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- File: BTreeWrapper.c
- Contains: Interface glue for new B-tree manager.
- Version: HFS Plus 1.0
- Copyright: © 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- File Ownership:
- DRI: Don Brady
- Other Contact: Mark Day
- Technology: xxx put technology here xxx
- Writers:
- (msd) Mark Day
- (DSH) Deric Horn
- (djb) Don Brady
- Change History (most recent first):
- <MacOSX> 8/10/98 djb Removed all references to btcb global iterator (lastIterator).
- <MacOSX> 04/02/98 djb GetBTreeRecord is only used for MacOS builds.
- <MacOSX> 03/31/98 djb Sync up with final HFSVolumes.h header file.
- <CS18> 9/4/97 msd Fix ValidHFSRecord to determine the type of B-tree by FileID,
- not record size. Add better checking for attribute b-tree keys.
- <CS17> 8/22/97 djb Get blockReadFromDisk flag from GetCacheBlock call.
- <CS16> 8/14/97 djb Remove reserved field checks in ValidHFSRecord (radar #1649593).
- Only call if ValidHFSRecord HFS_DIAGNOSTIC is true.
- <CS15> 8/11/97 djb Bug 1670441. In SetEndOfForkProc, don't DebugStr if the disk is
- full.
- <CS14> 7/25/97 DSH Pass heuristicHint to BTSearchRecord from SearchBTreeRecord.
- <CS13> 7/24/97 djb CallBackProcs now take a file refNum instead of an FCB.
- GetBlockProc now reports if block came from disk.
- <CS12> 7/22/97 djb Move all trace points to BTree.c file.
- <CS11> 7/21/97 djb LogEndTime now takes an error code.
- <CS10> 7/16/97 DSH FilesInternal.x -> FileMgrInternal.x to avoid name collision
- <CS9> 7/15/97 msd Bug #1664103. OpenBTree is not propagating errors from
- BTOpenPath.
- <CS8> 7/9/97 djb Remove maxCNID check from ValidHFSRecord (radar #1649593).
- <CS7> 6/13/97 djb In ValidHFSRecord HFSPlus threads names can be > 31 chars.
- <CS6> 6/2/97 DSH Also flush AlternateVolumeHeader whenever Attributes or Startup
- files change size.
- <CS5> 5/28/97 msd In ValidHFSRecord, check for attribute keys.
- <CS4> 5/19/97 djb Move summary traces from GetBTreeRecord to BTIterateRecord.
- <CS3> 5/9/97 djb Get in sync with new FilesInternal.i.
- <CS2> 5/7/97 djb Add summary traces to B-tree SPI.
- <CS1> 4/24/97 djb first checked in
- <HFS18> 4/16/97 djb Always use new B-tree code.
- <HFS17> 4/4/97 djb Remove clumpSize test from ValidHFSRecord.
- <HFS16> 4/4/97 djb Get in sync with volume format changes.
- <HFS15> 3/17/97 DSH Casting for SC, BlockProcs are now not static.
- <HFS14> 3/3/97 djb Call trash block after closing btree!
- <HFS13> 2/19/97 djb Add support for accessing bigger B-tree nodes.
- <HFS12> 2/6/97 msd In CheckBTreeKey, remove test and DebugStr for parent ID being
- too big.
- <HFS11> 1/23/97 DSH SetEndOfForkProc now calls through to update the Alternate MDB
- or VolumeHeader.
- <HFS10> 1/16/97 djb Switched to dynamic lengths for BufferDescriptor length field in
- SearchBTreeRecord and GetBTreeRecord. Round up to clump size in
- SetEndOfForkProc.
- <HFS9> 1/15/97 djb Don't return errors for bad file ids in key.
- <HFS8> 1/13/97 djb Adding support for getting current record. ValidHFSRecord now
- supports variable sized thread records.
- <HFS7> 1/9/97 djb Call CheckBTreeKey before using key length in a BlockMoveData
- call.
- <HFS6> 1/6/97 djb Implement SetEndOfForkProc.
- <HFS5> 1/6/97 djb Added HFS Plus support to CheckBTreeKey and ValidHFSRecord.
- <HFS4> 1/3/97 djb Added support for large keys. Integrated latest HFSVolumesPriv.h
- changes.
- <HFS3> 12/23/96 djb Fixed problem in SearchBTreeRecord (dataSize is an output so it
- was undefined). Added some debugging code.
- <HFS2> 12/20/96 msd Fix OpenBTree to use the real data type for the key compare proc
- pointer (not void *). Fixed problem in SearchBTreeRecord that
- assigns a pointer to a buffer size field (forgot to dereference
- the pointer).
- <HFS1> 12/19/96 djb first checked in
#include "../headers/BTreesPrivate.h"
-// B-tree callbacks...
-OSStatus GetBlockProc ( FileReference fileRefNum, UInt32 blockNum, GetBlockOptions options, BlockDescriptor *block );
-OSStatus ReleaseBlockProc ( FileReference fileRefNum, BlockDescPtr blockPtr, ReleaseBlockOptions options );
-OSStatus SetBlockSizeProc ( FileReference fileRefNum, ByteCount blockSize, ItemCount minBlockCount );
// local routines
static OSErr CheckBTreeKey(const BTreeKey *key, const BTreeControlBlock *btcb);
static Boolean ValidHFSRecord(const void *record, const BTreeControlBlock *btcb, UInt16 recordSize);
OSErr SearchBTreeRecord(FileReference refNum, const void* key, UInt32 hint, void* foundKey, void* data, UInt16 *dataSize, UInt32 *newHint)
+ panic("SearchBTreeRecord is dead code!");
+ return (-1);
+#if 0
FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
BTreeIterator searchIterator;
FCB *fcb;
BlockMoveData(key, &searchIterator.key, CalcKeySize(btcb, (BTreeKey *) key)); //\80\80 should we range check against maxkeylen?
- // We only optimize for catalog records
- if( btRecord.itemSize == sizeof(CatalogRecord) )
- {
- UInt32 heuristicHint;
- UInt32 *cachedHint;
- Ptr hintCachePtr = FCBTOVCB(fcb)->hintCachePtr;
- // We pass a 2nd hint/guess into BTSearchRecord. The heuristicHint is a mapping of
- // dirID and nodeNumber, in hopes that the current search will be in the same node
- // as the last search with the same parentID.
- result = GetMRUCacheBlock( ((HFSCatalogKey *)key)->parentID, hintCachePtr, (Ptr *)&cachedHint );
- heuristicHint = (result == noErr) ? *cachedHint : kInvalidMRUCacheKey;
- result = BTSearchRecord( fcb, &searchIterator, heuristicHint, &btRecord, dataSize, &searchIterator );
- InsertMRUCacheBlock( hintCachePtr, ((HFSCatalogKey *)key)->parentID, (Ptr) &(searchIterator.hint.nodeNum) );
- }
- else
- {
- result = BTSearchRecord( fcb, &searchIterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btRecord, dataSize, &searchIterator );
- }
+ result = BTSearchRecord( fcb, &searchIterator, &btRecord, dataSize, &searchIterator );
if (result == noErr)
return result;
-OSErr InsertBTreeRecord(FileReference refNum, void* key, void* data, UInt16 dataSize, UInt32 *newHint)
- FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
- BTreeIterator iterator;
- FCB *fcb;
- BTreeControlBlock *btcb;
- OSStatus result;
- fcb = GetFileControlBlock(refNum);
- btcb = (BTreeControlBlock*) fcb->fcbBTCBPtr;
- btRecord.bufferAddress = data;
- btRecord.itemSize = dataSize;
- btRecord.itemCount = 1;
- iterator.hint.nodeNum = 0; // no hint
- result = CheckBTreeKey((BTreeKey *) key, btcb);
- ExitOnError(result);
- BlockMoveData(key, &iterator.key, CalcKeySize(btcb, (BTreeKey *) key)); //\80\80 should we range check against maxkeylen?
- if ( DEBUG_BUILD && !ValidHFSRecord(data, btcb, dataSize) )
- DebugStr("\pInsertBTreeRecord: bad record?");
- result = BTInsertRecord( fcb, &iterator, &btRecord, dataSize );
- *newHint = iterator.hint.nodeNum;
- return result;
-OSErr DeleteBTreeRecord(FileReference refNum, void* key)
- BTreeIterator iterator;
- FCB *fcb;
- BTreeControlBlock *btcb;
- OSStatus result;
- fcb = GetFileControlBlock(refNum);
- btcb = (BTreeControlBlock*) fcb->fcbBTCBPtr;
- iterator.hint.nodeNum = 0; // no hint
- result = CheckBTreeKey((BTreeKey *) key, btcb);
- ExitOnError(result);
- BlockMoveData(key, &iterator.key, CalcKeySize(btcb, (BTreeKey *) key)); //\80\80 should we range check against maxkeylen?
- result = BTDeleteRecord( fcb, &iterator );
- return result;