- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
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- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
- *
+ *
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- *
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- *
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* Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
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+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce
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+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
* Functions to manipulate IPC ports.
-#include <norma_vm.h>
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <zone_debug.h>
#include <mach_assert.h>
#include <mach/port.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
-#include <kern/lock.h>
#include <kern/ipc_kobject.h>
-#include <kern/ipc_subsystem.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
-#include <kern/thread_pool.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
-#include <kern/wait_queue.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
+#include <kern/policy_internal.h>
+#include <kern/debug.h>
+#include <kern/kcdata.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_entry.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_space.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_object.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_kmsg.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_mqueue.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_notify.h>
-#include <ipc/ipc_print.h>
#include <ipc/ipc_table.h>
+#include <ipc/ipc_importance.h>
+#include <machine/limits.h>
+#include <kern/turnstile.h>
-#include <machine/db_machdep.h>
-#include <ddb/db_command.h>
-#include <ddb/db_expr.h>
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+#include <security/mac_mach_internal.h>
#include <string.h>
-decl_mutex_data(, ipc_port_multiple_lock_data)
-decl_mutex_data(, ipc_port_timestamp_lock_data)
-ipc_port_timestamp_t ipc_port_timestamp_data;
+decl_lck_spin_data(, ipc_port_multiple_lock_data);
+ipc_port_timestamp_t ipc_port_timestamp_data;
+int ipc_portbt;
+extern int prioritize_launch;
+void ipc_port_init_debug(
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ uintptr_t *callstack,
+ unsigned int callstack_max);
+void ipc_port_callstack_init_debug(
+ uintptr_t *callstack,
+ unsigned int callstack_max);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+static void
+ ipc_port_t port);
-void ipc_port_init_debug(
- ipc_port_t port);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+static thread_t
+ ipc_port_t port);
-/* Forwards */
-void print_type_ports(unsigned, unsigned);
-void print_ports(void);
-#endif /* MACH_KDB && ZONE_DEBUG */
+ipc_port_release(ipc_port_t port)
+ ip_release(port);
+ipc_port_reference(ipc_port_t port)
+ ip_reference(port);
* Routine: ipc_port_timestamp
- ipc_port_timestamp_t timestamp;
- ipc_port_timestamp_lock();
- timestamp = ipc_port_timestamp_data++;
- ipc_port_timestamp_unlock();
- return timestamp;
+ return OSIncrementAtomic(&ipc_port_timestamp_data);
- * Routine: ipc_port_dnrequest
+ * Routine: ipc_port_request_alloc
* Purpose:
- * Try to allocate a dead-name request slot.
+ * Try to allocate a request slot.
* If successful, returns the request index.
* Otherwise returns zero.
* Conditions:
* KERN_NO_SPACE No index allocated.
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_t soright,
+ boolean_t send_possible,
+ boolean_t immediate,
+ ipc_port_request_index_t *indexp,
+ boolean_t *importantp)
- ipc_port_t port,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- ipc_port_t soright,
- ipc_port_request_index_t *indexp)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_t soright,
+ boolean_t send_possible,
+ boolean_t immediate,
+ ipc_port_request_index_t *indexp)
ipc_port_request_t ipr, table;
ipc_port_request_index_t index;
+ uintptr_t mask = 0;
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ *importantp = FALSE;
+ require_ip_active(port);
assert(name != MACH_PORT_NULL);
assert(soright != IP_NULL);
- table = port->ip_dnrequests;
- if (table == IPR_NULL)
+ table = port->ip_requests;
+ if (table == IPR_NULL) {
+ }
index = table->ipr_next;
- if (index == 0)
+ if (index == 0) {
+ }
ipr = &table[index];
assert(ipr->ipr_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
table->ipr_next = ipr->ipr_next;
ipr->ipr_name = name;
- ipr->ipr_soright = soright;
+ if (send_possible) {
+ if (immediate) {
+ if (port->ip_sprequests == 0) {
+ port->ip_sprequests = 1;
+ /* TODO: Live importance support in send-possible */
+ if (port->ip_impdonation != 0 &&
+ port->ip_spimportant == 0 &&
+ (task_is_importance_donor(current_task()))) {
+ *importantp = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ipr->ipr_soright = IPR_SOR_MAKE(soright, mask);
*indexp = index;
- * Routine: ipc_port_dngrow
+ * Routine: ipc_port_request_grow
* Purpose:
- * Grow a port's table of dead-name requests.
+ * Grow a port's table of requests.
* Conditions:
* The port must be locked and active.
* Nothing else locked; will allocate memory.
- ipc_port_t port,
- int target_size)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ ipc_table_elems_t target_size)
ipc_table_size_t its;
ipc_port_request_t otable, ntable;
+ require_ip_active(port);
- assert(ip_active(port));
- otable = port->ip_dnrequests;
- if (otable == IPR_NULL)
- its = &ipc_table_dnrequests[0];
- else
+ otable = port->ip_requests;
+ if (otable == IPR_NULL) {
+ its = &ipc_table_requests[0];
+ } else {
its = otable->ipr_size + 1;
+ }
if (target_size != ITS_SIZE_NONE) {
if ((otable != IPR_NULL) &&
(target_size <= otable->ipr_size->its_size)) {
- }
+ }
while ((its->its_size) && (its->its_size < target_size)) {
if ((its->its_size == 0) ||
- ((ntable = it_dnrequests_alloc(its)) == IPR_NULL)) {
- ipc_port_release(port);
+ ((ntable = it_requests_alloc(its)) == IPR_NULL)) {
+ ip_release(port);
- ip_release(port);
* Check that port is still active and that nobody else
* has slipped in and grown the table on us. Note that
- * just checking port->ip_dnrequests == otable isn't
- * sufficient; must check ipr_size.
+ * just checking if the current table pointer == otable
+ * isn't sufficient; must check ipr_size.
- if (ip_active(port) &&
- (port->ip_dnrequests == otable) &&
- ((otable == IPR_NULL) || (otable->ipr_size+1 == its))) {
+ if (ip_active(port) && (port->ip_requests == otable) &&
+ ((otable == IPR_NULL) || (otable->ipr_size + 1 == its))) {
ipc_table_size_t oits;
ipc_table_elems_t osize, nsize;
ipc_port_request_index_t free, i;
free = otable->ipr_next;
(void) memcpy((void *)(ntable + 1),
- (const void *)(otable + 1),
- (osize - 1) * sizeof(struct ipc_port_request));
+ (const void *)(otable + 1),
+ (osize - 1) * sizeof(struct ipc_port_request));
} else {
osize = 1;
+ oits = 0;
free = 0;
ntable->ipr_next = free;
ntable->ipr_size = its;
- port->ip_dnrequests = ntable;
+ port->ip_requests = ntable;
+ ip_release(port);
if (otable != IPR_NULL) {
- it_dnrequests_free(oits, otable);
- }
+ it_requests_free(oits, otable);
+ }
} else {
- ip_check_unlock(port);
- it_dnrequests_free(its, ntable);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ ip_release(port);
+ it_requests_free(its, ntable);
- * Routine: ipc_port_dncancel
+ * Routine: ipc_port_request_sparm
* Purpose:
- * Cancel a dead-name request and return the send-once right.
+ * Arm delayed send-possible request.
* Conditions:
- * The port must locked and active.
+ * The port must be locked and active.
+ *
+ * Returns TRUE if the request was armed
+ * (or armed with importance in that version).
- ipc_port_t port,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- ipc_port_request_index_t index)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ __assert_only mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_request_index_t index,
+ mach_msg_option_t option,
+ mach_msg_priority_t override)
+ if (index != IE_REQ_NONE) {
+ ipc_port_request_t ipr, table;
+ require_ip_active(port);
+ table = port->ip_requests;
+ assert(table != IPR_NULL);
+ ipr = &table[index];
+ assert(ipr->ipr_name == name);
+ /* Is there a valid destination? */
+ if (IPR_SOR_SPREQ(ipr->ipr_soright)) {
+ ipr->ipr_soright = IPR_SOR_MAKE(ipr->ipr_soright, IPR_SOR_SPARM_MASK);
+ port->ip_sprequests = 1;
+ if (option & MACH_SEND_OVERRIDE) {
+ /* apply override to message queue */
+ ipc_mqueue_override_send(&port->ip_messages, override);
+ }
+ if (((option & MACH_SEND_NOIMPORTANCE) == 0) &&
+ (port->ip_impdonation != 0) &&
+ (port->ip_spimportant == 0) &&
+ (((option & MACH_SEND_IMPORTANCE) != 0) ||
+ (task_is_importance_donor(current_task())))) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_request_type
+ * Purpose:
+ * Determine the type(s) of port requests enabled for a name.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port must be locked or inactive (to avoid table growth).
+ * The index must not be IE_REQ_NONE and for the name in question.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ __assert_only mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_request_index_t index)
ipc_port_request_t ipr, table;
- ipc_port_t dnrequest;
+ mach_port_type_t type = 0;
- assert(ip_active(port));
- assert(name != MACH_PORT_NULL);
- assert(index != 0);
+ table = port->ip_requests;
+ assert(table != IPR_NULL);
+ assert(index != IE_REQ_NONE);
+ ipr = &table[index];
+ assert(ipr->ipr_name == name);
+ if (IP_VALID(IPR_SOR_PORT(ipr->ipr_soright))) {
+ if (IPR_SOR_SPREQ(ipr->ipr_soright)) {
+ if (!IPR_SOR_SPARMED(ipr->ipr_soright)) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
- table = port->ip_dnrequests;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_request_cancel
+ * Purpose:
+ * Cancel a dead-name/send-possible request and return the send-once right.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port must be locked and active.
+ * The index must not be IPR_REQ_NONE and must correspond with name.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ __assert_only mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_request_index_t index)
+ ipc_port_request_t ipr, table;
+ ipc_port_t request = IP_NULL;
+ require_ip_active(port);
+ table = port->ip_requests;
assert(table != IPR_NULL);
+ assert(index != IE_REQ_NONE);
ipr = &table[index];
- dnrequest = ipr->ipr_soright;
assert(ipr->ipr_name == name);
+ request = IPR_SOR_PORT(ipr->ipr_soright);
/* return ipr to the free list inside the table */
ipr->ipr_name = MACH_PORT_NULL;
ipr->ipr_next = table->ipr_next;
table->ipr_next = index;
- return dnrequest;
+ return request;
- ipc_port_t port,
- ipc_port_t notify,
- ipc_port_t *previousp)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ ipc_port_t notify,
+ ipc_port_t *previousp)
ipc_port_t previous;
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
previous = port->ip_pdrequest;
port->ip_pdrequest = notify;
- ipc_port_t port,
- mach_port_mscount_t sync,
- ipc_port_t notify,
- ipc_port_t *previousp)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ mach_port_mscount_t sync,
+ ipc_port_t notify,
+ ipc_port_t *previousp)
ipc_port_t previous;
mach_port_mscount_t mscount;
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
previous = port->ip_nsrequest;
mscount = port->ip_mscount;
* Routine: ipc_port_clear_receiver
* Purpose:
- * Prepares a receive right for transmission/destruction.
+ * Prepares a receive right for transmission/destruction,
+ * optionally performs mqueue destruction (with port lock held)
+ *
* Conditions:
* The port is locked and active.
+ * Returns:
+ * If should_destroy is TRUE, then the return value indicates
+ * whether the caller needs to reap kmsg structures that should
+ * be destroyed (by calling ipc_kmsg_reap_delayed)
+ *
+ * If should_destroy is FALSE, this always returns FALSE
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ boolean_t should_destroy)
- spl_t s;
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = &port->ip_messages;
+ boolean_t reap_messages = FALSE;
- * pull ourselves from any sets.
+ * Pull ourselves out of any sets to which we belong.
+ * We hold the port locked, so even though this acquires and releases
+ * the mqueue lock, we know we won't be added to any other sets.
- if (port->ip_pset_count != 0) {
- ipc_pset_remove_all(port);
- port->ip_pset_count = 0;
+ if (port->ip_in_pset != 0) {
+ ipc_pset_remove_from_all(port);
+ assert(port->ip_in_pset == 0);
* Send anyone waiting on the port's queue directly away.
- * Also clear the mscount and seqno.
+ * Also clear the mscount, seqno, guard bits
- s = splsched();
- imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
- ipc_mqueue_changed(&port->ip_messages);
- ipc_port_set_mscount(port, 0);
- port->ip_messages.imq_seqno = 0;
+ imq_lock(mqueue);
+ if (port->ip_receiver_name) {
+ ipc_mqueue_changed(port->ip_receiver, mqueue);
+ } else {
+ ipc_mqueue_changed(NULL, mqueue);
+ }
+ port->ip_mscount = 0;
+ mqueue->imq_seqno = 0;
+ port->ip_context = port->ip_guarded = port->ip_strict_guard = 0;
+ /*
+ * clear the immovable bit so the port can move back to anyone listening
+ * for the port destroy notification
+ */
+ port->ip_immovable_receive = 0;
+ if (should_destroy) {
+ /*
+ * Mark the port and mqueue invalid, preventing further send/receive
+ * operations from succeeding. It's important for this to be
+ * done under the same lock hold as the ipc_mqueue_changed
+ * call to avoid additional threads blocking on an mqueue
+ * that's being destroyed.
+ *
+ * The port active bit needs to be guarded under mqueue lock for
+ * turnstiles
+ */
+ port->ip_object.io_bits &= ~IO_BITS_ACTIVE;
+ port->ip_timestamp = ipc_port_timestamp();
+ reap_messages = ipc_mqueue_destroy_locked(mqueue);
+ } else {
+ /* make port be in limbo */
+ port->ip_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL;
+ port->ip_destination = IP_NULL;
+ }
- splx(s);
+ return reap_messages;
- ipc_port_t port,
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_port_init_flags_t flags,
+ mach_port_name_t name)
/* port->ip_kobject doesn't have to be initialized */
port->ip_mscount = 0;
port->ip_srights = 0;
port->ip_sorights = 0;
+ port->ip_srights = 1;
+ port->ip_mscount = 1;
+ }
port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL;
port->ip_pdrequest = IP_NULL;
- port->ip_dnrequests = IPR_NULL;
+ port->ip_requests = IPR_NULL;
- port->ip_pset_count = 0;
port->ip_premsg = IKM_NULL;
+ port->ip_context = 0;
+ port->ip_reply_context = 0;
+ port->ip_sprequests = 0;
+ port->ip_spimportant = 0;
+ port->ip_impdonation = 0;
+ port->ip_tempowner = 0;
+ port->ip_guarded = 0;
+ port->ip_strict_guard = 0;
+ port->ip_immovable_receive = 0;
+ port->ip_no_grant = 0;
+ port->ip_immovable_send = 0;
+ port->ip_impcount = 0;
+ port->ip_specialreply = (flags & IPC_PORT_INIT_SPECIAL_REPLY) != 0;
+ port->ip_sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY;
+ port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin = 0;
- thread_pool_init(&port->ip_thread_pool);
+ ipc_special_reply_port_bits_reset(port);
- port->ip_subsystem = RPC_SUBSYSTEM_NULL;
- ipc_port_init_debug(port);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ port->ip_send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
- ipc_mqueue_init(&port->ip_messages, FALSE /* set */);
+ ipc_mqueue_kind_t kind = IPC_MQUEUE_KIND_NONE;
+ }
+ ipc_mqueue_init(&port->ip_messages, kind);
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t *namep,
- ipc_port_t *portp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_port_init_flags_t flags,
+ mach_port_name_t *namep,
+ ipc_port_t *portp)
ipc_port_t port;
mach_port_name_t name;
kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_port_type_t type = MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE;
+ mach_port_urefs_t urefs = 0;
+ uintptr_t buf[IP_CALLSTACK_MAX];
+ ipc_port_callstack_init_debug(&buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- kr = ipc_object_alloc(space, IOT_PORT,
- &name, (ipc_object_t *) &port);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ urefs = 1;
+ }
+ kr = ipc_object_alloc(space, IOT_PORT, type, urefs,
+ &name, (ipc_object_t *) &port);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
return kr;
+ }
- /* port is locked */
+ /* port and space are locked */
+ ipc_port_init(port, space, flags, name);
+ ipc_port_init_debug(port, &buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- ipc_port_init(port, space, name);
+ /* unlock space after init */
+ is_write_unlock(space);
*namep = name;
*portp = port;
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name,
- ipc_port_t *portp)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_port_init_flags_t flags,
+ mach_port_name_t name,
+ ipc_port_t *portp)
ipc_port_t port;
kern_return_t kr;
+ mach_port_type_t type = MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE;
+ mach_port_urefs_t urefs = 0;
- kr = ipc_object_alloc_name(space, IOT_PORT,
- name, (ipc_object_t *) &port);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ uintptr_t buf[IP_CALLSTACK_MAX];
+ ipc_port_callstack_init_debug(&buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
+ urefs = 1;
+ }
+ kr = ipc_object_alloc_name(space, IOT_PORT, type, urefs,
+ name, (ipc_object_t *) &port);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
return kr;
+ }
/* port is locked */
- ipc_port_init(port, space, name);
+ ipc_port_init(port, space, flags, name);
+ ipc_port_init_debug(port, &buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
*portp = port;
- * Generate dead name notifications. Called from ipc_port_destroy.
- * Port is unlocked but still has reference(s);
- * dnrequests was taken from port while the port
- * was locked but the port now has port->ip_dnrequests set to IPR_NULL.
+ * Routine: ipc_port_spnotify
+ * Purpose:
+ * Generate send-possible port notifications.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked, reference held on port.
- ipc_port_t port,
- ipc_port_request_t dnrequests)
+ ipc_port_t port)
- ipc_table_size_t its = dnrequests->ipr_size;
- ipc_table_elems_t size = its->its_size;
- ipc_port_request_index_t index;
+ ipc_port_request_index_t index = 0;
+ ipc_table_elems_t size = 0;
+ /*
+ * If the port has no send-possible request
+ * armed, don't bother to lock the port.
+ */
+ if (port->ip_sprequests == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ip_lock(port);
+ if (port->ip_spimportant != 0) {
+ port->ip_spimportant = 0;
+ if (ipc_port_importance_delta(port, IPID_OPTION_NORMAL, -1) == TRUE) {
+ ip_lock(port);
+ }
+ }
- for (index = 1; index < size; index++) {
- ipc_port_request_t ipr = &dnrequests[index];
- mach_port_name_t name = ipr->ipr_name;
- ipc_port_t soright;
+ if (port->ip_sprequests == 0) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return;
+ }
+ port->ip_sprequests = 0;
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ ipc_port_request_t requests;
+ /* table may change each time port unlocked (reload) */
+ requests = port->ip_requests;
+ assert(requests != IPR_NULL);
+ /*
+ * no need to go beyond table size when first
+ * we entered - those are future notifications.
+ */
+ if (size == 0) {
+ size = requests->ipr_size->its_size;
+ }
- if (name == MACH_PORT_NULL)
- continue;
+ /* no need to backtrack either */
+ while (++index < size) {
+ ipc_port_request_t ipr = &requests[index];
+ mach_port_name_t name = ipr->ipr_name;
+ ipc_port_t soright = IPR_SOR_PORT(ipr->ipr_soright);
+ boolean_t armed = IPR_SOR_SPARMED(ipr->ipr_soright);
- soright = ipr->ipr_soright;
- assert(soright != IP_NULL);
+ if (MACH_PORT_VALID(name) && armed && IP_VALID(soright)) {
+ /* claim send-once right - slot still inuse */
+ ipr->ipr_soright = IP_NULL;
+ ip_unlock(port);
- ipc_notify_dead_name(soright, name);
+ ipc_notify_send_possible(soright, name);
+ ip_lock(port);
+ goto revalidate;
+ }
+ }
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return;
- it_dnrequests_free(its, dnrequests);
+ * Routine: ipc_port_dnnotify
+ * Purpose:
+ * Generate dead name notifications for
+ * all outstanding dead-name and send-
+ * possible requests.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ * Port must be inactive.
+ * Reference held on port.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_request_t requests = port->ip_requests;
+ assert(!ip_active(port));
+ if (requests != IPR_NULL) {
+ ipc_table_size_t its = requests->ipr_size;
+ ipc_table_elems_t size = its->its_size;
+ ipc_port_request_index_t index;
+ for (index = 1; index < size; index++) {
+ ipc_port_request_t ipr = &requests[index];
+ mach_port_name_t name = ipr->ipr_name;
+ ipc_port_t soright = IPR_SOR_PORT(ipr->ipr_soright);
+ if (MACH_PORT_VALID(name) && IP_VALID(soright)) {
+ ipc_notify_dead_name(soright, name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Routine: ipc_port_destroy
* Purpose:
- ipc_port_t port)
+ipc_port_destroy(ipc_port_t port)
ipc_port_t pdrequest, nsrequest;
ipc_mqueue_t mqueue;
- ipc_kmsg_queue_t kmqueue;
ipc_kmsg_t kmsg;
- ipc_port_request_t dnrequests;
- thread_pool_t thread_pool;
+ boolean_t special_reply = port->ip_specialreply;
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem = NULL;
+ ipc_importance_task_t release_imp_task = IIT_NULL;
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ boolean_t top = (self->ith_assertions == 0);
+ natural_t assertcnt = 0;
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
/* port->ip_receiver_name is garbage */
/* port->ip_receiver/port->ip_destination is garbage */
- assert(port->ip_pset_count == 0);
- assert(port->ip_mscount == 0);
- /* first check for a backup port */
+ /* clear any reply-port context */
+ port->ip_reply_context = 0;
+ /* check for a backup port */
pdrequest = port->ip_pdrequest;
+ /* determine how many assertions to drop and from whom */
+ if (port->ip_tempowner != 0) {
+ assert(top);
+ release_imp_task = port->ip_imp_task;
+ if (IIT_NULL != release_imp_task) {
+ port->ip_imp_task = IIT_NULL;
+ assertcnt = port->ip_impcount;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, nothing to drop */
+ } else {
+ assertcnt = port->ip_impcount;
+ if (pdrequest != IP_NULL) {
+ /* mark in limbo for the journey */
+ port->ip_tempowner = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (top) {
+ self->ith_assertions = assertcnt;
+ }
if (pdrequest != IP_NULL) {
+ /* clear receiver, don't destroy the port */
+ (void)ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, FALSE);
+ assert(port->ip_in_pset == 0);
+ assert(port->ip_mscount == 0);
/* we assume the ref for pdrequest */
port->ip_pdrequest = IP_NULL;
- /* make port be in limbo */
- port->ip_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- port->ip_destination = IP_NULL;
- ip_unlock(port);
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ watchport_elem = ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal(port);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* mqueue and port unlocked */
- if (!ipc_port_check_circularity(port, pdrequest)) {
- /* consumes our refs for port and pdrequest */
- ipc_notify_port_destroyed(pdrequest, port);
- return;
- } else {
- /* consume pdrequest and destroy port */
- ipc_port_release_sonce(pdrequest);
+ if (special_reply) {
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port(port,
- ip_lock(port);
- assert(ip_active(port));
- assert(port->ip_pset_count == 0);
- assert(port->ip_mscount == 0);
- assert(port->ip_pdrequest == IP_NULL);
- assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- assert(port->ip_destination == IP_NULL);
+ if (watchport_elem) {
+ task_watchport_elem_deallocate(watchport_elem);
+ watchport_elem = NULL;
+ }
+ /* consumes our refs for port and pdrequest */
+ ipc_notify_port_destroyed(pdrequest, port);
- /* fall through and destroy the port */
+ goto drop_assertions;
- /* once port is dead, we don't need to keep it locked */
- port->ip_object.io_bits &= ~IO_BITS_ACTIVE;
- port->ip_timestamp = ipc_port_timestamp();
+ /*
+ * The mach_msg_* paths don't hold a port lock, they only hold a
+ * reference to the port object. If a thread raced us and is now
+ * blocked waiting for message reception on this mqueue (or waiting
+ * for ipc_mqueue_full), it will never be woken up. We call
+ * ipc_port_clear_receiver() here, _after_ the port has been marked
+ * inactive, to wakeup any threads which may be blocked and ensure
+ * that no other thread can get lost waiting for a wake up on a
+ * port/mqueue that's been destroyed.
+ */
+ boolean_t reap_msgs = FALSE;
+ reap_msgs = ipc_port_clear_receiver(port, TRUE); /* marks port and mqueue inactive */
+ assert(port->ip_in_pset == 0);
+ assert(port->ip_mscount == 0);
- /* save for later */
- dnrequests = port->ip_dnrequests;
- port->ip_dnrequests = IPR_NULL;
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ watchport_elem = ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal(port);
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest;
* If the port has a preallocated message buffer and that buffer
- * is not inuse, free it. If it has and inuse one, then the kmsg
+ * is not inuse, free it. If it has an inuse one, then the kmsg
* free will detect that we freed the association and it can free it
* like a normal buffer.
+ *
+ * Once the port is marked inactive we don't need to keep it locked.
if (IP_PREALLOC(port)) {
+ ipc_port_t inuse_port;
kmsg = port->ip_premsg;
assert(kmsg != IKM_NULL);
- if (!ikm_prealloc_inuse(kmsg)) {
- ikm_prealloc_clear_inuse(kmsg, port);
- IP_CLEAR_PREALLOC(port, kmsg);
- ipc_kmsg_free(kmsg);
+ inuse_port = ikm_prealloc_inuse_port(kmsg);
+ ipc_kmsg_clear_prealloc(kmsg, port);
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* mqueue and port unlocked */
+ if (inuse_port != IP_NULL) {
+ assert(inuse_port == port);
} else {
- assert(ikm_prealloc_inuse_port(kmsg) == port);
- ikm_prealloc_clear_inuse(kmsg, port);
- IP_CLEAR_PREALLOC(port, kmsg);
+ ipc_kmsg_free(kmsg);
+ } else {
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* mqueue and port unlocked */
- ip_unlock(port);
+ /* Deallocate the watchport element */
+ if (watchport_elem) {
+ task_watchport_elem_deallocate(watchport_elem);
+ watchport_elem = NULL;
+ }
- /* wakeup any threads waiting on this pool port for an activation */
- if ((thread_pool = &port->ip_thread_pool) != THREAD_POOL_NULL)
- thread_pool_wakeup(thread_pool);
+ /* unlink the kmsg from special reply port */
+ if (special_reply) {
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port(port,
+ }
/* throw away no-senders request */
- nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest;
- if (nsrequest != IP_NULL)
+ if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) {
ipc_notify_send_once(nsrequest); /* consumes ref */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Reap any kmsg objects waiting to be destroyed.
+ * This must be done after we've released the port lock.
+ */
+ if (reap_msgs) {
+ ipc_kmsg_reap_delayed();
+ }
- /* destroy any queued messages */
mqueue = &port->ip_messages;
- ipc_mqueue_destroy(mqueue);
+ /* cleanup waitq related resources */
+ ipc_mqueue_deinit(mqueue);
/* generate dead-name notifications */
- if (dnrequests != IPR_NULL) {
- ipc_port_dnnotify(port, dnrequests);
- }
+ ipc_port_dnnotify(port);
- if (port->ip_subsystem != RPC_SUBSYSTEM_NULL) {
- subsystem_deallocate((subsystem_t) port->ip_kobject);
- }
- /* XXXX Perhaps should verify that ip_thread_pool is empty! */
+ ip_release(port); /* consume caller's ref */
- ipc_port_release(port); /* consume caller's ref */
+ if (release_imp_task != IIT_NULL) {
+ if (assertcnt > 0) {
+ assert(top);
+ self->ith_assertions = 0;
+ assert(ipc_importance_task_is_any_receiver_type(release_imp_task));
+ ipc_importance_task_drop_internal_assertion(release_imp_task, assertcnt);
+ }
+ ipc_importance_task_release(release_imp_task);
+ } else if (assertcnt > 0) {
+ if (top) {
+ self->ith_assertions = 0;
+ release_imp_task = current_task()->task_imp_base;
+ if (ipc_importance_task_is_any_receiver_type(release_imp_task)) {
+ ipc_importance_task_drop_internal_assertion(release_imp_task, assertcnt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
* That is, we want to set port->ip_destination == dest,
* but guaranteeing that this doesn't create a circle
* port->ip_destination->ip_destination->... == port
+ *
* Conditions:
* No ports locked. References held for "port" and "dest".
- ipc_port_t port,
- ipc_port_t dest)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ ipc_port_t dest)
+ /* adjust importance counts at the same time */
+ return ipc_importance_check_circularity(port, dest);
ipc_port_t base;
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem = NULL;
assert(port != IP_NULL);
assert(dest != IP_NULL);
- if (port == dest)
+ if (port == dest) {
return TRUE;
+ }
base = dest;
+ /* Check if destination needs a turnstile */
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_prepare(dest);
* First try a quick check that can run in parallel.
* No circularity if dest is not in transit.
if (ip_lock_try(dest)) {
if (!ip_active(dest) ||
(dest->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) ||
- (dest->ip_destination == IP_NULL))
+ (dest->ip_destination == IP_NULL)) {
goto not_circular;
+ }
/* dest is in transit; further checking necessary */
if (!ip_active(base) ||
(base->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) ||
- (base->ip_destination == IP_NULL))
+ (base->ip_destination == IP_NULL)) {
+ }
base = base->ip_destination;
/* port (== base) is in limbo */
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
assert(port->ip_destination == IP_NULL);
- while (dest != IP_NULL) {
+ base = dest;
+ while (base != IP_NULL) {
ipc_port_t next;
/* dest is in transit or in limbo */
+ require_ip_active(base);
+ assert(base->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- assert(ip_active(dest));
- assert(dest->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- next = dest->ip_destination;
- ip_unlock(dest);
- dest = next;
+ next = base->ip_destination;
+ ip_unlock(base);
+ base = next;
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete(dest);
return TRUE;
- not_circular:
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
/* port is in limbo */
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
assert(port->ip_destination == IP_NULL);
+ /* Clear the watchport boost */
+ watchport_elem = ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal(port);
+ /* Check if the port is being enqueued as a part of sync bootstrap checkin */
+ if (dest->ip_specialreply && dest->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin) {
+ port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin = 1;
+ }
port->ip_destination = dest;
- /* now unlock chain */
- while (port != base) {
- ipc_port_t next;
+ /* Setup linkage for source port if it has sync ipc push */
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ if (port_send_turnstile(port)) {
+ send_turnstile = turnstile_prepare((uintptr_t)port,
+ port_send_turnstile_address(port),
- /* port is in transit */
+ /*
+ * What ipc_port_adjust_port_locked would do,
+ * but we need to also drop even more locks before
+ * calling turnstile_update_inheritor_complete().
+ */
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY, NULL);
- assert(ip_active(port));
- assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- assert(port->ip_destination != IP_NULL);
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(send_turnstile, port_send_turnstile(dest),
- next = port->ip_destination;
- ip_unlock(port);
- port = next;
+ /* update complete and turnstile complete called after dropping all locks */
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
- /* base is not in transit */
- assert(!ip_active(base) ||
- (base->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) ||
- (base->ip_destination == IP_NULL));
- ip_unlock(base);
+ /* now unlock chain */
- return FALSE;
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ for (;;) {
+ ipc_port_t next;
+ if (dest == base) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* port is in transit */
+ require_ip_active(dest);
+ assert(dest->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
+ assert(dest->ip_destination != IP_NULL);
+ next = dest->ip_destination;
+ ip_unlock(dest);
+ dest = next;
+ }
+ /* base is not in transit */
+ assert(!ip_active(base) ||
+ (base->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) ||
+ (base->ip_destination == IP_NULL));
+ ip_unlock(base);
+ /* All locks dropped, call turnstile_update_inheritor_complete for source port's turnstile */
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(send_turnstile, TURNSTILE_INTERLOCK_NOT_HELD);
+ /* Take the mq lock to call turnstile complete */
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t)port, port_send_turnstile_address(port), NULL, TURNSTILE_SYNC_IPC);
+ send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ }
+ if (watchport_elem) {
+ task_watchport_elem_deallocate(watchport_elem);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
- * Routine: ipc_port_lookup_notify
+ * Routine: ipc_port_watchport_elem
* Purpose:
- * Make a send-once notify port from a receive right.
- * Returns IP_NULL if name doesn't denote a receive right.
+ * Get the port's watchport elem field
+ *
* Conditions:
- * The space must be locked (read or write) and active.
- * Being the active space, we can rely on thread server_id
- * context to give us the proper server level sub-order
- * within the space.
+ * mqueue locked
+static struct task_watchport_elem *
+ipc_port_watchport_elem(ipc_port_t port)
+ return port->ip_messages.imq_wait_queue.waitq_tspriv;
- ipc_space_t space,
- mach_port_name_t name)
+ * Routine: ipc_port_update_watchport_elem
+ * Purpose:
+ * Set the port's watchport elem field
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * mqueue locked
+ */
+static inline struct task_watchport_elem *
+ipc_port_update_watchport_elem(ipc_port_t port, struct task_watchport_elem *we)
- ipc_port_t port;
- ipc_entry_t entry;
+ struct task_watchport_elem *old_we = ipc_port_watchport_elem(port);
+ port->ip_messages.imq_wait_queue.waitq_tspriv = we;
+ return old_we;
- assert(space->is_active);
+ * Update the recv turnstile inheritor for a port.
+ *
+ * Sync IPC through the port receive turnstile only happens for the special
+ * reply port case. It has three sub-cases:
+ *
+ * 1. a send-once right is in transit, and pushes on the send turnstile of its
+ * destination mqueue.
+ *
+ * 2. a send-once right has been stashed on a knote it was copied out "through",
+ * as the first such copied out port.
+ *
+ * 3. a send-once right has been stashed on a knote it was copied out "through",
+ * as the second or more copied out port.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct turnstile *rcv_turnstile,
+ turnstile_update_flags_t flags)
+ struct turnstile *inheritor = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ struct knote *kn;
- entry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name);
- if (entry == IE_NULL)
- return IP_NULL;
- if ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) == 0)
- return IP_NULL;
+ if (ip_active(port) && port->ip_specialreply) {
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
- port = (ipc_port_t) entry->ie_object;
- assert(port != IP_NULL);
+ switch (port->ip_sync_link_state) {
+ if (port->ip_sync_inheritor_port != NULL) {
+ inheritor = port_send_turnstile(port->ip_sync_inheritor_port);
+ }
+ break;
- ip_lock(port);
- assert(ip_active(port));
- assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name);
- assert(port->ip_receiver == space);
+ kn = port->ip_sync_inheritor_knote;
+ inheritor = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(kn);
+ break;
- ip_reference(port);
- port->ip_sorights++;
+ inheritor = port->ip_sync_inheritor_ts;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(rcv_turnstile, inheritor,
+ * Update the send turnstile inheritor for a port.
+ *
+ * Sync IPC through the port send turnstile has 7 possible reasons to be linked:
+ *
+ * 1. a special reply port is part of sync ipc for bootstrap checkin and needs
+ * to push on thread doing the sync ipc.
+ *
+ * 2. a receive right is in transit, and pushes on the send turnstile of its
+ * destination mqueue.
+ *
+ * 3. port was passed as an exec watchport and port is pushing on main thread
+ * of the task.
+ *
+ * 4. a receive right has been stashed on a knote it was copied out "through",
+ * as the first such copied out port (same as PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_KNOTE
+ * for the special reply port)
+ *
+ * 5. a receive right has been stashed on a knote it was copied out "through",
+ * as the second or more copied out port (same as
+ * PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_STASH for the special reply port)
+ *
+ * 6. a receive right has been copied out as a part of sync bootstrap checkin
+ * and needs to push on thread doing the sync bootstrap checkin.
+ *
+ * 7. the receive right is monitored by a knote, and pushes on any that is
+ * registered on a workloop. filt_machport makes sure that if such a knote
+ * exists, it is kept as the first item in the knote list, so we never need
+ * to walk.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile,
+ turnstile_update_flags_t flags)
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = &port->ip_messages;
+ turnstile_inheritor_t inheritor = TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL;
+ struct knote *kn;
+ turnstile_update_flags_t inheritor_flags = TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_TURNSTILE;
+ assert(imq_held(mqueue));
+ if (!ip_active(port)) {
+ /* this port is no longer active, it should not push anywhere */
+ } else if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ /* Case 1. */
+ if (port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin && prioritize_launch) {
+ inheritor = port->ip_messages.imq_srp_owner_thread;
+ }
+ } else if (port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL &&
+ port->ip_destination != NULL) {
+ /* Case 2. */
+ inheritor = port_send_turnstile(port->ip_destination);
+ } else if (ipc_port_watchport_elem(port) != NULL) {
+ /* Case 3. */
+ if (prioritize_launch) {
+ assert(port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY);
+ inheritor = ipc_port_get_watchport_inheritor(port);
+ }
+ } else if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_KNOTE) {
+ /* Case 4. */
+ inheritor = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(mqueue->imq_inheritor_knote);
+ } else if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_STASH) {
+ /* Case 5. */
+ inheritor = mqueue->imq_inheritor_turnstile;
+ } else if (port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_RCV_THREAD) {
+ /* Case 6. */
+ if (prioritize_launch) {
+ inheritor = port->ip_messages.imq_inheritor_thread_ref;
+ }
+ } else if ((kn = SLIST_FIRST(&mqueue->imq_klist))) {
+ /* Case 7. Push on a workloop that is interested */
+ if (filt_machport_kqueue_has_turnstile(kn)) {
+ assert(port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY);
+ inheritor = filt_ipc_kqueue_turnstile(kn);
+ }
+ }
+ turnstile_update_inheritor(send_turnstile, inheritor,
+ flags | inheritor_flags);
+ * Routine: ipc_port_send_turnstile_prepare
+ * Purpose:
+ * Get a reference on port's send turnstile, if
+ * port does not have a send turnstile then allocate one.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing is locked.
+ */
+ipc_port_send_turnstile_prepare(ipc_port_t port)
+ struct turnstile *turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (port_send_turnstile(port) == NULL ||
+ port_send_turnstile(port)->ts_port_ref == 0) {
+ if (turnstile == TURNSTILE_NULL) {
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ turnstile = turnstile_alloc();
+ goto retry_alloc;
+ }
+ send_turnstile = turnstile_prepare((uintptr_t)port,
+ port_send_turnstile_address(port),
+ turnstile, TURNSTILE_SYNC_IPC);
+ turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ ipc_port_send_update_inheritor(port, send_turnstile,
+ /* turnstile complete will be called in ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete */
+ }
+ /* Increment turnstile counter */
+ port_send_turnstile(port)->ts_port_ref++;
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(send_turnstile,
+ }
+ if (turnstile != TURNSTILE_NULL) {
+ turnstile_deallocate(turnstile);
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete
+ * Purpose:
+ * Drop a ref on the port's send turnstile, if the
+ * ref becomes zero, deallocate the turnstile.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * The space might be locked, use safe deallocate.
+ */
+ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete(ipc_port_t port)
+ struct turnstile *turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ /* Drop turnstile count on dest port */
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ port_send_turnstile(port)->ts_port_ref--;
+ if (port_send_turnstile(port)->ts_port_ref == 0) {
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t)port, port_send_turnstile_address(port),
+ &turnstile, TURNSTILE_SYNC_IPC);
+ assert(turnstile != TURNSTILE_NULL);
+ }
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ if (turnstile != TURNSTILE_NULL) {
+ turnstile_deallocate_safe(turnstile);
+ turnstile = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_rcv_turnstile
+ * Purpose:
+ * Get the port's receive turnstile
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * mqueue locked or thread waiting on turnstile is locked.
+ */
+static struct turnstile *
+ipc_port_rcv_turnstile(ipc_port_t port)
+ return *port_rcv_turnstile_address(port);
+ * Routine: ipc_port_link_special_reply_port
+ * Purpose:
+ * Link the special reply port with the destination port.
+ * Allocates turnstile to dest port.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing is locked.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t special_reply_port,
+ ipc_port_t dest_port,
+ boolean_t sync_bootstrap_checkin)
+ boolean_t drop_turnstile_ref = FALSE;
+ /* Check if dest_port needs a turnstile */
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_prepare(dest_port);
+ /* Lock the special reply port and establish the linkage */
+ ip_lock(special_reply_port);
+ imq_lock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ if (sync_bootstrap_checkin && special_reply_port->ip_specialreply) {
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin = 1;
+ }
+ /* Check if we need to drop the acquired turnstile ref on dest port */
+ if (!special_reply_port->ip_specialreply ||
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state != PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY ||
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_port != IPC_PORT_NULL) {
+ drop_turnstile_ref = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* take a reference on dest_port */
+ ip_reference(dest_port);
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_port = dest_port;
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_PORT;
+ }
+ imq_unlock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(special_reply_port);
+ if (drop_turnstile_ref) {
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete(dest_port);
+ }
+ return;
+inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_bits_reset(ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ special_reply_port->ip_srp_lost_link = 0;
+ special_reply_port->ip_srp_msg_sent = 0;
+static inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_msg_sent_reset(ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ if (special_reply_port->ip_specialreply == 1) {
+ special_reply_port->ip_srp_msg_sent = 0;
+ }
+inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_msg_sent(ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ if (special_reply_port->ip_specialreply == 1) {
+ special_reply_port->ip_srp_msg_sent = 1;
+ }
+static inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_lost_link(ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ if (special_reply_port->ip_specialreply == 1 && special_reply_port->ip_srp_msg_sent == 0) {
+ special_reply_port->ip_srp_lost_link = 1;
+ }
+#else /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_bits_reset(__unused ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ return;
+static inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_msg_sent_reset(__unused ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ return;
+inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_msg_sent(__unused ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ return;
+static inline void
+ipc_special_reply_port_lost_link(__unused ipc_port_t special_reply_port)
+ return;
+#endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
+ * Routine: ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * If the special port has a turnstile, update its inheritor.
+ * Condition:
+ * Special reply port locked on entry.
+ * Special reply port unlocked on return.
+ * The passed in port is a special reply port.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t special_reply_port,
+ struct knote *kn,
+ uint8_t flags,
+ boolean_t get_turnstile)
+ ipc_port_t dest_port = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ int sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_NO_LINKAGE;
+ turnstile_inheritor_t inheritor = TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL;
+ struct turnstile *ts = TURNSTILE_NULL;
+ ip_lock_held(special_reply_port); // ip_sync_link_state is touched
+ imq_lock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ if (!special_reply_port->ip_specialreply) {
+ // only mach_msg_receive_results_complete() calls this with any port
+ assert(get_turnstile);
+ goto not_special;
+ }
+ ipc_special_reply_port_msg_sent_reset(special_reply_port);
+ }
+ special_reply_port->ip_messages.imq_srp_owner_thread = NULL;
+ }
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin = 0;
+ }
+ /* Check if the special reply port is marked non-special */
+ if (special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY) {
+ if (get_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t)special_reply_port,
+ port_rcv_turnstile_address(special_reply_port), NULL, TURNSTILE_SYNC_IPC);
+ }
+ imq_unlock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(special_reply_port);
+ if (get_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ inheritor = filt_machport_stash_port(kn, special_reply_port,
+ &sync_link_state);
+ }
+ sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY;
+ }
+ /* Check if need to break linkage */
+ if (!get_turnstile && sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_NO_LINKAGE &&
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_NO_LINKAGE) {
+ imq_unlock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(special_reply_port);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state) {
+ dest_port = special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_port;
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_port = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ break;
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_knote = NULL;
+ break;
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_ts = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_link_state = sync_link_state;
+ switch (sync_link_state) {
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_knote = kn;
+ break;
+ special_reply_port->ip_sync_inheritor_ts = inheritor;
+ break;
+ ipc_special_reply_port_lost_link(special_reply_port);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Get thread's turnstile donated to special reply port */
+ if (get_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_complete((uintptr_t)special_reply_port,
+ port_rcv_turnstile_address(special_reply_port), NULL, TURNSTILE_SYNC_IPC);
+ } else {
+ ts = ipc_port_rcv_turnstile(special_reply_port);
+ if (ts) {
+ turnstile_reference(ts);
+ ipc_port_recv_update_inheritor(special_reply_port, ts,
+ }
+ }
+ imq_unlock(&special_reply_port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(special_reply_port);
+ if (get_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_cleanup();
+ } else if (ts) {
+ /* Call turnstile cleanup after dropping the interlock */
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(ts, TURNSTILE_INTERLOCK_NOT_HELD);
+ turnstile_deallocate_safe(ts);
+ }
+ /* Release the ref on the dest port and its turnstile */
+ if (dest_port) {
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete(dest_port);
+ /* release the reference on the dest port */
+ ip_release(dest_port);
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port
+ * Purpose:
+ * If the special port has a turnstile, update its inheritor.
+ * Condition:
+ * Nothing locked.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ uint8_t flags)
+ if (port->ip_specialreply) {
+ ip_lock(port);
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port_locked(port, NULL, flags, FALSE);
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Update the sync link state of the port and the
+ * turnstile inheritor.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port and mqueue locked on entry.
+ * Port and mqueue locked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ int sync_link_state,
+ turnstile_inheritor_t inheritor)
+ switch (port->ip_sync_link_state) {
+ /* deallocate the thread reference for the inheritor */
+ thread_deallocate_safe(port->ip_messages.imq_inheritor_thread_ref);
+ /* Fall through */
+ default:
+ klist_init(&port->ip_messages.imq_klist);
+ }
+ switch (sync_link_state) {
+ port->ip_messages.imq_inheritor_knote = inheritor;
+ break;
+ port->ip_messages.imq_inheritor_turnstile = inheritor;
+ break;
+ /* The thread could exit without clearing port state, take a thread ref */
+ thread_reference((thread_t)inheritor);
+ port->ip_messages.imq_inheritor_thread_ref = inheritor;
+ break;
+ default:
+ klist_init(&port->ip_messages.imq_klist);
+ sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY;
+ }
+ port->ip_sync_link_state = sync_link_state;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_adjust_port_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * If the port has a turnstile, update its inheritor.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct knote *kn,
+ boolean_t sync_bootstrap_checkin)
+ int sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY;
+ turnstile_inheritor_t inheritor = TURNSTILE_INHERITOR_NULL;
+ ip_lock_held(port); // ip_sync_link_state is touched
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ assert(!port->ip_specialreply);
+ if (kn) {
+ inheritor = filt_machport_stash_port(kn, port, &sync_link_state);
+ if (sync_link_state == PORT_SYNC_LINK_WORKLOOP_KNOTE) {
+ inheritor = kn;
+ }
+ } else if (sync_bootstrap_checkin) {
+ inheritor = current_thread();
+ sync_link_state = PORT_SYNC_LINK_RCV_THREAD;
+ }
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, sync_link_state, inheritor);
+ port->ip_sync_bootstrap_checkin = 0;
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked */
+ * Routine: ipc_port_clear_sync_rcv_thread_boost_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * If the port is pushing on rcv thread, clear it.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry
+ * mqueue is not locked.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ ip_lock_held(port); // ip_sync_link_state is touched
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state != PORT_SYNC_LINK_RCV_THREAD) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return;
+ }
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY, NULL);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked */
+ * Routine: ipc_port_add_watchport_elem_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Transfer the turnstile boost of watchport to task calling exec.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCESS on success.
+ * KERN_FAILURE otherwise.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem,
+ struct task_watchport_elem **old_elem)
+ ip_lock_held(port);
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ /* Watchport boost only works for non-special active ports mapped in an ipc space */
+ if (!ip_active(port) || port->ip_specialreply ||
+ port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (port->ip_sync_link_state != PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY) {
+ /* Sever the linkage if the port was pushing on knote */
+ ipc_port_adjust_sync_link_state_locked(port, PORT_SYNC_LINK_ANY, NULL);
+ }
+ *old_elem = ipc_port_update_watchport_elem(port, watchport_elem);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked */
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal_conditional_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Remove the turnstile boost of watchport and recompute the push.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCESS on success.
+ * KERN_FAILURE otherwise.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct task_watchport_elem *watchport_elem)
+ ip_lock_held(port);
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (ipc_port_watchport_elem(port) != watchport_elem) {
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal(port);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked */
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_replace_watchport_elem_conditional_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Replace the turnstile boost of watchport and recompute the push.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * KERN_SUCESS on success.
+ * KERN_FAILURE otherwise.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ struct task_watchport_elem *old_watchport_elem,
+ struct task_watchport_elem *new_watchport_elem)
+ ip_lock_held(port);
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (ipc_port_watchport_elem(port) != old_watchport_elem) {
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ ipc_port_update_watchport_elem(port, new_watchport_elem);
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked(port);
+ /* port and mqueue unlocked */
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_clear_watchport_elem_internal
+ * Purpose:
+ * Remove the turnstile boost of watchport.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port locked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * Old task_watchport_elem returned.
+ */
+struct task_watchport_elem *
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ ip_lock_held(port);
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ return ipc_port_update_watchport_elem(port, NULL);
+ * Routine: ipc_port_send_turnstile_recompute_push_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Update send turnstile inheritor of port and recompute the push.
+ * Condition:
+ * Port locked on entry.
+ * Port unlocked on return.
+ * Returns:
+ * None.
+ */
+static void
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ struct turnstile *send_turnstile = port_send_turnstile(port);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_reference(send_turnstile);
+ ipc_port_send_update_inheritor(port, send_turnstile,
+ }
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
+ if (send_turnstile) {
+ turnstile_update_inheritor_complete(send_turnstile,
+ turnstile_deallocate_safe(send_turnstile);
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_get_watchport_inheritor
+ * Purpose:
+ * Returns inheritor for watchport.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * mqueue locked.
+ * Returns:
+ * watchport inheritor.
+ */
+static thread_t
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ imq_held(&port->ip_messages);
+ return ipc_port_watchport_elem(port)->twe_task->watchports->tw_thread;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_impcount_delta
+ * Purpose:
+ * Adjust only the importance count associated with a port.
+ * If there are any adjustments to be made to receiver task,
+ * those are handled elsewhere.
+ *
+ * For now, be defensive during deductions to make sure the
+ * impcount for the port doesn't underflow zero. This will
+ * go away when the port boost addition is made atomic (see
+ * note in ipc_port_importance_delta()).
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port is referenced and locked.
+ * Nothing else is locked.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ mach_port_delta_t delta,
+ ipc_port_t __unused base)
+ mach_port_delta_t absdelta;
+ if (!ip_active(port)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* adding/doing nothing is easy */
+ if (delta >= 0) {
+ port->ip_impcount += delta;
+ return delta;
+ }
+ absdelta = 0 - delta;
+ if (port->ip_impcount >= absdelta) {
+ port->ip_impcount -= absdelta;
+ return delta;
+ }
+ if (port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ task_t target_task = port->ip_receiver->is_task;
+ ipc_importance_task_t target_imp = target_task->task_imp_base;
+ const char *target_procname;
+ int target_pid;
+ if (target_imp != IIT_NULL) {
+ target_procname = target_imp->iit_procname;
+ target_pid = target_imp->iit_bsd_pid;
+ } else {
+ target_procname = "unknown";
+ target_pid = -1;
+ }
+ printf("Over-release of importance assertions for port 0x%x receiver pid %d (%s), "
+ "dropping %d assertion(s) but port only has %d remaining.\n",
+ port->ip_receiver_name,
+ target_pid, target_procname,
+ absdelta, port->ip_impcount);
+ } else if (base != IP_NULL) {
+ task_t target_task = base->ip_receiver->is_task;
+ ipc_importance_task_t target_imp = target_task->task_imp_base;
+ const char *target_procname;
+ int target_pid;
+ if (target_imp != IIT_NULL) {
+ target_procname = target_imp->iit_procname;
+ target_pid = target_imp->iit_bsd_pid;
+ } else {
+ target_procname = "unknown";
+ target_pid = -1;
+ }
+ printf("Over-release of importance assertions for port 0x%lx "
+ "enqueued on port 0x%x with receiver pid %d (%s), "
+ "dropping %d assertion(s) but port only has %d remaining.\n",
+ (unsigned long)VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM((uintptr_t)port),
+ base->ip_receiver_name,
+ target_pid, target_procname,
+ absdelta, port->ip_impcount);
+ }
+ delta = 0 - port->ip_impcount;
+ port->ip_impcount = 0;
+ return delta;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_importance_delta_internal
+ * Purpose:
+ * Adjust the importance count through the given port.
+ * If the port is in transit, apply the delta throughout
+ * the chain. Determine if the there is a task at the
+ * base of the chain that wants/needs to be adjusted,
+ * and if so, apply the delta.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port is referenced and locked on entry.
+ * Importance may be locked.
+ * Nothing else is locked.
+ * The lock may be dropped on exit.
+ * Returns TRUE if lock was dropped.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ natural_t options,
+ mach_port_delta_t *deltap,
+ ipc_importance_task_t *imp_task)
+ ipc_port_t next, base;
+ boolean_t dropped = FALSE;
+ *imp_task = IIT_NULL;
+ if (*deltap == 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ assert(options == IPID_OPTION_NORMAL || options == IPID_OPTION_SENDPOSSIBLE);
+ base = port;
+ /* if port is in transit, have to search for end of chain */
+ if (ip_active(port) &&
+ port->ip_destination != IP_NULL &&
+ port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ dropped = TRUE;
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ ipc_port_multiple_lock(); /* massive serialization */
+ ip_lock(base);
+ while (ip_active(base) &&
+ base->ip_destination != IP_NULL &&
+ base->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ base = base->ip_destination;
+ ip_lock(base);
+ }
+ ipc_port_multiple_unlock();
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the port lock is dropped b/c the port is in transit, there is a
+ * race window where another thread can drain messages and/or fire a
+ * send possible notification before we get here.
+ *
+ * We solve this race by checking to see if our caller armed the send
+ * possible notification, whether or not it's been fired yet, and
+ * whether or not we've already set the port's ip_spimportant bit. If
+ * we don't need a send-possible boost, then we'll just apply a
+ * harmless 0-boost to the port.
+ */
+ assert(*deltap == 1);
+ if (port->ip_sprequests && port->ip_spimportant == 0) {
+ port->ip_spimportant = 1;
+ } else {
+ *deltap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlock down to the base, adjusting boost(s) at each level */
+ for (;;) {
+ *deltap = ipc_port_impcount_delta(port, *deltap, base);
+ if (port == base) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* port is in transit */
+ assert(port->ip_tempowner == 0);
+ next = port->ip_destination;
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ port = next;
+ }
+ /* find the task (if any) to boost according to the base */
+ if (ip_active(base)) {
+ if (base->ip_tempowner != 0) {
+ if (IIT_NULL != base->ip_imp_task) {
+ *imp_task = base->ip_imp_task;
+ }
+ /* otherwise don't boost */
+ } else if (base->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ ipc_space_t space = base->ip_receiver;
+ /* only spaces with boost-accepting tasks */
+ if (space->is_task != TASK_NULL &&
+ ipc_importance_task_is_any_receiver_type(space->is_task->task_imp_base)) {
+ *imp_task = space->is_task->task_imp_base;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Only the base is locked. If we have to hold or drop task
+ * importance assertions, we'll have to drop that lock as well.
+ */
+ if (*imp_task != IIT_NULL) {
+ /* take a reference before unlocking base */
+ ipc_importance_task_reference(*imp_task);
+ }
+ if (dropped == TRUE) {
+ ip_unlock(base);
+ }
+ return dropped;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_importance_delta
+ * Purpose:
+ * Adjust the importance count through the given port.
+ * If the port is in transit, apply the delta throughout
+ * the chain.
+ *
+ * If there is a task at the base of the chain that wants/needs
+ * to be adjusted, apply the delta.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port is referenced and locked on entry.
+ * Nothing else is locked.
+ * The lock may be dropped on exit.
+ * Returns TRUE if lock was dropped.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ natural_t options,
+ mach_port_delta_t delta)
+ ipc_importance_task_t imp_task = IIT_NULL;
+ boolean_t dropped;
+ dropped = ipc_port_importance_delta_internal(port, options, &delta, &imp_task);
+ if (IIT_NULL == imp_task || delta == 0) {
+ return dropped;
+ }
+ if (!dropped) {
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ }
+ assert(ipc_importance_task_is_any_receiver_type(imp_task));
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ ipc_importance_task_hold_internal_assertion(imp_task, delta);
+ } else {
+ ipc_importance_task_drop_internal_assertion(imp_task, -delta);
+ }
+ ipc_importance_task_release(imp_task);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_make_send_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Make a naked send right from a receive right.
+ *
+ * Conditions:
+ * port locked and active.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ require_ip_active(port);
+ port->ip_mscount++;
+ port->ip_srights++;
+ ip_reference(port);
return port;
* Routine: ipc_port_make_send
* Purpose:
* Make a naked send right from a receive right.
- * Conditions:
- * The port is not locked but it is active.
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
- assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
+ return port;
+ }
- assert(ip_active(port));
- port->ip_mscount++;
- port->ip_srights++;
- ip_reference(port);
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ ipc_port_make_send_locked(port);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return port;
+ }
+ return IP_DEAD;
- return port;
+ * Routine: ipc_port_copy_send_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Make a naked send right from another naked send right.
+ * Conditions:
+ * port locked and active.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ assert(port->ip_srights > 0);
+ port->ip_srights++;
+ ip_reference(port);
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
ipc_port_t sright;
- if (!IP_VALID(port))
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
return port;
+ }
if (ip_active(port)) {
- assert(port->ip_srights > 0);
- ip_reference(port);
- port->ip_srights++;
+ ipc_port_copy_send_locked(port);
sright = port;
- } else
+ } else {
sright = IP_DEAD;
+ }
return sright;
- ipc_port_t sright,
- ipc_space_t space)
+ ipc_port_t sright,
+ ipc_space_t space)
mach_port_name_t name;
if (IP_VALID(sright)) {
kern_return_t kr;
- kr = ipc_object_copyout(space, (ipc_object_t) sright,
+ kr = ipc_object_copyout(space, ip_to_object(sright),
if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- else
+ } else {
+ }
- } else
- name = (mach_port_name_t) sright;
+ } else {
+ name = CAST_MACH_PORT_TO_NAME(sright);
+ }
return name;
* Routine: ipc_port_release_send
* Purpose:
- * Release a (valid) naked send right.
+ * Release a naked send right.
* Consumes a ref for the port.
* Conditions:
* Nothing locked.
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL;
mach_port_mscount_t mscount;
- assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
+ return;
+ }
- ip_release(port);
+ assert(port->ip_srights > 0);
+ if (port->ip_srights == 0) {
+ panic("Over-release of port %p send right!", port);
+ }
+ port->ip_srights--;
if (!ip_active(port)) {
- ip_check_unlock(port);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ ip_release(port);
- assert(port->ip_srights > 0);
- if (--port->ip_srights == 0 &&
+ if (port->ip_srights == 0 &&
port->ip_nsrequest != IP_NULL) {
nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest;
port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL;
mscount = port->ip_mscount;
+ ip_release(port);
ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount);
- /*
- * Check that there are no other locks taken, because
- * [norma_]ipc_notify_no_senders routines may block.
- */
- check_simple_locks();
- } else
+ } else {
+ ip_release(port);
+ }
+ * Routine: ipc_port_make_sonce_locked
+ * Purpose:
+ * Make a naked send-once right from a receive right.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The port is locked and active.
+ */
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ require_ip_active(port);
+ port->ip_sorights++;
+ ip_reference(port);
+ return port;
* Purpose:
* Make a naked send-once right from a receive right.
* Conditions:
- * The port is not locked but it is active.
+ * The port is not locked.
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
- assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
+ return port;
+ }
- assert(ip_active(port));
- port->ip_sorights++;
- ip_reference(port);
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(port);
+ ip_unlock(port);
+ return port;
+ }
- return port;
+ return IP_DEAD;
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
- assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ipc_port_adjust_special_reply_port(port, IPC_PORT_ADJUST_RESET_BOOSTRAP_CHECKIN);
assert(port->ip_sorights > 0);
+ if (port->ip_sorights == 0) {
+ panic("Over-release of port %p send-once right!", port);
+ }
- ip_release(port);
- if (!ip_active(port)) {
- ip_check_unlock(port);
- return;
- }
+ ip_release(port);
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
ipc_port_t dest;
- assert(IP_VALID(port));
+ if (!IP_VALID(port)) {
+ return;
+ }
- assert(ip_active(port));
+ require_ip_active(port);
assert(port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL);
dest = port->ip_destination;
ipc_port_destroy(port); /* consumes ref, unlocks */
- if (dest != IP_NULL)
- ipc_port_release(dest);
+ if (dest != IP_NULL) {
+ ipc_port_send_turnstile_complete(dest);
+ ip_release(dest);
+ }
- ipc_space_t space)
+ ipc_space_t space,
+ ipc_port_init_flags_t flags)
ipc_port_t port;
- port = (ipc_port_t) io_alloc(IOT_PORT);
- if (port == IP_NULL)
+ port = ip_object_to_port(io_alloc(IOT_PORT));
+ if (port == IP_NULL) {
return IP_NULL;
+ }
+ uintptr_t buf[IP_CALLSTACK_MAX];
+ ipc_port_callstack_init_debug(&buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
bzero((char *)port, sizeof(*port));
- io_lock_init(&port->ip_object);
+ io_lock_init(ip_to_object(port));
port->ip_references = 1;
port->ip_object.io_bits = io_makebits(TRUE, IOT_PORT, 0);
- ipc_port_init(port, space, 1);
+ ipc_port_init(port, space, flags, 1);
+ ipc_port_init_debug(port, &buf[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
return port;
- ipc_port_t port,
- ipc_space_t space)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ __assert_only ipc_space_t space)
- assert(ip_active(port));
- assert(port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL);
+ require_ip_active(port);
+// assert(port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL);
assert(port->ip_receiver == space);
* the ipc_space_kernel check in ipc_mqueue_send.
+ imq_lock(&port->ip_messages);
port->ip_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL;
port->ip_receiver = IS_NULL;
+ imq_unlock(&port->ip_messages);
/* relevant part of ipc_port_clear_receiver */
- ipc_port_set_mscount(port, 0);
+ port->ip_mscount = 0;
port->ip_messages.imq_seqno = 0;
- * Keep a list of all allocated ports.
- * Allocation is intercepted via ipc_port_init;
- * deallocation is intercepted via io_free.
- */
-queue_head_t port_alloc_queue;
-unsigned long port_count = 0;
-unsigned long port_count_warning = 20000;
-unsigned long port_timestamp = 0;
-void db_port_stack_trace(
- ipc_port_t port);
-void db_ref(
- int refs);
-int db_port_walk(
- unsigned int verbose,
- unsigned int display,
- unsigned int ref_search,
- unsigned int ref_target);
- * Initialize global state needed for run-time
- * port debugging.
- */
- queue_init(&port_alloc_queue);
- mutex_init(&port_alloc_queue_lock, ETAP_IPC_PORT_ALLOCQ);
- * Initialize all of the debugging state in a port.
- * Insert the port into a global list of all allocated ports.
- */
- ipc_port_t port)
- unsigned int i;
- port->ip_thread = (unsigned long) current_thread();
- port->ip_timetrack = port_timestamp++;
- for (i = 0; i < IP_CALLSTACK_MAX; ++i)
- port->ip_callstack[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < IP_NSPARES; ++i)
- port->ip_spares[i] = 0;
- /*
- * Machine-dependent routine to fill in an
- * array with up to IP_CALLSTACK_MAX levels
- * of return pc information.
- */
- machine_callstack(&port->ip_callstack[0], IP_CALLSTACK_MAX);
-#if 0
- mutex_lock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
- ++port_count;
- if (port_count_warning > 0 && port_count >= port_count_warning)
- assert(port_count < port_count_warning);
- queue_enter(&port_alloc_queue, port, ipc_port_t, ip_port_links);
- mutex_unlock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
- * Remove a port from the queue of allocated ports.
- * This routine should be invoked JUST prior to
- * deallocating the actual memory occupied by the port.
+ * Routine: ipc_port_finalize
+ * Purpose:
+ * Called on last reference deallocate to
+ * free any remaining data associated with the
+ * port.
+ * Conditions:
+ * Nothing locked.
- ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
-#if 0
- mutex_lock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
- assert(port_count > 0);
- --port_count;
- queue_remove(&port_alloc_queue, port, ipc_port_t, ip_port_links);
- mutex_unlock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
-#include <ddb/db_output.h>
-#include <ddb/db_print.h>
+ ipc_port_request_t requests = port->ip_requests;
-#define printf kdbprintf
-extern int db_indent;
+ assert(port_send_turnstile(port) == TURNSTILE_NULL);
+ if (imq_is_turnstile_proxy(&port->ip_messages)) {
+ assert(ipc_port_rcv_turnstile(port) == TURNSTILE_NULL);
+ }
- ipc_port_t port);
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ panic("Trying to free an active port. port %p", port);
+ }
- * ipc_entry_print - pretty-print an ipc_entry
- */
-static void ipc_entry_print(struct ipc_entry *, char *); /* forward */
+ if (requests != IPR_NULL) {
+ ipc_table_size_t its = requests->ipr_size;
+ it_requests_free(its, requests);
+ port->ip_requests = IPR_NULL;
+ }
-static void ipc_entry_print(struct ipc_entry *iep, char *tag)
- ipc_entry_bits_t bits = iep->ie_bits;
+ ipc_mqueue_deinit(&port->ip_messages);
- iprintf("%s @", tag);
- printf(" 0x%x, bits=%x object=%x\n", iep, bits, iep->ie_object);
- db_indent += 2;
- iprintf("urefs=%x ", IE_BITS_UREFS(bits));
- printf("type=%x gen=%x\n", IE_BITS_TYPE(bits), IE_BITS_GEN(bits));
- db_indent -= 2;
+ ipc_port_track_dealloc(port);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- * Routine: ipc_port_print
+ * Routine: kdp_mqueue_send_find_owner
* Purpose:
- * Pretty-print a port for kdb.
+ * Discover the owner of the ipc_mqueue that contains the input
+ * waitq object. The thread blocked on the waitq should be
+ * waiting for an IPC_MQUEUE_FULL event.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The 'waitinfo->wait_type' value should already be set to
+ * kThreadWaitPortSend.
+ * Note:
+ * If we find out that the containing port is actually in
+ * transit, we reset the wait_type field to reflect this.
-int ipc_port_print_long = 0; /* set for more detail */
- ipc_port_t port,
- boolean_t have_addr,
- db_expr_t count,
- char *modif)
+kdp_mqueue_send_find_owner(struct waitq * waitq, __assert_only event64_t event, thread_waitinfo_t * waitinfo)
- extern int db_indent;
- db_addr_t task;
- int task_id;
- int nmsgs;
- int verbose = 0;
- int i, needs_db_indent, items_printed;
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- if (db_option(modif, 'l') || db_option(modif, 'v'))
- ++verbose;
- printf("port 0x%x\n", port);
- db_indent += 2;
- ipc_object_print(&port->ip_object);
- if (ipc_port_print_long) {
- iprintf("pool=0x%x", port->ip_thread_pool);
- printf("\n");
+ struct turnstile *turnstile;
+ assert(waitinfo->wait_type == kThreadWaitPortSend);
+ assert(event == IPC_MQUEUE_FULL);
+ assert(waitq_is_turnstile_queue(waitq));
+ turnstile = waitq_to_turnstile(waitq);
+ ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t)turnstile->ts_proprietor; /* we are blocking on send */
+ assert(kdp_is_in_zone(port, "ipc ports"));
+ waitinfo->owner = 0;
+ waitinfo->context = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(port);
+ if (ip_lock_held_kdp(port)) {
+ /*
+ * someone has the port locked: it may be in an
+ * inconsistent state: bail
+ */
+ return;
- if (!ip_active(port)) {
- iprintf("timestamp=0x%x", port->ip_timestamp);
- } else if (port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
- iprintf("destination=0x%x (", port->ip_destination);
- if (port->ip_destination != MACH_PORT_NULL &&
- (task = db_task_from_space(port->ip_destination->
- ip_receiver, &task_id)))
- printf("task%d at 0x%x", task_id, task);
- else
- printf("unknown");
- printf(")");
- } else {
- iprintf("receiver=0x%x (", port->ip_receiver);
- if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel)
- printf("kernel");
- else if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_reply)
- printf("reply");
- else if (port->ip_receiver == default_pager_space)
- printf("default_pager");
- else if (task = db_task_from_space(port->ip_receiver, &task_id))
- printf("task%d at 0x%x", task_id, task);
- else
- printf("unknown");
- printf(")");
- }
- printf(", receiver_name=0x%x\n", port->ip_receiver_name);
- iprintf("mscount=%d", port->ip_mscount);
- printf(", srights=%d", port->ip_srights);
- printf(", sorights=%d\n", port->ip_sorights);
- iprintf("nsrequest=0x%x", port->ip_nsrequest);
- printf(", pdrequest=0x%x", port->ip_pdrequest);
- printf(", dnrequests=0x%x\n", port->ip_dnrequests);
- iprintf("pset_count=0x%x", port->ip_pset_count);
- printf(", seqno=%d", port->ip_messages.imq_seqno);
- printf(", msgcount=%d", port->ip_messages.imq_msgcount);
- printf(", qlimit=%d\n", port->ip_messages.imq_qlimit);
- iprintf("kmsgs=0x%x", port->ip_messages.imq_messages.ikmq_base);
- printf(", rcvrs queue=0x%x", port->ip_messages.imq_wait_queue);
- printf(", kobj=0x%x\n", port->ip_kobject);
- iprintf("premsg=0x%x", port->ip_premsg);
- /* don't bother printing callstack or queue links */
- iprintf("ip_thread=0x%x, ip_timetrack=0x%x\n",
- port->ip_thread, port->ip_timetrack);
- items_printed = 0;
- needs_db_indent = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < IP_NSPARES; ++i) {
- if (port->ip_spares[i] != 0) {
- if (needs_db_indent) {
- iprintf("");
- needs_db_indent = 0;
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ if (port->ip_tempowner) {
+ if (port->ip_imp_task != IIT_NULL && port->ip_imp_task->iit_task != NULL) {
+ /* port is held by a tempowner */
+ waitinfo->owner = pid_from_task(port->ip_imp_task->iit_task);
+ } else {
- printf("%sip_spares[%d] = %d",
- items_printed ? ", " : "", i,
- port->ip_spares[i]);
- if (++items_printed >= 4) {
- needs_db_indent = 1;
- printf("\n");
- items_printed = 0;
+ } else if (port->ip_receiver_name) {
+ /* port in a space */
+ if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel) {
+ /*
+ * The kernel pid is 0, make this
+ * distinguishable from no-owner and
+ * inconsistent port state.
+ */
+ } else {
+ waitinfo->owner = pid_from_task(port->ip_receiver->is_task);
+ } else if (port->ip_destination != IP_NULL) {
+ /* port in transit */
+ waitinfo->wait_type = kThreadWaitPortSendInTransit;
+ waitinfo->owner = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(port->ip_destination);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- if (verbose) {
- iprintf("kmsg queue contents:\n");
- db_indent += 2;
- nmsgs = db_port_queue_print(port);
- db_indent -= 2;
- iprintf("...total kmsgs: %d\n", nmsgs);
- }
- db_indent -=2;
- task_t task,
- mach_port_name_t name)
- ipc_space_t space;
- ipc_entry_t entry;
- if (task == TASK_NULL) {
- db_printf("port_name_to_data: task is null\n");
- return (0);
- }
- if ((space = task->itk_space) == 0) {
- db_printf("port_name_to_data: task->itk_space is null\n");
- return (0);
- }
- if (!space->is_active) {
- db_printf("port_name_to_data: task->itk_space not active\n");
- return (0);
- }
- if ((entry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name)) == 0) {
- db_printf("port_name_to_data: lookup yields zero\n");
- return (0);
- }
- return ((ipc_port_t)entry->ie_object);
+ * Routine: kdp_mqueue_recv_find_owner
+ * Purpose:
+ * Discover the "owner" of the ipc_mqueue that contains the input
+ * waitq object. The thread blocked on the waitq is trying to
+ * receive on the mqueue.
+ * Conditions:
+ * The 'waitinfo->wait_type' value should already be set to
+ * kThreadWaitPortReceive.
+ * Note:
+ * If we find that we are actualy waiting on a port set, we reset
+ * the wait_type field to reflect this.
+ */
-print_type_ports(type, dead)
- unsigned type;
- unsigned dead;
+kdp_mqueue_recv_find_owner(struct waitq * waitq, __assert_only event64_t event, thread_waitinfo_t * waitinfo)
- ipc_port_t port;
- int n;
- n = 0;
- for (port = (ipc_port_t)first_element(ipc_object_zones[IOT_PORT]);
- port;
- port = (ipc_port_t)next_element(ipc_object_zones[IOT_PORT],
- (vm_offset_t)port))
- if (ip_kotype(port) == type &&
- (!dead || !ip_active(port))) {
- if (++n % 5)
- printf("0x%x\t", port);
- else
- printf("0x%x\n", port);
+ assert(waitinfo->wait_type == kThreadWaitPortReceive);
+ assert(event == IPC_MQUEUE_RECEIVE);
+ ipc_mqueue_t mqueue = imq_from_waitq(waitq);
+ waitinfo->owner = 0;
+ if (imq_is_set(mqueue)) { /* we are waiting on a port set */
+ ipc_pset_t set = ips_from_mq(mqueue);
+ assert(kdp_is_in_zone(set, "ipc port sets"));
+ /* Reset wait type to specify waiting on port set receive */
+ waitinfo->wait_type = kThreadWaitPortSetReceive;
+ waitinfo->context = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(set);
+ if (ips_lock_held_kdp(set)) {
- if (n % 5)
- printf("\n");
+ /* There is no specific owner "at the other end" of a port set, so leave unset. */
+ } else {
+ ipc_port_t port = ip_from_mq(mqueue);
+ assert(kdp_is_in_zone(port, "ipc ports"));
- ipc_port_t port;
- int total_port_count;
- int space_null_count;
- int space_kernel_count;
- int space_reply_count;
- int space_pager_count;
- int space_other_count;
- struct {
- int total_count;
- int dead_count;
- } port_types[IKOT_MAX_TYPE];
- total_port_count = 0;
- bzero((char *)&port_types[0], sizeof(port_types));
- space_null_count = 0;
- space_kernel_count = 0;
- space_reply_count = 0;
- space_pager_count = 0;
- space_other_count = 0;
- for (port = (ipc_port_t)first_element(ipc_object_zones[IOT_PORT]);
- port;
- port = (ipc_port_t)next_element(ipc_object_zones[IOT_PORT],
- (vm_offset_t)port)) {
- total_port_count++;
- if (ip_kotype(port) >= IKOT_MAX_TYPE) {
- port_types[IKOT_UNKNOWN].total_count++;
- if (!io_active(&port->ip_object))
- port_types[IKOT_UNKNOWN].dead_count++;
- } else {
- port_types[ip_kotype(port)].total_count++;
- if (!io_active(&port->ip_object))
- port_types[ip_kotype(port)].dead_count++;
+ waitinfo->context = VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE_OR_PERM(port);
+ if (ip_lock_held_kdp(port)) {
+ return;
- if (!port->ip_receiver)
- space_null_count++;
- else if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel)
- space_kernel_count++;
- else if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_reply)
- space_reply_count++;
- else if (port->ip_receiver == default_pager_space)
- space_pager_count++;
- else
- space_other_count++;
- }
- printf("\n%7d total ports\n\n", total_port_count);
-#define PRINT_ONE_PORT_TYPE(name) \
- printf("%7d %s", port_types[IKOT_##name].total_count, # name); \
- if (port_types[IKOT_##name].dead_count) \
- printf(" (%d dead ports)", port_types[IKOT_##name].dead_count);\
- printf("\n");
- printf("\nipc_space:\n\n");
- printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",
- space_null_count,
- space_kernel_count,
- space_reply_count,
- space_pager_count,
- space_other_count
- );
-#endif /* ZONE_DEBUG */
- * Print out all the kmsgs in a queue. Aggregate kmsgs with
- * identical message ids into a single entry. Count up the
- * amount of inline and out-of-line data consumed by each
- * and every kmsg.
- *
- */
-#define KMSG_MATCH_FIELD(kmsg) ((unsigned int) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_id)
-#define DKQP_LONG(kmsg) FALSE
-char *dkqp_long_format = "(%3d) <%10d> 0x%x %10d %10d\n";
-char *dkqp_format = "(%3d) <%10d> 0x%x %10d %10d\n";
- ipc_kmsg_t kmsg);
- ipc_kmsg_t kmsg)
- ipc_kmsg_t ikmsg, first_kmsg;
- register int icount;
- mach_msg_id_t cur_id;
- unsigned int inline_total, ool_total;
- int nmsgs;
- iprintf("Count msgh_id kmsg addr inline bytes ool bytes\n");
- inline_total = ool_total = (vm_size_t) 0;
- cur_id = KMSG_MATCH_FIELD(kmsg);
- for (icount = 0, nmsgs = 0, first_kmsg = ikmsg = kmsg;
- kmsg != IKM_NULL && (kmsg != first_kmsg || nmsgs == 0);
- kmsg = kmsg->ikm_next) {
- ++nmsgs;
- if (!(KMSG_MATCH_FIELD(kmsg) == cur_id)) {
- iprintf(DKQP_LONG(kmsg) ? dkqp_long_format:dkqp_format,
- icount, cur_id, ikmsg, inline_total,ool_total);
- cur_id = KMSG_MATCH_FIELD(kmsg);
- icount = 1;
- ikmsg = kmsg;
- inline_total = ool_total = 0;
- } else {
- icount++;
+ if (ip_active(port)) {
+ if (port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL) {
+ waitinfo->owner = port->ip_receiver_name;
+ } else {
+ }
- if (DKQP_LONG(kmsg))
- inline_total += kmsg->ikm_size;
- else
- inline_total += kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size;
- iprintf(DKQP_LONG(kmsg) ? dkqp_long_format : dkqp_format,
- icount, cur_id, ikmsg, inline_total, ool_total);
- return nmsgs;
+#include <kern/machine.h>
- * Process all of the messages on a port - prints out the
- * number of occurences of each message type, and the first
- * kmsg with a particular msgh_id.
+ * Keep a list of all allocated ports.
+ * Allocation is intercepted via ipc_port_init;
+ * deallocation is intercepted via io_free.
- ipc_port_t port)
- ipc_kmsg_t kmsg;
- if (ipc_kmsg_queue_empty(&port->ip_messages.imq_messages))
- return 0;
- kmsg = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(&port->ip_messages.imq_messages);
- return db_kmsg_queue_print(kmsg);
+#if 0
+queue_head_t port_alloc_queue;
+lck_spin_t port_alloc_queue_lock;
-#include <ddb/db_sym.h>
-#include <ddb/db_access.h>
+unsigned long port_count = 0;
+unsigned long port_count_warning = 20000;
+unsigned long port_timestamp = 0;
-#define FUNC_NULL ((void (*)) 0)
-#define MAX_REFS 5 /* bins for tracking ref counts */
+void db_port_stack_trace(
+ ipc_port_t port);
+void db_ref(
+ int refs);
+int db_port_walk(
+ unsigned int verbose,
+ unsigned int display,
+ unsigned int ref_search,
+ unsigned int ref_target);
- * Translate port's cache of call stack pointers
- * into symbolic names.
+ * Initialize global state needed for run-time
+ * port debugging.
- ipc_port_t port)
- unsigned int i;
+#if 0
+ queue_init(&port_alloc_queue);
+ lck_spin_init(&port_alloc_queue_lock, &ipc_lck_grp, &ipc_lck_attr);
- for (i = 0; i < IP_CALLSTACK_MAX; ++i) {
- iprintf("[%d] 0x%x\t", i, port->ip_callstack[i]);
- if (port->ip_callstack[i] != 0 &&
- DB_VALID_KERN_ADDR(port->ip_callstack[i]))
- db_printsym(port->ip_callstack[i], DB_STGY_PROC);
- printf("\n");
+ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("ipc_portbt", &ipc_portbt, sizeof(ipc_portbt))) {
+ ipc_portbt = 0;
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+extern int proc_pid(struct proc*);
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
-typedef struct port_item {
- unsigned long item;
- unsigned long count;
-} port_item;
-#define ITEM_MAX 400
-typedef struct port_track {
- char *name;
- unsigned long max;
- unsigned long warning;
- port_item items[ITEM_MAX];
-} port_track;
-port_track port_callers; /* match against calling addresses */
-port_track port_threads; /* match against allocating threads */
-port_track port_spaces; /* match against ipc spaces */
-void port_track_init(
- port_track *trackp,
- char *name);
-void port_item_add(
- port_track *trackp,
- unsigned long item);
-void port_track_sort(
- port_track *trackp);
-void port_track_print(
- port_track *trackp,
- void (*func)(port_item *));
-void port_callers_print(
- port_item *p);
+ * Initialize all of the debugging state in a port.
+ * Insert the port into a global list of all allocated ports.
+ */
- port_track *trackp,
- char *name)
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ uintptr_t *callstack,
+ unsigned int callstack_max)
- port_item *i;
- trackp->max = trackp->warning = 0;
- trackp->name = name;
- for (i = trackp->items; i < trackp->items + ITEM_MAX; ++i)
- i->item = i->count = 0;
+ unsigned int i;
- port_track *trackp,
- unsigned long item)
- port_item *limit, *i;
+ port->ip_thread = current_thread();
+ port->ip_timetrack = port_timestamp++;
+ for (i = 0; i < callstack_max; ++i) {
+ port->ip_callstack[i] = callstack[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < IP_NSPARES; ++i) {
+ port->ip_spares[i] = 0;
+ }
- limit = trackp->items + trackp->max;
- for (i = trackp->items; i < limit; ++i)
- if (i->item == item) {
- i->count++;
- return;
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ task_t task = current_task();
+ if (task != TASK_NULL) {
+ struct proc* proc = (struct proc*) get_bsdtask_info(task);
+ if (proc) {
+ port->ip_spares[0] = proc_pid(proc);
- if (trackp->max >= ITEM_MAX) {
- if (trackp->warning++ == 0)
- iprintf("%s: no room\n", trackp->name);
- return;
- i->item = item;
- i->count = 1;
- trackp->max++;
+#endif /* MACH_BSD */
+#if 0
+ lck_spin_lock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
+ ++port_count;
+ if (port_count_warning > 0 && port_count >= port_count_warning) {
+ assert(port_count < port_count_warning);
+ }
+ queue_enter(&port_alloc_queue, port, ipc_port_t, ip_port_links);
+ lck_spin_unlock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
- * Simple (and slow) bubble sort.
+ * Routine: ipc_port_callstack_init_debug
+ * Purpose:
+ * Calls the machine-dependent routine to
+ * fill in an array with up to IP_CALLSTACK_MAX
+ * levels of return pc information
+ * Conditions:
+ * May block (via copyin)
- port_track *trackp)
- port_item *limit, *p;
- port_item temp;
- boolean_t unsorted;
- limit = trackp->items + trackp->max - 1;
- do {
- unsorted = FALSE;
- for (p = trackp->items; p < limit - 1; ++p) {
- if (p->count < (p+1)->count) {
- temp = *p;
- *p = *(p+1);
- *(p+1) = temp;
- unsorted = TRUE;
- }
- }
- } while (unsorted == TRUE);
- port_track *trackp,
- void (*func)(port_item *))
+ uintptr_t *callstack,
+ unsigned int callstack_max)
- port_item *limit, *p;
+ unsigned int i;
- limit = trackp->items + trackp->max;
- iprintf("%s:\n", trackp->name);
- for (p = trackp->items; p < limit; ++p) {
- if (func != FUNC_NULL)
- (*func)(p);
- else
- iprintf("0x%x\t%8d\n", p->item, p->count);
+ /* guarantee the callstack is initialized */
+ for (i = 0; i < callstack_max; i++) {
+ callstack[i] = 0;
- port_item *p)
- iprintf("0x%x\t%8d\t", p->item, p->count);
- db_printsym(p->item, DB_STGY_PROC);
- printf("\n");
+ if (ipc_portbt) {
+ machine_callstack(callstack, callstack_max);
+ }
- * Show all ports with a given reference count.
+ * Remove a port from the queue of allocated ports.
+ * This routine should be invoked JUST prior to
+ * deallocating the actual memory occupied by the port.
+#if 1
- int refs)
- db_port_walk(1, 1, 1, refs);
- * Examine all currently allocated ports.
- * Options:
- * verbose display suspicious ports
- * display print out each port encountered
- * ref_search restrict examination to ports with
- * a specified reference count
- * ref_target reference count for ref_search
- */
- unsigned int verbose,
- unsigned int display,
- unsigned int ref_search,
- unsigned int ref_target)
- ipc_port_t port;
- unsigned int ref_overflow, refs, i, ref_inactive_overflow;
- unsigned int no_receiver, no_match;
- unsigned int ref_counts[MAX_REFS];
- unsigned int inactive[MAX_REFS];
- unsigned int ipc_ports = 0;
- unsigned int proxies = 0, principals = 0;
- iprintf("Allocated port count is %d\n", port_count);
- no_receiver = no_match = ref_overflow = 0;
- ref_inactive_overflow = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_REFS; ++i) {
- ref_counts[i] = 0;
- inactive[i] = 0;
- }
- port_track_init(&port_callers, "port callers");
- port_track_init(&port_threads, "port threads");
- port_track_init(&port_spaces, "port spaces");
- if (ref_search)
- iprintf("Walking ports of ref_count=%d.\n", ref_target);
- else
- iprintf("Walking all ports.\n");
- queue_iterate(&port_alloc_queue, port, ipc_port_t, ip_port_links) {
- char *port_type;
- port_type = " IPC port";
- if (ip_active(port))
- ipc_ports++;
- refs = port->ip_references;
- if (ref_search && refs != ref_target)
- continue;
- if (refs >= MAX_REFS) {
- if (ip_active(port))
- ++ref_overflow;
- else
- ++ref_inactive_overflow;
- } else {
- if (refs == 0 && verbose)
- iprintf("%s 0x%x has ref count of zero!\n",
- port_type, port);
- if (ip_active(port))
- ref_counts[refs]++;
- else
- inactive[refs]++;
- }
- port_item_add(&port_threads, (unsigned long) port->ip_thread);
- for (i = 0; i < IP_CALLSTACK_MAX; ++i) {
- if (port->ip_callstack[i] != 0 &&
- DB_VALID_KERN_ADDR(port->ip_callstack[i]))
- port_item_add(&port_callers,
- port->ip_callstack[i]);
- }
- if (!ip_active(port)) {
- if (verbose)
- iprintf("%s 0x%x, inactive, refcnt %d\n",
- port_type, port, refs);
- continue;
- }
- if (port->ip_receiver_name == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
- iprintf("%s 0x%x, no receiver, refcnt %d\n",
- port, refs);
- ++no_receiver;
- continue;
- }
- if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel ||
- port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_reply ||
- ipc_entry_lookup(port->ip_receiver,
- port->ip_receiver_name)
- != IE_NULL) {
- port_item_add(&port_spaces,
- (unsigned long)port->ip_receiver);
- if (display) {
- iprintf( "%s 0x%x time 0x%x ref_cnt %d\n",
- port_type, port,
- port->ip_timetrack, refs);
- }
- continue;
- }
- iprintf("%s 0x%x, rcvr 0x%x, name 0x%x, ref %d, no match\n",
- port_type, port, port->ip_receiver,
- port->ip_receiver_name, refs);
- ++no_match;
- }
- iprintf("Active port type summary:\n");
- iprintf("\tlocal IPC %6d\n", ipc_ports);
- iprintf("summary:\tcallers %d threads %d spaces %d\n",
- port_callers.max, port_threads.max, port_spaces.max);
- iprintf("\tref_counts:\n");
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_REFS; ++i)
- iprintf("\t ref_counts[%d] = %d\n", i, ref_counts[i]);
- iprintf("\t%d ports w/o receivers, %d w/o matches\n",
- no_receiver, no_match);
- iprintf("\tinactives:");
- if ( ref_inactive_overflow || inactive[0] || inactive[1] ||
- inactive[2] || inactive[3] || inactive[4] )
- printf(" [0]=%d [1]=%d [2]=%d [3]=%d [4]=%d [5+]=%d\n",
- inactive[0], inactive[1], inactive[2],
- inactive[3], inactive[4], ref_inactive_overflow);
- else
- printf(" No inactive ports.\n");
- port_track_sort(&port_spaces);
- port_track_print(&port_spaces, FUNC_NULL);
- port_track_sort(&port_threads);
- port_track_print(&port_threads, FUNC_NULL);
- port_track_sort(&port_callers);
- port_track_print(&port_callers, port_callers_print);
- return 0;
+ __unused ipc_port_t port)
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ lck_spin_lock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
+ assert(port_count > 0);
+ --port_count;
+ queue_remove(&port_alloc_queue, port, ipc_port_t, ip_port_links);
+ lck_spin_unlock(&port_alloc_queue_lock);
-#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
-#endif /* MACH_KDB */
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */