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = $ptask->ext_appliedstate.hw_disk
+ else
+ if ($ptask->appliedstate.hw_disk != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = $ptask->appliedstate.hw_disk
+ end
+ end
+ if ($ptask->ext_appliedstate.hw_bg != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = 5
+ end
+ if ($ptask->appliedstate.hw_bg != 0)
+ set $diskpolicy = 4
+ end
+ if ($ptask->ext_appliedstate.apptype == 2)
+ set $diskpolicy = 6
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 2)
+ printf "PASS "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 3)
+ printf "THROT "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 4)
+ printf "BG_THRT "
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 5)
+ printf "EBG_THRT"
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($diskpolicy == 6)
+ printf "APD_THRT"
+ set $kgm_printed = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_printed == 0)
+ printf " "
+ end
+ set $kgm_wqp = (struct workqueue *)$kgm_procp->p_wqptr
+ if $kgm_wqp != 0
+ printf " %2d %2d %2d ", $kgm_wqp->wq_nthreads, $kgm_wqp->wq_thidlecount, $kgm_wqp->wq_reqcount
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf " %s\n", $kgm_procp->p_comm
- printf " *0* 0x00000000 --\n"
+ printf " *0* "
+ showptr 0
+ printf " --\n"
define showpid
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
set $kgm_procp = (struct proc *)$kgm_taskp->bsd_info
showtaskint $kgm_taskp
set $kgm_taskp = $kgm_head_taskp
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
document showpid
+Syntax: (gdb) showpid <pid>
| Routine to print a single process by pid
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showpid <pid>
define showproc
set $kgm_procp = (struct proc *)$arg0
- showtaskint $kgm_procp->task $arg1 $arg2
+ showtaskint $kgm_procp->task
define showpsetheader
- printf "portset waitqueue recvname "
- printf "flags refs recvname process\n"
+ printf "portset "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "waitqueue "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "recvname flags refs recvname "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "process\n"
define showportheader
- printf "port mqueue recvname "
- printf "flags refs recvname process\n"
+ printf "port "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "mqueue "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "recvname flags refs recvname "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "dest\n"
define showportmemberheader
- printf "members port recvname "
- printf "flags refs mqueue msgcount\n"
+ printf "members "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "port "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "recvname "
+ printf "flags refs mqueue "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "msgcount\n"
define showkmsgheader
- printf "messages kmsg size "
- printf "disp msgid remote-port local-port\n"
+ printf "dest-port "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "kmsg "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "msgid "
+ printf "disp size "
+ printf "reply-port "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "source\n"
+define showkmsgsrcint
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrchp = ((ipc_kmsg_t)$arg0)->ikm_header
+# set $kgm_kmsgsrctp = (mach_msg_audit_trailer_t *)((uintptr_t)$kgm_kmsgsrchp + $kgm_kmsgsrchp->msgh_size)
+# set $kgm_kmsgpid = $kgm_kmsgsrctp->msgh_audit.val[5]
+ set $kgm_kmsgpid = (pid_t)((uint *)((uintptr_t)$kgm_kmsgsrchp + $kgm_kmsgsrchp->msgh_size))[10]
+# compare against a well-known or cached value as this may be slow
+ if ($kgm_kmsgpid == 0)
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrcpid = (pid_t)0
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrcprocp = (struct proc *)kernel_task->bsd_info
+ else
+ if ($kgm_kmsgpid != $kgm_kmsgsrcpid)
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrchead_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrctaskp = (struct task *)($kgm_kmsgsrchead_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_kmsgsrctaskp != $kgm_kmsgsrchead_taskp
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrcprocp = (struct proc *)$kgm_kmsgsrctaskp->bsd_info
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrcpid = $kgm_kmsgsrcprocp->p_pid
+ if (($kgm_kmsgsrcprocp != 0) && ($kgm_kmsgsrcprocp->p_pid == $kgm_kmsgpid))
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrctaskp = $kgm_kmsgsrchead_taskp
+ else
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrctaskp = (struct task *)($kgm_kmsgsrctaskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_kmsgsrcprocp->p_pid == $kgm_kmsgpid)
+ printf "%s(%d)\n", $kgm_kmsgsrcprocp->p_comm, $kgm_kmsgpid
+ else
+ printf "unknown(%d)\n", $kgm_kmsgpid
+ end
define showkmsgint
- printf " 0x%08x ", $arg0
- set $kgm_kmsgh = ((ipc_kmsg_t)$arg0)->ikm_header
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_size
+ set $kgm_kmsghp = ((ipc_kmsg_t)$arg0)->ikm_header
+ set $kgm_kmsgh = *$kgm_kmsghp
+ if ($arg1 != 0)
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ else
+ showptr $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_remote_port
+ end
+ showptr $arg0
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_id
if (($kgm_kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff) == 19)
printf "rC"
printf "rM"
- if (($kgm_kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff00) == (19 < 8))
+ if (($kgm_kmsgh.msgh_bits & 0xff00) == (19 << 8))
printf "lC"
printf "lM"
printf "s"
- printf "%5d ", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_id
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_remote_port
- printf "0x%08x\n", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_local_port
+ printf "%5d ", $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_size
+ showptr $kgm_kmsgh.msgh_local_port
+ printf " "
+ set $kgm_kmsgsrcpid = (pid_t)0
+ showkmsgsrcint $arg0
+define showkmsg
+ showkmsgint $arg0 0
define showkobject
set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x kobject(", $kgm_portp->ip_kobject
+ showptr $kgm_portp->ip_kobject
+ printf " kobject("
set $kgm_kotype = ($kgm_portp->ip_object.io_bits & 0x00000fff)
if ($kgm_kotype == 1)
printf "THREAD"
if ($kgm_kotype == 31)
printf "UPL"
+ if ($kgm_kotype == 34)
+ printf "FD"
+ end
printf ")\n"
# check against the previous cached value - this is slow
if ($kgm_spacep != $kgm_destspacep)
set $kgm_destprocp = (struct proc *)0
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_desttaskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while (($kgm_destprocp == 0) && ($kgm_desttaskp != $kgm_head_taskp))
set $kgm_destspacep = $kgm_desttaskp->itk_space
if ($kgm_destspacep == $kgm_spacep)
set $kgm_destprocp = (struct proc *)$kgm_desttaskp->bsd_info
- set $kgm_desttaskp = (struct task *)($kgm_desttaskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_desttaskp = (struct task *)($kgm_desttaskp->tasks.next)
if $kgm_destprocp != 0
printf "%s(%d)\n", $kgm_destprocp->p_comm, $kgm_destprocp->p_pid
- printf "task 0x%08x\n", $kgm_desttaskp
+ printf "task "
+ showptr $kgm_desttaskp
+ printf "\n"
define showportdest
set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)$arg0
set $kgm_spacep = $kgm_portp->data.receiver
- if ($kgm_spacep == ipc_space_kernel)
+ if ((uintptr_t)$kgm_spacep == (uintptr_t)ipc_space_kernel)
showkobject $kgm_portp
if ($kgm_portp->ip_object.io_bits & 0x80000000)
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_portp->ip_object.io_receiver_name
+ showptr $kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name
+ printf " "
showportdestproc $kgm_portp
- printf "0x%08x inactive-port\n", $kgm_portp
+ showptr $kgm_portp
+ printf " inactive-port\n"
define showportmember
- printf " 0x%08x ", $arg0
+ printf " "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ showptr $arg0
+ showptrhdrpad
set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_portp->ip_object.io_receiver_name
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name
if ($kgm_portp->ip_object.io_bits & 0x80000000)
printf "A"
printf " "
- if ($kgm_portp->ip_object.io_bits & 0x7fff0000)
- printf "Set "
- else
- printf "Port"
- end
+ printf "Port"
printf "%5d ", $kgm_portp->ip_object.io_references
- printf "0x%08x ", &($kgm_portp->ip_messages)
- printf "0x%08x\n", $kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.msgcount
+ showptr &($kgm_portp->ip_messages)
+ printf " 0x%08x\n", $kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.msgcount
+define showportbt
+ set $kgm_iebt = ((ipc_port_t) $arg0)->ip_callstack
+ set $kgm_iepid = ((ipc_port_t) $arg0)->ip_spares[0]
+ set $kgm_procpid = ((proc_t) (((task_t) $arg1)->bsd_info))->p_pid
+ if $kgm_iebt[0] != 0
+ showptr $kgm_iebt[0]
+ set $kgm_iebt_loop_ctr = 1
+ while ($kgm_iebt_loop_ctr < 16 && $kgm_iebt[$kgm_iebt_loop_ctr])
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_iebt[$kgm_iebt_loop_ctr]
+ set $kgm_iebt_loop_ctr = $kgm_iebt_loop_ctr + 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_iepid != $kgm_procpid
+ printf " (%d)", $kgm_iepid
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
define showportint
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf " "
set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", &($kgm_portp->ip_messages)
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_portp->ip_object.io_receiver_name
+ showptr &($kgm_portp->ip_messages)
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.receiver_name
if ($kgm_portp->ip_object.io_bits & 0x80000000)
printf "A"
set $kgm_kmsgp = (ipc_kmsg_t)$kgm_portp->ip_messages.data.port.messages.ikmq_base
if $arg1 && $kgm_kmsgp
- showkmsgint $kgm_kmsgp
+ showkmsgint $kgm_kmsgp 1
set $kgm_kmsgheadp = $kgm_kmsgp
set $kgm_kmsgp = $kgm_kmsgp->ikm_next
while $kgm_kmsgp != $kgm_kmsgheadp
- showkmsgint $kgm_kmsgp
+ showkmsgint $kgm_kmsgp 1
set $kgm_kmsgp = $kgm_kmsgp->ikm_next
define showpsetint
- printf "0x%08x ", $arg0
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf " "
set $kgm_psetp = (struct ipc_pset *)$arg0
- printf "0x%08x ", &($kgm_psetp->ips_messages)
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_psetp->ips_object.io_receiver_name
+ showptr &($kgm_psetp->ips_messages)
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_psetp->ips_messages.data.pset.local_name
if ($kgm_psetp->ips_object.io_bits & 0x80000000)
printf "A"
printf "Set "
printf "%5d ", $kgm_psetp->ips_object.io_references
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_psetp->ips_object.io_receiver_name
- set $kgm_setlinksp = &($kgm_psetp->ips_messages.data.set_queue.wqs_setlinks)
- set $kgm_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_setlinksp->next
+ showptr $kgm_psetp->ips_messages.data.pset.local_name
+ printf " "
+ set $kgm_setlinksp = &($kgm_psetp->ips_messages.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_setlinks)
+ set $kgm_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_setlinksp->next
set $kgm_found = 0
while ( (queue_entry_t)$kgm_wql != (queue_entry_t)$kgm_setlinksp)
- set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)((int)($kgm_wql->wql_element->wqe_queue) - ((int)$kgm_portoff))
+ set $kgm_portp = (struct ipc_port *)((uintptr_t)($kgm_wql->wql_element->wqe_queue) - (uintptr_t)$kgm_portoff)
if !$kgm_found
set $kgm_destspacep = (struct ipc_space *)0
showportdestproc $kgm_portp
set $kgm_found = 1
showportmember $kgm_portp 0
- set $kgm_wql = (struct wait_queue_link *)$kgm_wql->wql_setlinks.next
+ set $kgm_wql = (WaitQueueLink *)$kgm_wql->wql_setlinks.next
if !$kgm_found
printf "--n/e--\n"
define showpset
+ set $kgm_portoff = &(((struct ipc_port *)0)->ip_messages)
showpsetint $arg0 1
define showipcobject
- set $kgm_object = (ipc_object_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_objectp = (ipc_object_t)$arg0
if ($kgm_objectp->io_bits & 0x7fff0000)
+ set $kgm_portoff = &(((struct ipc_port *)0)->ip_messages)
showpset $kgm_objectp
showport $kgm_objectp
define showmqueue
set $kgm_mqueue = *(struct ipc_mqueue *)$arg0
- set $kgm_psetoff = &(((struct ipc_pset *)0)->ips_messages)
- set $kgm_portoff = &(((struct ipc_port *)0)->ip_messages)
- if ($kgm_mqueue.data.set_queue.wqs_wait_queue.wq_type == 0xf1d1)
- set $kgm_pset = (((int)$arg0) - ((int)$kgm_psetoff))
+ if ($kgm_mqueue.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_wait_queue.wq_type == 0xf1d1)
+ set $kgm_psetoff = &(((struct ipc_pset *)0)->ips_messages)
+ set $kgm_pset = (((long)$arg0) - ((long)$kgm_psetoff))
showpsetint $kgm_pset 1
- if ($kgm_mqueue.data.set_queue.wqs_wait_queue.wq_type == 0xf1d0)
+ if ($kgm_mqueue.data.pset.set_queue.wqs_wait_queue.wq_type == 0xf1d0)
+ set $kgm_portoff = &(((struct ipc_port *)0)->ip_messages)
+ set $kgm_port = (((long)$arg0) - ((long)$kgm_portoff))
- set $kgm_port = (((int)$arg0) - ((int)$kgm_portoff))
showportint $kgm_port 1
define zprint_one
-set $kgm_zone = (struct zone *)$arg0
-printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_zone
-printf "%8d ",$kgm_zone->count
-printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->cur_size
-printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->max_size
-printf "%6d ",$kgm_zone->elem_size
-printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->alloc_size
-printf "%s ",$kgm_zone->zone_name
+ set $kgm_zone = (struct zone *)$arg0
+ showptr $kgm_zone
+ printf " %8d ",$kgm_zone->count
+ printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->cur_size
+ printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->max_size
+ printf "%8d ",$kgm_zone->elem_size
+ printf "%8x ",$kgm_zone->alloc_size
+ if ($kgm_mtype != $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ printf " %16ld ",$kgm_zone->num_allocs
+ printf "%16ld ",$kgm_zone->num_frees
+ end
+ printf "%s ",$kgm_zone->zone_name
-if ($kgm_zone->exhaustible)
- printf "H"
-if ($kgm_zone->collectable)
- printf "C"
-if ($kgm_zone->expandable)
- printf "X"
-printf "\n"
+ if ($kgm_zone->exhaustible)
+ printf "H"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_zone->collectable)
+ printf "C"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_zone->expandable)
+ printf "X"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_zone->noencrypt)
+ printf "$"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
define zprint
-set $kgm_zone_ptr = (struct zone *)first_zone
-while ($kgm_zone_ptr != 0)
- zprint_one $kgm_zone_ptr
- set $kgm_zone_ptr = $kgm_zone_ptr->next_zone
-printf "\n"
+ printf "ZONE "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ set $kgm_zone_ptr = (struct zone *)first_zone
+ while ($kgm_zone_ptr != 0)
+ zprint_one $kgm_zone_ptr
+ set $kgm_zone_ptr = $kgm_zone_ptr->next_zone
+ end
+ printf "\n"
document zprint
+Syntax: (gdb) zprint
| Routine to print a summary listing of all the kernel zones
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) zprint
define showmtxgrp
-set $kgm_mtxgrp = (lck_grp_t *)$arg0
-if ($kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_mtxcnt)
-printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_mtxgrp
-printf "%8d ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_mtxcnt
-printf "%12u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_util_cnt
-printf "%8u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_miss_cnt
-printf "%8u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_wait_cnt
-printf "%s ",&$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_name
-printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_mtxgrp = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$arg0
+ if ($kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_mtxcnt)
+ showptr $kgm_mtxgrp
+ printf " %8d ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_mtxcnt
+ printf "%12u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_util_cnt
+ printf "%8u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_miss_cnt
+ printf "%8u ",$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_mtx_stat.lck_grp_mtx_wait_cnt
+ printf "%s ",&$kgm_mtxgrp->lck_grp_name
+ printf "\n"
+ end
define showallmtx
-set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)&lck_grp_queue
-set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)$kgm_mtxgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
-while ($kgm_mtxgrp_ptr != (lck_grp_t *)&lck_grp_queue)
- showmtxgrp $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr
- set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)$kgm_mtxgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
-printf "\n"
+ printf "LCK GROUP "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)&lck_grp_queue
+ set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$kgm_mtxgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
+ while ($kgm_mtxgrp_ptr != (struct _lck_grp_ *)&lck_grp_queue)
+ showmtxgrp $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr
+ set $kgm_mtxgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$kgm_mtxgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
+ end
+ printf "\n"
document showallmtx
+Syntax: (gdb) showallmtx
| Routine to print a summary listing of all mutexes
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallmtx
define showrwlckgrp
-set $kgm_rwlckgrp = (lck_grp_t *)$arg0
-if ($kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_rwcnt)
-printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_rwlckgrp
-printf "%8d ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_rwcnt
-printf "%12u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_util_cnt
-printf "%8u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_miss_cnt
-printf "%8u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_wait_cnt
-printf "%s ",&$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_name
-printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_rwlckgrp = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$arg0
+ if ($kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_rwcnt)
+ showptr $kgm_rwlckgrp
+ printf " %8d ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_rwcnt
+ printf "%12u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_util_cnt
+ printf "%8u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_miss_cnt
+ printf "%8u ",$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_stat.lck_grp_rw_stat.lck_grp_rw_wait_cnt
+ printf "%s ",&$kgm_rwlckgrp->lck_grp_name
+ printf "\n"
+ end
define showallrwlck
-set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)&lck_grp_queue
-set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)$kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
-while ($kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr != (lck_grp_t *)&lck_grp_queue)
- showrwlckgrp $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr
- set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (lck_grp_t *)$kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
-printf "\n"
+ printf "LCK GROUP "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)&lck_grp_queue
+ set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
+ while ($kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr != (struct _lck_grp_ *)&lck_grp_queue)
+ showrwlckgrp $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr
+ set $kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr = (struct _lck_grp_ *)$kgm_rwlckgrp_ptr->lck_grp_link.next
+ end
+ printf "\n"
document showallrwlck
+Syntax: (gdb) showallrwlck
| Routine to print a summary listing of all read/writer locks
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallrwlck
set $kdp_act_counter = 0
+set $kdp_arm_act_counter = 0
+set $r0_save = 0
+set $r1_save = 0
+set $r2_save = 0
+set $r3_save = 0
+set $r4_save = 0
+set $r5_save = 0
+set $r6_save = 0
+set $r7_save = 0
+set $r8_save = 0
+set $r9_save = 0
+set $r10_save = 0
+set $r11_save = 0
+set $r12_save = 0
+set $sp_save = 0
+set $lr_save = 0
+set $pc_save = 0
+define showcontext_int
+ echo Context switched, current instruction pointer:
+ output/a $pc
+ echo \n
define switchtoact
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
- if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
- set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
+ set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
+ select 0
+ if ($newact->kernel_stack == 0)
+ echo This activation does not have a stack.\n
+ echo continuation:
+ output/a (unsigned) $newact.continuation
+ echo \n
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
+ set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
+ end
+ set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
+ set (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state=$newact->machine->pcb
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc=$newact->machine->pcb.save_srr0
+ update
- set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
- set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
- if ($newact->kernel_stack == 0)
- echo This activation does not have a stack.\n
- echo continuation:
- output/a (unsigned) $newact.continuation
- echo \n
- else
- set (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state=$newact->machine->pcb
- flush
- set $pc=$newact->machine->pcb.save_srr0
- update
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kdpstatep = (struct x86_saved_state32 *) kdp.saved_state
+ if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
+ set $kdpstate = *($kdpstatep)
+ end
+ set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct x86_kernel_state *) \
+ ($newact->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size \
+ - sizeof(struct x86_kernel_state))
+ set $kdpstatep->ebx = $kgm_statep->k_ebx
+ set $kdpstatep->ebp = $kgm_statep->k_ebp
+ set $kdpstatep->edi = $kgm_statep->k_edi
+ set $kdpstatep->esi = $kgm_statep->k_esi
+ set $kdpstatep->eip = $kgm_statep->k_eip
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc = $kgm_statep->k_eip
+ update
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kdpstatep = (struct x86_saved_state64 *) kdp.saved_state
+ if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
+ set $kdpstate = *($kdpstatep)
+ end
+ set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct x86_kernel_state *) \
+ ($newact->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size \
+ - sizeof(struct x86_kernel_state))
+ set $kdpstatep->rbx = $kgm_statep->k_rbx
+ set $kdpstatep->rbp = $kgm_statep->k_rbp
+ set $kdpstatep->r12 = $kgm_statep->k_r12
+ set $kdpstatep->r13 = $kgm_statep->k_r13
+ set $kdpstatep->r14 = $kgm_statep->k_r14
+ set $kdpstatep->r15 = $kgm_statep->k_r15
+ set $kdpstatep->isf.rsp = $kgm_statep->k_rsp
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc = $kgm_statep->k_rip
+ update
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $kdp_arm_act_counter = $kdp_arm_act_counter + 1
+ if ($kdp_arm_act_counter == 1)
+ set $r0_save = $r0
+ set $r1_save = $r1
+ set $r2_save = $r2
+ set $r3_save = $r3
+ set $r4_save = $r4
+ set $r5_save = $r5
+ set $r6_save = $r6
+ set $r7_save = $r7
+ set $r8_save = $r8
+ set $r9_save = $r9
+ set $r10_save = $r10
+ set $r11_save = $r11
+ set $r12_save = $r12
+ set $sp_save = $sp
+ set $lr_save = $lr
+ set $pc_save = $pc
+ end
+ set $pc_ctx = load_reg+8
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct arm_saved_state *)((struct thread*)$arg0)->machine.kstackptr
+ set $r0 = $kgm_statep->r[0]
+ set $r1 = $kgm_statep->r[1]
+ set $r2 = $kgm_statep->r[2]
+ set $r3 = $kgm_statep->r[3]
+ set $r4 = $kgm_statep->r[4]
+ set $r5 = $kgm_statep->r[5]
+ set $r6 = $kgm_statep->r[6]
+ set $r8 = $kgm_statep->r[8]
+ set $r9 = $kgm_statep->r[9]
+ set $r10 = $kgm_statep->r[10]
+ set $r11 = $kgm_statep->r[11]
+ set $r12 = $kgm_statep->r[12]
+ set $sp = $kgm_statep->sp
+ set $lr = $kgm_statep->lr
+ set $pc = $pc_ctx
+ set $r7 = $kgm_statep->r[7]
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
- else
- echo switchtoact not implemented for this architecture.\n
+ showcontext_int
document switchtoact
define switchtoctx
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ select 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
- set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
+ set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
set (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state=(struct savearea *) $arg0
- flush
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
set $pc=((struct savearea *) $arg0)->save_srr0
- echo switchtoctx not implemented for this architecture.\n
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ select 0
+ set $kdp_arm_act_counter = $kdp_arm_act_counter + 1
+ if ($kdp_arm_act_counter == 1)
+ set $r0_save = $r0
+ set $r1_save = $r1
+ set $r2_save = $r2
+ set $r3_save = $r3
+ set $r4_save = $r4
+ set $r5_save = $r5
+ set $r6_save = $r6
+ set $r7_save = $r7
+ set $r8_save = $r8
+ set $r9_save = $r9
+ set $r10_save = $r10
+ set $r11_save = $r11
+ set $r12_save = $r12
+ set $sp_save = $sp
+ set $lr_save = $lr
+ set $pc_save = $pc
+ end
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct arm_saved_state *)$arg0
+ set $r0 = $kgm_statep->r[0]
+ set $r1 = $kgm_statep->r[1]
+ set $r2 = $kgm_statep->r[2]
+ set $r3 = $kgm_statep->r[3]
+ set $r4 = $kgm_statep->r[4]
+ set $r5 = $kgm_statep->r[5]
+ set $r6 = $kgm_statep->r[6]
+ set $r8 = $kgm_statep->r[8]
+ set $r9 = $kgm_statep->r[9]
+ set $r10 = $kgm_statep->r[10]
+ set $r11 = $kgm_statep->r[11]
+ set $r12 = $kgm_statep->r[12]
+ set $sp = $kgm_statep->sp
+ set $lr = $kgm_statep->lr
+ set $r7 = $kgm_statep->r[7]
+ set $pc = $kgm_statep->pc
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ update
+ else
+ echo switchtoctx not implemented for this architecture.\n
+ end
document switchtoctx
Syntax: switchtoctx <address of pcb>
| This command allows gdb to examine an execution context and dump the
define resetctx
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
- set (struct savearea *)kdp.saved_state=$kdpstate
- flush
- set $pc=((struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state)->save_srr0
+ select 0
+ if ($kdp_act_counter != 0)
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ set (struct savearea *)kdp.saved_state=$kdpstate
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc=((struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state)->save_srr0
+ update
+ set $kdp_act_counter = 0
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kdpstatep = (struct x86_saved_state32 *) kdp.saved_state
+ set *($kdpstatep)=$kdpstate
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc=$kdpstatep->eip
+ update
+ set $kdp_act_counter = 0
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kdpstatep = (struct x86_saved_state64 *) kdp.saved_state
+ set *($kdpstatep)=$kdpstate
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc=$kdpstatep->isf.rip
+ update
+ set $kdp_act_counter = 0
+ end
+ showcontext_int
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm && $kdp_arm_act_counter != 0)
+ echo Restoring context\n
+ set $r0 = $r0_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r1 = $r1_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r2 = $r2_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r3 = $r3_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r4 = $r4_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r5 = $r5_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r6 = $r6_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r8 = $r8_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r9 = $r9_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r10 = $r10_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r11 = $r11_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r12 = $r12_save
+ flushregs
+ set $sp = $sp_save
+ flushregs
+ set $lr = $lr_save
+ flushregs
+ set $pc = $pc_save
+ flushregs
+ set $r7 = $r7_save
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
- set $kdp_act_counter = 0
- else
- echo resetctx not implemented for this architecture.\n
+ set $kdp_arm_act_counter = 0
| or "switchtoctx" commands.
+# This is a pre-hook for the continue command, to prevent inadvertent attempts
+# to resume from the context switched to for examination.
+define hook-continue
+ resetctx
+# This is a pre-hook for the detach command, to prevent inadvertent attempts
+# to resume from the context switched to for examination.
+define hook-detach
+ resetctx
define resume_on
- set noresume_on_disconnect = 0
+ dumpinfoint $resume
document resume_on
define resume_off
- set noresume_on_disconnect = 1
+ dumpinfoint $noresume
document resume_off
if *(char *)$kgm_panic_bufptr == 10
printf "\n"
- printf "%c", *$kgm_panic_bufptr
+ printf "%c", *(char *)$kgm_panic_bufptr
set $kgm_panic_bufptr= (char *)$kgm_panic_bufptr + 1
define dumpcallqueue
- set $kgm_callhead = (queue_t)&$arg0
- set $kgm_call = (struct call_entry *)$kgm_callhead.next
+ set $kgm_callhead = $arg0
+ set $kgm_callentry = $kgm_callhead->next
set $kgm_i = 0
- while $kgm_call != $kgm_callhead
- printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_call
- printf "0x%08x 0x%08x ", $kgm_call->param0, $kgm_call->param1
- output $kgm_call->state
- printf "\t"
+ while $kgm_callentry != $kgm_callhead
+ set $kgm_call = (struct call_entry *)$kgm_callentry
+ showptr $kgm_call
+ printf "0x%lx 0x%lx ", $kgm_call->param0, $kgm_call->param1
output $kgm_call->deadline
printf "\t"
output $kgm_call->func
printf "\n"
set $kgm_i = $kgm_i + 1
- set $kgm_call = (struct call_entry *)$kgm_call->q_link.next
+ set $kgm_callentry = $kgm_callentry->next
printf "%d entries\n", $kgm_i
define _kgm_flush_loop
set $kgm_flush_loop_ctr = 0
while ($kgm_flush_loop_ctr < 30)
- flush
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
set $kgm_flush_loop_ctr = $kgm_flush_loop_ctr + 1
set $kgm_update_loop_ctr = $kgm_update_loop_ctr + 1
+# Internal routine used by "_loadfrom" to read from 64-bit addresses
+# on 32-bit kernels
+define _loadk32m64
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_readmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmem64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_READMEM64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_readmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint64_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = sizeof(uint64_t)
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmem64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ if ($kgm_pkt->error == 0)
+ set $kgm_k32read64 = *(uint64_t *)$kgm_pkt->data
+ else
+ set $kgm_k32read64 = 0
+ end
+# Internal routine used by "showx86backtrace" to abstract possible loads from
+# user space
+define _loadfrom
+ if (kdp_pmap == 0)
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uintptr_t *)$arg0
+ else
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xe)
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uint32_t *)$arg0
+ else
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xf)
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ _loadk32m64 $arg0
+ set $kgm_loadval = $kgm_k32read64
+ else
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uint64_t *)$arg0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+#This is necessary since gdb often doesn't do backtraces on x86 correctly
+#in the absence of symbols.The code below in showuserstack and
+#showx86backtrace also contains several workarouds for the gdb bug where
+#gdb stops macro evaluation because of spurious "Cannot read memory"
+#errors on x86. These errors appear on ppc as well, but they don't
+#always stop macro evaluation.
+set $kgm_cur_frame = 0
+set $kgm_cur_pc = 0
+set $kgm_x86_abi = 0
+define showx86backtrace
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_frame_reg = $ebp
+ set $kgm_pc = $eip
+ set $kgm_ret_off = 4
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_frame_reg = $rbp
+ set $kgm_pc = $rip
+ set $kgm_ret_off = 8
+ end
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xe)
+ set $kgm_ret_off = 4
+ end
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xf)
+ set $kgm_ret_off = 8
+ end
+ if ($kgm_cur_frame == 0)
+ set $kgm_cur_frame = $kgm_frame_reg
+ end
+ if ($kgm_cur_pc == 0)
+ set $kgm_cur_pc = $kgm_pc
+ end
+ printf "0: Frame: 0x%016llx PC: 0x%016llx\n", $kgm_cur_frame, $kgm_cur_pc
+ if (!(($kgm_x86_abi == 0xf) && ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)))
+ x/i $kgm_cur_pc
+ end
+ set $kgm_tmp_frame = $kgm_cur_frame
+ set $kgm_cur_frame = 0
+ set $kgm_cur_pc = 0
+ _loadfrom ($kgm_tmp_frame)
+ set $kgm_prev_frame = $kgm_loadval
+ _loadfrom ($kgm_tmp_frame+$kgm_ret_off)
+ set $kgm_prev_pc = $kgm_loadval
+ set $kgm_frameno = 1
+ while ($kgm_prev_frame != 0) && ($kgm_prev_frame != 0x0000000800000008)
+ printf "%d: Saved frame: 0x%016llx Saved PC: 0x%016llx\n", $kgm_frameno, $kgm_prev_frame, $kgm_prev_pc
+ if (!(($kgm_x86_abi == 0xf) && ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)))
+ x/i $kgm_prev_pc
+ end
+ _loadfrom ($kgm_prev_frame+$kgm_ret_off)
+ set $kgm_prev_pc = $kgm_loadval
+ _loadfrom ($kgm_prev_frame)
+ set $kgm_prev_frame = $kgm_loadval
+ set $kgm_frameno = $kgm_frameno + 1
+ end
+ set kdp_pmap = 0
+ set $kgm_x86_abi = 0
+define showx86backtrace2
+ set $kgm_cur_frame = $arg0
+ set $kgm_cur_pc = $arg1
+ showx86backtrace
define showuserstack
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ select 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
- echo showuserstack not implemented for this architecture.\n
- end
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
+ set $newiss = (x86_saved_state_t *) ($newact->machine->iss)
+ set $kgm_x86_abi = $newiss.flavor
+ if ($newiss.flavor == 0xf)
+ set $checkpc = $newiss.uss.ss_64.isf.rip
+ set $checkframe = $newiss.uss.ss_64.rbp
+ else
+ set $checkpc = $newiss.uss.ss_32.eip
+ set $checkframe = $newiss.uss.ss_32.ebp
+ end
+ if ($checkpc == 0)
+ echo This activation does not appear to have
+ echo \20 a valid user context.\n
+ else
+ set $kgm_cur_frame = $checkframe
+ set $kgm_cur_pc = $checkpc
+# When have more than one argument is present, don't print usage
+ if ( $argc == 1 )
+ printf "You may now issue the showx86backtrace command to see the user space backtrace for this thread ("
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf "); you can also examine memory locations in this address space (pmap "
+ showptr $newact->task->map->pmap
+ printf ") before issuing the backtrace. This two-step process is necessary to work around various bugs in x86 gdb, which cause it to stop memory evaluation on spurious memory read errors. Additionally, you may need to issue a set kdp_pmap = 0 command after the showx86backtrace completes, to resume reading from the kernel address space.\n"
+ end
+ set kdp_pmap = $newact->task->map->pmap
+ _kgm_flush_loop
+ _kgm_update_loop
+ end
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ if (kdp->is_conn > 0)
+ set $kgm_threadp = (struct thread *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_saved_pmap = kdp_pmap
+ showactheader
+ showactint $kgm_threadp 0
+ set $kgm_thread_pmap = $kgm_threadp->task->map->pmap
+ set $kgm_thread_sp = $kgm_threadp.machine->PcbData.r[7]
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " "
+ showptr 0
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_threadp.machine->PcbData.pc
+ printf "\n"
+ set kdp_pmap = $kgm_thread_pmap
+ while ($kgm_thread_sp != 0)
+ set $link_register = *($kgm_thread_sp + 4)
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_thread_sp
+ printf " "
+ showptr $link_register
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_thread_sp = *$kgm_thread_sp
+ end
+ set kdp_pmap = $kgm_saved_pmap
+ else
+ set $kgm_threadp = (struct thread *)$arg0
+ showactheader
+ showactint $kgm_threadp 0
+ set $kgm_thread_sp = $kgm_threadp.machine->PcbData.r[7]
+ while ($kgm_thread_sp != 0)
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_threadp->task $kgm_thread_sp 8
+ set $kgm_thread_sp_window = (int *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $link_register = *($kgm_thread_sp_window + 1)
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_thread_sp
+ printf " "
+ showptr $link_register
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_thread_sp = *$kgm_thread_sp_window
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ echo showuserstack not supported on this architecture\n
+ end
+ end
+ end
document showuserstack
Syntax: showuserstack <address of thread activation>
|This command displays a numeric backtrace for the user space stack of
|macro in some cases.
-#Stopgap until gdb can generate the HOSTREBOOT packet
-define kdp-reboot
- set flag_kdp_trigger_reboot = 1
- continue
+define showtaskuserstacks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ printf "For thread "
+ showptr $kgm_actp
+ printf "\n"
+ showuserstack $kgm_actp quiet
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ showx86backtrace
+ end
+ set kdp_pmap=0
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ showuserlibraries $kgm_taskp
+document showtaskuserstacks
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskuserstacks <task>
+| Print out the user stack for each thread in a task, followed by the user libraries.
+define showuserregisters
+ set $kgm_threadp = (struct thread *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_taskp = $kgm_threadp->task
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ set $newiss = (x86_saved_state_t *) ($kgm_threadp->machine.iss)
+ set $kgm_x86_abi = $newiss.flavor
+ if ($newiss.flavor == 0xf)
+ printf "X86 Thread State (64-bit):\n"
+ set $kgm_ss64 = $newiss.uss.ss_64
+ printf " rax: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rax
+ printf " rbx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rbx
+ printf " rcx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rcx
+ printf " rdx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rdx
+ printf "\n"
-document kdp-reboot
-Syntax: kdp-reboot
-|Reboot the remote target machine; not guaranteed to succeed. Requires symbols
-|until gdb support for the HOSTREBOOT packet is implemented.
+ printf " rdi: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rdi
+ printf " rsi: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rsi
+ printf " rbp: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.rbp
+ printf " rsp: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.isf.rsp
+ printf "\n"
-define sendcore
- set kdp_trigger_core_dump = 1
- set kdp_flag |= 0x40
- set panicd_ip_str = "$arg0"
- set panicd_specified = 1
- set disableDebugOuput = 0
- set disableConsoleOutput = 0
- set logPanicDataToScreen = 1
- set reattach_wait = 1
- resume_off
+ printf " r8: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r8
+ printf " r9: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r9
+ printf " r10: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r10
+ printf " r11: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r11
+ printf "\n"
-document sendcore
-Syntax: sendcore <IP address>
-|Configure the kernel to transmit a kernel coredump to a server (kdumpd)
-|at the specified IP address. This is useful when the remote target has
-|not been previously configured to transmit coredumps, and you wish to
-|preserve kernel state for later examination. NOTE: You must issue a "continue"
-|command after using this macro to trigger the kernel coredump. The kernel
-|will resume waiting in the debugger after completion of the coredump. You
-|may disable coredumps by executing the "disablecore" macro.
+ printf " r12: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r12
+ printf " r13: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r13
+ printf " r14: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r14
+ printf " r15: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.r15
+ printf "\n"
-define disablecore
- set kdp_trigger_core_dump = 0
- set kdp_flag |= 0x40
- set kdp_flag &= ~0x10
- set panicd_specified = 0
+ printf " rip: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.isf.rip
+ printf " rfl: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.isf.rflags
+ printf " cr2: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss64.cr2
+ printf "\n"
+ else
+ printf "X86 Thread State (32-bit):\n"
+ set $kgm_ss32 = $newiss.uss.ss_32
+ printf " eax: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.eax
+ printf " ebx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.ebx
+ printf " ecx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.ecx
+ printf " edx: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.edx
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " edi: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.edi
+ printf " esi: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.esi
+ printf " ebp: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.ebp
+ printf " esp: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.uesp
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " ss: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.ss
+ printf " efl: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.efl
+ printf " eip: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.eip
+ printf " cs: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.cs
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " ds: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.ds
+ printf " es: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.es
+ printf " fs: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.fs
+ printf " gs: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.gs
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " cr2: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_ss32.cr2
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ printf "ARM Thread State:\n"
+ set $kgm_pcb = (arm_saved_state_t *) (&$kgm_threadp->machine.PcbData)
+ printf " r0: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[0]
+ printf " r1: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[1]
+ printf " r2: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[2]
+ printf " r3: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[3]
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " r4: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[4]
+ printf " r5: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[5]
+ printf " r6: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[6]
+ printf " r7: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[7]
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " r8: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[8]
+ printf " r9: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[9]
+ printf " r10: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[10]
+ printf " r11: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[11]
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " ip: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.r[12]
+ printf " sp: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.sp
+ printf " lr: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.lr
+ printf " pc: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.pc
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " cpsr: "
+ showuserptr $kgm_pcb.cpsr
+ printf "\n"
+ else
+ echo showuserregisters not supported on this architecture\n
+ end
+ end
+document showuserregisters
+Syntax: showuserstack <address of thread>
+|This command displays the last known user register state
+|for the thread. This map not be correct for cases where
+|the thread is currently executing in userspace. However
+|for threads that have entered the kernel (either explicitly
+|with a system call or implicitly with a fault), it should
+|be accurate
+define showtaskuserregisters
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ printf "For thread "
+ showptr $kgm_actp
+ printf "\n"
+ showuserregisters $kgm_actp
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+document showtaskuserregisters
+Syntax: (gdb) showtaskuserregisters <task>
+| Print out the user registers for each thread in a task
+define kdp-reboot
+# Alternatively, set *(*(unsigned **) 0x2498) = 1
+# (or 0x5498 on PPC, 0xffffff8000002928 on x86_64, 0xffff049c on arm)
+ manualhdrint $kgm_kdp_pkt_hostreboot
+ detach
+document kdp-reboot
+Syntax: kdp-reboot
+|Reboot the remote target machine; not guaranteed to succeed.
+define kdpversionint
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_version_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_version_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_VERSION
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_version_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_version_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_kdp_version = $kgm_pkt->version
+ set $kgm_kdp_feature = $kgm_pkt->feature
+define kdp-version
+ kdpversionint
+ printf "KDP VERSION = %d, FEATURE = 0x%x\n", $kgm_kdp_version, $kgm_kdp_feature
+document kdp-version
+Syntax: kdp-version
+|Get the KDP protocol version being used by the kernel.
+define dumpinfoint
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_dumpinfo_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_dumpinfo_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_DUMPINFO
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_dumpinfo_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->type = $arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->name = ""
+ set $kgm_pkt->destip = ""
+ set $kgm_pkt->routerip = ""
+ set $kgm_pkt->port = 0
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $kgm_pkt->name = "$arg1"
+ end
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $kgm_pkt->destip = "$arg2"
+ end
+ if $argc > 3
+ set $kgm_pkt->routerip = "$arg3"
+ end
+ if $argc > 4
+ set $kgm_pkt->port = $arg4
+ end
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+define sendcore
+ if $argc > 1
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_CORE $arg1 $arg0
+ else
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_CORE \0 $arg0
+ end
+document sendcore
+Syntax: sendcore <IP address> [filename]
+|Configure the kernel to transmit a kernel coredump to a server (kdumpd)
+|at the specified IP address. This is useful when the remote target has
+|not been previously configured to transmit coredumps, and you wish to
+|preserve kernel state for later examination. NOTE: You must issue a "continue"
+|command after using this macro to trigger the kernel coredump. The kernel
+|will resume waiting in the debugger after completion of the coredump. You
+|may disable coredumps by executing the "disablecore" macro. You can
+|optionally specify the filename to be used for the generated core file.
+define sendsyslog
+ if $argc > 1
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_SYSTEMLOG $arg1 $arg0
+ else
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_SYSTEMLOG \0 $arg0
+ end
+document sendsyslog
+Syntax: sendsyslog <IP address> [filename]
+|Configure the kernel to transmit a kernel system log to a server (kdumpd)
+|at the specified IP address. NOTE: You must issue a "continue"
+|command after using this macro to trigger the kernel system log. The kernel
+|will resume waiting in the debugger after completion. You can optionally
+|specify the name to be used for the generated system log.
+define sendpaniclog
+ if panicstr
+ if $argc > 1
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_PANICLOG $arg1 $arg0
+ else
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_PANICLOG \0 $arg0
+ end
+ else
+ printf "No panic log available.\n"
+ end
+document sendpaniclog
+Syntax: sendpaniclog <IP address> [filename]
+|Configure the kernel to transmit a kernel paniclog to a server (kdumpd)
+|at the specified IP address. NOTE: You must issue a "continue"
+|command after using this macro to trigger the kernel panic log. The kernel
+|will resume waiting in the debugger after completion. You can optionally
+|specify the name to be used for the generated panic log.
+define getdumpinfo
+ set $kgm_dumpinfo = (kdp_dumpinfo_reply_t *) manual_pkt.data
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo->type & KDP_DUMPINFO_REBOOT
+ printf "System will reboot after kernel info gets dumped.\n"
+ else
+ printf "System will not reboot after kernel info gets dumped.\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo->type & KDP_DUMPINFO_NORESUME
+ printf "System will allow a re-attach after a KDP disconnect.\n"
+ else
+ printf "System will resume after a KDP disconnect.\n"
+ end
+ set $kgm_dumpinfo_type = $kgm_dumpinfo->type & KDP_DUMPINFO_MASK
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo_type == KDP_DUMPINFO_DISABLE
+ printf "Kernel not setup for remote dumps.\n"
+ else
+ printf "Remote dump type: "
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo_type == KDP_DUMPINFO_CORE
+ printf "Core file\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo_type == KDP_DUMPINFO_PANICLOG
+ printf "Panic log\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo_type == KDP_DUMPINFO_SYSTEMLOG
+ printf "System log\n"
+ end
+ printf "Name: "
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo->name[0] == '\0'
+ printf "(autogenerated)\n"
+ else
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_dumpinfo->name
+ end
+ printf "Network Info: %s[%d] ", $kgm_dumpinfo->destip, $kgm_dumpinfo->port
+ if $kgm_dumpinfo->routerip[0] == '\0'
+ printf "\n"
+ else
+ printf "Router: %s\n", $kgm_dumpinfo->routerip
+ end
+ end
+document getdumpinfo
+Syntax: getdumpinfo
+|Retrieve the current remote dump settings.
+define setdumpinfo
+ dumpinfoint KDP_DUMPINFO_SETINFO $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+document setdumpinfo
+Syntax: setdumpinfo <filename> <ip> <router> <port>
+|Configure the current remote dump settings. Specify \0 if you
+|want to use the defaults (filename) or previously configured
+|settings (ip/router). Specify 0 for the port if you wish to
+|use the previously configured/default setting for that.
+define disablecore
document disablecore
|configured to transmit coredumps through boot-args as well.
-#Use of this macro requires the gdb submission from 3401283
define switchtocorethread
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
- if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
- set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
- end
- set $kdp_act_counter = $kdp_act_counter + 1
- set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
- if ($newact->kernel_stack == 0)
- echo This thread does not have a stack.\n
- echo continuation:
- output/a (unsigned) $newact.continuation
- echo \n
- else
- loadcontext $newact->machine->pcb
-# flushstack will be introduced in a gdb version > gdb-357
- flushstack
- set $pc = $newact->machine->pcb.save_srr0
- end
+ set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
+ select 0
+ if ($newact->kernel_stack == 0)
+ echo This thread does not have a stack.\n
+ echo continuation:
+ output/a (unsigned) $newact.continuation
+ echo \n
- echo switchtocorethread not implemented for this architecture.\n
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ loadcontext $newact->machine->pcb
+ flushstack
+ set $pc = $newact->machine->pcb.save_srr0
+ else
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ set $kgm_cstatep = (struct x86_kernel_state *) \
+ ($newact->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size \
+ - sizeof(struct x86_kernel_state))
+ loadcontext $kgm_cstatep
+ flushstack
+ else
+ echo switchtocorethread not supported on this architecture\n
+ end
+ end
+ showcontext_int
define loadcontext
- set $pc = $arg0.save_srr0
- set $r1 = $arg0.save_r1
- set $lr = $arg0.save_lr
- set $r2 = $arg0.save_r2
- set $r3 = $arg0.save_r3
- set $r4 = $arg0.save_r4
- set $r5 = $arg0.save_r5
- set $r6 = $arg0.save_r6
- set $r7 = $arg0.save_r7
- set $r8 = $arg0.save_r8
- set $r9 = $arg0.save_r9
- set $r10 = $arg0.save_r10
- set $r11 = $arg0.save_r11
- set $r12 = $arg0.save_r12
- set $r13 = $arg0.save_r13
- set $r14 = $arg0.save_r14
- set $r15 = $arg0.save_r15
- set $r16 = $arg0.save_r16
- set $r17 = $arg0.save_r17
- set $r18 = $arg0.save_r18
- set $r19 = $arg0.save_r19
- set $r20 = $arg0.save_r20
- set $r21 = $arg0.save_r21
- set $r22 = $arg0.save_r22
- set $r23 = $arg0.save_r23
- set $r24 = $arg0.save_r24
- set $r25 = $arg0.save_r25
- set $r26 = $arg0.save_r26
- set $r27 = $arg0.save_r27
- set $r28 = $arg0.save_r28
- set $r29 = $arg0.save_r29
- set $r30 = $arg0.save_r30
- set $r31 = $arg0.save_r31
- set $cr = $arg0.save_cr
- set $ctr = $arg0.save_ctr
+ select 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ set $kgm_contextp = (struct savearea *) $arg0
+ set $pc = $kgm_contextp.save_srr0
+ set $r1 = $kgm_contextp.save_r1
+ set $lr = $kgm_contextp.save_lr
+ set $r2 = $kgm_contextp.save_r2
+ set $r3 = $kgm_contextp.save_r3
+ set $r4 = $kgm_contextp.save_r4
+ set $r5 = $kgm_contextp.save_r5
+ set $r6 = $kgm_contextp.save_r6
+ set $r7 = $kgm_contextp.save_r7
+ set $r8 = $kgm_contextp.save_r8
+ set $r9 = $kgm_contextp.save_r9
+ set $r10 = $kgm_contextp.save_r10
+ set $r11 = $kgm_contextp.save_r11
+ set $r12 = $kgm_contextp.save_r12
+ set $r13 = $kgm_contextp.save_r13
+ set $r14 = $kgm_contextp.save_r14
+ set $r15 = $kgm_contextp.save_r15
+ set $r16 = $kgm_contextp.save_r16
+ set $r17 = $kgm_contextp.save_r17
+ set $r18 = $kgm_contextp.save_r18
+ set $r19 = $kgm_contextp.save_r19
+ set $r20 = $kgm_contextp.save_r20
+ set $r21 = $kgm_contextp.save_r21
+ set $r22 = $kgm_contextp.save_r22
+ set $r23 = $kgm_contextp.save_r23
+ set $r24 = $kgm_contextp.save_r24
+ set $r25 = $kgm_contextp.save_r25
+ set $r26 = $kgm_contextp.save_r26
+ set $r27 = $kgm_contextp.save_r27
+ set $r28 = $kgm_contextp.save_r28
+ set $r29 = $kgm_contextp.save_r29
+ set $r30 = $kgm_contextp.save_r30
+ set $r31 = $kgm_contextp.save_r31
+ set $cr = $kgm_contextp.save_cr
+ set $ctr = $kgm_contextp.save_ctr
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_contextp = (struct x86_kernel_state *) $arg0
+ set $ebx = $kgm_contextp->k_ebx
+ set $ebp = $kgm_contextp->k_ebp
+ set $edi = $kgm_contextp->k_edi
+ set $esi = $kgm_contextp->k_esi
+ set $eip = $kgm_contextp->k_eip
+ set $pc = $kgm_contextp->k_eip
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_contextp = (struct x86_kernel_state *) $arg0
+ set $rbx = $kgm_contextp->k_rbx
+ set $rbp = $kgm_contextp->k_rbp
+ set $r12 = $kgm_contextp->k_r12
+ set $r13 = $kgm_contextp->k_r13
+ set $r14 = $kgm_contextp->k_r14
+ set $r15 = $kgm_contextp->k_r15
+ set $rip = $kgm_contextp->k_rip
+ set $pc = $kgm_contextp->k_rip
+ else
+ echo loadcontext not supported on this architecture\n
+ end
+ end
+ end
define resetcorectx
- set $kgm_corecontext = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
- loadcontext $kgm_corecontext
-# Maintaining this act counter wouldn't be necessary if we just initialized
-# $kdpstate at the beginning of the macro..
- set $kdp_act_counter = 0
+ select 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
+ set $kgm_corecontext = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
+ loadcontext $kgm_corecontext
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kdpstatep = (struct x86_saved_state32 *) kdp.saved_state
+ set $ebx = $kdpstatep->ebx
+ set $ebp = $kdpstatep->ebp
+ set $edi = $kdpstatep->edi
+ set $esi = $kdpstatep->esi
+ set $eip = $kdpstatep->eip
+ set $eax = $kdpstatep->eax
+ set $ecx = $kdpstatep->ecx
+ set $edx = $kdpstatep->edx
+ flushregs
+ flushstack
+ set $pc = $kdpstatep->eip
+ update
+ else
+ echo resetcorectx not supported on this architecture\n
+ end
+ end
+ showcontext_int
document resetcorectx
printf "W\t"
printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_thread.wait_queue
output /a (unsigned) $kgm_thread.wait_event
+ if ($kgm_thread.uthread != 0)
+ set $kgm_uthread = (struct uthread *)$kgm_thread.uthread
+ if ($kgm_uthread->uu_wmesg != 0)
+ printf " \"%s\"", $kgm_uthread->uu_wmesg
+ end
+ end
if $arg1 != 0
if ($kgm_thread.kernel_stack != 0)
printf "\n\t\treserved_stack=0x%08x", $kgm_thread.reserved_stack
printf "\n\t\tkernel_stack=0x%08x", $kgm_thread.kernel_stack
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
set $mysp = $kgm_thread.machine.pcb->save_r1
- else
- set $kgm_statep = (struct i386_kernel_state *) \
- ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack + 0x4000 \
- - sizeof(struct i386_kernel_state))
+ end
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct x86_kernel_state *) \
+ ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size \
+ - sizeof(struct x86_kernel_state))
set $mysp = $kgm_statep->k_ebp
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ if (((unsigned long)$r7 < ((unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack+kernel_stack_size))) \
+ && ((unsigned long)$r7 > (unsigned long) ($kgm_thread->kernel_stack)))
+ set $mysp = $r7
+ else
+ set $kgm_statep = (struct arm_saved_state *)$kgm_thread.machine.kstackptr
+ set $mysp = $kgm_statep->r[7]
+ end
+ end
set $prevsp = 0
printf "\n\t\tstacktop=0x%08x", $mysp
- switchtoact $arg0
+ if ($arg2 == 0)
+ switchtoact $arg0
+ else
+ switchtocorethread $arg0
+ end
printf "\n\t\t\tcontinuation="
#encountering such an error.
define showallgdbstacks
- set $kgm_head_taskp = &default_pset.tasks
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
- showgdbthread $kgm_actp 1
+ showgdbthread $kgm_actp 1 0
set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
printf "\n"
- set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->pset_tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
| errors.
+define showallgdbcorestacks
+ select 0
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskheader
+ showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ showactheader
+ showgdbthread $kgm_actp 1 1
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+ resetcorectx
+document showallgdbcorestacks
+Syntax: showallgdbcorestacks
+|Corefile version of "showallgdbstacks"
define switchtouserthread
- if ($kgm_mtype == 18)
+ select 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_ppc)
if ($kdp_act_counter == 0)
set $kdpstate = (struct savearea *) kdp.saved_state
define showmetaclass
- set cp-abi gnu-v2
set $kgm_metaclassp = (OSMetaClass *)$arg0
printf "%-5d", $kgm_metaclassp->instanceCount
printf "x %5d bytes", $kgm_metaclassp->classSize
printf " %s\n", $kgm_metaclassp->className->string
-define showallclasses
- set cp-abi gnu-v2
- set $kgm_classidx = 0
- while $kgm_classidx < sAllClassesDict->count
- set $kgm_meta = (OSMetaClass *) sAllClassesDict->dictionary[$kgm_classidx].value
- showmetaclass $kgm_meta
- set $kgm_classidx = $kgm_classidx + 1
+define showstring
+ printf "\"%s\"", ((OSString *)$arg0)->string
+define shownumber
+ printf "%lld", ((OSNumber *)$arg0)->value
+define showboolean
+ if ($arg0 == gOSBooleanFalse)
+ printf "No"
+ else
+ printf "Yes"
-document showallclasses
-| Show the instance counts and ivar size of all OSObject subclasses. See ioclasscount man page for details.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showallclasses
+define showdatabytes
+ set $kgm_data = (OSData *)$arg0
+ printf "<"
+ set $kgm_datap = (const unsigned char *) $kgm_data->data
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ while ( $kgm_idx < $kgm_data->length )
+ printf "%02X", *$kgm_datap
+ set $kgm_datap = $kgm_datap + 1
+ set $kgm_idx = $kgm_idx + 1
+ end
+ printf ">\n"
+define showdata
+ set $kgm_data = (OSData *)$arg0
+ printf "<"
+ set $kgm_datap = (const unsigned char *) $kgm_data->data
+ set $kgm_printstr = 0
+ if (0 == (3 & (unsigned int)$kgm_datap) && ($kgm_data->length >= 3))
+ set $kgm_bytes = *(unsigned int *) $kgm_datap
+ if (0xffff0000 & $kgm_bytes)
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ set $kgm_printstr = 1
+ while ($kgm_idx++ < 4)
+ set $kgm_bytes = $kgm_bytes >> 8
+ set $kgm_char = 0xff & $kgm_bytes
+ if ($kgm_char && (($kgm_char < 0x20) || ($kgm_char > 0x7e)))
+ set $kgm_printstr = 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ if ($kgm_printstr)
+ set $kgm_quoted = 0
+ while ($kgm_idx < $kgm_data->length)
+ set $kgm_char = $kgm_datap[$kgm_idx++]
+ if ($kgm_char)
+ if (0 == $kgm_quoted)
+ set $kgm_quoted = 1
+ if ($kgm_idx > 1)
+ printf ",\""
+ else
+ printf "\""
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%c", $kgm_char
+ else
+ if ($kgm_quoted)
+ set $kgm_quoted = 0
+ printf "\""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_quoted)
+ printf "\""
+ end
+ else
+ if (0 == (3 & (unsigned int)$kgm_datap))
+ while (($kgm_idx + 3) <= $kgm_data->length)
+ printf "%08x", *(unsigned int *) &$kgm_datap[$kgm_idx]
+ set $kgm_idx = $kgm_idx + 4
+ end
+ end
+ while ($kgm_idx < $kgm_data->length)
+ printf "%02x", $kgm_datap[$kgm_idx++]
+ end
+ end
+ printf ">"
+define showdictionaryint
+ set $kgm$arg0_dict = (OSDictionary *)$arg1
+ printf "{"
+ set $kgm$arg0_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_dict->count)
+ set $kgm_obj = $kgm$arg0_dict->dictionary[$kgm$arg0_idx].key
+ showobjectint _$arg0 $kgm_obj
+ printf "="
+ set $kgm_obj = $kgm$arg0_dict->dictionary[$kgm$arg0_idx++].value
+ showobjectint _$arg0 $kgm_obj
+ if ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_dict->count)
+ printf ","
+ end
+ end
+ printf "}"
-define showioalloc
- printf " Instance allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_ivars_size, ((int) debug_ivars_size) / 1024
- printf "Container allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_container_malloc_size, ((int) debug_container_malloc_size) / 1024
- printf " IOMalloc allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_iomalloc_size, ((int) debug_iomalloc_size) / 1024
- printf " Pageable allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (vm_size_t) debug_iomallocpageable_size, ((vm_size_t) debug_iomallocpageable_size) / 1024
+define indent
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm_idx < $arg0)
+ if ($arg1 & (1 << $kgm_idx++))
+ printf "| "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
-document showioalloc
-| Show some accounting of memory allocated by IOKit allocators. See ioalloccount man page for details.
-| The following is the syntax:
-| (gdb) showioalloc
+define showregdictionary
+ indent $kgm_reg_depth+2 $arg1
+ printf "{\n"
+ set $kgm_reg_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm_reg_idx < $arg0->count)
+ indent $kgm_reg_depth+2 $arg1
+ printf " "
+ set $kgm_obj = $arg0->dictionary[$kgm_reg_idx].key
+ showobjectint _ $kgm_obj
+ printf " = "
+ set $kgm_obj = $arg0->dictionary[$kgm_reg_idx++].value
+ showobjectint _ $kgm_obj
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ indent $kgm_reg_depth+2 $arg1
+ printf "}\n"
+define showorderedsetarrayint
+ set $kgm$arg0_array = (_Element *)$arg1
+ set $kgm$arg0_count = $arg2
+ set $kgm$arg0_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_count)
+ set $kgm_obj = $kgm$arg0_array[$kgm$arg0_idx++]
+ showobjectint _$arg0 $kgm_obj
+ if ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_count)
+ printf ","
+ end
+ end
+define showorderedsetint
+ set $kgm_array = ((OSOrderedSet *)$arg1)->array
+ set $count = ((OSOrderedSet *)$arg1)->count
+ printf "["
+ showorderedsetarrayint $arg0 $kgm_array $count
+ printf "]"
+define showarraysetint
+ set $kgm$arg0_array = (OSArray *)$arg1
+ set $kgm$arg0_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_array->count)
+ set $kgm_obj = $kgm$arg0_array->array[$kgm$arg0_idx++]
+ showobjectint _$arg0 $kgm_obj
+ if ($kgm$arg0_idx < $kgm$arg0_array->count)
+ printf ","
+ end
+ end
+define showarrayint
+ printf "("
+ showarraysetint $arg0 $arg1
+ printf ")"
+define showsetint
+ set $kgm_array = ((OSSet *)$arg1)->members
+ printf "["
+ showarraysetint $arg0 $kgm_array
+ printf "]"
+define showobjectint
+ set $kgm_obj = (OSObject *) $arg1
+ set $kgm_vt = *((void **) $arg1)
+ if ($kgm_lp64 || $kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $kgm_vt = $kgm_vt - 2 * sizeof(void *)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_show_object_addrs)
+ printf "`object "
+ showptr $arg1
+ printf ", vt "
+ output /a (unsigned long) $kgm_vt
+ if ($kgm_show_object_retain)
+ printf ", retain count %d, container retain %d", (0xffff & $kgm_obj->retainCount), $kgm_obj->retainCount >> 16
+ end
+ printf "` "
+ end
+ # No multiple-inheritance
+ set $kgm_shown = 0
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV8OSString)
+ showstring $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV8OSSymbol)
+ showstring $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV8OSNumber)
+ shownumber $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV6OSData)
+ if $kgm_show_data_alwaysbytes == 1
+ showdatabytes $arg1
+ else
+ showdata $arg1
+ end
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV9OSBoolean)
+ showboolean $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV12OSDictionary)
+ showdictionaryint _$arg0 $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV7OSArray)
+ showarrayint _$arg0 $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV5OSSet)
+ showsetint _$arg0 $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV12OSOrderedSet)
+ showorderedsetint _$arg0 $arg1
+ set $kgm_shown = 1
+ end
+ if ($kgm_shown != 1)
+ if ($kgm_show_object_addrs == 0)
+ printf "`object "
+ showptr $arg1
+ printf ", vt "
+ output /a (unsigned long) $kgm_vt
+ printf "`"
+ end
+ end
+define showobject
+ set $kgm_save = $kgm_show_object_addrs
+ set $kgm_show_object_addrs = 1
+ set $kgm_show_object_retain = 1
+ showobjectint _ $arg0
+ set $kgm_show_object_addrs = $kgm_save
+ set $kgm_show_object_retain = 0
+ printf "\n"
+document showobject
+Syntax: (gdb) showobject <object address>
+| Show info about an OSObject - its vtable ptr and retain count.
+| If the object is a simple container class, more info will be shown.
+define dictget
+ set $kgm_dictp = (OSDictionary *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_keyp = (const OSSymbol *)$arg1
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ set $kgm_result = 0
+ while (($kgm_idx < $kgm_dictp->count) && ($kgm_result == 0))
+ if ($kgm_keyp == $kgm_dictp->dictionary[$kgm_idx].key)
+ set $kgm_result = $kgm_dictp->dictionary[$kgm_idx].value
+ end
+ set $kgm_idx = $kgm_idx + 1
+ end
+define _registryentryrecurseinit
+ set $kgm_re = (IOService *)$arg1
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = (unsigned long long) $arg2
+ if ($arg3)
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack | (1ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack & ~(1ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ end
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable $kgm_childkey
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_array = (OSArray *) $kgm_result
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_array)
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_count = $kgm$arg0_child_array->count
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_count = 0
+ end
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack | (2ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack & ~(2ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ end
+define findregistryentryrecurse
+ set $kgm_registry_entry = 0
+ _registryentryrecurseinit $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable $kgm_namekey
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable gIONameKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fPropertyTable gIOClassKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result != 0)
+ set $str = ((OSString *) $kgm_result)->string
+ strcmp_nomalloc $str $kgm_reg_find_str0 $kgm_reg_find_str1 $kgm_reg_find_str2 $kgm_reg_find_str3 $kgm_reg_find_str4 $kgm_reg_find_str5 $kgm_reg_find_str6 $kgm_reg_find_str7 $kgm_reg_find_str8
+ if $kgm_findregistry_verbose
+ echo .
+ end
+ if $kgm_strcmp_result == 0
+ if $kgm_findregistry_verbose
+ printf "\n%s:\n | ", ((OSString *) $kgm_result)->string
+ showobject $kgm_re
+ printf " | "
+ print $kgm_re
+ end
+ # don't populate $kgm_registry_entry if we want to show everything
+ if !$kgm_findregistry_continue
+ set $kgm_registry_entry = $kgm_re
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # recurse
+ if (!$kgm_registry_entry && ($kgm$arg0_child_count != 0))
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth + 1
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ set $kgm_re = $kgm$arg0_child_array->array[$kgm$arg0_child_idx++]
+ set $kgm_more_sib = ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ if $kgm_reg_depth >= $kgm_reg_depth_max + 1
+ loop_break
+ end
+ findregistryentryrecurse _$arg0 $kgm_re $kgm$arg0_stack $kgm_more_sib
+ if $kgm_registry_entry
+ loop_break
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth - 1
+ end
+define findregdictvalue
+ set $kgm_registry_value = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm_reg_idx < $arg0->count)
+ set $kgm_obj = $arg0->dictionary + $kgm_reg_idx
+ set $str = ((OSString *)$kgm_obj->key)->string
+ strcmp_nomalloc $str $kgm_reg_find_str0 $kgm_reg_find_str1 $kgm_reg_find_str2 $kgm_reg_find_str3 $kgm_reg_find_str4 $kgm_reg_find_str5 $kgm_reg_find_str6 $kgm_reg_find_str7 $kgm_reg_find_str8
+ if $kgm_strcmp_result == 0
+ set $kgm_registry_value = $kgm_obj->value
+ if $kgm_findregistry_verbose
+ showobject $kgm_registry_value
+ print $kgm_registry_value
+ end
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_reg_idx = $kgm_reg_idx + 1
+ end
+define setfindregistrystr
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str0 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str1 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str2 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str3 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str4 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str5 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str6 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str7 = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str8 = 0
+ if $argc > 0
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str0 = $arg0
+ end
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str1 = $arg1
+ end
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str2 = $arg2
+ end
+ if $argc > 3
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str3 = $arg3
+ end
+ if $argc > 4
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str4 = $arg4
+ end
+ if $argc > 5
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str5 = $arg5
+ end
+ if $argc > 6
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str6 = $arg6
+ end
+ if $argc > 7
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str7 = $arg7
+ end
+ if $argc > 8
+ set $kgm_reg_find_str8 = $arg8
+ end
+document setfindregistrystr
+Syntax: (gdb) setfindregistrystr [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h] [i]
+| Store an encoded string into up to 9 arguments for use by
+| findregistryprop or findregistryentry. The arguments are created
+| through calls to strcmp_arg_pack64
+define _findregistryprop
+ set $reg = (IOService *) $arg0
+ set $kgm_props = $reg->fPropertyTable
+ set $kgm_findregistry_verbose = 0
+ findregdictvalue $kgm_props
+define findregistryprop
+ set $reg = (IOService *) $arg0
+ set $kgm_props = $reg->fPropertyTable
+ set $kgm_findregistry_verbose = 1
+ findregdictvalue $kgm_props
+document findregistryprop
+Syntax: (gdb) findregistryprop <entry>
+| Given a registry entry, print out the contents for the property that matches
+| the encoded string specified via setfindregistrystr.
+| For example, the following will print out the "intel-pic" property stored in
+| the AppleACPIPlatformExpert registry entry $pe_entry:
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'i' 'n' 't' 'e' 'l' '-' 'p' 'i'
+| set $intel_pi = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'c' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+| set $c = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+| setfindregistrystr $intel_pi $c
+| findregistryprop $pe_entry
+define findregistryentryint
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ set $kgm_reg_plane = (IORegistryPlane *) gIOServicePlane
+ end
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ printf "Please load kgmacros after KDP attaching to the target.\n"
+ else
+ set $kgm_namekey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->nameKey
+ set $kgm_childkey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->keys[1]
+ if $kgm_findregistry_verbose
+ printf "Searching"
+ end
+ findregistryentryrecurse _ $arg0 0 0
+ end
+define _findregistryentry
+ set $kgm_findregistry_verbose = 0
+ set $kgm_findregistry_continue = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ findregistryentryint gRegistryRoot
+define findregistryentry
+ set $kgm_findregistry_verbose = 1
+ set $kgm_findregistry_continue = 0
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ findregistryentryint gRegistryRoot
+define findregistryentries
+ set $kgm_findregistry_verbose = 1
+ set $kgm_findregistry_continue = 1
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ findregistryentryint gRegistryRoot
+document findregistryentry
+Syntax: (gdb) findregistryentry
+| Search for a registry entry that matches the encoded string specified through
+| setfindregistrystr. You can alter the search depth through use of
+| $kgm_reg_depth_max.
+| For example, the following will pull out the AppleACPIPlatformExpert registry
+| entry:
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'A' 'p' 'p' 'l' 'e' 'A' 'C' 'P'
+| set $AppleACP = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'I' 'P' 'l' 'a' 't' 'f' 'o' 'r'
+| set $IPlatfor = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'm' 'E' 'x' 'p' 'e' 'r' 't' 0
+| set $mExpert = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+| setfindregistrystr $AppleACP $IPlatfor $mExpert
+| findregistryentry
+document findregistryentries
+Syntax: (gdb) findregistryentries
+| Search for all registry entries that match the encoded string specified through
+| setfindregistrystr. You can alter the search depth through use of
+| $kgm_reg_depth_max. See findregistryentry for an example of how to encode a string.
+define showregistryentryrecurse
+ _registryentryrecurseinit $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ indent $kgm_reg_depth $kgm$arg0_stack
+ printf "+-o "
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable $kgm_namekey
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable gIONameKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fPropertyTable gIOClassKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result != 0)
+ printf "%s", ((OSString *)$kgm_result)->string
+ else
+ if (((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt && ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->Name)
+ printf "%s", ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->Name
+ else
+# printf ", guessclass "
+# guessclass $kgm_re
+ printf "??"
+ end
+ end
+ printf " <object "
+ showptr $kgm_re
+ printf ", id 0x%llx, ", $kgm_re->IORegistryEntry::reserved->fRegistryEntryID
+ printf "vtable "
+ set $kgm_vt = (unsigned long) *(void**) $kgm_re
+ if ($kgm_lp64 || $kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $kgm_vt = $kgm_vt - 2 * sizeof(void *)
+ end
+ output /a $kgm_vt
+ if ($kgm_vt != &_ZTV15IORegistryEntry)
+ printf ", "
+ set $kgm_state = $kgm_re->__state[0]
+ # kIOServiceRegisteredState
+ if (0 == ($kgm_state & 2))
+ printf "!"
+ end
+ printf "registered, "
+ # kIOServiceMatchedState
+ if (0 == ($kgm_state & 4))
+ printf "!"
+ end
+ printf "matched, "
+ # kIOServiceInactiveState
+ if ($kgm_state & 1)
+ printf "in"
+ end
+ printf "active, busy %d, retain count %d", (0xff & $kgm_re->__state[1]), (0xffff & $kgm_re->retainCount)
+ end
+ printf ">\n"
+ if ($kgm_show_props)
+ set $kgm_props = $kgm_re->fPropertyTable
+ showregdictionary $kgm_props $kgm$arg0_stack
+ end
+ # recurse
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_count != 0)
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth + 1
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ set $kgm_re = $kgm$arg0_child_array->array[$kgm$arg0_child_idx++]
+ set $kgm_more_sib = ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ if $kgm_reg_depth >= $kgm_reg_depth_max + 1
+ loop_break
+ end
+ showregistryentryrecurse _$arg0 $kgm_re $kgm$arg0_stack $kgm_more_sib
+ end
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth - 1
+ end
+define showregistryentryint
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ set $kgm_reg_plane = (IORegistryPlane *) gIOServicePlane
+ end
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ printf "Please load kgmacros after KDP attaching to the target.\n"
+ else
+ set $kgm_namekey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->nameKey
+ set $kgm_childkey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->keys[1]
+ showregistryentryrecurse _ $arg0 0 0
+ end
+define showregistry
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ set $kgm_show_props = 0
+ showregistryentryint gRegistryRoot
+document showregistry
+Syntax: (gdb) showregistry
+| Show info about all registry entries in the current plane. You can specify the maximum
+| display depth with $kgm_reg_depth_max.
+define showregistryprops
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ set $kgm_show_props = 1
+ showregistryentryint gRegistryRoot
+document showregistryprops
+Syntax: (gdb) showregistryprops
+| Show info about all registry entries in the current plane, and their properties.
+| set $kgm_show_object_addrs = 1 and/or set $kgm_show_object_retain = 1 will display
+| more verbose information
+define showregistryentry
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ set $kgm_show_props = 1
+ showregistryentryint $arg0
+document showregistryentry
+Syntax: (gdb) showregistryentry <object address>
+| Show info about a registry entry; its properties and descendants in the current plane.
+define setregistryplane
+ if ($arg0 != 0)
+ set $kgm_reg_plane = (IORegistryPlane *) $arg0
+ else
+ showobjectint _ gIORegistryPlanes
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+document setregistryplane
+Syntax: (gdb) setregistryplane <plane object address>
+| Set the plane to be used for the iokit registry macros. An argument of zero will
+| display known planes.
+define guessclass
+ set $kgm_classidx = 0
+ set $kgm_lookvt = *((void **) $arg0)
+ set $kgm_bestvt = (void *) 0
+ set $kgm_bestidx = 0
+ while $kgm_classidx < sAllClassesDict->count
+ set $kgm_meta = (OSMetaClass *) sAllClassesDict->dictionary[$kgm_classidx].value
+ set $kgm_vt = *((void **) $kgm_meta)
+ if (($kgm_vt > $kgm_bestvt) && ($kgm_vt < $kgm_lookvt))
+ set $kgm_bestvt = $kgm_vt
+ set $kgm_bestidx = $kgm_classidx
+ end
+ set $kgm_classidx = $kgm_classidx + 1
+ end
+ printf "%s", sAllClassesDict->dictionary[$kgm_bestidx].key->string
+define showallclasses
+ set $kgm_classidx = 0
+ while $kgm_classidx < sAllClassesDict->count
+ set $kgm_meta = (OSMetaClass *) sAllClassesDict->dictionary[$kgm_classidx++].value
+ showmetaclass $kgm_meta
+ end
+document showallclasses
+Syntax: (gdb) showallclasses
+| Show the instance counts and ivar size of all OSObject subclasses. See ioclasscount man page for details.
+define showioalloc
+ printf " Instance allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_ivars_size, ((int) debug_ivars_size) / 1024
+ printf "Container allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_container_malloc_size, ((int) debug_container_malloc_size) / 1024
+ printf " IOMalloc allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (int) debug_iomalloc_size, ((int) debug_iomalloc_size) / 1024
+ printf " Pageable allocation = 0x%08lx = %4ld K\n", (vm_size_t) debug_iomallocpageable_size, ((vm_size_t) debug_iomallocpageable_size) / 1024
+document showioalloc
+Syntax: (gdb) showioalloc
+| Show some accounting of memory allocated by IOKit allocators. See ioalloccount man page for details.
+define showosobjecttracking
+ set $kgm_next = (OSObjectTracking *) gOSObjectTrackList.next
+ while $kgm_next != &gOSObjectTrackList
+ set $obj = (OSObject *) ($kgm_next+1)
+ showobject $obj
+ set $kgm_idx = 0
+ while $kgm_idx < (sizeof($kgm_next->bt) / sizeof($kgm_next->bt[0]))
+ if ((unsigned long) $kgm_next->bt[$kgm_idx] > (unsigned long) &last_kernel_symbol)
+ showkmodaddr $kgm_next->bt[$kgm_idx]
+ printf "\n"
+ else
+ if ((unsigned long) $kgm_next->bt[$kgm_idx] > 0)
+ output /a $kgm_next->bt[$kgm_idx]
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_idx = $kgm_idx + 1
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_next = (OSObjectTracking *) $kgm_next->link.next
+ end
+document showosobjecttracking
+Syntax: (gdb) showosobjecttracking
+| Show the list of tracked OSObject allocations with backtraces.
+| Boot with the kOSTraceObjectAlloc (0x00400000) io debug flag set.
+| Set gOSObjectTrackThread to 1 or a thread_t to capture new OSObjects allocated by a thread or all threads.
+# $kgm_readphys_force_kdp and $kgm_readphys_force_physmap
+# can respectively cause physical memory access to use
+# a KDP manual packet or the physical memory mapping
+# even if the default behavior would be otherwise.
+define readphysint
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = 0xBAD10AD
+ if ($kgm_readphys_force_kdp != 0)
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = 1
+ else
+ if ($kgm_readphys_force_physmap)
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = 0
+ else
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = ( kdp->is_conn > 0 )
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_readphys_use_kdp)
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_readphysmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readphysmem64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_READPHYSMEM64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_readphysmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint64_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = $arg1 >> 3
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = $arg2
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readphysmem64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ if ($kgm_pkt->error == 0)
+ if $arg1 == 8
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint8_t *)$kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 16
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint16_t *)$kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 32
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint32_t *)$kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 64
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint64_t *)$kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # No KDP. Attempt to use physical memory mapping
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva = (unsigned long long)$arg0 + physmap_base
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva = (unsigned long long)$arg0 - gPhysBase + gVirtBase
+ else
+ printf "readphys not available for current architecture.\n"
+ set $kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva
+ if $arg1 == 8
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint8_t *)$kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 16
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint16_t *)$kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 32
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint32_t *)$kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 64
+ set $kgm_readphysint_result = *((uint64_t *)$kgm_readphys_paddr_in_kva)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+define readphys8
+ readphysint $arg0 8 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%02hhx\n", $kgm_readphysint_result
+ set $kgm_readphys_result = (uint64_t)$kgm_readphysint_result
+define readphys16
+ readphysint $arg0 16 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%04hx\n", $kgm_readphysint_result
+ set $kgm_readphys_result = (uint64_t)$kgm_readphysint_result
+define readphys32
+ readphysint $arg0 32 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%08x\n", $kgm_readphysint_result
+ set $kgm_readphys_result = (uint64_t)$kgm_readphysint_result
+define readphys64
+ readphysint $arg0 64 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%016llx\n", $kgm_readphysint_result
+ set $kgm_readphys_result = (uint64_t)$kgm_readphysint_result
+define readphys
+ readphys32 $arg0
+document readphys8
+| See readphys64
+document readphys16
+| See readphys64
+document readphys32
+| See readphys64
+document readphys64
+| The argument is interpreted as a physical address, and the 64-bit word
+| addressed is displayed. Saves 64-bit result in $kgm_readphys_result.
+define writephysint
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_writephysmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writephysmem64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_WRITEPHYSMEM64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_writephysmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint64_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = $arg1 >> 3
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = $arg3
+ if $arg1 == 8
+ set *(uint8_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint8_t)$arg2
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 16
+ set *(uint16_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint16_t)$arg2
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 32
+ set *(uint32_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint32_t)$arg2
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 64
+ set *(uint64_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint64_t)$arg2
+ end
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writephysmem64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_writephysint_result = $kgm_pkt->error
+define writephys8
+ writephysint $arg0 8 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+define writephys16
+ writephysint $arg0 16 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+define writephys32
+ writephysint $arg0 32 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+define writephys64
+ writephysint $arg0 64 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+document writephys8
+| See writephys64
+document writephys16
+| See writephys64
+document writephys32
+| See writephys64
+document writephys64
+| The argument is interpreted as a physical address, and the second argument is
+| written to that address as a 64-bit word.
+define addkextsyms
+ if ($argc <= 1)
+ if ($argc == 0)
+ printf "Adding kext symbols from in-kernel summary data.\n"
+ add-all-kexts
+ else
+ printf "Adding kext symbols from $arg0.\n"
+ shell echo cd `pwd` > /tmp/gdb-cd
+ cd $arg0
+ source kcbmacros
+ source /tmp/gdb-cd
+ end
+ set $kgm_show_kmod_syms = 1
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help addkextsyms
+ end
+document addkextsyms
+| If specified without an argument, uses gdb's add-all-kexts command to load
+| kext symbols. Otherwise, takes a directory of kext symbols generated with
+| kextcache -y or kcgen and loads them into gdb.
+| (gdb) addkextsyms
+| - or -
+| (gdb) addkextsyms /path/to/symboldir
+define showprocfiles
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ _showprocheader
+ _showprocfiles $arg0
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help showprocfiles
+ end
+document showprocfiles
+Syntax: (gdb) showprocfiles <proc_t>
+| Given a proc_t pointer, display the list of open file descriptors for the
+| referenced process.
+define _showprocheader
+ printf "fd fileglob "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " fg flags fg type fg data "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " info\n"
+ printf "----- ----------"
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "--------"
+ end
+ printf " ---------- -------- ----------"
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "--------"
+ end
+ printf " -------------------\n"
+define _showprocfiles
+ set $kgm_spf_filedesc = ((proc_t)$arg0)->p_fd
+ set $kgm_spf_last = $kgm_spf_filedesc->fd_lastfile
+ set $kgm_spf_ofiles = $kgm_spf_filedesc->fd_ofiles
+ set $kgm_spf_count = 0
+ while ($kgm_spf_count <= $kgm_spf_last)
+ if ($kgm_spf_ofiles[$kgm_spf_count] == 0)
+ # DEBUG: For files that were open, but are now closed
+ # printf "%-5d FILEPROC_NULL\n", $kgm_spf_count
+ else
+ # display fd #, fileglob address, fileglob flags
+ set $kgm_spf_flags = $kgm_spf_ofiles[$kgm_spf_count].f_flags
+ set $kgm_spf_fg = $kgm_spf_ofiles[$kgm_spf_count].f_fglob
+ printf "%-5d ", $kgm_spf_count
+ showptr $kgm_spf_fg
+ printf " 0x%08x ", $kgm_spf_flags
+ # decode fileglob type
+ set $kgm_spf_fgt = $kgm_spf_fg->fg_type
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 1)
+ printf "VNODE "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 2)
+ printf "SOCKET "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 3)
+ printf "PSXSHM "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 4)
+ printf "PSXSEM "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 5)
+ printf "KQUEUE "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 6)
+ printf "PIPE "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 7)
+ printf "FSEVENTS"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt < 1 || $kgm_spf_fgt > 7)
+ printf "?: %-5d", $kgm_spf_fgt
+ end
+ # display fileglob data address and decode interesting fact(s)
+ # about data, if we know any
+ set $kgm_spf_fgd = $kgm_spf_fg->fg_data
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_spf_fgd
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_spf_fgt == 1)
+ set $kgm_spf_name = ((struct vnode *)$kgm_spf_fgd)->v_name
+ if ($kgm_spf_name == 0)
+ printf "(null)"
+ else
+ printf "%s", $kgm_spf_name
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $kgm_spf_count = $kgm_spf_count + 1
+ end
+# Show all the advisory file locks held by a process for each of the vnode
+# type files that it has open; do this by walking the per process open file
+# table and looking at any vnode type fileglob that has a non-NULL lock list
+# associated with it.
+define showproclocks
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ _showproclocks $arg0
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help showproclocks
+ end
+document showproclocks
+Syntax: (gdb) showproclocks <proc_t>
+| Given a proc_t pointer, display the list of advisory file locks held by the
+| referenced process.
+define _showproclocks
+ set $kgm_spl_filedesc = ((proc_t)$arg0)->p_fd
+ set $kgm_spl_last = $kgm_spl_filedesc->fd_lastfile
+ set $kgm_spl_ofiles = $kgm_spl_filedesc->fd_ofiles
+ set $kgm_spl_count = 0
+ set $kgm_spl_seen = 0
+ while ($kgm_spl_count <= $kgm_spl_last)
+ if ($kgm_spl_ofiles[$kgm_spl_count] == 0)
+ # DEBUG: For files that were open, but are now closed
+ # printf "%-5d FILEPROC_NULL\n", $kgm_spl_count
+ else
+ set $kgm_spl_fg = $kgm_spl_ofiles[$kgm_spl_count].f_fglob
+ # decode fileglob type
+ set $kgm_spl_fgt = $kgm_spl_fg->fg_type
+ if ($kgm_spl_fgt == 1)
+ set $kgm_spl_fgd = $kgm_spl_fg->fg_data
+ set $kgm_spl_name = ((struct vnode *)$kgm_spl_fgd)->v_name
+ set $kgm_spl_vnode = ((vnode_t)$kgm_spl_fgd)
+ set $kgm_spl_lockiter = $kgm_spl_vnode->v_lockf
+ if ($kgm_spl_lockiter != 0)
+ if ($kgm_spl_seen == 0)
+ _showvnodelockheader
+ end
+ set $kgm_spl_seen = $kgm_spl_seen + 1
+ printf "( fd %d, name ", $kgm_spl_count
+ if ($kgm_spl_name == 0)
+ printf "(null) )"
+ else
+ printf "%s )\n", $kgm_spl_name
+ end
+ _showvnodelocks $kgm_spl_fgd
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_spl_count = $kgm_spf_count + 1
+ end
+ printf "%d total locks for ", $kgm_spl_seen
+ showptr $arg0
+ printf "\n"
+define showprocinfo
+ set $kgm_spi_proc = (proc_t)$arg0
+ printf "Process "
+ showptr $kgm_spi_proc
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " name %s\n", $kgm_spi_proc->p_comm
+ printf " pid:%.8d", $kgm_spi_proc->p_pid
+ printf " task:"
+ showptr $kgm_spi_proc->task
+ printf " p_stat:%.1d", $kgm_spi_proc->p_stat
+ printf " parent pid:%.8d", $kgm_spi_proc->p_ppid
+ printf "\n"
+ # decode part of credential
+ set $kgm_spi_cred = $kgm_spi_proc->p_ucred
+ if ($kgm_spi_cred != 0)
+ printf "Cred: euid %d ruid %d svuid %d\n", $kgm_spi_cred->cr_posix.cr_uid, $kgm_spi_cred->cr_posix.cr_ruid, $kgm_spi_cred->cr_posix.cr_svuid
+ else
+ printf "Cred: (null)\n"
+ end
+ # decode flags
+ set $kgm_spi_flag = $kgm_spi_proc->p_flag
+ printf "Flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_spi_flag
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000001)
+ printf " 0x00000001 - may hold advisory locks\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000002)
+ printf " 0x00000002 - has a controlling tty\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000004)
+ printf " 0x00000004 - process is 64 bit\n"
+ else
+ printf " !0x00000004 - process is 32 bit\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000008)
+ printf " 0x00000008 - no SIGCHLD on child stop\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000010)
+ printf " 0x00000010 - waiting for child exec/exit\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000020)
+ printf " 0x00000020 - has started profiling\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000040)
+ printf " 0x00000040 - in select; wakeup/waiting danger\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000080)
+ printf " 0x00000080 - was stopped and continued\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000100)
+ printf " 0x00000100 - has set privileges since exec\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000200)
+ printf " 0x00000200 - system process: no signals, stats, or swap\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000400)
+ printf " 0x00000400 - timing out during a sleep\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00000800)
+ printf " 0x00000800 - debugged process being traced\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00001000)
+ printf " 0x00001000 - debugging process has waited for child\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00002000)
+ printf " 0x00002000 - exit in progress\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00004000)
+ printf " 0x00004000 - process has called exec\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00008000)
+ printf " 0x00008000 - owe process an addupc() XXX\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00010000)
+ printf " 0x00010000 - affinity for Rosetta children\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00020000)
+ printf " 0x00020000 - wants to run Rosetta\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00040000)
+ printf " 0x00040000 - has wait() in progress\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00080000)
+ printf " 0x00080000 - kdebug tracing on for this process\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00100000)
+ printf " 0x00100000 - blocked due to SIGTTOU or SIGTTIN\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00200000)
+ printf " 0x00200000 - has called reboot()\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00400000)
+ printf " 0x00400000 - is TBE state\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x00800000)
+ printf " 0x00800000 - signal exceptions\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x01000000)
+ printf " 0x01000000 - has thread cwd\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x02000000)
+ printf " 0x02000000 - has vfork() children\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x04000000)
+ printf " 0x04000000 - not allowed to attach\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x08000000)
+ printf " 0x08000000 - vfork() in progress\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x10000000)
+ printf " 0x10000000 - no shared libraries\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x20000000)
+ printf " 0x20000000 - force quota for root\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x40000000)
+ printf " 0x40000000 - no zombies when children exit\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_flag & 0x80000000)
+ printf " 0x80000000 - don't hang on remote FS ops\n"
+ end
+ # decode state
+ set $kgm_spi_state = $kgm_spi_proc->p_stat
+ printf "State: "
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 1)
+ printf "Idle\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 2)
+ printf "Run\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 3)
+ printf "Sleep\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 4)
+ printf "Stop\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 5)
+ printf "Zombie\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state == 6)
+ printf "Reaping\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_spi_state < 1 || $kgm_spi_state > 6)
+ printf "(Unknown)\n"
+ end
+document showprocinfo
+Syntax: (gdb) showprocinfo <proc_t>
+| Displays name, pid, parent and task for a proc_t. Decodes cred, flag and p_stat fields.
+# dump the zombprocs
+define zombproc
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)zombproc->lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ showprocinfo $pp
+ set $pp = $pp->p_list.le_next
+ end
+document zombproc
+Syntax: (gdb) zombproc
+| Routine to print out all procs in the zombie list
+# dump the zombstacks
+define zombstacks
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)zombproc->lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ if $pp->p_stat != 5
+ showtaskstacks $pp->task
+ end
+ set $pp = $pp->p_list.le_next
+ end
+document zombstacks
+Syntax: (gdb) zombstacks
+| Routine to print out all stacks of tasks that are exiting
+# dump the allprocs
+define allproc
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)allproc->lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ showprocinfo $pp
+ set $pp = $pp->p_list.le_next
+ end
+document allproc
+Syntax: (gdb) allproc
+| Routine to print out all process in the system
+| which are not in the zombie list
+define showprocsiblingint
+ set $kgm_sibling_ptr = (struct proc *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_lx = $arg1
+ while $kgm_lx
+ printf "| "
+ set $kgm_lx = $kgm_lx-3
+ end
+ printf "|--%d %s [ 0x%llx ]\n", $kgm_sibling_ptr->p_pid, $kgm_sibling_ptr->p_comm, $kgm_sibling_ptr
+define showproctreeint
+#Initialize all the set variables used in this macro
+ set $kgm_basep1 = 0
+ set $kgm_sibling_ptr = 0
+ set $kgm_lx = 0
+ set $kgm_tmp_base = 0
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = 0
+ set $kgm_search_pid = 0
+ set $kgm_rev = 0
+ set $kgm_x = 0
+ set $kgm_basep1 = (struct proc *)allproc->lh_first
+ if ($arg0 == 0)
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = (struct proc *)initproc
+ end
+ if ($arg0 > 0)
+ set $kgm_tmp_base = (struct proc *)allproc->lh_first
+ set $kgm_search_pid = $arg0
+ while $kgm_tmp_base
+ if ( $kgm_tmp_base->p_pid == $kgm_search_pid)
+ if ($kgm_tmp_base->p_childrencnt > 0)
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_tmp_base->p_children.lh_first
+ else
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = 0
+ printf "No children present for PID=%d", $kgm_search_pid
+ end
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_tmp_base = $kgm_tmp_base->p_list.le_next
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_rev = 0
+ set $kgm_x = 0
+ if ($kgm_head_ptr)
+ printf "=== ======= =======\n"
+ printf "%d %s [ 0x%llx ]\n", $kgm_head_ptr->p_ppid, $kgm_head_ptr->p_pptr->p_comm, $kgm_head_ptr
+ printf "|--%d %s [ 0x%llx ]\n", $kgm_head_ptr->p_pid, $kgm_head_ptr->p_comm, $kgm_head_ptr
+ end
+ while ($kgm_head_ptr)
+ #Is childrencnt = 0? YES {=> no children}
+ if ($kgm_head_ptr->p_childrencnt == 0)
+ # Does it have sibling?
+ if($kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next == 0)
+ #No, it does not have sibling, so go back to its parent which will go to its sibling
+ if($kgm_head_ptr == $kgm_head_ptr->p_pptr)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_head_ptr->p_pptr
+ if ($kgm_head_ptr == $kgm_tmp_base)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ if ($kgm_x > 3)
+ set $kgm_x = $kgm_x - 3
+ end
+ set $kgm_rev = 1
+ end
+ if($kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next != 0)
+ # Yes, it has sibling. So print sibling
+ set $kgm_rev = 0
+ showprocsiblingint $kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next $kgm_x
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next
+ end
+ # childrencnt != 0 {=> it has children}
+ else
+ if ($kgm_rev == 1)
+ if($kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next == 0)
+ #No, it does not have sibling, so go back to its parent which will go to its sibling
+ if($kgm_head_ptr == $kgm_head_ptr->p_pptr)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_head_ptr->p_pptr
+ if ($kgm_head_ptr == $kgm_tmp_base)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ if ($kgm_x > 3)
+ set $kgm_x = $kgm_x - 3
+ end
+ set $kgm_rev = 1
+ end
+ if($kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next != 0)
+ set $kgm_rev = 0
+ # Yes, it has sibling. So print sibling
+ showprocsiblingint $kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next $kgm_x
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_head_ptr->p_sibling.le_next
+ end
+ else
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = $kgm_head_ptr->p_children.lh_first
+ set $kgm_x = $kgm_x + 3
+ set $kgm_lx = $kgm_x
+ while $kgm_lx
+ printf "| "
+ set $kgm_lx = $kgm_lx-3
+ end
+ printf "|--%d %s [ 0x%llx ] \n", $kgm_head_ptr->p_pid, $kgm_head_ptr->p_comm, $kgm_head_ptr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+#Unset all the set variables used in this macro
+ set $kgm_basep1 = 0
+ set $kgm_sibling_ptr = 0
+ set $kgm_lx = 0
+ set $kgm_tmp_base = 0
+ set $kgm_head_ptr = 0
+ set $kgm_search_pid = 0
+ set $kgm_rev = 0
+ set $kgm_x = 0
+define showproctree
+ if ($argc > 0)
+ showproctreeint $arg0
+ else
+ showproctreeint 0
+ end
+document showproctree
+Syntax: (gdb) showproctree <pid>
+| Routine to print the processes in the system in a hierarchical tree form. This routine does not print zombie processes.
+| If no argument is given, showproctree will print all the processes in the system.
+| If pid is specified, showproctree prints all the descendants of the indicated process
+define print_vnode
+ set $vp = (struct vnode *)$arg0
+ printf " "
+ printf " vp "
+ showptr $vp
+ printf " use %d", $vp->v_usecount
+ printf " io %d", $vp->v_iocount
+ printf " kuse %d", $vp->v_kusecount
+ printf " type %d", $vp->v_type
+ printf " flg 0x%.8x", $vp->v_flag
+ printf " lflg 0x%.8x", $vp->v_lflag
+ printf " par "
+ showptr $vp->v_parent
+ set $_name = (char *)$vp->v_name
+ if ($_name != 0)
+ printf " %s", $_name
+ end
+ if ($vp->v_type == VREG) && ($vp->v_un.vu_ubcinfo != 0)
+ printf " mapped %d", ($vp->v_un.vu_ubcinfo.ui_flags & 0x08) ? 1 : 0
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document print_vnode
+Syntax: (gdb) print_vnode <vnode>
+| Prints out the fields of a vnode struct
+define showprocvnodes
+ set $pp = (struct proc *)$arg0
+ set $fdp = (struct filedesc *)$pp->p_fd
+ set $cvp = $fdp->fd_cdir
+ set $rvp = $fdp->fd_rdir
+ if $cvp
+ printf "Current Working Directory \n"
+ print_vnode $cvp
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ if $rvp
+ printf "Current Root Directory \n"
+ print_vnode $rvp
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $count = 0
+ set $fpp = (struct fileproc **)($fdp->fd_ofiles)
+ set $fpo = (char)($fdp->fd_ofileflags[0])
+ while $count < $fdp->fd_nfiles
+ #printf"fpp %x ", *$fpp
+ if *$fpp
+ set $fg =(struct fileglob *)((**$fpp)->f_fglob)
+ if $fg && (($fg)->fg_type == 1)
+ if $fdp->fd_ofileflags[$count] & 4
+ printf "U: "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf "fd = %d ", $count
+ print_vnode $fg->fg_data
+ end
+ end
+ set $fpp = $fpp + 1
+ set $count = $count + 1
+ end
+document showprocvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showprocvnodes <proc_address>
+| Routine to print out all the open fds
+| which are vnodes in a process
+define showallprocvnodes
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)allproc->lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ printf "============================================ \n"
+ showprocinfo $pp
+ showprocvnodes $pp
+ set $pp = $pp->p_list.le_next
+ end
+document showallprocvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showallprocvnodes
+| Routine to print out all the open fds
+| which are vnodes
+# dump the childrent of a proc
+define showinitchild
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)initproc->p_children.lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ showprocinfo $pp
+ set $pp = $pp->p_sibling.le_next
+ end
+document showinitchild
+Syntax: (gdb) showinitchild
+| Routine to print out all processes in the system
+| which are children of init process
+define showmountallvnodes
+ set $mp = (struct mount *)$arg0
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ Vnode list Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ Worker Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ New vnodes Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+document showmountallvnodes
+Syntax: showmountallvnodes <struct mount *>
+| Print the vnode inactive list
+define showmountvnodes
+ set $mp = (struct mount *)$arg0
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ Vnode list Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+document showmountvnodes
+Syntax: showmountvnodes <struct mount *>
+| Print the vnode list
+define showworkqvnodes
+ set $mp = (struct mount *)$arg0
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_workerqueue.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ Worker Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+document showworkqvnodes
+Syntax: showworkqvnodes <struct mount *>
+| Print the vnode worker list
+define shownewvnodes
+ set $mp = (struct mount *)$arg0
+ set $basevp = (struct vnode *)$mp->mnt_newvnodes.tqh_first
+ set $vp = $basevp
+ printf "____________________ New vnodes Queue ---------------\n"
+ while $vp
+ print_vnode $vp
+ set $vp = $vp->v_mntvnodes->tqe_next
+ end
+document shownewvnodes
+Syntax: shownewvnodes <struct mount *>
+| Print the new vnode list
+# print mount point info
+define print_mount
+ set $mp = (struct mount *)$arg0
+ printf " "
+ printf " mp "
+ showptr $mp
+ printf " flag %x", $mp->mnt_flag
+ printf " kern_flag %x", $mp->mnt_kern_flag
+ printf " lflag %x", $mp->mnt_lflag
+ printf " type: %s", $mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_fstypename
+ printf " mnton: %s", $mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname
+ printf " mntfrom: %s", $mp->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntfromname
+ printf "\n"
+define showallmounts
+ set $mp=(struct mount *)mountlist.tqh_first
+ while $mp
+ print_mount $mp
+ set $mp = $mp->mnt_list.tqe_next
+ end
+document showallmounts
+Syntax: showallmounts
+| Print all mount points
+define pcprint
+ if (((unsigned long) $arg0 < (unsigned long) &_mh_execute_header || \
+ (unsigned long) $arg0 >= (unsigned long) &last_kernel_symbol ))
+ showkmodaddr $arg0
+ else
+ output /a $arg0
+ end
+define mbuf_walkpkt
+ set $mp = (struct mbuf *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 1
+ set $tot = 0
+ while $mp
+ printf "%4d: %p [len %4d, type %2d, ", $cnt, $mp, \
+ $mp->m_hdr.mh_len, $mp->m_hdr.mh_type
+ if mclaudit != 0
+ mbuf_buf2mca $mp
+ printf ", "
+ end
+ set $tot = $tot + $mp->m_hdr.mh_len
+ printf "total %d]\n", $tot
+ set $mp = $mp->m_hdr.mh_nextpkt
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document mbuf_walkpkt
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_walkpkt <addr>
+| Given an mbuf address, walk its m_nextpkt pointer
+define mbuf_walk
+ set $mp = (struct mbuf *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 1
+ set $tot = 0
+ while $mp
+ printf "%4d: %p [len %4d, type %2d, ", $cnt, $mp, \
+ $mp->m_hdr.mh_len, $mp->m_hdr.mh_type
+ if mclaudit != 0
+ mbuf_buf2mca $mp
+ printf ", "
+ end
+ set $tot = $tot + $mp->m_hdr.mh_len
+ printf "total %d]\n", $tot
+ set $mp = $mp->m_hdr.mh_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document mbuf_walk
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_walk <addr>
+| Given an mbuf address, walk its m_next pointer
+define mbuf_buf2slab
+ set $addr = $arg0
+ set $gix = ((char *)$addr - (char *)mbutl) >> 20
+ set $ix = ((char *)$addr - (char *)slabstbl[$gix].slg_slab[0].sl_base) >> 12
+ set $slab = &slabstbl[$gix].slg_slab[$ix]
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "0x%-16llx", $slab
+ else
+ printf "0x%-8x", $slab
+ end
+document mbuf_buf2slab
+| Given an mbuf object, find its corresponding slab address.
+define mbuf_buf2mca
+ set $addr = $arg0
+ set $ix = ((char *)$addr - (char *)mbutl) >> 12
+ set $clbase = ((union mbigcluster *)mbutl) + $ix
+ set $mclidx = (((char *)$addr - (char *)$clbase) >> 8)
+ set $mca = mclaudit[$ix].cl_audit[$mclidx]
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "mca: 0x%-16llx", $mca
+ else
+ printf "mca: 0x%-8x", $mca
+ end
+document mbuf_buf2mca
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_buf2mca <addr>
+| Given an mbuf object, find its buffer audit structure address.
+| This requires mbuf buffer auditing to be turned on, by setting
+| the appropriate flags to the "mbuf_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define mbuf_showmca
+ set language c
+ set $mca = (mcache_audit_t *)$arg0
+ set $cp = (mcache_t *)$mca->mca_cache
+ printf "object type:\t\t"
+ mbuf_mca_ctype $mca 1
+ printf "\ncontrolling mcache:\t%p (%s)\n", $mca->mca_cache, $cp->mc_name
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & $MB_SCVALID
+ set $ix = ((char *)$mca->mca_addr - (char *)mbutl) >> 12
+ set $clbase = ((union mbigcluster *)mbutl) + $ix
+ set $mclidx = (((char *)$mca->mca_addr - (char *)$clbase) >> 8)
+ printf "mbuf obj:\t\t%p\n", $mca->mca_addr
+ printf "mbuf index:\t\t%d (out of 16) in cluster base %p\n", \
+ $mclidx + 1, $clbase
+ if $mca->mca_uptr != 0
+ set $peer_mca = (mcache_audit_t *)$mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "paired cluster obj:\t%p (mca %p)\n", \
+ $peer_mca->mca_addr, $peer_mca
+ end
+ printf "saved contents:\t\t%p (%d bytes)\n", \
+ $mca->mca_contents, $mca->mca_contents_size
+ else
+ printf "cluster obj:\t\t%p\n", $mca->mca_addr
+ if $mca->mca_uptr != 0
+ set $peer_mca = (mcache_audit_t *)$mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "paired mbuf obj:\t%p (mca %p)\n", \
+ $peer_mca->mca_addr, $peer_mca
+ end
+ end
+ printf "recent transaction for this buffer (thread %p):\n", \
+ $mca->mca_thread
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $mca->mca_depth
+ set $kgm_pc = $mca->mca_stack[$cnt]
+ printf "%4d: ", $cnt + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ if $mca->mca_pdepth > 0
+ printf "previous transaction for this buffer (thread %p):\n", \
+ $mca->mca_pthread
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $mca->mca_pdepth
+ set $kgm_pc = $mca->mca_pstack[$cnt]
+ printf "%4d: ", $cnt + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set language auto
+document mbuf_showmca
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_showmca <addr>
+| Given an mbuf/cluster buffer audit structure address, print the audit
+| records including the stack trace of the last buffer transaction.
+define mbuf_topleak
+ set language c
+ set $topcnt = 0
+ if $arg0 < 5
+ set $maxcnt = $arg0
+ else
+ set $maxcnt = 5
+ end
+ while $topcnt < $maxcnt
+ mbuf_traceleak mleak_top_trace[$topcnt]
+ set $topcnt = $topcnt + 1
+ end
+ set language auto
+document mbuf_topleak
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_topleak <num>
+| Prints information about the top <num> suspected mbuf leakers
+| where <num> is a value <= 5
+define mbuf_traceleak
+ set language c
+ set $trace = (struct mtrace *) $arg0
+ if $trace->allocs != 0
+ printf "%p:%d outstanding allocs\n", $trace, $trace->allocs
+ printf "backtrace saved %d deep:\n", $trace->depth
+ if $trace->depth != 0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $trace->depth
+ printf "%4d: ", $cnt + 1
+ pcprint $trace->addr[$cnt]
+ printf "\n"
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set language auto
+document mbuf_traceleak
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_traceleak <addr>
+| Given an mbuf leak trace (mtrace) structure address, print out the
+| stored information with that trace
+set $MCF_NOCPUCACHE = 0x10
+define mcache_stat
+ set $head = (mcache_t *)mcache_head
+ set $mc = $head
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "cache cache cache buf buf backing (# of retries) bufs\n"
+ printf "name state addr size align zone wait nowait failed incache\n"
+ printf "------------------------- -------- ------------------ ------ ----- ------------------ -------------------------- --------\n"
+ else
+ printf "cache cache cache buf buf backing (# of retries) bufs\n"
+ printf "name state addr size align zone wait nowait failed incache\n"
+ printf "------------------------- -------- ---------- ------ ----- ---------- -------------------------- --------\n"
+ end
+ while $mc != 0
+ set $bktsize = $mc->mc_cpu.cc_bktsize
+ printf "%-25s ", $mc->mc_name
+ if ($mc->mc_flags & $MCF_NOCPUCACHE)
+ printf "disabled"
+ else
+ if $mc->mc_purge_cnt > 0
+ printf " purging"
+ else
+ if $bktsize == 0
+ printf " offline"
+ else
+ printf " online"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ printf " %p %6d %5d ",$mc, \
+ $mc->mc_bufsize, $mc->mc_align
+ if $mc->mc_slab_zone != 0
+ printf "%p", $mc->mc_slab_zone
+ else
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " custom"
+ else
+ printf " custom"
+ end
+ end
+ set $tot = 0
+ set $tot += $mc->mc_full.bl_total * $bktsize
+ set $ccp = (mcache_cpu_t *)$mc->mc_cpu
+ set $n = 0
+ while $n < ncpu
+ if $ccp->cc_objs > 0
+ set $tot += $ccp->cc_objs
+ end
+ if $ccp->cc_pobjs > 0
+ set $tot += $ccp->cc_pobjs
+ end
+ set $n += 1
+ set $ccp += 1
+ end
+ printf " %8d %8d %8d %8d", $mc->mc_wretry_cnt, \
+ $mc->mc_nwretry_cnt, $mc->mc_nwfail_cnt, $tot
+ printf "\n"
+ set $mc = (mcache_t *)$mc->mc_list.le_next
+ end
+document mcache_stat
+Syntax: (gdb) mcache_stat
+| Print all mcaches in the system.
+define mcache_showzone
+ set $mc = (mcache_t *)$arg0
+ if $mc->mc_slab_zone != 0
+ printf "%p", $mc->mc_slab_zone
+ else
+ printf " custom"
+document mcache_showzone
+Syntax: (gdb) mcache_showzone <mcache_addr>
+| Print the type of backend (custom or zone) of a mcache.
+define mcache_walkobj
+ set $p = (mcache_obj_t *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 1
+ set $tot = 0
+ while $p
+ printf "%4d: %p\n", $cnt, $p,
+ set $p = $p->obj_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document mcache_walkobj
+Syntax: (gdb) mcache_walkobj <addr>
+| Given a mcache object address, walk its obj_next pointer
+define mcache_showcache
+ set $cp = (mcache_t *)$arg0
+ set $ccp = (mcache_cpu_t *)$cp->mc_cpu
+ set $bktsize = $cp->mc_cpu.cc_bktsize
+ set $cnt = 0
+ set $tot = 0
+ printf "Showing cache '%s':\n\n", $cp->mc_name
+ printf " CPU cc_objs cc_pobjs total\n"
+ printf "---- -------- -------- --------\n"
+ while $cnt < ncpu
+ set $objs = $ccp->cc_objs
+ if $objs <= 0
+ set $objs = 0
+ end
+ set $pobjs = $ccp->cc_pobjs
+ if $pobjs <= 0
+ set $pobjs = 0
+ end
+ set $tot_cpu = $objs + $pobjs
+ set $tot += $tot_cpu
+ printf "%4d %8d %8d %8d\n", $cnt, $objs, $pobjs, $tot_cpu
+ set $ccp += 1
+ set $cnt += 1
+ end
+ printf " ========\n"
+ printf " %8d\n", $tot
+ printf "\n"
+ set $tot += $cp->mc_full.bl_total * $bktsize
+ printf "Total # of full buckets (%d objs/bkt):\t%-8d\n", \
+ $bktsize, $cp->mc_full.bl_total
+ printf "Total # of objects cached:\t\t%-8d\n", $tot
+document mcache_showcache
+| Display the number of objects in the cache
+set $NSLABSPMB = sizeof(mcl_slabg_t)/sizeof(mcl_slab_t)
+define mbuf_slabstbl
+ set $x = 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "slot slabg slabs range\n"
+ printf "---- ------------------ -------------------------------------------\n"
+ else
+ printf "slot slabg slabs range\n"
+ printf "---- ---------- ---------------------------\n"
+ end
+ while $x < maxslabgrp
+ set $slg = slabstbl[$x]
+ printf "%3d: ", $x
+ if $slg == 0
+ printf "-\n"
+ else
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "0x%-16llx [ 0x%-16llx - 0x%-16llx ]\n", $slg, &$slg->slg_slab[0], \
+ &$slg->slg_slab[$NSLABSPMB-1]
+ else
+ printf "0x%-8x [ 0x%-8x - 0x%-8x ]\n", $slg, &$slg->slg_slab[0], \
+ &$slg->slg_slab[$NSLABSPMB-1]
+ end
+ end
+ set $x += 1
+ end
+document mbuf_slabstbl
+| Display the mbuf slabs table
+set $SLF_MAPPED=0x0001
+set $SLF_PARTIAL=0x0002
+set $SLF_DETACHED=0x0004
+define mbuf_slabs
+ set $slg = (mcl_slabg_t *)$arg0
+ set $x = 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "slot slab next obj mca C R N size flags\n"
+ printf "---- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ -- -- -- ------ -----\n"
+ else
+ printf "slot slab next obj mca C R N size flags\n"
+ printf "---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -- -- -- ------ -----\n"
+ end
+ while $x < $NSLABSPMB
+ set $sl = &$slg->slg_slab[$x]
+ set $mca = 0
+ set $obj = $sl->sl_base
+ if mclaudit != 0
+ set $ix = ((char *)$obj - (char *)mbutl) >> 12
+ set $clbase = ((union mbigcluster *)mbutl) + $ix
+ set $mclidx = (((char *)$obj - (char *)$clbase) >> 8)
+ set $mca = mclaudit[$ix].cl_audit[$mclidx]
+ end
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "%3d: 0x%-16llx 0x%-16llx 0x%-16llx 0x%-16llx %2d %2d %2d %6d 0x%04x ", \
+ $x + 1, $sl, $sl->sl_next, $obj, $mca, $sl->sl_class, \
+ $sl->sl_refcnt, $sl->sl_chunks, $sl->sl_len, \
+ $sl->sl_flags
+ else
+ printf "%3d: 0x%-8x 0x%-8x 0x%-8x 0x%-8x %2d %2d %2d %6d 0x%04x ", \
+ $x + 1, $sl, $sl->sl_next, $obj, $mca, $sl->sl_class, \
+ $sl->sl_refcnt, $sl->sl_chunks, $sl->sl_len, \
+ $sl->sl_flags
+ end
+ if $sl->sl_flags != 0
+ printf "<"
+ if $sl->sl_flags & $SLF_MAPPED
+ printf "mapped"
+ end
+ if $sl->sl_flags & $SLF_PARTIAL
+ printf ",partial"
+ end
+ if $sl->sl_flags & $SLF_DETACHED
+ printf ",detached"
+ end
+ printf ">"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ if $sl->sl_chunks > 1
+ set $z = 1
+ set $c = $sl->sl_len / $sl->sl_chunks
+ while $z < $sl->sl_chunks
+ set $obj = $sl->sl_base + ($c * $z)
+ set $mca = 0
+ if mclaudit != 0
+ set $ix = ((char *)$obj - (char *)mbutl) >> 12
+ set $clbase = ((union mbigcluster *)mbutl) + $ix
+ set $mclidx = (((char *)$obj - (char *)$clbase) >> 8)
+ set $mca = mclaudit[$ix].cl_audit[$mclidx]
+ end
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " 0x%-16llx 0x%-16llx\n", $obj, $mca
+ else
+ printf " 0x%-8x 0x%-8x\n", $obj, $mca
+ end
+ set $z += 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $x += 1
+ end
+document mbuf_slabs
+| Display all mbuf slabs in the group
+define mbuf_stat
+ set $x = 0
+ printf "class total cached uncached inuse failed waiter notified purge\n"
+ printf "name objs objs objs / slabs objs alloc count count count count\n"
+ printf "---------------- -------- -------- ------------------- -------- ---------------- -------- -------- --------\n"
+ while $x < (sizeof(mbuf_table) / sizeof(mbuf_table[0]))
+ set $mbt = mbuf_table[$x]
+ set $mcs = (mb_class_stat_t *)mbuf_table[$x].mtbl_stats
+ set $tot = 0
+ set $mc = $mbt->mtbl_cache
+ set $bktsize = $mc->mc_cpu.cc_bktsize
+ set $tot += $mc->mc_full.bl_total * $bktsize
+ set $ccp = (mcache_cpu_t *)$mc->mc_cpu
+ set $n = 0
+ while $n < ncpu
+ if $ccp->cc_objs > 0
+ set $tot += $ccp->cc_objs
+ end
+ if $ccp->cc_pobjs > 0
+ set $tot += $ccp->cc_pobjs
+ end
+ set $n += 1
+ set $ccp += 1
+ end
+ printf "%-16s %8d %8d %8d / %-8d %8d %16llu %8d %8llu %8llu", \
+ $mcs->mbcl_cname, $mcs->mbcl_total, $tot, \
+ $mcs->mbcl_infree, $mcs->mbcl_slab_cnt, \
+ ($mcs->mbcl_total - $tot - $mcs->mbcl_infree), \
+ $mcs->mbcl_fail_cnt, $mc->mc_waiter_cnt, \
+ $mcs->mbcl_notified, $mcs->mbcl_purge_cnt
+ printf "\n"
+ set $x += 1
+ end
+document mbuf_stat
+| Print extended mbuf allocator statistics.
+set $MB_INUSE = 0x1
+set $MB_COMP_INUSE = 0x2
+set $MB_SCVALID = 0x4
+set $MCLBYTES = 2048
+set $MSIZE = 256
+set $NBPG = 4096
+set $M16KCLBYTES = 16384
+define mbuf_mca_ctype
+ set $mca = (mcache_audit_t *)$arg0
+ set $vopt = $arg1
+ set $cp = $mca->mca_cache
+ set $class = (unsigned int)$cp->mc_private
+ set $csize = mbuf_table[$class].mtbl_stats->mbcl_size
+ set $done = 0
+ if $csize == $MSIZE
+ if $vopt
+ printf "M (mbuf) "
+ else
+ printf "M "
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == $MCLBYTES
+ if $vopt
+ printf "CL (2K cluster) "
+ else
+ printf "CL "
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == $NBPG
+ if $vopt
+ printf "BCL (4K cluster) "
+ else
+ printf "BCL "
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == $M16KCLBYTES
+ if $vopt
+ printf "JCL (16K cluster) "
+ else
+ printf "JCL "
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == ($MSIZE+$MCLBYTES)
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & $MB_SCVALID
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "M+CL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired mbuf, 2K cluster)"
+ end
+ else
+ printf "M-CL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(unpaired mbuf, 2K cluster) "
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "CL+M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired 2K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "CL-M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired 2K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == ($MSIZE+$NBPG)
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & $MB_SCVALID
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "M+BCL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired mbuf, 4K cluster) "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "M-BCL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(unpaired mbuf, 4K cluster) "
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "BCL+M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired 4K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "BCL-M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(unpaired 4K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done && $csize == ($MSIZE+$M16KCLBYTES)
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & $MB_SCVALID
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "M+JCL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired mbuf, 16K cluster) "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "M-JCL "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(unpaired mbuf, 16K cluster) "
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if $mca->mca_uptr
+ printf "JCL+M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(paired 16K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "JCL-M "
+ if $vopt
+ printf "(unpaired 16K cluster, mbuf) "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $done = 1
+ end
+ if !$done
+ printf "unknown: %s ", $cp->mc_name
+ end
+document mbuf_mca_ctype
+| This is a helper macro for mbuf_show{active,inactive,all} that prints
+| out the mbuf object type represented by a given mcache audit structure.
+define mbuf_showactive
+ if $argc == 0
+ mbuf_walkallslabs 1 0
+ else
+ mbuf_walkallslabs 1 0 $arg0
+ end
+document mbuf_showactive
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_showactive
+| Walk the mbuf objects pool and print only the active ones; this
+| requires mbuf debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "mbuf_debug" boot-args parameter. Active objects are those that
+| are outstanding (have not returned to the mbuf slab layer) and in use
+| by the client (have not been freed).
+define mbuf_showinactive
+ mbuf_walkallslabs 0 1
+document mbuf_showinactive
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_showinactive
+| Walk the mbuf objects pool and print only the inactive ones; this
+| requires mbuf debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "mbuf_debug" boot-args parameter. Inactive objects are those that
+| are outstanding (have not returned to the mbuf slab layer) but have been
+| freed by the client, i.e. they still reside in the mcache layer ready to
+| be used for subsequent allocation requests.
+define mbuf_showall
+ mbuf_walkallslabs 1 1
+document mbuf_showall
+Syntax: (gdb) mbuf_showall
+| Walk the mbuf objects pool and print them all; this requires
+| mbuf debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the
+| "mbuf_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define mbuf_mcaobjs
+define mbuf_walkallslabs
+ set $show_a = $arg0
+ set $show_f = $arg1
+ if $argc == 3
+ set $show_tr = $arg2
+ else
+ set $show_tr = 0
+ end
+ set $x = 0
+ set $total = 0
+ set $total_a = 0
+ set $total_f = 0
+ printf "("
+ if $show_a && !$show_f
+ printf "Searching only for active "
+ end
+ if !$show_a && $show_f
+ printf "Searching only for inactive "
+ end
+ if $show_a && $show_f
+ printf "Displaying all "
+ end
+ printf "objects; this may take a while ...)\n\n"
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " slab mca obj allocation\n"
+ printf "slot idx address address address type state\n"
+ printf "---- ---- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ----- -----------\n"
+ else
+ printf " slab mca obj allocation\n"
+ printf "slot idx address address address type state\n"
+ printf "---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----- -----------\n"
+ end
+ while $x < slabgrp
+ set $slg = slabstbl[$x]
+ set $y = 0
+ set $stop = 0
+ while $y < $NSLABSPMB && $stop == 0
+ set $sl = &$slg->slg_slab[$y]
+ set $base = (char *)$sl->sl_base
+ set $ix = ($base - (char *)mbutl) >> 12
+ set $clbase = ((union mbigcluster *)mbutl) + $ix
+ set $mclidx = ($base - (char *)$clbase) >> 8
+ set $mca = mclaudit[$ix].cl_audit[$mclidx]
+ set $first = 1
+ while $mca != 0 && $mca->mca_addr != 0
+ set $printmca = 0
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & ($MB_INUSE|$MB_COMP_INUSE)
+ set $total_a = $total_a + 1
+ set $printmca = $show_a
+ else
+ set $total_f = $total_f + 1
+ set $printmca = $show_f
+ end
+ if $printmca != 0
+ if $first == 1
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "%4d %4d 0x%-16llx ", $x, $y, $sl
+ else
+ printf "%4d %4d 0x%-8x ", $x, $y, $sl
+ end
+ else
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "0x%-16llx 0x%-16llx ", $mca, $mca->mca_addr
+ else
+ printf "0x%-8x 0x%-8x ", $mca, $mca->mca_addr
+ end
+ mbuf_mca_ctype $mca 0
+ if $mca->mca_uflags & ($MB_INUSE|$MB_COMP_INUSE)
+ printf "active "
+ else
+ printf " freed "
+ end
+ if $first == 1
+ set $first = 0
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $total = $total + 1
+ if $show_tr != 0
+ printf "recent transaction for this buffer (thread %p):\n", \
+ $mca->mca_thread
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $mca->mca_depth
+ set $kgm_pc = $mca->mca_stack[$cnt]
+ printf "%4d: ", $cnt + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $mca = $mca->mca_next
+ end
+ set $y += 1
+ if $slg->slg_slab[$y].sl_base == 0
+ set $stop = 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $x += 1
+ end
+ if $total && $show_a && $show_f
+ printf "\ntotal objects:\t%d\n", $total
+ printf "active/unfreed:\t%d\n", $total_a
+ printf "freed/in_cache:\t%d\n", $total_f
+ end
+document mbuf_walkallslabs
+| Walk the mbuf objects pool; this requires mbuf debugging to be
+| turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "mbuf_debug" boot-args
+| parameter. This is a backend routine for mbuf_show{active,inactive,all}.
+define mbuf_countchain
+ set $mp = (struct mbuf *)$arg0
+ set $pkt = 0
+ set $nxt = 0
+ while $mp != 0
+ set $pkt = $pkt + 1
+ set $mn = (struct mbuf *)$mp->m_hdr.mh_next
+ while $mn != 0
+ set $nxt = $nxt + 1
+ set $mn = (struct mbuf *)$mn->m_hdr.mh_next
+ end
+ set $mp = $mp->m_hdr.mh_nextpkt
+ if (($pkt + $nxt) % 50) == 0
+ printf "... %d\n", $pkt + $nxt
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\ntotal: %d (via m_next: %d)\n", $pkt + $nxt, $nxt
+document mbuf_countchain
+Syntax: mbuf_countchain <addr>
+| Count the total number of mbufs chained from the given the address of an mbuf.
+| The routine follows both the m_next pointers and m_nextpkt pointers.
+set $RTF_UP = 0x1
+set $RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2
+set $RTF_HOST = 0x4
+set $RTF_REJECT = 0x8
+set $RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10
+set $RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20
+set $RTF_DONE = 0x40
+set $RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80
+set $RTF_CLONING = 0x100
+set $RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200
+set $RTF_LLINFO = 0x400
+set $RTF_STATIC = 0x800
+set $RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000
+set $RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000
+set $RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000
+set $RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000
+set $RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000
+set $RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000
+set $RTF_PINNED = 0x100000
+set $RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000
+set $RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000
+set $RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000
+set $RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000
+set $RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000
+set $RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000
+set $RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000
+set $RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000
+set $AF_INET = 2
+set $AF_INET6 = 30
+set $AF_LINK = 18
+define rtentry_prdetails
+ set $rt = (struct rtentry *)$arg0
+ set $is_v6 = 0
+ set $dst = (struct sockaddr *)$rt->rt_nodes->rn_u.rn_leaf.rn_Key
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_INET
+ showsockaddr_in $dst
+ printf " "
+ else
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_INET6
+ showsockaddr_in6 $dst
+ printf " "
+ set $is_v6 = 1
+ else
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_LINK
+ showsockaddr_dl $dst
+ printf " "
+ else
+ showsockaddr_unspec $dst
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $dst = (struct sockaddr *)$rt->rt_gateway
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_INET
+ showsockaddr_in $dst
+ printf " "
+ else
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_INET6
+ set $is_v6 = 1
+ showsockaddr_in6 $dst
+ printf " "
+ else
+ if $dst->sa_family == $AF_LINK
+ showsockaddr_dl $dst
+ if $is_v6
+ printf " "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ else
+ showsockaddr_unspec $dst
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_WASCLONED
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "%18p ", $rt->rt_parent
+ else
+ printf "%10p ", $rt->rt_parent
+ end
+ else
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%6u %8u ", $rt->rt_refcnt, $rt->rt_rmx.rmx_pksent
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_UP
+ printf "U"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_GATEWAY
+ printf "G"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_HOST
+ printf "H"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_REJECT
+ printf "R"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_DYNAMIC
+ printf "D"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_MODIFIED
+ printf "M"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_CLONING
+ printf "C"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_PRCLONING
+ printf "c"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_LLINFO
+ printf "L"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_STATIC
+ printf "S"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_PROTO1
+ printf "1"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_PROTO2
+ printf "2"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_PROTO3
+ printf "3"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_WASCLONED
+ printf "W"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_BROADCAST
+ printf "b"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_MULTICAST
+ printf "m"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_XRESOLVE
+ printf "X"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_BLACKHOLE
+ printf "B"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_IFSCOPE
+ printf "I"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_CONDEMNED
+ printf "Z"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_IFREF
+ printf "i"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_PROXY
+ printf "Y"
+ end
+ if $rt->rt_flags & $RTF_ROUTER
+ printf "r"
+ end
+ printf "/%s%d", $rt->rt_ifp->if_name, $rt->rt_ifp->if_unit
+set $RNF_ROOT = 2
+define _rttable_dump
+ set $rnh = $arg0
+ set $rn = (struct radix_node *)$rnh->rnh_treetop
+ set $rnh_cnt = $rnh->rnh_cnt
+ while $rn->rn_bit >= 0
+ set $rn = $rn->rn_u.rn_node.rn_L
+ end
+ while 1
+ set $base = (struct radix_node *)$rn
+ while ($rn->rn_parent->rn_u.rn_node.rn_R == $rn) && ($rn->rn_flags & $RNF_ROOT) == 0
+ set $rn = $rn->rn_parent
+ end
+ set $rn = $rn->rn_parent->rn_u.rn_node.rn_R
+ while $rn->rn_bit >= 0
+ set $rn = $rn->rn_u.rn_node.rn_L
+ end
+ set $next = $rn
+ while $base != 0
+ set $rn = $base
+ set $base = $rn->rn_u.rn_leaf.rn_Dupedkey
+ if ($rn->rn_flags & $RNF_ROOT) == 0
+ set $rt = (struct rtentry *)$rn
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "%18p ", $rt
+ else
+ printf "%10p ", $rt
+ end
+ rtentry_prdetails $rt
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ set $rn = $next
+ if ($rn->rn_flags & $RNF_ROOT) != 0
+ loop_break
+ end
+ end
+define show_rt_inet
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " rtentry dst gw parent Refs Use flags/if\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------------ ------ -------- -----------\n"
+ else
+ printf " rtentry dst gw parent Refs Use flags/if\n"
+ printf " --------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ------ -------- -----------\n"
+ end
+ _rttable_dump rt_tables[2]
+document show_rt_inet
+Syntax: (gdb) show_rt_inet
+| Show the entries of the IPv4 routing table.
+define show_rt_inet6
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " rtentry dst gw parent Refs Use flags/if\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------ ------ -------- -----------\n"
+ else
+ printf " rtentry dst gw parent Refs Use flags/if\n"
+ printf " --------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------- -----------\n"
+ end
+ _rttable_dump rt_tables[30]
+document show_rt_inet6
+Syntax: (gdb) show_rt_inet6
+| Show the entries of the IPv6 routing table.
+define rtentry_trash
+ set $rtd = (struct rtentry_dbg *)rttrash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $rtd != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " rtentry ref hold rele dst gw parent flags/if\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------ --------------- ----- ------------------ -----------\n"
+ else
+ printf " rtentry ref hold rele dst gw parent flags/if\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------ --------------- ----- ---------- -----------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $rtd, \
+ $rtd->rtd_refhold_cnt - $rtd->rtd_refrele_cnt, \
+ $rtd->rtd_refhold_cnt, $rtd->rtd_refrele_cnt
+ rtentry_prdetails $rtd
+ printf "\n"
+ set $rtd = $rtd->rtd_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document rtentry_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) rtentry_trash
+| Walk the list of trash route entries; this requires route entry
+| debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the
+| "rte_debug" boot-args parameter.
+set $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE = ctrace_stack_size
+set $CTRACE_HIST_SIZE = ctrace_hist_size
+define rtentry_showdbg
+ set $rtd = (struct rtentry_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total holds:\t%d\n", $rtd->rtd_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t%d\n", $rtd->rtd_refrele_cnt
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_alloc.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nAlloc (thread %p):\n", \
+ $rtd->rtd_alloc.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_free.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nFree: (thread %p)\n", \
+ $rtd->rtd_free.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ while $cnt < $CTRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, $rtd->rtd_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $CTRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $rtd->rtd_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ printf "\nTotal locks:\t%d\n", $rtd->rtd_lock_cnt
+ printf "Total unlocks:\t%d\n", $rtd->rtd_unlock_cnt
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $CTRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_lock[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nLock [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $rtd->rtd_lock[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $CTRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $rtd->rtd_unlock[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nUnlock [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $rtd->rtd_unlock[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document rtentry_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) rtentry_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a route entry structure address, print the debug information
+| related to it. This requires route entry debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "rte_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+set $INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = inifa_trace_hist_size
+define inifa_showdbg
+ set $inifa = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total holds:\t%d\n", $inifa->inifa_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t%d\n", $inifa->inifa_refrele_cnt
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inifa->inifa_alloc.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nAlloc (thread %p):\n", \
+ $inifa->inifa_alloc.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inifa->inifa_free.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nFree: (thread %p)\n", \
+ $inifa->inifa_free.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ while $cnt < $INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inifa->inifa_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, $inifa->inifa_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inifa->inifa_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $inifa->inifa_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document inifa_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) inifa_showdbg <addr>
+| Given an IPv4 interface structure address, print the debug information
+| related to it. This requires interface address debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+set $IN6IFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = in6ifa_trace_hist_size
+define in6ifa_showdbg
+ set $in6ifa = (struct in6_ifaddr_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total holds:\t%d\n", $in6ifa->in6ifa_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t%d\n", $in6ifa->in6ifa_refrele_cnt
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $in6ifa->in6ifa_alloc.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nAlloc (thread %p):\n", \
+ $in6ifa->in6ifa_alloc.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $in6ifa->in6ifa_free.pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nFree: (thread %p)\n", \
+ $in6ifa->in6ifa_free.th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ while $cnt < $IN6IFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $in6ifa->in6ifa_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, $in6ifa->in6ifa_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $IN6IFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $in6ifa->in6ifa_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $in6ifa->in6ifa_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document in6ifa_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) in6ifa_showdbg <addr>
+| Given an IPv6 interface structure address, print the debug information
+| related to it. This requires interface address debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+set $IFMA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = ifma_trace_hist_size
+define ifma_showdbg
+ set $ifma = (struct ifmultiaddr_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total holds:\t%d\n", $ifma->ifma_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t%d\n", $ifma->ifma_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $IFMA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $ifma->ifma_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, $ifma->ifma_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $IFMA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $ifma->ifma_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $ifma->ifma_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document ifma_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) ifma_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a link multicast structure address, print the debug information
+| related to it. This requires interface address debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+set $INM_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = inm_trace_hist_size
+define inm_showdbg
+ set $inm = (struct in_multi_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total holds:\t%d\n", $inm->inm_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t%d\n", $inm->inm_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $INM_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inm->inm_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, $inm->inm_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $INM_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $inm->inm_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, $inm->inm_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document inm_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) inm_showdbg <addr>
+| Given an IPv4 multicast structure address, print the debug information
+| related to it. This requires interface address debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+set $IF_REF_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = if_ref_trace_hist_size
+define ifpref_showdbg
+ set $dl_if = (struct dlil_ifnet_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total references:\t%d\n", $dl_if->dldbg_if_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t\t%d\n", $dl_if->dldbg_if_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $IF_REF_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $dl_if->dldbg_if_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, \
+ $dl_if->dldbg_if_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $IF_REF_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $dl_if->dldbg_if_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, \
+ $dl_if->dldbg_if_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document ifpref_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) ifpref_showdbg <addr>
+| Given an ifnet structure address, print the debug information
+| related to its refcnt. This requires ifnet debugging to be turned
+| on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifnet_debug" boot-args
+| parameter.
+define in6ifa_trash
+ set $ifa = (struct in6_ifaddr_dbg *)in6ifa_trash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $ifa != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " in6_ifa ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ else
+ printf " in6_ifa ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $ifa, \
+ $ifa->in6ifa_refhold_cnt - $ifa->in6ifa_refrele_cnt, \
+ $ifa->in6ifa_refhold_cnt, $ifa->in6ifa_refrele_cnt
+ showsockaddr_in6 $ifa->in6ifa.ia_ifa.ifa_addr
+ printf "\n"
+ set $ifa = $ifa->in6ifa_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+set $NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = ndpr_trace_hist_size
+define ndpr_showdbg
+ set $ndpr = (struct nd_prefix_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total references:\t%d\n", $ndpr->ndpr_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t\t%d\n", $ndpr->ndpr_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $ndpr->ndpr_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, \
+ $ndpr->ndpr_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $NDPR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $ndpr->ndpr_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, \
+ $ndpr->ndpr_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document ndpr_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) ndpr_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a nd_prefix structure address, print the debug information
+| related to its refcnt. This requires the interface address debugging
+| to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug"
+| boot-args parameter.
+set $NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = nddr_trace_hist_size
+define nddr_showdbg
+ set $nddr = (struct nd_defrouter_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total references:\t%d\n", $nddr->nddr_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t\t%d\n", $nddr->nddr_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $nddr->nddr_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, \
+ $nddr->nddr_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $NDDR_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $nddr->nddr_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, \
+ $nddr->nddr_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document nddr_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) nddr_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a nd_defrouter structure address, print the debug information
+| related to its refcnt. This requires the interface address debugging
+| to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug"
+| boot-args parameter.
+set $IMO_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = imo_trace_hist_size
+define imo_showdbg
+ set $imo = (struct ip_moptions_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total references:\t%d\n", $imo->imo_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t\t%d\n", $imo->imo_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $IMO_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $imo->imo_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, \
+ $imo->imo_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $IMO_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $imo->imo_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, \
+ $imo->imo_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document imo_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) imo_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a ip_moptions structure address, print the debug information
+| related to its refcnt. This requires the interface address debugging
+| to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug"
+| boot-args parameter.
+set $IM6O_TRACE_HIST_SIZE = im6o_trace_hist_size
+define im6o_showdbg
+ set $im6o = (struct ip6_moptions_dbg *)$arg0
+ set $cnt = 0
+ printf "Total references:\t%d\n", $im6o->im6o_refhold_cnt
+ printf "Total releases:\t\t%d\n", $im6o->im6o_refrele_cnt
+ while $cnt < $IM6O_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $im6o->im6o_refhold[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nHold [%d] (thread %p):\n", \
+ $cnt, \
+ $im6o->im6o_refhold[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $cnt < $IM6O_TRACE_HIST_SIZE
+ set $ix = 0
+ while $ix < $CTRACE_STACK_SIZE
+ set $kgm_pc = $im6o->im6o_refrele[$cnt].pc[$ix]
+ if $kgm_pc != 0
+ if $ix == 0
+ printf "\nRelease [%d] (thread %p):\n",\
+ $cnt, \
+ $im6o->im6o_refrele[$cnt].th
+ end
+ printf "%4d: ", $ix + 1
+ pcprint $kgm_pc
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $ix = $ix + 1
+ end
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document im6o_showdbg
+Syntax: (gdb) im6o_showdbg <addr>
+| Given a ip6_moptions structure address, print the debug information
+| related to its refcnt. This requires the interface address debugging
+| to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags to the "ifa_debug"
+| boot-args parameter.
+document in6ifa_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) in6ifa_trash
+| Walk the list of trash in6_ifaddr entries; this requires interface
+| address debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "ifa_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define inifa_trash
+ set $ifa = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)inifa_trash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $ifa != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " in_ifa ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ else
+ printf " in_ifa ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $ifa, \
+ $ifa->inifa_refhold_cnt - $ifa->inifa_refrele_cnt, \
+ $ifa->inifa_refhold_cnt, $ifa->inifa_refrele_cnt
+ showsockaddr_in $ifa->inifa.ia_ifa.ifa_addr
+ printf "\n"
+ set $ifa = $ifa->inifa_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document inifa_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) inifa_trash
+| Walk the list of trash in_ifaddr entries; this requires interface
+| address debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "ifa_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define ifma_trash
+ set $ifma = (struct ifmultiaddr_dbg *)ifma_trash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $ifma != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " ifma ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ else
+ printf " ifma ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $ifma, \
+ $ifma->ifma_refhold_cnt - $ifma->ifma_refrele_cnt, \
+ $ifma->ifma_refhold_cnt, $ifma->ifma_refrele_cnt
+ showsockaddr $ifma->ifma.ifma_addr
+ printf " @ %s%d", $ifma->ifma.ifma_ifp->if_name, \
+ $ifma->ifma.ifma_ifp->if_unit
+ printf "\n"
+ set $ifma = $ifma->ifma_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document ifma_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) ifma_trash
+| Walk the list of trash ifmultiaddr entries; this requires interface
+| address debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "ifa_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define inm_trash
+ set $inm = (struct in_multi_dbg *)inm_trash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $inm != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " inm ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ else
+ printf " inm ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $inm, \
+ $inm->inm_refhold_cnt - $inm->inm_refrele_cnt, \
+ $inm->inm_refhold_cnt, $inm->inm_refrele_cnt
+ show_in_addr &($inm->inm.inm_addr)
+ printf "\n"
+ set $inm = $inm->inm_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document inm_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) inm_trash
+| Walk the list of trash in_multi entries; this requires interface
+| address debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "ifa_debug" boot-args parameter.
+define in6m_trash
+ set $in6m = (struct in6_multi_dbg *)in6m_trash_head.tqh_first
+ set $cnt = 0
+ while $in6m != 0
+ if $cnt == 0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " in6m ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " ----------------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ else
+ printf " in6m ref hold rele\n"
+ printf " --------- --- ------ ------\n"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "%4d: %p %3d %6d %6d ", $cnt + 1, $in6m, \
+ $in6m->in6m_refhold_cnt - $in6m->in6m_refrele_cnt, \
+ $in6m->in6m_refhold_cnt, $in6m->in6m_refrele_cnt
+ show_in_addr &($in6m->in6m.in6m_addr)
+ printf "\n"
+ set $in6m = $in6m->in6m_trash_link.tqe_next
+ set $cnt = $cnt + 1
+ end
+document in6m_trash
+Syntax: (gdb) in6m_trash
+| Walk the list of trash in6_multi entries; this requires interface
+| address debugging to be turned on, by setting the appropriate flags
+| to the "ifa_debug" boot-args parameter.
+# print all OSMalloc stats
+define ostag_print
+set $kgm_tagp = (OSMallocTag)$arg0
+printf "0x%08x: ", $kgm_tagp
+printf "%8d ",$kgm_tagp->OSMT_refcnt
+printf "%8x ",$kgm_tagp->OSMT_state
+printf "%8x ",$kgm_tagp->OSMT_attr
+printf "%s ",$kgm_tagp->OSMT_name
+printf "\n"
+define showosmalloc
+set $kgm_tagheadp = (struct _OSMallocTag_ *)&OSMalloc_tag_list
+ set $kgm_tagptr = (struct _OSMallocTag_ * )($kgm_tagheadp->OSMT_link.next)
+ while $kgm_tagptr != $kgm_tagheadp
+ ostag_print $kgm_tagptr
+ set $kgm_tagptr = (struct _OSMallocTag_ *)$kgm_tagptr->OSMT_link.next
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document showosmalloc
+Syntax: (gdb) showosmalloc
+| Print the outstanding allocation count by OSMallocTags.
+define systemlog
+ if msgbufp->msg_bufc[msgbufp->msg_bufx] == 0 \
+ && msgbufp->msg_bufc[0] != 0
+ # The buffer hasn't wrapped, so take the easy (and fast!) path
+ printf "%s", msgbufp->msg_bufc
+ else
+ set $kgm_msgbuf = *msgbufp
+ set $kgm_syslog_bufsize = $kgm_msgbuf.msg_size
+ set $kgm_syslog_bufend = $kgm_msgbuf.msg_bufx
+ if $kgm_syslog_bufend >= $kgm_syslog_bufsize
+ set $kgm_syslog_bufend = 0
+ end
+ # print older messages from msg_bufx to end of buffer
+ set $kgm_i = $kgm_syslog_bufend
+ while $kgm_i < $kgm_syslog_bufsize
+ set $kgm_syslog_char = $kgm_msgbuf.msg_bufc[$kgm_i]
+ if $kgm_syslog_char == 0
+ # break out of loop
+ set $kgm_i = $kgm_syslog_bufsize
+ else
+ printf "%c", $kgm_syslog_char
+ end
+ set $kgm_i = $kgm_i + 1
+ end
+ # print newer messages from start of buffer to msg_bufx
+ set $kgm_i = 0
+ while $kgm_i < $kgm_syslog_bufend
+ set $kgm_syslog_char = $kgm_msgbuf.msg_bufc[$kgm_i]
+ if $kgm_syslog_char != 0
+ printf "%c", $kgm_syslog_char
+ end
+ set $kgm_i = $kgm_i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document systemlog
+| Syntax: systemlog
+| Display the kernel's printf ring buffer
+define hexdump
+ set $kgm_addr = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_len = $arg1
+ while $kgm_len > 0
+ showptr $kgm_addr
+ printf ": "
+ set $kgm_i = 0
+ while $kgm_i < 16
+ printf "%02x ", *($kgm_addr+$kgm_i)
+ set $kgm_i += 1
+ end
+ printf " |"
+ set $kgm_i = 0
+ while $kgm_i < 16
+ set $kgm_temp = *($kgm_addr+$kgm_i)
+ if $kgm_temp < 32 || $kgm_temp >= 127
+ printf "."
+ else
+ printf "%c", $kgm_temp
+ end
+ set $kgm_i += 1
+ end
+ printf "|\n"
+ set $kgm_addr += 16
+ set $kgm_len -= 16
+ end
+document hexdump
+| Show the contents of memory as a hex/ASCII dump
+| The following is the syntax:
+| (gdb) hexdump <address> <length>
+define printcolonhex
+ if ($argc == 2)
+ set $addr = $arg0
+ set $count = $arg1
+ set $li = 0
+ while ($li < $count)
+ if ($li == 0)
+ printf "%02x", (u_char)$addr[$li]
+ end
+ if ($li != 0)
+ printf ":%02x", (u_char)$addr[$li]
+ end
+ set $li = $li + 1
+ end
+ end
+define showsockaddr_dl
+ set $sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)$arg0
+ if ($sdl == 0)
+ printf "(null) "
+ else
+ if $sdl->sdl_nlen == 0 && $sdl->sdl_alen == 0 && $sdl->sdl_slen == 0
+ printf "link#%3d ", $sdl->sdl_index
+ else
+ set $addr = $sdl->sdl_data + $sdl->sdl_nlen
+ set $count = $sdl->sdl_alen
+ printcolonhex $addr $count
+ end
+ end
+define showsockaddr_unspec
+ set $sockaddr = (struct sockaddr *)$arg0
+ set $addr = $sockaddr->sa_data
+ set $count = $sockaddr->sa_len - 2
+ printcolonhex $addr $count
+define showsockaddr_at
+ set $sockaddr = (struct sockaddr *)$arg0
+ set $addr = $sockaddr->sa_data
+ set $count = $sockaddr->sa_len - 2
+ printcolonhex $addr $count
+define show_in_addr
+ set $ia = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ printf "%3u.%03u.%03u.%03u", $ia[0], $ia[1], $ia[2], $ia[3]
+define showsockaddr_in
+ set $sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)$arg0
+ set $sa_bytes = (unsigned char *)&($sin->sin_addr)
+ show_in_addr $sa_bytes
+define show_in6_addr
+ set $ia = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ printf "%2x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x", \
+ $ia[0], $ia[1], $ia[2], $ia[3], $ia[4], $ia[5], $ia[6], $ia[7], $ia[8], $ia[9], $ia[10], $ia[11], $ia[12], $ia[13], $ia[14], $ia[15]
+define showsockaddr_in6
+ set $sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)$arg0
+ set $sa_bytes = $sin6->sin6_addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8
+ show_in6_addr $sa_bytes
+define showsockaddr_un
+ set $sun = (struct sockaddr_un *)$arg0
+ if $sun == 0
+ printf "(null)"
+ else
+ if $sun->sun_path[0] == 0
+ printf "\"\""
+ else
+ printf "%s", $sun->sun_path
+ end
+ end
+define showifmultiaddrs
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)$arg0
+ set $if_multi = (struct ifmultiaddr *)$ifp->if_multiaddrs->lh_first
+ set $mymulti = $if_multi
+ set $myi = 0
+ while ($mymulti != 0)
+ printf "%2d. %p ", $myi, $mymulti
+ set $sa_family = $mymulti->ifma_addr.sa_family
+ if ($sa_family == 2)
+ if ($mymulti->ifma_ll != 0)
+ showsockaddr_dl $mymulti->ifma_ll->ifma_addr
+ printf " "
+ end
+ showsockaddr_in $mymulti->ifma_addr
+ end
+ if ($sa_family == 30)
+ if ($mymulti->ifma_ll != 0)
+ showsockaddr_dl $mymulti->ifma_ll->ifma_addr
+ printf " "
+ end
+ showsockaddr_in6 $mymulti->ifma_addr
+ end
+ if ($sa_family == 18)
+ showsockaddr_dl $mymulti->ifma_addr
+ end
+ if ($sa_family == 0)
+ showsockaddr_unspec $mymulti->ifma_addr 6
+ end
+ printf " [%d]", $mymulti->ifma_refcount
+ printf "\n"
+ set $mymulti = $mymulti->ifma_link.le_next
+ set $myi = $myi + 1
+ end
+document showifmultiaddrs
+Syntax showifmultiaddrs <ifp>
+| show the (struct ifnet).if_multiaddrs list of multicast addresses for the given ifp
+define showinmultiaddrs
+ set $in_multi = (struct in_multi *)(in_multihead->lh_first)
+ set $mymulti = $in_multi
+ set $myi = 0
+ while ($mymulti != 0)
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)$mymulti->inm_ifp
+ printf "%2d. %p ", $myi, $mymulti
+ show_in_addr &($mymulti->inm_addr)
+ printf " (ifp %p [%s%d] ifma %p) ", $ifp, $ifp->if_name, \
+ $ifp->if_unit, $mymulti->inm_ifma
+ printf "\n"
+ set $mymulti = $mymulti->inm_link.le_next
+ set $myi = $myi + 1
+ end
+document showinmultiaddrs
+Syntax showinmultiaddrs
+| show the contents of IPv4 multicast address records
+define showin6multiaddrs
+ set $in6_multi = (struct in6_multi *)(in6_multihead->lh_first)
+ set $mymulti = $in6_multi
+ set $myi = 0
+ while ($mymulti != 0)
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)$mymulti->in6m_ifp
+ printf "%2d. %p ", $myi, $mymulti
+ show_in6_addr &($mymulti->in6m_addr)
+ printf " (ifp %p [%s%d] ifma %p) ", $ifp, $ifp->if_name, \
+ $ifp->if_unit, $mymulti->in6m_ifma
+ printf "\n"
+ set $mymulti = $mymulti->in6m_entry.le_next
+ set $myi = $myi + 1
+ end
+document showin6multiaddrs
+Syntax showin6multiaddrs
+| show the contents of IPv6 multicast address records
+define showsockaddr
+ set $mysock = (struct sockaddr *)$arg0
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 0
+ if ($mysock == 0)
+ printf "(null)"
+ else
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 0)
+ printf "UNSPC"
+ showsockaddr_unspec $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 1)
+ printf "UNIX "
+ showsockaddr_un $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 2)
+ printf "INET "
+ showsockaddr_in $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 30)
+ printf "INET6 "
+ showsockaddr_in6 $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 18)
+ printf "LINK "
+ showsockaddr_dl $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($mysock->sa_family == 16)
+ printf "ATLK "
+ showsockaddr_at $mysock
+ set $showsockaddr_handled = 1
+ end
+ if ($showsockaddr_handled == 0)
+ printf "FAM %d ", $mysock->sa_family
+ set $addr = $mysock->sa_data
+ set $count = $mysock->sa_len
+ printcolonhex $addr $count
+ end
+ end
+define showifflags
+ set $flags = (u_short)$arg0
+ set $first = 1
+ printf "<"
+ if ($flags & 0x1)
+ printf "UP"
+ set $first = 0
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x2)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "BROADCAST"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x4)
+ printf "DEBUG"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x8)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "LOOPBACK"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x10)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ end
+## if ($flags & 0x20)
+## if ($first == 1)
+# set $first = 0
+## else
+# printf ","
+# end
+# printf "NOTRAILERS"
+# end
+ if ($flags & 0x40)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "RUNNING"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x80)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "NOARP"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x100)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "PROMISC"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x200)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "ALLMULTI"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x400)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "OACTIVE"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x800)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "SIMPLEX"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x1000)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "LINK0"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x2000)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "LINK1"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x4000)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "LINK2-ALTPHYS"
+ end
+ if ($flags & 0x8000)
+ if ($first == 1)
+ set $first = 0
+ else
+ printf ","
+ end
+ printf "MULTICAST"
+ end
+ printf ">"
+define showifaddrs
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)$arg0
+ set $myifaddr = (struct ifaddr *)$ifp->if_addrhead->tqh_first
+ set $myi = 0
+ while ($myifaddr != 0)
+ printf "\t%d. %p ", $myi, $myifaddr
+ showsockaddr $myifaddr->ifa_addr
+ printf " [%d]\n", $myifaddr->ifa_refcnt
+ set $myifaddr = $myifaddr->ifa_link->tqe_next
+ set $myi = $myi + 1
+ end
+document showifaddrs
+Syntax: showifaddrs <ifp>
+| show the (struct ifnet).if_addrhead list of addresses for the given ifp
+define ifconfig
+ set $ifconfig_all = 0
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ set $ifconfig_all = 1
+ end
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)(ifnet_head->tqh_first)
+ while ($ifp != 0)
+ printf "%s%d: flags=%hx", $ifp->if_name, $ifp->if_unit, (u_short)$ifp->if_flags
+ showifflags $ifp->if_flags
+ printf " index %d", $ifp->if_index
+ printf " mtu %d\n", $ifp->if_data.ifi_mtu
+ printf "\t(struct ifnet *)"
+ showptr $ifp
+ printf "\n"
+ if ($ifconfig_all == 1)
+ showifaddrs $ifp
+ end
+ set $ifp = $ifp->if_link->tqe_next
+ end
+document ifconfig
+Syntax: (gdb) ifconfig
+| display ifconfig-like output, and print the (struct ifnet *) pointers for further inspection
+set $DLIF_INUSE = 0x1
+set $DLIF_REUSE = 0x2
+define showifnets
+ set $all = 0
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ set $all = 1
+ end
+ set $dlifp = (struct dlil_ifnet *)(dlil_ifnet_head->tqh_first)
+ while ($dlifp != 0)
+ set $ifp = (struct ifnet *)$dlifp
+ if ($dlifp->dl_if_flags & $DLIF_REUSE)
+ printf "*"
+ end
+ if ($dlifp->dl_if_flags & $DLIF_INUSE)
+ printf "%s%d: ", $ifp->if_name, $ifp->if_unit
+ else
+ printf "[%s%d]: ", $ifp->if_name, $ifp->if_unit
+ end
+ printf "flags=%hx", (u_short)$ifp->if_flags
+ showifflags $ifp->if_flags
+ printf " index %d", $ifp->if_index
+ printf " mtu %d\n", $ifp->if_data.ifi_mtu
+ printf "\t(struct ifnet *)"
+ showptr $ifp
+ printf "\n"
+ if ($all == 1)
+ showifaddrs $ifp
+ end
+ set $dlifp = $dlifp->dl_if_link->tqe_next
+ end
+document showifnets
+Syntax: (gdb) showifnets
+| Display ifconfig-like output for all attached and detached interfaces
+define _show_unix_domain_socket
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$arg0
+ set $pcb = (struct unpcb *)$so->so_pcb
+ if $pcb == 0
+ printf "unpcb: (null) "
+ else
+ printf "unpcb: %p ", $pcb
+ printf "unp_vnode: %p ", $pcb->unp_vnode
+ printf "unp_conn: %p ", $pcb->unp_conn
+ printf "unp_addr: "
+ showsockaddr_un $pcb->unp_addr
+ end
+define _show_in_port
+ set $str = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ set $port = *(unsigned short *)$arg0
+ if (((($port & 0xff00) >> 8) == $str[0])) && ((($port & 0x00ff) == $str[1]))
+ #printf "big endian "
+ printf ":%d ", $port
+ else
+ #printf "little endian "
+ printf ":%d ", (($port & 0xff00) >> 8) | (($port & 0x00ff) << 8)
+ end
+define _show_in_addr_4in6
+ set $ia = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ if $ia
+ printf "%3u.%03u.%03u.%03u", $ia[0], $ia[1], $ia[2], $ia[3]
+ end
+define _show_in6_addr
+ set $ia = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ if $ia
+ printf "%2x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x", \
+ $ia[0], $ia[1], $ia[2], $ia[3], $ia[4], $ia[5], $ia[6], $ia[7], \
+ $ia[8], $ia[9], $ia[10], $ia[11], $ia[12], $ia[13], $ia[14], $ia[15]
+ end
+define _showtcpstate
+ set $tp = (struct tcpcb *)$arg0
+ if $tp
+ if $tp->t_state == 0
+ printf "CLOSED "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 1
+ printf "LISTEN "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 2
+ printf "SYN_SENT "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 3
+ printf "SYN_RCVD "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 4
+ printf "ESTABLISHED "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 5
+ printf "CLOSE_WAIT "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 6
+ printf "FIN_WAIT_1 "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 7
+ printf "CLOSING "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 8
+ printf "LAST_ACK "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 9
+ printf "FIN_WAIT_2 "
+ end
+ if $tp->t_state == 10
+ printf "TIME_WAIT "
+ end
+ end
+define _showsockprotocol
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$arg0
+ set $inpcb = (struct inpcb *)$so->so_pcb
+ if $so->so_proto->pr_protocol == 6
+ printf "TCP "
+ _showtcpstate $inpcb->inp_ppcb
+ end
+ if $so->so_proto->pr_protocol == 17
+ printf "UDP "
+ end
+ if $so->so_proto->pr_protocol == 1
+ printf "ICMP "
+ end
+ if $so->so_proto->pr_protocol == 254
+ printf "DIVERT "
+ end
+ if $so->so_proto->pr_protocol == 255
+ printf "RAW "
+ end
+define _show_ipv4_socket
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$arg0
+ set $inpcb = (struct inpcb *)$so->so_pcb
+ if $inpcb == 0
+ printf "inpcb: (null) "
+ else
+ printf "inpcb: %p ", $inpcb
+ _showsockprotocol $so
+ _show_in_addr_4in6 &$inpcb->inp_dependladdr.inp46_local
+ _show_in_port &$inpcb->inp_lport
+ printf "-> "
+ _show_in_addr_4in6 &$inpcb->inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign
+ _show_in_port &$inpcb->inp_fport
+ end
+define _show_ipv6_socket
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$arg0
+ set $pcb = (struct inpcb *)$so->so_pcb
+ if $pcb == 0
+ printf "inpcb: (null) "
+ else
+ printf "inpcb: %p ", $pcb
+ _showsockprotocol $so
+ _show_in6_addr &$pcb->inp_dependladdr.inp6_local
+ _show_in_port &$pcb->inp_lport
+ printf "-> "
+ _show_in6_addr &$pcb->inp_dependfaddr.inp6_foreign
+ _show_in_port &$pcb->inp_fport
+ end
+define showsocket
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$arg0
+ if $so == 0
+ printf "so: (null) "
+ else
+ printf "so: %p ", $so
+ if $so && $so->so_proto && $so->so_proto->pr_domain
+ set $domain = (struct domain *) $so->so_proto->pr_domain
+ printf "%s ", $domain->dom_name
+ if $domain->dom_family == 1
+ _show_unix_domain_socket $so
+ end
+ if $domain->dom_family == 2
+ _show_ipv4_socket $so
+ end
+ if $domain->dom_family == 30
+ _show_ipv6_socket $so
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document showsocket
+Syntax: (gdb) showsocket <socket_address>
+| Routine to print out a socket
+define showprocsockets
+ set $pp = (struct proc *)$arg0
+ set $fdp = (struct filedesc *)$pp->p_fd
+ set $count = 0
+ set $fpp = (struct fileproc **)($fdp->fd_ofiles)
+ set $fpo = (char)($fdp->fd_ofileflags[0])
+ while $count < $fdp->fd_nfiles
+ if *$fpp
+ set $fg =(struct fileglob *)((**$fpp)->f_fglob)
+ if $fg && (($fg)->fg_type == 2)
+ if $fdp->fd_ofileflags[$count] & 4
+ printf "U: "
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf "fd = %d ", $count
+ if $fg->fg_data
+ showsocket $fg->fg_data
+ else
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $fpp = $fpp + 1
+ set $count = $count + 1
+ end
+document showprocsockets
+Syntax: (gdb) showprocsockets <proc_address>
+| Routine to print out all the open fds
+| which are sockets in a process
+define showallprocsockets
+ set $basep = (struct proc *)allproc->lh_first
+ set $pp = $basep
+ while $pp
+ printf "============================================ \n"
+ showproc $pp
+ showprocsockets $pp
+ set $pp = $pp->p_list.le_next
+ end
+document showallprocsockets
+Syntax: (gdb) showallprocsockets
+| Routine to print out all the open fds
+| which are sockets
+define _print_ntohs
+ set $port = (unsigned short)$arg0
+ set $port = (unsigned short)((($arg0 & 0xff00) >> 8) & 0xff)
+ set $port |= (unsigned short)(($arg0 & 0xff) << 8)
+ printf "%5d", $port
+set $INP_RECVOPTS=0x01
+set $INP_HDRINCL=0x08
+set $INP_HIGHPORT=0x10
+set $INP_LOWPORT=0x20
+set $INP_ANONPORT=0x40
+set $INP_RECVIF=0x80
+set $INP_MTUDISC=0x100
+set $INP_STRIPHDR=0x200
+set $INP_RECV_ANYIF=0x400
+set $INP_INADDR_ANY=0x800
+set $INP_RECVTTL=0x1000
+set $INP_UDP_NOCKSUM=0x2000
+set $IN6P_IPV6_V6ONLY=0x008000
+set $IN6P_PKTINFO=0x010000
+set $IN6P_HOPLIMIT=0x020000
+set $IN6P_HOPOPTS=0x040000
+set $IN6P_DSTOPTS=0x080000
+set $IN6P_RTHDR=0x100000
+set $IN6P_RTHDRDSTOPTS=0x200000
+set $IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL=0x800000
+set $IN6P_BINDV6ONLY=0x10000000
+set $INP_IPV4=0x1
+set $INP_IPV6=0x2
+set $IPPROTO_UDP=17
+define _dump_inpcb
+ set $pcb = (struct inpcb *)$arg0
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "%18p", $pcb
+ else
+ printf "%10p ", $pcb
+ end
+ if $arg1 == $IPPROTO_TCP
+ printf "tcp"
+ else
+ if $arg1 == $IPPROTO_UDP
+ printf "udp"
+ else
+ printf "%2d.", $arg1
+ end
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_vflag & $INP_IPV4)
+ printf "4 "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_vflag & $INP_IPV6)
+ printf "6 "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_vflag & $INP_IPV4)
+ printf " "
+ _show_in_addr &$pcb->inp_dependladdr.inp46_local.ia46_addr4
+ else
+ _show_in6_addr &$pcb->inp_dependladdr.inp6_local
+ end
+ printf " "
+ _print_ntohs $pcb->inp_lport
+ printf " "
+ if ($pcb->inp_vflag & $INP_IPV4)
+ printf " "
+ _show_in_addr &($pcb->inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4)
+ else
+ _show_in6_addr &($pcb->inp_dependfaddr.inp6_foreign)
+ end
+ printf " "
+ _print_ntohs $pcb->inp_fport
+ printf " "
+ if $arg1 == $IPPROTO_TCP
+ _showtcpstate $pcb->inp_ppcb
+ end
+# printf "phd "
+# set $phd = $pcb->inp_phd
+# while $phd != 0
+# printf " "
+# _print_ntohs $phd->phd_port
+# set $phd = $phd->phd_hash.le_next
+# end
+# printf ", "
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECVOPTS)
+ printf "recvopts "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECVRETOPTS)
+ printf "recvretopts "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECVDSTADDR)
+ printf "recvdstaddr "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_HDRINCL)
+ printf "hdrincl "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_HIGHPORT)
+ printf "highport "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_LOWPORT)
+ printf "lowport "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_ANONPORT)
+ printf "anonport "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECVIF)
+ printf "recvif "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_MTUDISC)
+ printf "mtudisc "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_STRIPHDR)
+ printf "striphdr "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECV_ANYIF)
+ printf "recv_anyif "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_INADDR_ANY)
+ printf "inaddr_any "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_RECVTTL)
+ printf "recvttl "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $INP_UDP_NOCKSUM)
+ printf "nocksum "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_IPV6_V6ONLY)
+ printf "v6only "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_PKTINFO)
+ printf "pktinfo "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_HOPLIMIT)
+ printf "hoplimit "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_HOPOPTS)
+ printf "hopopts "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_DSTOPTS)
+ printf "dstopts "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_RTHDR)
+ printf "rthdr "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_RTHDRDSTOPTS)
+ printf "rthdrdstopts "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_AUTOFLOWLABEL)
+ printf "autoflowlabel "
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_flags & $IN6P_BINDV6ONLY)
+ printf "bindv6only "
+ end
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$pcb->inp_socket
+ if $so != 0
+ printf "[so=%p s=%ld r=%ld usecnt=%ld] ", $so, $so->so_snd.sb_cc, \
+ $so->so_rcv.sb_cc, $so->so_usecount
+ end
+ if ($pcb->inp_state == 0 || $pcb->inp_state == $INPCB_STATE_INUSE)
+ printf "inuse, "
+ else
+ if ($pcb->inp_state == $INPCB_STATE_CACHED)
+ printf "cached, "
+ else
+ if ($pcb->inp_state == $INPCB_STATE_DEAD)
+ printf "dead, "
+ else
+ printf "unknown (%d), ", $pcb->inp_state
+ end
+ end
+ end
+define _dump_inpcbport
+ set $ppcb = (struct inpcbport *)$arg0
+ printf "%p: lport ", $ppcb
+ _print_ntohs $ppcb->phd_port
+define _dump_pcbinfo
+ set $snd_cc = 0
+ set $snd_buf = (unsigned int)0
+ set $rcv_cc = 0
+ set $rcv_buf = (unsigned int)0
+ set $pcbseen = 0
+ set $pcbi = (struct inpcbinfo *)$arg0
+ printf "lastport %d lastlow %d lasthi %d\n", \
+ $pcbi->lastport, $pcbi->lastlow, $pcbi->lasthi
+ printf "active pcb count is %d\n", $pcbi->ipi_count
+ set $hashsize = $pcbi->hashmask + 1
+ printf "hash size is %d\n", $hashsize
+ printf "hash base %p has the following inpcb(s):\n", $pcbi->hashbase
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf "pcb prot source address port destination address port\n"
+ printf "------------------ ---- --------------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------- -----\n"
+ else
+ printf "pcb prot source address port destination address port\n"
+ printf "---------- ---- --------------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------- -----\n"
+ end
+ set $i = 0
+ set $hashbase = $pcbi->hashbase
+ set $head = *(uintptr_t *)$hashbase
+ while $i < $hashsize
+ if $head != 0
+ set $pcb0 = (struct inpcb *)$head
+ while $pcb0 != 0
+ set $pcbseen += 1
+ _dump_inpcb $pcb0 $arg1
+ set $so = (struct socket *)$pcb->inp_socket
+ if $so != 0
+ set $snd_cc += $so->so_snd.sb_cc
+ set $mp = $so->so_snd.sb_mb
+ while $mp
+ set $snd_buf += 256
+ if ($mp->m_hdr.mh_flags & 0x01)
+ set $snd_buf += $mp->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_size
+ end
+ set $mp = $mp->m_hdr.mh_next
+ end
+ set $rcv_cc += $so->so_rcv.sb_cc
+ set $mp = $so->so_rcv.sb_mb
+ while $mp
+ set $rcv_buf += 256
+ if ($mp->m_hdr.mh_flags & 0x01)
+ set $rcv_buf += $mp->M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext.ext_size
+ end
+ set $mp = $mp->m_hdr.mh_next
+ end
+ end
+ set $pcb0 = $pcb0->inp_hash.le_next
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ set $i += 1
+ set $hashbase += 1
+ set $head = *(uintptr_t *)$hashbase
+ end
+ printf "total seen %ld snd_cc %ld rcv_cc %ld\n", $pcbseen, $snd_cc, $rcv_cc
+ printf "total snd_buf %u rcv_buf %u \n", (unsigned int)$snd_buf, (unsigned int)$rcv_buf
+ printf "port hash base is %p\n", $pcbi->porthashbase
+ set $i = 0
+ set $hashbase = $pcbi->porthashbase
+ set $head = *(uintptr_t *)$hashbase
+ while $i < $hashsize
+ if $head != 0
+ set $pcb0 = (struct inpcbport *)$head
+ while $pcb0 != 0
+ printf "\t"
+ _dump_inpcbport $pcb0
+ printf "\n"
+ set $pcb0 = $pcb0->phd_hash.le_next
+ end
+ end
+ set $i += 1
+ set $hashbase += 1
+ set $head = *(uintptr_t *)$hashbase
+ end
+define show_tcp_timewaitslots
+ set $slot = -1
+ set $all = 0
+ if $argc == 1
+ if (int)$arg0 == -1
+ set $all = 1
+ else
+ set $slot = (int)$arg0
+ end
+ end
+ printf "time wait slot size %d cur_tw_slot %ld\n", $N_TIME_WAIT_SLOTS, cur_tw_slot
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $N_TIME_WAIT_SLOTS
+ set $perslot = 0
+ set $head = (uintptr_t *)time_wait_slots[$i]
+ if $i == $slot || $slot == -1
+ if $head != 0
+ set $pcb0 = (struct inpcb *)$head
+ while $pcb0 != 0
+ set $perslot += 1
+ set $pcb0 = $pcb0->inp_list.le_next
+ end
+ end
+ printf " slot %ld count %ld\n", $i, $perslot
+ end
+ if $all || $i == $slot
+ if $head != 0
+ set $pcb0 = (struct inpcb *)$head
+ while $pcb0 != 0
+ printf "\t"
+ _dump_inpcb $pcb0 $IPPROTO_TCP
+ printf "\n"
+ set $pcb0 = $pcb0->inp_list.le_next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $i += 1
+ end
+document show_tcp_timewaitslots
+Syntax: (gdb) show_tcp_timewaitslots
+| Print the list of TCP protocol control block in the TIMEWAIT state
+| Pass -1 to see the list of PCB for each slot
+| Pass a slot number to see information for that slot with the list of PCB
+define show_tcp_pcbinfo
+ _dump_pcbinfo &tcbinfo $IPPROTO_TCP
+document show_tcp_pcbinfo
+Syntax: (gdb) show_tcp_pcbinfo
+| Print the list of TCP protocol control block information
+define show_udp_pcbinfo
+ _dump_pcbinfo &udbinfo $IPPROTO_UDP
+document show_udp_pcbinfo
+Syntax: (gdb) show_udp_pcbinfo
+| Print the list of UDP protocol control block information
+define showbpfdtab
+ set $myi = 0
+ while ($myi < bpf_dtab_size)
+ if (bpf_dtab[$myi] != 0)
+ printf "Address 0x%x, bd_next 0x%x\n", bpf_dtab[$myi], bpf_dtab[$myi]->bd_next
+ print *bpf_dtab[$myi]
+ end
+ set $myi = $myi + 1
+ end
+define printvnodepathint_recur
+ if $arg0 != 0
+ if ($arg0->v_flag & 0x000001) && ($arg0->v_mount != 0)
+ if $arg0->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered != 0
+ printvnodepathint_recur $arg0->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered $arg0->v_mount->mnt_vnodecovered->v_name
+ end
+ else
+ printvnodepathint_recur $arg0->v_parent $arg0->v_parent->v_name
+ printf "/%s", $arg1
+ end
+ end
+define showvnodepath
+ set $vp = (struct vnode *)$arg0
+ if $vp != 0
+ if ($vp->v_flag & 0x000001) && ($vp->v_mount != 0) && ($vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & 0x00004000)
+ printf "/"
+ else
+ printvnodepathint_recur $vp $vp->v_name
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document showvnodepath
+Syntax: (gdb) showvnodepath <vnode>
+| Prints the path for a vnode
+define showallvols
+ printf "volume "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " mnt_data "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " mnt_devvp "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " typename mountpoint\n"
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) mountlist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vol
+ showptr $kgm_vol
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_vol->mnt_data
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_vol->mnt_devvp
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_vol->mnt_vtable->vfc_name[0] == 'h') && \
+ ($kgm_vol->mnt_vtable->vfc_name[1] == 'f') && \
+ ($kgm_vol->mnt_vtable->vfc_name[2] == 's') && \
+ ($kgm_vol->mnt_vtable->vfc_name[3] == '\0')
+ set $kgm_hfsmount = \
+ (struct hfsmount *) $kgm_vol->mnt_data
+ if $kgm_hfsmount->hfs_freezing_proc != 0
+ printf "FROZEN hfs "
+ else
+ printf "hfs "
+ end
+ else
+ printf "%-10s ", $kgm_vol->mnt_vtable->vfc_name
+ end
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_vol->mnt_vfsstat.f_mntonname
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) $kgm_vol->mnt_list.tqe_next
+ end
+document showallvols
+Syntax: (gdb) showallvols
+| Display a summary of mounted volumes
+define showvnodeheader
+ printf "vnode "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " usecount iocount v_data "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " vtype parent "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " name\n"
+define showvnodeint
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $arg0
+ showptr $kgm_vnode
+ printf " %8d ", $kgm_vnode->v_usecount
+ printf "%7d ", $kgm_vnode->v_iocount
+# print information about clean/dirty blocks?
+ showptr $kgm_vnode->v_data
+ printf " "
+ # print the vtype, using the enum tag
+ set $kgm_vtype = $kgm_vnode->v_type
+ if $kgm_vtype == VNON
+ printf "VNON "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VREG
+ printf "VREG "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VDIR
+ printf "VDIR "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VBLK
+ printf "VBLK "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VCHR
+ printf "VCHR "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VLNK
+ printf "VLNK "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VSOCK
+ printf "VSOCK "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VFIFO
+ printf "VFIFO "
+ end
+ if $kgm_vtype == VBAD
+ printf "VBAD "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vtype < VNON) || ($kgm_vtype > VBAD)
+ printf "%5d ", $kgm_vtype
+ end
+ showptr $kgm_vnode->v_parent
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_vnode->v_name != 0)
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_vnode->v_name
+ else
+ # If this is HFS vnode, get name from the cnode
+ if ($kgm_vnode->v_tag == 16)
+ set $kgm_cnode = (struct cnode *)$kgm_vnode->v_data
+ printf "hfs: %s\n", (char *)$kgm_cnode->c_desc->cd_nameptr
+ else
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+define showvnode
+ showvnodeheader
+ showvnodeint $arg0
+document showvnode
+Syntax: (gdb) showvnode <vnode>
+| Display info about one vnode
+define showvolvnodes
+ showvnodeheader
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) $arg0
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vol.mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vnode
+ showvnodeint $kgm_vnode
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vnode->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
+ end
+document showvolvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showvolvnodes <mouont_t>
+| Display info about all vnodes of a given mount_t
+define showvolbusyvnodes
+ showvnodeheader
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) $arg0
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vol.mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vnode
+ if $kgm_vnode->v_iocount != 0
+ showvnodeint $kgm_vnode
+ end
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vnode->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
+ end
+document showvolbusyvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showvolbusyvnodes <mount_t>
+| Display info about busy (iocount!=0) vnodes of a given mount_t
+define showallbusyvnodes
+ showvnodeheader
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) mountlist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vol
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vol.mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vnode
+ if $kgm_vnode->v_iocount != 0
+ showvnodeint $kgm_vnode
+ end
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vnode->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
+ end
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) $kgm_vol->mnt_list.tqe_next
+ end
+document showallbusyvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showallbusyvnodes <vnode>
+| Display info about all busy (iocount!=0) vnodes
+define showallvnodes
+ showvnodeheader
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) mountlist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vol
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vol.mnt_vnodelist.tqh_first
+ while $kgm_vnode
+ showvnodeint $kgm_vnode
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_vnode->v_mntvnodes.tqe_next
+ end
+ set $kgm_vol = (mount_t) $kgm_vol->mnt_list.tqe_next
+ end
+document showallvnodes
+Syntax: (gdb) showallvnodes
+| Display info about all vnodes
+define _showvnodelockheader
+ printf "* type W held by lock type start end\n"
+ printf "- ----- - ------------- --------- ------------------ ------------------\n"
+define _showvnodelock
+ set $kgm_svl_lock = ((struct lockf *)$arg0)
+ # decode flags
+ set $kgm_svl_flags = $kgm_svl_lock->lf_flags
+ set $kgm_svl_type = $kgm_svl_lock->lf_type
+ if ($kgm_svl_flags & 0x20)
+ printf "flock"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_svl_flags & 0x40)
+ printf "posix"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_svl_flags & 0x80)
+ printf "prov "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_svl_flags & 0x10)
+ printf " W "
+ else
+ printf " . "
+ end
+ # POSIX file vs. advisory range locks
+ if ($kgm_svl_flags & 0x40)
+ set $kgm_svl_proc = (proc_t)$kgm_svl_lock->lf_id
+ printf "PID %8d ", $kgm_svl_proc->p_pid
+ else
+ printf "ID 0x%08x ", $kgm_svl_lock->lf_id
+ end
+ # lock type
+ if ($kgm_svl_type == 1)
+ printf "shared "
+ else
+ if ($kgm_svl_type == 3)
+ printf "exclusive "
+ else
+ if ($kgm_svl_type == 2)
+ printf "unlock "
+ else
+ printf "unknown "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # start and stop
+ printf "0x%016x..", $kgm_svl_lock->lf_start
+ printf "0x%016x ", $kgm_svl_lock->lf_end
+ printf "\n"
+# Body of showvnodelocks, not including header
+define _showvnodelocks
+ set $kgm_svl_vnode = ((vnode_t)$arg0)
+ set $kgm_svl_lockiter = $kgm_svl_vnode->v_lockf
+ while ($kgm_svl_lockiter != 0)
+ # locks that are held
+ printf "H "
+ _showvnodelock $kgm_svl_lockiter
+ # and any locks blocked by them
+ set $kgm_svl_blocker = $kgm_svl_lockiter->lf_blkhd.tqh_first
+ while ($kgm_svl_blocker != 0)
+ printf "> "
+ _showvnodelock $kgm_svl_blocker
+ set $kgm_svl_blocker = $kgm_svl_blocker->lf_block.tqe_next
+ end
+ # and on to the next one...
+ set $kgm_svl_lockiter = $kgm_svl_lockiter->lf_next
+ end
+define showvnodelocks
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ _showvnodelockheader
+ _showvnodelocks $arg0
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help showvnodelocks
+ end
+document showvnodelocks
+Syntax: (gdb) showvnodelocks <vnode_t>
+| Given a vnodet pointer, display the list of advisory record locks for the
+| referenced pvnodes
+define showbootargs
+ printf "%s\n", (char*)((boot_args*)PE_state.bootArgs).CommandLine
+document showbootargs
+Syntax: showbootargs
+| Display boot arguments passed to the target kernel
+define showbootermemorymap
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_voffset = 0
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_voffset = 0xFFFFFF8000000000ULL
+ else
+ echo showbootermemorymap not supported on this architecture
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_boot_args = kernelBootArgs
+ set $kgm_msize = kernelBootArgs->MemoryMapDescriptorSize
+ set $kgm_mcount = kernelBootArgs->MemoryMapSize / $kgm_msize
+ set $kgm_i = 0
+ printf "Type Physical Start Number of Pages Virtual Start Attributes\n"
+ while $kgm_i < $kgm_mcount
+ set $kgm_mptr = (EfiMemoryRange *)((unsigned long)kernelBootArgs->MemoryMap + $kgm_voffset + $kgm_i * $kgm_msize)
+# p/x *$kgm_mptr
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 0
+ printf "Reserved "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 1
+ printf "LoaderCode"
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 2
+ printf "LoaderData"
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 3
+ printf "BS_code "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 4
+ printf "BS_data "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 5
+ printf "RT_code "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 6
+ printf "RT_data "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 7
+ printf "Convention"
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 8
+ printf "Unusable "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 9
+ printf "ACPI_recl "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 10
+ printf "ACPI_NVS "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 11
+ printf "MemMapIO "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 12
+ printf "MemPortIO "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type == 13
+ printf "PAL_code "
+ end
+ if $kgm_mptr->Type > 13
+ printf "UNKNOWN "
+ end
+ printf " %016llx %016llx", $kgm_mptr->PhysicalStart, $kgm_mptr->NumberOfPages
+ if $kgm_mptr->VirtualStart != 0
+ printf " %016llx", $kgm_mptr->VirtualStart
+ else
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf " %016llx\n", $kgm_mptr->Attribute
+ set $kgm_i = $kgm_i + 1
+ end
+document showbootermemorymap
+Syntax: (gdb) showbootermemorymap
+| Prints out the phys memory map from kernelBootArgs
+define showstacksaftertask
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$kgm_taskp->tasks.next
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskheader
+ showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ showactheader
+ if ($decode_wait_events > 0)
+ showactint $kgm_actp 1
+ else
+ showactint $kgm_actp 2
+ end
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+document showstacksaftertask
+Syntax: (gdb) showstacksaftertask <task>
+| Routine to print out all stacks (as in showallstacks) starting after a given task
+| Useful if that gdb refuses to print a certain task's stack.
+define showpmworkqueueint
+ set $kgm_pm_workqueue = (IOPMWorkQueue *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pm_wq = &($kgm_pm_workqueue->fWorkQueue)
+ set $kgm_pm_wqe = (IOServicePM *)$kgm_pm_wq->next
+ while ((queue_entry_t) $kgm_pm_wqe != (queue_entry_t) $kgm_pm_wq)
+ printf "service "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " ps ms wr name\n"
+ showptr $kgm_pm_wqe->Owner
+ printf " "
+ printf "%02d ", $kgm_pm_wqe->CurrentPowerState
+ printf "%02d ", $kgm_pm_wqe->MachineState
+ printf "%02d ", $kgm_pm_wqe->WaitReason
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_pm_wqe->Name
+ printf "request "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " type next "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " root "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " work_wait free_wait\n"
+ set $kgm_pm_rq = &($kgm_pm_wqe->RequestHead)
+ set $kgm_pm_rqe = (IOPMRequest *)$kgm_pm_rq->next
+ while ((queue_entry_t) $kgm_pm_rqe != (queue_entry_t) $kgm_pm_rq)
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe
+ printf " 0x%02x ", $kgm_pm_rqe->fType
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe->fRequestNext
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe->fRequestRoot
+ printf " 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $kgm_pm_rqe->fWorkWaitCount, $kgm_pm_rqe->fFreeWaitCount
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " args "
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe->fArg0
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe->fArg1
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_pm_rqe->fArg2
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_pm_rqe = (IOPMRequest *)$kgm_pm_rqe->fCommandChain.next
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_pm_wqe = (IOServicePM *)$kgm_pm_wqe->WorkChain.next
+ end
+define showpmworkqueue
+ printf "IOPMWorkQueue "
+ showptr gIOPMWorkQueue
+ printf " length "
+ printf "%u", gIOPMWorkQueue->fQueueLength
+ printf "\n"
+ if (gIOPMWorkQueue->fQueueLength > 0)
+ showpmworkqueueint gIOPMWorkQueue
+ end
+document showpmworkqueue
+Syntax: (gdb) showpmworkqueue
+| Display the IOPMWorkQueue object
+define showioservicepm
+ set $kgm_iopmpriv = (IOServicePM *)$arg0
+ printf "{ "
+ printf "MachineState = %d (", $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 0 )
+ printf "kIOPM_Finished"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 1 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 2 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 3 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 4 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 5 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 6 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 7 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 8 )
+ printf "kIOPM_OurChangeFinish"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 9 )
+ printf "Unused_MachineState_9"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 10 )
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 11 )
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 12 )
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 13 )
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 14)
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 15)
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 16)
+ printf "kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 17)
+ printf "kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 18)
+ printf "kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 19)
+ printf "kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 20)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 21)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 22)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 23)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 24)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 25)
+ printf "kIOPM_SyncFinish"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 26)
+ printf "kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone"
+ else
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState == 27)
+ printf "kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone"
+ else
+ printf "Unknown_MachineState"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ printf "), "
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->MachineState != 20 )
+ printf "DriverTimer = %d, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->DriverTimer
+ printf "SettleTime = %d, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->SettleTimeUS
+ printf "HeadNoteFlags = %08x, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->HeadNoteChangeFlags
+ printf "HeadNotePendingAcks = %x, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->HeadNotePendingAcks
+ end
+ if ( $kgm_iopmpriv->DeviceOverrideEnabled != 0 )
+ printf"DeviceOverrides, "
+ end
+ printf "DeviceDesire = %d, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->DeviceDesire
+ printf "DesiredPowerState = %d, ",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->DesiredPowerState
+ printf "PreviousRequest = %d }\n",(unsigned int)$kgm_iopmpriv->PreviousRequestPowerFlags
+document showioservicepm
+Syntax: (gdb) showioservicepm <IOServicePM pointer>
+| Routine to dump the IOServicePM object
+define showregistryentryrecursepmstate
+ set $kgm_re = (IOService *)$arg1
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = (unsigned long long) $arg2
+ if ($arg3)
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack | (1ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack & ~(1ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ end
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable $kgm_childkey
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_array = (OSArray *) $kgm_result
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_array)
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_count = $kgm$arg0_child_array->count
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_count = 0
+ end
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack | (2ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ else
+ set $kgm$arg0_stack = $kgm$arg0_stack & ~(2ULL << $kgm_reg_depth)
+ end
+ indent $kgm_reg_depth $kgm$arg0_stack
+ printf "+-o "
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable $kgm_namekey
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fRegistryTable gIONameKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result == 0)
+ dictget $kgm_re->fPropertyTable gIOClassKey
+ end
+ if ($kgm_result != 0)
+ printf "%s <%p>", ((OSString *)$kgm_result)->string, $kgm_re
+ else
+ if (((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt && ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->Name)
+ printf "%s <", ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->Name
+ showptr $kgm_re
+ printf ">"
+ else
+ printf "?? <"
+ showptr $kgm_re
+ printf ">"
+ end
+ end
+ if (((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt )
+ printf " Current Power State: %ld ", ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->CurrentPowerState
+ #printf " Mach State %ld", ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt->MachineState
+ showioservicepm ((IOService*)$kgm_re)->pwrMgt
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ # recurse
+ if ($kgm$arg0_child_count != 0)
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth + 1
+ set $kgm$arg0_child_idx = 0
+ while ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ set $kgm_re = $kgm$arg0_child_array->array[$kgm$arg0_child_idx++]
+ set $kgm_more_sib = ($kgm$arg0_child_idx < $kgm$arg0_child_count)
+ if $kgm_reg_depth >= $kgm_reg_depth_max + 1
+ loop_break
+ end
+ showregistryentryrecursepmstate _$arg0 $kgm_re $kgm$arg0_stack $kgm_more_sib
+ end
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = $kgm_reg_depth - 1
+ end
+define showregistryentryintpmstate
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ set $kgm_reg_plane = (IORegistryPlane *) gIOServicePlane
+ end
+ if !$kgm_reg_plane
+ printf "Please load kgmacros after KDP attaching to the target.\n"
+ else
+ set $kgm_namekey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->nameKey
+ set $kgm_childkey = (OSSymbol *) $kgm_reg_plane->keys[1]
+ showregistryentryrecursepmstate _ $arg0 0 0
+ end
+define showregistrypmstate
+# setregistryplane gIOPowerPlane
+ set $kgm_reg_depth = 0
+ set $kgm_show_props = 1
+ showregistryentryintpmstate gRegistryRoot
+document showregistrypmstate
+Syntax: (gdb) showregistrypmstate
+| Routine to dump the PM state of each IOPower registry entry
+define showstacksafterthread
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)$kgm_actp->task
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskheader
+ showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ if $kgm_actp == 0
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ end
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ showactheader
+ if ($decode_wait_events > 0)
+ showactint $kgm_actp 1
+ else
+ showactint $kgm_actp 2
+ end
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ set $kgm_actp = 0
+ end
+document showstacksafterthread
+Syntax: (gdb) showstacksafterthread <thread>
+| Routine to print out all stacks (as in showallstacks) starting after a given thread
+| Useful if that gdb refuses to print a certain task's stack.
+define kdp-reenter
+ set kdp_reentry_deadline = ((unsigned) $arg0)*1000
+ continue
+document kdp-reenter
+Syntax: (gdb) kdp-reenter <seconds>
+| Schedules reentry into the debugger after <seconds> seconds, and resumes
+| the target system.
+define _if_present
+ if (!$arg0)
+ printf " not"
+ end
+ printf " present"
+define showMCAstate
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "Not available for current architecture.\n"
+ else
+ printf "MCA"
+ _if_present mca_MCA_present
+ printf ", control MSR"
+ _if_present mca_control_MSR_present
+ printf ", threshold status"
+ _if_present mca_threshold_status_present
+ printf "\n%d error banks, ", mca_error_bank_count
+ printf "family code 0x%x, ", mca_family
+ printf "machine-check dump state: %d\n", mca_dump_state
+ set $kgm_cpu = 0
+ while cpu_data_ptr[$kgm_cpu] != 0
+ set $kgm_mcp = cpu_data_ptr[$kgm_cpu]->cpu_mca_state
+ if $kgm_mcp
+ printf "CPU %d:", $kgm_cpu
+ printf " mca_mcg_ctl: 0x%016llx", $kgm_mcp->mca_mcg_ctl
+ printf " mca_mcg_status: 0x%016llx\n", $kgm_mcp->mca_mcg_status.u64
+ printf "bank "
+ printf "mca_mci_ctl "
+ printf "mca_mci_status "
+ printf "mca_mci_addr "
+ printf "mca_mci_misc\n"
+ set $kgm_bank = 0
+ while $kgm_bank < mca_error_bank_count
+ set $kgm_bp = &$kgm_mcp->mca_error_bank[$kgm_bank]
+ printf " %2d:", $kgm_bank
+ printf " 0x%016llx", $kgm_bp->mca_mci_ctl
+ printf " 0x%016llx", $kgm_bp->mca_mci_status.u64
+ printf " 0x%016llx", $kgm_bp->mca_mci_addr
+ printf " 0x%016llx\n", $kgm_bp->mca_mci_misc
+ set $kgm_bank = $kgm_bank + 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_cpu = $kgm_cpu + 1
+ end
+ end
+document showMCAstate
+Syntax: showMCAstate
+| Print machine-check register state after MC exception.
+define _pt_step
+ #
+ # Step to lower-level page table and print attributes
+ # $kgm_pt_paddr: current page table entry physical address
+ # $kgm_pt_index: current page table entry index (0..511)
+ # returns
+ # $kgm_pt_paddr: next level page table entry physical address
+ # or null if invalid
+ # $kgm_pt_valid: 1 if $kgm_pt_paddr is valid, 0 if the walk
+ # should be aborted
+ # $kgm_pt_large: 1 if kgm_pt_paddr is a page frame address
+ # of a large page and not another page table entry
+ # For $kgm_pt_verbose = 0: print nothing
+ # 1: print basic information
+ # 2: print basic information and hex table dump
+ #
+ set $kgm_entryp = $kgm_pt_paddr + 8*$kgm_pt_index
+ readphysint $kgm_entryp 64 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ set $entry = $kgm_readphysint_result
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 3
+ set $kgm_pte_loop = 0
+ while $kgm_pte_loop < 512
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr_tmp = $kgm_pt_paddr + $kgm_pte_loop*8
+ readphys64 $kgm_pt_paddr_tmp
+ set $kgm_pte_loop = $kgm_pte_loop + 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_paddr_mask = ~((0xfffULL<<52) | 0xfffULL)
+ set $kgm_paddr_largemask = ~((0xfffULL<<52) | 0x1fffffULL)
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose < 2
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 0)
+ set $kgm_pt_valid = 1
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 7)
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 1
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = $entry & $kgm_paddr_largemask
+ else
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 0
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = $entry & $kgm_paddr_mask
+ end
+ else
+ set $kgm_pt_valid = 0
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 0
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = 0
+ end
+ else
+ printf "0x%016llx:\n\t0x%016llx\n\t", $kgm_entryp, $entry
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 0)
+ printf "valid"
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = $entry & $kgm_paddr_mask
+ set $kgm_pt_valid = 1
+ else
+ printf "invalid"
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = 0
+ set $kgm_pt_valid = 0
+ # stop decoding other bits
+ set $entry = 0
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 1)
+ printf " writeable"
+ else
+ printf " read-only"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 2)
+ printf " user"
+ else
+ printf " supervisor"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 3)
+ printf " PWT"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 4)
+ printf " PCD"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 5)
+ printf " accessed"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 6)
+ printf " dirty"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 7)
+ printf " large"
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 0
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1 << 8)
+ printf " global"
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x3 << 9)
+ printf " avail:0x%x", ($entry >> 9) & 0x3
+ end
+ if $entry & (0x1ULL << 63)
+ printf " noexec"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+define _pml4_walk
+ set $kgm_pt_paddr = $arg0
+ set $kgm_vaddr = $arg1
+ set $kgm_pt_valid = $kgm_pt_paddr != 0
+ set $kgm_pt_large = 0
+ set $kgm_pframe_offset = 0
+ if $kgm_pt_valid && cpu_64bit
+ # Look up bits 47:39 of the linear address in PML4T
+ set $kgm_pt_index = ($kgm_vaddr >> 39) & 0x1ffULL
+ set $kgm_pframe_offset = $kgm_vaddr & 0x7fffffffffULL
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "pml4 (index %d):\n", $kgm_pt_index
+ end
+ _pt_step
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_valid
+ # Look up bits 38:30 of the linear address in PDPT
+ set $kgm_pt_index = ($kgm_vaddr >> 30) & 0x1ffULL
+ set $kgm_pframe_offset = $kgm_vaddr & 0x3fffffffULL
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "pdpt (index %d):\n", $kgm_pt_index
+ end
+ _pt_step
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_valid && !$kgm_pt_large
+ # Look up bits 29:21 of the linear address in PDT
+ set $kgm_pt_index = ($kgm_vaddr >> 21) & 0x1ffULL
+ set $kgm_pframe_offset = $kgm_vaddr & 0x1fffffULL
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "pdt (index %d):\n", $kgm_pt_index
+ end
+ _pt_step
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_valid && !$kgm_pt_large
+ # Look up bits 20:21 of the linear address in PT
+ set $kgm_pt_index = ($kgm_vaddr >> 12) & 0x1ffULL
+ set $kgm_pframe_offset = $kgm_vaddr & 0xfffULL
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "pt (index %d):\n", $kgm_pt_index
+ end
+ _pt_step
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_valid
+ set $kgm_paddr = $kgm_pt_paddr + $kgm_pframe_offset
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_paddr = 0
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 0
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 1
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ readphysint $kgm_paddr 32 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ set $kgm_value = $kgm_readphysint_result
+ printf "phys 0x%016llx: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_paddr, $kgm_value
+ else
+ printf "(no translation)\n"
+ end
+ end
+define _pmap_walk_x86
+ set $kgm_pmap = (pmap_t) $arg0
+ _pml4_walk $kgm_pmap->pm_cr3 $arg1
+define _pmap_walk_arm_level1_section
+ set $kgm_tte_p = $arg0
+ set $kgm_tte = *$kgm_tte_p
+ set $kgm_vaddr = $arg1
+ # Supersection or just section?
+ if (($kgm_tte & 0x00040000) == 0x00040000)
+ set $kgm_paddr = ($kgm_tte & 0xFF000000) | ($kgm_vaddr & 0x00FFFFFF)
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_paddr = ($kgm_tte & 0xFFF00000) | ($kgm_vaddr & 0x000FFFFF)
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "0x%08x\n\t0x%08x\n\t", (unsigned long)$kgm_tte_p, $kgm_tte
+ # bit [1:0] evaluated in _pmap_walk_arm
+ # B bit 2
+ set $kgm_b_bit = (($kgm_tte & 0x00000004) >> 2)
+ # C bit 3
+ set $kgm_c_bit = (($kgm_tte & 0x00000008) >> 3)
+ # XN bit 4
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00000010)
+ printf "no-execute"
+ else
+ printf "execute"
+ end
+ # Domain bit [8:5] if not supersection
+ if (($kgm_tte & 0x00040000) == 0x00000000)
+ printf " domain(%d)", (($kgm_tte & 0x000001e0) >> 5)
+ end
+ # IMP bit 9
+ printf " imp(%d)", (($kgm_tte & 0x00000200) >> 9)
+ # AP bit 15 and [11:10], merged to a single 3-bit value
+ set $kgm_access = (($kgm_tte & 0x00000c00) >> 10) | (($kgm_tte & 0x00008000) >> 13)
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x0)
+ printf " noaccess"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x1)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(noaccess)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x2)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x3)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(readwrite)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x4)
+ printf " noaccess(reserved)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x5)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(noaccess)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x6)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x7)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ # TEX bit [14:12]
+ set $kgm_tex_bits = (($kgm_tte & 0x00007000) >> 12)
+ # Print TEX, C, B all together
+ printf " TEX:C:B(%d%d%d:%d:%d)", ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x4 ? 1 : 0), ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x2 ? 1 : 0), ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0), $kgm_c_bit, $kgm_b_bit
+ # S bit 16
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00010000)
+ printf " shareable"
+ else
+ printf " not-shareable"
+ end
+ # nG bit 17
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00020000)
+ printf " not-global"
+ else
+ printf " global"
+ end
+ # Supersection bit 18
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00040000)
+ printf " supersection"
+ else
+ printf " section"
+ end
+ # NS bit 19
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00080000)
+ printf " no-secure"
+ else
+ printf " secure"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+define _pmap_walk_arm_level2
+ set $kgm_tte_p = $arg0
+ set $kgm_tte = *$kgm_tte_p
+ set $kgm_vaddr = $arg1
+ set $kgm_pte_pbase = (($kgm_tte & 0xFFFFFC00) - gPhysBase + gVirtBase)
+ set $kgm_pte_index = ($kgm_vaddr >> 12) & 0x000000FF
+ set $kgm_pte_p = &((pt_entry_t *)$kgm_pte_pbase)[$kgm_pte_index]
+ set $kgm_pte = *$kgm_pte_p
+ # Print first level symbolically
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "0x%08x\n\t0x%08x\n\t", (unsigned long)$kgm_tte_p, $kgm_tte
+ # bit [1:0] evaluated in _pmap_walk_arm
+ # NS bit 3
+ if ($kgm_tte & 0x00000008)
+ printf "no-secure"
+ else
+ printf "secure"
+ end
+ # Domain bit [8:5]
+ printf " domain(%d)", (($kgm_tte & 0x000001e0) >> 5)
+ # IMP bit 9
+ printf " imp(%d)", (($kgm_tte & 0x00000200) >> 9)
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "second-level table (index %d):\n", $kgm_pte_index
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 3
+ set $kgm_pte_loop = 0
+ while $kgm_pte_loop < 256
+ set $kgm_pte_p_tmp = &((pt_entry_t *)$kgm_pte_pbase)[$kgm_pte_loop]
+ printf "0x%08x:\t0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)$kgm_pte_p_tmp, *$kgm_pte_p_tmp
+ set $kgm_pte_loop = $kgm_pte_loop + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_pte & 0x00000003)
+ set $kgm_pve_p = (pv_entry_t *)($kgm_pte_pbase + 0x100*sizeof(pt_entry_t) + $kgm_pte_index*sizeof(pv_entry_t))
+ if ($kgm_pve_p->shadow != 0)
+ set $kgm_spte = $kgm_pve_p->shadow ^ ($kgm_vaddr & ~0xFFF)
+ set $kgm_paddr = ($kgm_spte & 0xFFFFF000) | ($kgm_vaddr & 0xFFF)
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_paddr = (*$kgm_pte_p & 0xFFFFF000) | ($kgm_vaddr & 0xFFF)
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 1
+ end
+ else
+ set $kgm_paddr = 0
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 0
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "0x%08x\n\t0x%08x\n\t", (unsigned long)$kgm_pte_p, $kgm_pte
+ if (($kgm_pte & 0x00000003) == 0x00000000)
+ printf "invalid"
+ else
+ if (($kgm_pte & 0x00000003) == 0x00000001)
+ printf "large"
+ # XN bit 15
+ if ($kgm_pte & 0x00008000) == 0x00008000
+ printf " no-execute"
+ else
+ printf " execute"
+ end
+ else
+ printf "small"
+ # XN bit 0
+ if ($kgm_pte & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001
+ printf " no-execute"
+ else
+ printf " execute"
+ end
+ end
+ # B bit 2
+ set $kgm_b_bit = (($kgm_pte & 0x00000004) >> 2)
+ # C bit 3
+ set $kgm_c_bit = (($kgm_pte & 0x00000008) >> 3)
+ # AP bit 9 and [5:4], merged to a single 3-bit value
+ set $kgm_access = (($kgm_pte & 0x00000030) >> 4) | (($kgm_pte & 0x00000200) >> 7)
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x0)
+ printf " noaccess"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x1)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(noaccess)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x2)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x3)
+ printf " supervisor(readwrite) user(readwrite)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x4)
+ printf " noaccess(reserved)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x5)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(noaccess)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x6)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_access == 0x7)
+ printf " supervisor(readonly) user(readonly)"
+ end
+ # TEX bit [14:12] for large, [8:6] for small
+ if (($kgm_pte & 0x00000003) == 0x00000001)
+ set $kgm_tex_bits = (($kgm_pte & 0x00007000) >> 12)
+ else
+ set $kgm_tex_bits = (($kgm_pte & 0x000001c0) >> 6)
+ end
+ # Print TEX, C, B all together
+ printf " TEX:C:B(%d%d%d:%d:%d)", ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x4 ? 1 : 0), ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x2 ? 1 : 0), ($kgm_tex_bits & 0x1 ? 1 : 0), $kgm_c_bit, $kgm_b_bit
+ # S bit 10
+ if ($kgm_pte & 0x00000400)
+ printf " shareable"
+ else
+ printf " not-shareable"
+ end
+ # nG bit 11
+ if ($kgm_pte & 0x00000800)
+ printf " not-global"
+ else
+ printf " global"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+# See ARM ARM Section B3.3
+define _pmap_walk_arm
+ set $kgm_pmap = (pmap_t) $arg0
+ set $kgm_vaddr = $arg1
+ set $kgm_paddr = 0
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 0
+ # Shift by TTESHIFT (20) to get tte index
+ set $kgm_tte_index = (($kgm_vaddr - $kgm_pmap->min) >> 20)
+ set $kgm_tte_p = &$kgm_pmap->tte[$kgm_tte_index]
+ set $kgm_tte = *$kgm_tte_p
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "first-level table (index %d):\n", $kgm_tte_index
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 3
+ set $kgm_tte_loop = 0
+ while $kgm_tte_loop < 4096
+ set $kgm_tte_p_tmp = &$kgm_pmap->tte[$kgm_tte_loop]
+ printf "0x%08x:\t0x%08x\n", (unsigned long)$kgm_tte_p_tmp, *$kgm_tte_p_tmp
+ set $kgm_tte_loop = $kgm_tte_loop + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if (($kgm_tte & 0x00000003) == 0x00000001)
+ _pmap_walk_arm_level2 $kgm_tte_p $kgm_vaddr
+ else
+ if (($kgm_tte & 0x00000003) == 0x00000002)
+ _pmap_walk_arm_level1_section $kgm_tte_p $kgm_vaddr
+ else
+ set $kgm_paddr = 0
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 0
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 2
+ printf "Invalid First-Level Translation Table Entry: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tte
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose >= 1
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ readphysint $kgm_paddr 32 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ set $kgm_value = $kgm_readphysint_result
+ printf "phys 0x%016llx: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_paddr, $kgm_value
+ else
+ printf "(no translation)\n"
+ end
+ end
+define pmap_walk
+ if $argc != 2
+ printf "pmap_walk <pmap> <vaddr>\n"
+ else
+ if !$kgm_pt_verbose
+ set $kgm_pt_verbose = 2
+ else
+ if $kgm_pt_verbose > 3
+ set $kgm_pt_verbose = 2
+ end
+ end
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ _pmap_walk_x86 $arg0 $arg1
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ _pmap_walk_arm $arg0 $arg1
+ else
+ printf "Not available for current architecture.\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+document pmap_walk
+Syntax: (gdb) pmap_walk <pmap> <virtual_address>
+| Perform a page-table walk in <pmap> for <virtual_address>.
+| Set:
+| $kgm_pt_verbose=0 for no output, $kgm_paddr will be set
+| if $kgm_paddr_isvalid is 1
+| $kgm_pt_verbose=1 for final physical address
+| $kgm_pt_verbose=2 for dump of page table entry.
+| $kgm_pt_verbose=3 for full hex dump of page tables.
+define pmap_vtop
+ if $argc != 2
+ printf "pmap_vtop <pamp> <vaddr>\n"
+ else
+ set $kgm_pt_verbose = 1
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ _pmap_walk_x86 $arg0 $arg1
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ _pmap_walk_arm $arg0 $arg1
+ else
+ printf "Not available for current architecture.\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+document pmap_vtop
+Syntax: (gdb) pmap_vtop <pmap> <virtual_address>
+| For page-tables in <pmap> translate <virtual_address> to physical address.
+define zstack
+ set $index = $arg0
+ if (log_records == 0)
+ set $count = 0
+ printf "Zone logging not enabled. Add 'zlog=<zone name>' to boot-args.\n"
+ else
+ if ($argc == 2)
+ set $count = $arg1
+ else
+ set $count = 1
+ end
+ end
+ while ($count)
+ printf "\n--------------- "
+ if (zrecords[$index].z_opcode == 1)
+ printf "ALLOC "
+ else
+ printf "FREE "
+ end
+ showptr zrecords[$index].z_element
+ printf " : index %d : ztime %d -------------\n", $index, zrecords[$index].z_time
+ set $frame = 0
+ while ($frame < 15)
+ set $frame_pc = zrecords[$index].z_pc[$frame]
+ if ($frame_pc == 0)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ x/i $frame_pc
+ set $frame = $frame + 1
+ end
+ set $index = $index + 1
+ set $count = $count - 1
+ end
+document zstack
+Syntax: (gdb) zstack <index> [<count>]
+| Zone leak debugging: print the stack trace of log element at <index>.
+| If a <count> is supplied, it prints <count> log elements starting at <index>.
+| The suggested usage is to look at indexes below zcurrent and look for common stack traces.
+| The stack trace that occurs the most is probably the cause of the leak. Find the pc of the
+| function calling into zalloc and use the countpcs kgmacro to find out how often that pc occurs in the log.
+| The pc occuring in a high percentage of records is most likely the source of the leak.
+| The findoldest kgmacro is also useful for leak debugging since it identifies the oldest record
+| in the log, which may indicate the leaker.
+define findoldest
+ set $index = 0
+ set $count = log_records
+ set $cur_min = 2000000000
+ set $cur_index = 0
+ if (log_records == 0)
+ printf "Zone logging not enabled. Add 'zlog=<zone name>' to boot-args.\n"
+ else
+ while ($count)
+ if (zrecords[$index].z_element && zrecords[$index].z_time < $cur_min)
+ set $cur_index = $index
+ set $cur_min = zrecords[$index].z_time
+ end
+ set $count = $count - 1
+ set $index = $index + 1
+ end
+ printf "oldest record is at log index %d:\n", $cur_index
+ zstack $cur_index
+ end
+document findoldest
+Syntax: (gdb) findoldest
+| Zone leak debugging: find and print the oldest record in the log. Note that this command
+| can take several minutes to run since it uses linear search.
+| Once it prints a stack trace, find the pc of the caller above all the zalloc, kalloc and
+| IOKit layers. Then use the countpcs kgmacro to see how often this caller has allocated
+| memory. A caller with a high percentage of records in the log is probably the leaker.
+define countpcs
+ set $target_pc = $arg0
+ set $index = 0
+ set $count = log_records
+ set $found = 0
+ if (log_records == 0)
+ printf "Zone logging not enabled. Add 'zlog=<zone name>' to boot-args.\n"
+ else
+ while ($count)
+ set $frame = 0
+ if (zrecords[$index].z_element != 0)
+ while ($frame < 15)
+ if (zrecords[$index].z_pc[$frame] == $target_pc)
+ set $found = $found + 1
+ set $frame = 15
+ end
+ set $frame = $frame + 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $index = $index + 1
+ set $count = $count - 1
+ end
+ printf "occurred %d times in log (%d%c of records)\n", $found, ($found * 100) / zrecorded, '%'
+ end
+document countpcs
+Syntax: (gdb) countpcs <pc>
+| Zone leak debugging: search the log and print a count of all log entries that contain the given <pc>
+| in the stack trace. This is useful for verifying a suspected <pc> as being the source of
+| the leak. If a high percentage of the log entries contain the given <pc>, then it's most
+| likely the source of the leak. Note that this command can take several minutes to run.
+define findelem
+ set $fe_index = zcurrent
+ set $fe_count = log_records
+ set $fe_elem = $arg0
+ set $fe_prev_op = -1
+ if (log_records == 0)
+ printf "Zone logging not enabled. Add 'zlog=<zone name>' to boot-args.\n"
+ end
+ while ($fe_count)
+ if (zrecords[$fe_index].z_element == $fe_elem)
+ zstack $fe_index
+ if (zrecords[$fe_index].z_opcode == $fe_prev_op)
+ printf "*************** DOUBLE OP! *********************\n"
+ end
+ set $fe_prev_op = zrecords[$fe_index].z_opcode
+ end
+ set $fe_count = $fe_count - 1
+ set $fe_index = $fe_index + 1
+ if ($fe_index >= log_records)
+ set $fe_index = 0
+ end
+ end
+document findelem
+Syntax: (gdb) findelem <elem addr>
+| Zone corruption debugging: search the log and print out the stack traces for all log entries that
+| refer to the given zone element. When the kernel panics due to a corrupted zone element, get the
+| element address and use this macro. This will show you the stack traces of all logged zalloc and
+| zfree operations which tells you who touched the element in the recent past. This also makes
+| double-frees readily apparent.
+# This implements a shadowing scheme in kgmacros. If the
+# current user data can be accessed by simply changing kdp_pmap,
+# that is used. Otherwise, we copy data into a temporary buffer
+# in the kernel's address space and use that instead. Don't rely on
+# kdp_pmap between invocations of map/unmap. Since the shadow
+# codepath uses a manual KDP packet, request no more than 128 bytes.
+# Uses $kgm_lp64 for kernel address space size, and
+# $kgm_readphys_use_kdp/$kgm_readphys_force_physmap to override
+# how the user pages are accessed ($kgm_readphys_force_physmap
+# implies walking the user task's pagetables to get a physical
+# address and then shadowing data from there using the
+# physical mapping of memory).
+define _map_user_data_from_task
+ set $kgm_map_user_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_map_user_map = $kgm_map_user_taskp->map
+ set $kgm_map_user_pmap = $kgm_map_user_map->pmap
+ set $kgm_map_user_task_64 = ( $kgm_map_user_taskp->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = 0
+ set $kgm_map_switch_map = 0
+ if ($kgm_readphys_force_kdp != 0)
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = 1
+ else
+ if ($kgm_readphys_force_physmap)
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = 0
+ else
+ set $kgm_readphys_use_kdp = ( kdp->is_conn > 0 )
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_readphys_use_kdp)
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ set $kgm_map_switch_map = 1
+ else
+ if !$kgm_map_user_task_64
+ set $kgm_map_switch_map = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_map_switch_map)
+ # switch the map safely
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = $arg1
+ set kdp_pmap = $kgm_map_user_pmap
+ else
+ # requires shadowing/copying
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_readmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmem64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_READMEM64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_readmem64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint64_t)$arg1
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = (uint32_t)$arg2
+ set kdp_pmap = $kgm_map_user_pmap
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ # Go back to kernel map so that we can access buffer directly
+ set kdp_pmap = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmem64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ if ($kgm_pkt->error == 0)
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = $kgm_pkt->data
+ else
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = 0
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # without the benefit of a KDP stub on the target, try to
+ # find the user task's physical mapping and memcpy the data.
+ # If it straddles a page boundary, copy in two passes
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range1_start = (unsigned long long)$arg1
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range1_count = (unsigned long long)$arg2
+ if (($kgm_vaddr_range1_start + $kgm_vaddr_range1_count) & 0xFFF) < $kgm_vaddr_range1_count
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range2_start = ($kgm_vaddr_range1_start + $kgm_vaddr_range1_count) & ~((unsigned long long)0xFFF)
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range2_count = $kgm_vaddr_range1_start + $kgm_vaddr_range1_count - $kgm_vaddr_range2_start
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range1_count = $kgm_vaddr_range2_start - $kgm_vaddr_range1_start
+ else
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range2_start = 0
+ set $kgm_vaddr_range2_count = 0
+ end
+ set $kgm_paddr_range1_in_kva = 0
+ set $kgm_paddr_range2_in_kva = 0
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ set $kgm_pt_verbose = 0
+ _pmap_walk_x86 $kgm_map_user_pmap $kgm_vaddr_range1_start
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ set $kgm_paddr_range1_in_kva = $kgm_paddr + physmap_base
+ end
+ if $kgm_vaddr_range2_start
+ _pmap_walk_x86 $kgm_map_user_pmap $kgm_vaddr_range2_start
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ set $kgm_paddr_range2_in_kva = $kgm_paddr + physmap_base
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ set $kgm_pt_verbose = 0
+ _pmap_walk_arm $kgm_map_user_pmap $kgm_vaddr_range1_start
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ set $kgm_paddr_range1_in_kva = $kgm_paddr - gPhysBase + gVirtBase
+ end
+ if $kgm_vaddr_range2_start
+ _pmap_walk_arm $kgm_map_user_pmap $kgm_vaddr_range2_start
+ if $kgm_paddr_isvalid
+ set $kgm_paddr_range2_in_kva = $kgm_paddr - gPhysBase + gVirtBase
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ printf "Not available for current architecture.\n"
+ set $kgm_paddr_isvalid = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_paddr_range1_in_kva
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmem64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ memcpy $kgm_pkt->data $kgm_paddr_range1_in_kva $kgm_vaddr_range1_count
+ if $kgm_paddr_range2_in_kva
+ memcpy &$kgm_pkt->data[$kgm_vaddr_range1_count] $kgm_paddr_range2_in_kva $kgm_vaddr_range2_count
+ end
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = $kgm_pkt->data
+ else
+ set $kgm_map_user_window = 0
+ end
+ end
+define _unmap_user_data_from_task
+ set kdp_pmap = 0
+# uses $kgm_taskp. Maps 32 bytes at a time and prints it
+define _print_path_for_image
+ set $kgm_print_path_address = (unsigned long long)$arg0
+ set $kgm_path_str_notdone = 1
+ if ($kgm_print_path_address == 0)
+ set $kgm_path_str_notdone = 0
+ end
+ while $kgm_path_str_notdone
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_print_path_address 32
+ set $kgm_print_path_ptr = (char *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_path_i = 0
+ while ($kgm_path_i < 32 && $kgm_print_path_ptr[$kgm_path_i] != '\0')
+ set $kgm_path_i = $kgm_path_i + 1
+ end
+ printf "%.32s", $kgm_print_path_ptr
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ # break out if we terminated on NUL
+ if $kgm_path_i < 32
+ set $kgm_path_str_notdone = 0
+ else
+ set $kgm_print_path_address = $kgm_print_path_address + 32
+ end
+ end
+# uses $kgm_taskp and $kgm_task_64. May modify $kgm_dyld_load_path
+define _print_image_info
+ set $kgm_mh_image_address = (unsigned long long)$arg0
+ set $kgm_mh_path_address = (unsigned long long)$arg1
+ # 32 bytes enough for mach_header/mach_header_64
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_mh_image_address 32
+ set $kgm_mh_ptr = (unsigned int*)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_mh_magic = $kgm_mh_ptr[0]
+ set $kgm_mh_cputype = $kgm_mh_ptr[1]
+ set $kgm_mh_cpusubtype = $kgm_mh_ptr[2]
+ set $kgm_mh_filetype = $kgm_mh_ptr[3]
+ set $kgm_mh_ncmds = $kgm_mh_ptr[4]
+ set $kgm_mh_sizeofcmds = $kgm_mh_ptr[5]
+ set $kgm_mh_flags = $kgm_mh_ptr[6]
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ if $kgm_mh_magic == 0xfeedfacf
+ set $kgm_mh_64 = 1
+ set $kgm_lc_address = $kgm_mh_image_address + 32
+ else
+ set $kgm_mh_64 = 0
+ set $kgm_lc_address = $kgm_mh_image_address + 28
+ end
+ set $kgm_lc_idx = 0
+ set $kgm_uuid_data = 0
+ while $kgm_lc_idx < $kgm_mh_ncmds
+ # 24 bytes is size of uuid_command
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_lc_address 24
+ set $kgm_lc_ptr = (unsigned int *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_lc_cmd = $kgm_lc_ptr[0]
+ set $kgm_lc_cmd_size = $kgm_lc_ptr[1]
+ set $kgm_lc_data = (unsigned char *)$kgm_lc_ptr + 8
+ if $kgm_lc_cmd == 0x1b
+ set $kgm_uuid_data = $kgm_lc_data
+ if $kgm_mh_64
+ printf "0x%016llx ", $kgm_mh_image_address
+ else
+ printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_mh_image_address
+ end
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 0
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x2
+ printf "MH_EXECUTE "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x6
+ printf "MH_DYLIB "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x7
+ printf "MH_DYLINKER "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x8
+ printf "MH_BUNDLE "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if !$kgm_printed_type
+ printf "UNKNOWN "
+ end
+ printf "%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X-", $kgm_uuid_data[0], $kgm_uuid_data[1], $kgm_uuid_data[2], $kgm_uuid_data[3]
+ printf "%02.2X%02.2X-", $kgm_uuid_data[4], $kgm_uuid_data[5]
+ printf "%02.2X%02.2X-", $kgm_uuid_data[6], $kgm_uuid_data[7]
+ printf "%02.2X%02.2X-", $kgm_uuid_data[8], $kgm_uuid_data[9]
+ printf "%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X", $kgm_uuid_data[10], $kgm_uuid_data[11], $kgm_uuid_data[12], $kgm_uuid_data[13], $kgm_uuid_data[14], $kgm_uuid_data[15]
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_mh_path_address
+ printf "\n"
+ loop_break
+ else
+ if $kgm_lc_cmd == 0xe
+ set $kgm_load_dylinker_data = $kgm_lc_data
+ set $kgm_dyld_load_path = $kgm_lc_address + *((unsigned int *)$kgm_load_dylinker_data)
+ end
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ end
+ set $kgm_lc_address = $kgm_lc_address + $kgm_lc_cmd_size
+ set $kgm_lc_idx = $kgm_lc_idx + 1
+ end
+ if (!$kgm_uuid_data)
+ # didn't find LC_UUID, for a dylib, just print out basic info
+ if $kgm_mh_64
+ printf "0x%016llx ", $kgm_mh_image_address
+ else
+ printf "0x%08x ", $kgm_mh_image_address
+ end
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 0
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x2
+ printf "MH_EXECUTE "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x6
+ printf "MH_DYLIB "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x7
+ printf "MH_DYLINKER "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if $kgm_mh_filetype == 0x8
+ printf "MH_BUNDLE "
+ set $kgm_printed_type = 1
+ end
+ if !$kgm_printed_type
+ printf "UNKNOWN "
+ end
+ printf " ",
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_mh_path_address
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+define _print_images_for_dyld_image_info
+ set $kgm_taskp = $arg0
+ set $kgm_task_64 = $arg1
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address = (unsigned long long)$arg2
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address 112
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos = (unsigned int *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version = $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[0]
+ if ($kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version > 12)
+ printf "Unknown dyld all_image_infos version number %d\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version
+ end
+ set $kgm_image_info_count = $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[1]
+ set $kgm_dyld_load_path = 0
+ if $kgm_task_64
+ set $kgm_image_info_size = 24
+ set $kgm_image_info_array_address = ((unsigned long long *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[1]
+ set $kgm_dyld_load_address = ((unsigned long long *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[4]
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address_from_struct = ((unsigned long long *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[13]
+ else
+ set $kgm_image_info_size = 12
+ set $kgm_image_info_array_address = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[2]
+ set $kgm_dyld_load_address = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[5]
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address_from_struct = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[14]
+ end
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ # Account for ASLR slide before dyld can fix the structure
+ set $kgm_dyld_load_address = $kgm_dyld_load_address + ($kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address - $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address_from_struct)
+ set $kgm_image_info_i = 0
+ while $kgm_image_info_i < $kgm_image_info_count
+ set $kgm_image_info_address = $kgm_image_info_array_address + $kgm_image_info_size*$kgm_image_info_i
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_image_info_address $kgm_image_info_size
+ if $kgm_task_64
+ set $kgm_image_info_addr = ((unsigned long long *)$kgm_map_user_window)[0]
+ set $kgm_image_info_path = ((unsigned long long *)$kgm_map_user_window)[1]
+ else
+ set $kgm_image_info_addr = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_map_user_window)[0]
+ set $kgm_image_info_path = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_map_user_window)[1]
+ end
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ # printf "[%d] = image address %llx path address %llx\n", $kgm_image_info_i, $kgm_image_info_addr, $kgm_image_info_path
+ _print_image_info $kgm_image_info_addr $kgm_image_info_path
+ set $kgm_image_info_i = $kgm_image_info_i + 1
+ end
+ # $kgm_dyld_load_path may get set when the main executable is processed
+ # printf "[dyld] = image address %llx path address %llx\n", $kgm_dyld_load_address, $kgm_dyld_load_path
+ _print_image_info $kgm_dyld_load_address $kgm_dyld_load_path
+define showuserlibraries
+ set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_dyld_image_info = $kgm_taskp->all_image_info_addr
+ set $kgm_map = $kgm_taskp->map
+ set $kgm_task_64 = ( $kgm_taskp->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ if ($kgm_dyld_image_info != 0)
+ printf "address "
+ if $kgm_task_64
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf " type "
+ printf " uuid "
+ printf "path\n"
+ _print_images_for_dyld_image_info $kgm_taskp $kgm_task_64 $kgm_dyld_image_info
+ else
+ printf "No dyld shared library information available for task\n"
+ end
+document showuserlibraries
+Syntax: (gdb) showuserlibraries <task_t>
+| For a given user task, inspect the dyld shared library state and print
+| information about all Mach-O images.
+define showuserdyldinfo
+ set $kgm_taskp = (task_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address = (unsigned long long)$kgm_taskp->all_image_info_addr
+ set $kgm_map = $kgm_taskp->map
+ set $kgm_task_64 = ( $kgm_taskp->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ if ($kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address != 0)
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address 112
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos = (unsigned char *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version = ((unsigned int *)$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos)[0]
+ if ($kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version > 12)
+ printf "Unknown dyld all_image_infos version number %d\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version
+ end
+ # Find fields by byte offset. We assume at least version 9 is supported
+ if $kgm_task_64
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArrayCount = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[4])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArray = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[8])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_notification = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[16])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_processDetachedFromSharedRegion = *(unsigned char *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[24])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_libSystemInitialized = *(unsigned char *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[25])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldImageLoadAddress = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[32])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_jitInfo = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[40])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[48])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorMessage = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[56])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_terminationFlags = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[64])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_coreSymbolicationShmPage = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[72])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_systemOrderFlag = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[80])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArrayCount = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[88])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArray = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[96])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldAllImageInfosAddress = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[104])
+ else
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArrayCount = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[4])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArray = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[8])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_notification = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[12])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_processDetachedFromSharedRegion = *(unsigned char *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[16])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_libSystemInitialized = *(unsigned char *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[17])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldImageLoadAddress = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[20])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_jitInfo = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[24])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[28])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorMessage = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[32])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_terminationFlags = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[36])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_coreSymbolicationShmPage = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[40])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_systemOrderFlag = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[44])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArrayCount = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[48])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArray = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[52])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldAllImageInfosAddress = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos[56])
+ end
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_imfo_infos_slide = ( $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address - $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldAllImageInfosAddress )
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion_postslide = ( $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion + $kgm_dyld_all_imfo_infos_slide )
+ printf " version %u\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version
+ printf " infoArrayCount %u\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArrayCount
+ printf " infoArray "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_infoArray
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " notification "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_notification
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "processDetachedFromSharedRegion %d\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_processDetachedFromSharedRegion
+ printf " libSystemInitialized %d\n", $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_libSystemInitialized
+ printf " dyldImageLoadAddress "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldImageLoadAddress
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " jitInfo "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_jitInfo
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " dyldVersion "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion_postslide
+ if ($kgm_dyld_all_imfo_infos_slide != 0)
+ printf " (currently "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldVersion_postslide
+ printf ")"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " errorMessage "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorMessage
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorMessage != 0
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorMessage
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ printf " terminationFlags "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_terminationFlags
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " coreSymbolicationShmPage "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_coreSymbolicationShmPage
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " systemOrderFlag "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_systemOrderFlag
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " uuidArrayCount "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArrayCount
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " uuidArray "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_uuidArray
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " dyldAllImageInfosAddress "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_dyldAllImageInfosAddress
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " (currently "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address
+ printf ")\n"
+ if $kgm_task_64
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address = $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address + 112
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address 64
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10 = (unsigned char *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_initialImageCount = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[112-112])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorKind = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[120-112])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorClientOfDylibPath = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[128-112])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorTargetDylibPath = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[136-112])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorSymbol = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[144-112])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_sharedCacheSlide = *(unsigned long long *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[152-112])
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ else
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address = $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address + 60
+ _map_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_address 64
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10 = (unsigned char *)$kgm_map_user_window
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_initialImageCount = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[60-60])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorKind = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[64-60])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorClientOfDylibPath = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[68-60])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorTargetDylibPath = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[72-60])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorSymbol = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[76-60])
+ set $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_sharedCacheSlide = *(unsigned int *)(&$kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_v10[80-60])
+ _unmap_user_data_from_task $kgm_taskp
+ end
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version >= 10
+ printf " initialImageCount "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_initialImageCount
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version >= 11
+ printf " errorKind "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorKind
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " errorClientOfDylibPath "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorClientOfDylibPath
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorClientOfDylibPath != 0
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorClientOfDylibPath
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ printf " errorTargetDylibPath "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorTargetDylibPath
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorTargetDylibPath != 0
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorTargetDylibPath
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ printf " errorSymbol "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorSymbol
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorSymbol != 0
+ printf " "
+ _print_path_for_image $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_errorSymbol
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_version >= 12
+ printf " sharedCacheSlide "
+ showuserptr $kgm_dyld_all_image_infos_sharedCacheSlide
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ else
+ printf "No dyld information available for task\n"
+ end
+document showuserdyldinfo
+Syntax: (gdb) showuserdyldinfo <task_t>
+| For a given user task, inspect the dyld global info and print
+| out all fields, including error messages.
+define showkerneldebugheader
+ printf "kd_buf "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "CPU Thread "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "Timestamp S/E Class Sub Code Code Specific Info\n"
+define _printevflags
+ if $arg0 & 1
+ printf "EV_RE "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 2
+ printf "EV_WR "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 4
+ printf "EV_EX "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 8
+ printf "EV_RM "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x00100
+ printf "EV_RBYTES "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x00200
+ printf "EV_WBYTES "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x00400
+ printf "EV_RCLOSED "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x00800
+ printf "EV_RCONN "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x01000
+ printf "EV_WCLOSED "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x02000
+ printf "EV_WCONN "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x04000
+ printf "EV_OOB "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x08000
+ printf "EV_FIN "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x10000
+ printf "EV_RESET "
+ end
+ if $arg0 & 0x20000
+ printf "EV_TIMEOUT "
+ end
+define showkerneldebugbufferentry
+ set $kgm_kdebug_entry = (kd_buf *) $arg0
+ set $kgm_debugid = $kgm_kdebug_entry->debugid
+ set $kgm_kdebug_arg1 = $kgm_kdebug_entry->arg1
+ set $kgm_kdebug_arg2 = $kgm_kdebug_entry->arg2
+ set $kgm_kdebug_arg3 = $kgm_kdebug_entry->arg3
+ set $kgm_kdebug_arg4 = $kgm_kdebug_entry->arg4
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ set $kgm_kdebug_cpu = $kgm_kdebug_entry->cpuid
+ set $kgm_ts_hi = ($kgm_kdebug_entry->timestamp >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ set $kgm_ts_lo = $kgm_kdebug_entry->timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ else
+ set $kgm_kdebug_cpu = ($kgm_kdebug_entry->timestamp >> 56)
+ set $kgm_ts_hi = ($kgm_kdebug_entry->timestamp >> 32) & 0x00FFFFFF
+ set $kgm_ts_lo = $kgm_kdebug_entry->timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ end
+ set $kgm_kdebug_class = ($kgm_debugid >> 24) & 0x000FF
+ set $kgm_kdebug_subclass = ($kgm_debugid >> 16) & 0x000FF
+ set $kgm_kdebug_code = ($kgm_debugid >> 2) & 0x03FFF
+ set $kgm_kdebug_qual = ($kgm_debugid ) & 0x00003
+ if $kgm_kdebug_qual == 0
+ set $kgm_kdebug_qual = '-'
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_qual == 1
+ set $kgm_kdebug_qual = 'S'
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_qual == 2
+ set $kgm_kdebug_qual = 'E'
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_qual == 3
+ set $kgm_kdebug_qual = '?'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # preamble and qual
+ showptr $kgm_kdebug_entry
+ printf " %d ", $kgm_kdebug_cpu
+ showptr $kgm_kdebug_entry->arg5
+ printf " 0x%08X%08X %c ", $kgm_ts_hi, $kgm_ts_lo, $kgm_kdebug_qual
+ # class
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 1
+ printf "MACH"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 2
+ printf "NET "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 3
+ printf "FS "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 4
+ printf "BSD "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 5
+ printf "IOK "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 6
+ printf "DRVR"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 7
+ printf "TRAC"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 8
+ printf "DLIL"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 8
+ printf "SEC "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 20
+ printf "MISC"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 31
+ printf "DYLD"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 32
+ printf "QT "
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 33
+ printf "APPS"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_class == 255
+ printf "MIG "
+ else
+ printf "0x%02X", $kgm_kdebug_class
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # subclass and code
+ printf " 0x%02X %5d ", $kgm_kdebug_subclass, $kgm_kdebug_code
+ # space for debugid-specific processing
+ # EVPROC from bsd/kern/sys_generic.c
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100048
+ printf "waitevent "
+ if $kgm_kdebug_arg1 == 1
+ printf "before sleep"
+ else
+ if $kgm_kdebug_arg1 == 2
+ printf "after sleep"
+ else
+ printf "????????????"
+ end
+ end
+ printf " chan=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100049
+ printf "waitevent "
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x1410004a
+ printf "waitevent error=%d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ printf "eqp=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg4
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ printf "er_handle=%d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100059
+ printf "evprocdeque proc=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ if $kgm_kdebug_arg2 == 0
+ printf "remove first "
+ else
+ printf "remove 0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ end
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x1410005a
+ printf "evprocdeque "
+ if $kgm_kdebug_arg1 == 0
+ printf "result=NULL "
+ else
+ printf "result=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ end
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100041
+ printf "postevent "
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100040
+ printf "postevent "
+ printf "evq=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ printf "er_eventbits="
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ printf "mask="
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100042
+ printf "postevent "
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100055
+ printf "evprocenque eqp=0x%08d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ if $kgm_kdebug_arg2 & 1
+ printf "EV_QUEUED "
+ end
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100050
+ printf "evprocenque before wakeup eqp=0x%08d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg4
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x14100056
+ printf "evprocenque "
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x1410004d
+ printf "modwatch "
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x1410004c
+ printf "modwatch er_handle=%d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ printf "evq=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ else
+ if $kgm_debugid == 0x1410004e
+ printf "modwatch er_handle=%d ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ printf "ee_eventmask="
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ printf "sp=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ printf "flag="
+ _printevflags $kgm_kdebug_arg4
+ else
+ printf "arg1=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg1
+ printf "arg2=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg2
+ printf "arg3=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg3
+ printf "arg4=0x%08X ", $kgm_kdebug_arg4
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # finish up
+ printf "\n"
+define showkerneldebugbuffercpu
+ set $kgm_cpu_number = (int) $arg0
+ set $kgm_entry_count = (int) $arg1
+ set $kgm_debugentriesfound = 0
+ # 0x80000000 == KDBG_BFINIT
+ if (kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_flags & 0x80000000)
+ showkerneldebugheader
+ if $kgm_entry_count == 0
+ printf "<count> is 0, dumping 50 entries\n"
+ set $kgm_entry_count = 50
+ end
+ if $kgm_cpu_number >= kd_cpus
+ printf "cpu number too big\n"
+ else
+ set $kgm_kdbp = &kdbip[$kgm_cpu_number]
+ set $kgm_kdsp = $kgm_kdbp->kd_list_head
+ while (($kgm_kdsp.raw != 0) && ($kgm_entry_count > 0))
+ set $kgm_kdsp_actual = &kd_bufs[$kgm_kdsp.buffer_index].kdsb_addr[$kgm_kdsp.offset]
+ if $kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_readlast != $kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_bufindx
+ set $kgm_kds_bufptr = &$kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_records[$kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_bufindx]
+ while (($kgm_kds_bufptr > &$kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_records[$kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_readlast]) && ($kgm_entry_count > 0))
+ set $kgm_kds_bufptr = $kgm_kds_bufptr - 1
+ set $kgm_entry_count = $kgm_entry_count - 1
+ showkerneldebugbufferentry $kgm_kds_bufptr
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_kdsp = $kgm_kdsp_actual->kds_next
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ printf "Trace buffer not enabled\n"
+ end
+document showkerneldebugbuffercpu
+Syntax: showkerneldebugbuffercpu <cpu> <count>
+| Prints the last N entries in the kernel debug buffer for CPU x.
+define showkerneldebugbuffer
+ # 0x80000000 == KDBG_BFINIT
+ if (kd_ctrl_page.kdebug_flags & 0x80000000)
+ set $kgm_entrycount = (int) $arg0
+ if $kgm_entrycount == 0
+ printf "<count> is 0, dumping 50 entries per cpu\n"
+ set $kgm_entrycount = 50
+ end
+ set $kgm_cpu = (int) 0
+ while $kgm_cpu < kd_cpus
+ showkerneldebugbuffercpu $kgm_cpu $kgm_entrycount
+ set $kgm_cpu = $kgm_cpu + 1
+ end
+ else
+ printf "Trace buffer not enabled\n"
+ end
+document showkerneldebugbuffer
+Syntax: showkerneldebugbuffer <count>
+| Prints the last N entries in the kernel debug buffer per cpu. i.e. showkerneldebugbuffer 50 will
+| display the last 50 entries in each CPU's debug buffer.
+define showallvmstats
+ printf " pid command #ents wired vsize rsize max rsize\n"
+ printf " (pages) (pages) (pages) (pages)\n"
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ set $kgm_procp = (struct proc *)($kgm_taskp->bsd_info)
+ set $kgm_mapp = (struct _vm_map *)($kgm_taskp->map)
+ printf "%8d %17s %8d %15d %15d %15d %15d\n", $kgm_procp->p_pid, $kgm_procp->p_comm, $kgm_mapp->hdr.nentries, $kgm_mapp->pmap->stats.wired_count, $kgm_mapp->size >> 12, $kgm_mapp->pmap->stats.resident_count, $kgm_mapp->pmap->stats.resident_max
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+document showallvmstats
+Syntax: showallvmstats
+| prints a summary of vm statistics in a table format
+define memstats
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ printf "kern_memorystatus_level: %8d\n", kern_memorystatus_level
+ end
+ printf "vm_page_throttled_count: %8d\n", vm_page_throttled_count
+ printf "vm_page_active_count: %8d\n", vm_page_active_count
+ printf "vm_page_inactive_count: %8d\n", vm_page_inactive_count
+ printf "vm_page_wire_count: %8d\n", vm_page_wire_count
+ printf "vm_page_free_count: %8d\n", vm_page_free_count
+ printf "vm_page_purgeable_count: %8d\n", vm_page_purgeable_count
+ printf "vm_page_inactive_target: %8d\n", vm_page_inactive_target
+ printf "vm_page_free_target: %8d\n", vm_page_free_target
+ printf "inuse_ptepages_count: %8d\n", inuse_ptepages_count
+ printf "vm_page_free_reserved: %8d\n", vm_page_free_reserved
+document memstats
+Syntax: (gdb) memstats
+| Prints out a summary of various memory statistics. In particular vm_page_wire_count should
+| be greater than 2K or you are under memory pressure.
+define show_user_registers
+ showuserregisters $arg0
+document show_user_registers
+Syntax: show_user_registers <thread_address>
+| Display user registers associated with a kernel thread
+| properly displays the 32 bit or 64 bit registers for intel architecture
+define _cmp
+ set $cmp0 = $arg0
+ set $cmp1 = $arg1
+ # check for end of string. cmp0 can be longer than cmp1. it
+ # can't be shorter.
+ if $cmp1 == '\0'
+ set $kgm_strcmp_result = 0
+ set $kgm_strcmp_done = 1
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $cmp0 == '\0'
+ set $kgm_strcmp_result = -1
+ set $kgm_strcmp_done = 1
+ end
+ # do they match?
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $kgm_strcmp_result = (uint8_t) $cmp0 - (uint8_t) $cmp1
+ if $kgm_strcmp_result != 0
+ set $kgm_strcmp_done = 1
+ end
+ end
+define _cmp_arg64
+ set $cmp = $arg1
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[0] $masked
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[1] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[2] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[3] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[4] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[5] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[6] $masked
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done
+ set $cmp = $cmp >> 8
+ set $masked = $cmp & 0xFF
+ _cmp $arg0[7] $masked
+ end
+define strcmp_arg_pack64
+ set $kgm_strcmp_arg = ((((((((((((((uint64_t) $arg7 << 8) | $arg6) << 8) | $arg5) << 8) | $arg4) << 8) | $arg3) << 8) | $arg2) << 8) | $arg1) << 8) | $arg0
+document strcmp_arg_pack64
+Syntax: strcmp_arg_pack64 <a> <b> <c> <d> <e <f> <g> <h>
+| Packs a string given as 8 character arguments into a 64-bit int stored in
+| $kgm_strcmp_arg. Use 0 or '\0' for unused arguments. The encoded string
+| is suitable for use by strcmp_nomalloc and setfindregistrystr.
+| e.g., strcmp_arg_pack64 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' 0 0 0
+| packs "Hello" into $kgm_strcmp_arg.
+define strcmp_nomalloc
+ set $str = $arg0
+ set $count = $argc - 1
+ set $kgm_strcmp_result = 0
+ set $kgm_strcmp_done = 0
+ if $count > 0
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg1
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 1
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg2
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 2
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg3
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 3
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg4
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 4
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg5
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 5
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg6
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 6
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg7
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 7
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg8
+ end
+ if !$kgm_strcmp_done && $count > 8
+ set $str = $str + 8
+ _cmp_arg64 $str $arg9
+ end
+document strcmp_nomalloc
+Syntax: strcmp_nomalloc <string> <a> [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h] [i]
+| Given a pre-allocated <string>, perform a string compare with the
+| encoded string stored in arguments a - i. The result is stored in
+| $kgm_strcmp_result.
+| For example, the following will result in $kgm_strcmp_result == 0:
+| strcmp_arg_pack64 'D' 'a' 'r' 'w' 'i' 'n' ' ' 'K'
+| strcmp_nomalloc version $kgm_strcmp_arg
+define memcpy
+ set $kgm_dst = (unsigned char *)$arg0
+ set $kgm_src = (unsigned char *)$arg1
+ set $kgm_count = $arg2
+ # printf "src %p dst %p len %d\n", $kgm_src, $kgm_dst, $kgm_count
+ while ($kgm_count >= 8)
+ set *(unsigned long long *)$kgm_dst = *(unsigned long long *)$kgm_src
+ set $kgm_dst = $kgm_dst + 8
+ set $kgm_src = $kgm_src + 8
+ set $kgm_count = $kgm_count - 8
+ end
+ while ($kgm_count > 0)
+ set *$kgm_dst = *$kgm_src
+ set $kgm_dst = $kgm_dst + 1
+ set $kgm_src = $kgm_src + 1
+ set $kgm_count = $kgm_count - 1
+ end
+document memcpy
+Syntax: memcpy <dst> <src> <n>
+| Given two addresses that are accessible by the debugger, perform
+| a memory copy of <n> bytes from <src> to <dst>
+# _pci_cfg_addr_value $addr $size
+define _pci_cfg_addr_value
+ readphysint $arg0 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_value = $kgm_readphysint_result
+set $kgm_pci_cfg_init = 0
+define _pci_cfg_init
+ # get this from the registry if it exists there
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_init == 0
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'A' 'p' 'p' 'l' 'e' 'A' 'C' 'P'
+ set $AppleACP = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'I' 'P' 'l' 'a' 't' 'f' 'o' 'r'
+ set $IPlatfor = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'm' 'E' 'x' 'p' 'e' 'r' 't' 0
+ set $mExpert = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ setfindregistrystr $AppleACP $IPlatfor $mExpert
+ set $olddepth = $kgm_reg_depth_max
+ set $kgm_reg_depth_max = 2
+ _findregistryentry
+ set $kgm_reg_depth_max = $olddepth
+ if $kgm_registry_entry
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'a' 'c' 'p' 'i' '-' 'm' 'm' 'c'
+ set $acpi_mmc = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'f' 'g' '-' 's' 'e' 'g' '0' 0
+ set $fg_seg0 = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ setfindregistrystr $acpi_mmc $fg_seg0
+ _findregistryprop $kgm_registry_entry
+ if $kgm_registry_value
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_base = ((OSNumber *) $kgm_registry_value)->value
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_init = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # search for 0:0:0 in likely places if the above fails
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_init == 0
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_base = 0xF0000000
+ while $kgm_pci_cfg_init == 0 && $kgm_pci_cfg_base > 0xA0000000
+ _pci_cfg_addr_value $kgm_pci_cfg_base 8
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_value > 0x0 && $kgm_pci_cfg_value < 0xFF
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_init = 1
+ else
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_base = $kgm_pci_cfg_base - 0x10000000
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# _pci_cfg_addr $bus $dev $fcn $off
+define _pci_cfg_addr
+ set $bus = $arg0
+ set $dev = $arg1
+ set $fcn = $arg2
+ set $off = $arg3
+ _pci_cfg_init
+ set $kgm_pci_cfg_addr = $kgm_pci_cfg_base | ($bus << 20) | ($dev << 15) | ($fcn << 12) | $off
+define _pci_cfg_value
+ _pci_cfg_addr $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ _pci_cfg_addr_value $kgm_pci_cfg_addr $arg4
+define pci_cfg_read8
+ _pci_cfg_value $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 8
+ printf "%08X: %02X\n", $kgm_pci_cfg_addr, $kgm_pci_cfg_value
+define pci_cfg_read16
+ _pci_cfg_value $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 16
+ printf "%08X: %04X\n", $kgm_pci_cfg_addr, $kgm_pci_cfg_value
+define pci_cfg_read32
+ _pci_cfg_value $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 32
+ printf "%08X: %08X\n", $kgm_pci_cfg_addr, $kgm_pci_cfg_value
+document pci_cfg_read8
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_read8 <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off>
+| read 8 bits for the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+document pci_cfg_read16
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_read <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off>
+| read 16 bits for the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+document pci_cfg_read32
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_read <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off>
+| read 32 bits for the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+define pci_cfg_write8
+ _pci_cfg_addr $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ writephysint $kgm_pci_cfg_addr 8 $arg4 $kgm_lcpu_self
+define pci_cfg_write16
+ _pci_cfg_addr $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ writephysint $kgm_pci_cfg_addr 16 $arg4 $kgm_lcpu_self
+define pci_cfg_write32
+ _pci_cfg_addr $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
+ writephysint $kgm_pci_cfg_addr 32 $arg4 $kgm_lcpu_self
+document pci_cfg_write8
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_write8 <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off> <value>
+| write an 8-bit <value> into the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+document pci_cfg_write16
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_write16 <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off> <value>
+| write a 16-bit <value> into the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+document pci_cfg_write32
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_write32 <bus> <dev> <fcn> <off> <value>
+| write a 32-bit <value> into the given <off> of the pci device located at
+| <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>.
+define pci_cfg_dump
+ set $bus = $arg0
+ set $dev = $arg1
+ set $fcn = $arg2
+ set $off = 0
+ # check for a valid pci device
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn $off 8
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_value > 0x0 && $kgm_pci_cfg_value < 0xff
+ printf " address: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n"
+ printf "---------------------------------------------------------"
+ while $off < 256
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn $off 32
+ if ($off & 0xF) == 0
+ printf "\n%08X: ", $kgm_pci_cfg_addr
+ end
+ printf "%02X %02X %02X %02X ", $kgm_pci_cfg_value & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 8) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 16) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 24) & 0xFF
+ set $off = $off + 4
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ # check for pcie extended capability config space
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn $off 8
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_value < 0xff
+ while $off < 4096
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn $off 32
+ if ($off & 0xF) == 0
+ printf "\n%08X: ", $kgm_pci_cfg_addr
+ end
+ printf "%02X %02X %02X %02X ", $kgm_pci_cfg_value & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 8) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 16) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 24) & 0xFF
+ set $off = $off + 4
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+document pci_cfg_dump
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_dump <bus> <dev> <fcn>
+| dump config space for the pci device located at <bus>:<dev>:<fcn>
+| if you specify an invalid/inaccessible pci device, nothing will be
+| printed out.
+set $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_start = 0
+set $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_max = 8
+set $kgm_pci_cfg_device_max = 32
+set $kgm_pci_cfg_function_max = 8
+define _pci_cfg_scan
+ set $dump = $arg0
+ set $bus = $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_start
+ while $bus < $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_max
+ # check for bus:0:0 to see if we should
+ # probe this bus further
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus 0x0 0x0 0x0 32
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_value > 0 && $kgm_pci_cfg_value < 0xFFFFFFFF
+ set $dev = 0
+ while $dev < $kgm_pci_cfg_device_max
+ set $fcn = 0
+ while $fcn < $kgm_pci_cfg_function_max
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn 0x0 32
+ if $kgm_pci_cfg_value > 0 && $kgm_pci_cfg_value < 0xFFFFFFFF
+ if $dump == 0
+ printf "%03X:%03X:%03X: %02X%02X %02X%02X", $bus, $dev, $fcn, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 8) & 0xFF, $kgm_pci_cfg_value & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 24) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 16) & 0xFF
+ _pci_cfg_value $bus $dev $fcn 0x8 32
+ printf " %02X | %02X%02X%02X\n", $kgm_pci_cfg_value & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 24) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 16) & 0xFF, ($kgm_pci_cfg_value >> 8) & 0xFF
+ else
+ printf " device: %03X:%03X:%03X\n", $bus, $dev, $fcn
+ pci_cfg_dump $bus $dev $fcn
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ set $fcn = $fcn + 1
+ end
+ set $dev = $dev + 1
+ end
+ end
+ set $bus = $bus + 1
+ end
+define pci_cfg_dump_all
+ _pci_cfg_scan 1
+document pci_cfg_dump_all
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_dump_all
+| dump config spaces for scanned pci devices. the number of busses to scan
+| is stored in $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_max. the default for that is 8. you can also
+| specify the starting bus with $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_start.
+define pci_cfg_scan
+ printf "bus:dev:fcn: vendor device rev | class\n"
+ printf "---------------------------------------\n"
+ _pci_cfg_scan 0
+document pci_cfg_scan
+Syntax: (gdb) pci_cfg_scan
+| scan for pci devices. the number of busses to scan is stored in
+| $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_max. the default for that is 8. you can also specify the
+| starting bus with $kgm_pci_cfg_bus_start.
+define readioportint
+ set $kgm_readioportint_result = 0xBAD10AD
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_readioport_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readioport_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_READIOPORT
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_readioport_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint16_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = $arg1 >> 3
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = (uint16_t)$arg2
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readioport_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ if ($kgm_pkt->error == 0)
+ if $arg1 == 8
+ set $kgm_readioportint_result = *((uint8_t *) $kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 16
+ set $kgm_readioportint_result = *((uint16_t *) $kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 32
+ set $kgm_readioportint_result = *((uint32_t *) $kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+ end
+define readioport8
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $lcpu = $arg1
+ end
+ readioportint $arg0 8 $lcpu
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%02hhx\n", $kgm_readioportint_result
+define readioport16
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $lcpu = $arg1
+ end
+ readioportint $arg0 16 $lcpu
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%04hx\n", $kgm_readioportint_result
+define readioport32
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $lcpu = $arg1
+ end
+ readioportint $arg0 32 $lcpu
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%08x\n", $kgm_readioportint_result
+document readioport8
+| See readioport32.
+document readioport16
+| See readioport32.
+document readioport32
+Syntax: (gdb) readioport32 <port> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Read value stored in the specified IO port. The CPU can be optionally
+| specified as well.
+define writeioportint
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_writeioport_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writeioport_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_WRITEIOPORT
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_writeioport_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint16_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->nbytes = $arg1 >> 3
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = (uint16_t)$arg3
+ if $arg1 == 8
+ set *(uint8_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint8_t)$arg2
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 16
+ set *(uint16_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint16_t)$arg2
+ end
+ if $arg1 == 32
+ set *(uint32_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint32_t)$arg2
+ end
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writeioport_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_writeioportint_result = $kgm_pkt->error
+define writeioport8
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $lcpu = $arg2
+ end
+ writeioportint $arg0 8 $arg1 $lcpu
+define writeioport16
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $lcpu = $arg2
+ end
+ writeioportint $arg0 16 $arg1 $lcpu
+define writeioport32
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $lcpu = $arg2
+ end
+ writeioportint $arg0 32 $arg1 $lcpu
+document writeioport8
+| See writeioport32.
+document writeioport16
+| See writeioport32.
+document writeioport32
+Syntax: (gdb) writeioport32 <port> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Write the value to the specified IO port. The size of the value is
+| determined by the name of the command. The CPU used can be optionally
+| specified.
+define readmsr64int
+ set $kgm_readmsr64int_result = 0xBAD10AD
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_readmsr64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmsr64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_READMSR64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_readmsr64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint32_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = (uint16_t)$arg1
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_readmsr64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ if ($kgm_pkt->error == 0)
+ set $kgm_readmsr64int_result = *((uint64_t *) $kgm_pkt->data)
+ end
+define readmsr64
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $lcpu = $arg1
+ end
+ readmsr64int $arg0 $lcpu
+ output /a $arg0
+ printf ":\t0x%016llx\n", $kgm_readmsr64int_result
+define writemsr64int
+ # set up the manual KDP packet
+ set manual_pkt.input = 0
+ set manual_pkt.len = sizeof(kdp_writemsr64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writemsr64_req_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.request = KDP_WRITEMSR64
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.len = sizeof(kdp_writemsr64_req_t)
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.is_reply = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.seq = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->hdr.key = 0
+ set $kgm_pkt->address = (uint32_t)$arg0
+ set $kgm_pkt->lcpu = (uint16_t)$arg2
+ set *(uint64_t *)$kgm_pkt->data = (uint64_t)$arg1
+ set manual_pkt.input = 1
+ # dummy to make sure manual packet is executed
+ set $kgm_dummy = &_mh_execute_header
+ set $kgm_pkt = (kdp_writemsr64_reply_t *)&manual_pkt.data
+ set $kgm_writemsr64int_result = $kgm_pkt->error
+define writemsr64
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $lcpu = $arg2
+ end
+ writemsr64int $arg0 $arg1 $lcpu
+document writemsr64
+Syntax: (gdb) writemsr64 <msr> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Write <value> to the specified MSR. The CPU can be optionally specified.
+document readmsr64
+Syntax: (gdb) readmsr64 <msr> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Read the specified MSR. The CPU can be optionally specified.
+# default if we can't find a registry entry
+set $kgm_ioapic_addr = 0xFEC00000
+set $kgm_ioapic_init = 0
+set $_ioapic_index_off = 0x00
+set $_ioapic_data_off = 0x10
+set $_ioapic_eoi_off = 0x40
+set $_ioapic_index_id = 0x00
+set $_ioapic_index_ver = 0x01
+set $_ioapic_index_redir_base = 0x10
+set $_apic_vector_mask = 0xFF
+set $_apic_timer_tsc_deadline = 0x40000
+set $_apic_timer_periodic = 0x20000
+set $_apic_masked = 0x10000
+set $_apic_trigger_level = 0x08000
+set $_apic_polarity_high = 0x02000
+set $_apic_pending = 0x01000
+define _ioapic_init
+ if $kgm_ioapic_init == 0
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'i' 'o' '-' 'a' 'p' 'i' 'c' 0
+ setfindregistrystr $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ set $olddepth = $kgm_reg_depth_max
+ set $kgm_reg_depth_max = 3
+ _findregistryentry
+ set $kgm_reg_depth_max = $olddepth
+ if $kgm_registry_entry
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 'P' 'h' 'y' 's' 'i' 'c' 'a' 'l'
+ set $Physical = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ strcmp_arg_pack64 ' ' 'A' 'd' 'd' 'r' 'e' 's' 's'
+ set $_Address = $kgm_strcmp_arg
+ setfindregistrystr $Physical $_Address
+ _findregistryprop $kgm_registry_entry
+ if $kgm_registry_value
+ set $kgm_ioapic_addr = ((OSNumber *) $kgm_registry_value)->value
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_ioapic_index_addr = $kgm_ioapic_addr + $_ioapic_index_off
+ set $kgm_ioapic_data_addr = $kgm_ioapic_addr + $_ioapic_data_off
+ set $kgm_ioapic_init = 1
+ end
+define _ioapic_addr_value
+ _ioapic_init
+ writephysint $kgm_ioapic_index_addr 8 $arg0 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ writephysint $kgm_ioapic_data_addr 32 $arg1 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ else
+ readphysint $kgm_ioapic_data_addr 32 $kgm_lcpu_self
+ set $kgm_ioapic_value = $kgm_readphysint_result
+ end
+define _apic_print
+ set $value = $arg0
+ printf "[VEC=%3d", $value & $_apic_vector_mask
+ if $value & $_apic_masked
+ printf " MASK=yes"
+ else
+ printf " MASK=no "
+ end
+ if $value & $_apic_trigger_level
+ printf " TRIG=level"
+ else
+ printf " TRIG=edge "
+ end
+ if $value & $_apic_polarity_high
+ printf " POL=high"
+ else
+ printf " POL=low "
+ end
+ if $value & $_apic_pending
+ printf " PEND=yes"
+ else
+ printf " PEND=no "
+ end
+ if $value & $_apic_timer_periodic
+ printf " PERIODIC"
+ end
+ if $value & $_apic_timer_tsc_deadline
+ printf " TSC_DEADLINE"
+ end
+ printf "]\n"
+define ioapic_read32
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "ioapic_read32 not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ _ioapic_addr_value $arg0
+ printf "IOAPIC[0x%02X]: 0x%08X\n", $arg0, $kgm_ioapic_value
+ end
+document ioapic_read32
+Syntax: (gdb) ioapic_read <offset>
+| Read the IOAPIC register at the offset specified.
+define ioapic_write32
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "ioapic_write32 not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ _ioapic_addr_value $arg0 $arg1
+ end
+document ioapic_write32
+Syntax: (gdb) ioapic_write32 <offset> <value>
+| Write the IOAPIC register at the offset specified.
+define ioapic_dump
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "ioapic_dump not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ # id
+ _ioapic_addr_value $_ioapic_index_id
+ printf "IOAPIC[0x%02X] ID: 0x%08X\n", $_ioapic_index_id, $kgm_ioapic_value
+ # version
+ _ioapic_addr_value $_ioapic_index_ver
+ set $maxredir = (($kgm_ioapic_value & 0xFF0000) >> 16) + 1
+ printf "IOAPIC[0x%02X] VERSION: 0x%08X [", $_ioapic_index_ver, $kgm_ioapic_value
+ printf "MAXREDIR=%02d PRQ=%d VERSION=0x%02X]\n", $maxredir, ($kgm_ioapic_value >> 15) & 0x1, $kgm_ioapic_value & 0xFF
+ # all the redir entries
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $maxredir
+ set $addr0 = $_ioapic_index_redir_base + ($i << 1)
+ set $addr1 = $addr0 + 1
+ _ioapic_addr_value $addr1
+ printf "IOAPIC[0x%02X] IOREDIR%02d: 0x%08X", $addr0, $i, $kgm_ioapic_value
+ _ioapic_addr_value $addr0
+ printf "%08X ", $kgm_ioapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_ioapic_value
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ end
+document ioapic_dump
+Syntax: (gdb) ioapic_dump
+| Dump all the IOAPIC entries.
+set $_lapic_base_addr = 0xFEE00000
+set $_lapic_id = 0x20
+set $_lapic_version = 0x30
+set $_lapic_tpr = 0x80
+set $_lapic_apr = 0x90
+set $_lapic_ppr = 0xA0
+set $_lapic_eoi = 0xB0
+set $_lapic_ldr = 0xD0
+set $_lapic_dfr = 0xE0
+set $_lapic_sivr = 0xF0
+set $_lapic_isr_size = 0x10
+set $_lapic_isr_num = 8
+set $_lapic_isr0 = 0x100
+set $_lapic_tmr0 = 0x180
+set $_lapic_irr0 = 0x200
+set $_lapic_esr = 0x280
+set $_lapic_esr_register = 0x80
+set $_lapic_esr_recv_vect = 0x40
+set $_lapic_esr_send_vect = 0x20
+set $_lapic_icr0 = 0x300
+set $_lapic_icr1 = 0x310
+set $_lapic_lvt_timer = 0x320
+set $_lapic_lvt_thermal = 0x330
+set $_lapic_lvt_pmcr = 0x340
+set $_lapic_lvt_lint0 = 0x350
+set $_lapic_lvt_lint1 = 0x360
+set $_lapic_lvt_error = 0x370
+set $_lapic_icr = 0x380
+set $_lapic_ccr = 0x390
+set $_lapic_dcr = 0x3E0
+set $_apic_cfg_msr = 0x1B
+set $_apic_cfg_msr_x2EN = 0x00000C00
+set $_x2apic_enabled = -1
+# _lapic_addr $offset returns the actual address to use
+define _lapic_addr
+ if $_x2apic_enabled < 0
+ readmsr64int $_apic_cfg_msr $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if ($kgm_readmsr64int_result & $_apic_cfg_msr_x2EN) == $_apic_cfg_msr_x2EN
+ set $_x2apic_enabled = 1
+ else
+ set $_x2apic_enabled = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if $_x2apic_enabled
+ # x2APIC addresses are MSRs that use xAPIC offsets that
+ # are 4-bit shifted
+ set $kgm_lapic_addr = $arg0 >> 4
+ else
+ set $kgm_lapic_addr = $_lapic_base_addr + $arg0
+ end
+# _lapic_addr_value $offset $lcpu
+define _lapic_addr_value
+ _lapic_addr $arg0
+ if $_x2apic_enabled
+ readmsr64int $kgm_lapic_addr $arg1
+ set $kgm_lapic_value = $kgm_readmsr64int_result
+ else
+ readphysint $kgm_lapic_addr 32 $arg1
+ set $kgm_lapic_value = $kgm_readphysint_result
+ end
+# lapic_read32 $offset [$lcpu]
+define lapic_read32
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "lapic_read32 not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 1
+ set $lcpu = $arg1
+ end
+ _lapic_addr_value $arg0 $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X]: 0x%08X\n", $arg0, $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+document lapic_read32
+Syntax: (gdb) apic_read32_cpu <offset> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Read the LAPIC register at the offset specified. The CPU can be optionally
+| specified.
+# lapic_write32 $offset $value [$lcpu]
+define lapic_write32
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "lapic_write32_cpu not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 2
+ set $lcpu = $arg2
+ end
+ _lapic_addr $arg0
+ if $_x2apic_enabled
+ writemsr64int $kgm_lapic_addr $arg1 $lcpu
+ else
+ writephysint $kgm_lapic_addr 32 $arg1 $lcpu
+ end
+ end
+document lapic_write32
+Syntax: (gdb) lapic_write32 <offset> <value> [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Write the LAPIC register at the offset specified. The CPU can be optionally
+| specified.
+# lapic_dump [lcpu]
+define lapic_dump
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) != $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "lapic_dump not supported on this architecture.\n"
+ else
+ set $lcpu = $kgm_lcpu_self
+ if $argc > 0
+ set $lcpu = $arg0
+ end
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_id $lcpu
+ # the above also figures out if we're using an xAPIC or an x2APIC
+ printf "LAPIC operating mode: "
+ if $_x2apic_enabled
+ printf " x2APIC\n"
+ else
+ printf " xAPIC\n"
+ end
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] ID: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_id, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_version $lcpu
+ set $lvt_num = ($kgm_lapic_value >> 16) + 1
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] VERSION: 0x%08X [VERSION=%d MaxLVT=%d]\n", $_lapic_version, $kgm_lapic_value, $kgm_lapic_value & 0xFF, $lvt_num
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_tpr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] TASK PRIORITY: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_tpr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_ppr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] PROCESSOR PRIORITY: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_ppr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_ldr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LOGICAL DEST: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_ldr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_dfr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] DEST FORMAT: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_dfr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_sivr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] SPURIOUS VECTOR: 0x%08X [VEC=%3d ENABLED=%d]\n", $_lapic_sivr, $kgm_lapic_value, $kgm_lapic_value & $_apic_vector_mask, ($kgm_lapic_value & 0x100) >> 8,
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $_lapic_isr_num
+ set $addr = $_lapic_isr0 + $i * $_lapic_isr_size
+ _lapic_addr_value $addr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] ISR[%03d:%03d]: 0x%08X\n", $addr, 32*($i + 1) - 1, 32*$i, $kgm_lapic_value
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $_lapic_isr_num
+ set $addr = $_lapic_tmr0 + $i * $_lapic_isr_size
+ _lapic_addr_value $addr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] TMR[%03d:%03d]: 0x%08X\n", $addr, 32*($i + 1) - 1, 32*$i, $kgm_lapic_value
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ set $i = 0
+ while $i < $_lapic_isr_num
+ set $addr = $_lapic_irr0 + $i * $_lapic_isr_size
+ _lapic_addr_value $addr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] IRR[%03d:%03d]: 0x%08X\n", $addr, 32*($i + 1) - 1, 32*$i, $kgm_lapic_value
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_esr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] ERROR STATUS: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_esr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ if $kgm_lapic_value
+ printf "["
+ end
+ if $kgm_lapic_value & $_lapic_esr_register
+ printf "Register "
+ end
+ if $kgm_lapic_value & $_lapic_esr_recv_vect
+ printf "Received Vector "
+ end
+ if $kgm_lapic_value & $_lapic_esr_send_vect
+ printf "Send Vector"
+ end
+ if $kgm_lapic_value
+ printf "]"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_icr1 $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] Interrupt Command: 0x%08X [DEST=%d]\n", $_lapic_icr0, $kgm_lapic_value, $kgm_lapic_value >> 24
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_icr0 $lcpu
+ printf " 0x%08X ", $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ if $lvt_num > 0
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_timer $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT Timer: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_timer, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ if $lvt_num > 1
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_lint0 $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT LINT0: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_lint0, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ if $lvt_num > 2
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_lint1 $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT LINT1: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_lint1, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ if $lvt_num > 3
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_error $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT Error: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_error, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ if $lvt_num > 4
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_pmcr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT PerfMon: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_pmcr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ if $lvt_num > 5
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_lvt_thermal $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] LVT Thermal: 0x%08X ", $_lapic_lvt_thermal, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _apic_print $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_dcr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] Timer Divide: 0x%08X [Divide by ", $_lapic_dcr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ set $kgm_lapic_value = ($kgm_lapic_value & 0x8) >> 1 | $kgm_lapic_value & 0x3
+ if $kgm_lapic_value == 0x7
+ printf "1]\n"
+ else
+ printf "%d]\n", 2 << $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_icr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] Timer Init Count: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_icr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ _lapic_addr_value $_lapic_ccr $lcpu
+ printf "LAPIC[0x%03X] Timer Cur Count: 0x%08X\n", $_lapic_ccr, $kgm_lapic_value
+ end
+document lapic_dump
+Syntax: (gdb) lapic_dump [lcpu (kernel's numbering convention)]
+| Dump all the LAPIC entries. The CPU can be optionally specified.
+define showknoteheader
+ printf " knote filter ident kn_ptr status\n"
+define showknoteint
+ set $kgm_knotep = ((struct knote *) $arg0)
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_knotep
+ printf " "
+ set $kgm_filt = -$kgm_knotep->kn_kevent.filter
+ if ($kgm_filt == 1)
+ printf "EVFILT_READ "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 2)
+ printf "EVFILT_WRITE "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 3)
+ printf "EVFILT_AIO "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 4)
+ printf "EVFILT_VNODE "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 5)
+ printf "EVFILT_PROC "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 6)
+ printf "EVFILT_SIGNAL "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 7)
+ printf "EVFILT_TIMER "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 8)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 9)
+ printf "EVFILT_FS "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 10)
+ printf "EVFILT_USER "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_filt == 11)
+ printf "EVFILT_SESSION "
+ end
+ printf "%7d ", $kgm_knotep->kn_kevent.ident
+ showptr $kgm_knotep->kn_ptr.p_fp
+ printf " "
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status == 0)
+ printf "-"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x01)
+ printf "A"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x02)
+ printf "Q"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x04)
+ printf "Dis"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x08)
+ printf "Dr"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x10)
+ printf "Uw"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x20)
+ printf "Att"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_knotep->kn_status & 0x40)
+ printf "Stq"
+ end
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+define showprocknotes
+ showknoteheader
+ set $kgm_fdp = ((proc_t)$arg0)->p_fd
+ set $kgm_knlist = $kgm_fdp->fd_knlist
+ set $i = 0
+ while (($i < $kgm_fdp->fd_knlistsize) && ($kgm_knlist != 0))
+ set $kgm_kn = ((struct knote *)$kgm_knlist[$i].slh_first)
+ while ($kgm_kn != 0)
+ showknoteint $kgm_kn
+ set $kgm_kn = ((struct knote *)$kgm_kn->kn_link.sle_next)
+ end
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_knhash = $kgm_fdp->fd_knhash
+ set $i = 0
+ while (($i < $kgm_fdp->fd_knhashmask + 1) && ($kgm_knhash != 0))
+ set $kgm_kn = ((struct knote *)$kgm_knhash[$i].slh_first)
+ while ($kgm_kn != 0)
+ showknoteint $kgm_kn
+ set $kgm_kn = ((struct knote *)$kgm_kn->kn_link.sle_next)
+ end
+ set $i = $i + 1
+ end
+define showallknotes
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskheader
+ showtaskint $kgm_taskp
+ showprocknotes $kgm_taskp->bsd_info
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+document showprocknotes
+Syntax: showprocknotes <proc>
+| Displays filter and status information for every kevent registered for
+| the process.
+# Device node related debug macros
+define _showtty
+ set $kgm_tty = (struct tty *) $arg0
+ printf "tty struct at "
+ showptr $kgm_tty
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "-last input to raw queue:\n"
+ p $kgm_tty->t_rawq->c_cs
+ printf "-last input to canonical queue:\n"
+ p $kgm_tty->t_canq->c_cs
+ printf "-last output data:\n"
+ p $kgm_tty->t_outq->c_cs
+ printf "state:\n"
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000001)
+ printf " TS_SO_OLOWAT (Wake up when output <= low water)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000002)
+ printf " TS_ASYNC (async I/O mode)\n"
+ else
+ printf " - (synchronous I/O mode)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000004)
+ printf " TS_BUSY (Draining output)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000008)
+ printf " TS_CARR_ON (Carrier is present)\n"
+ else
+ printf " - (Carrier is NOT present)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000010)
+ printf " TS_FLUSH (Outq has been flushed during DMA)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000020)
+ printf " TS_ISOPEN (Open has completed)\n"
+ else
+ printf " - (Open has NOT completed)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000040)
+ printf " TS_TBLOCK (Further input blocked)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000080)
+ printf " TS_TIMEOUT (Wait for output char processing)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000100)
+ printf " TS_TTSTOP (Output paused)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000200)
+ printf " TS_WOPEN (Open in progress)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000400)
+ printf " TS_XCLUDE (Tty requires exclusivity)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00000800)
+ printf " TS_BKSL (State for lowercase \\ work)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00001000)
+ printf " TS_CNTTB (Counting tab width, ignore FLUSHO)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00002000)
+ printf " TS_ERASE (Within a \\.../ for PRTRUB)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00004000)
+ printf " TS_LNCH (Next character is literal)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00008000)
+ printf " TS_TYPEN (Retyping suspended input (PENDIN))\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00010000)
+ printf " TS_CAN_BYPASS_L_RINT (Device in "raw" mode)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00020000)
+ printf " TS_CONNECTED (Connection open)\n"
+ else
+ printf " - (Connection NOT open)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00040000)
+ printf " TS_SNOOP (Device is being snooped on)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x80000)
+ printf " TS_SO_OCOMPLETE (Wake up when output completes)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00100000)
+ printf " TS_ZOMBIE (Connection lost)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00200000)
+ printf " TS_CAR_OFLOW (For MDMBUF - handle in driver)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00400000)
+ printf " TS_CTS_OFLOW (For CCTS_OFLOW - handle in driver)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_tty->t_state & 0x00800000)
+ printf " TS_DSR_OFLOW (For CDSR_OFLOW - handle in driver)\n"
+ end
+ # xxx todo: do we care about decoding flags?
+ printf "flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tty->t_flags
+ printf "foreground process group: "
+ showptr $kgm_tty->t_pgrp
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "enclosing session: "
+ showptr $kgm_tty->t_session
+ printf "\n"
+ printf "Termios:\n"
+ # XXX todo: decode these flags, someday
+ printf " Input flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_iflag
+ printf " Output flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_oflag
+ printf " Control flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_cflag
+ printf " Local flags: 0x%08x\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_lflag
+ printf " Input speed: %d\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_ispeed
+ printf " Output speed: %d\n", $kgm_tty->t_termios.c_ospeed
+ # XXX todo: useful to decode t_winsize? t_iokit? c_cc? anything else?
+ printf "high watermark: %d bytes\n", $kgm_tty->t_hiwat
+ printf "low watermark: %d bytes\n", $kgm_tty->t_lowat
+define _showwhohas
+ # _showwhohas <major> <minor>
+ printf "fd "
+ printf "fileglob "
+ printf "vnode "
+ printf "process "
+ printf "name\n"
+ set $kgm_swh_devnode_dev = (((int) $arg0) << 24) | (int) $arg1
+ # iterate all tasks to iterate all processes to iterate all
+ # open files in each process to see who has a given major/minor
+ # device open
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ set $kgm_procp = (proc_t) $kgm_taskp->bsd_info
+ set $kgm_spf_filedesc = $kgm_procp->p_fd
+ set $kgm_spf_last = $kgm_spf_filedesc->fd_lastfile
+ set $kgm_spf_ofiles = $kgm_spf_filedesc->fd_ofiles
+ set $kgm_spf_count = 0
+ while (($kgm_spf_ofiles != 0) && ($kgm_spf_count <= $kgm_spf_last))
+ # only files currently open
+ if ($kgm_spf_ofiles[$kgm_spf_count] != 0)
+ set $kgm_spf_fg = $kgm_spf_ofiles[$kgm_spf_count].f_fglob
+ if ($kgm_spf_fg->fg_type == 1)
+ # display fd #, fileglob & vnode address, proc name
+ set $kgm_swh_m_vnode = (vnode_t) $kgm_spf_fg->fg_data
+ set $kgm_swh_m_vtype = (enum vtype) $kgm_swh_m_vnode->v_type
+ if (($kgm_swh_m_vtype == VBLK) || ($kgm_swh_m_vtype == VCHR)) && ((((devnode_t *)$kgm_swh_m_vnode->v_data)->dn_typeinfo.dev) == $kgm_swh_devnode_dev)
+ printf "%-5d ", $kgm_spf_count
+ showptr $kgm_spf_fg
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_swh_m_vnode
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_procp
+ printf " %s\n", $kgm_procp->p_comm
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_spf_count = $kgm_spf_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+define _showvnodedev_cpty
+ set $kgm_ptmx_major = (int) $arg0
+ set $kgm_ptmx_minor = (int) $arg1
+ set $kgm_ptmx_ioctl = _state.pis_ioctl_list[$kgm_ptmx_minor]
+ set $kgm_ptmx_ioctl = _state.pis_ioctl_list[$kgm_ptmx_minor]
+ printf " ptmx_ioctl struct at "
+ showptr $kgm_ptmx_ioctl
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " flags:\n"
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0008)
+ printf " PF_PKT (packet mode)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0010)
+ printf " PF_STOPPED (user told stopped)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0020)
+ printf " PF_REMOTE (remote and flow controlled input)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0040)
+ printf " PF_NOSTOP"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0080)
+ printf " PF_UCNTL (user control mode)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0100)
+ printf " PF_UNLOCKED (slave unlock - master open resets)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0200)
+ printf " PF_OPEN_M (master is open)\n"
+ # XXX we should search for who has the master open, but
+ # XXX each master gets the same minor, even though it
+ # XXX gets a different vnode. we chold probably change
+ # XXX this, but to do it we would need some way of
+ # XXX expressing the information in the vnode structure
+ # XXX somewhere. If we *did* change it, it would buy us
+ # XXX the ability to determine who has the corresponding
+ # XXX master end of the pty open
+ else
+ printf " PF_OPEN_M (master is closed)\n"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_flags & 0x0400)
+ printf " PF_OPEN_S (slave is open)\n"
+ printf "---vvvvv--- fds open on this device ---vvvvv---\n"
+ _showwhohas ($kgm_ptmx_major) ($kgm_ptmx_minor)
+ printf "---^^^^^--- fds open on this device ---^^^^^---\n"
+ else
+ printf " - (slave is closed)\n"
+ end
+ printf "TTY Specific Information\n"
+ _showtty $kgm_ptmx_ioctl->pt_tty
+define showvnodedev
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ set $kgm_vnode = (vnode_t) $arg0
+ set $kgm_vtype = (enum vtype) $kgm_vnode->v_type
+ if (($kgm_vtype == VBLK) || ($kgm_vtype == VCHR))
+ set $kgm_devnode = (devnode_t *) $kgm_vnode->v_data
+ set $kgm_devnode_dev = $kgm_devnode->dn_typeinfo.dev
+ set $kgm_devnode_major = ($kgm_devnode_dev >> 24) & 0xff
+ set $kgm_devnode_minor = $kgm_devnode_dev & 0x00ffffff
+ # boilerplate device information for a vnode
+ printf "Device Info:\n"
+ printf " vnode: "
+ showptr $kgm_vnode
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " type: "
+ if ($kgm_vtype == VBLK)
+ printf "VBLK "
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vtype == VCHR)
+ printf "VCHR"
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ printf " name: %s\n", $kgm_vnode->v_name
+ printf " major, minor: %d, %d\n", $kgm_devnode_major, $kgm_devnode_minor
+ printf " mode 0%o\n", $kgm_devnode->dn_mode
+ printf " owner (u,g): %d %d", $kgm_devnode->dn_uid, $kgm_devnode->dn_gid
+ printf "\n"
+ # decode device specific data
+ printf "Device Specific Information: "
+ if ($kgm_vtype == VBLK)
+ printf " Sorry, I do not know how to decode block devices yet!\n"
+ printf " Maybe you can write me!"
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vtype == VCHR)
+ # Device information; this is scanty
+ # range check
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major > 42) || ($kgm_devnode_major < 0)
+ printf "Invalid major #\n"
+ else
+ # static assignments in conf
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 0)
+ printf "Console mux device\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 2)
+ printf "Current tty alias\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 3)
+ printf "NULL device\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 4)
+ printf "Old pty slave\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 5)
+ printf "Old pty master\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 6)
+ printf "Kernel log\n"
+ else
+ if ($kgm_devnode_major == 12)
+ printf "Memory devices\n"
+ else
+ # Statically linked dynamic assignments
+ if cdevsw[$kgm_devnode_major].d_open == ptmx_open
+ printf "Cloning pty master\n"
+ _showvnodedev_cpty ($kgm_devnode_major) ($kgm_devnode_minor)
+ else
+ if cdevsw[$kgm_devnode_major].d_open == ptsd_open
+ printf "Cloning pty slave\n"
+ _showvnodedev_cpty ($kgm_devnode_major) ($kgm_devnode_minor)
+ else
+ printf "RESERVED SLOT\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ showptr $kgm_vnode
+ printf " is not a device\n"
+ end
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help showvnodedev
+ end
+document showvnodedev
+Syntax: (gdb) showvnodedev <vnode>
+| showvnodedev Display information about a device vnode
+define showtty
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ _showtty $arg0
+ else
+ printf "| Usage:\n|\n"
+ help showtty
+ end
+document showtty
+Syntax: (gdb) showtty <tty struct>
+| showtty Display information about a struct tty
+define showeventsourceobject
+ set $kgm_vt = *((void **) $arg1)
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ set $kgm_vt = $kgm_vt - 16
+ end
+ pcprint $kgm_vt
+document showeventsourceobject
+Syntax: (gdb) showeventsourceobject <prefix> <object>
+| Routine to display information about an IOEventSource subclass.
+define showworkloopallocator
+ set $kgm_workloop = (struct IOWorkLoop*)$arg0
+ set $kgm_bt = (void**)$kgm_workloop->reserved->allocationBacktrace
+ set $kgm_bt_count = 0
+ while $kgm_bt_count != (sizeof(IOWorkLoop::ExpansionData.allocationBacktrace) / sizeof(IOWorkLoop::ExpansionData.allocationBacktrace[0]))
+ set $kgm_frame_address = (void*)$kgm_bt[$kgm_bt_count]
+ if $kgm_frame_address != 0
+ if (((unsigned long) $kgm_frame_address < (unsigned long) &_mh_execute_header || \
+ (unsigned long) $kgm_frame_address >= (unsigned long) &last_kernel_symbol ) \
+ && ($kgm_show_kmod_syms == 0))
+ showkmodaddr $kgm_frame_address
+ else
+ output /a $kgm_frame_address
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $kgm_bt_count = $kgm_bt_count + 1
+ end
+document showworkloopallocator
+Syntax: (gdb) showworkloopallocator <workloop>
+| Routine to display the backtrace of the thread which allocated the workloop in question. Only
+| valid on DEBUG kernels.
+define showworkloopeventsources
+ set $kgm_eventsource = (struct IOEventSource*)$arg0
+ while $kgm_eventsource != 0
+ printf " "
+ printf "EventSource:\t"
+ showptr $kgm_eventsource
+ printf " Description: "
+ showeventsourceobject _ $kgm_eventsource
+ printf "\n"
+ if $kgm_eventsource->action != 0
+ printf " "
+ printf "Action: \t"
+ pcprint $kgm_eventsource->action
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ if $kgm_eventsource->owner != 0
+ printf " "
+ printf "Owner: \t"
+ showptr $kgm_eventsource->owner
+ printf " Description: "
+ showeventsourceobject _ $kgm_eventsource->owner
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+ set $kgm_eventsource = $kgm_eventsource->eventChainNext
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+document showworkloopeventsources
+Syntax: (gdb) showworkloopeventsources
+| Routine to walk an IOEventSource chain associated with an IOWorkLoop and print information
+| about each event source in the chain.
+define showworkloopheader
+ printf "thread "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " workloop "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " pri state\tLockGroupName\n"
+document showworkloopheader
+Syntax: (gdb) showworkloopheader
+| Routine to print out header info about an IOKit workloop.
+define showworkloop
+ set $kgm_workloopthread = (struct thread*)$arg0
+ set $kgm_workloop = (struct IOWorkLoop*)$arg1
+ showptr $kgm_workloopthread
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_workloop
+ printf " %3d ", $kgm_workloopthread.sched_pri
+ set $kgm_state = $kgm_workloopthread.state
+ if $kgm_state & 0x80
+ printf "I"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x40
+ printf "P"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x20
+ printf "A"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x10
+ printf "H"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x08
+ printf "U"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x04
+ printf "R"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x02
+ printf "S"
+ end
+ if $kgm_state & 0x01
+ printf "W"
+ end
+ printf "\t\t"
+ set $kgm_gateLock = ( struct _IORecursiveLock *)$kgm_workloop->gateLock
+ if $kgm_gateLock != 0
+ set $kgm_lockGroup = (struct _lck_grp_*)($kgm_gateLock->group)
+ printf "%s", $kgm_lockGroup->lck_grp_name
+ else
+ printf "No WorkLoop Lock found"
+ end
+ printf "\n\n"
+ #Allocation backtrace is only valid on DEBUG kernels.
+ #printf "Allocation path:\n\n"
+ #showworkloopallocator $kgm_workloop
+ #printf "\n\n"
+ if $kgm_workloop->eventChain != 0
+ printf "Active event sources:\n\n"
+ showworkloopeventsources $kgm_workloop->eventChain
+ end
+ if $kgm_workloop->reserved->passiveEventChain != 0
+ printf "Passive event sources:\n"
+ showworkloopeventsources $kgm_workloop->reserved->passiveEventChain
+ end
+document showworkloop
+Syntax: (gdb) showworkloop <thread> <workloop>
+| Routine to print out info about an IOKit workloop.
+define showallworkloopthreads
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ if ($kgm_actp->continuation == _ZN10IOWorkLoop10threadMainEv)
+ showworkloopheader
+ showworkloop $kgm_actp $kgm_actp->parameter
+ else
+ if ($kgm_actp->kernel_stack != 0)
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_x86_64)
+ #Warning: Grokking stack looking for hopeful workloops until we squirrel some info in thread_t.
+ set $kgm_workloop = *((struct IOWorkLoop **)($kgm_actp->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size - 0xB8))
+ else
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ set $kgm_workloop = *((struct IOWorkLoop **)($kgm_actp->kernel_stack + kernel_stack_size - 0x3C))
+ end
+ end
+ if ($kgm_workloop != 0)
+ set $kgm_vt = *((void **) $kgm_workloop)
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ set $kgm_vt = $kgm_vt - 16
+ end
+ if ($kgm_vt == &_ZTV10IOWorkLoop)
+ showworkloopheader
+ showworkloop $kgm_actp $kgm_workloop
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document showallworkloopthreads
+Syntax: (gdb) showallworkloopthreads
+| Routine to print out info about all IOKit workloop threads in the system. This macro will find
+| all IOWorkLoop threads blocked in continuations and on i386 and x86_64 systems will make a
+| best-effort guess to find any workloops that are actually not blocked in a continuation. For a
+| complete list, it is best to compare the output of this macro against the output of 'showallstacks'.
+define showthreadfortid
+ set $kgm_id_found = 0
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ set $kgm_head_actp = &($kgm_taskp->threads)
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_taskp->threads.next)
+ while $kgm_actp != $kgm_head_actp
+ set $kgm_thread = *(struct thread *)$kgm_actp
+ set $kgm_thread_id = $kgm_thread.thread_id
+ if ($kgm_thread_id == $arg0)
+ showptr $kgm_actp
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_id_found = 1
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_actp = (struct thread *)($kgm_actp->task_threads.next)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_id_found == 1)
+ loop_break
+ end
+ set $kgm_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+ if ($kgm_id_found == 0)
+ printf "Not a valid thread_id\n"
+ end
+document showthreadfortid
+Syntax: showthreadfortid <thread_id>
+|The thread structure contains a unique thread_id value for each thread.
+|This command is used to retrieve the address of the thread structure(thread_t)
+|corresponding to a given thread_id.
+define showtaskbusyportsint
+ set $kgm_isp = ((task_t)$arg0)->itk_space
+ set $kgm_iindex = 0
+ while ( $kgm_iindex < $kgm_isp->is_table_size )
+ set $kgm_iep = &($kgm_isp->is_table[$kgm_iindex])
+ if $kgm_iep->ie_bits & 0x00020000
+ set $kgm_port = ((ipc_port_t)$kgm_iep->ie_object)
+ if $kgm_port->ip_messages.data.port.msgcount > 0
+ showport $kgm_port
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_iindex = $kgm_iindex + 1
+ end
+define showtaskbusyports
+ showtaskbusyportsint $arg0
+document showtaskbusyports
+Syntax: showtaskbusyports <task>
+|Routine to print information about receive rights belonging to this task that
+|have enqueued messages. This is often a sign of a blocked or hung process.
+define showallbusyports
+ set $kgm_head_taskp = &tasks
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_head_taskp->next)
+ while $kgm_cur_taskp != $kgm_head_taskp
+ showtaskbusyportsint $kgm_cur_taskp
+ set $kgm_cur_taskp = (struct task *)($kgm_cur_taskp->tasks.next)
+ end
+document showallbusyports
+Syntax: showallbusyports
+|Routine to print information about all receive rights on the system that
+|have enqueued messages.
+define showallproviders
+ set $kgm_providerp = dtrace_provider
+ while $kgm_providerp
+ p *(dtrace_provider_t *)$kgm_providerp
+ printf "\n"
+ set $kgm_providerp = (dtrace_provider_t *)($kgm_providerp->dtpv_next)
+ end
+document showallproviders
+Syntax: showallproviders
+| Display summary listing of all dtrace_providers
+define showmodctlheader
+ printf "modctl "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " stale "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " symbols "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " address "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " size "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " loadid loaded nenabled flags name\n"
+define showmodctlint
+ set $kgm_modctlp = (struct modctl *)$arg0
+ showptr $kgm_modctlp
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_modctlp->mod_stale
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_modctlp->mod_user_symbols
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_modctlp->mod_address
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_modctlp->mod_size
+ printf " "
+ printf "%6d ", $kgm_modctlp->mod_loadcnt
+ printf "%6d ", $kgm_modctlp->mod_loaded
+ printf "%6d ", $kgm_modctlp->mod_nenabled
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_modctlp->mod_flags
+ printf "%s\n", $kgm_modctlp->mod_modname
+define showmodctl
+ showmodctlheader
+ showmodctlint $arg0
+document showmodctl
+Syntax: (gdb) showmodctl <addr>
+| Display info about a dtrace modctl
+define showallmodctls
+ showmodctlheader
+ set $kgm_modctlp = (struct modctl *)dtrace_modctl_list
+ while $kgm_modctlp
+ showmodctlint $kgm_modctlp
+ set $kgm_modctlp = $kgm_modctlp->mod_next
+ end
+document showallmodctls
+Syntax: (gdb) showallmodctls
+| Display summary listing of all dtrace modctls
+define showfbtprobe
+ printf "Be very patient, this traverses a large list \n"
+ set $kgm_indx = 0
+ set $kgm_found = 0
+ set $kgm_depth = 0
+ while $kgm_indx < fbt_probetab_size && !$kgm_found
+ set $kgm_fbt_probep = (struct fbt_probe *)fbt_probetab[$kgm_indx]
+ set $kgm_depth = 0
+ if $kgm_fbt_probep
+ set $kgm_probeid = (struct fbt_probe *)$kgm_fbt_probep->fbtp_id
+ if $kgm_probeid == $arg0
+ set $kgm_found = 1
+ loop_break
+ else
+ set $kgm_fbt_probep = $kgm_fbt_probep->fbtp_hashnext
+ while $kgm_fbt_probep
+ set $kgm_depth++
+ set $kgm_probeid = (struct fbt_probe *)$kgm_fbt_probep->fbtp_id
+ if $kgm_probeid == $arg0
+ set $kgm_found = 1
+ loop_break
+ else
+ set $kgm_fbt_probep = $kgm_fbt_probep->fbtp_hashnext
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if !$kgm_found
+ set $kgm_indx++
+ else
+ printf "fbt_probetab[index=%d], depth=%d, 0x%x\n", $kgm_indx, $kgm_depth, $kgm_fbt_probep
+ printf "(gdb) p *(struct fbt_probe *)0x%x\n", $kgm_fbt_probep
+ p *(struct fbt_probe *)$kgm_fbt_probep
+ set $kgm_fbtp_ctl = (struct fbt_probe *)$kgm_fbt_probep->fbtp_ctl
+ showmodctl $kgm_fbtp_ctl
+ loop_break
+ end
+ end
+document showfbtprobe
+Syntax: (gdb) showfbtprobe <id>
+| Display info about an fbt probe given an id.
+| Traverses fbt_probetab and matches <id> with fbtp_id.
+| The <id> is found using dtrace -l
+define showzstacktrace
+ set $kgm_trace = (void*)$arg0
+ if ($argc == 1)
+ set $kgm_trace_size = 15
+ end
+ if ($argc == 2)
+ set $kgm_trace_size = $arg1
+ end
+ set $kgm_trace_current = 0
+ while ($kgm_trace_current < $kgm_trace_size)
+ set $kgm_trace_addr = (void**)$kgm_trace + $kgm_trace_current
+ set $kgm_trace_value = *((void**)$kgm_trace_addr)
+ #printf "\t\t"
+ output /a $kgm_trace_value
+ set $kgm_trace_current = $kgm_trace_current + 1
+ printf "\n"
+ end
+document showzstacktrace
+Syntax: showzstacktrace <saved stacktrace> [size]
+| Routine to print a stacktrace stored by OSBacktrace.
+| size is optional, defaults to 15.
+define showzalloc
+ set $kgm_zallocation = zallocations[$arg0]
+ print $kgm_zallocation
+ showztrace $kgm_zallocation->za_trace_index
+document showzalloc
+Syntax: showzalloc <index>
+| Prints a zallocation from the zallocations array based off its index,
+| and prints the associated symbolicated backtrace.
+define showztrace
+ set $kgm_ztrace = &ztraces[$arg0]
+ showztraceaddr $kgm_ztrace
+document showztrace
+Syntax: showztrace <trace index>
+| Prints the backtrace from the ztraces array at index
+define showztraceaddr
+ print *$arg0
+ showzstacktrace $arg0->zt_stack ($arg0)->zt_depth
+document showztraceaddr
+Syntax: showztraceaddr <trace address>
+| Prints the struct ztrace passed in
+#TODO: Iterate through the hash table, or make top_ztrace accurate in the face of deallocations (better idea).
+define showtopztrace
+ set $kgm_top_ztrace = top_ztrace
+ printf "Index: %d\n", (top_ztrace - ztraces)
+ showztraceaddr $kgm_top_ztrace
+document showtopztrace
+Syntax: showtopztrace
+| Shows the ztrace with the biggest size. (according to top_ztrace, not by iterating through the hash table)
+define showzallocs
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = 0
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = 0
+ set $kgm_max_zallocation = zleak_alloc_buckets
+ printf "INDEX ADDRESS "
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf "TRACE SIZE\n"
+ while ($kgm_zallocation_current_index < $kgm_max_zallocation)
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current = zallocations[$kgm_zallocation_current_index]
+ if ($kgm_zallocation_current->element != 0)
+ printf "%5d %p ", $kgm_zallocation_current_index, $kgm_zallocation_current->za_element
+ printf "%5d %6lu\n", $kgm_zallocation_current->za_trace_index, $kgm_zallocation_current->za_size
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = $kgm_zallocations_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = $kgm_zallocation_current_index + 1
+ end
+ printf "Total allocations: %d\n", $kgm_zallocations_count
+document showzallocs
+Syntax: showzallocs
+| Prints all allocations in the zallocations table
+define showzallocsfortrace
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = 0
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = 0
+ set $kgm_max_zallocation = zleak_alloc_buckets
+ printf "INDEX ADDRESS "
+ if $kgm_lp64
+ printf " "
+ end
+ printf "SIZE\n"
+ while ($kgm_zallocation_current_index < $kgm_max_zallocation)
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current = zallocations[$kgm_zallocation_current_index]
+ if ($kgm_zallocation_current->element != 0 && $kgm_zallocation_current->za_trace_index == $arg0)
+ printf "%5d %p ", $kgm_zallocation_current_index, $kgm_zallocation_current->za_element
+ printf "%6lu\n", $kgm_zallocation_current->size
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = $kgm_zallocations_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = $kgm_zallocation_current_index + 1
+ end
+ printf "Total allocations: %d\n", $kgm_zallocations_count
+document showzallocsfortrace
+Syntax: showzallocsfortrace <trace index>
+| Prints all allocations pointing to the passed in trace's index into ztraces by looking through zallocations table
+define showztraces
+ showztracesabove 0
+document showztraces
+Syntax: showztraces
+| Prints all traces with size > 0
+define showztracesabove
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current_index = 0
+ set $kgm_ztrace_count = 0
+ set $kgm_max_ztrace = zleak_trace_buckets
+ printf "INDEX SIZE\n"
+ while ($kgm_ztrace_current_index < $kgm_max_ztrace)
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current = ztraces[$kgm_ztrace_current_index]
+ if ($kgm_ztrace_current->zt_size > $arg0)
+ printf "%5d %6lu\n", $kgm_ztrace_current_index, $kgm_ztrace_current->zt_size
+ set $kgm_ztrace_count = $kgm_ztrace_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current_index = $kgm_ztrace_current_index + 1
+ end
+ printf "Total traces: %d\n", $kgm_ztrace_count
+document showztracesabove
+Syntax: showztracesabove <size>
+| Prints all traces with size greater than X
+define showztracehistogram
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current_index = 0
+ set $kgm_ztrace_count = 0
+ set $kgm_max_ztrace = zleak_trace_buckets
+ while ($kgm_ztrace_current_index < $kgm_max_ztrace)
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current = ztraces[$kgm_ztrace_current_index]
+ if ($kgm_ztrace_current->zt_hit_count != 0)
+ printf "%5d %5d %5d\n", $kgm_ztrace_current_index, $kgm_ztrace_current->zt_hit_count, $kgm_ztrace_current->zt_collisions
+ set $kgm_ztrace_count = $kgm_ztrace_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_ztrace_current_index = $kgm_ztrace_current_index + 1
+ end
+ printf "Total traces: %d\n", $kgm_ztrace_count
+document showztracehistogram
+Syntax: showztracehistogram
+| Prints the histogram of the ztrace table
+define showzallochistogram
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = 0
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = 0
+ set $kgm_max_zallocation = zleak_alloc_buckets
+ printf "INDEX HIT_COUNT\n"
+ while ($kgm_zallocation_current_index < $kgm_max_zallocation)
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current = zallocations[$kgm_zallocation_current_index]
+ if ($kgm_zallocation_current->za_hit_count != 0)
+ printf "%5d %5d\n", $kgm_zallocation_current_index, $kgm_zallocation_current->za_hit_count
+ set $kgm_zallocations_count = $kgm_zallocations_count + 1
+ end
+ set $kgm_zallocation_current_index = $kgm_zallocation_current_index + 1
+ end
+ printf "Total allocations: %d\n", $kgm_zallocations_count
+document showzallochistogram
+Syntax: showzallochistogram
+| Prints the histogram for the zalloc table
+define showzstats
+ printf "z_alloc_collisions: %u, z_trace_collisions: %u\n", z_alloc_collisions, z_trace_collisions
+ printf "z_alloc_overwrites: %u, z_trace_overwrites: %u\n", z_alloc_overwrites, z_trace_overwrites
+ printf "z_alloc_recorded: %u, z_trace_recorded: %u\n", z_alloc_recorded, z_trace_recorded
+document showzstats
+Syntax: showzstats
+| Prints the zone leak detection stats
+set $kgm_au_sentry_hash_table_size = 97
+define showsession1
+ set $p = (struct au_sentry *)$arg0
+ showptr $p
+ printf " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%016x", $p->se_auinfo.ai_asid, $p->se_auinfo.ai_auid, $p->se_auinfo.ai_flags
+ printf " %3ld %3ld", $p->se_refcnt, $p->se_procnt
+ printf "\n"
+define showsessionhdr
+ printf "au_sentry "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " ASID AUID FLAGS C P\n"
+define showsession
+ showsessionhdr
+ showsession1 $arg0
+document showsession
+Syntax: showsession
+| Display info about a specified audit session
+define showallsessions
+ showsessionhdr
+ set $kgm_au_sentry_hash_table = au_sentry_bucket
+ set $i = $kgm_au_sentry_hash_table_size - 1
+ while $i >= 0
+ set $p = $kgm_au_sentry_hash_table[$i].lh_first
+ while $p != 0
+ showsession1 $p
+ set $p = $p->se_link.le_next
+ end
+ set $i = $i - 1
+ end
+document showallsessions
+Syntax: showallsessions
+| Prints the audit sessions in the global hash table
+define showauhistorystack
+ set $ii = $arg0
+ set $pp = (void **)$arg1
+ while $ii > 0
+ printf " "
+ x/i $pp[$ii-1]
+ set $ii = $ii - 1
+ end
+define showauhistory1
+ set $p = (struct au_history *)$arg0
+ set $stack_depth = $p->stack_depth
+ set $stack = $p->stack
+ showptr $p->ptr
+ if $p->event == 1
+ printf " REF"
+ end
+ if $p->event == 2
+ printf " UNREF"
+ end
+ if $p->event == 3
+ printf " BIRTH"
+ end
+ if $p->event == 4
+ printf " DEATH"
+ end
+ if $p->event == 5
+ printf " FIND"
+ end
+ set $p = &$p->se
+ printf " 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%016x", $p->se_auinfo.ai_asid, $p->se_auinfo.ai_auid, $p->se_auinfo.ai_flags
+ printf " %3ld %3ld", $p->se_refcnt, $p->se_procnt
+ printf "\n"
+ showauhistorystack $stack_depth $stack
+define showauhistory
+ set $i = (au_history_index-1) % au_history_size
+ if au_history_index >= au_history_size
+ set $n = au_history_size
+ else
+ set $n = au_history_index
+ end
+ while $n > 0
+ if au_history[$i].ptr != 0 && (0 == $arg0 || au_history[$i].ptr == $arg0)
+ printf "[% 4d] ", $i
+ showauhistory1 &au_history[$i]
+ end
+ set $n = $n - 1
+ set $i = ($i - 1) % au_history_size
+ end
+define showallauhistory
+ showauhistory 0
+define showkwqheader
+ printf " kwq "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " kwqaddr "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf " inqueue fakecount highseq lowseq flags lastunlock p_rwwc"
+ printf "\n "
+define showkwqint
+ printf " "
+ set $kgm_kwq = (ksyn_wait_queue_t)$arg0
+ showptr $kgm_kwq
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_kwq->kw_addr
+ printf " "
+ printf " %d ", $kgm_kwq->kw_inqueue
+ printf " %d ", $kgm_kwq->kw_fakecount
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_kwq->kw_highseq
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_kwq->kw_lowseq
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_kwq->kw_flags
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_kwq->kw_lastunlockseq
+ printf " 0x%x ", $kgm_kwq->kw_pre_rwwc
+ printf "\n"
+define show_kwq
+ showkwqheader
+ showkwqint $arg0
+document show_kwq
+Syntax: (gdb) show_kwq <kwq>
+| Display info about one ksyn_wait_queue
+# Internal routine used by "showpthread_mutex" to abstract possible loads from
+# user space
+define _loadfrommutex
+ if (kdp_pmap == 0)
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uintptr_t *)$arg0
+ else
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xe)
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uint32_t *)$arg0
+ else
+ if ($kgm_x86_abi == 0xf)
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_i386)
+ _loadk32m64 $arg0
+ set $kgm_loadval = $kgm_k32read64
+ else
+ set $kgm_loadval = *(uint32_t *)$arg0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+define show_pthreadmutex
+ set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
+ set $ourtask = (struct task *)($newact->task)
+ set $our_user_is64 = ($ourtask->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ _kgm_flush_loop
+ set $mutex = (void *)$arg1
+ set kdp_pmap = $newact->task->map->pmap
+ _kgm_flush_loop
+ _kgm_update_loop
+ set $newiss = (x86_saved_state_t *) ($newact->machine.pcb->iss)
+ set $kgm_x86_abi = $newiss.flavor
+ if ($our_user_is64 != 0)
+ printf "\tUser 64Bit\n "
+ printf "\tSignature: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tflags: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 12
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tSeqs: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 20
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 24
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 28
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\ttid[0]: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 32
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\ttid[1]: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 36
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ else
+ printf "\tUser 32Bit\n "
+ printf "\tSignature: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tflags: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 8
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tSeqs: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 16
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 20
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 24
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\ttid[0]: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 32
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\ttid[1]: "
+ set $nextval = $mutex + 36
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ resetstacks
+document show_pthreadmutex
+Syntax: (gdb) show_pthreadmutex <thread> <user_mutexaddr>
+| Display the mutex contents from userspace.
+define show_pthreadcondition
+ set $newact = (struct thread *) $arg0
+ set $ourtask = (struct task *)($newact->task)
+ set $our_user_is64 = ($ourtask->taskFeatures[0] & 0x80000000)
+ _kgm_flush_loop
+ set $cond = (void *)$arg1
+ set kdp_pmap = $newact->task->map->pmap
+ _kgm_flush_loop
+ _kgm_update_loop
+ set $newiss = (x86_saved_state_t *) ($newact->machine.pcb->iss)
+ set $kgm_x86_abi = $newiss.flavor
+ if ($our_user_is64 != 0)
+ printf "\tUser 64Bit\n "
+ printf "\tSignature: "
+ set $nextval = $cond
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tflags: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 12
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tSeqs: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 24
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $cond + 28
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $cond + 32
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tMutex lowaddr: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 16
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%08x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tMutex highaddr: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 20
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ else
+ printf "\tUser 32Bit\n "
+ printf "\tSignature: "
+ set $nextval = $cond
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tflags: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 8
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tSeqs: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 16
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $cond + 20
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x ",$kgm_loadval
+ set $nextval = $cond + 24
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ printf "\tMutex addr: "
+ set $nextval = $cond + 12
+ _loadfrommutex $nextval
+ printf "0x%x\n",$kgm_loadval
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ resetstacks
+document show_pthreadcondition
+Syntax: (gdb) show_pthreadcondition <thread> <user_cvaddr>
+| Display the condition variable contents from userspace.
+define processortimers
+ set $kgm_p = processor_list
+ printf "Processor\t\t\t Last dispatch\t\t Next deadline\t\t difference\n"
+ while $kgm_p
+ printf "Processor %d: %p\t", $kgm_p->cpu_id, $kgm_p
+ printf " 0x%016llx\t", $kgm_p->last_dispatch
+ set $kgm_rt_timer = &(cpu_data_ptr[$kgm_p->cpu_id].rtclock_timer)
+ printf " 0x%016llx \t", $kgm_rt_timer->deadline
+ set $kgm_rt_diff = ((long long)$kgm_p->last_dispatch) - ((long long)$kgm_rt_timer->deadline)
+ printf " 0x%016llx ", $kgm_rt_diff
+# normally the $kgm_rt_diff will be close to the last dispatch time, or negative
+# When it isn't, mark the result as bad. This is a suggestion, not an absolute
+ if ( ($kgm_rt_diff > 0) && ((long long)$kgm_p->last_dispatch) - ($kgm_rt_diff + 1) > 0 )
+ printf "probably BAD\n"
+ else
+ printf "(ok)\n"
+ end
+ # dump the call entries (Intel only)
+ if (($kgm_mtype & $kgm_mtype_x86_mask) == $kgm_mtype_x86_any)
+ printf "Next deadline set at: 0x%016llx. Timer call list:", $kgm_rt_timer->when_set
+ set $kgm_entry = (queue_t *)$kgm_rt_timer->queue
+ if ($kgm_entry == $kgm_rt_timer)
+ printf " (empty)\n"
+ else
+ printf "\n entry: "
+ showptrhdrpad
+ printf "deadline soft_deadline delta (*func)(param0,param1)\n"
+ while $kgm_entry != $kgm_rt_timer
+ set $kgm_timer_call = (timer_call_t) $kgm_entry
+ set $kgm_call_entry = (struct call_entry *) $kgm_entry
+ printf " "
+ showptr $kgm_entry
+ printf ": 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%08x (%p)(%p,%p)\n", \
+ $kgm_call_entry->deadline, \
+ $kgm_timer_call->soft_deadline, \
+ ($kgm_call_entry->deadline - $kgm_timer_call->soft_deadline), \
+ $kgm_call_entry->func, \
+ $kgm_call_entry->param0, $kgm_call_entry->param1
+ set $kgm_entry = $kgm_entry->next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set $kgm_p = $kgm_p->processor_list
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+document processortimers
+Syntax: (gdb) processortimers
+| Print details of processor timers, noting any timer which might be suspicious
+define maplocalcache
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ mem 0x80000000 0xefffffff cache
+ set dcache-linesize-power 9
+ printf "GDB memory caching enabled. Be sure to disable by calling flushlocalcache before detaching or connecting to a new device\n"
+ end
+document maplocalcache
+Syntax: (gdb) maplocalcache
+| Sets up memory regions for GDB to cache on read. Significantly increases debug speed over KDP
+define flushlocalcache
+ if ($kgm_mtype == $kgm_mtype_arm)
+ delete mem
+ printf "GDB memory caching disabled.\n"
+ end
+document flushlocalcache
+Syntax: (gdb) flushlocalcache
+| Clears all memory regions