- /*!
- * @function withCapacity
- * @abstract Static method that creates a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with the capacity specified in the size parameter.
- * @discussion The actual size of the entire data queue memory region (to be shared into a user process) is equal to the capacity plus the IODataQueueMemory overhead. This overhead value can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>. The size of the data queue memory region must include space for the overhead of each IODataQueueEntry. This entry overhead can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>.<br> This method allocates a new IODataQueue instance and then calls initWithCapacity() with the given size parameter. If the initWithCapacity() fails, the new instance is released and zero is returned.
- * @param size The size of the data queue memory region.
- * @result Returns the newly allocated IOSharedDataQueue instance. Zero is returned on failure.
- */
- static IOSharedDataQueue *withCapacity(UInt32 size);
- /*!
- * @function withEntries
- * @abstract Static method that creates a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with the specified number of entries of the given size.
- * @discussion This method will create a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with enough capacity for numEntries of entrySize. It does account for the IODataQueueEntry overhead for each entry. Note that the numEntries and entrySize are simply used to determine the data region size. They do not actually restrict the size of number of entries that can be added to the queue.<br> This method allocates a new IODataQueue instance and then calls initWithEntries() with the given numEntries and entrySize parameters. If the initWithEntries() fails, the new instance is released and zero is returned.
- * @param numEntries Number of entries to allocate space for.
- * @param entrySize Size of each entry.
- * @result Reeturns the newly allocated IOSharedDataQueue instance. Zero is returned on failure.
- */
- static IOSharedDataQueue *withEntries(UInt32 numEntries, UInt32 entrySize);
- /*!
- * @function initWithCapacity
- * @abstract Initializes an IOSharedDataQueue instance with the capacity specified in the size parameter.
- * @discussion The actual size of the entire data queue memory region (to be shared into a user process) is equal to the capacity plus the IODataQueueMemory overhead. This overhead value can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_HEADER_SIZE and DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_APPENDIX_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>. The size of the data queue memory region must include space for the overhead of each IODataQueueEntry. This entry overhead can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>.
- * @param size The size of the data queue memory region.
- * @result Returns true on success and false on failure.
- */
- virtual Boolean initWithCapacity(UInt32 size);
- /*!
- * @function getMemoryDescriptor
- * @abstract Returns a memory descriptor covering the IODataQueueMemory region.
- * @discussion The IOMemoryDescriptor instance returned by this method is intended to be mapped into a user process. This is the memory region that the IODataQueueClient code operates on.
- * @result Returns a newly allocated IOMemoryDescriptor for the IODataQueueMemory region. Returns zero on failure.
- */
- virtual IOMemoryDescriptor *getMemoryDescriptor();
- /*!
- * @function peek
- * @abstract Used to peek at the next entry on the queue.
- * @discussion This function can be used to look at the next entry which allows the entry to be received without having to copy it with dequeue. In order to do this, call peek to get the entry. Then call dequeue with a NULL data pointer. That will cause the head to be moved to the next entry, but no memory to be copied.
- * @result Returns a pointer to the next IODataQueueEntry if one is available. 0 (NULL) is returned if the queue is empty.
- */
- virtual IODataQueueEntry * peek();
- /*!
- * @function dequeue
- * @abstract Dequeues the next available entry on the queue and copies it into the given data pointer.
- * @discussion This function will dequeue the next available entry on the queue. If a data pointer is provided, it will copy the data into the memory region if there is enough space available as specified in the dataSize parameter. If no data pointer is provided, it will simply move the head value past the current entry.
- * @param data A pointer to the data memory region in which to copy the next entry data on the queue. If this parameter is 0 (NULL), it will simply move to the next entry.
- * @param dataSize A pointer to the size of the data parameter. On return, this contains the size of the actual entry data - even if the original size was not large enough.
- * @result Returns true on success and false on failure. Typically failure means that the queue is empty.
- */
- virtual Boolean dequeue(void *data, UInt32 *dataSize);
- /*!
- * @function enqueue
- * @abstract Enqueues a new entry on the queue.
- * @discussion This method adds a new data entry of dataSize to the queue. It sets the size parameter of the entry pointed to by the tail value and copies the memory pointed to by the data parameter in place in the queue. Once that is done, it moves the tail to the next available location. When attempting to add a new entry towards the end of the queue and there isn't enough space at the end, it wraps back to the beginning.<br> If the queue is empty when a new entry is added, sendDataAvailableNotification() is called to send a message to the user process that data is now available.
- * @param data Pointer to the data to be added to the queue.
- * @param dataSize Size of the data pointed to by data.
- * @result Returns true on success and false on failure. Typically failure means that the queue is full.
- */
- virtual Boolean enqueue(void *data, UInt32 dataSize);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 0);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 1);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 2);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 3);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 4);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 5);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 6);
- OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 7);
+ * @function withCapacity
+ * @abstract Static method that creates a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with the capacity specified in the size parameter.
+ * @discussion The actual size of the entire data queue memory region (to be shared into a user process) is equal to the capacity plus the IODataQueueMemory overhead. This overhead value can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>. The size of the data queue memory region must include space for the overhead of each IODataQueueEntry. This entry overhead can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>.<br> This method allocates a new IODataQueue instance and then calls initWithCapacity() with the given size parameter. If the initWithCapacity() fails, the new instance is released and zero is returned.
+ * @param size The size of the data queue memory region.
+ * @result Returns the newly allocated IOSharedDataQueue instance. Zero is returned on failure.
+ */
+ static OSPtr<IOSharedDataQueue> withCapacity(UInt32 size);
+ * @function withEntries
+ * @abstract Static method that creates a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with the specified number of entries of the given size.
+ * @discussion This method will create a new IOSharedDataQueue instance with enough capacity for numEntries of entrySize. It does account for the IODataQueueEntry overhead for each entry. Note that the numEntries and entrySize are simply used to determine the data region size. They do not actually restrict the size of number of entries that can be added to the queue.<br> This method allocates a new IODataQueue instance and then calls initWithEntries() with the given numEntries and entrySize parameters. If the initWithEntries() fails, the new instance is released and zero is returned.
+ * @param numEntries Number of entries to allocate space for.
+ * @param entrySize Size of each entry.
+ * @result Reeturns the newly allocated IOSharedDataQueue instance. Zero is returned on failure.
+ */
+ static OSPtr<IOSharedDataQueue> withEntries(UInt32 numEntries, UInt32 entrySize);
+ * @function initWithCapacity
+ * @abstract Initializes an IOSharedDataQueue instance with the capacity specified in the size parameter.
+ * @discussion The actual size of the entire data queue memory region (to be shared into a user process) is equal to the capacity plus the IODataQueueMemory overhead. This overhead value can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_HEADER_SIZE and DATA_QUEUE_MEMORY_APPENDIX_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>. The size of the data queue memory region must include space for the overhead of each IODataQueueEntry. This entry overhead can be determined from the DATA_QUEUE_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE macro in <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>.
+ * @param size The size of the data queue memory region.
+ * @result Returns true on success and false on failure.
+ */
+ virtual Boolean initWithCapacity(UInt32 size) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ * @function getMemoryDescriptor
+ * @abstract Returns a memory descriptor covering the IODataQueueMemory region.
+ * @discussion The IOMemoryDescriptor instance returned by this method is intended to be mapped into a user process. This is the memory region that the IODataQueueClient code operates on.
+ * @result Returns a newly allocated IOMemoryDescriptor for the IODataQueueMemory region. Returns zero on failure.
+ */
+ virtual OSPtr<IOMemoryDescriptor> getMemoryDescriptor() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ * @function peek
+ * @abstract Used to peek at the next entry on the queue.
+ * @discussion This function can be used to look at the next entry which allows the entry to be received without having to copy it with dequeue. In order to do this, call peek to get the entry. Then call dequeue with a NULL data pointer. That will cause the head to be moved to the next entry, but no memory to be copied.
+ * @result Returns a pointer to the next IODataQueueEntry if one is available. 0 (NULL) is returned if the queue is empty.
+ */
+ virtual IODataQueueEntry * peek();
+ * @function dequeue
+ * @abstract Dequeues the next available entry on the queue and copies it into the given data pointer.
+ * @discussion This function will dequeue the next available entry on the queue. If a data pointer is provided, it will copy the data into the memory region if there is enough space available as specified in the dataSize parameter. If no data pointer is provided, it will simply move the head value past the current entry.
+ * @param data A pointer to the data memory region in which to copy the next entry data on the queue. If this parameter is 0 (NULL), it will simply move to the next entry.
+ * @param dataSize A pointer to the size of the data parameter. On return, this contains the size of the actual entry data - even if the original size was not large enough.
+ * @result Returns true on success and false on failure. Typically failure means that the queue is empty.
+ */
+ virtual Boolean dequeue(void *data, UInt32 *dataSize);
+ * @function enqueue
+ * @abstract Enqueues a new entry on the queue.
+ * @discussion This method adds a new data entry of dataSize to the queue. It sets the size parameter of the entry pointed to by the tail value and copies the memory pointed to by the data parameter in place in the queue. Once that is done, it moves the tail to the next available location. When attempting to add a new entry towards the end of the queue and there isn't enough space at the end, it wraps back to the beginning.<br> If the queue is empty when a new entry is added, sendDataAvailableNotification() is called to send a message to the user process that data is now available.
+ * @param data Pointer to the data to be added to the queue.
+ * @param dataSize Size of the data pointed to by data.
+ * @result Returns true on success and false on failure. Typically failure means that the queue is full.
+ */
+ virtual Boolean enqueue(void *data, UInt32 dataSize) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+/* workaround for queue.h redefine, please do not use */
+ __inline__ Boolean
+ enqueue_tail(void *data, UInt32 dataSize)
+ {
+ return IOSharedDataQueue::enqueue(data, dataSize);
+ }
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 0);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 1);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 2);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 3);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 4);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 5);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 6);
+ OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOSharedDataQueue, 7);