+ MS_POP(); // pop notifyAll() machine state
+ notifyChildren();
+// [private] notifyChildren
+IOService::notifyChildren( void )
+ OSIterator * iter;
+ OSObject * next;
+ IOPowerConnection * connection;
+ OSArray * children = NULL;
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain;
+ bool delayNotify = false;
+ if ((fHeadNotePowerState != fCurrentPowerState) &&
+ (IS_POWER_DROP == fIsPreChange) &&
+ ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this)) {
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+ kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers :
+ kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers );
+ }
+ if (fStrictTreeOrder) {
+ children = OSArray::withCapacity(8);
+ }
+ // Sum child power consumption in notifyChild()
+ fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower = 0;
+ iter = getChildIterator(gIOPowerPlane);
+ if (iter) {
+ while ((next = iter->getNextObject())) {
+ if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, next))) {
+ if (connection->getReadyFlag() == false) {
+ PM_LOG3("[%s] %s: connection not ready\n",
+ getName(), __FUNCTION__);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Mechanism to postpone the did-change notification to
+ // certain power children to order those children last.
+ // Cannot be used together with strict tree ordering.
+ if (!fIsPreChange &&
+ connection->delayChildNotification &&
+ getPMRootDomain()->shouldDelayChildNotification(this)) {
+ if (!children) {
+ children = OSArray::withCapacity(8);
+ if (children) {
+ delayNotify = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (delayNotify) {
+ children->setObject( connection );
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!delayNotify && children) {
+ children->setObject( connection );
+ } else {
+ notifyChild( connection );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ if (children && (children->getCount() == 0)) {
+ children->release();
+ children = NULL;
+ }
+ if (children) {
+ assert(fNotifyChildArray == NULL);
+ fNotifyChildArray = children;
+ MS_PUSH(fMachineState);
+ if (delayNotify) {
+ // Block until all non-delayed children have acked their
+ // notification. Then notify the remaining delayed child
+ // in the array. This is used to hold off graphics child
+ // notification while the rest of the system powers up.
+ // If a hid tickle arrives during this time, the delayed
+ // children are immediately notified and root domain will
+ // not clamp power for dark wake.
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed;
+ PM_LOG2("%s: %d children in delayed array\n",
+ getName(), children->getCount());
+ } else {
+ // Child array created to support strict notification order.
+ // Notify children in the array one at a time.
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered;
+ }
+ }
+// [private] notifyChildrenOrdered
+IOService::notifyChildrenOrdered( void )
+ assert(fNotifyChildArray);
+ assert(fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered);
+ // Notify one child, wait for it to ack, then repeat for next child.
+ // This is a workaround for some drivers with multiple instances at
+ // the same branch in the power tree, but the driver is slow to power
+ // up unless the tree ordering is observed. Problem observed only on
+ // system wake, not on system sleep.
+ //
+ // We have the ability to power off in reverse child index order.
+ // That works nicely on some machines, but not on all HW configs.
+ if (fNotifyChildArray->getCount()) {
+ IOPowerConnection * connection;
+ connection = (IOPowerConnection *) fNotifyChildArray->getObject(0);
+ notifyChild( connection );
+ fNotifyChildArray->removeObject(0);
+ } else {
+ fNotifyChildArray->release();
+ fNotifyChildArray = NULL;
+ MS_POP(); // pushed by notifyChildren()
+ }
+// [private] notifyChildrenDelayed
+IOService::notifyChildrenDelayed( void )
+ IOPowerConnection * connection;
+ assert(fNotifyChildArray);
+ assert(fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed);
+ // Wait after all non-delayed children and interested drivers have ack'ed,
+ // then notify all delayed children. If notify delay is canceled, child
+ // acks may be outstanding with PM blocked on fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0.
+ // But the handling for either case is identical.
+ for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+ connection = (IOPowerConnection *) fNotifyChildArray->getObject(i);
+ if (!connection) {
+ break;
+ }
+ notifyChild( connection );
+ }
+ PM_LOG2("%s: notified delayed children\n", getName());
+ fNotifyChildArray->release();
+ fNotifyChildArray = NULL;
+ MS_POP(); // pushed by notifyChildren()
+// [private] notifyAll
+IOService::notifyAll( uint32_t nextMS )
+ // Save the machine state to be restored by notifyInterestedDriversDone()
+ MS_PUSH(nextMS);
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+ fDriverCallReason = fIsPreChange ?
+ kDriverCallInformPreChange : kDriverCallInformPostChange;
+ if (!notifyInterestedDrivers()) {
+ notifyInterestedDriversDone();
+ }
+ return IOPMWillAckLater;
+// [private, static] pmDriverCallout
+// Thread call context
+ OSObject * target,
+ void * arg0, void * arg1,
+ void * arg2, void * arg3 )
+ IOServicePM * pwrMgt = (IOServicePM *) arg0;
+ assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+ fDriverCallBusy = false;
+ assert(gIOPMWorkQueue);
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOService::pmDriverCallout( IOService * from )
+ assert(from);
+ switch (from->fDriverCallReason) {
+ case kDriverCallSetPowerState:
+ from->driverSetPowerState();
+ break;
+ case kDriverCallInformPreChange:
+ case kDriverCallInformPostChange:
+ from->driverInformPowerChange();
+ break;
+ case kRootDomainInformPreChange:
+ getPMRootDomain()->willNotifyPowerChildren(from->fHeadNotePowerState);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("IOService::pmDriverCallout bad machine state %x",
+ from->fDriverCallReason);
+ }
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(actionDriverCalloutDone,
+ /* target */ from,
+ /* arg0 */ (void *) from->pwrMgt );
+// [private] driverSetPowerState
+// Thread call context
+IOService::driverSetPowerState( void )
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState;
+ DriverCallParam * param;
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+ AbsoluteTime end;
+ IOReturn result;
+ uint32_t oldPowerState = getPowerState();
+ assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+ assert( fDriverCallParamPtr );
+ assert( fDriverCallParamCount == 1 );
+ param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+ powerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ if (assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetPowerState)) {
+ OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogProgramHardware, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+ clock_get_uptime(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+ result = fControllingDriver->setPowerState( powerState, this );
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogProgramHardware, (uintptr_t) this, (UInt32) result);
+ deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ // Record the most recent max power state residency timings.
+ // Use with DeviceActiveTimestamp to diagnose tickle issues.
+ if (powerState == fHighestPowerState) {
+ fMaxPowerStateEntryTime = end;
+ } else if (oldPowerState == fHighestPowerState) {
+ fMaxPowerStateExitTime = end;
+ }
+ if (result < 0) {
+ PM_LOG("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) returned 0x%x\n",
+ fName, OBFUSCATE(this), fCurrentPowerState, powerState, result);
+ }
+ if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &fDriverCallStartTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+ if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow,
+ fName, kDriverCallSetPowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec), getRegistryEntryID(),
+ NULL, powerState);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = kIOPMAckImplied;
+ }
+ param->Result = result;
+// [private] driverInformPowerChange
+// Thread call context
+IOService::driverInformPowerChange( void )
+ IOPMinformee * informee;
+ IOService * driver;
+ DriverCallParam * param;
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+ IOPMPowerFlags powerFlags;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState;
+ AbsoluteTime end;
+ IOReturn result;
+ IOItemCount count;
+ IOOptionBits callMethod = (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) ?
+ kIOPMDriverCallMethodWillChange : kIOPMDriverCallMethodDidChange;
+ assert( fDriverCallBusy );
+ assert( fDriverCallParamPtr );
+ assert( fDriverCallParamCount );
+ param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+ count = fDriverCallParamCount;
+ powerFlags = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+ powerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ informee = (IOPMinformee *) param->Target;
+ driver = informee->whatObject;
+ if (assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, callMethod, informee)) {
+ if (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) {
+ OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogInformDriverPreChange, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+ clock_get_uptime(&informee->startTime);
+ result = driver->powerStateWillChangeTo(powerFlags, powerState, this);
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogInformDriverPreChange, (uintptr_t) this, result);
+ } else {
+ OUR_PMLogFuncStart(kPMLogInformDriverPostChange, (uintptr_t) this, powerState);
+ clock_get_uptime(&informee->startTime);
+ result = driver->powerStateDidChangeTo(powerFlags, powerState, this);
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ OUR_PMLogFuncEnd(kPMLogInformDriverPostChange, (uintptr_t) this, result);
+ }
+ deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &informee->startTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+ if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow, driver->getName(),
+ fDriverCallReason, NS_TO_MS(nsec), driver->getRegistryEntryID(),
+ NULL, powerState);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = kIOPMAckImplied;
+ }
+ param->Result = result;
+ param++;
+ }
+// [private] notifyChild
+// Notify a power domain child of an upcoming power change.
+// If the object acknowledges the current change, we return TRUE.
+IOService::notifyChild( IOPowerConnection * theNub )
+ IOReturn ret = IOPMAckImplied;
+ unsigned long childPower;
+ IOService * theChild;
+ IOPMRequest * childRequest;
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags requestArg2;
+ int requestType;
+ theChild = (IOService *)(theNub->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane));
+ if (!theChild) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Unless the child handles the notification immediately and returns
+ // kIOPMAckImplied, we'll be awaiting their acknowledgement later.
+ fHeadNotePendingAcks++;
+ theNub->setAwaitingAck(true);
+ requestArg2 = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+ if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) < StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ requestArg2 |= kIOPMDomainPowerDrop;
+ }
+ requestType = fIsPreChange ?
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange :
+ kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange;
+ childRequest = acquirePMRequest( theChild, requestType );
+ if (childRequest) {
+ theNub->retain();
+ childRequest->fArg0 = (void *) fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->outputPowerFlags;
+ childRequest->fArg1 = (void *) theNub;
+ childRequest->fArg2 = (void *)(uintptr_t) requestArg2;
+ theChild->submitPMRequest( childRequest );
+ ret = IOPMWillAckLater;
+ } else {
+ ret = IOPMAckImplied;
+ fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+ theNub->setAwaitingAck(false);
+ childPower = theChild->currentPowerConsumption();
+ if (childPower == kIOPMUnknown) {
+ fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower = kIOPMUnknown;
+ } else {
+ if (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower != kIOPMUnknown) {
+ fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->staticPower += childPower;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ theChild->release();
+ return IOPMAckImplied == ret;
+// [private] notifyControllingDriver
+IOService::notifyControllingDriver( void )
+ DriverCallParam * param;
+ assert( fDriverCallParamCount == 0 );
+ assert( fControllingDriver );
+ if (fInitialSetPowerState) {
+ fInitialSetPowerState = false;
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMInitialPowerChange;
+ // Driver specified flag to skip the inital setPowerState()
+ if (fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags & kIOPMInitialDeviceState) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+ if (!param) {
+ param = IONew(DriverCallParam, 1);
+ if (!param) {
+ return false; // no memory
+ }
+ fDriverCallParamPtr = (void *) param;
+ fDriverCallParamSlots = 1;
+ }
+ param->Target = fControllingDriver;
+ fDriverCallParamCount = 1;
+ fDriverTimer = -1;
+ // Block state machine and wait for callout completion.
+ assert(!fDriverCallBusy);
+ fDriverCallBusy = true;
+ thread_call_enter( fDriverCallEntry );
+ return true;
+// [private] notifyControllingDriverDone
+IOService::notifyControllingDriverDone( void )
+ DriverCallParam * param;
+ IOReturn result;
+ param = (DriverCallParam *) fDriverCallParamPtr;
+ assert( fDriverCallBusy == false );
+ assert( fMachineState == kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone );
+ if (param && fDriverCallParamCount) {
+ assert(fDriverCallParamCount == 1);
+ // the return value from setPowerState()
+ result = param->Result;
+ if ((result == IOPMAckImplied) || (result < 0)) {
+ fDriverTimer = 0;
+ } else if (fDriverTimer) {
+ assert(fDriverTimer == -1);
+ // Driver has not acked, and has returned a positive result.
+ // Enforce a minimum permissible timeout value.
+ // Make the min value large enough so timeout is less likely
+ // to occur if a driver misinterpreted that the return value
+ // should be in microsecond units. And make it large enough
+ // to be noticeable if a driver neglects to ack.
+ if (result < kMinAckTimeoutTicks) {
+ result = kMinAckTimeoutTicks;
+ }
+ fDriverTimer = (result / (ACK_TIMER_PERIOD / ns_per_us)) + 1;
+ }
+ // else, child has already acked and driver_timer reset to 0.
+ fDriverCallParamCount = 0;
+ if (fDriverTimer) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogStartAckTimer, 0, 0);
+ start_ack_timer();
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, result / USEC_PER_SEC + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ MS_POP(); // pushed by OurChangeSetPowerState()
+ fIsPreChange = false;
+// [private] all_done
+// A power change is done.
+IOService::all_done( void )
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex prevPowerState;
+ const IOPMPSEntry * powerStatePtr;
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry callEntry;
+ uint32_t prevMachineState = fMachineState;
+ bool actionCalled = false;
+ uint64_t ts;
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_Finished;
+ if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSynchronize) &&
+ ((prevMachineState == kIOPM_Finished) ||
+ (prevMachineState == kIOPM_SyncFinish))) {
+ // Sync operation and no power change occurred.
+ // Do not inform driver and clients about this request completion,
+ // except for the originator (root domain).
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+ fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ if (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree) {
+ powerChangeDone(fCurrentPowerState);
+ } else if (fAdvisoryTickleUsed) {
+ // Not root domain and advisory tickle target.
+ // Re-adjust power after power tree sync at the 'did' pass
+ // to recompute desire and adjust power state between dark
+ // and full wake transitions. Root domain is responsible
+ // for calling setAdvisoryTickleEnable() before starting
+ // the kIOPMSynchronize power change.
+ if (!fAdjustPowerScheduled &&
+ (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange)) {
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState );
+ if (request) {
+ submitPMRequest( request );
+ fAdjustPowerScheduled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // our power change
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSelfInitiated) {
+ // power state changed
+ if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) == 0) {
+ trackSystemSleepPreventers(
+ fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ // we changed, tell our parent
+ requestDomainPower(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ // yes, did power raise?
+ if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+ // yes, inform clients and apps
+ tellChangeUp(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ }
+ prevPowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+ // either way
+ fCurrentPowerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ PM_LOCK();
+ if (fReportBuf) {
+ ts = mach_absolute_time();
+ STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+ }
+ fPMVars->myCurrentState = fCurrentPowerState;
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeDone, fCurrentPowerState, prevPowerState);
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+ fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ actionCalled = true;
+ powerStatePtr = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+ fCurrentCapabilityFlags = powerStatePtr->capabilityFlags;
+ if (fCurrentCapabilityFlags & kIOPMStaticPowerValid) {
+ fCurrentPowerConsumption = powerStatePtr->staticPower;
+ }
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootChangeDown) {
+ // Bump tickle generation count once the entire tree is down
+ gIOPMTickleGeneration++;
+ }
+ // inform subclass policy-maker
+ if (fPCDFunctionOverride && fParentsKnowState &&
+ assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodChangeDone, NULL, kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck)) {
+ powerChangeDone(prevPowerState);
+ deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ }
+ } else if (getPMRequestType() == kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride) {
+ // changePowerStateWithOverrideTo() was cancelled
+ fOverrideMaxPowerState = kIOPMPowerStateMax;
+ }
+ }
+ // parent-initiated power change
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootChangeDown) {
+ ParentChangeRootChangeDown();
+ }
+ // power state changed
+ if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) == 0) {
+ trackSystemSleepPreventers(
+ fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ // did power raise?
+ if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+ // yes, inform clients and apps
+ tellChangeUp(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ }
+ // either way
+ prevPowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+ fCurrentPowerState = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ PM_LOCK();
+ if (fReportBuf) {
+ ts = mach_absolute_time();
+ STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+ }
+ fPMVars->myCurrentState = fCurrentPowerState;
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogChangeDone, fCurrentPowerState, prevPowerState);
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+ fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ actionCalled = true;
+ powerStatePtr = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+ fCurrentCapabilityFlags = powerStatePtr->capabilityFlags;
+ if (fCurrentCapabilityFlags & kIOPMStaticPowerValid) {
+ fCurrentPowerConsumption = powerStatePtr->staticPower;
+ }
+ // inform subclass policy-maker
+ if (fPCDFunctionOverride && fParentsKnowState &&
+ assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry, kIOPMDriverCallMethodChangeDone, NULL, kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck)) {
+ powerChangeDone(prevPowerState);
+ deassertPMDriverCall(&callEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // When power rises enough to satisfy the tickle's desire for more power,
+ // the condition preventing idle-timer from dropping power is removed.
+ if (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) >= StateOrder(fIdleTimerMinPowerState)) {
+ fIdleTimerMinPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+ }
+ if (!actionCalled) {
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeDone,
+ fHeadNotePowerState, fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ }
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Power Change Initiated by Driver
+// [private] OurChangeStart
+// Begin the processing of a power change initiated by us.
+IOService::OurChangeStart( void )
+ OUR_PMLog( kPMLogStartDeviceChange, fHeadNotePowerState, fCurrentPowerState );
+ // fMaxPowerState is our maximum possible power state based on the current
+ // power state of our parents. If we are trying to raise power beyond the
+ // maximum, send an async request for more power to all parents.
+ if (!IS_PM_ROOT && (StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState))) {
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ requestDomainPower(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Redundant power changes skips to the end of the state machine.
+ if (!fInitialPowerChange && (fHeadNotePowerState == fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ return;
+ }
+ fInitialPowerChange = false;
+ // Change started, but may not complete...
+ // Can be canceled (power drop) or deferred (power rise).
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ // Two separate paths, depending if power is being raised or lowered.
+ // Lowering power is subject to approval by clients of this service.
+ if (IS_POWER_DROP) {
+ fDoNotPowerDown = false;
+ // Ask for persmission to drop power state
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown;
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+ askChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ } else {
+ // This service is raising power and parents are able to support the
+ // new power state. However a parent may have already committed to
+ // drop power, which might force this object to temporarily drop power.
+ // This results in "oscillations" before the state machines converge
+ // to a steady state.
+ //
+ // To prevent this, a child must make a power reservation against all
+ // parents before raising power. If the reservation fails, indicating
+ // that the child will be unable to sustain the higher power state,
+ // then the child will signal the parent to adjust power, and the child
+ // will defer its power change.
+ IOReturn ret;
+ // Reserve parent power necessary to achieve fHeadNotePowerState.
+ ret = requestDomainPower( fHeadNotePowerState, kReserveDomainPower );
+ if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ // Reservation failed, defer power rise.
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ return;
+ }
+ OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange();
+ }
+// [private] requestDomainPowerApplier
+// Call requestPowerDomainState() on all power parents.
+struct IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext {
+ IOService * child; // the requesting child
+ IOPMPowerFlags requestPowerFlags;// power flags requested by child
+static void
+ IORegistryEntry * entry,
+ void * inContext )
+ IOPowerConnection * connection;
+ IOService * parent;
+ IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext * context;
+ if ((connection = OSDynamicCast(IOPowerConnection, entry)) == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ parent = (IOService *) connection->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ if (!parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(inContext);
+ context = (IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext *) inContext;
+ if (connection->parentKnowsState() && connection->getReadyFlag()) {
+ parent->requestPowerDomainState(
+ context->requestPowerFlags,
+ connection,
+ IOPMLowestState);
+ }
+ parent->release();
+// [private] requestDomainPower
+// Called by a power child to broadcast its desired power state to all parents.
+// If the child self-initiates a power change, it must call this function to
+// allow its parents to adjust power state.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex ourPowerState,
+ IOOptionBits options )
+ IOPMPowerFlags requestPowerFlags;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex maxPowerState;
+ IOPMRequestDomainPowerContext context;
+ assert(ourPowerState < fNumberOfPowerStates);
+ if (ourPowerState >= fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ if (IS_PM_ROOT) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ // Fetch our input power flags for the requested power state.
+ // Parent request is stated in terms of required power flags.
+ requestPowerFlags = fPowerStates[ourPowerState].inputPowerFlags;
+ // Disregard the "previous request" for power reservation.
+ if (((options & kReserveDomainPower) == 0) &&
+ (fPreviousRequestPowerFlags == requestPowerFlags)) {
+ // skip if domain already knows our requirements
+ goto done;
+ }
+ fPreviousRequestPowerFlags = requestPowerFlags;
+ // The results will be collected by fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags
+ context.child = this;
+ context.requestPowerFlags = requestPowerFlags;
+ fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags = 0;
+ applyToParents(requestDomainPowerApplier, &context, gIOPowerPlane);
+ if (options & kReserveDomainPower) {
+ maxPowerState = fControllingDriver->maxCapabilityForDomainState(
+ fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags );
+ if (StateOrder(maxPowerState) < StateOrder(ourPowerState)) {
+ PM_LOG1("%s: power desired %u:0x%x got %u:0x%x\n",
+ getName(),
+ (uint32_t) ourPowerState, (uint32_t) requestPowerFlags,
+ (uint32_t) maxPowerState, (uint32_t) fHeadNoteDomainTargetFlags);
+ return kIOReturnNoPower;
+ }
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// [private] OurSyncStart
+IOService::OurSyncStart( void )
+ if (fInitialPowerChange) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMNotDone) {
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSyncTellPowerDown) {
+ fDoNotPowerDown = false;
+ // Ask for permission to drop power state
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown;
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+ askChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ } else {
+ // Only inform capability app and clients.
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange );
+ }
+// [private] OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our permission to drop
+// power. Here we notify them that we will lower the power and wait for acks.
+IOService::OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown( void )
+ if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+ } else {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown;
+ }
+ tellChangeDown1(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our permission to drop
+// power. Here we notify power management policy in user-space and wait for acks
+// one last time before we lower power
+IOService::OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown( void )
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+ tellClientsWithResponse(kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep);
+// [private] OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our intention to drop
+// power. Here we notify "priority" clients that we are lowering power.
+IOService::OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown( void )
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange;
+ tellChangeDown2(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange
+// Extra stage for root domain to notify apps and drivers about the
+// system capability change when raising power state.
+IOService::OurChangeTellCapabilityWillChange( void )
+ if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+ return OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+ }
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange );
+// [private] OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our power state change.
+// Here we notify interested drivers pre-change.
+IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange( void )
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain;
+ if ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this) {
+ if (IS_POWER_DROP) {
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepWillChangeInterests );
+ } else {
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeWillChangeInterests );
+ }
+ }
+ notifyAll( kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState );
+// [private] OurChangeSetPowerState
+// Instruct our controlling driver to program the hardware for the power state
+// change. Wait for async completions.
+IOService::OurChangeSetPowerState( void )
+ MS_PUSH( kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle );
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+ fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallSetPowerState;
+ if (notifyControllingDriver() == false) {
+ notifyControllingDriverDone();
+ }
+// [private] OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle
+// Our controlling driver has completed the power state change we initiated.
+// Wait for the driver specified settle time to expire.
+IOService::OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle( void )
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange;
+ startSettleTimer();
+// [private] OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange
+// Power has settled on a power change we initiated. Here we notify
+// all our interested drivers post-change.
+IOService::OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange( void )
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain;
+ if ((rootDomain = getPMRootDomain()) == this) {
+ rootDomain->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+ kIOPMTracePointSleepDidChangeInterests :
+ kIOPMTracePointWakeDidChangeInterests );
+ }
+ notifyAll( kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange );
+// [private] OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange
+// For root domain to notify capability power-change.
+IOService::OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange( void )
+ if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+ return OurChangeFinish();
+ }
+ getPMRootDomain()->tracePoint( IS_POWER_DROP ?
+ kIOPMTracePointSleepCapabilityClients :
+ kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients );
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_OurChangeFinish );
+// [private] OurChangeFinish
+// Done with this self-induced power state change.
+IOService::OurChangeFinish( void )
+ all_done();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Power Change Initiated by Parent
+// [private] ParentChangeStart
+// Here we begin the processing of a power change initiated by our parent.
+IOService::ParentChangeStart( void )
+ OUR_PMLog( kPMLogStartParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, fCurrentPowerState );
+ // Root power domain has transitioned to its max power state
+ if ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & (kIOPMDomainDidChange | kIOPMRootChangeUp)) ==
+ (kIOPMDomainDidChange | kIOPMRootChangeUp)) {
+ // Restart the idle timer stopped by ParentChangeRootChangeDown()
+ if (fIdleTimerPeriod && fIdleTimerStopped) {
+ restartIdleTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ // Power domain is forcing us to lower power
+ if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) < StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart, fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ // Tell apps and kernel clients
+ fInitialPowerChange = false;
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+ tellChangeDown1(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ return IOPMWillAckLater;
+ }
+ // Power domain is allowing us to raise power up to fHeadNotePowerState
+ if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ if (StateOrder(fDesiredPowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ if (StateOrder(fDesiredPowerState) < StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState)) {
+ // We power up, but not all the way
+ fHeadNotePowerState = fDesiredPowerState;
+ fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry = &fPowerStates[fDesiredPowerState];
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAmendParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We don't need to change
+ fHeadNotePowerState = fCurrentPowerState;
+ fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry = &fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState];
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAmendParentChange, fHeadNotePowerState, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMDomainDidChange) {
+ if (StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState) > StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState)) {
+ PM_ACTION_2(actionPowerChangeStart,
+ fHeadNotePowerState, &fHeadNoteChangeFlags);
+ // Parent did change up - start our change up
+ fInitialPowerChange = false;
+ ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange();
+ return IOPMWillAckLater;
+ } else if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMRootBroadcastFlags) {
+ // No need to change power state, but broadcast change
+ // to our children.
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange;
+ fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPreChange;
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ notifyChildren();
+ return IOPMWillAckLater;
+ }
+ }
+ // No power state change necessary
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ all_done();
+ return IOPMAckImplied;
+// [private] ParentChangeRootChangeDown
+// Root domain has finished the transition to the system sleep state. And all
+// drivers in the power plane should have powered down. Cancel the idle timer,
+// and also reset the device desire for those drivers that don't want power
+// automatically restored on wake.
+IOService::ParentChangeRootChangeDown( void )
+ // Always stop the idle timer before root power down
+ if (fIdleTimerPeriod && !fIdleTimerStopped) {
+ fIdleTimerStopped = true;
+ if (fIdleTimer && thread_call_cancel(fIdleTimer)) {
+ release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (fResetPowerStateOnWake) {
+ // Reset device desire down to the lowest power state.
+ // Advisory tickle desire is intentionally untouched since
+ // it has no effect until system is promoted to full wake.
+ if (fDeviceDesire != kPowerStateZero) {
+ updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, kPowerStateZero);
+ computeDesiredState(kPowerStateZero, true);
+ requestDomainPower( fDesiredPowerState );
+ PM_LOG1("%s: tickle desire removed\n", fName);
+ }
+ // Invalidate tickle cache so the next tickle will issue a request
+ IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+ fDeviceWasActive = false;
+ fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+ IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+ fIdleTimerMinPowerState = kPowerStateZero;
+ } else if (fAdvisoryTickleUsed) {
+ // Less aggressive mechanism to accelerate idle timer expiration
+ // before system sleep. May not always allow the driver to wake
+ // up from system sleep in the min power state.
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ bool dropTickleDesire = false;
+ if (fIdleTimerPeriod && !fIdleTimerIgnored &&
+ (fIdleTimerMinPowerState == kPowerStateZero) &&
+ (fDeviceDesire != kPowerStateZero)) {
+ IOLockLock(fActivityLock);
+ if (!fDeviceWasActive) {
+ // No tickles since the last idle timer expiration.
+ // Safe to drop the device desire to zero.
+ dropTickleDesire = true;
+ } else {
+ // Was tickled since the last idle timer expiration,
+ // but not in the last minute.
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &fDeviceActiveTimestamp);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+ if (nsec >= kNoTickleCancelWindow) {
+ dropTickleDesire = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dropTickleDesire) {
+ // Force the next tickle to raise power state
+ fDeviceWasActive = false;
+ fActivityTicklePowerState = kInvalidTicklePowerState;
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(fActivityLock);
+ }
+ if (dropTickleDesire) {
+ // Advisory tickle desire is intentionally untouched since
+ // it has no effect until system is promoted to full wake.
+ updatePowerClient(gIOPMPowerClientDevice, kPowerStateZero);
+ computeDesiredState(kPowerStateZero, true);
+ PM_LOG1("%s: tickle desire dropped\n", fName);
+ }
+ }
+// [private] ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our intention to drop
+// power. Here we notify "priority" clients that we are lowering power.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown( void )
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange;
+ tellChangeDown2(fHeadNotePowerState);
+// [private] ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange
+// All (legacy) applications and kernel clients have acknowledged, extra stage for
+// root domain to notify apps and drivers about the system capability change.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellCapabilityWillChange( void )
+ if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+ return ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+ }
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange );
+// [private] ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange
+// All applications and kernel clients have acknowledged our power state change.
+// Here we notify interested drivers pre-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange( void )
+ notifyAll( kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState );
+// [private] ParentChangeSetPowerState
+// Instruct our controlling driver to program the hardware for the power state
+// change. Wait for async completions.
+IOService::ParentChangeSetPowerState( void )
+ MS_PUSH( kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle );
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone;
+ fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallSetPowerState;
+ if (notifyControllingDriver() == false) {
+ notifyControllingDriverDone();
+ }
+// [private] ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle
+// Our controlling driver has completed the power state change initiated by our
+// parent. Wait for the driver specified settle time to expire.
+IOService::ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle( void )
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange;
+ startSettleTimer();
+// [private] ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange
+// Power has settled on a power change initiated by our parent. Here we notify
+// all our interested drivers post-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange( void )
+ notifyAll( kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange );
+// [private] ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange
+// For root domain to notify capability power-change.
+IOService::ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange( void )
+ if (!IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) {
+ return ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+ }
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange );
+// [private] ParentAcknowledgePowerChange
+// Acknowledge our power parent that our power change is done.
+IOService::ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange( void )
+ IORegistryEntry * nub;
+ IOService * parent;
+ nub = fHeadNoteParentConnection;
+ nub->retain();
+ all_done();
+ parent = (IOService *)nub->copyParentEntry(gIOPowerPlane);
+ if (parent) {
+ parent->acknowledgePowerChange((IOService *)nub);
+ parent->release();
+ }
+ nub->release();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Ack and Settle timers
+// [private] settleTimerExpired
+// Power has settled after our last change. Notify interested parties that
+// there is a new power state.
+IOService::settleTimerExpired( void )
+ fSettleTimeUS = 0;
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+// settle_timer_expired
+// Holds a retain while the settle timer callout is in flight.
+static void
+settle_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+ IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop && gIOPMWorkQueue) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, me, &IOService::settleTimerExpired),
+ me);
+ }
+ me->release();
+// [private] startSettleTimer
+// Calculate a power-settling delay in microseconds and start a timer.
+IOService::startSettleTimer( void )
+ // This function is broken and serves no useful purpose since it never
+ // updates fSettleTimeUS to a non-zero value to stall the state machine,
+ // yet it starts a delay timer. It appears no driver relies on a delay
+ // from settleUpTime and settleDownTime in the power state table.
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex stateIndex;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex currentOrder, newOrder, i;
+ uint32_t settleTime = 0;
+ boolean_t pending;
+ currentOrder = StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState);
+ newOrder = StateOrder(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ i = currentOrder;
+ // lowering power
+ if (newOrder < currentOrder) {
+ while (i > newOrder) {
+ stateIndex = fPowerStates[i].stateOrderToIndex;
+ settleTime += (uint32_t) fPowerStates[stateIndex].settleDownTime;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ // raising power
+ if (newOrder > currentOrder) {
+ while (i < newOrder) {
+ stateIndex = fPowerStates[i + 1].stateOrderToIndex;
+ settleTime += (uint32_t) fPowerStates[stateIndex].settleUpTime;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (settleTime) {
+ retain();
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(settleTime, kMicrosecondScale, &deadline);
+ pending = thread_call_enter_delayed(fSettleTimer, deadline);
+ if (pending) {
+ release();
+ }
+ }
+// [private] ackTimerTick
+// The acknowledgement timeout periodic timer has ticked.
+// If we are awaiting acks for a power change notification,
+// we decrement the timer word of each interested driver which hasn't acked.
+// If a timer word becomes zero, we pretend the driver aknowledged.
+// If we are waiting for the controlling driver to change the power
+// state of the hardware, we decrement its timer word, and if it becomes
+// zero, we pretend the driver acknowledged.
+// Returns true if the timer tick made it possible to advance to the next
+// machine state, false otherwise.
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::ack_timer_ticked( void )
+ assert(false);
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+IOService::ackTimerTick( void )
+ IOPMinformee * nextObject;
+ bool done = false;
+ switch (fMachineState) {
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+ // are we waiting for controlling driver to acknowledge?
+ if (fDriverTimer > 0) {
+ // yes, decrement timer tick
+ fDriverTimer--;
+ if (fDriverTimer == 0) {
+ // controlling driver is tardy
+ uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogCtrlDriverTardy, 0, 0);
+ setProperty(kIOPMTardyAckSPSKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ PM_ERROR("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms\n",
+ fName, OBFUSCATE(this), fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ uint32_t panic_allowed = -1;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("setpowerstate_panic", &panic_allowed, sizeof(panic_allowed));
+ if (panic_allowed != 0) {
+ // rdar://problem/48743340 - excluding AppleSEPManager from panic
+ const char *whitelist = "AppleSEPManager";
+ if (strncmp(fName, whitelist, strlen(whitelist))) {
+ panic("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+ fName, this, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ } else {
+ PM_ERROR("setPowerState panic disabled by setpowerstate_panic boot-arg\n");
+ }
+ if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogDebugPower) {
+ panic("%s::setPowerState(%p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+ fName, this, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ } else {
+ // panic for first party kexts
+ const void *function_addr = NULL;
+ OSKext *kext = NULL;
+ function_addr = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, fControllingDriver, &IOService::setPowerState);
+ kext = OSKext::lookupKextWithAddress((vm_address_t)function_addr);
+ if (kext) {
+ const char *bundleID = kext->getIdentifierCString();
+ const char *apple_prefix = "com.apple";
+ const char *kernel_prefix = "__kernel__";
+ if (strncmp(bundleID, apple_prefix, strlen(apple_prefix)) == 0 || strncmp(bundleID, kernel_prefix, strlen(kernel_prefix)) == 0) {
+ // first party client
+ panic("%s::setPowerState(%p : %p, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms",
+ fName, this, function_addr, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ kext->release();
+ }
+ // Unblock state machine and pretend driver has acked.
+ done = true;
+ }
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+ } else {
+ // still waiting, set timer again
+ start_ack_timer();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart:
+ // are we waiting for interested parties to acknowledge?
+ if (fHeadNotePendingAcks != 0) {
+ // yes, go through the list of interested drivers
+ nextObject = fInterestedDrivers->firstInList();
+ // and check each one
+ while (nextObject != NULL) {
+ if (nextObject->timer > 0) {
+ nextObject->timer--;
+ // this one should have acked by now
+ if (nextObject->timer == 0) {
+ uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&nextObject->startTime);
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIntDriverTardy, 0, 0);
+ nextObject->whatObject->setProperty(kIOPMTardyAckPSCKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ PM_ERROR("%s::powerState%sChangeTo(%p, %s, %lu -> %lu) timed out after %d ms\n",
+ nextObject->whatObject->getName(),
+ (fDriverCallReason == kDriverCallInformPreChange) ? "Will" : "Did",
+ OBFUSCATE(nextObject->whatObject), fName, fCurrentPowerState, fHeadNotePowerState,
+ NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ // Pretend driver has acked.
+ fHeadNotePendingAcks--;
+ }
+ }
+ nextObject = fInterestedDrivers->nextInList(nextObject);
+ }
+ // is that the last?
+ if (fHeadNotePendingAcks == 0) {
+ // yes, we can continue
+ done = true;
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+ } else {
+ // no, set timer again
+ start_ack_timer();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // TODO: aggreggate this
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+ case kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ case kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange:
+ case kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone:
+ // apps didn't respond in time
+ cleanClientResponses(true);
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientTardy, 0, 1);
+ // tardy equates to approval
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ PM_LOG1("%s: unexpected ack timer tick (state = %d)\n",
+ getName(), fMachineState);
+ break;
+ }
+ return done;
+// [private] start_watchdog_timer
+IOService::start_watchdog_timer( void )
+ int timeout;
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+ timeout = getPMRootDomain()->getWatchdogTimeout();
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(timeout, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ fWatchdogDeadline = deadline;
+ start_watchdog_timer(deadline);
+ IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+IOService::start_watchdog_timer(uint64_t deadline)
+ IOLockAssert(fWatchdogLock, kIOLockAssertOwned);
+ if (!thread_call_isactive(fWatchdogTimer)) {
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(fWatchdogTimer, deadline);
+ }
+// [private] stop_watchdog_timer
+IOService::stop_watchdog_timer( void )
+ if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+ thread_call_cancel(fWatchdogTimer);
+ fWatchdogDeadline = 0;
+ while (fBlockedArray->getCount()) {
+ IOService *obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(0));
+ if (obj) {
+ PM_ERROR("WDOG:Object %s unexpected in blocked array\n", obj->fName);
+ fBlockedArray->removeObject(0);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+// reset_watchdog_timer
+IOService::reset_watchdog_timer(IOService *blockedObject, int pendingResponseTimeout)
+ unsigned int i;
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ IOService *obj;
+ if (!fWatchdogTimer || (kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IOLockLock(fWatchdogLock);
+ if (!fWatchdogDeadline) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ i = fBlockedArray->getNextIndexOfObject(blockedObject, 0);
+ if (pendingResponseTimeout == 0) {
+ blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = 0;
+ if (i == (unsigned int)-1) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ fBlockedArray->removeObject(i);
+ } else {
+ // Set deadline 2secs after the expected response timeout to allow
+ // ack timer to handle the timeout.
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(pendingResponseTimeout + 2, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ if (i != (unsigned int)-1) {
+ PM_ERROR("WDOG:Object %s is already blocked for responses. Ignoring timeout %d\n",
+ fName, pendingResponseTimeout);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < fBlockedArray->getCount(); i++) {
+ obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(i));
+ if (obj && (obj->fPendingResponseDeadline < deadline)) {
+ blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = deadline;
+ fBlockedArray->setObject(i, blockedObject);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == fBlockedArray->getCount()) {
+ blockedObject->fPendingResponseDeadline = deadline;
+ fBlockedArray->setObject(blockedObject);
+ }
+ }
+ obj = OSDynamicCast(IOService, fBlockedArray->getObject(0));
+ if (!obj) {
+ int timeout = getPMRootDomain()->getWatchdogTimeout();
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(timeout, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ } else {
+ deadline = obj->fPendingResponseDeadline;
+ }
+ thread_call_cancel(fWatchdogTimer);
+ start_watchdog_timer(deadline);
+ IOLockUnlock(fWatchdogLock);
+// [static] watchdog_timer_expired
+// Inside PM work loop's gate.
+IOService::watchdog_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+ IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+ gIOPMWatchDogThread = current_thread();
+ getPMRootDomain()->sleepWakeDebugTrig(true);
+ gIOPMWatchDogThread = NULL;
+ thread_call_free(me->fWatchdogTimer);
+ me->fWatchdogTimer = NULL;
+ return;
+IOWorkLoop *
+IOService::getIOPMWorkloop( void )
+ return gIOPMWorkLoop;
+// [private] start_ack_timer
+IOService::start_ack_timer( void )
+ start_ack_timer( ACK_TIMER_PERIOD, kNanosecondScale );
+IOService::start_ack_timer( UInt32 interval, UInt32 scale )
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ boolean_t pending;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(interval, scale, &deadline);
+ retain();
+ pending = thread_call_enter_delayed(fAckTimer, deadline);
+ if (pending) {
+ release();
+ }
+// [private] stop_ack_timer
+IOService::stop_ack_timer( void )
+ boolean_t pending;
+ pending = thread_call_cancel(fAckTimer);
+ if (pending) {
+ release();
+ }
+// [static] actionAckTimerExpired
+// Inside PM work loop's gate.
+ OSObject * target,
+ void * arg0, void * arg1,
+ void * arg2, void * arg3 )
+ IOService * me = (IOService *) target;
+ bool done;
+ // done will be true if the timer tick unblocks the machine state,
+ // otherwise no need to signal the work loop.
+ done = me->ackTimerTick();
+ if (done && gIOPMWorkQueue) {
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->signalWorkAvailable();
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// ack_timer_expired
+// Thread call function. Holds a retain while the callout is in flight.
+IOService::ack_timer_expired( thread_call_param_t arg0, thread_call_param_t arg1 )
+ IOService * me = (IOService *) arg0;
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(&actionAckTimerExpired, me);
+ }
+ me->release();
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Client Messaging
+// [private] tellSystemCapabilityChange
+IOService::tellSystemCapabilityChange( uint32_t nextMS )
+ MS_PUSH( nextMS );
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone;
+ fOutOfBandMessage = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+ if (fIsPreChange) {
+ // Notify app first on pre-change.
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+ } else {
+ // Notify kernel clients first on post-change.
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+ }
+ tellClientsWithResponse( fOutOfBandMessage );
+// [public] askChangeDown
+// Ask registered applications and kernel clients if we can change to a lower
+// power state.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type. Parameter is
+// the destination state number.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::askChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ return tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff );
+// [private] tellChangeDown1
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown1( unsigned long stateNum )
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+ return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+// [private] tellChangeDown2
+// Notify priority clients that we are definitely dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown2( unsigned long stateNum )
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyPriority;
+ return tellChangeDown(stateNum);
+// [public] tellChangeDown
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type. Parameter is
+// the destination state number.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellChangeDown( unsigned long stateNum )
+ return tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff );
+// cleanClientResponses
+static void
+logAppTimeouts( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ OSObject * flag;
+ unsigned int clientIndex;
+ int pid = 0;
+ char name[128];
+ if (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+ // Discover the 'counter' value or index assigned to this client
+ // when it was notified, by searching for the array index of the
+ // client in an array holding the cached interested clients.
+ clientIndex = context->notifyClients->getNextIndexOfObject(object, 0);
+ if ((clientIndex != (unsigned int) -1) &&
+ (flag = context->responseArray->getObject(clientIndex)) &&
+ (flag != kOSBooleanTrue)) {
+ OSNumber *clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context);
+ name[0] = '\0';
+ if (clientID) {
+ pid = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+ proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+ clientID->release();
+ }
+ PM_ERROR(context->errorLog, pid, name);
+ // TODO: record message type if possible
+ IOService::getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut,
+ name, 0, (30 * 1000), pid, object);
+ }
+ }
+IOService::cleanClientResponses( bool logErrors )
+ if (logErrors && fResponseArray) {
+ switch (fOutOfBandParameter) {
+ case kNotifyApps:
+ case kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps:
+ if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+ IOPMInterestContext context;
+ context.responseArray = fResponseArray;
+ context.notifyClients = fNotifyClientArray;
+ context.serialNumber = fSerialNumber;
+ context.messageType = kIOMessageCopyClientID;
+ context.notifyType = kNotifyApps;
+ context.isPreChange = fIsPreChange;
+ context.enableTracing = false;
+ context.us = this;
+ context.maxTimeRequested = 0;
+ context.stateNumber = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ context.stateFlags = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+ context.changeFlags = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+ context.errorLog = "PM notification timeout (pid %d, %s)\n";
+ applyToInterested(gIOAppPowerStateInterest, logAppTimeouts, (void *) &context);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // kNotifyPriority, kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority
+ // TODO: identify the priority client that has not acked
+ PM_ERROR("PM priority notification timeout\n");
+ if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogDebugPower) {
+ panic("PM priority notification timeout");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+ }
+ if (fResponseArray) {
+ fResponseArray->release();
+ fResponseArray = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+ fNotifyClientArray->release();
+ fNotifyClientArray = NULL;
+ }
+// [protected] tellClientsWithResponse
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are definitely
+// dropping power.
+// Return true if we don't have to wait for acknowledgements
+IOService::tellClientsWithResponse( int messageType )
+ IOPMInterestContext context;
+ bool isRootDomain = IS_ROOT_DOMAIN;
+ uint32_t maxTimeOut = kMaxTimeRequested;
+ assert( fResponseArray == NULL );
+ assert( fNotifyClientArray == NULL );
+ if (messageType == (int)kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep) {
+ RD_LOG("tellClientsWithResponse( kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep, %d )\n",
+ fOutOfBandParameter);
+ } else {
+ RD_LOG("tellClientsWithResponse( %s, %d )\n",
+ getIOMessageString(messageType), fOutOfBandParameter);
+ }
+ fResponseArray = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
+ if (!fResponseArray) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ fResponseArray->setCapacityIncrement(8);
+ if (++fSerialNumber == 0) {
+ fSerialNumber++;
+ }
+ context.responseArray = fResponseArray;
+ context.notifyClients = NULL;
+ context.serialNumber = fSerialNumber;
+ context.messageType = messageType;
+ context.notifyType = fOutOfBandParameter;
+ context.skippedInDark = 0;
+ context.notSkippedInDark = 0;
+ context.isPreChange = fIsPreChange;
+ context.enableTracing = false;
+ context.us = this;
+ context.maxTimeRequested = 0;
+ context.stateNumber = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ context.stateFlags = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+ context.changeFlags = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+ context.messageFilter = (isRootDomain) ?
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMMessageFilter,
+ this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::systemMessageFilter) : NULL;
+ switch (fOutOfBandParameter) {
+ case kNotifyApps:
+ applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ if (isRootDomain &&
+ (fMachineState != kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown) &&
+ (fMachineState != kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown) &&
+ (context.messageType != kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep)) {
+ // Notify capability app for tellChangeDown1()
+ // but not for askChangeDown().
+ context.notifyType = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+ context.messageType = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+ applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ context.notifyType = fOutOfBandParameter;
+ context.messageType = messageType;
+ }
+ if (context.messageType == kIOMessageCanSystemSleep) {
+ maxTimeOut = kCanSleepMaxTimeReq;
+ if (gCanSleepTimeout) {
+ maxTimeOut = (gCanSleepTimeout * us_per_s);
+ }
+ }
+ context.maxTimeRequested = maxTimeOut;
+ context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+ applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest,
+ pmTellClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ break;
+ case kNotifyPriority:
+ context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+ applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ if (isRootDomain) {
+ // Notify capability clients for tellChangeDown2().
+ context.notifyType = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+ context.messageType = kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange;
+ applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ }
+ break;
+ case kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps:
+ applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ if (context.messageType == kIOMessageCanSystemSleep) {
+ maxTimeOut = kCanSleepMaxTimeReq;
+ if (gCanSleepTimeout) {
+ maxTimeOut = (gCanSleepTimeout * us_per_s);
+ }
+ }
+ context.maxTimeRequested = maxTimeOut;
+ break;
+ case kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority:
+ context.enableTracing = isRootDomain;
+ applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+ pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse, (void *) &context );
+ break;
+ }
+ fNotifyClientArray = context.notifyClients;
+ if (context.skippedInDark) {
+ IOLog("tellClientsWithResponse(%s, %d) %d of %d skipped in dark\n",
+ getIOMessageString(messageType), fOutOfBandParameter,
+ context.skippedInDark, context.skippedInDark + context.notSkippedInDark);
+ }
+ // do we have to wait for somebody?
+ if (!checkForDone()) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogStartAckTimer, context.maxTimeRequested, 0);
+ if (context.enableTracing) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(context.messageType, 0, context.maxTimeRequested / 1000);
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, context.maxTimeRequested / USEC_PER_SEC + 1);
+ }
+ start_ack_timer( context.maxTimeRequested / 1000, kMillisecondScale );
+ return false;
+ }
+ // everybody responded
+ if (fResponseArray) {
+ fResponseArray->release();
+ fResponseArray = NULL;
+ }
+ if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+ fNotifyClientArray->release();
+ fNotifyClientArray = NULL;
+ }
+ return true;
+// [static private] pmTellAppWithResponse
+// We send a message to an application, and we expect a response, so we compute a
+// cookie we can identify the response with.
+IOService::pmTellAppWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+ uint32_t msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+ OSNumber *clientID = NULL;
+ proc_t proc = NULL;
+ boolean_t proc_suspended = FALSE;
+ OSObject * waitForReply = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ if (!OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (context->us == getPMRootDomain()) {
+ if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+ uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+ clientID->release();
+ proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+ if (proc) {
+ proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "PMTellAppWithResponse - Suspended");
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ } else if (getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode() && get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+ proc_suspended = true;
+ context->skippedInDark++;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ }
+ proc_rele(proc);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, &waitForReply)) {
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "DROP App");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ context->notSkippedInDark++;
+ // Create client array (for tracking purposes) only if the service
+ // has app clients. Usually only root domain does.
+ if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+ }
+ msgType = context->messageType;
+ msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+ msgRef = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAppNotify, msgType, msgRef);
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "MESG App");
+ }
+ if (waitForReply == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+ OSNumber * num;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&now), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ if (num) {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+ num->release();
+ } else {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanFalse);
+ }
+ } else {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "App response ignored");
+ }
+ }
+ if (context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+ }
+ context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *)(uintptr_t) msgRef);
+// [static private] pmTellClientWithResponse
+// We send a message to an in-kernel client, and we expect a response,
+// so we compute a cookie we can identify the response with.
+IOService::pmTellClientWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification notify;
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ OSObject * replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier * notifier;
+ uint32_t msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+ IOReturn retCode;
+ AbsoluteTime start, end;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+ (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+ PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ msgType = context->messageType;
+ msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+ msgRef = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+ IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+ if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, msgRef, msgType);
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOService, object)) {
+ const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
+ gPlatform->PMLog(who, kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) object, 0);
+ } else if (notifier) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) notifier->handler, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) && notifier) {
+ PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ getIOMessageString(msgType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler));
+ }
+ if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+ }
+ notify.powerRef = (void *)(uintptr_t) msgRef;
+ notify.returnValue = 0;
+ notify.stateNumber = context->stateNumber;
+ notify.stateFlags = context->stateFlags;
+ if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, true);
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&start);
+ retCode = context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *) ¬ify, sizeof(notify));
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, false);
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == retCode) {
+ if (0 == notify.returnValue) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, (uintptr_t) object);
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ } else {
+ replied = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ if (notify.returnValue > context->maxTimeRequested) {
+ if (notify.returnValue > kPriorityClientMaxWait) {
+ context->maxTimeRequested = kPriorityClientMaxWait;
+ PM_ERROR("%s: client %p returned %llu for %s\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ notifier ? (void *) OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler) : OBFUSCATE(object),
+ (uint64_t) notify.returnValue,
+ getIOMessageString(msgType));
+ } else {
+ context->maxTimeRequested = notify.returnValue;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Track time taken to ack, by storing the timestamp of
+ // callback completion
+ OSNumber * num;
+ num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&end), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ if (num) {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+ num->release();
+ } else {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ }
+ }
+ if (context->enableTracing) {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &start);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+ if ((nsec > LOG_KEXT_RESPONSE_TIMES) || (notify.returnValue != 0)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(notifier, notify.returnValue / 1000, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // not a client of ours
+ // so we won't be waiting for response
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, 0);
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ }
+ if (context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+ }
+// [static private] pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse
+IOService::pmTellCapabilityAppWithResponse( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters msgArg;
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ OSObject * replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+ uint32_t msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ if (!OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&msgArg, 0, sizeof(msgArg));
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, &msgArg, &replied)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (context->us == getPMRootDomain() &&
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode()
+#else /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ false
+#endif /* (defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ ) {
+ OSNumber *clientID = NULL;
+ boolean_t proc_suspended = FALSE;
+ proc_t proc = NULL;
+ if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+ uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+ clientID->release();
+ proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+ if (proc) {
+ proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "PMTellCapablityAppWithResponse - Suspended");
+ } else if (get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+ proc_suspended = true;
+ context->skippedInDark++;
+ }
+ proc_rele(proc);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ context->notSkippedInDark++;
+ // Create client array (for tracking purposes) only if the service
+ // has app clients. Usually only root domain does.
+ if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+ }
+ msgType = context->messageType;
+ msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+ msgRef = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAppNotify, msgType, msgRef);
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ // Log client pid/name and client array index.
+ OSNumber * clientID = NULL;
+ OSString * clientIDString = NULL;;
+ context->us->messageClient(kIOMessageCopyClientID, object, &clientID);
+ if (clientID) {
+ clientIDString = IOCopyLogNameForPID(clientID->unsigned32BitValue());
+ }
+ PM_LOG("%s MESG App(%u) %s, wait %u, %s\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ msgIndex, getIOMessageString(msgType),
+ (replied != kOSBooleanTrue),
+ clientIDString ? clientIDString->getCStringNoCopy() : "");
+ if (clientID) {
+ clientID->release();
+ }
+ if (clientIDString) {
+ clientIDString->release();
+ }
+ }
+ msgArg.notifyRef = msgRef;
+ msgArg.maxWaitForReply = 0;
+ if (replied == kOSBooleanTrue) {
+ msgArg.notifyRef = 0;
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ if (context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ }
+ } else {
+ OSNumber * num;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&now), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ if (num) {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+ num->release();
+ } else {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, kOSBooleanFalse);
+ }
+ if (context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+ }
+ }
+ context->us->messageClient(msgType, object, (void *) &msgArg, sizeof(msgArg));
+// [static private] pmTellCapabilityClientWithResponse
+ OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters msgArg;
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ OSObject * replied = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier * notifier;
+ uint32_t msgIndex, msgRef, msgType;
+ IOReturn retCode;
+ AbsoluteTime start, end;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ memset(&msgArg, 0, sizeof(msgArg));
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, &msgArg, NULL)) {
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+ (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+ PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (NULL == context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients = OSArray::withCapacity( 32 );
+ }
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ msgType = context->messageType;
+ msgIndex = context->responseArray->getCount();
+ msgRef = ((context->serialNumber & 0xFFFF) << 16) + (msgIndex & 0xFFFF);
+ IOServicePM * pwrMgt = context->us->pwrMgt;
+ if (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPower) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, msgRef, msgType);
+ if (OSDynamicCast(IOService, object)) {
+ const char *who = ((IOService *) object)->getName();
+ gPlatform->PMLog(who, kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) object, 0);
+ } else if (notifier) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientNotify, (uintptr_t) notifier->handler, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) && notifier) {
+ PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ getIOMessageString(msgType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler));
+ }
+ msgArg.notifyRef = msgRef;
+ msgArg.maxWaitForReply = 0;
+ if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, true);
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&start);
+ retCode = context->us->messageClient(
+ msgType, object, (void *) &msgArg, sizeof(msgArg));
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ if (context->enableTracing && (notifier != NULL)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(notifier, false);
+ }
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == retCode) {
+ if (0 == msgArg.maxWaitForReply) {
+ // client doesn't want time to respond
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, (uintptr_t) object);
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ } else {
+ replied = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ if (msgArg.maxWaitForReply > context->maxTimeRequested) {
+ if (msgArg.maxWaitForReply > kCapabilityClientMaxWait) {
+ context->maxTimeRequested = kCapabilityClientMaxWait;
+ PM_ERROR("%s: client %p returned %u for %s\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ notifier ? (void *) OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler) : OBFUSCATE(object),
+ msgArg.maxWaitForReply,
+ getIOMessageString(msgType));
+ } else {
+ context->maxTimeRequested = msgArg.maxWaitForReply;
+ }
+ }
+ // Track time taken to ack, by storing the timestamp of
+ // callback completion
+ OSNumber * num;
+ num = OSNumber::withNumber(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&end), sizeof(uint64_t) * 8);
+ if (num) {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, num);
+ num->release();
+ } else {
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ }
+ }
+ if (context->enableTracing) {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&end, &start);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end, &nsec);
+ if ((nsec > LOG_KEXT_RESPONSE_TIMES) || (msgArg.maxWaitForReply != 0)) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(notifier, msgArg.maxWaitForReply / 1000, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // not a client of ours
+ // so we won't be waiting for response
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogClientAcknowledge, msgRef, 0);
+ context->responseArray->setObject(msgIndex, replied);
+ }
+ if (context->notifyClients) {
+ context->notifyClients->setObject(msgIndex, object);
+ }
+// [public] tellNoChangeDown
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are not
+// dropping power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type. Parameter is
+// the aborted destination state number.
+IOService::tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long )
+ return tellClients( kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff );
+// [public] tellChangeUp
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients that we are raising power.
+// Subclass can override this to send a different message type. Parameter is
+// the aborted destination state number.
+IOService::tellChangeUp( unsigned long )
+ return tellClients( kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn );
+// [protected] tellClients
+// Notify registered applications and kernel clients of something.
+IOService::tellClients( int messageType )
+ IOPMInterestContext context;
+ RD_LOG("tellClients( %s )\n", getIOMessageString(messageType));
+ memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
+ context.messageType = messageType;
+ context.isPreChange = fIsPreChange;
+ context.us = this;
+ context.stateNumber = fHeadNotePowerState;
+ context.stateFlags = fHeadNotePowerArrayEntry->capabilityFlags;
+ context.changeFlags = fHeadNoteChangeFlags;
+ context.enableTracing = IS_ROOT_DOMAIN;
+ context.messageFilter = (IS_ROOT_DOMAIN) ?
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(
+ IOPMMessageFilter,
+ this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::systemMessageFilter) : NULL;
+ context.notifyType = kNotifyPriority;
+ applyToInterested( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest,
+ tellKernelClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+ context.notifyType = kNotifyApps;
+ applyToInterested( gIOAppPowerStateInterest,
+ tellAppClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+ applyToInterested( gIOGeneralInterest,
+ tellKernelClientApplier, (void *) &context );
+// [private] tellKernelClientApplier
+// Message a kernel client.
+static void
+tellKernelClientApplier( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification notify;
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+ (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+ PM_LOG("%s DROP Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ notify.powerRef = (void *) NULL;
+ notify.returnValue = 0;
+ notify.stateNumber = context->stateNumber;
+ notify.stateFlags = context->stateFlags;
+ if (context->enableTracing && object) {
+ IOService::getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(object, true);
+ }
+ context->us->messageClient(context->messageType, object, ¬ify, sizeof(notify));
+ if (context->enableTracing && object) {
+ IOService::getPMRootDomain()->traceDetail(object, false);
+ }
+ if ((kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) &&
+ (OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object))) {
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier *n = (_IOServiceInterestNotifier *) object;
+ PM_LOG("%s MESG Client %s, notifier %p, handler %p\n",
+ context->us->getName(),
+ IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+ OBFUSCATE(object), OBFUSCATE(n->handler));
+ }
+static OSNumber *
+ OSObject *object,
+ IOPMInterestContext *context)
+ OSNumber *clientID = NULL;
+ context->us->messageClient(kIOMessageCopyClientID, object, &clientID);
+ return clientID;
+static void
+ OSObject *object,
+ IOPMInterestContext *context,
+ const char *logString)
+ OSString *logClientID = NULL;
+ OSNumber *clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context);
+ if (logString) {
+ if (clientID) {
+ logClientID = IOCopyLogNameForPID(clientID->unsigned32BitValue());
+ }
+ PM_LOG("%s %s %s, %s\n",
+ context->us->getName(), logString,
+ IOService::getIOMessageString(context->messageType),
+ logClientID ? logClientID->getCStringNoCopy() : "");
+ if (logClientID) {
+ logClientID->release();
+ }
+ }
+ if (clientID) {
+ clientID->release();
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+tellAppClientApplier( OSObject * object, void * arg )
+ IOPMInterestContext * context = (IOPMInterestContext *) arg;
+ OSNumber * clientID = NULL;
+ proc_t proc = NULL;
+ boolean_t proc_suspended = FALSE;
+ if (context->us == IOService::getPMRootDomain()) {
+ if ((clientID = copyClientIDForNotification(object, context))) {
+ uint32_t clientPID = clientID->unsigned32BitValue();
+ clientID->release();
+ proc = proc_find(clientPID);
+ if (proc) {
+ proc_suspended = get_task_pidsuspended((task_t) proc->task);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "tellAppClientApplier - Suspended");
+#if !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146))
+ } else if (IOService::getPMRootDomain()->isAOTMode() && get_task_suspended((task_t) proc->task)) {
+ proc_suspended = true;
+ context->skippedInDark++;
+#endif /* !(defined(RC_HIDE_N144) || defined(RC_HIDE_N146)) */
+ }
+ proc_rele(proc);
+ if (proc_suspended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (context->messageFilter &&
+ !context->messageFilter(context->us, object, context, NULL, NULL)) {
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "DROP App");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ context->notSkippedInDark++;
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ logClientIDForNotification(object, context, "MESG App");
+ }
+ context->us->messageClient(context->messageType, object, NULL);
+// [private] checkForDone
+IOService::checkForDone( void )
+ int i = 0;
+ OSObject * theFlag;
+ if (fResponseArray == NULL) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (i = 0;; i++) {
+ theFlag = fResponseArray->getObject(i);
+ if (NULL == theFlag) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kOSBooleanTrue != theFlag) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// [public] responseValid
+IOService::responseValid( uint32_t refcon, int pid )
+ UInt16 serialComponent;
+ UInt16 ordinalComponent;
+ OSObject * theFlag;
+ OSObject *object = NULL;
+ serialComponent = (refcon >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+ ordinalComponent = (refcon & 0xFFFF);
+ if (serialComponent != fSerialNumber) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (fResponseArray == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ theFlag = fResponseArray->getObject(ordinalComponent);
+ if (theFlag == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (fNotifyClientArray) {
+ object = fNotifyClientArray->getObject(ordinalComponent);
+ }
+ OSNumber * num;
+ if ((num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, theFlag))) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ AbsoluteTime start;
+ uint64_t nsec;
+ char name[128];
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&start) = num->unsigned64BitValue();
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &start);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
+ if (pid != 0) {
+ name[0] = '\0';
+ proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+ if (nsec > LOG_APP_RESPONSE_TIMES) {
+ IOLog("PM response took %d ms (%d, %s)\n", NS_TO_MS(nsec),
+ pid, name);
+ }
+ // TODO: populate the messageType argument
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsResponseSlow,
+ name, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec), pid, object);
+ } else {
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt,
+ name, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec), pid, object);
+ }
+ } else {
+ getPMRootDomain()->traceAckDelay(object, 0, NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ if (kIOLogDebugPower & gIOKitDebug) {
+ PM_LOG("Ack(%u) %u ms\n",
+ (uint32_t) ordinalComponent,
+ NS_TO_MS(nsec));
+ }
+ theFlag = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ } else if (object) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt,
+ NULL, 0, 0, pid, object);
+ }
+ if (kOSBooleanFalse == theFlag) {
+ fResponseArray->replaceObject(ordinalComponent, kOSBooleanTrue);
+ }
+ return true;
+// [public] allowPowerChange
+// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
+// and kernel clients, and one of them has acknowledged. If this is the last to do
+// so, and all acknowledgements are positive, we continue with the power change.
+IOService::allowPowerChange( unsigned long refcon )
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ // we're unloading
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange );
+ if (!request) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ request->fArg0 = (void *) refcon;
+ request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) proc_selfpid();
+ request->fArg2 = (void *) NULL;
+ submitPMRequest( request );
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::serializedAllowPowerChange2( unsigned long refcon )
+ // [deprecated] public
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] cancelPowerChange
+// Our power state is about to lower, and we have notified applications
+// and kernel clients, and one of them has vetoed the change. If this is the last
+// client to respond, we abandon the power change.
+IOService::cancelPowerChange( unsigned long refcon )
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ char name[128];
+ pid_t pid = proc_selfpid();
+ if (!initialized) {
+ // we're unloading
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ name[0] = '\0';
+ proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name));
+ PM_ERROR("PM notification cancel (pid %d, %s)\n", pid, name);
+ request = acquirePMRequest( this, kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange );
+ if (!request) {
+ return kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ }
+ request->fArg0 = (void *) refcon;
+ request->fArg1 = (void *)(uintptr_t) proc_selfpid();
+ request->fArg2 = (void *) OSString::withCString(name);
+ submitPMRequest( request );
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// cancelIdlePowerDown
+// Internal method to trigger an idle cancel or revert
+IOService::cancelIdlePowerDown( IOService * service )
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ request = acquirePMRequest(service, kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel);
+ if (request) {
+ submitPMRequest(request);
+ }
+#ifndef __LP64__
+IOService::serializedCancelPowerChange2( unsigned long refcon )
+ // [deprecated] public
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+// PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired
+// called when clamp timer expires...set power state to 0.
+IOService::PM_Clamp_Timer_Expired( void )
+// clampPowerOn
+// Set to highest available power state for a minimum of duration milliseconds
+IOService::clampPowerOn( unsigned long duration )
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// configurePowerStateReport
+// Configures the IOStateReport for kPMPowerStateChannel
+IOService::configurePowerStatesReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result )
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ size_t reportSize;
+ unsigned long i;
+ uint64_t ts;
+ if (!pwrMgt) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess; // For drivers which are in power plane, but haven't called registerPowerDriver()
+ }
+ PM_LOCK();
+ switch (action) {
+ case kIOReportEnable:
+ if (fReportBuf) {
+ fReportClientCnt++;
+ break;
+ }
+ reportSize = STATEREPORT_BUFSIZE(fNumberOfPowerStates);
+ fReportBuf = IOMalloc(reportSize);
+ if (!fReportBuf) {
+ rc = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ break;
+ }
+ memset(fReportBuf, 0, reportSize);
+ STATEREPORT_INIT(fNumberOfPowerStates, fReportBuf, reportSize,
+ getRegistryEntryID(), kPMPowerStatesChID, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+ for (i = 0; i < fNumberOfPowerStates; i++) {
+ unsigned bits = 0;
+ if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMPowerOn) {
+ bits |= kPMReportPowerOn;
+ }
+ if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMDeviceUsable) {
+ bits |= kPMReportDeviceUsable;
+ }
+ if (fPowerStates[i].capabilityFlags & kIOPMLowPower) {
+ bits |= kPMReportLowPower;
+ }
+ STATEREPORT_SETSTATEID(fReportBuf, i, ((bits & 0xff) << 8) |
+ ((StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) & 0xf) << 4) | (StateOrder(i) & 0xf));
+ }
+ ts = mach_absolute_time();
+ STATEREPORT_SETSTATE(fReportBuf, fCurrentPowerState, ts);
+ break;
+ case kIOReportDisable:
+ if (fReportClientCnt == 0) {
+ rc = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fReportClientCnt == 1) {
+ IOFree(fReportBuf, STATEREPORT_BUFSIZE(fNumberOfPowerStates));
+ fReportBuf = NULL;
+ }
+ fReportClientCnt--;
+ break;
+ case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+ if (fReportBuf) {
+ STATEREPORT_UPDATERES(fReportBuf, kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+// updatePowerStateReport
+// Updates the IOStateReport for kPMPowerStateChannel
+IOService::updatePowerStatesReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result, void *destination )
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ uint64_t ts;
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+ if (!pwrMgt) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ if (!result || !dest) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ PM_LOCK();
+ switch (action) {
+ case kIOReportCopyChannelData:
+ if (!fReportBuf) {
+ rc = kIOReturnNotOpen;
+ break;
+ }
+ ts = mach_absolute_time();
+ STATEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(fReportBuf, ts, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength())) {
+ rc = kIOReturnOverrun;
+ break;
+ }
+ STATEREPORT_UPDATERES(fReportBuf, kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+// configureSimplePowerReport
+// Configures the IOSimpleReport for given channel id
+IOService::configureSimplePowerReport(IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result )
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ if (!pwrMgt) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ switch (action) {
+ case kIOReportEnable:
+ case kIOReportDisable:
+ break;
+ case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+// updateSimplePowerReport
+// Updates the IOSimpleReport for the given chanel id
+IOService::updateSimplePowerReport( IOReportConfigureAction action, void *result, void *destination )
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ uint64_t buf[SIMPLEREPORT_BUFSIZE / sizeof(uint64_t) + 1]; // Force a 8-byte alignment
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ unsigned bits = 0;
+ if (!pwrMgt) {
+ return kIOReturnUnsupported;
+ }
+ if (!result || !dest) {
+ return kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ }
+ if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ PM_LOCK();
+ switch (action) {
+ case kIOReportCopyChannelData:
+ SIMPLEREPORT_INIT(buf, sizeof(buf), getRegistryEntryID(), kPMCurrStateChID, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+ if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMPowerOn) {
+ bits |= kPMReportPowerOn;
+ }
+ if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMDeviceUsable) {
+ bits |= kPMReportDeviceUsable;
+ }
+ if (fPowerStates[fCurrentPowerState].capabilityFlags & kIOPMLowPower) {
+ bits |= kPMReportLowPower;
+ }
+ SIMPLEREPORT_SETVALUE(buf, ((bits & 0xff) << 8) | ((StateOrder(fMaxPowerState) & 0xf) << 4) |
+ (StateOrder(fCurrentPowerState) & 0xf));
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(buf, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength())) {
+ rc = kIOReturnOverrun;
+ break;
+ }
+ SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Driver Overrides
+// [public] setPowerState
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+ unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService * whatDevice )
+ return IOPMNoErr;
+// [public] maxCapabilityForDomainState
+// Finds the highest power state in the array whose input power requirement
+// is equal to the input parameter. Where a more intelligent decision is
+// possible, override this in the subclassed driver.
+IOService::getPowerStateForDomainFlags( IOPMPowerFlags flags )
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex stateIndex;
+ if (!fNumberOfPowerStates) {
+ return kPowerStateZero;
+ }
+ for (int order = fNumberOfPowerStates - 1; order >= 0; order--) {
+ stateIndex = fPowerStates[order].stateOrderToIndex;
+ if ((flags & fPowerStates[stateIndex].inputPowerFlags) ==
+ fPowerStates[stateIndex].inputPowerFlags) {
+ return stateIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ return kPowerStateZero;
+unsigned long
+IOService::maxCapabilityForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+ return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+// [public] initialPowerStateForDomainState
+// Called to query the power state for the initial power transition.
+unsigned long
+IOService::initialPowerStateForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+ if (fResetPowerStateOnWake && (domainState & kIOPMRootDomainState)) {
+ // Return lowest power state for any root power domain changes
+ return kPowerStateZero;
+ }
+ return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+// [public] powerStateForDomainState
+// This method is not called from PM.
+unsigned long
+IOService::powerStateForDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags domainState )
+ return getPowerStateForDomainFlags(domainState);
+#ifndef __LP64__
+// [deprecated] didYouWakeSystem
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::didYouWakeSystem( void )
+ return false;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] powerStateWillChangeTo
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService * )
+ return kIOPMAckImplied;
+// [public] powerStateDidChangeTo
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags, unsigned long, IOService * )
+ return kIOPMAckImplied;
+// [protected] powerChangeDone
+// Called from PM work loop thread.
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass policy-maker.
+IOService::powerChangeDone( unsigned long )
+#ifndef __LP64__
+// [deprecated] newTemperature
+// Does nothing here. This should be implemented in a subclass driver.
+IOService::newTemperature( long currentTemp, IOService * whichZone )
+ return IOPMNoErr;
+#endif /* !__LP64__ */
+// [public] systemWillShutdown
+// System shutdown and restart notification.
+IOService::systemWillShutdown( IOOptionBits specifier )
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = IOService::getPMRootDomain();
+ if (rootDomain) {
+ rootDomain->acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( this );
+ }
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PM State Machine
+// [private static] acquirePMRequest
+IOPMRequest *
+IOService::acquirePMRequest( IOService * target, IOOptionBits requestType,
+ IOPMRequest * active )
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ assert(target);
+ request = IOPMRequest::create();
+ if (request) {
+ request->init( target, requestType );
+ if (active) {
+ IOPMRequest * root = active->getRootRequest();
+ if (root) {
+ request->attachRootRequest(root);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ PM_ERROR("%s: No memory for PM request type 0x%x\n",
+ target->getName(), (uint32_t) requestType);
+ }
+ return request;
+// [private static] releasePMRequest
+IOService::releasePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+ if (request) {
+ request->reset();
+ request->release();
+ }
+// [private static] submitPMRequest
+IOService::submitPMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+ assert( request );
+ assert( gIOPMReplyQueue );
+ assert( gIOPMRequestQueue );
+ PM_LOG1("[+ %02lx] %p [%p %s] %p %p %p\n",
+ (long)request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(request->getTarget()), request->getTarget()->getName(),
+ OBFUSCATE(request->fArg0),
+ OBFUSCATE(request->fArg1), OBFUSCATE(request->fArg2));
+ if (request->isReplyType()) {
+ gIOPMReplyQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+ } else {
+ gIOPMRequestQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+ }
+IOService::submitPMRequests( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count )
+ assert( requests );
+ assert( count > 0 );
+ assert( gIOPMRequestQueue );
+ for (IOItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ IOPMRequest * req = requests[i];
+ PM_LOG1("[+ %02lx] %p [%p %s] %p %p %p\n",
+ (long)req->getType(), OBFUSCATE(req),
+ OBFUSCATE(req->getTarget()), req->getTarget()->getName(),
+ OBFUSCATE(req->fArg0),
+ OBFUSCATE(req->fArg1), OBFUSCATE(req->fArg2));
+ }
+ gIOPMRequestQueue->queuePMRequestChain( requests, count );
+// [private] actionPMRequestQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork() passing a new request to the request target.
+ IOPMRequest * request,
+ IOPMRequestQueue * queue )
+ bool more;
+ if (initialized) {
+ // Work queue will immediately execute the request if the per-service
+ // request queue is empty. Note pwrMgt is the target's IOServicePM.
+ more = gIOPMWorkQueue->queuePMRequest(request, pwrMgt);
+ } else {
+ // Calling PM without PMinit() is not allowed, fail the request.
+ // Need to signal more when completing attached requests.
+ PM_LOG("%s: PM not initialized\n", getName());
+ PM_LOG1("[- %02x] %p [%p %s] !initialized\n",
+ request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(this), getName());
+ more = gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest(request);
+ if (more) {
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+ }
+ }
+ return more;
+// [private] actionPMCompletionQueue
+// IOPMCompletionQueue::checkForWork() passing a completed request to the
+// request target.
+ IOPMRequest * request,
+ IOPMCompletionQueue * queue )
+ bool more = (request->getNextRequest() != NULL);
+ IOPMRequest * root = request->getRootRequest();
+ if (root && (root != request)) {
+ more = true;
+ }
+ if (more) {
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+ }
+ releasePMRequest( request );
+ return more;
+// [private] actionPMWorkQueueRetire
+// IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork() passing a retired request to the request target.
+IOService::actionPMWorkQueueRetire( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMWorkQueue * queue )
+ assert(request && queue);
+ PM_LOG1("[- %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d, busy %d\n",
+ request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(this), getName(),
+ fMachineState, gIOPMBusyRequestCount);
+ // Catch requests created by idleTimerExpired()
+ if (request->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle) {
+ uint32_t tickleFlags = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1;
+ if ((tickleFlags & kTickleTypePowerDrop) && fIdleTimerPeriod) {
+ restartIdleTimer();
+ } else if (tickleFlags == (kTickleTypeActivity | kTickleTypePowerRise)) {
+ // Invalidate any idle power drop that got queued while
+ // processing this request.
+ fIdleTimerGeneration++;
+ }
+ }
+ // When the completed request is linked, tell work queue there is
+ // more work pending.
+ return gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest( request );
+// [private] isPMBlocked
+// Check if machine state transition is blocked.
+IOService::isPMBlocked( IOPMRequest * request, int count )
+ int reason = 0;
+ do {
+ if (kIOPM_Finished == fMachineState) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone == fMachineState) {
+ // 5 = kDriverCallInformPreChange
+ // 6 = kDriverCallInformPostChange
+ // 7 = kDriverCallSetPowerState
+ // 8 = kRootDomainInformPreChange
+ if (fDriverCallBusy) {
+ reason = 5 + fDriverCallReason;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Waiting on driver's setPowerState() timeout.
+ if (fDriverTimer) {
+ reason = 1; break;
+ }
+ // Child or interested driver acks pending.
+ if (fHeadNotePendingAcks) {
+ reason = 2; break;
+ }
+ // Waiting on apps or priority power interest clients.
+ if (fResponseArray) {
+ reason = 3; break;
+ }
+ // Waiting on settle timer expiration.
+ if (fSettleTimeUS) {
+ reason = 4; break;
+ }
+ } while (false);
+ fWaitReason = reason;
+ if (reason) {
+ if (count) {
+ PM_LOG1("[B %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d, reason %d\n",
+ request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(this), getName(),
+ fMachineState, reason);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// [private] actionPMWorkQueueInvoke
+// IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork() passing a request to the
+// request target for execution.
+IOService::actionPMWorkQueueInvoke( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMWorkQueue * queue )
+ bool done = false;
+ int loop = 0;
+ assert(request && queue);
+ while (isPMBlocked(request, loop++) == false) {
+ PM_LOG1("[W %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d\n",
+ request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(this), getName(), fMachineState);
+ gIOPMRequest = request;
+ gIOPMWorkInvokeCount++;
+ // Every PM machine states must be handled in one of the cases below.
+ switch (fMachineState) {
+ case kIOPM_Finished:
+ start_watchdog_timer();
+ executePMRequest( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown:
+ // Root domain might self cancel due to assertions.
+ bool cancel = (bool) fDoNotPowerDown;
+ getPMRootDomain()->askChangeDownDone(
+ &fHeadNoteChangeFlags, &cancel);
+ fDoNotPowerDown = cancel;
+ }
+ // askChangeDown() done, was it vetoed?
+ if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+ // no, we can continue
+ OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown();
+ } else {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+ // RootDomain already sent "WillSleep" to its clients
+ tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+ } else {
+ tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ }
+ // mark the change note un-actioned
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ // and we're done
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown:
+ // PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done, was it cancelled?
+ if (fDoNotPowerDown) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+ // RootDomain already sent "WillSleep" to its clients
+ tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+ } else {
+ tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ }
+ // mark the change note un-actioned
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ // and we're done
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ } else {
+ OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ // PMRD: LastCallBeforeSleep notify done
+ // Non-PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done
+ if (fDoNotPowerDown) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_ERROR("%s: idle revert, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+ // no, tell clients we're back in the old state
+ tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+ // mark the change note un-actioned
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ // and we're done
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ } else {
+ // yes, we can continue
+ OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+ OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeSetPowerState:
+ OurChangeSetPowerState();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+ OurChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange:
+ OurChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange:
+ OurChangeTellCapabilityDidChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_OurChangeFinish:
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ ParentChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange:
+ ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversWillChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeSetPowerState:
+ ParentChangeSetPowerState();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle:
+ ParentChangeWaitForPowerSettle();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange:
+ ParentChangeNotifyInterestedDriversDidChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange:
+ ParentChangeTellCapabilityDidChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange:
+ ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_DriverThreadCallDone:
+ switch (fDriverCallReason) {
+ case kDriverCallInformPreChange:
+ case kDriverCallInformPostChange:
+ notifyInterestedDriversDone();
+ break;
+ case kDriverCallSetPowerState:
+ notifyControllingDriverDone();
+ break;
+ case kRootDomainInformPreChange:
+ notifyRootDomainDone();
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("%s: bad call reason %x",
+ getName(), fDriverCallReason);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenOrdered:
+ notifyChildrenOrdered();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed:
+ notifyChildrenDelayed();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_NotifyChildrenStart:
+ // pop notifyAll() state saved by notifyInterestedDriversDone()
+ MS_POP();
+ notifyRootDomain();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown:
+ // Root domain might self cancel due to assertions.
+ bool cancel = (bool) fDoNotPowerDown;
+ getPMRootDomain()->askChangeDownDone(
+ &fHeadNoteChangeFlags, &cancel);
+ fDoNotPowerDown = cancel;
+ }
+ if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown;
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyApps;
+ tellChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ } else {
+ // Cancelled by IOPMrootDomain::askChangeDownDone() or
+ // askChangeDown/kNotifyApps
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_ERROR("%s: idle cancel, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+ tellNoChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown:
+ // PMRD: tellChangeDown/kNotifyApps done, was it cancelled?
+ if (!fDoNotPowerDown) {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange;
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyPriority;
+ tellChangeDown(fHeadNotePowerState);
+ } else {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_ERROR("%s: idle revert, state %u\n", fName, fMachineState);
+ tellChangeUp(fCurrentPowerState);
+ fHeadNoteChangeFlags |= kIOPMNotDone;
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncNotifyWillChange:
+ if (kIOPMSyncNoChildNotify & fHeadNoteChangeFlags) {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncFinish;
+ continue;
+ }
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange;
+ fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPreChange;
+ notifyChildren();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncNotifyDidChange:
+ fIsPreChange = false;
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncFinish;
+ } else {
+ assert(IS_ROOT_DOMAIN);
+ fMachineState = kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange;
+ }
+ fDriverCallReason = kDriverCallInformPostChange;
+ notifyChildren();
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncTellCapabilityDidChange:
+ tellSystemCapabilityChange( kIOPM_SyncFinish );
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_SyncFinish:
+ if (fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMParentInitiated) {
+ ParentChangeAcknowledgePowerChange();
+ } else {
+ OurChangeFinish();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPM_TellCapabilityChangeDone:
+ if (fIsPreChange) {
+ if (fOutOfBandParameter == kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority) {
+ MS_POP(); // tellSystemCapabilityChange()
+ continue;
+ }
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangePriority;
+ } else {
+ if (fOutOfBandParameter == kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps) {
+ MS_POP(); // tellSystemCapabilityChange()
+ continue;
+ }
+ fOutOfBandParameter = kNotifyCapabilityChangeApps;
+ }
+ tellClientsWithResponse( fOutOfBandMessage );
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("PMWorkQueueInvoke: unknown machine state %x",
+ fMachineState);
+ }
+ gIOPMRequest = NULL;
+ if (fMachineState == kIOPM_Finished) {
+ stop_watchdog_timer();
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return done;
+// [private] executePMRequest
+IOService::executePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+ assert( kIOPM_Finished == fMachineState );
+ switch (request->getType()) {
+ case kIOPMRequestTypePMStop:
+ handlePMstop( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild1:
+ addPowerChild1( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild2:
+ addPowerChild2( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAddPowerChild3:
+ addPowerChild3( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeRegisterPowerDriver:
+ handleRegisterPowerDriver( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAdjustPowerState:
+ fAdjustPowerScheduled = false;
+ adjustPowerState();
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainWillChange:
+ handlePowerDomainWillChangeTo( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypePowerDomainDidChange:
+ handlePowerDomainDidChangeTo( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerState:
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeRequestPowerStateOverride:
+ handleRequestPowerState( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOnPriv:
+ case kIOPMRequestTypePowerOverrideOffPriv:
+ handlePowerOverrideChanged( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeActivityTickle:
+ handleActivityTickle( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeSynchronizePowerTree:
+ handleSynchronizePowerTree( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeSetIdleTimerPeriod:
+ {
+ fIdleTimerPeriod = (uintptr_t) request->fArg0;
+ fNextIdleTimerPeriod = fIdleTimerPeriod;
+ if ((false == fLockedFlags.PMStop) && (fIdleTimerPeriod > 0)) {
+ restartIdleTimer();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeIgnoreIdleTimer:
+ fIdleTimerIgnored = request->fArg0 ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree:
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->finishQuiesceRequest(request);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("executePMRequest: unknown request type %x", request->getType());
+ }
+// [private] actionPMReplyQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork() passing a reply-type request to the
+// request target.
+IOService::actionPMReplyQueue( IOPMRequest * request, IOPMRequestQueue * queue )
+ bool more = false;
+ assert( request && queue );
+ assert( request->isReplyType());
+ PM_LOG1("[A %02x] %p [%p %s] state %d\n",
+ request->getType(), OBFUSCATE(request),
+ OBFUSCATE(this), getName(), fMachineState);
+ switch (request->getType()) {
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAllowPowerChange:
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange:
+ // Check if we are expecting this response.
+ if (responseValid((uint32_t)(uintptr_t) request->fArg0,
+ (int)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1)) {
+ if (kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange == request->getType()) {
+ // Clients are not allowed to cancel when kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown
+ // flag is set. Only root domain will set this flag.
+ // However, there is one exception to this rule. User-space PM
+ // policy may choose to cancel sleep even after all clients have
+ // been notified that we will lower power.
+ if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown)
+ || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)
+ || ((fHeadNoteChangeFlags & kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown) == 0)) {
+ fDoNotPowerDown = true;
+ OSString * name = (OSString *) request->fArg2;
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsResponseCancel,
+ name ? name->getCStringNoCopy() : "", 0,
+ 0, (int)(uintptr_t) request->fArg1, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (checkForDone()) {
+ stop_ack_timer();
+ cleanClientResponses(false);
+ more = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // OSString containing app name in Arg2 must be released.
+ if (request->getType() == kIOPMRequestTypeCancelPowerChange) {
+ OSObject * obj = (OSObject *) request->fArg2;
+ if (obj) {
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAckPowerChange:
+ more = handleAcknowledgePowerChange( request );
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeAckSetPowerState:
+ if (fDriverTimer == -1) {
+ // driver acked while setPowerState() call is in-flight.
+ // take this ack, return value from setPowerState() is irrelevant.
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet,
+ (uintptr_t) this, fDriverTimer);
+ fDriverTimer = 0;
+ } else if (fDriverTimer > 0) {
+ // expected ack, stop the timer
+ stop_ack_timer();
+ getPMRootDomain()->reset_watchdog_timer(this, 0);
+ uint64_t nsec = computeTimeDeltaNS(&fDriverCallStartTime);
+ if (nsec > LOG_SETPOWER_TIMES) {
+ getPMRootDomain()->pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow,
+ fName, kDriverCallSetPowerState, NS_TO_MS(nsec), getRegistryEntryID(),
+ NULL, fHeadNotePowerState);
+ }
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet, (uintptr_t) this, fDriverTimer);
+ fDriverTimer = 0;
+ more = true;
+ } else {
+ // unexpected ack
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogAcknowledgeErr4, (uintptr_t) this, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeInterestChanged:
+ handleInterestChanged( request );
+ more = true;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeIdleCancel:
+ if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellClientsPowerDown)
+ || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown)
+ || (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)
+ || (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown)
+ || (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown)) {
+ OUR_PMLog(kPMLogIdleCancel, (uintptr_t) this, fMachineState);
+ PM_LOG2("%s: cancel from machine state %d\n",
+ getName(), fMachineState);
+ fDoNotPowerDown = true;
+ // Stop waiting for app replys.
+ if ((fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellPriorityClientsPowerDown) ||
+ (fMachineState == kIOPM_OurChangeTellUserPMPolicyPowerDown) ||
+ (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellPriorityClientsPowerDown) ||
+ (fMachineState == kIOPM_SyncTellClientsPowerDown)) {
+ cleanClientResponses(false);
+ }
+ more = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kIOPMRequestTypeChildNotifyDelayCancel:
+ if (fMachineState == kIOPM_NotifyChildrenDelayed) {
+ PM_LOG2("%s: delay notify cancelled\n", getName());
+ notifyChildrenDelayed();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("PMReplyQueue: unknown reply type %x", request->getType());
+ }
+ more |= gIOPMCompletionQueue->queuePMRequest(request);
+ if (more) {
+ gIOPMWorkQueue->incrementProducerCount();
+ }
+ return more;
+// [private] assertPMDriverCall / deassertPMDriverCall
+ IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry,
+ IOOptionBits method,
+ const IOPMinformee * inform,
+ IOOptionBits options )
+ IOService * target = NULL;
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ PM_LOCK();
+ if (fLockedFlags.PMStop) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (((options & kIOPMDriverCallNoInactiveCheck) == 0) && isInactive()) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (inform) {
+ if (!inform->active) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ target = inform->whatObject;
+ if (target->isInactive()) {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ // Record calling address for sleep failure diagnostics
+ switch (method) {
+ case kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetPowerState:
+ entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, fControllingDriver, &IOService::setPowerState);
+ break;
+ case kIOPMDriverCallMethodWillChange:
+ entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, target, &IOService::powerStateWillChangeTo);
+ break;
+ case kIOPMDriverCallMethodDidChange:
+ entry->callMethod = OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, target, &IOService::powerStateDidChangeTo);
+ break;
+ case kIOPMDriverCallMethodUnknown:
+ case kIOPMDriverCallMethodSetAggressive:
+ default:
+ entry->callMethod = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ entry->thread = current_thread();
+ entry->target = target;
+ queue_enter(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link);
+ ok = true;
+ return ok;
+IOService::deassertPMDriverCall( IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry )
+ bool wakeup = false;
+ PM_LOCK();
+ assert( !queue_empty(&fPMDriverCallQueue));
+ queue_remove(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link);
+ if (fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait) {
+ wakeup = true;
+ }
+ if (wakeup) {
+ PM_LOCK_WAKEUP(&fPMDriverCallQueue);
+ }
+IOService::getBlockingDriverCall(thread_t *thread, const void **callMethod)
+ const IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry = NULL;
+ bool blocked = false;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (current_thread() != gIOPMWatchDogThread) {
+ // Meant to be accessed only from watchdog thread
+ return false;
+ }
+ PM_LOCK();
+ entry = qe_queue_first(&fPMDriverCallQueue, IOPMDriverCallEntry, link);
+ if (entry) {
+ *thread = entry->thread;
+ *callMethod = entry->callMethod;
+ blocked = true;
+ }
+ return blocked;
+IOService::waitForPMDriverCall( IOService * target )
+ const IOPMDriverCallEntry * entry;
+ thread_t thread = current_thread();
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ int waitResult;
+ bool log = true;
+ bool wait;
+ do {
+ wait = false;
+ queue_iterate(&fPMDriverCallQueue, entry, const IOPMDriverCallEntry *, link)
+ {
+ // Target of interested driver call
+ if (target && (target != entry->target)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (entry->thread == thread) {
+ if (log) {
+ PM_LOG("%s: %s(%s) on PM thread\n",
+ fName, __FUNCTION__, target ? target->getName() : "");
+ OSReportWithBacktrace("%s: %s(%s) on PM thread\n",
+ fName, __FUNCTION__, target ? target->getName() : "");
+ log = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ wait = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (wait) {
+ fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait = true;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(15, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ waitResult = PM_LOCK_SLEEP(&fPMDriverCallQueue, deadline);
+ fLockedFlags.PMDriverCallWait = false;
+ if (THREAD_TIMED_OUT == waitResult) {
+ PM_ERROR("%s: waitForPMDriverCall timeout\n", fName);
+ wait = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (wait);
+// [private] Debug helpers
+const char *
+IOService::getIOMessageString( uint32_t msg )
+#define MSG_ENTRY(x) {(int) x, #x}
+ static const IONamedValue msgNames[] = {
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanDevicePowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceWillPowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceWillNotPowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanSystemPowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillNotPowerOff ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageCanSystemSleep ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillNotSleep ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillRestart ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOPMMessageLastCallBeforeSleep ),
+ MSG_ENTRY( kIOMessageSystemPagingOff ),
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ return IOFindNameForValue(msg, msgNames);
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMRequest
+// IOPMRequest Class
+// Requests from PM clients, and also used for inter-object messaging within PM.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMRequest, IOCommand );
+IOPMRequest *
+IOPMRequest::create( void )
+ IOPMRequest * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMRequest);
+ if (me && !me->init(NULL, kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid)) {
+ me->release();
+ me = NULL;
+ }
+ return me;
+IOPMRequest::init( IOService * target, IOOptionBits type )
+ if (!IOCommand::init()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ fRequestType = type;
+ fTarget = target;
+ if (fTarget) {
+ fTarget->retain();
+ }
+ // Root node and root domain requests does not prevent the power tree from
+ // becoming quiescent.
+ fIsQuiesceBlocker = ((fTarget != gIOPMRootNode) &&
+ (fTarget != IOService::getPMRootDomain()));
+ return true;
+IOPMRequest::reset( void )
+ assert( fWorkWaitCount == 0 );
+ assert( fFreeWaitCount == 0 );
+ detachNextRequest();
+ detachRootRequest();
+ if (fCompletionAction && (fRequestType == kIOPMRequestTypeQuiescePowerTree)) {
+ // Call the completion on PM work loop context
+ fCompletionAction(fCompletionTarget, fCompletionParam);
+ fCompletionAction = NULL;
+ }
+ fRequestType = kIOPMRequestTypeInvalid;
+ if (fTarget) {
+ fTarget->release();
+ fTarget = NULL;
+ }
+IOPMRequest::attachNextRequest( IOPMRequest * next )
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (!fRequestNext) {
+ // Postpone the execution of the next request after
+ // this request.
+ fRequestNext = next;
+ fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount++;
+ PM_LOG("Attached next: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+ OBFUSCATE(this), fRequestType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestNext),
+ fRequestNext->fRequestType,
+ (uint32_t) fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount,
+ fTarget->getName());
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+IOPMRequest::detachNextRequest( void )
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (fRequestNext) {
+ assert(fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount);
+ if (fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount) {
+ fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount--;
+ }
+ PM_LOG("Detached next: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+ OBFUSCATE(this), fRequestType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestNext),
+ fRequestNext->fRequestType,
+ (uint32_t) fRequestNext->fWorkWaitCount,
+ fTarget->getName());
+ fRequestNext = NULL;
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+IOPMRequest::attachRootRequest( IOPMRequest * root )
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (!fRequestRoot) {
+ // Delay the completion of the root request after
+ // this request.
+ fRequestRoot = root;
+ fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount++;
+ PM_LOG("Attached root: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+ OBFUSCATE(this), (uint32_t) fType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestRoot),
+ (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fType,
+ (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount,
+ fTarget->getName());
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+IOPMRequest::detachRootRequest( void )
+ bool ok = false;
+ if (fRequestRoot) {
+ assert(fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount);
+ if (fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount) {
+ fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount--;
+ }
+ PM_LOG("Detached root: %p [0x%x] -> %p [0x%x, %u] %s\n",
+ OBFUSCATE(this), (uint32_t) fType, OBFUSCATE(fRequestRoot),
+ (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fType,
+ (uint32_t) fRequestRoot->fFreeWaitCount,
+ fTarget->getName());
+ fRequestRoot = NULL;
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ return ok;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMRequestQueue
+// IOPMRequestQueue Class
+// Global queues. Queues are created once and never released.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMRequestQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMRequestQueue *
+IOPMRequestQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+ IOPMRequestQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMRequestQueue);
+ if (me && !me->init(inOwner, inAction)) {
+ me->release();
+ me = NULL;
+ }
+ return me;
+IOPMRequestQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+ if (!inAction || !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)inAction)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ queue_init(&fQueue);
+ fLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ return fLock != NULL;
+IOPMRequestQueue::free( void )
+ if (fLock) {
+ IOLockFree(fLock);
+ fLock = NULL;
+ }
+ return IOEventSource::free();
+IOPMRequestQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+ assert(request);
+ IOLockLock(fLock);
+ queue_enter(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+ if (workLoop) {
+ signalWorkAvailable();
+ }
+IOPMRequestQueue::queuePMRequestChain( IOPMRequest ** requests, IOItemCount count )
+ IOPMRequest * next;
+ assert(requests && count);
+ IOLockLock(fLock);
+ while (count--) {
+ next = *requests;
+ requests++;
+ queue_enter(&fQueue, next, typeof(next), fCommandChain);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+ if (workLoop) {
+ signalWorkAvailable();
+ }
+IOPMRequestQueue::checkForWork( void )
+ Action dqAction = (Action) action;
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ IOService * target;
+ int dequeueCount = 0;
+ bool more = false;
+ IOLockLock( fLock );
+ while (!queue_empty(&fQueue)) {
+ if (dequeueCount++ >= kMaxDequeueCount) {
+ // Allow other queues a chance to work
+ more = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ queue_remove_first(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ IOLockUnlock(fLock);
+ target = request->getTarget();
+ assert(target);
+ more |= (*dqAction)( target, request, this );
+ IOLockLock( fLock );
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock( fLock );
+ return more;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMWorkQueue
+// IOPMWorkQueue Class
+// Queue of IOServicePM objects, each with a queue of IOPMRequest sharing the
+// same target.
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMWorkQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMWorkQueue *
+IOPMWorkQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire )
+ IOPMWorkQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMWorkQueue);
+ if (me && !me->init(inOwner, invoke, retire)) {
+ me->release();
+ me = NULL;
+ }
+ return me;
+IOPMWorkQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action invoke, Action retire )
+ if (!invoke || !retire ||
+ !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ queue_init(&fWorkQueue);
+ fInvokeAction = invoke;
+ fRetireAction = retire;
+ fConsumerCount = fProducerCount = 0;
+ return true;
+IOPMWorkQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request, IOServicePM * pwrMgt )
+ queue_head_t * requestQueue;
+ bool more = false;
+ bool empty;
+ assert( request );
+ assert( pwrMgt );
+ assert( onThread());
+ assert( queue_next(&request->fCommandChain) ==
+ queue_prev(&request->fCommandChain));
+ gIOPMBusyRequestCount++;
+ if (request->isQuiesceType()) {
+ if ((request->getTarget() == gIOPMRootNode) && !fQuiesceStartTime) {
+ // Attach new quiesce request to all quiesce blockers in the queue
+ fQuiesceStartTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ attachQuiesceRequest(request);
+ fQuiesceRequest = request;
+ }
+ } else if (fQuiesceRequest && request->isQuiesceBlocker()) {
+ // Attach the new quiesce blocker to the blocked quiesce request
+ request->attachNextRequest(fQuiesceRequest);
+ }
+ // Add new request to the tail of the per-service request queue.
+ // Then immediately check the request queue to minimize latency
+ // if the queue was empty.
+ requestQueue = &pwrMgt->RequestHead;
+ empty = queue_empty(requestQueue);
+ queue_enter(requestQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ if (empty) {
+ more = checkRequestQueue(requestQueue, &empty);
+ if (!empty) {
+ // Request just added is blocked, add its target IOServicePM
+ // to the work queue.
+ assert( queue_next(&pwrMgt->WorkChain) ==
+ queue_prev(&pwrMgt->WorkChain));
+ queue_enter(&fWorkQueue, pwrMgt, typeof(pwrMgt), WorkChain);
+ fQueueLength++;
+ PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: [%u] added %s@%p to queue\n",
+ fQueueLength, pwrMgt->Name, OBFUSCATE(pwrMgt));
+ }
+ }
+ return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::checkRequestQueue( queue_head_t * requestQueue, bool * empty )
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ IOService * target;
+ bool more = false;
+ bool done = false;
+ assert(!queue_empty(requestQueue));
+ do {
+ request = (typeof(request))queue_first(requestQueue);
+ if (request->isWorkBlocked()) {
+ break; // request dispatch blocked on attached request
+ }
+ target = request->getTarget();
+ if (fInvokeAction) {
+ done = (*fInvokeAction)( target, request, this );
+ } else {
+ PM_LOG("PM request 0x%x dropped\n", request->getType());
+ done = true;
+ }
+ if (!done) {
+ break; // PM state machine blocked
+ }
+ assert(gIOPMBusyRequestCount > 0);
+ if (gIOPMBusyRequestCount) {
+ gIOPMBusyRequestCount--;
+ }
+ if (request == fQuiesceRequest) {
+ fQuiesceRequest = NULL;
+ }
+ queue_remove_first(requestQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ more |= (*fRetireAction)( target, request, this );
+ done = queue_empty(requestQueue);
+ } while (!done);
+ *empty = done;
+ if (more) {
+ // Retired a request that may unblock a previously visited request
+ // that is still waiting on the work queue. Must trigger another
+ // queue check.
+ fProducerCount++;
+ }
+ return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::checkForWork( void )
+ IOServicePM * entry;
+ IOServicePM * next;
+ bool more = false;
+ bool empty;
+ fStatCheckForWork++;
+ // Iterate over all IOServicePM entries in the work queue,
+ // and check each entry's request queue.
+ while (fConsumerCount != fProducerCount) {
+ PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: checkForWork %u %u\n",
+ fProducerCount, fConsumerCount);
+ fConsumerCount = fProducerCount;
+ if (queue_empty(&fWorkQueue)) {
+ fStatQueueEmpty++;
+ break;
+ }
+ fStatScanEntries++;
+ uint32_t cachedWorkCount = gIOPMWorkInvokeCount;
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(entry = (typeof(entry))queue_first(&fWorkQueue));
+ while (!queue_end(&fWorkQueue, (queue_entry_t) entry)) {
+ more |= checkRequestQueue(&entry->RequestHead, &empty);
+ // Get next entry, points to head if current entry is last.
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(next = (typeof(next))queue_next(&entry->WorkChain));
+ // if request queue is empty, remove IOServicePM from work queue.
+ if (empty) {
+ assert(fQueueLength);
+ if (fQueueLength) {
+ fQueueLength--;
+ }
+ PM_LOG3("IOPMWorkQueue: [%u] removed %s@%p from queue\n",
+ fQueueLength, entry->Name, OBFUSCATE(entry));
+ queue_remove(&fWorkQueue, entry, typeof(entry), WorkChain);
+ }
+ entry = next;
+ }
+ if (cachedWorkCount == gIOPMWorkInvokeCount) {
+ fStatNoWorkDone++;
+ }
+ }
+ return more;
+IOPMWorkQueue::signalWorkAvailable( void )
+ fProducerCount++;
+ IOEventSource::signalWorkAvailable();
+IOPMWorkQueue::incrementProducerCount( void )
+ fProducerCount++;
+IOPMWorkQueue::attachQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest )
+ IOServicePM * entry;
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ if (queue_empty(&fWorkQueue)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&fWorkQueue, entry, typeof(entry), WorkChain)
+ {
+ queue_iterate(&entry->RequestHead, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain)
+ {
+ // Attach the quiesce request to any request in the queue that
+ // is not linked to a next request. These requests will block
+ // the quiesce request.
+ if (request->isQuiesceBlocker()) {
+ request->attachNextRequest(quiesceRequest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+IOPMWorkQueue::finishQuiesceRequest( IOPMRequest * quiesceRequest )
+ if (fQuiesceRequest && (quiesceRequest == fQuiesceRequest) &&
+ (fQuiesceStartTime != 0)) {
+ fInvokeAction = NULL;
+ fQuiesceFinishTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ }
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOPMCompletionQueue
+// IOPMCompletionQueue Class
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMCompletionQueue, IOEventSource );
+IOPMCompletionQueue *
+IOPMCompletionQueue::create( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+ IOPMCompletionQueue * me = OSTypeAlloc(IOPMCompletionQueue);
+ if (me && !me->init(inOwner, inAction)) {
+ me->release();
+ me = NULL;
+ }
+ return me;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::init( IOService * inOwner, Action inAction )
+ if (!inAction || !IOEventSource::init(inOwner, (IOEventSourceAction)inAction)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ queue_init(&fQueue);
+ return true;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::queuePMRequest( IOPMRequest * request )
+ bool more;
+ assert(request);
+ // unblock dependent request
+ more = request->detachNextRequest();
+ queue_enter(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ return more;
+IOPMCompletionQueue::checkForWork( void )
+ Action dqAction = (Action) action;
+ IOPMRequest * request;
+ IOPMRequest * next;
+ IOService * target;
+ bool more = false;
+ request = (typeof(request))queue_first(&fQueue);
+ while (!queue_end(&fQueue, (queue_entry_t) request)) {
+ next = (typeof(next))queue_next(&request->fCommandChain);
+ if (!request->isFreeBlocked()) {
+ queue_remove(&fQueue, request, typeof(request), fCommandChain);
+ target = request->getTarget();
+ assert(target);
+ more |= (*dqAction)( target, request, this );
+ }
+ request = next;
+ }
+ return more;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: IOServicePM
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOServicePM, OSObject)