+ /* methods available in Mac OS X 10.1 or later */
+/*! @function runAction
+ @abstract Single thread a call to an action with the work-loop.
+ @discussion Client function that causes the given action to be called in a single threaded manner. Beware: the work-loop's gate is recursive and runAction can cause direct or indirect re-entrancy. When executing on a client's thread, runAction will sleep until the work-loop's gate opens for execution of client actions, the action is single threaded against all other work-loop event sources.
+ @param action Pointer to function to be executed in work-loop context.
+ @param arg0 Parameter for action parameter, defaults to 0.
+ @param arg1 Parameter for action parameter, defaults to 0.
+ @param arg2 Parameter for action parameter, defaults to 0.
+ @param arg3 Parameter for action parameter, defaults to 0.
+ @result Returns the value of the Action callout.
+ virtual IOReturn runAction(Action action, OSObject *target,
+ void *arg0 = 0, void *arg1 = 0,
+ void *arg2 = 0, void *arg3 = 0);
+/*! @function runEventSources
+ @discussion Consists of the inner 2 loops of the threadMain function(qv).
+ The outer loop terminates when there is no more work, and the inside loop
+ walks the event list calling the checkForWork method in each event source.
+ If an event source has more work to do, it can set the more flag and the
+ outer loop will repeat.
+ This function can be used to clear a priority inversion between the normal
+ workloop thread and multimedia's real time threads. The problem is that
+ the interrupt action routine is often held off by high priority threads.
+ So if they want to get their data now they will have to call us and ask if
+ any data is available. The multi-media user client will arrange for this
+ function to be called, which causes any pending interrupts to be processed
+ and the completion routines called. By the time the function returns all
+ outstanding work will have been completed at the real time threads
+ priority.
+ @result Return false if the work loop is shutting down, true otherwise.
+ virtual bool runEventSources();
+ // Internal APIs used by event sources to control the thread
+ virtual int sleepGate(void *event, AbsoluteTime deadline, UInt32 interuptibleType);
+#if __LP64__