- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
* From: @(#)uipc_usrreq.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 1/4/94
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/domain.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h> /* XXX must be before <sys/file.h> */
-#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/file_internal.h>
#include <sys/filedesc.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/mbuf.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/socketvar.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/unpcb.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+#endif /* MAC_SOCKET */
+#define f_msgcount f_fglob->fg_msgcount
+#define f_cred f_fglob->fg_cred
+#define f_ops f_fglob->fg_ops
+#define f_offset f_fglob->fg_offset
+#define f_data f_fglob->fg_data
struct zone *unp_zone;
static unp_gen_t unp_gencnt;
static u_int unp_count;
+static lck_attr_t *unp_mtx_attr;
+static lck_grp_t *unp_mtx_grp;
+static lck_grp_attr_t *unp_mtx_grp_attr;
+static lck_rw_t *unp_list_mtx;
+extern lck_mtx_t *uipc_lock;
static struct unp_head unp_shead, unp_dhead;
* need a proper out-of-band
* lock pushdown
-static struct sockaddr sun_noname = { sizeof(sun_noname), AF_LOCAL };
+static struct sockaddr sun_noname = { sizeof (sun_noname), AF_LOCAL, { 0 } };
static ino_t unp_ino; /* prototype for fake inode numbers */
-static int unp_attach __P((struct socket *));
-static void unp_detach __P((struct unpcb *));
-static int unp_bind __P((struct unpcb *,struct sockaddr *, struct proc *));
-static int unp_connect __P((struct socket *,struct sockaddr *,
- struct proc *));
-static void unp_disconnect __P((struct unpcb *));
-static void unp_shutdown __P((struct unpcb *));
-static void unp_drop __P((struct unpcb *, int));
-static void unp_gc __P((void));
-static void unp_scan __P((struct mbuf *, void (*)(struct file *)));
-static void unp_mark __P((struct file *));
-static void unp_discard __P((struct file *));
-static int unp_internalize __P((struct mbuf *, struct proc *));
+static int unp_attach(struct socket *);
+static void unp_detach(struct unpcb *);
+static int unp_bind(struct unpcb *, struct sockaddr *, proc_t);
+static int unp_connect(struct socket *, struct sockaddr *, proc_t);
+static void unp_disconnect(struct unpcb *);
+static void unp_shutdown(struct unpcb *);
+static void unp_drop(struct unpcb *, int);
+static void unp_gc(void);
+static void unp_scan(struct mbuf *, void (*)(struct fileglob *));
+static void unp_mark(struct fileglob *);
+static void unp_discard(struct fileglob *);
+static void unp_discard_fdlocked(struct fileglob *, proc_t);
+static int unp_internalize(struct mbuf *, proc_t);
+static int unp_listen(struct unpcb *, proc_t);
+/* TODO: this should be in header file */
+extern int fdgetf_noref(proc_t, int, struct fileproc **);
static int
uipc_abort(struct socket *so)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
unp_drop(unp, ECONNABORTED);
- return 0;
+ unp_detach(unp);
+ sofree(so);
+ return (0);
static int
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
* Pass back name of connected socket,
* (our peer may have closed already!).
if (unp->unp_conn && unp->unp_conn->unp_addr) {
- *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)unp->unp_conn->unp_addr,
- 1);
+ *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)
+ unp->unp_conn->unp_addr, 1);
} else {
*nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&sun_noname, 1);
- return 0;
+ return (0);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * unp_attach:
+ */
static int
-uipc_attach(struct socket *so, int proto, struct proc *p)
+uipc_attach(struct socket *so, __unused int proto, __unused proc_t p)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp != 0)
- return EISCONN;
- return unp_attach(so);
+ return (EISCONN);
+ return (unp_attach(so));
static int
-uipc_bind(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct proc *p)
+uipc_bind(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, proc_t p)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
- return unp_bind(unp, nam, p);
+ return (unp_bind(unp, nam, p));
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * unp_connect:??? [See elsewhere in this file]
+ */
static int
-uipc_connect(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct proc *p)
+uipc_connect(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, proc_t p)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
- return unp_connect(so, nam, p);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ return (unp_connect(so, nam, p));
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * unp_connect2:EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
+ * unp_connect2:EINVAL Invalid argument
+ */
static int
uipc_connect2(struct socket *so1, struct socket *so2)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so1);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
- return unp_connect2(so1, so2);
+ return (unp_connect2(so1, so2));
/* control is EOPNOTSUPP */
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
- return 0;
+ return (0);
static int
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
- return 0;
+ return (0);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ */
static int
-uipc_listen(struct socket *so, struct proc *p)
+uipc_listen(struct socket *so, __unused proc_t p)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0 || unp->unp_vnode == 0)
- return EINVAL;
- return 0;
+ return (EINVAL);
+ return (unp_listen(unp, p));
static int
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
- if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
- if (unp->unp_conn && unp->unp_conn->unp_addr)
- *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)unp->unp_conn->unp_addr,
- 1);
- return 0;
+ if (unp == NULL)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if (unp->unp_conn != NULL && unp->unp_conn->unp_addr != NULL) {
+ *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)
+ unp->unp_conn->unp_addr, 1);
+ } else {
+ *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&sun_noname, 1);
+ }
+ return (0);
static int
-uipc_rcvd(struct socket *so, int flags)
+uipc_rcvd(struct socket *so, __unused int flags)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
struct socket *so2;
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
switch (so->so_type) {
panic("uipc_rcvd DGRAM?");
#define rcv (&so->so_rcv)
-#define snd (&so2->so_snd)
+#define snd (&so2->so_snd)
if (unp->unp_conn == 0)
so2 = unp->unp_conn->unp_socket;
panic("uipc_rcvd unknown socktype");
- return 0;
+ return (0);
/* pru_rcvoob is EOPNOTSUPP */
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * unp_internalize:EINVAL
+ * unp_internalize:EBADF
+ * unp_connect:EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported
+ * unp_connect:EINVAL Invalid argument
+ * unp_connect:ENOTSOCK Not a socket
+ * unp_connect:ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
+ * unp_connect:EISCONN Socket is connected
+ * unp_connect:EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
+ * unp_connect:???
+ * sbappendaddr:ENOBUFS [5th argument, contents modified]
+ * sbappendaddr:??? [whatever a filter author chooses]
+ */
static int
uipc_send(struct socket *so, int flags, struct mbuf *m, struct sockaddr *nam,
- struct mbuf *control, struct proc *p)
+ struct mbuf *control, proc_t p)
int error = 0;
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
goto release;
- if (control && (error = unp_internalize(control, p)))
- goto release;
+ if (control) {
+ /* release global lock to avoid deadlock (4436174) */
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ error = unp_internalize(control, p);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error)
+ goto release;
+ }
switch (so->so_type) {
- case SOCK_DGRAM:
+ case SOCK_DGRAM:
struct sockaddr *from;
from = (struct sockaddr *)unp->unp_addr;
from = &sun_noname;
- if (sbappendaddr(&so2->so_rcv, from, m, control)) {
+ /*
+ * sbappendaddr() will fail when the receiver runs out of
+ * space; in contrast to SOCK_STREAM, we will lose messages
+ * for the SOCK_DGRAM case when the receiver's queue overflows.
+ * SB_UNIX on the socket buffer implies that the callee will
+ * not free the control message, if any, because we would need
+ * to call unp_dispose() on it.
+ */
+ if (sbappendaddr(&so2->so_rcv, from, m, control, &error)) {
+ control = NULL;
- m = 0;
- control = 0;
- } else
- error = ENOBUFS;
+ } else if (control != NULL && error == 0) {
+ /* A socket filter took control; don't touch it */
+ control = NULL;
+ }
+ m = NULL;
if (nam)
+ case SOCK_STREAM: {
+ int didreceive = 0;
#define rcv (&so2->so_rcv)
#define snd (&so->so_snd)
/* Connect if not connected yet. */
panic("uipc_send connected but no connection?");
so2 = unp->unp_conn->unp_socket;
- * Send to paired receive port, and then reduce
- * send buffer hiwater marks to maintain backpressure.
- * Wake up readers.
+ * Send to paired receive port, and then reduce send buffer
+ * hiwater marks to maintain backpressure. Wake up readers.
+ * SB_UNIX flag will allow new record to be appended to the
+ * receiver's queue even when it is already full. It is
+ * possible, however, that append might fail. In that case,
+ * we will need to call unp_dispose() on the control message;
+ * the callee will not free it since SB_UNIX is set.
- if (control) {
- if (sbappendcontrol(rcv, m, control))
- control = 0;
- } else
- sbappend(rcv, m);
- snd->sb_mbmax -=
- rcv->sb_mbcnt - unp->unp_conn->unp_mbcnt;
+ didreceive = control ?
+ sbappendcontrol(rcv, m, control, &error) : sbappend(rcv, m);
+ snd->sb_mbmax -= rcv->sb_mbcnt - unp->unp_conn->unp_mbcnt;
unp->unp_conn->unp_mbcnt = rcv->sb_mbcnt;
snd->sb_hiwat -= rcv->sb_cc - unp->unp_conn->unp_cc;
unp->unp_conn->unp_cc = rcv->sb_cc;
- sorwakeup(so2);
- m = 0;
+ if (didreceive) {
+ control = NULL;
+ sorwakeup(so2);
+ } else if (control != NULL && error == 0) {
+ /* A socket filter took control; don't touch it */
+ control = NULL;
+ }
+ m = NULL;
#undef snd
#undef rcv
+ }
+ if (control && error != 0) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ unp_dispose(control);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ }
if (control)
if (m)
- return error;
+ return (error);
static int
-uipc_sense(struct socket *so, struct stat *sb)
+uipc_sense(struct socket *so, void *ub, int isstat64)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
struct socket *so2;
+ blksize_t blksize;
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
- sb->st_blksize = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
+ return (EINVAL);
+ blksize = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
if (so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM && unp->unp_conn != 0) {
so2 = unp->unp_conn->unp_socket;
- sb->st_blksize += so2->so_rcv.sb_cc;
+ blksize += so2->so_rcv.sb_cc;
- sb->st_dev = NODEV;
if (unp->unp_ino == 0)
unp->unp_ino = unp_ino++;
- sb->st_ino = unp->unp_ino;
+ if (isstat64 != 0) {
+ struct stat64 *sb64;
+ sb64 = (struct stat64 *)ub;
+ sb64->st_blksize = blksize;
+ sb64->st_dev = NODEV;
+ sb64->st_ino = (ino64_t)unp->unp_ino;
+ } else {
+ struct stat *sb;
+ sb = (struct stat *)ub;
+ sb->st_blksize = blksize;
+ sb->st_dev = NODEV;
+ sb->st_ino = (ino_t)unp->unp_ino;
+ }
return (0);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ *
+ * Notes: This is not strictly correct, as unp_shutdown() also calls
+ * socantrcvmore(). These should maybe both be conditionalized
+ * on the 'how' argument in soshutdown() as called from the
+ * shutdown() system call.
+ */
static int
uipc_shutdown(struct socket *so)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
+ return (EINVAL);
- return 0;
+ return (0);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EINVAL Invalid argument
+ */
static int
uipc_sockaddr(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **nam)
struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
- if (unp == 0)
- return EINVAL;
- if (unp->unp_addr)
+ if (unp == NULL)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if (unp->unp_addr != NULL) {
*nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)unp->unp_addr, 1);
- return 0;
+ } else {
+ *nam = dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&sun_noname, 1);
+ }
+ return (0);
struct pr_usrreqs uipc_usrreqs = {
uipc_connect2, pru_control_notsupp, uipc_detach, uipc_disconnect,
uipc_listen, uipc_peeraddr, uipc_rcvd, pru_rcvoob_notsupp,
uipc_send, uipc_sense, uipc_shutdown, uipc_sockaddr,
- sosend, soreceive, sopoll
+ sosend, soreceive, pru_sopoll_notsupp
+uipc_ctloutput(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt)
+ struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
+ int error;
+ switch (sopt->sopt_dir) {
+ case SOPT_GET:
+ switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
+ if (unp->unp_flags & UNP_HAVEPC) {
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &unp->unp_peercred,
+ sizeof (unp->unp_peercred));
+ } else {
+ if (so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM)
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ else
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SOPT_SET:
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (error);
* Both send and receive buffers are allocated PIPSIZ bytes of buffering
* for stream sockets, although the total for sender and receiver is
static u_long unpdg_recvspace = 4*1024;
static int unp_rights; /* file descriptors in flight */
+static int unp_disposed; /* discarded file descriptors */
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_local_stream, OID_AUTO, sendspace, CTLFLAG_RW,
- &unpst_sendspace, 0, "");
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_local_stream, OID_AUTO, sendspace, CTLFLAG_RW,
+ &unpst_sendspace, 0, "");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_local_stream, OID_AUTO, recvspace, CTLFLAG_RW,
- &unpst_recvspace, 0, "");
+ &unpst_recvspace, 0, "");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_local_dgram, OID_AUTO, maxdgram, CTLFLAG_RW,
- &unpdg_sendspace, 0, "");
+ &unpdg_sendspace, 0, "");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_local_dgram, OID_AUTO, recvspace, CTLFLAG_RW,
- &unpdg_recvspace, 0, "");
+ &unpdg_recvspace, 0, "");
SYSCTL_INT(_net_local, OID_AUTO, inflight, CTLFLAG_RD, &unp_rights, 0, "");
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * soreserve:ENOBUFS
+ */
static int
- struct socket *so;
+unp_attach(struct socket *so)
- register struct unpcb *unp;
- int error;
+ struct unpcb *unp;
+ int error = 0;
if (so->so_snd.sb_hiwat == 0 || so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat == 0) {
switch (so->so_type) {
if (error)
return (error);
- unp = zalloc(unp_zone);
+ unp = (struct unpcb *)zalloc(unp_zone);
if (unp == NULL)
return (ENOBUFS);
- bzero(unp, sizeof *unp);
- unp->unp_gencnt = ++unp_gencnt;
- unp_count++;
+ bzero(unp, sizeof (*unp));
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(unp_list_mtx);
unp->unp_socket = so;
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(so->so_type == SOCK_DGRAM ? &unp_dhead
- : &unp_shead, unp, unp_link);
+ unp->unp_gencnt = ++unp_gencnt;
+ unp_count++;
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(so->so_type == SOCK_DGRAM ?
+ &unp_dhead : &unp_shead, unp, unp_link);
so->so_pcb = (caddr_t)unp;
+ /*
+ * Mark AF_UNIX socket buffers accordingly so that:
+ *
+ * a. In the SOCK_STREAM case, socket buffer append won't fail due to
+ * the lack of space; this essentially loosens the sbspace() check,
+ * since there is disconnect between sosend() and uipc_send() with
+ * respect to flow control that might result in our dropping the
+ * data in uipc_send(). By setting this, we allow for slightly
+ * more records to be appended to the receiving socket to avoid
+ * losing data (which we can't afford in the SOCK_STREAM case).
+ * Flow control still takes place since we adjust the sender's
+ * hiwat during each send. This doesn't affect the SOCK_DGRAM
+ * case and append would still fail when the queue overflows.
+ *
+ * b. In the presence of control messages containing internalized
+ * file descriptors, the append routines will not free them since
+ * we'd need to undo the work first via unp_dispose().
+ */
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_UNIX;
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_UNIX;
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
return (0);
static void
- register struct unpcb *unp;
+unp_detach(struct unpcb *unp)
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(unp_list_mtx);
LIST_REMOVE(unp, unp_link);
unp->unp_gencnt = ++unp_gencnt;
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
if (unp->unp_vnode) {
- unp->unp_vnode->v_socket = 0;
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- vrele(unp->unp_vnode);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- unp->unp_vnode = 0;
+ struct vnode *tvp = unp->unp_vnode;
+ unp->unp_vnode->v_socket = NULL;
+ unp->unp_vnode = NULL;
+ vnode_rele(tvp); /* drop the usecount */
if (unp->unp_conn)
while (unp->unp_refs.lh_first)
unp_drop(unp->unp_refs.lh_first, ECONNRESET);
- unp->unp_socket->so_pcb = 0;
+ /* makes sure we're getting dealloced */
+ unp->unp_socket->so_flags |= SOF_PCBCLEARING;
+ unp->unp_socket->so_pcb = NULL;
if (unp_rights) {
* Normally the receive buffer is flushed later,
zfree(unp_zone, unp);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * namei:??? [anything namei can return]
+ * vnode_authorize:??? [anything vnode_authorize can return]
+ *
+ * Notes: p at this point is the current process, as this function is
+ * only called by sobind().
+ */
static int
-unp_bind(unp, nam, p)
- struct unpcb *unp;
- struct sockaddr *nam;
- struct proc *p;
+ struct unpcb *unp,
+ struct sockaddr *nam,
+ proc_t p)
struct sockaddr_un *soun = (struct sockaddr_un *)nam;
- register struct vnode *vp;
- struct vattr vattr;
+ struct vnode *vp, *dvp;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
int error, namelen;
struct nameidata nd;
+ if (nam->sa_family != 0 && nam->sa_family != AF_UNIX) {
+ return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+ }
if (unp->unp_vnode != NULL)
return (EINVAL);
-#define offsetof(s, e) ((char *)&((s *)0)->e - (char *)((s *)0))
namelen = soun->sun_len - offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
if (namelen <= 0)
- return EINVAL;
- strncpy(buf, soun->sun_path, namelen);
- buf[namelen] = 0; /* null-terminate the string */
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- buf, p);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ strlcpy(buf, soun->sun_path, namelen+1);
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(buf), ctx);
error = namei(&nd);
if (error) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (error);
+ dvp = nd.ni_dvp;
vp = nd.ni_vp;
if (vp != NULL) {
- VOP_ABORTOP(nd.ni_dvp, &nd.ni_cnd);
- if (nd.ni_dvp == vp)
- vrele(nd.ni_dvp);
- else
- vput(nd.ni_dvp);
- vrele(vp);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ /*
+ * need to do this before the vnode_put of dvp
+ * since we may have to release an fs_nodelock
+ */
+ nameidone(&nd);
+ vnode_put(dvp);
+ vnode_put(vp);
return (EADDRINUSE);
- VATTR_NULL(&vattr);
- vattr.va_type = VSOCK;
- vattr.va_mode = (ACCESSPERMS & ~p->p_fd->fd_cmask);
- VOP_LEASE(nd.ni_dvp, p, p->p_ucred, LEASE_WRITE);
- error = VOP_CREATE(nd.ni_dvp, &nd.ni_vp, &nd.ni_cnd, &vattr);
-#if 0
- /* In FreeBSD create leave s parent held ; not here */
- vput(nd.ni_dvp);
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_type, VSOCK);
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_mode, (ACCESSPERMS & ~p->p_fd->fd_cmask));
+ /*
+ * This is #if MAC_SOCKET, because it affects the connection rate
+ * of Unix domain dockets that is critical for server performance
+ */
+ error = mac_vnode_check_create(ctx,
+ nd.ni_dvp, &nd.ni_cnd, &va);
+ if (error == 0)
+#endif /* MAC_SOCKET */
+ /* authorize before creating */
+ error = vnode_authorize(dvp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE, ctx);
+ if (!error) {
+ /* create the socket */
+ error = vn_create(dvp, &vp, &nd.ni_cnd, &va, 0, ctx);
+ }
+ nameidone(&nd);
+ vnode_put(dvp);
if (error) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (error);
- vp = nd.ni_vp;
+ vnode_ref(vp); /* gain a longterm reference */
vp->v_socket = unp->unp_socket;
unp->unp_vnode = vp;
unp->unp_addr = (struct sockaddr_un *)dup_sockaddr(nam, 1);
- VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0, p);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ vnode_put(vp); /* drop the iocount */
return (0);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported
+ * EINVAL Invalid argument
+ * ENOTSOCK Not a socket
+ * ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
+ * EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
+ * EISCONN Socket is connected
+ * unp_connect2:EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
+ * unp_connect2:EINVAL Invalid argument
+ * namei:??? [anything namei can return]
+ * vnode_authorize:???? [anything vnode_authorize can return]
+ *
+ * Notes: p at this point is the current process, as this function is
+ * only called by sosend(), sendfile(), and soconnectlock().
+ */
static int
-unp_connect(so, nam, p)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr *nam;
- struct proc *p;
+unp_connect(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, __unused proc_t p)
- register struct sockaddr_un *soun = (struct sockaddr_un *)nam;
- register struct vnode *vp;
- register struct socket *so2, *so3;
- struct unpcb *unp2, *unp3;
+ struct sockaddr_un *soun = (struct sockaddr_un *)nam;
+ struct vnode *vp;
+ struct socket *so2, *so3;
+ struct unpcb *unp, *unp2, *unp3;
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
int error, len;
struct nameidata nd;
+ if (nam->sa_family != 0 && nam->sa_family != AF_UNIX) {
+ return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+ }
+ so2 = so3 = NULL;
len = nam->sa_len - offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
if (len <= 0)
- return EINVAL;
- strncpy(buf, soun->sun_path, len);
- buf[len] = 0;
+ return (EINVAL);
+ strlcpy(buf, soun->sun_path, len+1);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(buf), ctx);
error = namei(&nd);
if (error) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (error);
+ nameidone(&nd);
vp = nd.ni_vp;
if (vp->v_type != VSOCK) {
error = ENOTSOCK;
goto bad;
- error = VOP_ACCESS(vp, VWRITE, p->p_ucred, p);
+ error = vnode_authorize(vp, NULL, KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA, ctx);
if (error)
goto bad;
so2 = vp->v_socket;
- if (so2 == 0) {
+ if (so2 == 0 || so2->so_pcb == NULL) {
goto bad;
+ /* make sure the socket can't go away while we're connecting */
+ so2->so_usecount++;
if (so->so_type != so2->so_type) {
goto bad;
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ /*
+ * Check if socket was connected while we were trying to
+ * acquire the funnel.
+ * XXX - probably shouldn't return an error for SOCK_DGRAM
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) != 0) {
+ error = EISCONN;
+ goto bad;
+ }
if (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) {
if ((so2->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN) == 0 ||
- (so3 = sonewconn(so2, 0)) == 0) {
+ (so3 = sonewconn(so2, 0, nam)) == 0) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
goto bad;
+ unp = sotounpcb(so);
unp2 = sotounpcb(so2);
unp3 = sotounpcb(so3);
if (unp2->unp_addr)
unp3->unp_addr = (struct sockaddr_un *)
- dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)
- unp2->unp_addr, 1);
+ dup_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)unp2->unp_addr, 1);
+ /*
+ * unp_peercred management:
+ *
+ * The connecter's (client's) credentials are copied
+ * from its process structure at the time of connect()
+ * (which is now).
+ */
+ cru2x(vfs_context_ucred(ctx), &unp3->unp_peercred);
+ unp3->unp_flags |= UNP_HAVEPC;
+ /*
+ * The receiver's (server's) credentials are copied
+ * from the unp_peercred member of socket on which the
+ * former called listen(); unp_listen() cached that
+ * process's credentials at that time so we can use
+ * them now.
+ */
+ KASSERT(unp2->unp_flags & UNP_HAVEPCCACHED,
+ ("unp_connect: listener without cached peercred"));
+ memcpy(&unp->unp_peercred, &unp2->unp_peercred,
+ sizeof (unp->unp_peercred));
+ unp->unp_flags |= UNP_HAVEPC;
+ /* XXXMAC: recursive lock: SOCK_LOCK(so); */
+ mac_socketpeer_label_associate_socket(so, so3);
+ mac_socketpeer_label_associate_socket(so3, so);
+ /* XXXMAC: SOCK_UNLOCK(so); */
+#endif /* MAC_SOCKET */
+ so2->so_usecount--; /* drop reference taken on so2 */
so2 = so3;
+ so3->so_usecount++; /* make sure we keep it around */
error = unp_connect2(so, so2);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- vput(vp);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ if (so2 != NULL)
+ so2->so_usecount--; /* release count on socket */
+ vnode_put(vp);
return (error);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EPROTOTYPE Protocol wrong type for socket
+ * EINVAL Invalid argument
+ */
-unp_connect2(so, so2)
- register struct socket *so;
- register struct socket *so2;
+unp_connect2(struct socket *so, struct socket *so2)
- register struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
- register struct unpcb *unp2;
+ struct unpcb *unp = sotounpcb(so);
+ struct unpcb *unp2;
if (so2->so_type != so->so_type)
return (EPROTOTYPE);
unp2 = sotounpcb(so2);
+ /* Verify both sockets are still opened */
+ if (unp == 0 || unp2 == 0)
+ return (EINVAL);
unp->unp_conn = unp2;
switch (so->so_type) {
+ /* This takes care of socketpair */
+ if (!(unp->unp_flags & UNP_HAVEPC) &&
+ !(unp2->unp_flags & UNP_HAVEPC)) {
+ cru2x(kauth_cred_get(), &unp->unp_peercred);
+ unp->unp_flags |= UNP_HAVEPC;
+ cru2x(kauth_cred_get(), &unp2->unp_peercred);
+ unp2->unp_flags |= UNP_HAVEPC;
+ }
unp2->unp_conn = unp;
static void
- struct unpcb *unp;
+unp_disconnect(struct unpcb *unp)
- register struct unpcb *unp2 = unp->unp_conn;
+ struct unpcb *unp2 = unp->unp_conn;
if (unp2 == 0)
- unp->unp_conn = 0;
+ unp->unp_conn = NULL;
switch (unp->unp_socket->so_type) {
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(unp_list_mtx);
LIST_REMOVE(unp, unp_reflink);
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
unp->unp_socket->so_state &= ~SS_ISCONNECTED;
- unp2->unp_conn = 0;
+ unp2->unp_conn = NULL;
#ifdef notdef
- struct unpcb *unp;
+unp_abort(struct unpcb *unp)
static int
+#pragma unused(oidp,arg2)
int error, i, n;
struct unpcb *unp, **unp_list;
unp_gen_t gencnt;
struct xunpgen xug;
struct unp_head *head;
+ lck_rw_lock_shared(unp_list_mtx);
head = ((intptr_t)arg1 == SOCK_DGRAM ? &unp_dhead : &unp_shead);
* The process of preparing the PCB list is too time-consuming and
* resource-intensive to repeat twice on every request.
- if (req->oldptr == 0) {
+ if (req->oldptr == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
n = unp_count;
- req->oldidx = 2 * (sizeof xug)
- + (n + n/8) * sizeof(struct xunpcb);
- return 0;
+ req->oldidx = 2 * sizeof (xug) + (n + n / 8) *
+ sizeof (struct xunpcb);
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (0);
- if (req->newptr != 0)
- return EPERM;
+ if (req->newptr != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (EPERM);
+ }
* OK, now we're committed to doing something.
gencnt = unp_gencnt;
n = unp_count;
- xug.xug_len = sizeof xug;
+ bzero(&xug, sizeof (xug));
+ xug.xug_len = sizeof (xug);
xug.xug_count = n;
xug.xug_gen = gencnt;
xug.xug_sogen = so_gencnt;
- error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xug, sizeof xug);
- if (error)
- return error;
+ error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xug, sizeof (xug));
+ if (error) {
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We are done if there is no pcb
+ */
+ if (n == 0) {
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ MALLOC(unp_list, struct unpcb **, n * sizeof (*unp_list),
+ if (unp_list == 0) {
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
- unp_list = _MALLOC(n * sizeof *unp_list, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
- if (unp_list == 0)
- return ENOMEM;
for (unp = head->lh_first, i = 0; unp && i < n;
- unp = unp->unp_link.le_next) {
+ unp = unp->unp_link.le_next) {
if (unp->unp_gencnt <= gencnt)
unp_list[i++] = unp;
unp = unp_list[i];
if (unp->unp_gencnt <= gencnt) {
struct xunpcb xu;
- xu.xu_len = sizeof xu;
- xu.xu_unpp = unp;
+ bzero(&xu, sizeof (xu));
+ xu.xu_len = sizeof (xu);
+ xu.xu_unpp = (struct unpcb_compat *)unp;
* XXX - need more locking here to protect against
* connect/disconnect races for SMP.
if (unp->unp_addr)
- bcopy(unp->unp_addr, &xu.xu_addr,
- unp->unp_addr->sun_len);
+ bcopy(unp->unp_addr, &xu.xu_addr,
+ unp->unp_addr->sun_len);
if (unp->unp_conn && unp->unp_conn->unp_addr)
- &xu.xu_caddr,
- unp->unp_conn->unp_addr->sun_len);
- bcopy(unp, &xu.xu_unp, sizeof *unp);
+ &xu.xu_caddr,
+ unp->unp_conn->unp_addr->sun_len);
+ bcopy(unp, &xu.xu_unp, sizeof (xu.xu_unp));
sotoxsocket(unp->unp_socket, &xu.xu_socket);
- error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xu, sizeof xu);
+ error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xu, sizeof (xu));
if (!error) {
* while we were processing this request, and it
* might be necessary to retry.
+ bzero(&xug, sizeof (xug));
+ xug.xug_len = sizeof (xug);
xug.xug_gen = unp_gencnt;
xug.xug_sogen = so_gencnt;
xug.xug_count = unp_count;
- error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xug, sizeof xug);
+ error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xug, sizeof (xug));
FREE(unp_list, M_TEMP);
- return error;
+ lck_rw_done(unp_list_mtx);
+ return (error);
-SYSCTL_PROC(_net_local_dgram, OID_AUTO, pcblist, CTLFLAG_RD,
+SYSCTL_PROC(_net_local_dgram, OID_AUTO, pcblist, CTLFLAG_RD,
(caddr_t)(long)SOCK_DGRAM, 0, unp_pcblist, "S,xunpcb",
"List of active local datagram sockets");
-SYSCTL_PROC(_net_local_stream, OID_AUTO, pcblist, CTLFLAG_RD,
+SYSCTL_PROC(_net_local_stream, OID_AUTO, pcblist, CTLFLAG_RD,
(caddr_t)(long)SOCK_STREAM, 0, unp_pcblist, "S,xunpcb",
"List of active local stream sockets");
static void
- struct unpcb *unp;
+unp_shutdown(struct unpcb *unp)
struct socket *so;
static void
-unp_drop(unp, errno)
- struct unpcb *unp;
- int errno;
+unp_drop(struct unpcb *unp, int errno)
struct socket *so = unp->unp_socket;
so->so_error = errno;
- if (so->so_head) {
- LIST_REMOVE(unp, unp_link);
- unp->unp_gencnt = ++unp_gencnt;
- unp_count--;
- so->so_pcb = (caddr_t) 0;
- if (unp->unp_addr)
- FREE(unp->unp_addr, M_SONAME);
- zfree(unp_zone, unp);
- sofree(so);
- }
#ifdef notdef
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EMSGSIZE The new fd's will not fit
+ * ENOBUFS Cannot alloc struct fileproc
+ */
- struct mbuf *rights;
+unp_externalize(struct mbuf *rights)
- struct proc *p = current_proc(); /* XXX */
- register int i;
- register struct cmsghdr *cm = mtod(rights, struct cmsghdr *);
- register struct file **rp = (struct file **)(cm + 1);
- register struct file *fp;
- int newfds = (cm->cmsg_len - sizeof(*cm)) / sizeof (int);
+ proc_t p = current_proc(); /* XXX */
+ int i;
+ struct cmsghdr *cm = mtod(rights, struct cmsghdr *);
+ struct fileglob **rp = (struct fileglob **)(cm + 1);
+ struct fileproc *fp;
+ struct fileglob *fg;
+ int newfds = (cm->cmsg_len - sizeof (*cm)) / sizeof (int);
int f;
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ proc_fdlock(p);
* if the new FD's will not fit, then we free them all
if (!fdavail(p, newfds)) {
for (i = 0; i < newfds; i++) {
- fp = *rp;
- unp_discard(fp);
- *rp++ = 0;
+ fg = *rp;
+ unp_discard_fdlocked(fg, p);
+ *rp++ = NULL;
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (EMSGSIZE);
- * now change each pointer to an fd in the global table to
+ * now change each pointer to an fd in the global table to
* an integer that is the index to the local fd table entry
* that we set up to point to the global one we are transferring.
- * XXX this assumes a pointer and int are the same size...!
+ * XXX (1) this assumes a pointer and int are the same size...!
+ * XXX (2) allocation failures should be non-fatal
for (i = 0; i < newfds; i++) {
+ /*
+ * If receive access is denied, don't pass along
+ * and error message, just discard the descriptor.
+ */
+ if (mac_file_check_receive(kauth_cred_get(), *rp)) {
+ fg = *rp;
+ *rp++ = 0;
+ unp_discard_fdlocked(fg, p);
+ continue;
+ }
if (fdalloc(p, 0, &f))
- panic("unp_externalize");
- fp = *rp;
- p->p_fd->fd_ofiles[f] = fp;
- fp->f_msgcount--;
- unp_rights--;
+ panic("unp_externalize:fdalloc");
+ fg = *rp;
+ MALLOC_ZONE(fp, struct fileproc *, sizeof (struct fileproc),
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ panic("unp_externalize: MALLOC_ZONE");
+ bzero(fp, sizeof (struct fileproc));
+ fp->f_iocount = 0;
+ fp->f_fglob = fg;
+ fg_removeuipc(fg);
+ procfdtbl_releasefd(p, f, fp);
+ (void) OSAddAtomic(-1, (volatile SInt32 *)&unp_rights);
*(int *)rp++ = f;
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (0);
- unp_zone = zinit(sizeof(struct unpcb),
- (nmbclusters * sizeof(struct unpcb)),
- 4096, "unpzone");
+ unp_zone = zinit(sizeof (struct unpcb),
+ (nmbclusters * sizeof (struct unpcb)), 4096, "unpzone");
if (unp_zone == 0)
+ /*
+ * allocate lock group attribute and group for udp pcb mutexes
+ */
+ unp_mtx_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ unp_mtx_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("unp_list", unp_mtx_grp_attr);
+ unp_mtx_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ if ((unp_list_mtx = lck_rw_alloc_init(unp_mtx_grp,
+ unp_mtx_attr)) == NULL)
+ return; /* pretty much dead if this fails... */
#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * fdgetf_noref:EBADF
+ */
static int
-unp_internalize(control, p)
- struct mbuf *control;
- struct proc *p;
+unp_internalize(struct mbuf *control, proc_t p)
- register struct cmsghdr *cm = mtod(control, struct cmsghdr *);
- register struct file **rp;
- struct file *fp;
- register int i, error;
+ struct cmsghdr *cm = mtod(control, struct cmsghdr *);
+ struct fileglob **rp;
+ struct fileproc *fp;
+ int i, error;
int oldfds;
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ /* 64bit: cmsg_len is 'uint32_t', m_len is 'long' */
if (cm->cmsg_type != SCM_RIGHTS || cm->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET ||
- cm->cmsg_len != control->m_len) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- return (EINVAL);
+ (unsigned long)cm->cmsg_len != (unsigned long)control->m_len) {
+ return (EINVAL);
oldfds = (cm->cmsg_len - sizeof (*cm)) / sizeof (int);
- rp = (struct file **)(cm + 1);
- for (i = 0; i < oldfds; i++)
- if (error = fdgetf(p, *(int *)rp++, 0)) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- return (error);
- }
+ proc_fdlock(p);
+ rp = (struct fileglob **)(cm + 1);
- rp = (struct file **)(cm + 1);
for (i = 0; i < oldfds; i++) {
- (void) fdgetf(p, *(int *)rp, &fp);
- *rp++ = fp;
- fref(fp);
- fp->f_msgcount++;
- unp_rights++;
+ if ((error = fdgetf_noref(p, *(int *)rp++, NULL)) != 0) {
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ }
+ rp = (struct fileglob **)(cm + 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < oldfds; i++) {
+ (void) fdgetf_noref(p, *(int *)rp, &fp);
+ fg_insertuipc(fp->f_fglob);
+ *rp++ = fp->f_fglob;
+ (void) OSAddAtomic(1, (volatile SInt32 *)&unp_rights);
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
return (0);
-static int unp_defer, unp_gcing;
+static int unp_defer, unp_gcing, unp_gcwait;
+/* always called under uipc_lock */
+ while (unp_gcing != 0) {
+ unp_gcwait = 1;
+ msleep(&unp_gcing, uipc_lock, 0 , "unp_gc_wait", NULL);
+ }
static void
- register struct file *fp, *nextfp;
- register struct socket *so;
- struct file **extra_ref, **fpp;
+ struct fileglob *fg, *nextfg;
+ struct socket *so;
+ struct fileglob **extra_ref, **fpp;
int nunref, i;
+ int need_gcwakeup = 0;
- if (unp_gcing)
+ lck_mtx_lock(uipc_lock);
+ if (unp_gcing) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(uipc_lock);
+ }
unp_gcing = 1;
unp_defer = 0;
- /*
- * before going through all this, set all FDs to
+ lck_mtx_unlock(uipc_lock);
+ /*
+ * before going through all this, set all FDs to
* be NOT defered and NOT externally accessible
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- for (fp = filehead.lh_first; fp != 0; fp = fp->f_list.le_next)
- fp->f_flag &= ~(FMARK|FDEFER);
+ for (fg = fmsghead.lh_first; fg != 0; fg = fg->f_msglist.le_next) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ fg->fg_flag &= ~(FMARK|FDEFER);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ }
do {
- for (fp = filehead.lh_first; fp != 0; fp = fp->f_list.le_next) {
+ for (fg = fmsghead.lh_first; fg != 0;
+ fg = fg->f_msglist.le_next) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&fg->fg_lock);
* If the file is not open, skip it
- if (fcount(fp) == 0)
+ if (fg->fg_count == 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ }
* If we already marked it as 'defer' in a
* previous pass, then try process it this time
* and un-mark it
- if (fp->f_flag & FDEFER) {
- fp->f_flag &= ~FDEFER;
+ if (fg->fg_flag & FDEFER) {
+ fg->fg_flag &= ~FDEFER;
} else {
* if it's not defered, then check if it's
* already marked.. if so skip it
- if (fp->f_flag & FMARK)
+ if (fg->fg_flag & FMARK) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
- /*
+ }
+ /*
* If all references are from messages
- * in transit, then skip it. it's not
+ * in transit, then skip it. it's not
* externally accessible.
- */
- if (fcount(fp) == fp->f_msgcount)
+ */
+ if (fg->fg_count == fg->fg_msgcount) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
- /*
+ }
+ /*
* If it got this far then it must be
* externally accessible.
- fp->f_flag |= FMARK;
+ fg->fg_flag |= FMARK;
- * either it was defered, or it is externally
+ * either it was defered, or it is externally
* accessible and not already marked so.
* Now check if it is possibly one of OUR sockets.
- */
- if (fp->f_type != DTYPE_SOCKET ||
- (so = (struct socket *)fp->f_data) == 0)
+ */
+ if (fg->fg_type != DTYPE_SOCKET ||
+ (so = (struct socket *)fg->fg_data) == 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ }
if (so->so_proto->pr_domain != &localdomain ||
- (so->so_proto->pr_flags&PR_RIGHTS) == 0)
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags&PR_RIGHTS) == 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ }
#ifdef notdef
- /* if this code is enabled need to run under network funnel */
+ /*
+ * if this code is enabled need to run
+ * under network funnel
+ */
if (so->so_rcv.sb_flags & SB_LOCK) {
* This is problematical; it's not clear
* So, Ok, it's one of our sockets and it IS externally
* accessible (or was defered). Now we look
* to see if we hold any file descriptors in its
- * message buffers. Follow those links and mark them
+ * message buffers. Follow those links and mark them
* as accessible too.
unp_scan(so->so_rcv.sb_mb, unp_mark);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
} while (unp_defer);
* 91/09/19, bsy@cs.cmu.edu
- extra_ref = _MALLOC(nfiles * sizeof(struct file *), M_FILE, M_WAITOK);
- for (nunref = 0, fp = filehead.lh_first, fpp = extra_ref; fp != 0;
- fp = nextfp) {
- nextfp = fp->f_list.le_next;
- /*
+ extra_ref = _MALLOC(nfiles * sizeof (struct fileglob *),
+ for (nunref = 0, fg = fmsghead.lh_first, fpp = extra_ref; fg != 0;
+ fg = nextfg) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ nextfg = fg->f_msglist.le_next;
+ /*
* If it's not open, skip it
- if (fcount(fp) == 0)
+ if (fg->fg_count == 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
- /*
+ }
+ /*
* If all refs are from msgs, and it's not marked accessible
* then it must be referenced from some unreachable cycle
* of (shut-down) FDs, so include it in our
* list of FDs to remove
- if (fcount(fp) == fp->f_msgcount && !(fp->f_flag & FMARK)) {
- *fpp++ = fp;
+ if (fg->fg_count == fg->fg_msgcount && !(fg->fg_flag & FMARK)) {
+ fg->fg_count++;
+ *fpp++ = fg;
- fref(fp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
- /*
+ /*
* for each FD on our hit list, do the following two things
for (i = nunref, fpp = extra_ref; --i >= 0; ++fpp) {
- struct file *tfp = *fpp;
- if (tfp->f_type == DTYPE_SOCKET && tfp->f_data != NULL) {
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- sorflush((struct socket *)(tfp->f_data));
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- }
- }
+ struct fileglob *tfg;
+ tfg = *fpp;
+ if (tfg->fg_type == DTYPE_SOCKET && tfg->fg_data != NULL) {
+ int locked = 0;
+ so = (struct socket *)(tfg->fg_data);
+ /* XXXX */
+ /* Assume local sockets use a global lock */
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_family != PF_LOCAL) {
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ locked = 1;
+ }
+ sorflush(so);
+ if (locked)
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ }
+ }
for (i = nunref, fpp = extra_ref; --i >= 0; ++fpp)
- closef(*fpp, (struct proc *) NULL);
- FREE((caddr_t)extra_ref, M_FILE);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ closef_locked((struct fileproc *)0, *fpp, (proc_t)NULL);
+ lck_mtx_lock(uipc_lock);
unp_gcing = 0;
+ if (unp_gcwait != 0) {
+ unp_gcwait = 0;
+ need_gcwakeup = 1;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(uipc_lock);
+ if (need_gcwakeup != 0)
+ wakeup(&unp_gcing);
+ FREE((caddr_t)extra_ref, M_FILEGLOB);
- struct mbuf *m;
+unp_dispose(struct mbuf *m)
if (m) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
unp_scan(m, unp_discard);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ */
+static int
+unp_listen(struct unpcb *unp, proc_t p)
+ kauth_cred_t safecred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(p);
+ cru2x(safecred, &unp->unp_peercred);
+ kauth_cred_unref(&safecred);
+ unp->unp_flags |= UNP_HAVEPCCACHED;
+ return (0);
/* should run under kernel funnel */
static void
-unp_scan(m0, op)
- register struct mbuf *m0;
- void (*op) __P((struct file *));
+unp_scan(struct mbuf *m0, void (*op)(struct fileglob *))
- register struct mbuf *m;
- register struct file **rp;
- register struct cmsghdr *cm;
- register int i;
+ struct mbuf *m;
+ struct fileglob **rp;
+ struct cmsghdr *cm;
+ int i;
int qfds;
while (m0) {
for (m = m0; m; m = m->m_next)
if (m->m_type == MT_CONTROL &&
- m->m_len >= sizeof(*cm)) {
+ (size_t)m->m_len >= sizeof (*cm)) {
cm = mtod(m, struct cmsghdr *);
if (cm->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET ||
cm->cmsg_type != SCM_RIGHTS)
- qfds = (cm->cmsg_len - sizeof *cm)
- / sizeof (struct file *);
- rp = (struct file **)(cm + 1);
+ qfds = (cm->cmsg_len - sizeof (*cm)) /
+ sizeof (struct fileglob *);
+ rp = (struct fileglob **)(cm + 1);
for (i = 0; i < qfds; i++)
break; /* XXX, but saves time */
/* should run under kernel funnel */
static void
- struct file *fp;
+unp_mark(struct fileglob *fg)
+ lck_mtx_lock(&fg->fg_lock);
- if (fp->f_flag & FMARK)
+ if (fg->fg_flag & FMARK) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
+ }
+ fg->fg_flag |= (FMARK|FDEFER);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&fg->fg_lock);
- fp->f_flag |= (FMARK|FDEFER);
/* should run under kernel funnel */
static void
- struct file *fp;
+unp_discard(struct fileglob *fg)
+ proc_t p = current_proc(); /* XXX */
+ (void) OSAddAtomic(1, (volatile SInt32 *)&unp_disposed);
+ proc_fdlock(p);
+ unp_discard_fdlocked(fg, p);
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
+static void
+unp_discard_fdlocked(struct fileglob *fg, proc_t p)
+ fg_removeuipc(fg);
- fp->f_msgcount--;
- unp_rights--;
- (void) closef(fp, (struct proc *)NULL);
+ (void) OSAddAtomic(-1, (volatile SInt32 *)&unp_rights);
+ (void) closef_locked((struct fileproc *)0, fg, p);