- paramErr = -50, /*error in user parameter list*/
- noHardwareErr = -200, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
- notEnoughHardwareErr = -201, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
- userCanceledErr = -128,
- qErr = -1, /*queue element not found during deletion*/
- vTypErr = -2, /*invalid queue element*/
- corErr = -3, /*core routine number out of range*/
- unimpErr = -4, /*unimplemented core routine*/
- SlpTypeErr = -5, /*invalid queue element*/
- seNoDB = -8, /*no debugger installed to handle debugger command*/
- controlErr = -17, /*I/O System Errors*/
- statusErr = -18, /*I/O System Errors*/
- readErr = -19, /*I/O System Errors*/
- writErr = -20, /*I/O System Errors*/
- badUnitErr = -21, /*I/O System Errors*/
- unitEmptyErr = -22, /*I/O System Errors*/
- openErr = -23, /*I/O System Errors*/
- closErr = -24, /*I/O System Errors*/
- dRemovErr = -25, /*tried to remove an open driver*/
- dInstErr = -26 /*DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources*/
-enum { /* Printing Errors */
- iMemFullErr = -108,
- iIOAbort = -27, /*Scrap Manager errors*/
- noScrapErr = -100, /*No scrap exists error*/
- noTypeErr = -102, /*No object of that type in scrap*/
- memROZWarn = -99, /*soft error in ROZ*/
- memROZError = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
- memROZErr = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
- memFullErr = -108, /*Not enough room in heap zone*/
- nilHandleErr = -109, /*Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other*/
- memWZErr = -111, /*WhichZone failed (applied to free block)*/
- memPurErr = -112, /*trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block*/
- memAdrErr = -110 /*address was odd; or out of range*/
-enum {
- abortErr = -27, /*IO call aborted by KillIO*/
- iIOAbortErr = -27, /*IO abort error (Printing Manager)*/
- notOpenErr = -28, /*Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened*/
- unitTblFullErr = -29, /*unit table has no more entries*/
- dceExtErr = -30, /*dce extension error*/
- slotNumErr = -360, /*invalid slot # error*/
- gcrOnMFMErr = -400, /*gcr format on high density media error*/
- dirFulErr = -33, /*Directory full*/
- dskFulErr = -34, /*disk full*/
- nsvErr = -35, /*no such volume*/
- ioErr = -36, /*I/O error (bummers)*/
- bdNamErr = -37, /*there may be no bad names in the final system!*/
- fnOpnErr = -38, /*File not open*/
- eofErr = -39, /*End of file*/
- posErr = -40, /*tried to position to before start of file (r/w)*/
- mFulErr = -41, /*memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)*/
- tmfoErr = -42, /*too many files open*/
- fnfErr = -43, /*File not found*/
- wPrErr = -44, /*diskette is write protected.*/
- fLckdErr = -45 /*file is locked*/
-enum {
- vLckdErr = -46, /*volume is locked*/
- fBsyErr = -47, /*File is busy (delete)*/
- dupFNErr = -48, /*duplicate filename (rename)*/
- opWrErr = -49, /*file already open with with write permission*/
- rfNumErr = -51, /*refnum error*/
- gfpErr = -52, /*get file position error*/
- volOffLinErr = -53, /*volume not on line error (was Ejected)*/
- permErr = -54, /*permissions error (on file open)*/
- volOnLinErr = -55, /*drive volume already on-line at MountVol*/
- nsDrvErr = -56, /*no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)*/
- noMacDskErr = -57, /*not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)*/
- extFSErr = -58, /*volume in question belongs to an external fs*/
- fsRnErr = -59, /*file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.*/
- badMDBErr = -60, /*bad master directory block*/
- wrPermErr = -61, /*write permissions error*/
- dirNFErr = -120, /*Directory not found*/
- tmwdoErr = -121, /*No free WDCB available*/
- badMovErr = -122, /*Move into offspring error*/
- wrgVolTypErr = -123, /*Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]*/
- volGoneErr = -124 /*Server volume has been disconnected.*/
-enum {
- /*Dictionary Manager errors*/
- notBTree = -410, /*The file is not a dictionary.*/
- btNoSpace = -413, /*Can't allocate disk space.*/
- btDupRecErr = -414, /*Record already exists.*/
- btRecNotFnd = -415, /*Record cannot be found.*/
- btKeyLenErr = -416, /*Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.*/
- btKeyAttrErr = -417, /*There is no such a key attribute.*/
- unknownInsertModeErr = -20000, /*There is no such an insert mode.*/
- recordDataTooBigErr = -20001, /*The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).*/
- invalidIndexErr = -20002 /*The recordIndex parameter is not valid.*/
-enum {
- fidNotFound = -1300, /*no file thread exists.*/
- fidExists = -1301, /*file id already exists*/
- notAFileErr = -1302, /*directory specified*/
- diffVolErr = -1303, /*files on different volumes*/
- catChangedErr = -1304, /*the catalog has been modified*/
- desktopDamagedErr = -1305, /*desktop database files are corrupted*/
- sameFileErr = -1306, /*can't exchange a file with itself*/
- badFidErr = -1307, /*file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number*/
- notARemountErr = -1308, /*when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one*/
- fileBoundsErr = -1309, /*file's EOF, offset, mark or size is too big*/
- fsDataTooBigErr = -1310, /*file or volume is too big for system*/
- volVMBusyErr = -1311, /*can't eject because volume is in use by VM*/
- envNotPresent = -5500, /*returned by glue.*/
- envBadVers = -5501, /*Version non-positive*/
- envVersTooBig = -5502, /*Version bigger than call can handle*/
- fontDecError = -64, /*error during font declaration*/
- fontNotDeclared = -65, /*font not declared*/
- fontSubErr = -66, /*font substitution occured*/
- fontNotOutlineErr = -32615, /*bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only*/
- firstDskErr = -84, /*I/O System Errors*/
- lastDskErr = -64, /*I/O System Errors*/
- noDriveErr = -64, /*drive not installed*/
- offLinErr = -65, /*r/w requested for an off-line drive*/
- noNybErr = -66 /*couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries*/
-enum {
- /* general text errors*/
- kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr = -8738, /* specified encoding not supported for this operation*/
- kTextMalformedInputErr = -8739, /* in DBCS, for example, high byte followed by invalid low byte*/
- kTextUndefinedElementErr = -8740, /* text conversion errors*/
- kTECMissingTableErr = -8745,
- kTECTableChecksumErr = -8746,
- kTECTableFormatErr = -8747,
- kTECCorruptConverterErr = -8748, /* invalid converter object reference*/
- kTECNoConversionPathErr = -8749,
- kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr = -8750, /* output buffer too small to allow processing of first input text element*/
- kTECArrayFullErr = -8751, /* supplied name buffer or TextRun, TextEncoding, or UnicodeMapping array is too small*/
- kTECBadTextRunErr = -8752,
- kTECPartialCharErr = -8753, /* input buffer ends in the middle of a multibyte character, conversion stopped*/
- kTECUnmappableElementErr = -8754,
- kTECIncompleteElementErr = -8755, /* text element may be incomplete or is too long for internal buffers*/
- kTECDirectionErr = -8756, /* direction stack overflow, etc.*/
- kTECGlobalsUnavailableErr = -8770, /* globals have already been deallocated (premature TERM)*/
- kTECItemUnavailableErr = -8771, /* item (e.g. name) not available for specified region (& encoding if relevant)*/
- /* text conversion status codes*/
- kTECUsedFallbacksStatus = -8783,
- kTECNeedFlushStatus = -8784,
- kTECOutputBufferFullStatus = -8785, /* output buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)*/
- /* deprecated error & status codes for low-level converter*/
- unicodeChecksumErr = -8769,
- unicodeNoTableErr = -8768,
- unicodeVariantErr = -8767,
- unicodeFallbacksErr = -8766,
- unicodePartConvertErr = -8765,
- unicodeBufErr = -8764,
- unicodeCharErr = -8763,
- unicodeElementErr = -8762,
- unicodeNotFoundErr = -8761,
- unicodeTableFormatErr = -8760,
- unicodeDirectionErr = -8759,
- unicodeContextualErr = -8758,
- unicodeTextEncodingDataErr = -8757
- File: MacMemory.h
- File: MixedMode.h
-/* Calling Conventions */
-typedef unsigned short CallingConventionType;
-enum {
- kPascalStackBased = 0,
- kCStackBased = 1,
- kRegisterBased = 2,
- kD0DispatchedPascalStackBased = 8,
- kD1DispatchedPascalStackBased = 12,
- kD0DispatchedCStackBased = 9,
- kStackDispatchedPascalStackBased = 14,
- kThinkCStackBased = 5
- #define STACK_UPP_TYPE(name) name
- #define REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(name) name
- File: OSUtils.h
-typedef struct QElem QElem;
-typedef QElem * QElemPtr;
-struct QHdr {
- short qFlags;
- QElemPtr qHead;
- QElemPtr qTail;
-typedef struct QHdr QHdr;
-typedef QHdr * QHdrPtr;
-typedef CALLBACK_API( void , DeferredTaskProcPtr )(long dtParam);
- WARNING: DeferredTaskProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
-typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(DeferredTaskProcPtr) DeferredTaskUPP;
-enum { uppDeferredTaskProcInfo = 0x0000B802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A1) */
-#define NewDeferredTaskProc(userRoutine) (DeferredTaskUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppDeferredTaskProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
-#define CallDeferredTaskProc(userRoutine, dtParam) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userRoutine), uppDeferredTaskProcInfo, (dtParam))
-struct DeferredTask {
- QElemPtr qLink;
- short qType;
- short dtFlags;
- DeferredTaskUPP dtAddr;
- long dtParam;
- long dtReserved;
-typedef struct DeferredTask DeferredTask;
-typedef DeferredTask * DeferredTaskPtr;
- File: Finder.h
- The following declerations used to be in Files.\89,
- but are Finder specific and were moved here.
-enum {
- /* Finder Flags */
- kIsOnDesk = 0x0001,
- kColor = 0x000E,
- kIsShared = 0x0040, /* bit 0x0080 is hasNoINITS */
- kHasBeenInited = 0x0100, /* bit 0x0200 was the letter bit for AOCE, but is now reserved for future use */
- kHasCustomIcon = 0x0400,
- kIsStationery = 0x0800,
- kNameLocked = 0x1000,
- kHasBundle = 0x2000,
- kIsInvisible = 0x4000,
- kIsAlias = 0x8000
-enum {
- /* Finder Constants */
- fOnDesk = 1,
- fHasBundle = 8192,
- fTrash = -3,
- fDesktop = -2,
- fDisk = 0
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
-struct FInfo {
- OSType fdType; /*the type of the file*/
- OSType fdCreator; /*file's creator*/
- unsigned short fdFlags; /*flags ex. hasbundle,invisible,locked, etc.*/
- Point fdLocation; /*file's location in folder*/
- short fdFldr; /*folder containing file*/
-typedef struct FInfo FInfo;
-struct FXInfo {
- short fdIconID; /*Icon ID*/
- short fdUnused[3]; /*unused but reserved 6 bytes*/
- SInt8 fdScript; /*Script flag and number*/
- SInt8 fdXFlags; /*More flag bits*/
- short fdComment; /*Comment ID*/
- long fdPutAway; /*Home Dir ID*/
-typedef struct FXInfo FXInfo;
-struct DInfo {
- Rect frRect; /*folder rect*/
- unsigned short frFlags; /*Flags*/
- Point frLocation; /*folder location*/
- short frView; /*folder view*/
-typedef struct DInfo DInfo;
-struct DXInfo {
- Point frScroll; /*scroll position*/
- long frOpenChain; /*DirID chain of open folders*/
- SInt8 frScript; /*Script flag and number*/
- SInt8 frXFlags; /*More flag bits*/
- short frComment; /*comment*/
- long frPutAway; /*DirID*/
-typedef struct DXInfo DXInfo;
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
-enum {
- fsRtParID = 1,
- fsRtDirID = 2
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- * UTGetBlock options
- */
-enum {
- gbDefault = 0, /* default value - read if not found */
- /* bits and masks */
- gbReadBit = 0, /* read block from disk (forced read) */
- gbReadMask = 0x0001,
- gbExistBit = 1, /* get existing cache block */
- gbExistMask = 0x0002,
- gbNoReadBit = 2, /* don't read block from disk if not found in cache */
- gbNoReadMask = 0x0004,
- gbReleaseBit = 3, /* release block immediately after GetBlock */
- gbReleaseMask = 0x0008