- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <net/netisr.h>
#include <net/if_types.h>
+#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
-#define MAX_DL_TAGS 50
-#define MAX_DLIL_FILTERS 50
+#define MAX_DL_TAGS 16
+#define MAX_DLIL_FILTERS 16
#define M_NKE M_IFADDR
+struct dlil_ifnet {
+ /* ifnet and drvr_ext are used by the stack and drivers
+ drvr_ext extends the public ifnet and must follow dl_if */
+ struct ifnet dl_if; /* public ifnet */
+ void *drvr_ext[4]; /* driver reserved (e.g arpcom extension for enet) */
+ /* dlil private fields */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(dlil_ifnet) dl_if_link; /* dlil_ifnet are link together */
+ /* it is not the ifnet list */
+ void *if_uniqueid; /* unique id identifying the interface */
+ size_t if_uniqueid_len;/* length of the unique id */
+ char if_namestorage[IFNAMSIZ]; /* interface name storage for detached interfaces */
struct dlil_stats_str {
int inject_pr_in1;
int inject_pr_in2;
int (*add_if)(struct ifnet *ifp);
int (*del_if)(struct ifnet *ifp);
+ int (*init_if)(struct ifnet *ifp);
int (*add_proto)(struct ddesc_head_str *demux_desc_head,
struct if_proto *proto, u_long dl_tag);
int (*del_proto)(struct if_proto *proto, u_long dl_tag);
struct dlil_stats_str dlil_stats;
-struct dlil_filter_id_str dlil_filters[MAX_DLIL_FILTERS+1];
+struct dlil_filter_id_str *dlil_filters;
-struct dl_tag_str dl_tag_array[MAX_DL_TAGS+1];
+struct dl_tag_str *dl_tag_array;
+TAILQ_HEAD(, dlil_ifnet) dlil_ifnet_head;
TAILQ_HEAD(, if_family_str) if_family_head;
static ifnet_inited = 0;
+static u_long dl_tag_nb = 0;
+static u_long dlil_filters_nb = 0;
int dlil_initialized = 0;
decl_simple_lock_data(, dlil_input_lock)
int dlil_expand_mcl;
static struct mbuf *dlil_input_mbuf_head = NULL;
static struct mbuf *dlil_input_mbuf_tail = NULL;
+#if NLOOP > 1
+#error dlil_input() needs to be revised to support more than on loopback interface
static struct mbuf *dlil_input_loop_head = NULL;
static struct mbuf *dlil_input_loop_tail = NULL;
static void dlil_input_thread(void);
extern void run_netisr(void);
+extern void bpfdetach(struct ifnet*);
return 0;
-struct if_proto *dlttoproto(dl_tag)
- u_long dl_tag;
+struct if_proto *dlttoproto(u_long dl_tag)
- return dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
+ if (dl_tag < dl_tag_nb && dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp)
+ return dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
+ return 0;
-int dlil_get_next_dl_tag(u_long current_tag, struct dl_tag_attr_str *next)
- int i;
- for (i = (current_tag+1); i < MAX_DL_TAGS; i++)
- if (dl_tag_array[i].ifp) {
- next->dl_tag = i;
- next->if_flags = dl_tag_array[i].ifp->if_flags;
- next->if_unit = dl_tag_array[i].ifp->if_unit;
- next->protocol_family = dl_tag_array[i].proto->protocol_family;
- next->if_family = dl_tag_array[i].ifp->if_family;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * If we got here, there are no more entries
- */
- return ENOENT;
void dlil_post_msg(struct ifnet *ifp, u_long event_subclass, u_long event_code,
struct net_event_data *event_data, u_long event_data_len)
int i;
- printf("dlil_init\n");
+ TAILQ_INIT(&dlil_ifnet_head);
- for (i=0; i < MAX_DL_TAGS; i++)
- dl_tag_array[i].ifp = 0;
- for (i=0; i < MAX_DLIL_FILTERS; i++)
- dlil_filters[i].type = 0;
+ // create the dl tag array
+ MALLOC(dl_tag_array, void *, sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * MAX_DL_TAGS, M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (dl_tag_array == 0) {
+ printf("dlil_init tags array allocation failed\n");
+ return; //very bad
+ }
+ bzero(dl_tag_array, sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * MAX_DL_TAGS);
+ dl_tag_nb = MAX_DL_TAGS;
+ // create the dl filters array
+ MALLOC(dlil_filters, void *, sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * MAX_DLIL_FILTERS, M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (dlil_filters == 0) {
+ printf("dlil_init filters array allocation failed\n");
+ return; //very bad
+ }
+ bzero(dlil_filters, sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * MAX_DLIL_FILTERS);
+ dlil_filters_nb = MAX_DLIL_FILTERS;
bzero(&dlil_stats, sizeof(dlil_stats));
(void) kernel_thread(kernel_task, dlil_input_thread);
u_long get_new_filter_id()
u_long i;
- for (i=1; i < MAX_DLIL_FILTERS; i++)
+ u_char *p;
+ for (i=1; i < dlil_filters_nb; i++)
if (dlil_filters[i].type == 0)
- return i;
- return 0;
+ break;
+ if (i == dlil_filters_nb) {
+ // expand the filters array by MAX_DLIL_FILTERS
+ MALLOC(p, u_char *, sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * (dlil_filters_nb + MAX_DLIL_FILTERS), M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (p == 0)
+ return 0;
+ bcopy(dlil_filters, p, sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * dlil_filters_nb);
+ bzero(p + sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * dlil_filters_nb, sizeof(struct dlil_filter_id_str) * MAX_DL_TAGS);
+ dlil_filters_nb += MAX_DLIL_FILTERS;
+ FREE(dlil_filters, M_NKE);
+ dlil_filters = (struct dlil_filter_id_str *)p;
+ }
+ return i;
int insertion_point)
int s;
- int retval;
+ int retval = 0;
struct dlil_filterq_entry *tmp_ptr;
struct dlil_filterq_entry *if_filt;
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead = (struct dlil_filterq_head *) &ifp->if_flt_head;
boolean_t funnel_state;
MALLOC(tmp_ptr, struct dlil_filterq_entry *, sizeof(*tmp_ptr), M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
if (tmp_ptr == NULL)
- return (ENOBUFS);
+ return (ENOBUFS);
bcopy((caddr_t) if_filter, (caddr_t) &tmp_ptr->variants.if_filter,
sizeof(struct dlil_if_flt_str));
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
s = splnet();
+ *filter_id = get_new_filter_id();
+ if (*filter_id == 0) {
+ FREE(tmp_ptr, M_NKE);
+ retval = ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].filter_ptr = tmp_ptr;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].head = (struct dlil_filterq_head *) &ifp->if_flt_head;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].type = DLIL_IF_FILTER;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].ifp = ifp;
+ tmp_ptr->filter_id = *filter_id;
+ tmp_ptr->type = DLIL_IF_FILTER;
if (insertion_point != DLIL_LAST_FILTER) {
TAILQ_FOREACH(if_filt, fhead, que)
if (insertion_point == if_filt->filter_id) {
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(fhead, tmp_ptr, que);
- if (*filter_id = get_new_filter_id()) {
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].filter_ptr = tmp_ptr;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].head = (struct dlil_filterq_head *) &ifp->if_flt_head;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].type = DLIL_IF_FILTER;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].ifp = ifp;
- tmp_ptr->filter_id = *filter_id;
- tmp_ptr->type = DLIL_IF_FILTER;
- retval = 0;
- }
- else {
- kprintf("dlil_attach_interface_filter - can't alloc filter_id\n");
- TAILQ_REMOVE(fhead, tmp_ptr, que);
- FREE(tmp_ptr, M_NKE);
- retval = ENOMEM;
- }
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
return retval;
u_long *filter_id,
int insertion_point)
- struct dlil_filterq_entry *tmp_ptr;
- struct dlil_filterq_entry *pr_filt;
+ struct dlil_filterq_entry *tmp_ptr, *pr_filt;
int s;
- int retval;
+ int retval = 0;
boolean_t funnel_state;
- if (dl_tag > MAX_DL_TAGS)
- return ERANGE;
- if (dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0)
- return ENOENT;
+ if (dl_tag >= dl_tag_nb || dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0)
+ return (ENOENT);
MALLOC(tmp_ptr, struct dlil_filterq_entry *, sizeof(*tmp_ptr), M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
if (tmp_ptr == NULL)
- return (ENOBUFS);
+ return (ENOBUFS);
bcopy((caddr_t) pr_filter, (caddr_t) &tmp_ptr->variants.pr_filter,
sizeof(struct dlil_pr_flt_str));
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
s = splnet();
+ *filter_id = get_new_filter_id();
+ if (*filter_id == 0) {
+ FREE(tmp_ptr, M_NKE);
+ retval = ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].filter_ptr = tmp_ptr;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].head = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].pr_flt_head;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].type = DLIL_PR_FILTER;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].proto = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
+ dlil_filters[*filter_id].ifp = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp;
+ tmp_ptr->filter_id = *filter_id;
+ tmp_ptr->type = DLIL_PR_FILTER;
if (insertion_point != DLIL_LAST_FILTER) {
TAILQ_FOREACH(pr_filt, dl_tag_array[dl_tag].pr_flt_head, que)
if (insertion_point == pr_filt->filter_id) {
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(dl_tag_array[dl_tag].pr_flt_head, tmp_ptr, que);
- if (*filter_id = get_new_filter_id()) {
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].filter_ptr = tmp_ptr;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].head = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].pr_flt_head;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].type = DLIL_PR_FILTER;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].proto = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
- dlil_filters[*filter_id].ifp = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp;
- tmp_ptr->filter_id = *filter_id;
- tmp_ptr->type = DLIL_PR_FILTER;
- retval = 0;
- }
- else {
- kprintf("dlil_attach_protocol_filter - can't alloc filter_id\n");
- TAILQ_REMOVE(dl_tag_array[dl_tag].pr_flt_head, tmp_ptr, que);
- FREE(tmp_ptr, M_NKE);
- retval = ENOMEM;
- }
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
return retval;
dlil_detach_filter(u_long filter_id)
struct dlil_filter_id_str *flt;
- int s;
+ int s, retval = 0;
boolean_t funnel_state;
- if (filter_id > MAX_DLIL_FILTERS) {
- kprintf("dlil_detach_filter - Bad filter_id value %d\n", filter_id);
- return ERANGE;
- }
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
s = splnet();
- flt = &dlil_filters[filter_id];
- if (flt->type == 0) {
- kprintf("dlil_detach_filter - no such filter_id %d\n", filter_id);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOENT;
+ if (filter_id >= dlil_filters_nb || dlil_filters[filter_id].type == 0) {
+ retval = ENOENT;
+ goto end;
+ flt = &dlil_filters[filter_id];
if (flt->type == DLIL_IF_FILTER) {
if (IFILT(flt->filter_ptr).filter_detach)
TAILQ_REMOVE(flt->head, flt->filter_ptr, que);
FREE(flt->filter_ptr, M_NKE);
flt->type = 0;
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return 0;
+ return retval;
while (m) {
struct mbuf *m0 = m->m_nextpkt;
void *header = m->m_pkthdr.header;
- struct ifnet *ifp = (struct ifnet *) m->m_pkthdr.aux;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = &loif[0];
m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
m->m_pkthdr.header = NULL;
- m->m_pkthdr.aux = NULL;
(void) dlil_input_packet(ifp, m, header);
m = m0;
dlil_input_loop_head == NULL &&
netisr == 0) {
assert_wait(&dlil_input_thread_wakeup, THREAD_UNINT);
-#if defined (__i386__)
- thread_block(0);
- thread_block(dlil_input_thread_continue);
+ (void) thread_block(dlil_input_thread_continue);
register thread_t self = current_thread();
extern void stack_privilege(thread_t thread);
- printf("dlil_input_thread %x\n", self);
* Make sure that this thread
* always has a kernel stack, and
* bind it to the master cpu.
+ ml_thread_policy(current_thread(), MACHINE_GROUP,
/* The dlil thread is always funneled */
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
char dst_linkaddr_buffer[MAX_LINKADDR * 4];
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead;
- /*
- * Temporary hackery until all the existing protocols can become fully
- * "dl_tag aware". Some things only have the ifp, so this handles that
- * case for the time being.
- */
- if (dl_tag > MAX_DL_TAGS) {
- /* dl_tag is really an ifnet pointer! */
- ifp = (struct ifnet *) dl_tag;
- dl_tag = ifp->if_data.default_proto;
- if (dl_tag)
- proto = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
- else
- retval = ENOENT;
- }
- else {
- if ((dl_tag == 0) || (dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0))
- retval = ENOENT;
- else {
- ifp = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp;
- proto = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
- }
- }
- if (retval) {
- m_freem(m);
- return retval;
+ if (dl_tag >= dl_tag_nb || dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return ENOENT;
+ ifp = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp;
+ proto = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].proto;
frame_type = frame_type_buffer;
dst_linkaddr = dst_linkaddr_buffer;
if (do_bridge) {
struct mbuf *m0 = m ;
+ struct ether_header *eh = mtod(m, struct ether_header *);
if (m->m_pkthdr.rcvif)
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL ;
- ifp = bridge_dst_lookup(m);
+ ifp = bridge_dst_lookup(eh);
bdg_forward(&m0, ifp);
if (m0)
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead;
int retval = EOPNOTSUPP;
int retval2 = EOPNOTSUPP;
- u_long dl_tag;
+ u_long dl_tag;
struct if_family_str *if_family;
struct if_proto *ifproto;
u_long i;
struct if_family_str *if_family;
- int error;
struct dlil_proto_head *tmp;
struct kev_dl_proto_data ev_pr_data;
- int s;
+ int s, retval = 0;
boolean_t funnel_state;
+ u_char *p;
if ((proto->protocol_family == 0) || (proto->interface_family == 0))
return EINVAL;
if ((!if_family) || (if_family->flags & DLIL_SHUTDOWN)) {
kprintf("dlil_attach_protocol -- no interface family module %d",
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOENT;
+ retval = ENOENT;
+ goto end;
ifp = ifbyfamily(proto->interface_family, proto->unit_number);
if (!ifp) {
kprintf("dlil_attach_protocol -- no such interface %d unit %d\n",
proto->interface_family, proto->unit_number);
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOENT;
+ retval = ENOENT;
+ goto end;
if (dlil_find_dltag(proto->interface_family, proto->unit_number,
proto->protocol_family, &i) == 0) {
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return EEXIST;
+ retval = EEXIST;
+ goto end;
- for (i=1; i < MAX_DL_TAGS; i++)
+ for (i=1; i < dl_tag_nb; i++)
if (dl_tag_array[i].ifp == 0)
- if (i >= MAX_DL_TAGS) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOMEM;
+ if (i == dl_tag_nb) {
+ // expand the tag array by MAX_DL_TAGS
+ MALLOC(p, u_char *, sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * (dl_tag_nb + MAX_DL_TAGS), M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (p == 0) {
+ retval = ENOBUFS;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ bcopy(dl_tag_array, p, sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * dl_tag_nb);
+ bzero(p + sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * dl_tag_nb, sizeof(struct dl_tag_str) * MAX_DL_TAGS);
+ dl_tag_nb += MAX_DL_TAGS;
+ FREE(dl_tag_array, M_NKE);
+ dl_tag_array = (struct dl_tag_str *)p;
* Allocate and init a new if_proto structure
ifproto = _MALLOC(sizeof(struct if_proto), M_IFADDR, M_WAITOK);
if (!ifproto) {
printf("ERROR - DLIL failed if_proto allocation\n");
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOMEM;
+ retval = ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
bzero(ifproto, sizeof(struct if_proto));
* Call family module add_proto routine so it can refine the
* demux descriptors as it wishes.
- error = (*if_family->add_proto)(&proto->demux_desc_head, ifproto, *dl_tag);
- if (error) {
- dl_tag_array[*dl_tag].ifp = 0;
+ retval = (*if_family->add_proto)(&proto->demux_desc_head, ifproto, *dl_tag);
+ if (retval) {
+ dl_tag_array[i].ifp = 0;
FREE(ifproto, M_IFADDR);
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return error;
+ goto end;
(struct net_event_data *)&ev_pr_data,
sizeof(struct kev_dl_proto_data));
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return 0;
+ return retval;
struct dlil_proto_head *tmp;
struct if_family_str *if_family;
struct dlil_filterq_entry *filter;
- int s, retval;
+ int s, retval = 0;
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead;
struct kev_dl_proto_data ev_pr_data;
boolean_t funnel_state;
- if (dl_tag > MAX_DL_TAGS)
- return ERANGE;
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
s = splnet();
- if (dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOENT;
+ if (dl_tag >= dl_tag_nb || dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp == 0) {
+ retval = ENOENT;
+ goto end;
ifp = dl_tag_array[dl_tag].ifp;
if_family = find_family_module(ifp->if_family);
if (if_family == NULL) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return ENOENT;
+ retval = ENOENT;
+ goto end;
tmp = (struct dlil_proto_head *) &ifp->proto_head;
/* the reserved field carries the number of protocol still attached (subject to change) */
ev_pr_data.proto_family = proto->protocol_family;
+ /*
+ * Cleanup routes that may still be in the routing table for that interface/protocol pair.
+ */
+ if_rtproto_del(ifp, proto->protocol_family);
TAILQ_REMOVE(tmp, proto, next);
FREE(proto, M_IFADDR);
(struct net_event_data *)&ev_pr_data,
sizeof(struct kev_dl_proto_data));
- if (ifp->refcnt == 0 && (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_DETACH_DISABLED) == 0) {
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)
- printf("WARNING - dlil_detach_protocol - ifp refcnt 0, but IF still up\n");
+ if (ifp->refcnt == 0) {
TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifnet, ifp, if_link);
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return 0;
+ return retval;
return ENODEV;
+ if (ifp->refcnt == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Call the family module to fill in the appropriate fields in the
+ * ifnet structure.
+ */
+ stat = (*if_family->add_if)(ifp);
+ if (stat) {
+ splx(s);
+ kprintf("dlil_if_attach -- add_if failed with %d\n", stat);
+ thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
+ return stat;
+ }
+ if_family->refcnt++;
- /*
- * Call the family module to fill in the appropriate fields in the
- * ifnet structure.
- */
- stat = (*if_family->add_if)(ifp);
- if (stat) {
- splx(s);
- kprintf("dlil_if_attach -- add_if failed with %d\n", stat);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return stat;
+ /*
+ * Add the ifp to the interface list.
+ */
+ tmp = (struct dlil_proto_head *) &ifp->proto_head;
+ TAILQ_INIT(tmp);
+ ifp->if_data.default_proto = 0;
+ ifp->offercnt = 0;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&ifp->if_flt_head);
+ old_if_attach(ifp);
+ if (if_family->init_if) {
+ stat = (*if_family->init_if)(ifp);
+ if (stat) {
+ kprintf("dlil_if_attach -- init_if failed with %d\n", stat);
+ }
+ }
- /*
- * Add the ifp to the interface list.
- */
- tmp = (struct dlil_proto_head *) &ifp->proto_head;
- TAILQ_INIT(tmp);
- ifp->if_data.default_proto = 0;
- ifp->refcnt = 1;
- ifp->offercnt = 0;
- TAILQ_INIT(&ifp->if_flt_head);
- old_if_attach(ifp);
- if_family->refcnt++;
+ ifp->refcnt++;
dlil_post_msg(ifp, KEV_DL_SUBCLASS, KEV_DL_IF_ATTACHED, 0, 0);
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
s = splnet();
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)
- printf("WARNING - dlil_if_detach called for UP interface\n");
if_family = find_family_module(ifp->if_family);
- if (ifp->refcnt == 0 && (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_DETACH_DISABLED) == 0) {
+ if (ifp->refcnt == 0) {
+ /* Let BPF know the interface is detaching. */
+ bpfdetach(ifp);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&ifnet, ifp, if_link);
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
return EINVAL;
+ /*
+ * The following is a gross hack to keep from breaking
+ * Vicomsoft's internet gateway on Jaguar. Vicomsoft
+ * does not zero the reserved fields in dlil_ifmod_reg_str.
+ * As a result, we have to zero any function that used to
+ * be reserved fields at the time Vicomsoft built their
+ * kext. Radar #2974305
+ */
+ if (ifmod->reserved[0] != 0 || ifmod->reserved[1] != 0 || ifmod->reserved[2]) {
+ if (interface_family == 123) { /* Vicom */
+ ifmod->init_if = 0;
+ } else {
+ splx(s);
+ thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
if_family = (struct if_family_str *) _MALLOC(sizeof(struct if_family_str), M_IFADDR, M_WAITOK);
if (!if_family) {
if_family->shutdown = ifmod->shutdown;
if_family->add_if = ifmod->add_if;
if_family->del_if = ifmod->del_if;
+ if_family->init_if = ifmod->init_if;
if_family->add_proto = ifmod->add_proto;
if_family->del_proto = ifmod->del_proto;
if_family->ifmod_ioctl = ifmod->ifmod_ioctl;
int dlil_dereg_if_modules(u_long interface_family)
struct if_family_str *if_family;
- int s;
+ int s, ret = 0;
boolean_t funnel_state;
funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&if_family_head, if_family, if_fam_next);
FREE(if_family, M_IFADDR);
- else
+ else {
if_family->flags |= DLIL_SHUTDOWN;
+ }
thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return 0;
+ return ret;
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead;
int match_found;
- if (from_id > MAX_DLIL_FILTERS)
- return ERANGE;
- if (dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_IF_FILTER)
+ if (from_id >= dlil_filters_nb || dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_IF_FILTER)
return ENOENT;
ifp = dlil_filters[from_id].ifp;
struct if_proto *ifproto = 0;
int match_found;
struct ifnet *ifp;
- if (from_id > MAX_DLIL_FILTERS)
- return ERANGE;
- if (dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_PR_FILTER)
+ if (from_id >= dlil_filters_nb || dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_PR_FILTER)
return ENOENT;
ifproto = dlil_filters[from_id].proto;
ifp = dlil_filters[from_id].ifp;
* Call any attached protocol filters.
int match_found;
u_long dl_tag;
if (raw == 0) {
if (frame_type)
return EINVAL;
- if (from_id > MAX_DLIL_FILTERS)
- return ERANGE;
- if (dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_PR_FILTER)
+ if (from_id >= dlil_filters_nb || dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_PR_FILTER)
return ENOENT;
ifp = dlil_filters[from_id].ifp;
dl_tag = dlil_filters[from_id].proto->dl_tag;
frame_type = frame_type_buffer;
dst_linkaddr = dst_linkaddr_buffer;
if (do_bridge) {
struct mbuf *m0 = m ;
+ struct ether_header *eh = mtod(m, struct ether_header *);
if (m->m_pkthdr.rcvif)
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL ;
- ifp = bridge_dst_lookup(m);
+ ifp = bridge_dst_lookup(eh);
bdg_forward(&m0, ifp);
if (m0)
struct dlil_filterq_head *fhead;
int match_found;
- if (from_id > MAX_DLIL_FILTERS)
- return ERANGE;
- if (dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_IF_FILTER)
+ if (from_id > dlil_filters_nb || dlil_filters[from_id].type != DLIL_IF_FILTER)
return ENOENT;
ifp = dlil_filters[from_id].ifp;
return retval;
+int dlil_recycle_ioctl(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, u_long ioctl_code, void *ioctl_arg)
+ return EOPNOTSUPP;
+int dlil_recycle_output(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr, struct mbuf *m)
+ m_freem(m);
+ return 0;
+int dlil_recycle_free(struct ifnet *ifnet_ptr)
+ return 0;
+int dlil_recycle_set_bpf_tap(struct ifnet *ifp, int mode,
+ int (*bpf_callback)(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *))
+ /* XXX not sure what to do here */
+ return 0;
+int dlil_if_acquire(u_long family, void *uniqueid, size_t uniqueid_len,
+ struct ifnet **ifp)
+ struct ifnet *ifp1 = NULL;
+ struct dlil_ifnet *dlifp1 = NULL;
+ int s, ret = 0;
+ boolean_t funnel_state;
+ funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
+ s = splnet();
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(dlifp1, &dlil_ifnet_head, dl_if_link) {
+ ifp1 = (struct ifnet *)dlifp1;
+ if (ifp1->if_family == family) {
+ /* same uniqueid and same len or no unique id specified */
+ if ((uniqueid_len == dlifp1->if_uniqueid_len)
+ && !bcmp(uniqueid, dlifp1->if_uniqueid, uniqueid_len)) {
+ /* check for matching interface in use */
+ if (ifp1->if_eflags & IFEF_INUSE) {
+ if (uniqueid_len) {
+ ret = EBUSY;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ifp1->if_eflags |= (IFEF_INUSE + IFEF_REUSE);
+ *ifp = ifp1;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* no interface found, allocate a new one */
+ MALLOC(dlifp1, struct dlil_ifnet *, sizeof(*dlifp1), M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (dlifp1 == 0) {
+ ret = ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ bzero(dlifp1, sizeof(*dlifp1));
+ if (uniqueid_len) {
+ MALLOC(dlifp1->if_uniqueid, void *, uniqueid_len, M_NKE, M_WAITOK);
+ if (dlifp1->if_uniqueid == 0) {
+ FREE(dlifp1, M_NKE);
+ ret = ENOMEM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ bcopy(uniqueid, dlifp1->if_uniqueid, uniqueid_len);
+ dlifp1->if_uniqueid_len = uniqueid_len;
+ }
+ ifp1 = (struct ifnet *)dlifp1;
+ ifp1->if_eflags |= IFEF_INUSE;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&dlil_ifnet_head, dlifp1, dl_if_link);
+ *ifp = ifp1;
+ splx(s);
+ thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
+ return ret;
+void dlil_if_release(struct ifnet *ifp)
+ struct dlil_ifnet *dlifp = (struct dlil_ifnet *)ifp;
+ int s;
+ boolean_t funnel_state;
+ funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
+ s = splnet();
+ ifp->if_eflags &= ~IFEF_INUSE;
+ ifp->if_ioctl = dlil_recycle_ioctl;
+ ifp->if_output = dlil_recycle_output;
+ ifp->if_free = dlil_recycle_free;
+ ifp->if_set_bpf_tap = dlil_recycle_set_bpf_tap;
+ strncpy(dlifp->if_namestorage, ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ ifp->if_name = dlifp->if_namestorage;
+ splx(s);
+ thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);