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File: BTreeTreeOps.c
UInt16 *returnIndex )
OSStatus err;
- SInt16 level;
- UInt32 curNodeNum;
+ SInt16 level; // Expected depth of current node
+ UInt32 curNodeNum; // Current node we're searching
NodeRec nodeRec;
UInt16 index;
Boolean keyFound;
+ SInt8 nodeKind; // Kind of current node (index/leaf)
KeyPtr keyPtr;
UInt8 * dataPtr;
UInt16 dataSize;
- if (btreePtr->treeDepth == 0) // is the tree empty?
+ curNodeNum = btreePtr->rootNode;
+ level = btreePtr->treeDepth;
+ if (level == 0) // is the tree empty?
err = fsBTEmptyErr;
goto ErrorExit;
- curNodeNum = btreePtr->rootNode;
//\80\80 for debugging...
treePathTable [0].node = 0;
treePathTable [0].index = 0;
while (true)
- PanicIf(curNodeNum == 0, "\pSearchTree: curNodeNum is zero!");
- err = GetNode (btreePtr, curNodeNum, &nodeRec);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- goto ErrorExit;
- }
- keyFound = SearchNode (btreePtr, nodeRec.buffer, searchKey, &index);
- level = ((BTNodeDescriptor*)nodeRec.buffer)->height; //\80\80 or --level;
+ //
+ // [2550929] Node number 0 is the header node. It is never a valid
+ // index or leaf node. If we're ever asked to search through node 0,
+ // something has gone wrong (typically a bad child node number, or
+ // we found a node full of zeroes that we thought was an index node).
+ //
+ if (curNodeNum == 0)
+ {
+// Panic("\pSearchTree: curNodeNum is zero!");
+ err = btBadNode;
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ err = GetNode (btreePtr, curNodeNum, &nodeRec);
+ if (err != noErr)
+ {
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
- treePathTable [level].node = curNodeNum;
- if ( ((BTNodeDescriptor*)nodeRec.buffer)->kind == kBTLeafNode)
- {
- treePathTable [level].index = index;
- break; // were done...
- }
- if ( (keyFound != true) && (index != 0))
- --index;
- treePathTable [level].index = index;
- GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, nodeRec.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &dataPtr, &dataSize);
- curNodeNum = *(UInt32 *)dataPtr;
- err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &nodeRec);
- if (err != noErr)
- {
- goto ErrorExit;
- }
+ //
+ // [2550929] Sanity check the node height and node type. We expect
+ // particular values at each iteration in the search. This checking
+ // quickly finds bad pointers, loops, and other damage to the
+ // hierarchy of the B-tree.
+ //
+ if (((BTNodeDescriptor*)nodeRec.buffer)->height != level)
+ {
+// Panic("\pIncorrect node height");
+ err = btBadNode;
+ goto ReleaseAndExit;
+ }
+ nodeKind = ((BTNodeDescriptor*)nodeRec.buffer)->kind;
+ if (level == 1)
+ {
+ // Nodes at level 1 must be leaves, by definition
+ if (nodeKind != kBTLeafNode)
+ {
+ // Panic("\pIncorrect node type: expected leaf");
+ err = btBadNode;
+ goto ReleaseAndExit;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A node at any other depth must be an index node
+ if (nodeKind != kBTIndexNode)
+ {
+// Panic("\pIncorrect node type: expected index");
+ err = btBadNode;
+ goto ReleaseAndExit;
+ }
+ }
+ keyFound = SearchNode (btreePtr, nodeRec.buffer, searchKey, &index);
+ treePathTable [level].node = curNodeNum;
+ if (nodeKind == kBTLeafNode)
+ {
+ treePathTable [level].index = index;
+ break; // were done...
+ }
+ if ( (keyFound != true) && (index != 0))
+ --index;
+ treePathTable [level].index = index;
+ err = GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, nodeRec.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &dataPtr, &dataSize);
+ if (err != noErr)
+ {
+ // [2550929] If we got an error, it is probably because the index was bad
+ // (typically a corrupt node that confused SearchNode). Invalidate the node
+ // so we won't accidentally use the corrupted contents. NOTE: the Mac OS 9
+ // sources call this InvalidateNode.
+ (void) TrashNode(btreePtr, &nodeRec);
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ // Get the child pointer out of this index node. We're now done with the current
+ // node and can continue the search with the child node.
+ curNodeNum = *(UInt32 *)dataPtr;
+ err = ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &nodeRec);
+ if (err != noErr)
+ {
+ goto ErrorExit;
+ }
+ // The child node should be at a level one less than the parent.
+ --level;
*nodeNum = curNodeNum;
return fsBTRecordNotFoundErr; // searchKey not found, index identifies insert point
+ (void) ReleaseNode(btreePtr, &nodeRec);
+ // fall into ErrorExit
*nodeNum = 0;
Boolean insertParent;
Boolean updateParent;
Boolean newRoot;
+ InsertKey insertKey;
#if defined(applec) && !defined(__SC__)
PanicIf ((level == 1) && (((NodeDescPtr)targetNode->buffer)->kind != kBTLeafNode), "\P InsertLevel: non-leaf at level 1! ");
leftNode.buffer = nil;
+ leftNode.blockHeader = nil;
targetNodeNum = treePathTable [level].node;
insertParent = false;
updateParent = false;
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, targetNode);
////// process first insert //////
err = InsertNode (btreePtr, primaryKey, targetNode, targetNodeNum, index,
&newNodeNum, &newIndex, &leftNode, &updateParent, &insertParent, &newRoot );
M_ExitOnError (err);
UInt8 * recPtr;
UInt16 recSize;
+ parentNode.buffer = nil;
+ parentNode.blockHeader = nil;
secondaryKey = nil;
PanicIf ( (level == btreePtr->treeDepth), "\p InsertLevel: unfinished insert!?");
if ( updateParent )
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, &parentNode);
//\80\80 debug: check if ptr == targetNodeNum
GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, parentNode.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &recPtr, &recSize);
PanicIf( (*(UInt32 *) recPtr) != targetNodeNum, "\p InsertLevel: parent ptr doesn't match target node!");
if ( insertParent )
InsertKey *insertKeyPtr;
- InsertKey insertKey;
if ( updateParent )
(void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, targetNode);
(void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &leftNode);
- Panic ("\p InsertLevel: an error occured!");
+ Panic ("\p InsertLevel: an error occurred!");
return err;
err = GetNode (btreePtr, leftNodeNum, leftNode); // will be released by caller or a split below
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, leftNode);
PanicIf ( ((NodeDescPtr) leftNode->buffer)->fLink != node, "\p InsertNode, RotateLeft: invalid sibling link!" );
return noErr;
(void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, leftNode);
return err;
Boolean deleteRequired;
Boolean updateRequired;
+ // XXXdbg - initialize these to null in case we get an
+ // error and try to exit before it's initialized
+ parentNode.buffer = nil;
+ parentNode.blockHeader = nil;
deleteRequired = false;
updateRequired = false;
targetNodePtr = targetNode->buffer;
PanicIf (targetNodePtr == nil, "\pDeleteTree: targetNode has nil buffer!");
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, targetNode);
DeleteRecord (btreePtr, targetNodePtr, index);
//\80\80 coalesce remaining records?
deleteRequired = true;
+ siblingNode.buffer = nil;
+ siblingNode.blockHeader = nil;
////////////////// Get Siblings & Update Links //////////////////////////
siblingNodeNum = targetNodePtr->bLink; // Left Sibling Node
err = GetNode (btreePtr, siblingNodeNum, &siblingNode);
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, &siblingNode);
((NodeDescPtr)siblingNode.buffer)->fLink = targetNodePtr->fLink;
err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, &siblingNode, 0, kLockTransaction);
M_ExitOnError (err);
err = GetNode (btreePtr, siblingNodeNum, &siblingNode);
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, &siblingNode);
((NodeDescPtr)siblingNode.buffer)->bLink = targetNodePtr->bLink;
err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, &siblingNode, 0, kLockTransaction);
M_ExitOnError (err);
err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, targetNode, 0, kLockTransaction);
M_ExitOnError (err);
err = FreeNode (btreePtr, targetNodeNum);
M_ExitOnError (err);
UInt16 recSize;
UInt32 insertNode;
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, &parentNode);
//\80\80 debug: check if ptr == targetNodeNum
GetRecordByIndex (btreePtr, parentNode.buffer, index, &keyPtr, &recPtr, &recSize);
PanicIf( (*(UInt32 *) recPtr) != targetNodeNum, "\p DeleteTree: parent ptr doesn't match targetNodeNum!!");
return noErr;
(void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, targetNode);
(void) ReleaseNode (btreePtr, &parentNode);
originalRoot = btreePtr->rootNode;
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, blockPtr);
while (true)
if ( ((NodeDescPtr)blockPtr->buffer)->numRecords > 1)
//// Get New Root Node
err = GetNode (btreePtr, btreePtr->rootNode, blockPtr);
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, blockPtr);
if (btreePtr->rootNode != originalRoot)
if ( left != nil )
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, leftNode);
left->fLink = newNodeNum;
err = UpdateNode (btreePtr, leftNode, 0, kLockTransaction);
M_ExitOnError (err);
err = GetNewNode (btreePtr, newNodeNum, leftNode);
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, leftNode);
left = leftNode->buffer;
left->fLink = rightNodeNum;
err = RotateLeft (btreePtr, left, right, index, keyPtr, recPtr, recSize,
insertIndex, insertNodeNum, &recordFit, recsRotated);
- M_ExitOnError (err);
+ M_ExitOnError (err);
return noErr;
Boolean didItFit;
UInt16 keyLength;
+ rootNode.buffer = nil;
+ rootNode.blockHeader = nil;
PanicIf (leftNode == nil, "\pAddNewRootNode: leftNode == nil");
PanicIf (rightNode == nil, "\pAddNewRootNode: rightNode == nil");
err = GetNewNode (btreePtr, rootNum, &rootNode);
M_ExitOnError (err);
+ // XXXdbg
+ ModifyBlockStart(btreePtr->fileRefNum, &rootNode);
((NodeDescPtr)rootNode.buffer)->kind = kBTIndexNode;
((NodeDescPtr)rootNode.buffer)->height = ++btreePtr->treeDepth;