#endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */
+/* public voucher types */
+/* Mach voucher object */
+type mach_voucher_t = mach_port_t;
+type mach_voucher_name_t = mach_port_name_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_manager_t = mach_port_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_control_t = mach_port_t;
+/* IPC voucher internal object */
+type ipc_voucher_t = mach_port_t
+ intran: ipc_voucher_t convert_port_to_voucher(mach_port_t)
+ outtran: mach_port_t convert_voucher_to_port(ipc_voucher_t)
+ destructor: ipc_voucher_release(ipc_voucher_t)
+#endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */
+ ;
+/* IPC voucher attribute control internal object */
+type ipc_voucher_attr_control_t = mach_port_t
+ intran: ipc_voucher_attr_control_t convert_port_to_voucher_attr_control(mach_port_t)
+ outtran: mach_port_t convert_voucher_attr_control_to_port(ipc_voucher_attr_control_t)
+ destructor: ipc_voucher_attr_control_release(ipc_voucher_attr_control_t)
+#endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */
+ ;
+type mach_voucher_attr_key_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_command_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_recipe_command_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_content_size_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_content_t = array[*:4096] of uint8_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_content_array_t = array[*:5120] of uint8_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_size_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_t = array[*:4096] of uint8_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_array_t = array[*:5120] of uint8_t;
+type mach_voucher_selector_t = uint32_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_value_handle_t = uint64_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_value_handle_array_t = array[*:4] of mach_voucher_attr_value_handle_t;
+type mach_voucher_attr_value_reference_t = uint32_t;
/* kernel module loader */
type kmod_t = int;
type kmod_control_flavor_t = int;
+simport <ipc/ipc_voucher.h>; /* for voucher conversions */
simport <kern/ipc_kobject.h>; /* for null conversion */
simport <kern/ipc_tt.h>; /* for task/thread conversion */
simport <kern/ipc_host.h>; /* for host/processor/pset conversions */