+// Routine: NodesAreContiguous
+// Purpose: Ensure that all b-tree nodes are contiguous on disk
+// Called by BTOpenPath during volume mount
+Boolean NodesAreContiguous(
+ ExtendedVCB *vcb,
+ FCB *fcb,
+ UInt32 nodeSize)
+ UInt32 mask;
+ UInt32 startBlock;
+ UInt32 blocksChecked;
+ UInt32 hint;
+ HFSPlusExtentKey key;
+ HFSPlusExtentRecord extents;
+ OSErr result;
+ Boolean lastExtentReached;
+ if (vcb->blockSize >= nodeSize)
+ return TRUE;
+ mask = (nodeSize / vcb->blockSize) - 1;
+ // check the local extents
+ (void) GetFCBExtentRecord(fcb, extents);
+ if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) )
+ return FALSE;
+ if (lastExtentReached || (SInt64)((SInt64)blocksChecked * (SInt64)vcb->blockSize) >= fcb->ff_size)
+ return TRUE;
+ startBlock = blocksChecked;
+ // check the overflow extents (if any)
+ while ( !lastExtentReached )
+ {
+ result = FindExtentRecord(vcb, kDataForkType, fcb->ff_cp->c_fileid, startBlock, FALSE, &key, extents, &hint);
+ if (result) break;
+ if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) )
+ return FALSE;
+ startBlock += blocksChecked;
+ }
+ return TRUE;