ENTRY(atomic_switch_syscall, TAG_NO_FRAME_USED)
- * Here's where we check for special Blue Box fast traps
- * If we don't recognize the syscall, we'll go back to regular processing
+ * Note: the BlueBox fast path system calls (-1 and -2) we handled as
+ * an ultra-fast trap in lowmem_vectors.
- cmpwi r0,-1 ; Is it NKIsPreemptiveTask
- beq- isBBpretask ; It is a fast syscall...
- cmpwi r0,-2 ; Is it kcNKIsPreemptiveTaskEnv
- bne- nofastSC ; Not a fast syscall...
- ; kcNKIsPreemptiveTaskEnv return task.taskEnv in r0
- lwz r23, ACT_MACT_BTE(r13) ; Get the taskEnv
- stw r23, saver0(r4) ; Return the taskEnv in R0
-isBBpretask: ; answer the question is this a preemptive task ?
- rlwinm r6,r26,0,0,19 ; Start of page is bttd
- lwz r1,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6) ; Get interrupt vector
- lwz r6, savecr(r4) ; Get the current CCRs
- cmpwi r1,0 ; Is this a preemptive thread ?
- rlwinm r6,r6,0,cr0_eq+1,cr0_eq-1 ; Clear CR0 EQ bit
- bne notpretask ; Only the cooperative thread has an interrupt vector
- oris r6,r6,(0x8000 >> cr0_eq) ; Set CR0[eq] if task is preemptive.
- stw r6, savecr(r4) ; Save the new current CCRs
- b EXT(fastexit) ; Take the fast path exit...
b .L_CallPseudoKernel
+ mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc
rlwinm r6,r26,0,0,19 ; Start of page is bttd
lwz r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13) ; Get special flags
lwz r1,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6) ; Get interrupt vector
lwz r8,BTTD_INTCONTROLWORD(r6) ; Get Interrupt Control Word
cmpwi r1,0 ; Is this a preemptive thread ?
stw r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13) ; Update special flags
+ stw r7,spcFlags(r2) ; Update per_proc version
beq .L_CallFromPreemptiveThread ; No int vector means preemptive thread
lwz r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13) ; Get special flags
lwz r2,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6) ; Get the interrupt vector
lwz r1,BEDA_SPRG1(r26) ; Get saved CTR
- oris r7,r7,(0x8000 >> bbNoMachSCbit) ; Disable Mach SCs for Blue Box
+ ori r7,r7,(0x8000 >> (bbNoMachSCbit - 16)) ; Disable Mach SCs for Blue Box
cmpwi r2,0 ; Is this a preemptive thread
stw r1,savectr(r4) ; Update CTR
stw r1,savecr(r4) ; Update CR
+ mfsprg r3,0 ; Get the per_proc
lwz r2,savesrr1(r4) ; Get current MSR
lwz r1,BEDA_SRR1(r26) ; Get new MSR
stw r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13) ; Update special flags
+ stw r7,spcFlags(r3) ; Update per_proc version
rlwimi r2,r1,0,MSR_FE0_BIT,MSR_FE1_BIT
; Insert FE0,FE1,SE,BE bits
lwz r3,BEDA_SRR0(r26) ; Get new PC