#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/thread_status.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
-#include <mach/rpc.h>
#include <kern/counters.h>
#include <kern/mach_param.h>
* Load the rest of the user state for the new thread
+ (int)old, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
return(Switch_context(old, continuation, new));
thread_machine_create(thread_t thread, thread_act_t thr_act, void (*start_pos)(thread_t))
- MachineThrAct_t mact = &thr_act->mact;
+ MachineThrAct_t mact = &thr_act->mact;
if (watchacts & WA_PCB)
thread, thr_act, start_pos);
#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
- assert(thread != NULL);
- assert(thr_act != NULL);
- /*
- * Allocate a kernel stack per shuttle
- */
- thread->kernel_stack = (int)stack_alloc(thread,start_pos);
- assert(thread->kernel_stack != 0);
+ assert(thread != NULL);
+ assert(thr_act != NULL);
- /*
- * Point top of kernel stack to user`s registers.
- */
- STACK_IEL(thread->kernel_stack)->saved_state = &mact->pcb->iss;
+ /*
+ * Allocate a kernel stack per shuttle
+ */
+ thread->kernel_stack = (int)stack_alloc(thread,start_pos);
+ thread->state &= ~TH_STACK_HANDOFF;
+ assert(thread->kernel_stack != 0);
- * Utah code fiddles with pcb here - (we don't need to)
+ * Point top of kernel stack to user`s registers.
+ STACK_IEL(thread->kernel_stack)->saved_state = &mact->pcb->iss;
/* Good to verify this once */
- /*
- * If we start using kernel activations,
- * would normally create kernel_thread_pool here,
- * populating it from the act_zone
- */
assert( code == KERN_TERMINATED );
assert( thr_act );
- /*
- * JMM - RPC is not going to be done with a callout/direct-
- * stack manipulation mechanism. Instead we will return/
- * unwind normally as if from a continuation.
- */
- act_lock_thread(thr_act);
- if (thr_act->thread->top_act != thr_act) {
- /*
- * this is not the top activation;
- * if possible, we should clone the shuttle so that
- * both the root RPC-chain and the soon-to-be-orphaned
- * RPC-chain have shuttles
- *
- * JMM - Cloning shuttles isn't the right approach. We
- * need to alert the higher up activations to return our
- * shuttle (because scheduling attributes may TRUELY be
- * unique and not cloneable.
- */
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
- panic("act_machine_return: ORPHAN CASE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED");
- }
- if (thr_act->lower != THR_ACT_NULL) {
- thread_t cur_thread = current_thread();
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- struct ipc_port *iplock;
- /* send it an appropriate return code */
- thr_act->lower->alerts |= SERVER_TERMINATED;
- install_special_handler(thr_act->lower);
- /* Return to previous act with error code */
- act_locked_act_reference(thr_act); /* keep it around */
- act_switch_swapcheck(cur_thread, (ipc_port_t)0);
- (void) switch_act(THR_ACT_NULL);
- /* assert(thr_act->ref_count == 0); */ /* XXX */
- cur_act = cur_thread->top_act;
- machine_kernel_stack_init(cur_thread, mach_rpc_return_error);
- /*
- * The following unlocks must be done separately since fields
- * used by `act_unlock_thread()' have been cleared, meaning
- * that it would not release all of the appropriate locks.
- */
- iplock = thr_act->pool_port; /* remember for unlock call */
- rpc_unlock(cur_thread);
- if (iplock) ip_unlock(iplock); /* must be done separately */
- act_unlock(thr_act);
- act_deallocate(thr_act); /* free it */
- Load_context(cur_thread);
- panic("act_machine_return: TALKING ZOMBIE! (2)");
- }
- act_unlock_thread(thr_act);
-#endif /* CALLOUT_RPC_MODEL */
/* This is the only activation attached to the shuttle... */
/* terminate the entire thread (shuttle plus activation) */
thr_act->thread, thr_act->thread ? thr_act->thread->ref_count:0,
thr_act->task, thr_act->task ? thr_act->task->ref_count : 0);
- if (thr_act->pool_port) {
- thread_pool_t actpp = &thr_act->pool_port->ip_thread_pool;
- printf("\tpool(acts_p=%x, waiting=%d) pool_next %x\n",
- actpp->thr_acts, actpp->waiting, thr_act->thread_pool_next);
- }else
- printf("\tno thread_pool\n");
printf("\talerts=%x mask=%x susp=%d user_stop=%d active=%x ast=%x\n",
thr_act->alerts, thr_act->alert_mask,
thr_act->suspend_count, thr_act->user_stop_count,
void (*start_pos)(thread_t))
struct i386_kernel_state *statep;
- thread_act_t thr_act;
thread, thread->priority,
statep->k_eip = (unsigned long) Thread_continue;
statep->k_ebx = (unsigned long) start_pos;
statep->k_esp = (unsigned long) STACK_IEL(stack);
- STACK_IEL(stack)->saved_state = &thr_act->mact.pcb->iss;
+ assert(thread->top_act);
+ STACK_IEL(stack)->saved_state = &thread->top_act->mact.pcb->iss;
if (old->top_act->task->map->pmap != new_pmap)
PMAP_ACTIVATE_MAP(new->top_act->task->map, cpu_number());
+ (int)old, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
active_stacks[cpu_number()] = new->kernel_stack;
+struct i386_act_context {
+ struct i386_saved_state ss;
+ struct i386_float_state fs;
+void *
+struct i386_act_context *ic;
+kern_return_t kret;
+int val;
+ ic = (struct i386_act_context *)kalloc(sizeof(struct i386_act_context));
+ if (ic == (struct i386_act_context *)NULL)
+ return((void *)0);
+ val = i386_SAVED_STATE_COUNT;
+ kret = act_machine_get_state(current_act(), i386_SAVED_STATE, &ic->ss, &val);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ kfree((vm_offset_t)ic,sizeof(struct i386_act_context));
+ return((void *)0);
+ }
+ val = i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT;
+ kret = act_machine_get_state(current_act(), i386_FLOAT_STATE, &ic->fs, &val);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ kfree((vm_offset_t)ic,sizeof(struct i386_act_context));
+ return((void *)0);
+ }
+ return(ic);
+act_thread_catt(void *ctx)
+struct i386_act_context *ic;
+kern_return_t kret;
+int val;
+ ic = (struct i386_act_context *)ctx;
+ if (ic == (struct i386_act_context *)NULL)
+ return;
+ kret = act_machine_set_state(current_act(), i386_SAVED_STATE, &ic->ss, i386_SAVED_STATE_COUNT);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ goto out;
+ kret = act_machine_set_state(current_act(), i386_FLOAT_STATE, &ic->fs, i386_FLOAT_STATE_COUNT);
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ goto out;
+ kfree((vm_offset_t)ic,sizeof(struct i386_act_context));
+void act_thread_cfree(void *ctx)
+ kfree((vm_offset_t)ctx,sizeof(struct i386_act_context));