- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
* file: pe_init.c
* i386 platform expert initialization.
+#include <console/video_console.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
+#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <pexpert/protos.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <pexpert/boot.h>
#include <pexpert/device_tree.h>
#include <pexpert/pe_images.h>
+#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>
-#include "fakePPCStructs.h"
-#include "fakePPCDeviceTree.h"
+#include <sys/csr.h>
+#include "boot_images.h"
/* extern references */
extern void pe_identify_machine(void * args);
-extern void initialize_screen(void *, unsigned int);
-/* Local references */
-static vm_offset_t mapframebuffer(caddr_t,int);
-static vm_offset_t PE_fb_vaddr = 0;
-static int PE_fb_mode = TEXT_MODE;
-static KERNBOOTSTRUCT * PE_kbp = 0;
+extern int kdb_printf(const char *format, ...) __printflike(1, 2);
/* private globals */
PE_state_t PE_state;
-dt_data gMemoryMapNode;
-dt_data gDriversProp;
/* Clock Frequency Info */
clock_frequency_info_t gPEClockFrequencyInfo;
-int PE_initialize_console( PE_Video * info, int op )
+void *gPEEFISystemTable;
+void *gPEEFIRuntimeServices;
+static boot_icon_element* norootIcon_lzss;
+static const uint8_t* norootClut_lzss;
+PE_initialize_console( PE_Video * info, int op )
- static int last_console = -1;
- Boot_Video bootInfo;
- Boot_Video * bInfo;
- /*
- * Refuse changes from outside pexpert.
- * The video mode setup by the booter cannot be changed.
- */
- if ( info && (info == &PE_state.video) )
- {
- bootInfo.v_baseAddr = PE_fb_vaddr;
- bootInfo.v_rowBytes = info->v_rowBytes;
- bootInfo.v_width = info->v_width;
- bootInfo.v_height = info->v_height;
- bootInfo.v_depth = info->v_depth;
- bootInfo.v_display = PE_fb_mode;
- bInfo = &bootInfo;
- }
- else
- bInfo = 0;
- switch ( op ) {
- case kPEDisableScreen:
- initialize_screen((void *) bInfo, op);
-#ifdef FIXME
- last_console = switch_to_serial_console();
- kprintf("kPEDisableScreen %d\n", last_console);
- break;
- case kPEEnableScreen:
- initialize_screen((void *) bInfo, op);
- kprintf("kPEEnableScreen %d\n", last_console);
-#ifdef FIXME
- if( last_console != -1)
- switch_to_old_console( last_console);
- break;
- default:
- initialize_screen((void *) bInfo, op);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
+ static int last_console = -1;
+ if (info) {
+ info->v_offset = 0;
+ info->v_length = 0;
+ info->v_display = GRAPHICS_MODE;
+ }
+ switch (op) {
+ case kPEDisableScreen:
+ initialize_screen(info, op);
+ kprintf("kPEDisableScreen %d\n", last_console);
+ if (!console_is_serial()) {
+ last_console = switch_to_serial_console();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPEEnableScreen:
+ initialize_screen(info, op);
+ if (info) {
+ PE_state.video = *info;
+ }
+ kprintf("kPEEnableScreen %d\n", last_console);
+ if (last_console != -1) {
+ switch_to_old_console( last_console);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kPEBaseAddressChange:
+ if (info) {
+ PE_state.video = *info;
+ }
+ default:
+ initialize_screen(info, op);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ enum { kMaxBootVar = 128 };
+ boolean_t bootClutInitialized = FALSE;
+ boolean_t noroot_rle_Initialized = FALSE;
+ DTEntry entry;
+ unsigned int size;
+ uint32_t const *map;
+ boot_progress_element *bootPict;
+ norootIcon_lzss = NULL;
+ norootClut_lzss = NULL;
+ PE_init_printf(TRUE);
+ kprintf("Kernel boot args: '%s'\n", PE_boot_args());
+ /*
+ * Fetch the CLUT and the noroot image.
+ */
+ if (kSuccess == SecureDTLookupEntry(NULL, "/chosen/memory-map", &entry)) {
+ if (kSuccess == SecureDTGetProperty(entry, "BootCLUT", (void const **) &map, &size)) {
+ if (sizeof(appleClut8) <= map[1]) {
+ bcopy((void *)ml_static_ptovirt(map[0]), appleClut8, sizeof(appleClut8));
+ bootClutInitialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kSuccess == SecureDTGetProperty(entry, "Pict-FailedBoot", (void const **) &map, &size)) {
+ bootPict = (boot_progress_element *) ml_static_ptovirt(map[0]);
+ default_noroot.width = bootPict->width;
+ default_noroot.height = bootPict->height;
+ default_noroot.dx = 0;
+ default_noroot.dy = bootPict->yOffset;
+ default_noroot_data = &bootPict->data[0];
+ noroot_rle_Initialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (kSuccess == SecureDTGetProperty(entry, "FailedCLUT", (void const **) &map, &size)) {
+ norootClut_lzss = (uint8_t*) ml_static_ptovirt(map[0]);
+ }
+ if (kSuccess == SecureDTGetProperty(entry, "FailedImage", (void const **) &map, &size)) {
+ norootIcon_lzss = (boot_icon_element *) ml_static_ptovirt(map[0]);
+ if (norootClut_lzss == NULL) {
+ printf("ERROR: No FailedCLUT provided for noroot icon!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!bootClutInitialized) {
+ bcopy((void *) (uintptr_t) bootClut, (void *) appleClut8, sizeof(appleClut8));
+ }
+ if (!noroot_rle_Initialized) {
+ default_noroot.width = kFailedBootWidth;
+ default_noroot.height = kFailedBootHeight;
+ default_noroot.dx = 0;
+ default_noroot.dy = kFailedBootOffset;
+ default_noroot_data = failedBootPict;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Initialize the spinning wheel (progress indicator).
+ */
+ vc_progress_initialize(&default_progress,
+ default_progress_data1x,
+ default_progress_data2x,
+ default_progress_data3x,
+ (unsigned char *) appleClut8);
+ /*
+ * x86 only minimally enforces lockdown in hardware. Additionally, some pre-lockdown functionality
+ * such as commpage initialization requires IOKit enumeration of CPUs, which is heavily entangled
+ * with the ACPI stack. Therefore, we start the IOKit matching process immediately on x86.
+ */
+ InitIOKit(PE_state.deviceTreeHead);
+ StartIOKitMatching();
-void PE_init_iokit(void)
- long * dt;
- void * desc;
- unsigned char * data;
- unsigned char * clut;
- typedef struct {
- char name[32];
- unsigned long length;
- unsigned long value[2];
- } DriversPackageProp;
- /*
- * Update the fake device tree with the driver information provided by
- * the booter.
- */
- gDriversProp.length = PE_kbp->numBootDrivers * sizeof(DriversPackageProp);
- gMemoryMapNode.length = 2 * sizeof(long);
- dt = (long *) createdt( fakePPCDeviceTree,
- &((boot_args*)PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs)->deviceTreeLength );
- if ( dt )
- {
- DriversPackageProp * prop = (DriversPackageProp *) gDriversProp.address;
- int i;
- /* Copy driver info in kernBootStruct to fake device tree */
- for ( i = 0; i < PE_kbp->numBootDrivers; i++, prop++ )
- {
- switch ( PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].type )
- {
- case kBootDriverTypeKEXT:
- sprintf(prop->name, "Driver-%lx", PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].address);
- break;
- case kBootDriverTypeMKEXT:
- sprintf(prop->name, "DriversPackage-%lx", PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].address);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(prop->name, "DriverBogus-%lx", PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].address);
- break;
- }
- prop->length = sizeof(prop->value);
- prop->value[0] = PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].address;
- prop->value[1] = PE_kbp->driverConfig[i].size;
- }
- *gMemoryMapNode.address = PE_kbp->numBootDrivers + 1;
- }
- /* Setup powermac_info and powermac_machine_info structures */
- ((boot_args*)PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs)->deviceTreeP = (unsigned long *) dt;
- ((boot_args*)PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs)->topOfKernelData = (unsigned int) kalloc(0x2000);
- /*
- * Setup the OpenFirmware Device Tree routines
- * so the console can be found and the right I/O space
- * can be used..
- */
- DTInit(dt);
- /*
- * Initialize the spinning wheel (progress indicator).
- */
- clut = appleClut8;
- desc = &default_progress;
- data = default_progress_data;
- vc_progress_initialize( desc, data, clut );
- PE_initialize_console( (PE_Video *) 0, kPEAcquireScreen );
- (void) StartIOKit( (void*)dt, (void*)PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs, 0, 0);
+ /* Ensure that at least the CPUs have been enumerated before moving forward. */
+ ml_wait_max_cpus();
-void PE_init_platform(boolean_t vm_initialized, void * args)
+PE_init_platform(boolean_t vm_initialized, void * _args)
- if (PE_state.initialized == FALSE)
- {
- extern unsigned int halt_in_debugger, disableDebugOuput;
- unsigned int debug_arg;
- PE_kbp = (KERNBOOTSTRUCT *) args;
- PE_state.initialized = TRUE;
- PE_state.bootArgs = args;
- PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = PE_kbp->video.v_baseAddr;
- PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = PE_kbp->video.v_rowBytes;
- PE_state.video.v_height = PE_kbp->video.v_height;
- PE_state.video.v_width = PE_kbp->video.v_width;
- PE_state.video.v_depth = PE_kbp->video.v_depth;
- PE_state.video.v_display = PE_kbp->video.v_display;
- PE_fb_mode = PE_kbp->graphicsMode;
- PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs = (boot_args *)&fakePPCBootArgs;
- ((boot_args *)PE_state.fakePPCBootArgs)->machineType = 386;
- if (PE_fb_mode == TEXT_MODE)
- {
- /* Force a text display if the booter did not setup a
- * VESA frame buffer.
- */
- PE_state.video.v_display = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If DB_HALT flag is set, then cause a breakpoint to the debugger
- * immediately after the kernel debugger has been initialized.
- *
- * If DB_PRT flag is set, then enable debugger printf.
- */
- disableDebugOuput = TRUE; /* FIXME: override osfmk/i386/AT386/model_dep.c */
- if (PE_parse_boot_arg("debug", &debug_arg)) {
- if (debug_arg & DB_HALT) halt_in_debugger = 1;
- if (debug_arg & DB_PRT) disableDebugOuput = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (!vm_initialized)
- {
- /* Hack! FIXME.. */
- outb(0x21, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic1 */
- outb(0xa1, 0xff); /* Maskout all interrupts Pic2 */
- pe_identify_machine(args);
+ boot_args *args = (boot_args *)_args;
+ if (PE_state.initialized == FALSE) {
+ PE_state.initialized = TRUE;
+ // New EFI-style
+ PE_state.bootArgs = _args;
+ PE_state.deviceTreeHead = (void *) ml_static_ptovirt(args->deviceTreeP);
+ PE_state.deviceTreeSize = args->deviceTreeLength;
+ if (args->Video.v_baseAddr) {
+ PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = args->Video.v_baseAddr;// remains physical address
+ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = args->Video.v_rowBytes;
+ PE_state.video.v_depth = args->Video.v_depth;
+ PE_state.video.v_display = args->Video.v_display;
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate = args->Video.v_rotate;
+ /* EFI doesn't have a good way of describing rotation internally,
+ * so it flips width and height in portrait mode. We flip it back. */
+ if (PE_state.video.v_rotate == kDataRotate90 ||
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate == kDataRotate270) {
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->Video.v_height;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->Video.v_width;
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->Video.v_width;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->Video.v_height;
+ }
+ strlcpy(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat, "PPPPPPPP",
+ sizeof(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat));
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_baseAddr = args->VideoV1.v_baseAddr;// remains physical address
+ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes = args->VideoV1.v_rowBytes;
+ PE_state.video.v_width = args->VideoV1.v_width;
+ PE_state.video.v_height = args->VideoV1.v_height;
+ PE_state.video.v_depth = args->VideoV1.v_depth;
+ PE_state.video.v_display = args->VideoV1.v_display;
+ PE_state.video.v_rotate = kDataRotate0; /* no room for rotation info */
+ strlcpy(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat, "PPPPPPPP",
+ sizeof(PE_state.video.v_pixelFormat));
+ }
+#ifdef kBootArgsFlagHiDPI
+ if (args->flags & kBootArgsFlagHiDPI) {
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor2x;
+ } else {
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor1x;
+ }
+ PE_state.video.v_scale = kPEScaleFactor1x;
- else
- {
- pe_init_debug();
- PE_create_console();
+ if (!vm_initialized) {
+ if (PE_state.deviceTreeHead) {
+ SecureDTInit(PE_state.deviceTreeHead, PE_state.deviceTreeSize);
+ }
+ pe_identify_machine(args);
+ pe_init_debug();
-void PE_create_console( void )
+PE_create_console( void )
- if ( (PE_fb_vaddr == 0) && (PE_state.video.v_baseAddr != 0) )
- {
- PE_fb_vaddr = mapframebuffer((caddr_t) PE_state.video.v_baseAddr,
- (PE_fb_mode == TEXT_MODE) ?
- /* text mode */ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes :
- /* grfx mode */ PE_state.video.v_rowBytes *
- PE_state.video.v_height);
- }
- if (PE_state.video.v_display)
- PE_initialize_console( &PE_state.video, kPEGraphicsMode );
- else
- PE_initialize_console( &PE_state.video, kPETextMode );
+ if (PE_state.video.v_display == GRAPHICS_MODE) {
+ PE_initialize_console( &PE_state.video, kPEGraphicsMode );
+ } else {
+ PE_initialize_console( &PE_state.video, kPETextMode );
+ }
-int PE_current_console( PE_Video * info )
+PE_current_console( PE_Video * info )
- *info = PE_state.video;
- if ( PE_fb_mode == TEXT_MODE )
- {
- /*
- * FIXME: Prevent the IOBootFrameBuffer from starting up
- * when we are in Text mode.
- */
- info->v_baseAddr = 0;
- /*
- * Scale the size of the text screen from characters
- * to pixels.
- */
- info->v_width *= 8; // CHARWIDTH
- info->v_height *= 16; // CHARHEIGHT
- }
- return (0);
+ *info = PE_state.video;
+ return 0;
-void PE_display_icon( unsigned int flags,
- const char * name )
+PE_display_icon( __unused unsigned int flags, __unused const char * name )
+ if (norootIcon_lzss && norootClut_lzss) {
+ uint32_t width = norootIcon_lzss->width;
+ uint32_t height = norootIcon_lzss->height;
+ uint32_t x = ((PE_state.video.v_width - width) / 2);
+ uint32_t y = ((PE_state.video.v_height - height) / 2) + norootIcon_lzss->y_offset_from_center;
+ vc_display_lzss_icon(x, y, width, height,
+ &norootIcon_lzss->data[0],
+ norootIcon_lzss->data_size,
+ norootClut_lzss);
+ } else if (default_noroot_data) {
+ vc_display_icon( &default_noroot, default_noroot_data );
+ } else {
+ printf("ERROR: No data found for noroot icon!\n");
+ }
-extern boolean_t PE_get_hotkey( unsigned char key )
+PE_get_hotkey(__unused unsigned char key)
- return (FALSE);
+ return FALSE;
static timebase_callback_func gTimebaseCallback;
-void PE_register_timebase_callback(timebase_callback_func callback)
+PE_register_timebase_callback(timebase_callback_func callback)
- gTimebaseCallback = callback;
- PE_call_timebase_callback();
+ gTimebaseCallback = callback;
+ PE_call_timebase_callback();
-void PE_call_timebase_callback(void)
- struct timebase_freq_t timebase_freq;
- unsigned long num, den, cnt;
- num = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_num * gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_num;
- den = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_den * gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_den;
- cnt = 2;
- while (cnt <= den) {
- if ((num % cnt) || (den % cnt)) {
- cnt++;
- continue;
- }
- num /= cnt;
- den /= cnt;
- }
- timebase_freq.timebase_num = num;
- timebase_freq.timebase_den = den;
- if (gTimebaseCallback) gTimebaseCallback(&timebase_freq);
+ struct timebase_freq_t timebase_freq;
+ unsigned long num, den, cnt;
+ num = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_num * gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_num;
+ den = gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_clock_rate_den * gPEClockFrequencyInfo.bus_to_dec_rate_den;
+ cnt = 2;
+ while (cnt <= den) {
+ if ((num % cnt) || (den % cnt)) {
+ cnt++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ num /= cnt;
+ den /= cnt;
+ }
+ timebase_freq.timebase_num = num;
+ timebase_freq.timebase_den = den;
+ if (gTimebaseCallback) {
+ gTimebaseCallback(&timebase_freq);
+ }
- * map the framebuffer into kernel vm and return the (virtual)
- * address.
+ * The default (non-functional) PE_poll_input handler.
-static vm_offset_t
-mapframebuffer( caddr_t physaddr, /* start of framebuffer */
- int length) /* num bytes to map */
+PE_stub_poll_input(__unused unsigned int options, char * c)
- vm_offset_t vmaddr;
+ *c = 0xff;
+ return 1; /* 0 for success, 1 for unsupported */
- if (physaddr != (caddr_t)trunc_page(physaddr))
- panic("Framebuffer not on page boundary");
+ boot_args *args = (boot_args *)PE_state.bootArgs;
- vmaddr = io_map((vm_offset_t)physaddr, length);
- if (vmaddr == 0)
- panic("can't alloc VM for framebuffer");
+ if (args->flags & kBootArgsFlagRebootOnPanic) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- return vmaddr;
- * The default (non-functional) PE_poll_input handler.
- */
-static int
-PE_stub_poll_input(unsigned int options, char * c)
+/* rdar://problem/21244753 */
+PE_i_can_has_debugger(uint32_t *debug_flags)
- *c = 0xff;
- return 1; /* 0 for success, 1 for unsupported */
+ if (debug_flags) {
+ assert(startup_phase >= STARTUP_SUB_TUNABLES);
+ }
+ if (csr_check(CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER) != 0) {
+ if (debug_flags) {
+ *debug_flags = 0;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (debug_flags) {
+ *debug_flags = debug_boot_arg;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+PE_get_offset_into_panic_region(char *location)
+ assert(panic_info != NULL);
+ assert(location > (char *) panic_info);
+ return (uint32_t) (location - (char *) panic_info);
+ bzero(panic_info, offsetof(struct macos_panic_header, mph_data));
+ panic_info->mph_panic_log_offset = PE_get_offset_into_panic_region(debug_buf_base);
+ panic_info->mph_magic = MACOS_PANIC_MAGIC;
+ panic_info->mph_version = MACOS_PANIC_HEADER_CURRENT_VERSION;
+ return;
- * Called by the kernel debugger to poll for keyboard input.
- * Keyboard drivers may replace the default stub function
- * with their polled-mode input function.
+ * Tries to update the panic header to keep it consistent on nested panics.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The purpose of this function is NOT to detect/correct corruption in the panic region,
+ * it is to update the panic header to make it consistent when we nest panics.
+ *
+ * We try to avoid nested panics/asserts on x86 because they are difficult to debug, so log any
+ * inconsistencies we find.
-int (*PE_poll_input)(unsigned int options, char * c)
- = PE_stub_poll_input;
+ /* If the panic log offset is not set, re-init the panic header */
+ if (panic_info->mph_panic_log_offset == 0) {
+ PE_init_panicheader();
+ panic_info->mph_panic_flags |= MACOS_PANIC_HEADER_FLAG_NESTED_PANIC;
+ return;
+ }
+ panic_info->mph_panic_flags |= MACOS_PANIC_HEADER_FLAG_NESTED_PANIC;
+ /* Usually indicative of corruption in the panic region */
+ if (!(((panic_info->mph_stackshot_offset == 0) && (panic_info->mph_stackshot_len == 0)) ||
+ ((panic_info->mph_stackshot_offset != 0) && (panic_info->mph_stackshot_len != 0)))) {
+ kdb_printf("panic_info contains invalid stackshot metadata: mph_stackshot_offset 0x%x mph_stackshot_len 0x%x\n",
+ panic_info->mph_stackshot_offset, panic_info->mph_stackshot_len);
+ }
+ /*
+ * macOS panic logs contain nested panic data, if we've already closed the panic log,
+ * begin the other log.
+ */
+ if ((panic_info->mph_panic_log_len != 0) && (panic_info->mph_other_log_offset == 0)) {
+ panic_info->mph_other_log_offset = PE_get_offset_into_panic_region(debug_buf_ptr);
+ /* Usually indicative of corruption in the panic region */
+ if (panic_info->mph_other_log_len != 0) {
+ kdb_printf("panic_info contains invalid other log metadata (zero offset but non-zero length), length was 0x%x, zeroing value\n",
+ panic_info->mph_other_log_len);
+ panic_info->mph_other_log_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return;