- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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+ *
/* $NetBSD: shm.h,v 1.15 1994/06/29 06:45:17 cgd Exp $ */
#ifndef _SYS_SHM_H_
#define _SYS_SHM_H_
-#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/_types.h>
+ * [XSI] All of the symbols from <sys/ipc.h> SHALL be defined
+ * when this header is included
+ */
#include <sys/ipc.h>
-#define SHM_RDONLY 010000 /* Attach read-only (else read-write) */
-#define SHM_RND 020000 /* Round attach address to SHMLBA */
-#define SHMLBA NBPG /* Segment low boundary address multiple */
+ * [XSI] The pid_t, time_t, key_t, and size_t types shall be defined as
+ * described in <sys/types.h>.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The definition of the key_t type is implicit from the
+ * inclusion of <sys/ipc.h>
+ */
+#include <sys/_types/_pid_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_time_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_size_t.h>
+ * [XSI] The unsigned integer type used for the number of current attaches
+ * that MUST be able to store values at least as large as a type unsigned
+ * short.
+ */
+typedef unsigned short shmatt_t;
+ * Possible flag values which may be OR'ed into the third argument to
+ * shmat()
+ */
+#define SHM_RDONLY 010000 /* [XSI] Attach read-only (else read-write) */
+#define SHM_RND 020000 /* [XSI] Round attach address to SHMLBA */
+ * This value is symbolic, and generally not expected to be sed by user
+ * programs directly, although such ise is permitted by the standard. Its
+ * value in our implementation is equal to the number of bytes per page.
+ *
+ * NOTE: We DO NOT obtain this value from the appropriate system
+ * headers at this time, to avoid the resulting namespace
+ * pollution, which is why we discourages its use.
+ */
+#if __arm64__
+#define SHMLBA (16*1024) /* [XSI] Segment low boundary address multiple*/
+#else /* __arm64__ */
+#define SHMLBA 4096 /* [XSI] Segment low boundary address multiple*/
+#endif /* __arm64__ */
/* "official" access mode definitions; somewhat braindead since you have
- to specify (SHM_* >> 3) for group and (SHM_* >> 6) for world permissions */
+ * to specify (SHM_* >> 3) for group and (SHM_* >> 6) for world permissions */
#define SHM_R (IPC_R)
#define SHM_W (IPC_W)
+#pragma pack(4)
-struct shmid_ds {
- struct ipc_perm shm_perm; /* operation permission structure */
- int shm_segsz; /* size of segment in bytes */
- pid_t shm_lpid; /* process ID of last shared memory op */
- pid_t shm_cpid; /* process ID of creator */
- short shm_nattch; /* number of current attaches */
- time_t shm_atime; /* time of last shmat() */
- time_t shm_dtime; /* time of last shmdt() */
- time_t shm_ctime; /* time of last change by shmctl() */
- void *shm_internal; /* sysv stupidity */
-#ifdef KERNEL
- * System 5 style catch-all structure for shared memory constants that
- * might be of interest to user programs. Do we really want/need this?
+ * Technically, we should force all code references to the new structure
+ * definition, not in just the standards conformance case, and leave the
+ * legacy interface there for binary compatibility only. Currently, we
+ * are only forcing this for programs requesting standards conformance.
+ */
+#if __DARWIN_UNIX03 || defined(KERNEL)
+ * Structure used internally.
+ *
+ * This structure is exposed because standards dictate that it is used as
+ * the third argment to shmctl().
+ *
+ * NOTE: The field shm_internal is not meaningful in user space,
+ * and must not be used there.
-struct shminfo {
- int shmmax, /* max shared memory segment size (bytes) */
- shmmin, /* min shared memory segment size (bytes) */
- shmmni, /* max number of shared memory identifiers */
- shmseg, /* max shared memory segments per process */
- shmall; /* max amount of shared memory (pages) */
+#if (defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) && !defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE))
+struct shmid_ds
+#define shmid_ds __shmid_ds_new
+struct __shmid_ds_new
+ struct __ipc_perm_new shm_perm; /* [XSI] Operation permission value */
+ size_t shm_segsz; /* [XSI] Size of segment in bytes */
+ pid_t shm_lpid; /* [XSI] PID of last shared memory op */
+ pid_t shm_cpid; /* [XSI] PID of creator */
+ shmatt_t shm_nattch; /* [XSI] Number of current attaches */
+ time_t shm_atime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmat() */
+ time_t shm_dtime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmdt() */
+ time_t shm_ctime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmctl() change */
+ void *shm_internal; /* reserved for kernel use */
-extern struct shminfo shminfo;
-extern struct shmid_ds *shmsegs;
-struct proc;
+#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
+#define shmid_ds __shmid_ds_old
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
+#if !__DARWIN_UNIX03
+struct __shmid_ds_old {
+ struct __ipc_perm_old shm_perm; /* [XSI] Operation permission value */
+ size_t shm_segsz; /* [XSI] Size of segment in bytes */
+ pid_t shm_lpid; /* [XSI] PID of last shared memory op */
+ pid_t shm_cpid; /* [XSI] PID of creator */
+ shmatt_t shm_nattch; /* [XSI] Number of current attaches */
+ time_t shm_atime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmat() */
+ time_t shm_dtime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmdt() */
+ time_t shm_ctime; /* [XSI] Time of last shmctl() change */
+ void *shm_internal; /* reserved for kernel use */
+#endif /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
-void shmexit __P((struct proc *));
-void shmfork __P((struct proc *, struct proc *));
-#else /* !KERNEL */
+#pragma pack()
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#ifndef KERNEL
-int shmsys __P((int, ...));
-void *shmat __P((int, void *, int));
-int shmget __P((key_t, int, int));
-int shmctl __P((int, int, struct shmid_ds *));
-int shmdt __P((void *));
+#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
+int shmsys(int, ...);
+#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
+void *shmat(int, const void *, int);
+int shmctl(int, int, struct shmid_ds *) __DARWIN_ALIAS(shmctl);
+int shmdt(const void *);
+int shmget(key_t, size_t, int);
#endif /* !KERNEL */