- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
-/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993
- * @(#)uipc_socket.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 5/2/95
+ * @(#)uipc_socket.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/15/94
+ */
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/filedesc.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
+#include <sys/file_internal.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/mbuf.h>
#include <sys/domain.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
+#include <sys/event.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <sys/uio_internal.h>
#include <sys/ev.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/user.h>
+#include <sys/priv.h>
+#include <sys/kern_event.h>
#include <net/route.h>
+#include <net/init.h>
+#include <net/net_api_stats.h>
+#include <net/ntstat.h>
+#include <net/content_filter.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
+#include <netinet/in_tclass.h>
+#include <netinet/in_var.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
+#include <netinet/ip6.h>
+#include <netinet6/ip6_var.h>
+#include <netinet/flow_divert.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <machine/limits.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
+#include <kern/assert.h>
+#include <kern/task.h>
+#include <kern/policy_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kpi_mbuf.h>
+#include <sys/mcache.h>
+#include <sys/unpcb.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+#endif /* MAC */
+#include <netinet/mp_pcb.h>
+#include <netinet/mptcp_var.h>
+#endif /* MULTIPATH */
+#define ROUNDUP(a, b) (((a) + ((b) - 1)) & (~((b) - 1)))
+#define DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(_v) (_v)
+/* TODO: this should be in a header file somewhere */
+extern char *proc_name_address(void *p);
-int so_cache_hw = 0;
-int so_cache_timeouts = 0;
-int so_cache_max_freed = 0;
-int cached_sock_count = 0;
-struct socket *socket_cache_head = 0;
-struct socket *socket_cache_tail = 0;
-u_long so_cache_time = 0;
-int so_cache_init_done = 0;
-struct zone *so_cache_zone;
-extern int get_inpcb_str_size();
-extern int get_tcp_str_size();
+static u_int32_t so_cache_hw; /* High water mark for socache */
+static u_int32_t so_cache_timeouts; /* number of timeouts */
+static u_int32_t so_cache_max_freed; /* max freed per timeout */
+static u_int32_t cached_sock_count = 0;
+STAILQ_HEAD(, socket) so_cache_head;
+int max_cached_sock_count = MAX_CACHED_SOCKETS;
+static u_int32_t so_cache_time;
+static int socketinit_done;
+static struct zone *so_cache_zone;
+static LCK_GRP_DECLARE(so_cache_mtx_grp, "so_cache");
+static LCK_MTX_DECLARE(so_cache_mtx, &so_cache_mtx_grp);
#include <machine/limits.h>
+static int filt_sorattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static void filt_sordetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_soread(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_sortouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_sorprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_sowattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static void filt_sowdetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_sowrite(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_sowtouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_sowprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_sockattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static void filt_sockdetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_sockev(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_socktouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_sockprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int sooptcopyin_timeval(struct sockopt *, struct timeval *);
+static int sooptcopyout_timeval(struct sockopt *, const struct timeval *);
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) soread_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_attach = filt_sorattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_sordetach,
+ .f_event = filt_soread,
+ .f_touch = filt_sortouch,
+ .f_process = filt_sorprocess,
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) sowrite_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_attach = filt_sowattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_sowdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_sowrite,
+ .f_touch = filt_sowtouch,
+ .f_process = filt_sowprocess,
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) sock_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_attach = filt_sockattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_sockdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_sockev,
+ .f_touch = filt_socktouch,
+ .f_process = filt_sockprocess,
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) soexcept_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_attach = filt_sorattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_sordetach,
+ .f_event = filt_soread,
+ .f_touch = filt_sortouch,
+ .f_process = filt_sorprocess,
int socket_debug = 0;
-int socket_zone = M_SOCKET;
-so_gen_t so_gencnt; /* generation count for sockets */
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, socket_debug,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &socket_debug, 0, "");
+static unsigned long sodefunct_calls = 0;
+SYSCTL_LONG(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sodefunct_calls, CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &sodefunct_calls, "");
+ZONE_DECLARE(socket_zone, "socket", sizeof(struct socket), ZC_ZFREE_CLEARMEM);
+so_gen_t so_gencnt; /* generation count for sockets */
MALLOC_DEFINE(M_SONAME, "soname", "socket name");
MALLOC_DEFINE(M_PCB, "pcb", "protocol control block");
-static int somaxconn = SOMAXCONN;
-SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, KIPC_SOMAXCONN, somaxconn, CTLFLAG_RW, &somaxconn,
- 0, "");
+int somaxconn = SOMAXCONN;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, KIPC_SOMAXCONN, somaxconn,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &somaxconn, 0, "");
/* Should we get a maximum also ??? */
+static int sosendmaxchain = 65536;
static int sosendminchain = 16384;
-SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sosendminchain, CTLFLAG_RW, &sosendminchain,
- 0, "");
+static int sorecvmincopy = 16384;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sosendminchain,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sosendminchain, 0, "");
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sorecvmincopy,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sorecvmincopy, 0, "");
-void so_cache_timer();
+ * Set to enable jumbo clusters (if available) for large writes when
+ * the socket is marked with SOF_MULTIPAGES; see below.
+ */
+int sosendjcl = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sosendjcl,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sosendjcl, 0, "");
- * Socket operation routines.
- * These routines are called by the routines in
- * sys_socket.c or from a system process, and
- * implement the semantics of socket operations by
- * switching out to the protocol specific routines.
+ * Set this to ignore SOF_MULTIPAGES and use jumbo clusters for large
+ * writes on the socket for all protocols on any network interfaces,
+ * depending upon sosendjcl above. Be extra careful when setting this
+ * to 1, because sending down packets that cross physical pages down to
+ * broken drivers (those that falsely assume that the physical pages
+ * are contiguous) might lead to system panics or silent data corruption.
+ * When set to 0, the system will respect SOF_MULTIPAGES, which is set
+ * only for TCP sockets whose outgoing interface is IFNET_MULTIPAGES
+ * capable. Set this to 1 only for testing/debugging purposes.
+int sosendjcl_ignore_capab = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sosendjcl_ignore_capab,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sosendjcl_ignore_capab, 0, "");
-void socketinit()
- vm_size_t str_size;
+ * Set this to ignore SOF1_IF_2KCL and use big clusters for large
+ * writes on the socket for all protocols on any network interfaces.
+ * Be extra careful when setting this to 1, because sending down packets with
+ * clusters larger that 2 KB might lead to system panics or data corruption.
+ * When set to 0, the system will respect SOF1_IF_2KCL, which is set
+ * on the outgoing interface
+ * Set this to 1 for testing/debugging purposes only.
+ */
+int sosendbigcl_ignore_capab = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sosendbigcl_ignore_capab,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &sosendbigcl_ignore_capab, 0, "");
- so_cache_init_done = 1;
+int sodefunctlog = 0;
+ &sodefunctlog, 0, "");
- timeout(so_cache_timer, NULL, (SO_CACHE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * hz));
- str_size = (vm_size_t)( sizeof(struct socket) + 4 +
- get_inpcb_str_size() + 4 +
- get_tcp_str_size());
- so_cache_zone = zinit (str_size, 120000*str_size, 8192, "socache zone");
- kprintf("cached_sock_alloc -- so_cache_zone size is %x\n", str_size);
+int sothrottlelog = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sothrottlelog, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &sothrottlelog, 0, "");
+int sorestrictrecv = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sorestrictrecv, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &sorestrictrecv, 0, "Enable inbound interface restrictions");
-void cached_sock_alloc(so, waitok)
-struct socket **so;
-int waitok;
+int sorestrictsend = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, sorestrictsend, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &sorestrictsend, 0, "Enable outbound interface restrictions");
- caddr_t temp;
- int s;
- register u_long offset;
+int soreserveheadroom = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, soreserveheadroom, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &soreserveheadroom, 0, "To allocate contiguous datagram buffers");
+int so_notsent_lowat_check = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, notsent_lowat, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &so_notsent_lowat_check, 0, "enable/disable notsnet lowat check");
+#endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */
- s = splnet();
- if (cached_sock_count) {
- cached_sock_count--;
- *so = socket_cache_head;
- if (*so == 0)
- panic("cached_sock_alloc: cached sock is null");
+int so_accept_list_waits = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, accept_list_waits, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &so_accept_list_waits, 0, "number of waits for listener incomp list");
+#endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */
- socket_cache_head = socket_cache_head->cache_next;
- if (socket_cache_head)
- socket_cache_head->cache_prev = 0;
- else
- socket_cache_tail = 0;
- splx(s);
+extern struct inpcbinfo tcbinfo;
- temp = (*so)->so_saved_pcb;
- bzero((caddr_t)*so, sizeof(struct socket));
- kprintf("cached_sock_alloc - retreiving cached sock %x - count == %d\n", *so,
- cached_sock_count);
- (*so)->so_saved_pcb = temp;
- }
- else {
- kprintf("Allocating cached sock %x from memory\n", *so);
+/* TODO: these should be in header file */
+extern int get_inpcb_str_size(void);
+extern int get_tcp_str_size(void);
- splx(s);
- if (waitok)
- *so = (struct socket *) zalloc(so_cache_zone);
- else
- *so = (struct socket *) zalloc_noblock(so_cache_zone);
- if (*so == 0)
- return;
- bzero((caddr_t)*so, sizeof(struct socket));
- /*
- * Define offsets for extra structures into our single block of
- * memory. Align extra structures on longword boundaries.
- */
- offset = (u_long) *so;
- offset += sizeof(struct socket);
- if (offset & 0x3) {
- offset += 4;
- offset &= 0xfffffffc;
- }
- (*so)->so_saved_pcb = (caddr_t) offset;
- offset += get_inpcb_str_size();
- if (offset & 0x3) {
- offset += 4;
- offset &= 0xfffffffc;
- }
- ((struct inpcb *) (*so)->so_saved_pcb)->inp_saved_ppcb = (caddr_t) offset;
- kprintf("Allocating cached socket - %x, pcb=%x tcpcb=%x\n", *so,
- (*so)->so_saved_pcb,
- ((struct inpcb *)(*so)->so_saved_pcb)->inp_saved_ppcb);
- }
+vm_size_t so_cache_zone_element_size;
- (*so)->cached_in_sock_layer = 1;
+static int sodelayed_copy(struct socket *, struct uio *, struct mbuf **,
+ user_ssize_t *);
+static void cached_sock_alloc(struct socket **, zalloc_flags_t);
+static void cached_sock_free(struct socket *);
+ * Maximum of extended background idle sockets per process
+ * Set to zero to disable further setting of the option
+ */
-void cached_sock_free(so)
-struct socket *so;
- int s;
+#define SO_IDLE_BK_IDLE_TIME 600
+#define SO_IDLE_BK_IDLE_RCV_HIWAT 131072
+struct soextbkidlestat soextbkidlestat;
- s = splnet();
- if (++cached_sock_count > MAX_CACHED_SOCKETS) {
- --cached_sock_count;
- splx(s);
- kprintf("Freeing overflowed cached socket %x\n", so);
+SYSCTL_UINT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, maxextbkidleperproc,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_maxperproc, 0,
+ "Maximum of extended background idle sockets per process");
+ &soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_time, 0,
+ "Time in seconds to keep extended background idle sockets");
+SYSCTL_UINT(_kern_ipc, OID_AUTO, extbkidlercvhiwat, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_rcvhiwat, 0,
+ "High water mark for extended background idle sockets");
+ &soextbkidlestat, soextbkidlestat, "");
+int so_set_extended_bk_idle(struct socket *, int);
+ * SOTCDB_NO_DSCP is set by default, to prevent the networking stack from
+ * setting the DSCP code on the packet based on the service class; see
+ * <rdar://problem/11277343> for details.
+ */
+__private_extern__ u_int32_t sotcdb = 0;
+ &sotcdb, 0, "");
+ _CASSERT(sizeof(so_gencnt) == sizeof(uint64_t));
+ VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(&so_gencnt, sizeof(uint32_t)));
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ _CASSERT(sizeof(struct sa_endpoints) == sizeof(struct user64_sa_endpoints));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcif) == offsetof(struct user64_sa_endpoints, sae_srcif));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddr) == offsetof(struct user64_sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddr));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddrlen) == offsetof(struct user64_sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddrlen));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddr) == offsetof(struct user64_sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddr));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddrlen) == offsetof(struct user64_sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddrlen));
+ _CASSERT(sizeof(struct sa_endpoints) == sizeof(struct user32_sa_endpoints));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcif) == offsetof(struct user32_sa_endpoints, sae_srcif));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddr) == offsetof(struct user32_sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddr));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddrlen) == offsetof(struct user32_sa_endpoints, sae_srcaddrlen));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddr) == offsetof(struct user32_sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddr));
+ _CASSERT(offsetof(struct sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddrlen) == offsetof(struct user32_sa_endpoints, sae_dstaddrlen));
- zfree(so_cache_zone, (vm_offset_t) so);
+ if (socketinit_done) {
+ printf("socketinit: already called...\n");
+ return;
- else {
- kprintf("Freeing socket %x into cache\n", so);
- if (so_cache_hw < cached_sock_count)
- so_cache_hw = cached_sock_count;
+ socketinit_done = 1;
- so->cache_next = socket_cache_head;
- so->cache_prev = 0;
- if (socket_cache_head)
- socket_cache_head->cache_prev = so;
- else
- socket_cache_tail = so;
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("socket_debug", &socket_debug,
+ sizeof(socket_debug));
- so->cache_timestamp = so_cache_time;
- socket_cache_head = so;
- splx(s);
- }
+ STAILQ_INIT(&so_cache_head);
- kprintf("Freed cached sock %x into cache - count is %d\n", so, cached_sock_count);
+ so_cache_zone_element_size = (vm_size_t)(sizeof(struct socket) + 4
+ + get_inpcb_str_size() + 4 + get_tcp_str_size());
+ so_cache_zone = zone_create("socache zone", so_cache_zone_element_size,
+ bzero(&soextbkidlestat, sizeof(struct soextbkidlestat));
+ soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_maxperproc = SO_IDLE_BK_IDLE_MAX_PER_PROC;
+ soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_time = SO_IDLE_BK_IDLE_TIME;
+ soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_rcvhiwat = SO_IDLE_BK_IDLE_RCV_HIWAT;
+ in_pcbinit();
+ socket_tclass_init();
+ mp_pcbinit();
+#endif /* MULTIPATH */
-void so_cache_timer()
+static void
+cached_sock_alloc(struct socket **so, zalloc_flags_t how)
- register struct socket *p;
- register int s;
- register int n_freed = 0;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ caddr_t temp;
+ uintptr_t offset;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&so_cache_mtx);
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
+ if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&so_cache_head)) {
+ VERIFY(cached_sock_count > 0);
- ++so_cache_time;
+ *so = STAILQ_FIRST(&so_cache_head);
+ STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&so_cache_head, so_cache_ent);
+ STAILQ_NEXT((*so), so_cache_ent) = NULL;
- s = splnet();
+ cached_sock_count--;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&so_cache_mtx);
- while (p = socket_cache_tail)
- {
- if ((so_cache_time - p->cache_timestamp) < SO_CACHE_TIME_LIMIT)
- break;
+ temp = (*so)->so_saved_pcb;
+ bzero((caddr_t)*so, sizeof(struct socket));
- so_cache_timeouts++;
- if (socket_cache_tail = p->cache_prev)
- p->cache_prev->cache_next = 0;
- if (--cached_sock_count == 0)
- socket_cache_head = 0;
+ (*so)->so_saved_pcb = temp;
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&so_cache_mtx);
- splx(s);
+ *so = zalloc_flags(so_cache_zone, how | Z_ZERO);
- zfree(so_cache_zone, (vm_offset_t) p);
- splnet();
- if (++n_freed >= SO_CACHE_MAX_FREE_BATCH)
- {
- so_cache_max_freed++;
- break;
+ /*
+ * Define offsets for extra structures into our
+ * single block of memory. Align extra structures
+ * on longword boundaries.
+ */
+ offset = (uintptr_t)*so;
+ offset += sizeof(struct socket);
+ offset = ALIGN(offset);
+ (*so)->so_saved_pcb = (caddr_t)offset;
+ offset += get_inpcb_str_size();
+ offset = ALIGN(offset);
+ ((struct inpcb *)(void *)(*so)->so_saved_pcb)->inp_saved_ppcb =
+ (caddr_t)offset;
+ }
+ OSBitOrAtomic(SOF1_CACHED_IN_SOCK_LAYER, &(*so)->so_flags1);
+static void
+cached_sock_free(struct socket *so)
+ lck_mtx_lock(&so_cache_mtx);
+ so_cache_time = net_uptime();
+ if (++cached_sock_count > max_cached_sock_count) {
+ --cached_sock_count;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&so_cache_mtx);
+ zfree(so_cache_zone, so);
+ } else {
+ if (so_cache_hw < cached_sock_count) {
+ so_cache_hw = cached_sock_count;
+ STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&so_cache_head, so, so_cache_ent);
+ so->cache_timestamp = so_cache_time;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&so_cache_mtx);
- splx(s);
+so_update_last_owner_locked(struct socket *so, proc_t self)
+ if (so->last_pid != 0) {
+ /*
+ * last_pid and last_upid should remain zero for sockets
+ * created using sock_socket. The check above achieves that
+ */
+ if (self == PROC_NULL) {
+ self = current_proc();
+ }
- timeout(so_cache_timer, NULL, (SO_CACHE_FLUSH_INTERVAL * hz));
+ if (so->last_upid != proc_uniqueid(self) ||
+ so->last_pid != proc_pid(self)) {
+ so->last_upid = proc_uniqueid(self);
+ so->last_pid = proc_pid(self);
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(self, so->last_uuid,
+ sizeof(so->last_uuid));
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL && so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner != NULL) {
+ (*so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner)(so, self, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ proc_pidoriginatoruuid(so->so_vuuid, sizeof(so->so_vuuid));
+ }
- (void) thread_funnel_set(network_flock, FALSE);
+so_update_policy(struct socket *so)
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ (void) inp_update_policy(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+#if NECP
+static void
+so_update_necp_policy(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *override_local_addr,
+ struct sockaddr *override_remote_addr)
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ inp_update_necp_policy(sotoinpcb(so), override_local_addr,
+ override_remote_addr, 0);
+ }
+#endif /* NECP */
+ struct socket *p;
+ int n_freed = 0;
+ boolean_t rc = FALSE;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&so_cache_mtx);
+ so_cache_timeouts++;
+ so_cache_time = net_uptime();
+ while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&so_cache_head)) {
+ VERIFY(cached_sock_count > 0);
+ p = STAILQ_FIRST(&so_cache_head);
+ if ((so_cache_time - p->cache_timestamp) <
+ break;
+ }
+ STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&so_cache_head, so_cache_ent);
+ --cached_sock_count;
+ zfree(so_cache_zone, p);
+ if (++n_freed >= SO_CACHE_MAX_FREE_BATCH) {
+ so_cache_max_freed++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Schedule again if there is more to cleanup */
+ if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&so_cache_head)) {
+ rc = TRUE;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&so_cache_mtx);
+ return rc;
* Get a socket structure from our zone, and initialize it.
* the protocols can be easily modified to do this.
struct socket *
-soalloc(waitok, dom, type)
- int waitok;
- int dom;
- int type;
+soalloc(int waitok, int dom, int type)
+ zalloc_flags_t how = waitok ? Z_WAITOK : Z_NOWAIT;
struct socket *so;
- if ((dom == PF_INET) && (type == SOCK_STREAM))
- cached_sock_alloc(&so, waitok);
- else
- {
- so = _MALLOC_ZONE(sizeof(*so), socket_zone, M_WAITOK);
- if (so)
- bzero(so, sizeof *so);
+ if ((dom == PF_INET) && (type == SOCK_STREAM)) {
+ cached_sock_alloc(&so, how);
+ } else {
+ so = zalloc_flags(socket_zone, how | Z_ZERO);
- /* XXX race condition for reentrant kernel */
+ if (so != NULL) {
+ so->so_gencnt = OSIncrementAtomic64((SInt64 *)&so_gencnt);
- if (so) {
- so->so_gencnt = ++so_gencnt;
- so->so_zone = socket_zone;
+ /*
+ * Increment the socket allocation statistics
+ */
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_alloc_total);
return so;
-socreate(dom, aso, type, proto)
- int dom;
- struct socket **aso;
- register int type;
- int proto;
+socreate_internal(int dom, struct socket **aso, int type, int proto,
+ struct proc *p, uint32_t flags, struct proc *ep)
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- register struct protosw *prp;
+ struct protosw *prp;
struct socket *so;
- register int error = 0;
+ int error = 0;
+#if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
+ pid_t rpid = -1;
+ extern int tcpconsdebug;
- if (proto)
+ VERIFY(aso != NULL);
+ *aso = NULL;
+ if (proto != 0) {
prp = pffindproto(dom, proto, type);
- else
+ } else {
prp = pffindtype(dom, type);
- if (prp == 0 || prp->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach == 0)
- if (prp->pr_type != type)
- return (EPROTOTYPE);
- so = soalloc(p != 0, dom, type);
- if (so == 0)
- return (ENOBUFS);
+ }
+ if (prp == NULL || prp->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach == NULL) {
+ if (pffinddomain(dom) == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (proto != 0) {
+ if (pffindprotonotype(dom, proto) != NULL) {
+ return EPROTOTYPE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prp->pr_type != type) {
+ return EPROTOTYPE;
+ }
+ so = soalloc(1, dom, type);
+ if (so == NULL) {
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ switch (dom) {
+ case PF_LOCAL:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_local_total);
+ break;
+ case PF_INET:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_inet_total);
+ if (type == SOCK_STREAM) {
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_inet_stream_total);
+ } else {
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_inet_dgram_total);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PF_ROUTE:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_route_total);
+ break;
+ case PF_NDRV:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_ndrv_total);
+ break;
+ case PF_KEY:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_key_total);
+ break;
+ case PF_INET6:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_inet6_total);
+ if (type == SOCK_STREAM) {
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_inet6_stream_total);
+ } else {
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_inet6_dgram_total);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PF_SYSTEM:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_system_total);
+ break;
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_multipath_total);
+ break;
+ default:
+ INC_ATOMIC_INT64_LIM(net_api_stats.nas_socket_domain_other_total);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flags & SOCF_MPTCP) {
+ so->so_state |= SS_NBIO;
+ }
so->so_type = type;
+ so->last_upid = proc_uniqueid(p);
+ so->last_pid = proc_pid(p);
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(p, so->last_uuid, sizeof(so->last_uuid));
+ proc_pidoriginatoruuid(so->so_vuuid, sizeof(so->so_vuuid));
+ if (ep != PROC_NULL && ep != p) {
+ so->e_upid = proc_uniqueid(ep);
+ so->e_pid = proc_pid(ep);
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(ep, so->e_uuid, sizeof(so->e_uuid));
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_DELEGATED;
+#if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
+ if (ep->p_responsible_pid != so->e_pid) {
+ rpid = ep->p_responsible_pid;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
+ if (rpid < 0 && p->p_responsible_pid != so->last_pid) {
+ rpid = p->p_responsible_pid;
+ }
- if (p != 0) {
- if (p->p_ucred->cr_uid == 0)
- so->so_state = SS_PRIV;
+ so->so_rpid = -1;
+ uuid_clear(so->so_ruuid);
+ if (rpid >= 0) {
+ proc_t rp = proc_find(rpid);
+ if (rp != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(rp, so->so_ruuid, sizeof(so->so_ruuid));
+ so->so_rpid = rpid;
+ proc_rele(rp);
+ }
+ }
- so->so_uid = p->p_ucred->cr_uid;
+ so->so_cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(p);
+ if (!suser(kauth_cred_get(), NULL)) {
+ so->so_state |= SS_PRIV;
so->so_proto = prp;
- so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_RECV; /* XXX */
- if (prp->pr_sfilter.tqh_first)
- error = sfilter_init(so);
- if (error == 0)
- error = (*prp->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach)(so, proto, p);
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_RECV;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_so = so->so_snd.sb_so = so;
+ so->next_lock_lr = 0;
+ so->next_unlock_lr = 0;
- if (error) {
+ /*
+ * Attachment will create the per pcb lock if necessary and
+ * increase refcount for creation, make sure it's done before
+ * socket is inserted in lists.
+ */
+ so->so_usecount++;
+ error = (*prp->pr_usrreqs->pru_attach)(so, proto, p);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /*
+ * Warning:
+ * If so_pcb is not zero, the socket will be leaked,
+ * so protocol attachment handler must be coded carefuly
+ */
so->so_state |= SS_NOFDREF;
- sofree(so);
- return (error);
+ VERIFY(so->so_usecount > 0);
+ so->so_usecount--;
+ sofreelastref(so, 1); /* will deallocate the socket */
+ return error;
- prp->pr_domain->dom_refs++;
- so->so_rcv.sb_so = so->so_snd.sb_so = so;
- TAILQ_INIT(&so->so_evlist);
+ /*
+ * Note: needs so_pcb to be set after pru_attach
+ */
+ if (prp->pr_update_last_owner != NULL) {
+ (*prp->pr_update_last_owner)(so, p, ep);
+ }
+ atomic_add_32(&prp->pr_domain->dom_refs, 1);
+ /* Attach socket filters for this protocol */
+ sflt_initsock(so);
+ if (tcpconsdebug == 2) {
+ so->so_options |= SO_DEBUG;
+ }
+ so_set_default_traffic_class(so);
+ /*
+ * If this thread or task is marked to create backgrounded sockets,
+ * mark the socket as background.
+ */
+ if (!(flags & SOCF_MPTCP) &&
+ proc_get_effective_thread_policy(current_thread(), TASK_POLICY_NEW_SOCKETS_BG)) {
+ socket_set_traffic_mgt_flags(so, TRAFFIC_MGT_SO_BACKGROUND);
+ so->so_background_thread = current_thread();
+ }
+ switch (dom) {
+ /*
+ * Don't mark Unix domain or system
+ * eligible for defunct by default.
+ */
+ case PF_LOCAL:
+ case PF_SYSTEM:
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NODEFUNCT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Entitlements can't be checked at socket creation time except if the
+ * application requested a feature guarded by a privilege (c.f., socket
+ * delegation).
+ * The priv(9) and the Sandboxing APIs are designed with the idea that
+ * a privilege check should only be triggered by a userland request.
+ * A privilege check at socket creation time is time consuming and
+ * could trigger many authorisation error messages from the security
+ * APIs.
+ */
*aso = so;
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * <pru_attach>:ENOBUFS[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_attach>:ENOBUFS[TCP]
+ * <pru_attach>:ENOMEM[TCP]
+ * <pru_attach>:??? [other protocol families, IPSEC]
+ */
-sobind(so, nam)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr *nam;
+socreate(int dom, struct socket **aso, int type, int proto)
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- int error;
- struct kextcb *kp;
- int s = splnet();
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_bind)(so, nam, p);
- if (error == 0) /* ??? */
- { kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sobind)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_sobind)(so, nam, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
- }
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ return socreate_internal(dom, aso, type, proto, current_proc(), 0,
- struct socket *so;
+socreate_delegate(int dom, struct socket **aso, int type, int proto, pid_t epid)
- so->so_gencnt = ++so_gencnt;
+ int error = 0;
+ struct proc *ep = PROC_NULL;
+ if ((proc_selfpid() != epid) && ((ep = proc_find(epid)) == PROC_NULL)) {
+ error = ESRCH;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ error = socreate_internal(dom, aso, type, proto, current_proc(), 0, ep);
+ /*
+ * It might not be wise to hold the proc reference when calling
+ * socreate_internal since it calls soalloc with M_WAITOK
+ */
+ if (ep != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_rele(ep);
+ }
- if (so->cached_in_sock_layer == 1)
- cached_sock_free(so);
- else
- _FREE_ZONE(so, sizeof(*so), so->so_zone);
+ return error;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * <pru_bind>:EINVAL Invalid argument [COMMON_START]
+ * <pru_bind>:EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported
+ * <pru_bind>:EADDRNOTAVAIL Address not available.
+ * <pru_bind>:EINVAL Invalid argument
+ * <pru_bind>:EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported [notdef]
+ * <pru_bind>:EACCES Permission denied
+ * <pru_bind>:EADDRINUSE Address in use
+ * <pru_bind>:EAGAIN Resource unavailable, try again
+ * <pru_bind>:EPERM Operation not permitted
+ * <pru_bind>:???
+ * <sf_bind>:???
+ *
+ * Notes: It's not possible to fully enumerate the return codes above,
+ * since socket filter authors and protocol family authors may
+ * not choose to limit their error returns to those listed, even
+ * though this may result in some software operating incorrectly.
+ *
+ * The error codes which are enumerated above are those known to
+ * be returned by the tcp_usr_bind function supplied.
+ */
-solisten(so, backlog)
- register struct socket *so;
- int backlog;
+sobindlock(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, int dolock)
- struct kextcb *kp;
struct proc *p = current_proc();
- int s, error;
+ int error = 0;
- s = splnet();
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_listen)(so, p);
- if (error) {
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
- if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&so->so_comp))
- so->so_options |= SO_ACCEPTCONN;
- if (backlog < 0 || backlog > somaxconn)
- backlog = somaxconn;
- so->so_qlimit = backlog;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- {
- if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_solisten)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_solisten)(so, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, nam, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ /*
+ * If this is a bind request on a socket that has been marked
+ * as inactive, reject it now before we go any further.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] (%d)\n",
+ __func__, proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ goto out;
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ /* Socket filter */
+ error = sflt_bind(so, nam);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_bind)(so, nam, p);
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ return error;
- register struct socket *so;
-{ int error;
- struct kextcb *kp;
- struct socket *head = so->so_head;
+sodealloc(struct socket *so)
+ kauth_cred_unref(&so->so_cred);
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sofree)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_sofree)(so, kp);
- if (error) {
- selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
- selthreadclear(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
- return; /* void fn */
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ /* Remove any filters */
+ sflt_termsock(so);
- if (so->so_pcb || (so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF) == 0) {
- selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
- selthreadclear(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
- return;
+ cfil_sock_detach(so);
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ so->so_gencnt = OSIncrementAtomic64((SInt64 *)&so_gencnt);
+ if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_CACHED_IN_SOCK_LAYER) {
+ cached_sock_free(so);
+ } else {
+ zfree(socket_zone, so);
- if (head != NULL) {
- if (so->so_state & SS_INCOMP) {
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&head->so_incomp, so, so_list);
- head->so_incqlen--;
- } else if (so->so_state & SS_COMP) {
- /*
- * We must not decommission a socket that's
- * on the accept(2) queue. If we do, then
- * accept(2) may hang after select(2) indicated
- * that the listening socket was ready.
- */
- selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
- selthreadclear(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
- return;
- } else {
- panic("sofree: not queued");
- }
- head->so_qlen--;
- so->so_state &= ~(SS_INCOMP|SS_COMP);
- so->so_head = NULL;
- }
- selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
- sbrelease(&so->so_snd);
- sorflush(so);
- sfilter_term(so);
- sodealloc(so);
- * Close a socket on last file table reference removal.
- * Initiate disconnect if connected.
- * Free socket when disconnect complete.
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * <pru_listen>:EINVAL[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_listen>:EINVAL[TCP]
+ * <pru_listen>:EADDRNOTAVAIL[TCP] Address not available.
+ * <pru_listen>:EINVAL[TCP] Invalid argument
+ * <pru_listen>:EAFNOSUPPORT[TCP] Address family not supported [notdef]
+ * <pru_listen>:EACCES[TCP] Permission denied
+ * <pru_listen>:EADDRINUSE[TCP] Address in use
+ * <pru_listen>:EAGAIN[TCP] Resource unavailable, try again
+ * <pru_listen>:EPERM[TCP] Operation not permitted
+ * <sf_listen>:???
+ *
+ * Notes: Other <pru_listen> returns depend on the protocol family; all
+ * <sf_listen> returns depend on what the filter author causes
+ * their filter to return.
- register struct socket *so;
+solisten(struct socket *so, int backlog)
- int s = splnet(); /* conservative */
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
int error = 0;
- struct kextcb *kp;
-#if FB31SIG
- funsetown(so->so_pgid);
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soclose)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soclose)(so, kp);
- if (error)
- { splx(s);
- return((error == EJUSTRETURN) ? 0 : error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
- if (so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN) {
- struct socket *sp, *sonext;
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
- sp = TAILQ_FIRST(&so->so_incomp);
- for (; sp != NULL; sp = sonext) {
- sonext = TAILQ_NEXT(sp, so_list);
- (void) soabort(sp);
- }
- for (sp = TAILQ_FIRST(&so->so_comp); sp != NULL; sp = sonext) {
- sonext = TAILQ_NEXT(sp, so_list);
- /* Dequeue from so_comp since sofree() won't do it */
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&so->so_comp, sp, so_list);
- so->so_qlen--;
- sp->so_state &= ~SS_COMP;
- sp->so_head = NULL;
- (void) soabort(sp);
- }
- }
- if (so->so_pcb == 0)
- goto discard;
- if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
- if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) == 0) {
- error = sodisconnect(so);
- if (error)
- goto drop;
- }
- if (so->so_options & SO_LINGER) {
- if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) &&
- (so->so_state & SS_NBIO))
- goto drop;
- while (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
- error = tsleep((caddr_t)&so->so_timeo,
- PSOCK | PCATCH, "soclos", so->so_linger);
- if (error)
- break;
- }
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ if (so->so_proto == NULL) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) == 0) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the listen request is made on a socket that is not fully
+ * disconnected, or on a socket that has been marked as inactive,
+ * reject the request now.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state &
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ goto out;
- if (so->so_pcb) {
- int error2 = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_detach)(so);
- if (error == 0)
- error = error2;
+ if ((so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_IN) != 0) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
- if (so->so_pcb && so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF)
- panic("soclose: NOFDREF");
- so->so_state |= SS_NOFDREF;
- so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_refs--;
- evsofree(so);
- sofree(so);
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ error = sflt_listen(so);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_listen)(so, p);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&so->so_comp)) {
+ so->so_options |= SO_ACCEPTCONN;
+ }
+ /*
+ * POSIX: The implementation may have an upper limit on the length of
+ * the listen queue-either global or per accepting socket. If backlog
+ * exceeds this limit, the length of the listen queue is set to the
+ * limit.
+ *
+ * If listen() is called with a backlog argument value that is less
+ * than 0, the function behaves as if it had been called with a backlog
+ * argument value of 0.
+ *
+ * A backlog argument of 0 may allow the socket to accept connections,
+ * in which case the length of the listen queue may be set to an
+ * implementation-defined minimum value.
+ */
+ if (backlog <= 0 || backlog > somaxconn) {
+ backlog = somaxconn;
+ }
+ so->so_qlimit = backlog;
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
- * Must be called at splnet...
+ * The "accept list lock" protects the fields related to the listener queues
+ * because we can unlock a socket to respect the lock ordering between
+ * the listener socket and its clients sockets. The lock ordering is first to
+ * acquire the client socket before the listener socket.
+ *
+ * The accept list lock serializes access to the following fields:
+ * - of the listener socket:
+ * - so_comp
+ * - so_incomp
+ * - so_qlen
+ * - so_inqlen
+ * - of client sockets that are in so_comp or so_incomp:
+ * - so_head
+ * - so_list
+ *
+ * As one can see the accept list lock protects the consistent of the
+ * linkage of the client sockets.
+ *
+ * Note that those fields may be read without holding the accept list lock
+ * for a preflight provided the accept list lock is taken when committing
+ * to take an action based on the result of the preflight. The preflight
+ * saves the cost of doing the unlock/lock dance.
- struct socket *so;
+so_acquire_accept_list(struct socket *head, struct socket *so)
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_held = (*head->so_proto->pr_getlock)(head, PR_F_WILLUNLOCK);
- return (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_abort)(so);
+ if (!(head->so_flags1 & SOF1_ACCEPT_LIST_HELD)) {
+ head->so_flags1 |= SOF1_ACCEPT_LIST_HELD;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (so != NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ }
+ while (head->so_flags1 & SOF1_ACCEPT_LIST_HELD) {
+ so_accept_list_waits += 1;
+ msleep((caddr_t)&head->so_incomp, mutex_held,
+ PSOCK | PCATCH, __func__, NULL);
+ }
+ head->so_flags1 |= SOF1_ACCEPT_LIST_HELD;
+ if (so != NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(head, 0);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ socket_lock(head, 0);
+ }
-soaccept(so, nam)
- register struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr **nam;
-{ int s = splnet();
- int error;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+so_release_accept_list(struct socket *head)
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
- if ((so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF) == 0)
- panic("soaccept: !NOFDREF");
- so->so_state &= ~SS_NOFDREF;
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_accept)(so, nam);
- if (error == 0)
- { kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp) {
- if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soaccept)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soaccept)(so, nam, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ mutex_held = (*head->so_proto->pr_getlock)(head, 0);
+ head->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_ACCEPT_LIST_HELD;
+ wakeup((caddr_t)&head->so_incomp);
- splx(s);
- return (error);
-soconnect(so, nam)
- register struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr *nam;
+sofreelastref(struct socket *so, int dealloc)
- int s;
- int error;
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ struct socket *head = so->so_head;
- if (so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN)
- return (EOPNOTSUPP);
- s = splnet();
- /*
- * If protocol is connection-based, can only connect once.
- * Otherwise, if connected, try to disconnect first.
- * This allows user to disconnect by connecting to, e.g.,
- * a null address.
- */
- if (so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED|SS_ISCONNECTING) &&
- ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) ||
- (error = sodisconnect(so))))
- error = EISCONN;
- else {
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connect)(so, nam, p);
- if (error == 0)
- {
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- {
- if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soconnect)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soconnect)(so, nam, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ /* Assume socket is locked */
+ if (!(so->so_flags & SOF_PCBCLEARING) || !(so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF)) {
+ selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
+ selthreadclear(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ so->so_event = sonullevent;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (head != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Need to lock the listener when the protocol has
+ * per socket locks
+ */
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ socket_lock(head, 1);
+ so_acquire_accept_list(head, so);
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_INCOMP) {
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_INCOMP;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&head->so_incomp, so, so_list);
+ head->so_incqlen--;
+ head->so_qlen--;
+ so->so_head = NULL;
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ so_release_accept_list(head);
+ socket_unlock(head, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (so->so_state & SS_COMP) {
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ so_release_accept_list(head);
+ socket_unlock(head, 1);
+ /*
+ * We must not decommission a socket that's
+ * on the accept(2) queue. If we do, then
+ * accept(2) may hang after select(2) indicated
+ * that the listening socket was ready.
+ */
+ selthreadclear(&so->so_snd.sb_sel);
+ selthreadclear(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ so->so_event = sonullevent;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (head->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ so_release_accept_list(head);
+ socket_unlock(head, 1);
+ }
+ printf("sofree: not queued\n");
+ sowflush(so);
+ sorflush(so);
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_FLOW_DIVERT) {
+ flow_divert_detach(so);
+ }
+#endif /* FLOW_DIVERT */
-soconnect2(so1, so2)
- register struct socket *so1;
- struct socket *so2;
- int s = splnet();
- int error;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ /* 3932268: disable upcall */
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_UPCALL;
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~(SB_UPCALL | SB_SNDBYTE_CNT);
+ so->so_event = sonullevent;
- error = (*so1->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connect2)(so1, so2);
- if (error == 0)
- { kp = sotokextcb(so1);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soconnect2)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soconnect2)(so1, so2, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ if (dealloc) {
+ sodealloc(so);
- splx(s);
- return (error);
- register struct socket *so;
+soclose_wait_locked(struct socket *so)
- int s = splnet();
- int error;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
- if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) == 0) {
- error = ENOTCONN;
- goto bad;
- }
- if (so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) {
- error = EALREADY;
- goto bad;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, PR_F_WILLUNLOCK);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_disconnect)(so);
- if (error == 0)
- { kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sodisconnect)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_sodisconnect)(so, kp);
- if (error)
- { if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- break;
- splx(s);
- return(error);
- }
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ /*
+ * Double check here and return if there's no outstanding upcall;
+ * otherwise proceed further only if SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT is set.
+ */
+ if (!so->so_upcallusecount || !(so->so_flags & SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT)) {
+ return;
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_UPCALL;
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~SB_UPCALL;
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_CLOSEWAIT;
+ (void) msleep((caddr_t)&so->so_upcallusecount, mutex_held, (PZERO - 1),
+ "soclose_wait_locked", NULL);
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_CLOSEWAIT;
- * Send on a socket.
- * If send must go all at once and message is larger than
- * send buffering, then hard error.
- * Lock against other senders.
- * If must go all at once and not enough room now, then
- * inform user that this would block and do nothing.
- * Otherwise, if nonblocking, send as much as possible.
- * The data to be sent is described by "uio" if nonzero,
- * otherwise by the mbuf chain "top" (which must be null
- * if uio is not). Data provided in mbuf chain must be small
- * enough to send all at once.
- *
- * Returns nonzero on error, timeout or signal; callers
- * must check for short counts if EINTR/ERESTART are returned.
- * Data and control buffers are freed on return.
- * Experiment:
- * MSG_HOLD: go thru most of sosend(), but just enqueue the mbuf
- * MSG_SEND: go thru as for MSG_HOLD on current fragment, then
- * point at the mbuf chain being constructed and go from there.
+ * Close a socket on last file table reference removal.
+ * Initiate disconnect if connected.
+ * Free socket when disconnect complete.
-sosend(so, addr, uio, top, control, flags)
- register struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr *addr;
- struct uio *uio;
- struct mbuf *top;
- struct mbuf *control;
- int flags;
+soclose_locked(struct socket *so)
- struct mbuf **mp;
- register struct mbuf *m;
- register long space, len, resid;
- int clen = 0, error, s, dontroute, mlen, sendflags;
- int atomic = sosendallatonce(so) || top;
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ int error = 0;
+ struct timespec ts;
- if (uio)
- resid = uio->uio_resid;
- else
- resid = top->m_pkthdr.len;
+ if (so->so_usecount == 0) {
+ panic("soclose: so=%p refcount=0\n", so);
+ }
- so,
- resid,
- so->so_snd.sb_cc,
- so->so_snd.sb_lowat,
- so->so_snd.sb_hiwat);
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_closing, NULL);
+ if (so->so_upcallusecount) {
+ soclose_wait_locked(so);
+ }
- * In theory resid should be unsigned.
- * However, space must be signed, as it might be less than 0
- * if we over-committed, and we must use a signed comparison
- * of space and resid. On the other hand, a negative resid
- * causes us to loop sending 0-length segments to the protocol.
- *
- * Also check to make sure that MSG_EOR isn't used on SOCK_STREAM
- * type sockets since that's an error.
+ * We have to wait until the content filters are done
- if (resid < 0 || so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM && (flags & MSG_EOR)) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto out;
+ if ((so->so_flags & SOF_CONTENT_FILTER) != 0) {
+ cfil_sock_close_wait(so);
+ cfil_sock_is_closed(so);
+ cfil_sock_detach(so);
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
- dontroute =
- (flags & MSG_DONTROUTE) && (so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) == 0 &&
- (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC);
- if (p)
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgsnd++;
- if (control)
- clen = control->m_len;
-#define snderr(errno) { error = errno; splx(s); goto release; }
+ if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG) {
+ soresume(current_proc(), so, 1);
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED;
+ }
- error = sblock(&so->so_snd, SBLOCKWAIT(flags));
- if (error)
- goto out;
- do {
- s = splnet();
- if (so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE)
- snderr(EPIPE);
- if (so->so_error) {
- error = so->so_error;
- so->so_error = 0;
- splx(s);
- goto release;
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN)) {
+ struct socket *sp, *sonext;
+ int persocklock = 0;
+ int incomp_overflow_only;
+ /*
+ * We do not want new connection to be added
+ * to the connection queues
+ */
+ so->so_options &= ~SO_ACCEPTCONN;
+ /*
+ * We can drop the lock on the listener once
+ * we've acquired the incoming list
+ */
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ persocklock = 1;
+ so_acquire_accept_list(so, NULL);
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
- if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) == 0) {
+ incomp_overflow_only = 1;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(sp, &so->so_incomp, so_list, sonext) {
- * `sendto' and `sendmsg' is allowed on a connection-
- * based socket if it supports implied connect.
- * Return ENOTCONN if not connected and no address is
- * supplied.
+ * Radar 5350314
+ * skip sockets thrown away by tcpdropdropblreq
+ * they will get cleanup by the garbage collection.
+ * otherwise, remove the incomp socket from the queue
+ * and let soabort trigger the appropriate cleanup.
- if ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) &&
- (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_IMPLOPCL) == 0) {
- if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONFIRMING) == 0 &&
- !(resid == 0 && clen != 0))
- snderr(ENOTCONN);
- } else if (addr == 0 && !(flags&MSG_HOLD))
- snderr(so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED ?
- }
- space = sbspace(&so->so_snd);
- if (flags & MSG_OOB)
- space += 1024;
- if ((atomic && resid > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) ||
- clen > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat)
- snderr(EMSGSIZE);
- if (space < resid + clen && uio &&
- (atomic || space < so->so_snd.sb_lowat || space < clen)) {
- if (so->so_state & SS_NBIO)
- snderr(EWOULDBLOCK);
- sbunlock(&so->so_snd);
- error = sbwait(&so->so_snd);
- splx(s);
- if (error)
- goto out;
- goto restart;
- }
- splx(s);
- mp = ⊤
- space -= clen;
- do {
- if (uio == NULL) {
+ if (sp->so_flags & SOF_OVERFLOW) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (persocklock != 0) {
+ socket_lock(sp, 1);
+ }
- * Data is prepackaged in "top".
+ * Radar 27945981
+ * The extra reference for the list insure the
+ * validity of the socket pointer when we perform the
+ * unlock of the head above
- resid = 0;
- if (flags & MSG_EOR)
- top->m_flags |= M_EOR;
- } else {
- boolean_t funnel_state = TRUE;
- int chainmbufs = (sosendminchain > 0 && resid >= sosendminchain);
- if (chainmbufs)
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, FALSE);
- do {
- if (top == 0) {
- mlen = MHLEN;
- m->m_pkthdr.len = 0;
- m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = (struct ifnet *)0;
- } else {
- mlen = MLEN;
- }
- if (resid >= MINCLSIZE) {
- if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0)
- goto nopages;
- mlen = MCLBYTES;
- len = min(min(mlen, resid), space);
+ if (sp->so_state & SS_INCOMP) {
+ sp->so_state &= ~SS_INCOMP;
+ sp->so_head = NULL;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&so->so_incomp, sp, so_list);
+ so->so_incqlen--;
+ so->so_qlen--;
+ (void) soabort(sp);
} else {
- len = min(min(mlen, resid), space);
- /*
- * For datagram protocols, leave room
- * for protocol headers in first mbuf.
- */
- if (atomic && top == 0 && len < mlen)
- MH_ALIGN(m, len);
- }
- space -= len;
- error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t), (int)len, uio);
- resid = uio->uio_resid;
- m->m_len = len;
- *mp = m;
- top->m_pkthdr.len += len;
- if (error)
- break;
- mp = &m->m_next;
- if (resid <= 0) {
- if (flags & MSG_EOR)
- top->m_flags |= M_EOR;
- break;
+ panic("%s sp %p in so_incomp but !SS_INCOMP",
+ __func__, sp);
- } while (space > 0 && (chainmbufs || atomic || resid < MINCLSIZE));
- if (chainmbufs)
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
- if (error)
- goto release;
- }
- if (flags & (MSG_HOLD|MSG_SEND))
- { /* Enqueue for later, go away if HOLD */
- register struct mbuf *mb1;
- if (so->so_temp && (flags & MSG_FLUSH))
- { m_freem(so->so_temp);
- so->so_temp = NULL;
- }
- if (so->so_temp)
- so->so_tail->m_next = top;
- else
- so->so_temp = top;
- mb1 = top;
- while (mb1->m_next)
- mb1 = mb1->m_next;
- so->so_tail = mb1;
- if (flags&MSG_HOLD)
- { top = NULL;
- goto release;
+ if (persocklock != 0) {
+ socket_unlock(sp, 1);
- top = so->so_temp;
- }
- if (dontroute)
- so->so_options |= SO_DONTROUTE;
- s = splnet(); /* XXX */
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- /* Compute flags here, for pru_send and NKEs */
- sendflags = (flags & MSG_OOB) ? PRUS_OOB :
- /*
- * If the user set MSG_EOF, the protocol
- * understands this flag and nothing left to
- * send then use PRU_SEND_EOF instead of PRU_SEND.
- */
- ((flags & MSG_EOF) &&
- (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_IMPLOPCL) &&
- (resid <= 0)) ?
- /* If there is more to send set PRUS_MORETOCOME */
- (resid > 0 && space > 0) ? PRUS_MORETOCOME : 0;
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sosend)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_sosend)(so, &addr,
- &uio, &top,
- &control,
- &sendflags,
- kp);
- if (error)
- { splx(s);
- if (error == EJUSTRETURN)
- { sbunlock(&so->so_snd);
- return(0);
- }
- goto release;
- }
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(sp, &so->so_comp, so_list, sonext) {
+ /* Dequeue from so_comp since sofree() won't do it */
+ if (persocklock != 0) {
+ socket_lock(sp, 1);
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
- error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send)(so,
- sendflags, top, addr, control, p);
- splx(s);
- if (flags & MSG_SEND)
- so->so_temp = NULL;
- if (dontroute)
- so->so_options &= ~SO_DONTROUTE;
- clen = 0;
- control = 0;
- top = 0;
- mp = ⊤
- if (error)
- goto release;
- } while (resid && space > 0);
- } while (resid);
- sbunlock(&so->so_snd);
- if (top)
- m_freem(top);
- if (control)
- m_freem(control);
+ if (sp->so_state & SS_COMP) {
+ sp->so_state &= ~SS_COMP;
+ sp->so_head = NULL;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&so->so_comp, sp, so_list);
+ so->so_qlen--;
- so,
- resid,
- so->so_snd.sb_cc,
- space,
- error);
+ (void) soabort(sp);
+ } else {
+ panic("%s sp %p in so_comp but !SS_COMP",
+ __func__, sp);
+ }
- return (error);
+ if (persocklock) {
+ socket_unlock(sp, 1);
+ }
+ }
- * Implement receive operations on a socket.
- * We depend on the way that records are added to the sockbuf
- * by sbappend*. In particular, each record (mbufs linked through m_next)
- * must begin with an address if the protocol so specifies,
- * followed by an optional mbuf or mbufs containing ancillary data,
- * and then zero or more mbufs of data.
- * In order to avoid blocking network interrupts for the entire time here,
- * we splx() while doing the actual copy to user space.
- * Although the sockbuf is locked, new data may still be appended,
- * and thus we must maintain consistency of the sockbuf during that time.
- *
- * The caller may receive the data as a single mbuf chain by supplying
- * an mbuf **mp0 for use in returning the chain. The uio is then used
- * only for the count in uio_resid.
- */
-soreceive(so, psa, uio, mp0, controlp, flagsp)
- register struct socket *so;
- struct sockaddr **psa;
- struct uio *uio;
- struct mbuf **mp0;
- struct mbuf **controlp;
- int *flagsp;
- register struct mbuf *m, **mp;
- register int flags, len, error, s, offset;
- struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
- struct mbuf *nextrecord;
- int moff, type = 0;
- int orig_resid = uio->uio_resid;
- struct kextcb *kp;
- so,
- uio->uio_resid,
- so->so_rcv.sb_cc,
- so->so_rcv.sb_lowat,
- so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat);
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soreceive)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soreceive)(so, psa, &uio,
- mp0, controlp,
- flagsp, kp);
- if (error)
- return((error == EJUSTRETURN) ? 0 : error);
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
- }
+ if (incomp_overflow_only == 0 && !TAILQ_EMPTY(&so->so_incomp)) {
+ panic("%s head %p so_comp not empty\n", __func__, so);
+#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
- mp = mp0;
- if (psa)
- *psa = 0;
- if (controlp)
- *controlp = 0;
- if (flagsp)
- flags = *flagsp &~ MSG_EOR;
- else
- flags = 0;
- /*
- * When SO_WANTOOBFLAG is set we try to get out-of-band data
- * regardless of the flags argument. Here is the case were
- * out-of-band data is not inline.
- */
- if ((flags & MSG_OOB) ||
- ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0 &&
- (so->so_options & SO_OOBINLINE) == 0 &&
- (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK)))) {
- m = m_get(M_WAIT, MT_DATA);
- error = (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvoob)(so, m, flags & MSG_PEEK);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
- do {
- error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t),
- (int) min(uio->uio_resid, m->m_len), uio);
- m = m_free(m);
- } while (uio->uio_resid && error == 0 && m);
- if (m)
- m_freem(m);
- if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0) {
- if (error == EWOULDBLOCK || error == EINVAL) {
- /*
- * Let's try to get normal data:
- * EWOULDBLOCK: out-of-band data not receive yet;
- * EINVAL: out-of-band data already read.
- */
- error = 0;
- goto nooob;
- } else if (error == 0 && flagsp)
- *flagsp |= MSG_OOB;
- }
- return (error);
- }
- if (mp)
- *mp = (struct mbuf *)0;
- if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONFIRMING && uio->uio_resid)
- (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, 0);
+ goto again;
+ }
- if (error = sblock(&so->so_rcv, SBLOCKWAIT(flags)))
- {
- return (error);
- }
- s = splnet();
+ if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&so->so_comp)) {
+ panic("%s head %p so_comp not empty\n", __func__, so);
+#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- /*
- * If we have less data than requested, block awaiting more
- * (subject to any timeout) if:
- * 1. the current count is less than the low water mark, or
- * 2. MSG_WAITALL is set, and it is possible to do the entire
- * receive operation at once if we block (resid <= hiwat).
- * 3. MSG_DONTWAIT is not set
- * If MSG_WAITALL is set but resid is larger than the receive buffer,
- * we have to do the receive in sections, and thus risk returning
- * a short count if a timeout or signal occurs after we start.
- */
- if (m == 0 || (((flags & MSG_DONTWAIT) == 0 &&
- so->so_rcv.sb_cc < uio->uio_resid) &&
- (so->so_rcv.sb_cc < so->so_rcv.sb_lowat ||
- ((flags & MSG_WAITALL) && uio->uio_resid <= so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat)) &&
- m->m_nextpkt == 0 && (pr->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) == 0)) {
- KASSERT(m != 0 || !so->so_rcv.sb_cc, ("receive 1"));
- if (so->so_error) {
- if (m)
- goto dontblock;
- error = so->so_error;
- if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0)
- so->so_error = 0;
- goto release;
+ goto again;
- if (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) {
- if (m)
- goto dontblock;
- else
- goto release;
+ if (persocklock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ so_release_accept_list(so);
- for (; m; m = m->m_next)
- if (m->m_type == MT_OOBDATA || (m->m_flags & M_EOR)) {
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- goto dontblock;
+ }
+ if (so->so_pcb == NULL) {
+ /* 3915887: mark the socket as ready for dealloc */
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_PCBCLEARING;
+ goto discard;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) == 0) {
+ error = sodisconnectlocked(so);
+ if (error) {
+ goto drop;
- if ((so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED|SS_ISCONNECTING)) == 0 &&
- (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED)) {
- error = ENOTCONN;
- goto release;
- if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
- goto release;
- if ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) || (flags & MSG_DONTWAIT)) {
- error = EWOULDBLOCK;
- goto release;
+ if (so->so_options & SO_LINGER) {
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) &&
+ (so->so_state & SS_NBIO)) {
+ goto drop;
+ }
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, PR_F_WILLUNLOCK);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ }
+ while (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
+ ts.tv_sec = (so->so_linger / 100);
+ ts.tv_nsec = (so->so_linger % 100) *
+ NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000 * 10;
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)&so->so_timeo,
+ mutex_held, PSOCK | PCATCH, "soclose", &ts);
+ if (error) {
+ /*
+ * It's OK when the time fires,
+ * don't report an error
+ */
+ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- sbunlock(&so->so_rcv);
- if (socket_debug)
- printf("Waiting for socket data\n");
- error = sbwait(&so->so_rcv);
- if (socket_debug)
- printf("SORECEIVE - sbwait returned %d\n", error);
- splx(s);
- if (error)
- {
- return (error);
+ }
+ if (so->so_usecount == 0) {
+ panic("soclose: usecount is zero so=%p\n", so);
+ }
+ if (so->so_pcb != NULL && !(so->so_flags & SOF_PCBCLEARING)) {
+ int error2 = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_detach)(so);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = error2;
- goto restart;
-#ifdef notyet /* XXXX */
- if (uio->uio_procp)
- uio->uio_procp->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgrcv++;
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 0) {
+ panic("soclose: usecount is zero so=%p\n", so);
+ }
+ if (so->so_pcb != NULL && !(so->so_flags & SOF_MP_SUBFLOW) &&
+ (so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF)) {
+ panic("soclose: NOFDREF");
+ }
+ so->so_state |= SS_NOFDREF;
+ if ((so->so_flags & SOF_KNOTE) != 0) {
+ KNOTE(&so->so_klist, SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED);
+ }
+ atomic_add_32(&so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_refs, -1);
+ VERIFY(so->so_usecount > 0);
+ so->so_usecount--;
+ sofree(so);
+ return error;
+soclose(struct socket *so)
+ int error = 0;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if (so->so_retaincnt == 0) {
+ error = soclose_locked(so);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * if the FD is going away, but socket is
+ * retained in kernel remove its reference
+ */
+ so->so_usecount--;
+ if (so->so_usecount < 2) {
+ panic("soclose: retaincnt non null and so=%p "
+ "usecount=%d\n", so, so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
+ * Must be called at splnet...
+ */
+/* Should already be locked */
+soabort(struct socket *so)
+ int error;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ }
- nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
- if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_ADDR) && m->m_type == MT_SONAME) {
- KASSERT(m->m_type == MT_SONAME, ("receive 1a"));
- orig_resid = 0;
- if (psa)
- *psa = dup_sockaddr(mtod(m, struct sockaddr *),
- mp0 == 0);
- if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
- m = m->m_next;
- } else {
- sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
- MFREE(m, so->so_rcv.sb_mb);
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ if ((so->so_flags & SOF_ABORTED) == 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_ABORTED;
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_abort)(so);
+ if (error) {
+ sofree(so);
+ return error;
- while (m && m->m_type == MT_CONTROL && error == 0) {
- if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
- if (controlp)
- *controlp = m_copy(m, 0, m->m_len);
- m = m->m_next;
+ return 0;
+soacceptlock(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **nam, int dolock)
+ int error;
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, PROC_NULL);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF) == 0) {
+ panic("soaccept: !NOFDREF");
+ }
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_NOFDREF;
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_accept)(so, nam);
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+soaccept(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **nam)
+ return soacceptlock(so, nam, 1);
+soacceptfilter(struct socket *so, struct socket *head)
+ struct sockaddr *local = NULL, *remote = NULL;
+ int error = 0;
+ /*
+ * Hold the lock even if this socket has not been made visible
+ * to the filter(s). For sockets with global locks, this protects
+ * against the head or peer going away
+ */
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if (sogetaddr_locked(so, &remote, 1) != 0 ||
+ sogetaddr_locked(so, &local, 0) != 0) {
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_NOFDREF;
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ soclose(so);
+ /* Out of resources; try it again next time */
+ goto done;
+ }
+ error = sflt_accept(head, so, local, remote);
+ /*
+ * If we get EJUSTRETURN from one of the filters, mark this socket
+ * as inactive and return it anyway. This newly accepted socket
+ * will be disconnected later before we hand it off to the caller.
+ */
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ (void) sosetdefunct(current_proc(), so,
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /*
+ * This may seem like a duplication to the above error
+ * handling part when we return ECONNABORTED, except
+ * the following is done while holding the lock since
+ * the socket has been exposed to the filter(s) earlier.
+ */
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_NOFDREF;
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ soclose(so);
+ /* Propagate socket filter's error code to the caller */
+ } else {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ /* Callee checks for NULL pointer */
+ sock_freeaddr(remote);
+ sock_freeaddr(local);
+ return error;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported on socket
+ * EISCONN Socket is connected
+ * <pru_connect>:EADDRNOTAVAIL Address not available.
+ * <pru_connect>:EINVAL Invalid argument
+ * <pru_connect>:EAFNOSUPPORT Address family not supported [notdef]
+ * <pru_connect>:EACCES Permission denied
+ * <pru_connect>:EADDRINUSE Address in use
+ * <pru_connect>:EAGAIN Resource unavailable, try again
+ * <pru_connect>:EPERM Operation not permitted
+ * <sf_connect_out>:??? [anything a filter writer might set]
+ */
+soconnectlock(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, int dolock)
+ int error;
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, nam);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ /*
+ * If this is a listening socket or if this is a previously-accepted
+ * socket that has been marked as inactive, reject the connect request.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN) || (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT)) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_OUT) != 0) {
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If protocol is connection-based, can only connect once.
+ * Otherwise, if connected, try to disconnect first.
+ * This allows user to disconnect by connecting to, e.g.,
+ * a null address.
+ */
+ if (so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED | SS_ISCONNECTING) &&
+ ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) ||
+ (error = sodisconnectlocked(so)))) {
+ error = EISCONN;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Run connect filter before calling protocol:
+ * - non-blocking connect returns before completion;
+ */
+ error = sflt_connectout(so, nam);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
} else {
- sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
- if (controlp) {
- if (pr->pr_domain->dom_externalize &&
- mtod(m, struct cmsghdr *)->cmsg_type ==
- error = (*pr->pr_domain->dom_externalize)(m);
- *controlp = m;
- so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m->m_next;
- m->m_next = 0;
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- } else {
- MFREE(m, so->so_rcv.sb_mb);
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connect)
+ (so, nam, p);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_ISCONNECTING;
- if (controlp) {
- orig_resid = 0;
- controlp = &(*controlp)->m_next;
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+soconnect(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam)
+ return soconnectlock(so, nam, 1);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * <pru_connect2>:EINVAL[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_connect2>:EPROTOTYPE[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_connect2>:??? [other protocol families]
+ *
+ * Notes: <pru_connect2> is not supported by [TCP].
+ */
+soconnect2(struct socket *so1, struct socket *so2)
+ int error;
+ socket_lock(so1, 1);
+ if (so2->so_proto->pr_lock) {
+ socket_lock(so2, 1);
+ }
+ error = (*so1->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connect2)(so1, so2);
+ socket_unlock(so1, 1);
+ if (so2->so_proto->pr_lock) {
+ socket_unlock(so2, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+soconnectxlocked(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *src,
+ struct sockaddr *dst, struct proc *p, uint32_t ifscope,
+ sae_associd_t aid, sae_connid_t *pcid, uint32_t flags, void *arg,
+ uint32_t arglen, uio_t auio, user_ssize_t *bytes_written)
+ int error;
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+ /*
+ * If this is a listening socket or if this is a previously-accepted
+ * socket that has been marked as inactive, reject the connect request.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN) || (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT)) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_OUT) != 0) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If protocol is connection-based, can only connect once
+ * unless PR_MULTICONN is set. Otherwise, if connected,
+ * try to disconnect first. This allows user to disconnect
+ * by connecting to, e.g., a null address.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED | SS_ISCONNECTING)) &&
+ !(so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_MULTICONN) &&
+ ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) ||
+ (error = sodisconnectlocked(so)) != 0)) {
+ error = EISCONN;
+ } else {
+ if ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_DATA_IDEMPOTENT) &&
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_DATA_IDEMPOTENT;
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_DATA_AUTHENTICATED;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Case 1: CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE set, no data.
+ * Case 2: CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE set, with data (user error)
+ * Case 3: CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE not set, with data
+ * Case 3 allows user to combine write with connect even if they have
+ * no use for TFO (such as regular TCP, and UDP).
+ * Case 4: CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE not set, no data (regular case)
+ */
+ if ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_PRECONN_WRITE) &&
+ ((flags & CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE) || auio)) {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a user sets data idempotent and does not pass an uio, or
+ * sets CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE, this is an error, reset
+ */
+ if (!(so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA) &&
+ (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_DATA_IDEMPOTENT)) {
+ /* We should return EINVAL instead perhaps. */
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_DATA_IDEMPOTENT;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Run connect filter before calling protocol:
+ * - non-blocking connect returns before completion;
+ */
+ error = sflt_connectout(so, dst);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ /* Disable PRECONNECT_DATA, as we don't need to send a SYN anymore. */
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA;
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_connectx)
+ (so, src, dst, p, ifscope, aid, pcid,
+ flags, arg, arglen, auio, bytes_written);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_ISCONNECTING;
+ if (error != EINPROGRESS) {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+sodisconnectlocked(struct socket *so)
+ int error;
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) == 0) {
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTING) {
+ error = EALREADY;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_disconnect)(so);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_disconnected, NULL);
+ }
+ return error;
+/* Locking version */
+sodisconnect(struct socket *so)
+ int error;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ error = sodisconnectlocked(so);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
+sodisconnectxlocked(struct socket *so, sae_associd_t aid, sae_connid_t cid)
+ int error;
+ /*
+ * Call the protocol disconnectx handler; let it handle all
+ * matters related to the connection state of this session.
+ */
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_disconnectx)(so, aid, cid);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ /*
+ * The event applies only for the session, not for
+ * the disconnection of individual subflows.
+ */
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_disconnected, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+sodisconnectx(struct socket *so, sae_associd_t aid, sae_connid_t cid)
+ int error;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ error = sodisconnectxlocked(so, aid, cid);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
+#define SBLOCKWAIT(f) (((f) & MSG_DONTWAIT) ? 0 : SBL_WAIT)
+ * sosendcheck will lock the socket buffer if it isn't locked and
+ * verify that there is space for the data being inserted.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * sblock:EWOULDBLOCK
+ * sblock:EINTR
+ * sbwait:EBADF
+ * sbwait:EINTR
+ * [so_error]:???
+ */
+sosendcheck(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *addr, user_ssize_t resid,
+ int32_t clen, int32_t atomic, int flags, int *sblocked)
+ int error = 0;
+ int32_t space;
+ int assumelock = 0;
+ if (*sblocked == 0) {
+ if ((so->so_snd.sb_flags & SB_LOCK) != 0 &&
+ so->so_send_filt_thread != 0 &&
+ so->so_send_filt_thread == current_thread()) {
+ /*
+ * We're being called recursively from a filter,
+ * allow this to continue. Radar 4150520.
+ * Don't set sblocked because we don't want
+ * to perform an unlock later.
+ */
+ assumelock = 1;
+ } else {
+ error = sblock(&so->so_snd, SBLOCKWAIT(flags));
+ if (error) {
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ goto defunct;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ *sblocked = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a send attempt is made on a socket that has been marked
+ * as inactive (disconnected), reject the request.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ error = EPIPE;
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] (%d)\n",
+ __func__, proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) {
+ /*
+ * Can re-inject data of half closed connections
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTED) == 0 &&
+ so->so_snd.sb_cfil_thread == current_thread() &&
+ cfil_sock_data_pending(&so->so_snd) != 0) {
+ "so %llx ignore SS_CANTSENDMORE",
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so));
+ } else
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ return EPIPE;
+ }
+ if (so->so_error) {
+ error = so->so_error;
+ so->so_error = 0;
+ return error;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) == 0) {
+ if ((so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) != 0) {
+ if (((so->so_state & SS_ISCONFIRMING) == 0) &&
+ (resid != 0 || clen == 0) &&
+ !(so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA)) {
+ return ENOTCONN;
+ }
+ } else if (addr == 0) {
+ return (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED) ?
+ }
+ }
+ space = sbspace(&so->so_snd);
+ if (flags & MSG_OOB) {
+ space += 1024;
+ }
+ if ((atomic && resid > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) ||
+ clen > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) {
+ return EMSGSIZE;
+ }
+ if ((space < resid + clen &&
+ (atomic || (space < (int32_t)so->so_snd.sb_lowat) ||
+ space < clen)) ||
+ (so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM && so_wait_for_if_feedback(so))) {
+ /*
+ * don't block the connectx call when there's more data
+ * than can be copied.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA) {
+ if (space == 0) {
+ }
+ if (space < (int32_t)so->so_snd.sb_lowat) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) || (flags & MSG_NBIO) ||
+ assumelock) {
+ }
+ sbunlock(&so->so_snd, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ *sblocked = 0;
+ error = sbwait(&so->so_snd);
+ if (error) {
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ goto defunct;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * Send on a socket.
+ * If send must go all at once and message is larger than
+ * send buffering, then hard error.
+ * Lock against other senders.
+ * If must go all at once and not enough room now, then
+ * inform user that this would block and do nothing.
+ * Otherwise, if nonblocking, send as much as possible.
+ * The data to be sent is described by "uio" if nonzero,
+ * otherwise by the mbuf chain "top" (which must be null
+ * if uio is not). Data provided in mbuf chain must be small
+ * enough to send all at once.
+ *
+ * Returns nonzero on error, timeout or signal; callers
+ * must check for short counts if EINTR/ERESTART are returned.
+ * Data and control buffers are freed on return.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * uiomove:EFAULT
+ * sosendcheck:EPIPE
+ * sosendcheck:EWOULDBLOCK
+ * sosendcheck:EINTR
+ * sosendcheck:EBADF
+ * sosendcheck:EINTR
+ * sosendcheck:??? [value from so_error]
+ * <pru_send>:ECONNRESET[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EINVAL[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:ENOBUFS[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EADDRINUSE[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EADDRNOTAVAIL[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EAFNOSUPPORT[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EACCES[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EAGAIN[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EPERM[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EMSGSIZE[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:EHOSTUNREACH[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:ENETUNREACH[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:ENETDOWN[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:ENOMEM[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:ENOBUFS[TCP]
+ * <pru_send>:???[TCP] [ignorable: mostly IPSEC/firewall/DLIL]
+ * <pru_send>:EINVAL[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_send>:EOPNOTSUPP[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_send>:EPIPE[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_send>:ENOTCONN[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_send>:EISCONN[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pru_send>:???[AF_UNIX] [whatever a filter author chooses]
+ * <sf_data_out>:??? [whatever a filter author chooses]
+ *
+ * Notes: Other <pru_send> returns depend on the protocol family; all
+ * <sf_data_out> returns depend on what the filter author causes
+ * their filter to return.
+ */
+sosend(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *addr, struct uio *uio,
+ struct mbuf *top, struct mbuf *control, int flags)
+ struct mbuf **mp;
+ struct mbuf *m, *freelist = NULL;
+ user_ssize_t space, len, resid, orig_resid;
+ int clen = 0, error, dontroute, mlen, sendflags;
+ int atomic = sosendallatonce(so) || top;
+ int sblocked = 0;
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ uint16_t headroom = 0;
+ boolean_t en_tracing = FALSE;
+ if (uio != NULL) {
+ resid = uio_resid(uio);
+ } else {
+ resid = top->m_pkthdr.len;
+ }
+ so->so_snd.sb_cc, so->so_snd.sb_lowat, so->so_snd.sb_hiwat);
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ /*
+ * trace if tracing & network (vs. unix) sockets & and
+ * non-loopback
+ */
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ if (inp->inp_last_outifp != NULL &&
+ !(inp->inp_last_outifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
+ en_tracing = TRUE;
+ ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ? kEnTrFlagNonBlocking : 0),
+ (int64_t)resid);
+ orig_resid = resid;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Re-injection should not affect process accounting
+ */
+ if ((flags & MSG_SKIPCFIL) == 0) {
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, addr);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ }
+ if (so->so_type != SOCK_STREAM && (flags & MSG_OOB) != 0) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ /*
+ * In theory resid should be unsigned.
+ * However, space must be signed, as it might be less than 0
+ * if we over-committed, and we must use a signed comparison
+ * of space and resid. On the other hand, a negative resid
+ * causes us to loop sending 0-length segments to the protocol.
+ *
+ * Usually, MSG_EOR isn't used on SOCK_STREAM type sockets.
+ *
+ * Note: We limit resid to be a positive int value as we use
+ * imin() to set bytes_to_copy -- radr://14558484
+ */
+ if (resid < 0 || resid > INT_MAX ||
+ (so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM && (flags & MSG_EOR))) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ dontroute = (flags & MSG_DONTROUTE) &&
+ (so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC);
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgsnd);
+ if (control != NULL) {
+ clen = control->m_len;
+ }
+ if (soreserveheadroom != 0) {
+ headroom = so->so_pktheadroom;
+ }
+ do {
+ error = sosendcheck(so, addr, resid, clen, atomic, flags,
+ &sblocked);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ mp = ⊤
+ space = sbspace(&so->so_snd) - clen;
+ space += ((flags & MSG_OOB) ? 1024 : 0);
+ do {
+ if (uio == NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Data is prepackaged in "top".
+ */
+ resid = 0;
+ if (flags & MSG_EOR) {
+ top->m_flags |= M_EOR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int chainlength;
+ int bytes_to_copy;
+ boolean_t jumbocl;
+ boolean_t bigcl;
+ int bytes_to_alloc;
+ bytes_to_copy = imin(resid, space);
+ bytes_to_alloc = bytes_to_copy;
+ if (top == NULL) {
+ bytes_to_alloc += headroom;
+ }
+ if (sosendminchain > 0) {
+ chainlength = 0;
+ } else {
+ chainlength = sosendmaxchain;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Use big 4 KB cluster when the outgoing interface
+ * does not prefer 2 KB clusters
+ */
+ bigcl = !(so->so_flags1 & SOF1_IF_2KCL) ||
+ sosendbigcl_ignore_capab;
+ /*
+ * Attempt to use larger than system page-size
+ * clusters for large writes only if there is
+ * a jumbo cluster pool and if the socket is
+ * marked accordingly.
+ */
+ jumbocl = sosendjcl && njcl > 0 &&
+ ((so->so_flags & SOF_MULTIPAGES) ||
+ sosendjcl_ignore_capab) &&
+ bigcl;
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ do {
+ int num_needed;
+ int hdrs_needed = (top == NULL) ? 1 : 0;
+ /*
+ * try to maintain a local cache of mbuf
+ * clusters needed to complete this
+ * write the list is further limited to
+ * the number that are currently needed
+ * to fill the socket this mechanism
+ * allows a large number of mbufs/
+ * clusters to be grabbed under a single
+ * mbuf lock... if we can't get any
+ * clusters, than fall back to trying
+ * for mbufs if we fail early (or
+ * miscalcluate the number needed) make
+ * sure to release any clusters we
+ * haven't yet consumed.
+ */
+ if (freelist == NULL &&
+ bytes_to_alloc > MBIGCLBYTES &&
+ jumbocl) {
+ num_needed =
+ bytes_to_alloc / M16KCLBYTES;
+ if ((bytes_to_alloc -
+ (num_needed * M16KCLBYTES))
+ num_needed++;
+ }
+ freelist =
+ m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ hdrs_needed, M_WAIT, 0,
+ /*
+ * Fall back to 4K cluster size
+ * if allocation failed
+ */
+ }
+ if (freelist == NULL &&
+ bytes_to_alloc > MCLBYTES &&
+ bigcl) {
+ num_needed =
+ bytes_to_alloc / MBIGCLBYTES;
+ if ((bytes_to_alloc -
+ (num_needed * MBIGCLBYTES)) >=
+ num_needed++;
+ }
+ freelist =
+ m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ hdrs_needed, M_WAIT, 0,
+ /*
+ * Fall back to cluster size
+ * if allocation failed
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate a cluster as we want to
+ * avoid to split the data in more
+ * that one segment and using MINCLSIZE
+ * would lead us to allocate two mbufs
+ */
+ if (soreserveheadroom != 0 &&
+ freelist == NULL &&
+ ((top == NULL &&
+ bytes_to_alloc > _MHLEN) ||
+ bytes_to_alloc > _MLEN)) {
+ num_needed = ROUNDUP(bytes_to_alloc, MCLBYTES) /
+ freelist =
+ m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ hdrs_needed, M_WAIT, 0,
+ /*
+ * Fall back to a single mbuf
+ * if allocation failed
+ */
+ } else if (freelist == NULL &&
+ bytes_to_alloc > MINCLSIZE) {
+ num_needed =
+ bytes_to_alloc / MCLBYTES;
+ if ((bytes_to_alloc -
+ (num_needed * MCLBYTES)) >=
+ num_needed++;
+ }
+ freelist =
+ m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ hdrs_needed, M_WAIT, 0,
+ /*
+ * Fall back to a single mbuf
+ * if allocation failed
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ * For datagram protocols, leave
+ * headroom for protocol headers
+ * in the first cluster of the chain
+ */
+ if (freelist != NULL && atomic &&
+ top == NULL && headroom > 0) {
+ freelist->m_data += headroom;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Fall back to regular mbufs without
+ * reserving the socket headroom
+ */
+ if (freelist == NULL) {
+ if (SOCK_TYPE(so) != SOCK_STREAM || bytes_to_alloc <= MINCLSIZE) {
+ if (top == NULL) {
+ MGETHDR(freelist,
+ } else {
+ MGET(freelist,
+ }
+ }
+ if (freelist == NULL) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ /*
+ * For datagram protocols,
+ * leave room for protocol
+ * headers in first mbuf.
+ */
+ if (atomic && top == NULL &&
+ bytes_to_copy < MHLEN) {
+ MH_ALIGN(freelist,
+ bytes_to_copy);
+ }
+ }
+ m = freelist;
+ freelist = m->m_next;
+ m->m_next = NULL;
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT)) {
+ mlen = m->m_ext.ext_size -
+ } else if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) {
+ mlen =
+ } else {
+ mlen = MLEN - M_LEADINGSPACE(m);
+ }
+ len = imin(mlen, bytes_to_copy);
+ chainlength += len;
+ space -= len;
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t),
+ len, uio);
+ resid = uio_resid(uio);
+ m->m_len = len;
+ *mp = m;
+ top->m_pkthdr.len += len;
+ if (error) {
+ break;
+ }
+ mp = &m->m_next;
+ if (resid <= 0) {
+ if (flags & MSG_EOR) {
+ top->m_flags |= M_EOR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ bytes_to_copy = min(resid, space);
+ } while (space > 0 &&
+ (chainlength < sosendmaxchain || atomic ||
+ resid < MINCLSIZE));
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dontroute) {
+ so->so_options |= SO_DONTROUTE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Compute flags here, for pru_send and NKEs
+ *
+ * If the user set MSG_EOF, the protocol
+ * understands this flag and nothing left to
+ * send then use PRU_SEND_EOF instead of PRU_SEND.
+ */
+ sendflags = (flags & MSG_OOB) ? PRUS_OOB :
+ ((flags & MSG_EOF) &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_IMPLOPCL) &&
+ (resid <= 0)) ? PRUS_EOF :
+ /* If there is more to send set PRUS_MORETOCOME */
+ (resid > 0 && space > 0) ? PRUS_MORETOCOME : 0;
+ if ((flags & MSG_SKIPCFIL) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Socket filter processing
+ */
+ error = sflt_data_out(so, addr, &top,
+ &control, (sendflags & MSG_OOB) ?
+ sock_data_filt_flag_oob : 0);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto packet_consumed;
+ }
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Content filter processing
+ */
+ error = cfil_sock_data_out(so, addr, top,
+ control, sendflags);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto packet_consumed;
+ }
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ }
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send)
+ (so, sendflags, top, addr, control, p);
+ if (dontroute) {
+ so->so_options &= ~SO_DONTROUTE;
+ }
+ clen = 0;
+ control = NULL;
+ top = NULL;
+ mp = ⊤
+ if (error) {
+ goto out_locked;
+ }
+ } while (resid && space > 0);
+ } while (resid);
+ if (sblocked) {
+ sbunlock(&so->so_snd, FALSE); /* will unlock socket */
+ } else {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ if (top != NULL) {
+ m_freem(top);
+ }
+ if (control != NULL) {
+ m_freem(control);
+ }
+ if (freelist != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(freelist);
+ }
+ soclearfastopen(so);
+ if (en_tracing) {
+ /* resid passed here is the bytes left in uio */
+ ((error == EWOULDBLOCK) ? kEnTrFlagNoWork : 0),
+ (int64_t)(orig_resid - resid));
+ }
+ so->so_snd.sb_cc, space, error);
+ return error;
+sosend_reinject(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *addr, struct mbuf *top, struct mbuf *control, uint32_t sendflags)
+ struct mbuf *m0 = NULL, *control_end = NULL;
+ socket_lock_assert_owned(so);
+ /*
+ * top must points to mbuf chain to be sent.
+ * If control is not NULL, top must be packet header
+ */
+ VERIFY(top != NULL &&
+ (control == NULL || top->m_flags & M_PKTHDR));
+ /*
+ * If control is not passed in, see if we can get it
+ * from top.
+ */
+ if (control == NULL && (top->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) == 0) {
+ // Locate start of control if present and start of data
+ for (m0 = top; m0 != NULL; m0 = m0->m_next) {
+ if (m0->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
+ top = m0;
+ break;
+ } else if (m0->m_type == MT_CONTROL) {
+ if (control == NULL) {
+ // Found start of control
+ control = m0;
+ }
+ if (control != NULL && m0->m_next != NULL && m0->m_next->m_type != MT_CONTROL) {
+ // Found end of control
+ control_end = m0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (control_end != NULL) {
+ control_end->m_next = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ int error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send)
+ (so, sendflags, top, addr, control, current_proc());
+ return error;
+ * Supported only connected sockets (no address) without ancillary data
+ * (control mbuf) for atomic protocols
+ */
+sosend_list(struct socket *so, struct uio **uioarray, u_int uiocnt, int flags)
+ struct mbuf *m, *freelist = NULL;
+ user_ssize_t len, resid;
+ int error, dontroute, mlen;
+ int atomic = sosendallatonce(so);
+ int sblocked = 0;
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ u_int uiofirst = 0;
+ u_int uiolast = 0;
+ struct mbuf *top = NULL;
+ uint16_t headroom = 0;
+ boolean_t bigcl;
+ so->so_snd.sb_cc, so->so_snd.sb_lowat, so->so_snd.sb_hiwat);
+ if (so->so_type != SOCK_DGRAM) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (atomic == 0) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send_list == NULL) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (flags & ~(MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NBIO)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ resid = uio_array_resid(uioarray, uiocnt);
+ /*
+ * In theory resid should be unsigned.
+ * However, space must be signed, as it might be less than 0
+ * if we over-committed, and we must use a signed comparison
+ * of space and resid. On the other hand, a negative resid
+ * causes us to loop sending 0-length segments to the protocol.
+ *
+ * Note: We limit resid to be a positive int value as we use
+ * imin() to set bytes_to_copy -- radr://14558484
+ */
+ if (resid < 0 || resid > INT_MAX) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ dontroute = (flags & MSG_DONTROUTE) &&
+ (so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC);
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgsnd);
+ error = sosendcheck(so, NULL, resid, 0, atomic, flags, &sblocked);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Use big 4 KB clusters when the outgoing interface does not prefer
+ * 2 KB clusters
+ */
+ bigcl = !(so->so_flags1 & SOF1_IF_2KCL) || sosendbigcl_ignore_capab;
+ if (soreserveheadroom != 0) {
+ headroom = so->so_pktheadroom;
+ }
+ do {
+ int i;
+ int num_needed = 0;
+ int chainlength;
+ size_t maxpktlen = 0;
+ int bytes_to_alloc;
+ if (sosendminchain > 0) {
+ chainlength = 0;
+ } else {
+ chainlength = sosendmaxchain;
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ /*
+ * Find a set of uio that fit in a reasonable number
+ * of mbuf packets
+ */
+ for (i = uiofirst; i < uiocnt; i++) {
+ struct uio *auio = uioarray[i];
+ len = uio_resid(auio);
+ /* Do nothing for empty messages */
+ if (len == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ num_needed += 1;
+ uiolast += 1;
+ if (len > maxpktlen) {
+ maxpktlen = len;
+ }
+ chainlength += len;
+ if (chainlength > sosendmaxchain) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Nothing left to send
+ */
+ if (num_needed == 0) {
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Allocate buffer large enough to include headroom space for
+ * network and link header
+ *
+ */
+ bytes_to_alloc = maxpktlen + headroom;
+ /*
+ * Allocate a single contiguous buffer of the smallest available
+ * size when possible
+ */
+ if (bytes_to_alloc > MCLBYTES &&
+ bytes_to_alloc <= MBIGCLBYTES && bigcl) {
+ freelist = m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ num_needed, M_WAIT, 1,
+ } else if (bytes_to_alloc > _MHLEN &&
+ bytes_to_alloc <= MCLBYTES) {
+ freelist = m_getpackets_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ num_needed, M_WAIT, 1,
+ } else {
+ freelist = m_allocpacket_internal(
+ (unsigned int *)&num_needed,
+ bytes_to_alloc, NULL, M_WAIT, 1, 0);
+ }
+ if (freelist == NULL) {
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ error = ENOMEM;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Copy each uio of the set into its own mbuf packet
+ */
+ for (i = uiofirst, m = freelist;
+ i < uiolast && m != NULL;
+ i++) {
+ int bytes_to_copy;
+ struct mbuf *n;
+ struct uio *auio = uioarray[i];
+ bytes_to_copy = uio_resid(auio);
+ /* Do nothing for empty messages */
+ if (bytes_to_copy == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Leave headroom for protocol headers
+ * in the first mbuf of the chain
+ */
+ m->m_data += headroom;
+ for (n = m; n != NULL; n = n->m_next) {
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT)) {
+ mlen = m->m_ext.ext_size -
+ } else if ((m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) {
+ mlen =
+ } else {
+ mlen = MLEN - M_LEADINGSPACE(m);
+ }
+ len = imin(mlen, bytes_to_copy);
+ /*
+ * Note: uiomove() decrements the iovec
+ * length
+ */
+ error = uiomove(mtod(n, caddr_t),
+ len, auio);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ n->m_len = len;
+ m->m_pkthdr.len += len;
+ VERIFY(m->m_pkthdr.len <= maxpktlen);
+ bytes_to_copy -= len;
+ resid -= len;
+ }
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.len == 0) {
+ printf(
+ "%s:%d so %llx pkt %llx type %u len null\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ m->m_type);
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ m = m->m_nextpkt;
+ }
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ top = freelist;
+ freelist = NULL;
+ if (dontroute) {
+ so->so_options |= SO_DONTROUTE;
+ }
+ if ((flags & MSG_SKIPCFIL) == 0) {
+ struct mbuf **prevnextp = NULL;
+ for (i = uiofirst, m = top;
+ i < uiolast && m != NULL;
+ i++) {
+ struct mbuf *nextpkt = m->m_nextpkt;
+ /*
+ * Socket filter processing
+ */
+ error = sflt_data_out(so, NULL, &m,
+ NULL, 0);
+ if (error != 0 && error != EJUSTRETURN) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Content filter processing
+ */
+ error = cfil_sock_data_out(so, NULL, m,
+ NULL, 0);
+ if (error != 0 && error != EJUSTRETURN) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ /*
+ * Remove packet from the list when
+ * swallowed by a filter
+ */
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ if (prevnextp != NULL) {
+ *prevnextp = nextpkt;
+ } else {
+ top = nextpkt;
+ }
+ }
+ m = nextpkt;
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ prevnextp = &m->m_nextpkt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (top != NULL) {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send_list)
+ (so, 0, top, NULL, NULL, p);
+ }
+ if (dontroute) {
+ so->so_options &= ~SO_DONTROUTE;
+ }
+ top = NULL;
+ uiofirst = uiolast;
+ } while (resid > 0 && error == 0);
+ if (sblocked) {
+ sbunlock(&so->so_snd, FALSE); /* will unlock socket */
+ } else {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ if (top != NULL) {
+ m_freem(top);
+ }
+ if (freelist != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(freelist);
+ }
+ so->so_snd.sb_cc, 0, error);
+ return error;
+ * May return ERESTART when packet is dropped by MAC policy check
+ */
+static int
+soreceive_addr(struct proc *p, struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **psa,
+ int flags, struct mbuf **mp, struct mbuf **nextrecordp, int canwait)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct mbuf *m = *mp;
+ struct mbuf *nextrecord = *nextrecordp;
+ KASSERT(m->m_type == MT_SONAME, ("receive 1a"));
+ /*
+ * Call the MAC framework for policy checking if we're in
+ * the user process context and the socket isn't connected.
+ */
+ if (p != kernproc && !(so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED)) {
+ struct mbuf *m0 = m;
+ /*
+ * Dequeue this record (temporarily) from the receive
+ * list since we're about to drop the socket's lock
+ * where a new record may arrive and be appended to
+ * the list. Upon MAC policy failure, the record
+ * will be freed. Otherwise, we'll add it back to
+ * the head of the list. We cannot rely on SB_LOCK
+ * because append operation uses the socket's lock.
+ */
+ do {
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ m = m->m_next;
+ } while (m != NULL);
+ m = m0;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(&so->so_rcv);
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1a");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1a");
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ if (mac_socket_check_received(proc_ucred(p), so,
+ mtod(m, struct sockaddr *)) != 0) {
+ /*
+ * MAC policy failure; free this record and
+ * process the next record (or block until
+ * one is available). We have adjusted sb_cc
+ * and sb_mbcnt above so there is no need to
+ * call sbfree() again.
+ */
+ m_freem(m);
+ /*
+ * Clear SB_LOCK but don't unlock the socket.
+ * Process the next record or wait for one.
+ */
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, TRUE); /* stay locked */
+ error = ERESTART;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ /*
+ * If the socket has been defunct'd, drop it.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Re-adjust the socket receive list and re-enqueue
+ * the record in front of any packets which may have
+ * been appended while we dropped the lock.
+ */
+ for (m = m0; m->m_next != NULL; m = m->m_next) {
+ sballoc(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ }
+ sballoc(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_mb == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = m0;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mbtail = m;
+ }
+ m = m0;
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m;
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1b");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1b");
+ }
+ if (psa != NULL) {
+ *psa = dup_sockaddr(mtod(m, struct sockaddr *), canwait);
+ if ((*psa == NULL) && (flags & MSG_NEEDSA)) {
+ error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
+ m = m->m_next;
+ } else {
+ sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ if (m->m_next == NULL && so->so_rcv.sb_cc != 0) {
+ panic("%s: about to create invalid socketbuf",
+ __func__);
+ }
+ MFREE(m, so->so_rcv.sb_mb);
+ m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ m->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
+ } else {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ }
+ *mp = m;
+ *nextrecordp = nextrecord;
+ return error;
+ * When peeking SCM_RIGHTS, the actual file descriptors are not yet created
+ * so clear the data portion in order not to leak the file pointers
+ */
+static void
+sopeek_scm_rights(struct mbuf *rights)
+ struct cmsghdr *cm = mtod(rights, struct cmsghdr *);
+ if (cm->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) {
+ memset(cm + 1, 0, cm->cmsg_len - sizeof(*cm));
+ }
+ * Process one or more MT_CONTROL mbufs present before any data mbufs
+ * in the first mbuf chain on the socket buffer. If MSG_PEEK, we
+ * just copy the data; if !MSG_PEEK, we call into the protocol to
+ * perform externalization.
+ */
+static int
+soreceive_ctl(struct socket *so, struct mbuf **controlp, int flags,
+ struct mbuf **mp, struct mbuf **nextrecordp)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct mbuf *cm = NULL, *cmn;
+ struct mbuf **cme = &cm;
+ struct sockbuf *sb_rcv = &so->so_rcv;
+ struct mbuf **msgpcm = NULL;
+ struct mbuf *m = *mp;
+ struct mbuf *nextrecord = *nextrecordp;
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ /*
+ * Externalizing the control messages would require us to
+ * drop the socket's lock below. Once we re-acquire the
+ * lock, the mbuf chain might change. In order to preserve
+ * consistency, we unlink all control messages from the
+ * first mbuf chain in one shot and link them separately
+ * onto a different chain.
+ */
+ do {
+ if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
+ if (controlp != NULL) {
+ if (*controlp == NULL) {
+ msgpcm = controlp;
+ }
+ *controlp = m_copy(m, 0, m->m_len);
+ /*
+ * If we failed to allocate an mbuf,
+ * release any previously allocated
+ * mbufs for control data. Return
+ * an error. Keep the mbufs in the
+ * socket as this is using
+ * MSG_PEEK flag.
+ */
+ if (*controlp == NULL) {
+ m_freem(*msgpcm);
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ sopeek_scm_rights(*controlp);
+ controlp = &(*controlp)->m_next;
+ }
+ m = m->m_next;
+ } else {
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ sbfree(sb_rcv, m);
+ sb_rcv->sb_mb = m->m_next;
+ m->m_next = NULL;
+ *cme = m;
+ cme = &(*cme)->m_next;
+ m = sb_rcv->sb_mb;
+ }
+ } while (m != NULL && m->m_type == MT_CONTROL);
+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) {
+ if (sb_rcv->sb_mb != NULL) {
+ sb_rcv->sb_mb->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
+ } else {
+ sb_rcv->sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(sb_rcv);
+ }
+ if (nextrecord == NULL) {
+ sb_rcv->sb_lastrecord = m;
+ }
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive ctl");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive ctl");
+ while (cm != NULL) {
+ int cmsg_type;
+ cmn = cm->m_next;
+ cm->m_next = NULL;
+ cmsg_type = mtod(cm, struct cmsghdr *)->cmsg_type;
+ /*
+ * Call the protocol to externalize SCM_RIGHTS message
+ * and return the modified message to the caller upon
+ * success. Otherwise, all other control messages are
+ * returned unmodified to the caller. Note that we
+ * only get into this loop if MSG_PEEK is not set.
+ */
+ if (pr->pr_domain->dom_externalize != NULL &&
+ cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) {
+ /*
+ * Release socket lock: see 3903171. This
+ * would also allow more records to be appended
+ * to the socket buffer. We still have SB_LOCK
+ * set on it, so we can be sure that the head
+ * of the mbuf chain won't change.
+ */
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ error = (*pr->pr_domain->dom_externalize)(cm);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ if (controlp != NULL && error == 0) {
+ *controlp = cm;
+ controlp = &(*controlp)->m_next;
+ } else {
+ (void) m_free(cm);
+ }
+ cm = cmn;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Update the value of nextrecord in case we received new
+ * records when the socket was unlocked above for
+ * externalizing SCM_RIGHTS.
+ */
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ nextrecord = sb_rcv->sb_mb->m_nextpkt;
+ } else {
+ nextrecord = sb_rcv->sb_mb;
+ }
+ *mp = m;
+ *nextrecordp = nextrecord;
+ return error;
+ * If we have less data than requested, block awaiting more
+ * (subject to any timeout) if:
+ * 1. the current count is less than the low water mark, or
+ * 2. MSG_WAITALL is set, and it is possible to do the entire
+ * receive operation at once if we block (resid <= hiwat).
+ * 3. MSG_DONTWAIT is not set
+ * If MSG_WAITALL is set but resid is larger than the receive buffer,
+ * we have to do the receive in sections, and thus risk returning
+ * a short count if a timeout or signal occurs after we start.
+ */
+static boolean_t
+so_should_wait(struct socket *so, struct uio *uio, struct mbuf *m, int flags)
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ /* No mbufs in the receive-queue? Wait! */
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Not enough data in the receive socket-buffer - we may have to wait */
+ if ((flags & MSG_DONTWAIT) == 0 && so->so_rcv.sb_cc < uio_resid(uio) &&
+ m->m_nextpkt == NULL && (pr->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Application did set the lowater-mark, so we should wait for
+ * this data to be present.
+ */
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_cc < so->so_rcv.sb_lowat) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Application wants all the data - so let's try to do the
+ * receive-operation at once by waiting for everything to
+ * be there.
+ */
+ if ((flags & MSG_WAITALL) && uio_resid(uio) <= so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Implement receive operations on a socket.
+ * We depend on the way that records are added to the sockbuf
+ * by sbappend*. In particular, each record (mbufs linked through m_next)
+ * must begin with an address if the protocol so specifies,
+ * followed by an optional mbuf or mbufs containing ancillary data,
+ * and then zero or more mbufs of data.
+ * In order to avoid blocking network interrupts for the entire time here,
+ * we splx() while doing the actual copy to user space.
+ * Although the sockbuf is locked, new data may still be appended,
+ * and thus we must maintain consistency of the sockbuf during that time.
+ *
+ * The caller may receive the data as a single mbuf chain by supplying
+ * an mbuf **mp0 for use in returning the chain. The uio is then used
+ * only for the count in uio_resid.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * uiomove:EFAULT
+ * sblock:EWOULDBLOCK
+ * sblock:EINTR
+ * sbwait:EBADF
+ * sbwait:EINTR
+ * sodelayed_copy:EFAULT
+ * <pru_rcvoob>:EINVAL[TCP]
+ * <pru_rcvoob>:EWOULDBLOCK[TCP]
+ * <pru_rcvoob>:???
+ * <pr_domain->dom_externalize>:EMSGSIZE[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pr_domain->dom_externalize>:ENOBUFS[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pr_domain->dom_externalize>:???
+ *
+ * Notes: Additional return values from calls through <pru_rcvoob> and
+ * <pr_domain->dom_externalize> depend on protocols other than
+ * TCP or AF_UNIX, which are documented above.
+ */
+soreceive(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr **psa, struct uio *uio,
+ struct mbuf **mp0, struct mbuf **controlp, int *flagsp)
+ struct mbuf *m, **mp, *ml = NULL;
+ struct mbuf *nextrecord, *free_list;
+ int flags, error, offset;
+ user_ssize_t len;
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ int moff, type = 0;
+ user_ssize_t orig_resid = uio_resid(uio);
+ user_ssize_t delayed_copy_len;
+ int can_delay;
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ boolean_t en_tracing = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * Sanity check on the length passed by caller as we are making 'int'
+ * comparisons
+ */
+ if (orig_resid < 0 || orig_resid > INT_MAX) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ uio_resid(uio), so->so_rcv.sb_cc, so->so_rcv.sb_lowat,
+ so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat);
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+ if (so->so_usecount == 1) {
+ panic("%s: so=%x no other reference on socket\n", __func__, so);
+ }
+ mp = mp0;
+ if (psa != NULL) {
+ *psa = NULL;
+ }
+ if (controlp != NULL) {
+ *controlp = NULL;
+ }
+ if (flagsp != NULL) {
+ flags = *flagsp & ~MSG_EOR;
+ } else {
+ flags = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a recv attempt is made on a previously-accepted socket
+ * that has been marked as inactive (disconnected), reject
+ * the request.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv;
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] (%d)\n",
+ __func__, proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ /*
+ * This socket should have been disconnected and flushed
+ * prior to being returned from sodefunct(); there should
+ * be no data on its receive list, so panic otherwise.
+ */
+ if (so->so_state & SS_DEFUNCT) {
+ sb_empty_assert(sb, __func__);
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA) &&
+ pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_preconnect) {
+ /*
+ * A user may set the CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE-flag but not
+ * calling write() right after this. *If* the app calls a read
+ * we do not want to block this read indefinetely. Thus,
+ * we trigger a connect so that the session gets initiated.
+ */
+ error = (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_preconnect)(so);
+ if (error) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * enable energy tracing for inet sockets that go over
+ * non-loopback interfaces only.
+ */
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ if (inp->inp_last_outifp != NULL &&
+ !(inp->inp_last_outifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
+ en_tracing = TRUE;
+ ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ?
+ kEnTrFlagNonBlocking : 0),
+ (int64_t)orig_resid);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * When SO_WANTOOBFLAG is set we try to get out-of-band data
+ * regardless of the flags argument. Here is the case were
+ * out-of-band data is not inline.
+ */
+ if ((flags & MSG_OOB) ||
+ ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0 &&
+ (so->so_options & SO_OOBINLINE) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK)))) {
+ m = m_get(M_WAIT, MT_DATA);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ ENOBUFS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ error = (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvoob)(so, m, flags & MSG_PEEK);
+ if (error) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ do {
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t),
+ imin(uio_resid(uio), m->m_len), uio);
+ m = m_free(m);
+ } while (uio_resid(uio) && error == 0 && m != NULL);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ }
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0) {
+ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK || error == EINVAL) {
+ /*
+ * Let's try to get normal data:
+ * EWOULDBLOCK: out-of-band data not
+ * receive yet. EINVAL: out-of-band data
+ * already read.
+ */
+ error = 0;
+ goto nooob;
+ } else if (error == 0 && flagsp != NULL) {
+ *flagsp |= MSG_OOB;
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ if (en_tracing) {
+ (int64_t)(orig_resid - uio_resid(uio)));
+ }
+ 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (mp != NULL) {
+ *mp = NULL;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONFIRMING && uio_resid(uio)) {
+ (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, 0);
+ }
+ free_list = NULL;
+ delayed_copy_len = 0;
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 1) {
+ printf("soreceive: sblock so=0x%llx ref=%d on socket\n",
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so), so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ /*
+ * See if the socket has been closed (SS_NOFDREF|SS_CANTRCVMORE)
+ * and if so just return to the caller. This could happen when
+ * soreceive() is called by a socket upcall function during the
+ * time the socket is freed. The socket buffer would have been
+ * locked across the upcall, therefore we cannot put this thread
+ * to sleep (else we will deadlock) or return EWOULDBLOCK (else
+ * we may livelock), because the lock on the socket buffer will
+ * only be released when the upcall routine returns to its caller.
+ * Because the socket has been officially closed, there can be
+ * no further read on it.
+ *
+ * A multipath subflow socket would have its SS_NOFDREF set by
+ * default, so check for SOF_MP_SUBFLOW socket flag; when the
+ * socket is closed for real, SOF_MP_SUBFLOW would be cleared.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_NOFDREF | SS_CANTRCVMORE)) ==
+ (SS_NOFDREF | SS_CANTRCVMORE) && !(so->so_flags & SOF_MP_SUBFLOW)) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ error = sblock(&so->so_rcv, SBLOCKWAIT(flags));
+ if (error) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (en_tracing) {
+ (int64_t)(orig_resid - uio_resid(uio)));
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ if (so_should_wait(so, uio, m, flags)) {
+ /*
+ * Panic if we notice inconsistencies in the socket's
+ * receive list; both sb_mb and sb_cc should correctly
+ * reflect the contents of the list, otherwise we may
+ * end up with false positives during select() or poll()
+ * which could put the application in a bad state.
+ */
+ SB_MB_CHECK(&so->so_rcv);
+ if (so->so_error) {
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ goto dontblock;
+ }
+ error = so->so_error;
+ if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
+ so->so_error = 0;
+ }
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) {
+ /*
+ * Deal with half closed connections
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTED) == 0 &&
+ cfil_sock_data_pending(&so->so_rcv) != 0) {
+ "so %llx ignore SS_CANTRCVMORE",
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so));
+ } else
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ goto dontblock;
+ } else {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ for (; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) {
+ if (m->m_type == MT_OOBDATA || (m->m_flags & M_EOR)) {
+ m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ goto dontblock;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED | SS_ISCONNECTING)) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED)) {
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == 0) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ||
+ (flags & (MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NBIO))) {
+ error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 1");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 1");
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ if (socket_debug) {
+ printf("Waiting for socket data\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ * Depending on the protocol (e.g. TCP), the following
+ * might cause the socket lock to be dropped and later
+ * be reacquired, and more data could have arrived and
+ * have been appended to the receive socket buffer by
+ * the time it returns. Therefore, we only sleep in
+ * sbwait() below if and only if the wait-condition is still
+ * true.
+ */
+ if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_WANTRCVD) && so->so_pcb != NULL) {
+ (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, flags);
+ }
+ error = 0;
+ if (so_should_wait(so, uio, so->so_rcv.sb_mb, flags)) {
+ error = sbwait(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ if (socket_debug) {
+ printf("SORECEIVE - sbwait returned %d\n", error);
+ }
+ if (so->so_usecount < 1) {
+ panic("%s: after 2nd sblock so=%p ref=%d on socket\n",
+ __func__, so, so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (en_tracing) {
+ (int64_t)(orig_resid - uio_resid(uio)));
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgrcv);
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1");
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_ADDR) && m->m_type == MT_SONAME) {
+ error = soreceive_addr(p, so, psa, flags, &m, &nextrecord,
+ mp0 == NULL);
+ if (error == ERESTART) {
+ goto restart;
+ } else if (error != 0) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ orig_resid = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Process one or more MT_CONTROL mbufs present before any data mbufs
+ * in the first mbuf chain on the socket buffer. If MSG_PEEK, we
+ * just copy the data; if !MSG_PEEK, we call into the protocol to
+ * perform externalization.
+ */
+ if (m != NULL && m->m_type == MT_CONTROL) {
+ error = soreceive_ctl(so, controlp, flags, &m, &nextrecord);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ orig_resid = 0;
+ }
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) {
+ /*
+ * We get here because m points to an mbuf following
+ * any MT_SONAME or MT_CONTROL mbufs which have been
+ * processed above. In any case, m should be pointing
+ * to the head of the mbuf chain, and the nextrecord
+ * should be either NULL or equal to m->m_nextpkt.
+ * See comments above about SB_LOCK.
+ */
+ if (m != so->so_rcv.sb_mb ||
+ m->m_nextpkt != nextrecord) {
+ panic("%s: post-control !sync so=%p m=%p "
+ "nextrecord=%p\n", __func__, so, m,
+ nextrecord);
+ }
+ if (nextrecord == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = m;
+ }
+ }
+ type = m->m_type;
+ if (type == MT_OOBDATA) {
+ flags |= MSG_OOB;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) {
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 2");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 2");
+ moff = 0;
+ offset = 0;
+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK) && uio_resid(uio) > sorecvmincopy) {
+ can_delay = 1;
+ } else {
+ can_delay = 0;
+ }
+ while (m != NULL &&
+ (uio_resid(uio) - delayed_copy_len) > 0 && error == 0) {
+ if (m->m_type == MT_OOBDATA) {
+ if (type != MT_OOBDATA) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (type == MT_OOBDATA) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->m_type != MT_OOBDATA && m->m_type != MT_DATA &&
+ m->m_type != MT_HEADER) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure to allways set MSG_OOB event when getting
+ * out of band data inline.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0 &&
+ (so->so_options & SO_OOBINLINE) != 0 &&
+ (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK) != 0) {
+ flags |= MSG_OOB;
+ }
+ so->so_state &= ~SS_RCVATMARK;
+ len = uio_resid(uio) - delayed_copy_len;
+ if (so->so_oobmark && len > so->so_oobmark - offset) {
+ len = so->so_oobmark - offset;
+ }
+ if (len > m->m_len - moff) {
+ len = m->m_len - moff;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If mp is set, just pass back the mbufs.
+ * Otherwise copy them out via the uio, then free.
+ * Sockbuf must be consistent here (points to current mbuf,
+ * it points to next record) when we drop priority;
+ * we must note any additions to the sockbuf when we
+ * block interrupts again.
+ */
+ if (mp == NULL) {
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive uiomove");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive uiomove");
+ if (can_delay && len == m->m_len) {
+ /*
+ * only delay the copy if we're consuming the
+ * mbuf and we're NOT in MSG_PEEK mode
+ * and we have enough data to make it worthwile
+ * to drop and retake the lock... can_delay
+ * reflects the state of the 2 latter
+ * constraints moff should always be zero
+ * in these cases
+ */
+ delayed_copy_len += len;
+ } else {
+ if (delayed_copy_len) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy(so, uio,
+ &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * can only get here if MSG_PEEK is not
+ * set therefore, m should point at the
+ * head of the rcv queue; if it doesn't,
+ * it means something drastically
+ * changed while we were out from behind
+ * the lock in sodelayed_copy. perhaps
+ * a RST on the stream. in any event,
+ * the stream has been interrupted. it's
+ * probably best just to return whatever
+ * data we've moved and let the caller
+ * sort it out...
+ */
+ if (m != so->so_rcv.sb_mb) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t) + moff,
+ (int)len, uio);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ uio_setresid(uio, (uio_resid(uio) - len));
+ }
+ if (len == m->m_len - moff) {
+ if (m->m_flags & M_EOR) {
+ flags |= MSG_EOR;
+ }
+ if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
+ m = m->m_next;
+ moff = 0;
+ } else {
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ if (mp != NULL) {
+ *mp = m;
+ mp = &m->m_next;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m = m->m_next;
+ *mp = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (free_list == NULL) {
+ free_list = m;
+ } else {
+ ml->m_next = m;
+ }
+ ml = m;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m = m->m_next;
+ ml->m_next = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ m->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
+ if (nextrecord == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = m;
+ }
+ } else {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 3");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 3");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
+ moff += len;
+ } else {
+ if (mp != NULL) {
+ int copy_flag;
+ if (flags & MSG_DONTWAIT) {
+ copy_flag = M_DONTWAIT;
+ } else {
+ copy_flag = M_WAIT;
+ }
+ *mp = m_copym(m, 0, len, copy_flag);
+ /*
+ * Failed to allocate an mbuf?
+ * Adjust uio_resid back, it was
+ * adjusted down by len bytes which
+ * we didn't copy over.
+ */
+ if (*mp == NULL) {
+ uio_setresid(uio,
+ (uio_resid(uio) + len));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m->m_data += len;
+ m->m_len -= len;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_cc -= len;
+ }
+ }
+ if (so->so_oobmark) {
+ if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
+ so->so_oobmark -= len;
+ if (so->so_oobmark == 0) {
+ so->so_state |= SS_RCVATMARK;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ offset += len;
+ if (offset == so->so_oobmark) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & MSG_EOR) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the MSG_WAITALL or MSG_WAITSTREAM flag is set
+ * (for non-atomic socket), we must not quit until
+ * "uio->uio_resid == 0" or an error termination.
+ * If a signal/timeout occurs, return with a short
+ * count but without error. Keep sockbuf locked
+ * against other readers.
+ */
+ while (flags & (MSG_WAITALL | MSG_WAITSTREAM) && m == NULL &&
+ (uio_resid(uio) - delayed_copy_len) > 0 &&
+ !sosendallatonce(so) && !nextrecord) {
+ if (so->so_error || ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE)
+ && cfil_sock_data_pending(&so->so_rcv) == 0
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ )) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Depending on the protocol (e.g. TCP), the following
+ * might cause the socket lock to be dropped and later
+ * be reacquired, and more data could have arrived and
+ * have been appended to the receive socket buffer by
+ * the time it returns. Therefore, we only sleep in
+ * sbwait() below if and only if the socket buffer is
+ * empty, in order to avoid a false sleep.
+ */
+ if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_WANTRCVD) && so->so_pcb != NULL) {
+ (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, flags);
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 2");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 2");
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_mb == NULL && sbwait(&so->so_rcv)) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * have to wait until after we get back from the sbwait
+ * to do the copy because we will drop the lock if we
+ * have enough data that has been delayed... by dropping
+ * the lock we open up a window allowing the netisr
+ * thread to process the incoming packets and to change
+ * the state of this socket... we're issuing the sbwait
+ * because the socket is empty and we're expecting the
+ * netisr thread to wake us up when more packets arrive;
+ * if we allow that processing to happen and then sbwait
+ * we could stall forever with packets sitting in the
+ * socket if no further packets arrive from the remote
+ * side.
+ *
+ * we want to copy before we've collected all the data
+ * to satisfy this request to allow the copy to overlap
+ * the incoming packet processing on an MP system
+ */
+ if (delayed_copy_len > sorecvmincopy &&
+ (delayed_copy_len > (so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat / 2))) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy(so, uio,
+ &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ }
+ SB_MB_CHECK(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 1) {
+ panic("%s: after big while so=%p ref=%d on socket\n",
+ __func__, so, so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ if (m != NULL && pr->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) {
+ if (so->so_options & SO_DONTTRUNC) {
+ flags |= MSG_RCVMORE;
+ } else {
+ flags |= MSG_TRUNC;
+ if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
+ (void) sbdroprecord(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * pru_rcvd below (for TCP) may cause more data to be received
+ * if the socket lock is dropped prior to sending the ACK; some
+ * legacy OpenTransport applications don't handle this well
+ * (if it receives less data than requested while MSG_HAVEMORE
+ * is set), and so we set the flag now based on what we know
+ * prior to calling pru_rcvd.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTMORE) && so->so_rcv.sb_cc > 0) {
+ flags |= MSG_HAVEMORE;
+ }
+ if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ /*
+ * First part is an inline SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(). Second
+ * part makes sure sb_lastrecord is up-to-date if
+ * there is still data in the socket buffer.
+ */
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_mb == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mbtail = NULL;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = NULL;
+ } else if (nextrecord->m_nextpkt == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = nextrecord;
+ }
+ SB_MB_CHECK(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 4");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 4");
+ if (pr->pr_flags & PR_WANTRCVD && so->so_pcb) {
+ (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ if (delayed_copy_len) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy(so, uio, &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ if (free_list != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(free_list);
+ free_list = NULL;
+ }
+ if (orig_resid == uio_resid(uio) && orig_resid &&
+ (flags & MSG_EOR) == 0 && (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) == 0) {
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ if (flagsp != NULL) {
+ *flagsp |= flags;
+ }
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 1) {
+ panic("%s: release so=%p ref=%d on socket\n", __func__,
+ so, so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ if (delayed_copy_len) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy(so, uio, &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ }
+ if (free_list != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(free_list);
+ }
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, FALSE); /* will unlock socket */
+ if (en_tracing) {
+ ((error == EWOULDBLOCK) ? kEnTrFlagNoWork : 0),
+ (int64_t)(orig_resid - uio_resid(uio)));
+ }
+ so->so_rcv.sb_cc, 0, error);
+ return error;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * uiomove:EFAULT
+ */
+static int
+sodelayed_copy(struct socket *so, struct uio *uio, struct mbuf **free_list,
+ user_ssize_t *resid)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct mbuf *m;
+ m = *free_list;
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ while (m != NULL && error == 0) {
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t), (int)m->m_len, uio);
+ m = m->m_next;
+ }
+ m_freem_list(*free_list);
+ *free_list = NULL;
+ *resid = 0;
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ return error;
+static int
+sodelayed_copy_list(struct socket *so, struct recv_msg_elem *msgarray,
+ u_int uiocnt, struct mbuf **free_list, user_ssize_t *resid)
+#pragma unused(so)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct mbuf *ml, *m;
+ int i = 0;
+ struct uio *auio;
+ for (ml = *free_list, i = 0; ml != NULL && i < uiocnt;
+ ml = ml->m_nextpkt, i++) {
+ auio = msgarray[i].uio;
+ for (m = ml; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) {
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t), m->m_len, auio);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_freem_list(*free_list);
+ *free_list = NULL;
+ *resid = 0;
+ return error;
+soreceive_list(struct socket *so, struct recv_msg_elem *msgarray, u_int uiocnt,
+ int *flagsp)
+ struct mbuf *m;
+ struct mbuf *nextrecord;
+ struct mbuf *ml = NULL, *free_list = NULL, *free_tail = NULL;
+ int error;
+ user_ssize_t len, pktlen, delayed_copy_len = 0;
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ user_ssize_t resid;
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ struct uio *auio = NULL;
+ int npkts = 0;
+ int sblocked = 0;
+ struct sockaddr **psa = NULL;
+ struct mbuf **controlp = NULL;
+ int can_delay;
+ int flags;
+ struct mbuf *free_others = NULL;
+ so, uiocnt,
+ so->so_rcv.sb_cc, so->so_rcv.sb_lowat, so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat);
+ /*
+ * Sanity checks:
+ * - Only supports don't wait flags
+ * - Only support datagram sockets (could be extended to raw)
+ * - Must be atomic
+ * - Protocol must support packet chains
+ * - The uio array is NULL (should we panic?)
+ */
+ if (flagsp != NULL) {
+ flags = *flagsp;
+ } else {
+ flags = 0;
+ }
+ MSG_NBIO)) {
+ printf("%s invalid flags 0x%x\n", __func__, flags);
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_type != SOCK_DGRAM) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (sosendallatonce(so) == 0) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_send_list == NULL) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (msgarray == NULL) {
+ printf("%s uioarray is NULL\n", __func__);
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (uiocnt == 0) {
+ printf("%s uiocnt is 0\n", __func__);
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sanity check on the length passed by caller as we are making 'int'
+ * comparisons
+ */
+ resid = recv_msg_array_resid(msgarray, uiocnt);
+ if (resid < 0 || resid > INT_MAX) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK) && sorecvmincopy > 0) {
+ can_delay = 1;
+ } else {
+ can_delay = 0;
+ }
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, p);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ /*
+ * If a recv attempt is made on a previously-accepted socket
+ * that has been marked as inactive (disconnected), reject
+ * the request.
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv;
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: defunct so 0x%llx [%d,%d] (%d)\n",
+ __func__, proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), error);
+ /*
+ * This socket should have been disconnected and flushed
+ * prior to being returned from sodefunct(); there should
+ * be no data on its receive list, so panic otherwise.
+ */
+ if (so->so_state & SS_DEFUNCT) {
+ sb_empty_assert(sb, __func__);
+ }
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The uio may be empty
+ */
+ if (npkts >= uiocnt) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * See if the socket has been closed (SS_NOFDREF|SS_CANTRCVMORE)
+ * and if so just return to the caller. This could happen when
+ * soreceive() is called by a socket upcall function during the
+ * time the socket is freed. The socket buffer would have been
+ * locked across the upcall, therefore we cannot put this thread
+ * to sleep (else we will deadlock) or return EWOULDBLOCK (else
+ * we may livelock), because the lock on the socket buffer will
+ * only be released when the upcall routine returns to its caller.
+ * Because the socket has been officially closed, there can be
+ * no further read on it.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_NOFDREF | SS_CANTRCVMORE)) ==
+ error = 0;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ error = sblock(&so->so_rcv, SBLOCKWAIT(flags));
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ sblocked = 1;
+ m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ /*
+ * Block awaiting more datagram if needed
+ */
+ if (m == NULL || (((flags & MSG_DONTWAIT) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_rcv.sb_cc < so->so_rcv.sb_lowat ||
+ ((flags & MSG_WAITALL) && npkts < uiocnt))))) {
+ /*
+ * Panic if we notice inconsistencies in the socket's
+ * receive list; both sb_mb and sb_cc should correctly
+ * reflect the contents of the list, otherwise we may
+ * end up with false positives during select() or poll()
+ * which could put the application in a bad state.
+ */
+ SB_MB_CHECK(&so->so_rcv);
+ if (so->so_error) {
+ error = so->so_error;
+ if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
+ so->so_error = 0;
+ }
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_ISCONNECTED | SS_ISCONNECTING)) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_CONNREQUIRED)) {
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_NBIO) ||
+ (flags & (MSG_DONTWAIT | MSG_NBIO))) {
+ error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Do not block if we got some data
+ */
+ if (free_list != NULL) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto release;
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 1");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive sbwait 1");
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ sblocked = 0;
+ error = sbwait(&so->so_rcv);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_msgrcv);
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 1");
+ /*
+ * Consume the current uio index as we have a datagram
+ */
+ auio = msgarray[npkts].uio;
+ resid = uio_resid(auio);
+ msgarray[npkts].which |= SOCK_MSG_DATA;
+ psa = (msgarray[npkts].which & SOCK_MSG_SA) ?
+ &msgarray[npkts].psa : NULL;
+ controlp = (msgarray[npkts].which & SOCK_MSG_CONTROL) ?
+ &msgarray[npkts].controlp : NULL;
+ npkts += 1;
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_ADDR) && m->m_type == MT_SONAME) {
+ error = soreceive_addr(p, so, psa, flags, &m, &nextrecord, 1);
+ if (error == ERESTART) {
+ goto restart;
+ } else if (error != 0) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m != NULL && m->m_type == MT_CONTROL) {
+ error = soreceive_ctl(so, controlp, flags, &m, &nextrecord);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.len == 0) {
+ printf("%s:%d so %llx pkt %llx type %u pktlen null\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ m->m_type);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Loop to copy the mbufs of the current record
+ * Support zero length packets
+ */
+ ml = NULL;
+ pktlen = 0;
+ while (m != NULL && (len = resid - pktlen) >= 0 && error == 0) {
+ if (m->m_len == 0) {
+ panic("%p m_len zero", m);
+ }
+ if (m->m_type == 0) {
+ panic("%p m_type zero", m);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Clip to the residual length
+ */
+ if (len > m->m_len) {
+ len = m->m_len;
+ }
+ pktlen += len;
+ /*
+ * Copy the mbufs via the uio or delay the copy
+ * Sockbuf must be consistent here (points to current mbuf,
+ * it points to next record) when we drop priority;
+ * we must note any additions to the sockbuf when we
+ * block interrupts again.
+ */
+ if (len > 0 && can_delay == 0) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t), (int)len, auio);
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ } else {
+ delayed_copy_len += len;
+ }
+ if (len == m->m_len) {
+ /*
+ * m was entirely copied
+ */
+ sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
+ nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Set the first packet to the head of the free list
+ */
+ if (free_list == NULL) {
+ free_list = m;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Link current packet to tail of free list
+ */
+ if (ml == NULL) {
+ if (free_tail != NULL) {
+ free_tail->m_nextpkt = m;
+ }
+ free_tail = m;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Link current mbuf to last mbuf of current packet
+ */
+ if (ml != NULL) {
+ ml->m_next = m;
+ }
+ ml = m;
+ /*
+ * Move next buf to head of socket buffer
+ */
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m = ml->m_next;
+ ml->m_next = NULL;
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ m->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
+ if (nextrecord == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = m;
+ }
+ } else {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 3");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 3");
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Stop the loop on partial copy
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 1) {
+ panic("%s: after big while so=%llx ref=%d on socket\n",
+ __func__,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so), so->so_usecount);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Tell the caller we made a partial copy
+ */
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ if (so->so_options & SO_DONTTRUNC) {
+ /*
+ * Copyout first the freelist then the partial mbuf
+ */
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ if (delayed_copy_len) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy_list(so, msgarray,
+ uiocnt, &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t), (int)len,
+ auio);
+ }
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto release;
+ }
+ m->m_data += len;
+ m->m_len -= len;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_cc -= len;
+ flags |= MSG_RCVMORE;
+ } else {
+ (void) sbdroprecord(&so->so_rcv);
+ nextrecord = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ m = NULL;
+ flags |= MSG_TRUNC;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
+ /*
+ * First part is an inline SB_EMPTY_FIXUP(). Second
+ * part makes sure sb_lastrecord is up-to-date if
+ * there is still data in the socket buffer.
+ */
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_mb == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_mbtail = NULL;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = NULL;
+ } else if (nextrecord->m_nextpkt == NULL) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lastrecord = nextrecord;
+ }
+ SB_MB_CHECK(&so->so_rcv);
+ }
+ SBLASTRECORDCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 4");
+ SBLASTMBUFCHK(&so->so_rcv, "soreceive 4");
+ /*
+ * We can continue to the next packet as long as:
+ * - We haven't exhausted the uio array
+ * - There was no error
+ * - A packet was not truncated
+ * - We can still receive more data
+ */
+ if (npkts < uiocnt && error == 0 &&
+ (flags & (MSG_RCVMORE | MSG_TRUNC)) == 0 &&
+ (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) == 0) {
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ sblocked = 0;
+ goto next;
+ }
+ if (flagsp != NULL) {
+ *flagsp |= flags;
+ }
+ /*
+ * pru_rcvd may cause more data to be received if the socket lock
+ * is dropped so we set MSG_HAVEMORE now based on what we know.
+ * That way the caller won't be surprised if it receives less data
+ * than requested.
+ */
+ if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTMORE) && so->so_rcv.sb_cc > 0) {
+ flags |= MSG_HAVEMORE;
+ }
+ if (pr->pr_flags & PR_WANTRCVD && so->so_pcb) {
+ (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, flags);
+ }
+ if (sblocked) {
+ sbunlock(&so->so_rcv, FALSE); /* will unlock socket */
+ } else {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ if (delayed_copy_len) {
+ error = sodelayed_copy_list(so, msgarray, uiocnt,
+ &free_list, &delayed_copy_len);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Amortize the cost of freeing the mbufs
+ */
+ if (free_list != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(free_list);
+ }
+ if (free_others != NULL) {
+ m_freem_list(free_others);
+ }
+ 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ return error;
+static int
+so_statistics_event_to_nstat_event(int64_t *input_options,
+ uint64_t *nstat_event)
+ int error = 0;
+ switch (*input_options) {
+ break;
+ break;
+ *nstat_event = NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_RESERVED_1;
+ break;
+ *nstat_event = NSTAT_EVENT_SRC_RESERVED_2;
+ break;
+#endif /* (DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT) */
+ default:
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EINVAL
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EADDRNOTAVAIL[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:ENOBUFS[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EMSGSIZE[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EHOSTUNREACH[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:ENETUNREACH[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:ENETDOWN[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:ENOMEM[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EACCES[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:EMSGSIZE[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:ENOBUFS[TCP]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:???[TCP] [ignorable: mostly IPSEC/firewall/DLIL]
+ * <pru_shutdown>:??? [other protocol families]
+ */
+soshutdown(struct socket *so, int how)
+ int error;
+ switch (how) {
+ case SHUT_RD:
+ case SHUT_WR:
+ case SHUT_RDWR:
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if ((so->so_state &
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ } else {
+ error = soshutdownlock(so, how);
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return error;
+soshutdownlock_final(struct socket *so, int how)
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ int error = 0;
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_shutdown, &how);
+ if (how != SHUT_WR) {
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) != 0) {
+ /* read already shut down */
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ sorflush(so);
+ }
+ if (how != SHUT_RD) {
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) != 0) {
+ /* write already shut down */
+ error = ENOTCONN;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ error = (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_shutdown)(so);
+ }
+ return error;
+soshutdownlock(struct socket *so, int how)
+ int error = 0;
+ /*
+ * A content filter may delay the actual shutdown until it
+ * has processed the pending data
+ */
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_CONTENT_FILTER) {
+ error = cfil_sock_shutdown(so, &how);
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto done;
+ } else if (error != 0) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ error = soshutdownlock_final(so, how);
+ return error;
+sowflush(struct socket *so)
+ struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_snd;
+ /*
+ * Obtain lock on the socket buffer (SB_LOCK). This is required
+ * to prevent the socket buffer from being unexpectedly altered
+ * while it is used by another thread in socket send/receive.
+ *
+ * sblock() must not fail here, hence the assertion.
+ */
+ (void) sblock(sb, SBL_WAIT | SBL_NOINTR | SBL_IGNDEFUNCT);
+ VERIFY(sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK);
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ sb->sb_flags |= SB_DROP;
+ sb->sb_upcall = NULL;
+ sb->sb_upcallarg = NULL;
+ sbunlock(sb, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ selthreadclear(&sb->sb_sel);
+ sbrelease(sb);
+sorflush(struct socket *so)
+ struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv;
+ struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
+ struct sockbuf asb;
+#ifdef notyet
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ /*
+ * XXX: This code is currently commented out, because we may get here
+ * as part of sofreelastref(), and at that time, pr_getlock() may no
+ * longer be able to return us the lock; this will be fixed in future.
+ */
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ }
+#endif /* notyet */
+ sflt_notify(so, sock_evt_flush_read, NULL);
+ socantrcvmore(so);
+ /*
+ * Obtain lock on the socket buffer (SB_LOCK). This is required
+ * to prevent the socket buffer from being unexpectedly altered
+ * while it is used by another thread in socket send/receive.
+ *
+ * sblock() must not fail here, hence the assertion.
+ */
+ (void) sblock(sb, SBL_WAIT | SBL_NOINTR | SBL_IGNDEFUNCT);
+ VERIFY(sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK);
+ /*
+ * Copy only the relevant fields from "sb" to "asb" which we
+ * need for sbrelease() to function. In particular, skip
+ * sb_sel as it contains the wait queue linkage, which would
+ * wreak havoc if we were to issue selthreadclear() on "asb".
+ * Make sure to not carry over SB_LOCK in "asb", as we need
+ * to acquire it later as part of sbrelease().
+ */
+ bzero(&asb, sizeof(asb));
+ asb.sb_cc = sb->sb_cc;
+ asb.sb_hiwat = sb->sb_hiwat;
+ asb.sb_mbcnt = sb->sb_mbcnt;
+ asb.sb_mbmax = sb->sb_mbmax;
+ asb.sb_ctl = sb->sb_ctl;
+ asb.sb_lowat = sb->sb_lowat;
+ asb.sb_mb = sb->sb_mb;
+ asb.sb_mbtail = sb->sb_mbtail;
+ asb.sb_lastrecord = sb->sb_lastrecord;
+ asb.sb_so = sb->sb_so;
+ asb.sb_flags = sb->sb_flags;
+ asb.sb_flags &= ~(SB_LOCK | SB_SEL | SB_KNOTE | SB_UPCALL);
+ asb.sb_flags |= SB_DROP;
+ /*
+ * Ideally we'd bzero() these and preserve the ones we need;
+ * but to do that we'd need to shuffle things around in the
+ * sockbuf, and we can't do it now because there are KEXTS
+ * that are directly referring to the socket structure.
+ *
+ * Setting SB_DROP acts as a barrier to prevent further appends.
+ * Clearing SB_SEL is done for selthreadclear() below.
+ */
+ sb->sb_cc = 0;
+ sb->sb_hiwat = 0;
+ sb->sb_mbcnt = 0;
+ sb->sb_mbmax = 0;
+ sb->sb_ctl = 0;
+ sb->sb_lowat = 0;
+ sb->sb_mb = NULL;
+ sb->sb_mbtail = NULL;
+ sb->sb_lastrecord = NULL;
+ sb->sb_timeo.tv_sec = 0;
+ sb->sb_timeo.tv_usec = 0;
+ sb->sb_upcall = NULL;
+ sb->sb_upcallarg = NULL;
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~(SB_SEL | SB_UPCALL);
+ sb->sb_flags |= SB_DROP;
+ sbunlock(sb, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ /*
+ * Note that selthreadclear() is called on the original "sb" and
+ * not the local "asb" because of the way wait queue linkage is
+ * implemented. Given that selwakeup() may be triggered, SB_SEL
+ * should no longer be set (cleared above.)
+ */
+ selthreadclear(&sb->sb_sel);
+ if ((pr->pr_flags & PR_RIGHTS) && pr->pr_domain->dom_dispose) {
+ (*pr->pr_domain->dom_dispose)(asb.sb_mb);
+ }
+ sbrelease(&asb);
+ * Perhaps this routine, and sooptcopyout(), below, ought to come in
+ * an additional variant to handle the case where the option value needs
+ * to be some kind of integer, but not a specific size.
+ * In addition to their use here, these functions are also called by the
+ * protocol-level pr_ctloutput() routines.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * copyin:EFAULT
+ */
+sooptcopyin(struct sockopt *sopt, void *buf, size_t len, size_t minlen)
+ size_t valsize;
+ /*
+ * If the user gives us more than we wanted, we ignore it,
+ * but if we don't get the minimum length the caller
+ * wants, we return EINVAL. On success, sopt->sopt_valsize
+ * is set to however much we actually retrieved.
+ */
+ if ((valsize = sopt->sopt_valsize) < minlen) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (valsize > len) {
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize = len;
+ }
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ return copyin(sopt->sopt_val, buf, valsize);
+ }
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), buf, valsize);
+ return 0;
+ * sooptcopyin_timeval
+ * Copy in a timeval value into tv_p, and take into account whether the
+ * the calling process is 64-bit or 32-bit. Moved the sanity checking
+ * code here so that we can verify the 64-bit tv_sec value before we lose
+ * the top 32-bits assigning tv64.tv_sec to tv_p->tv_sec.
+ */
+static int
+sooptcopyin_timeval(struct sockopt *sopt, struct timeval *tv_p)
+ int error;
+ if (proc_is64bit(sopt->sopt_p)) {
+ struct user64_timeval tv64;
+ if (sopt->sopt_valsize < sizeof(tv64)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = sizeof(tv64);
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, &tv64, sizeof(tv64));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), &tv64,
+ sizeof(tv64));
+ }
+ if (tv64.tv_sec < 0 || tv64.tv_sec > LONG_MAX ||
+ tv64.tv_usec < 0 || tv64.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
+ return EDOM;
+ }
+ tv_p->tv_sec = tv64.tv_sec;
+ tv_p->tv_usec = tv64.tv_usec;
+ } else {
+ struct user32_timeval tv32;
+ if (sopt->sopt_valsize < sizeof(tv32)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = sizeof(tv32);
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, &tv32, sizeof(tv32));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), &tv32,
+ sizeof(tv32));
+ }
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ /*
+ * K64todo "comparison is always false due to
+ * limited range of data type"
+ */
+ if (tv32.tv_sec < 0 || tv32.tv_sec > LONG_MAX ||
+ tv32.tv_usec < 0 || tv32.tv_usec >= 1000000) {
+ return EDOM;
+ }
+ tv_p->tv_sec = tv32.tv_sec;
+ tv_p->tv_usec = tv32.tv_usec;
+ }
+ return 0;
+soopt_cred_check(struct socket *so, int priv, boolean_t allow_root,
+ boolean_t ignore_delegate)
+ kauth_cred_t cred = NULL;
+ proc_t ep = PROC_NULL;
+ uid_t uid;
+ int error = 0;
+ if (ignore_delegate == false && so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) {
+ ep = proc_find(so->e_pid);
+ if (ep) {
+ cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(ep);
+ }
+ }
+ uid = kauth_cred_getuid(cred ? cred : so->so_cred);
+ /* uid is 0 for root */
+ if (uid != 0 || !allow_root) {
+ error = priv_check_cred(cred ? cred : so->so_cred, priv, 0);
+ }
+ if (cred) {
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ }
+ if (ep != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_rele(ep);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EDOM
+ * sooptcopyin:EINVAL
+ * sooptcopyin:EFAULT
+ * sooptcopyin_timeval:EINVAL
+ * sooptcopyin_timeval:EFAULT
+ * sooptcopyin_timeval:EDOM
+ * <pr_ctloutput>:EOPNOTSUPP[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pr_ctloutput>:???w
+ * sflt_attach_private:??? [whatever a filter author chooses]
+ * <sf_setoption>:??? [whatever a filter author chooses]
+ *
+ * Notes: Other <pru_listen> returns depend on the protocol family; all
+ * <sf_listen> returns depend on what the filter author causes
+ * their filter to return.
+ */
+sosetoptlock(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt, int dolock)
+ int error, optval;
+ int64_t long_optval;
+ struct linger l;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (sopt->sopt_dir != SOPT_SET) {
+ sopt->sopt_dir = SOPT_SET;
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & (SS_CANTRCVMORE | SS_CANTSENDMORE)) ==
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT) == 0) {
+ /* the socket has been shutdown, no more sockopt's */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sflt_setsockopt(so, sopt);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (sopt->sopt_level != SOL_SOCKET) {
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL &&
+ so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput != NULL) {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)(so, sopt);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = ENOPROTOOPT;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Allow socket-level (SOL_SOCKET) options to be filtered by
+ * the protocol layer, if needed. A zero value returned from
+ * the handler means use default socket-level processing as
+ * done by the rest of this routine. Otherwise, any other
+ * return value indicates that the option is unsupported.
+ */
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL && (error = so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->
+ pru_socheckopt(so, sopt)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = 0;
+ switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
+ case SO_LINGER:
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &l, sizeof(l), sizeof(l));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ so->so_linger = (sopt->sopt_name == SO_LINGER) ?
+ l.l_linger : l.l_linger * hz;
+ if (l.l_onoff != 0) {
+ so->so_options |= SO_LINGER;
+ } else {
+ so->so_options &= ~SO_LINGER;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_DEBUG:
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval) {
+ so->so_options |= sopt->sopt_name;
+ } else {
+ so->so_options &= ~sopt->sopt_name;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_SNDBUF:
+ case SO_RCVBUF:
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Values < 1 make no sense for any of these
+ * options, so disallow them.
+ */
+ if (optval < 1) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
+ case SO_SNDBUF:
+ case SO_RCVBUF: {
+ struct sockbuf *sb =
+ (sopt->sopt_name == SO_SNDBUF) ?
+ &so->so_snd : &so->so_rcv;
+ if (sbreserve(sb, (u_int32_t)optval) == 0) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ sb->sb_flags |= SB_USRSIZE;
+ sb->sb_flags &= ~SB_AUTOSIZE;
+ sb->sb_idealsize = (u_int32_t)optval;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure the low-water is never greater than
+ * the high-water.
+ */
+ case SO_SNDLOWAT: {
+ int space = sbspace(&so->so_snd);
+ u_int32_t hiwat = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
+ if (so->so_snd.sb_flags & SB_UNIX) {
+ struct unpcb *unp =
+ (struct unpcb *)(so->so_pcb);
+ if (unp != NULL &&
+ unp->unp_conn != NULL) {
+ hiwat += unp->unp_conn->unp_cc;
+ }
+ }
+ so->so_snd.sb_lowat =
+ (optval > hiwat) ?
+ hiwat : optval;
+ if (space >= so->so_snd.sb_lowat) {
+ sowwakeup(so);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SO_RCVLOWAT: {
+ int64_t data_len;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_lowat =
+ (optval > so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) ?
+ so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat : optval;
+ data_len = so->so_rcv.sb_cc
+ - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl;
+ if (data_len >= so->so_rcv.sb_lowat) {
+ sorwakeup(so);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin_timeval(sopt, &tv);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
+ so->so_snd.sb_timeo = tv;
+ break;
+ so->so_rcv.sb_timeo = tv;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_NKE: {
+ struct so_nke nke;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &nke, sizeof(nke),
+ sizeof(nke));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sflt_attach_internal(so, nke.nke_handle);
+ break;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NOSIGPIPE;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NOSIGPIPE;
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NOADDRAVAIL;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NOADDRAVAIL;
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_REUSESHAREUID;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_REUSESHAREUID;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (kauth_cred_issuser(kauth_cred_get()) == 0) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NOTIFYCONFLICT;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NOTIFYCONFLICT;
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = so_set_restrictions(so, optval);
+ break;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET &&
+ SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ error = soopt_cred_check(so,
+ PRIV_NET_RESTRICTED_AWDL, false, false);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ inp_set_awdl_unrestricted(
+ sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ } else {
+ inp_clear_awdl_unrestricted(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ break;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6) {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0 &&
+ inp_get_intcoproc_allowed(sotoinpcb(so)) == FALSE) {
+ error = soopt_cred_check(so,
+ if (error == 0) {
+ inp_set_intcoproc_allowed(
+ sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ } else if (optval == 0) {
+ inp_clear_intcoproc_allowed(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_LABEL:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT;
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval != 0) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_BINDRANDOMPORT;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_BINDRANDOMPORT;
+ }
+ break;
+ struct so_np_extensions sonpx;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &sonpx, sizeof(sonpx),
+ sizeof(sonpx));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (sonpx.npx_mask & ~SONPX_MASK_VALID) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Only one bit defined for now
+ */
+ if ((sonpx.npx_mask & SONPX_SETOPTSHUT)) {
+ if ((sonpx.npx_flags & SONPX_SETOPTSHUT)) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval >= SO_TC_NET_SERVICE_OFFSET) {
+ int netsvc = optval - SO_TC_NET_SERVICE_OFFSET;
+ error = so_set_net_service_type(so, netsvc);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = so_set_traffic_class(so, optval);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_TC_NET_SERV_TYPE;
+ so->so_netsvctype = _NET_SERVICE_TYPE_UNSPEC;
+ break;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval == 0) {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ struct so_tcdbg so_tcdbg;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &so_tcdbg,
+ sizeof(struct so_tcdbg), sizeof(struct so_tcdbg));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = so_set_tcdbg(so, &so_tcdbg);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
+ error = priv_check_cred(kauth_cred_get(),
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval == 0) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sosetdefunct(current_proc(), so, 0, FALSE);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = sodefunct(current_proc(), so, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0 || (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT)) {
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = EBADF;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Any process can set SO_DEFUNCTOK (clear
+ * SOF_NODEFUNCT), but only root can clear
+ */
+ if (optval == 0 &&
+ kauth_cred_issuser(kauth_cred_get()) == 0) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval) {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NODEFUNCT;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_NODEFUNCT;
+ }
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET ||
+ SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ char s[MAX_IPv6_STR_LEN];
+ char d[MAX_IPv6_STR_LEN];
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: so 0x%llx "
+ "[%s %s:%d -> %s:%d] is now marked "
+ "as %seligible for "
+ "defunct\n", __func__, proc_selfpid(),
+ proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ "TCP" : "UDP", inet_ntop(SOCK_DOM(so),
+ ((SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) ?
+ (void *)&inp->inp_laddr.s_addr :
+ (void *)&inp->in6p_laddr), s, sizeof(s)),
+ ntohs(inp->in6p_lport),
+ inet_ntop(SOCK_DOM(so),
+ (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) ?
+ (void *)&inp->inp_faddr.s_addr :
+ (void *)&inp->in6p_faddr, d, sizeof(d)),
+ ntohs(inp->in6p_fport),
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_NODEFUNCT) ?
+ "not " : "");
+ } else {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "is now marked as %seligible for "
+ "defunct\n",
+ __func__, proc_selfpid(),
+ proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so),
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_NODEFUNCT) ?
+ "not " : "");
+ }
+ break;
+ /* This option is not settable */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = so_set_opportunistic(so, optval);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_FLUSH:
+ /* This option is handled by lower layer(s) */
+ error = 0;
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = so_set_recv_anyif(so, optval);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* This option is handled by lower layer(s) */
+ error = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ error = flow_divert_token_set(so, sopt);
+ break;
+#endif /* FLOW_DIVERT */
+ if ((error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval))) != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ error = so_set_effective_pid(so, optval, sopt->sopt_p, true);
+ break;
+ uuid_t euuid;
+ if ((error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &euuid, sizeof(euuid),
+ sizeof(euuid))) != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ error = so_set_effective_uuid(so, euuid, sopt->sopt_p, true);
+ break;
+ }
+#if NECP
+ error = necp_set_socket_attributes(so, sopt);
+ break;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_MULTIPATH) {
+ /* Handled by MPTCP itself */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET && SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ if (!uuid_is_null(inp->necp_client_uuid)) {
+ // Clear out the old client UUID if present
+ necp_inpcb_remove_cb(inp);
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &inp->necp_client_uuid,
+ sizeof(uuid_t), sizeof(uuid_t));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (uuid_is_null(inp->necp_client_uuid)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ pid_t current_pid = proc_pid(current_proc());
+ error = necp_client_register_socket_flow(current_pid,
+ inp->necp_client_uuid, inp);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ uuid_clear(inp->necp_client_uuid);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (inp->inp_lport != 0) {
+ // There is a bound local port, so this is not
+ // a fresh socket. Assign to the client.
+ necp_client_assign_from_socket(current_pid, inp->necp_client_uuid, inp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET && SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ if (!uuid_is_null(inp->necp_client_uuid)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &inp->necp_client_uuid,
+ sizeof(uuid_t), sizeof(uuid_t));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (uuid_is_null(inp->necp_client_uuid)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = necp_client_register_socket_listener(proc_pid(current_proc()),
+ inp->necp_client_uuid, inp);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ uuid_clear(inp->necp_client_uuid);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ // Mark that the port registration is held by NECP
+ inp->inp_flags2 |= INP2_EXTERNAL_PORT;
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* NECP */
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = so_set_extended_bk_idle(so, optval);
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval < 0) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval == 0) {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_CELLFALLBACK;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_CELLFALLBACK;
+ }
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &long_optval,
+ sizeof(long_optval), sizeof(long_optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ u_int64_t nstat_event = 0;
+ error = so_statistics_event_to_nstat_event(
+ &long_optval, &nstat_event);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nstat_pcb_event(sotoinpcb(so), nstat_event);
+ break;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = so_set_net_service_type(so, optval);
+ break;
+ }
+ error = priv_check_cred(kauth_cred_get(),
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval == 0) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ struct so_mpkl_send_info so_mpkl_send_info;
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &so_mpkl_send_info,
+ sizeof(struct so_mpkl_send_info), sizeof(struct so_mpkl_send_info));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ uuid_copy(so->so_mpkl_send_uuid, so_mpkl_send_info.mpkl_uuid);
+ so->so_mpkl_send_proto = so_mpkl_send_info.mpkl_proto;
+ if (uuid_is_null(so->so_mpkl_send_uuid) && so->so_mpkl_send_proto == 0) {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_MPKL_SEND_INFO;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_MPKL_SEND_INFO;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval),
+ sizeof(optval));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (optval == 0) {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_WANT_KEV_SOCK_CLOSED;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_WANT_KEV_SOCK_CLOSED;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ error = ENOPROTOOPT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (error == 0 && so->so_proto != NULL &&
+ so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput != NULL) {
+ (void) so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput(so, sopt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+/* Helper routines for getsockopt */
+sooptcopyout(struct sockopt *sopt, void *buf, size_t len)
+ int error;
+ size_t valsize;
+ error = 0;
+ /*
+ * Documented get behavior is that we always return a value,
+ * possibly truncated to fit in the user's buffer.
+ * Traditional behavior is that we always tell the user
+ * precisely how much we copied, rather than something useful
+ * like the total amount we had available for her.
+ * Note that this interface is not idempotent; the entire answer must
+ * generated ahead of time.
+ */
+ valsize = min(len, sopt->sopt_valsize);
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
+ if (sopt->sopt_val != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ error = copyout(buf, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
+ } else {
+ bcopy(buf, CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), valsize);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+static int
+sooptcopyout_timeval(struct sockopt *sopt, const struct timeval *tv_p)
+ int error;
+ size_t len;
+ struct user64_timeval tv64 = {};
+ struct user32_timeval tv32 = {};
+ const void * val;
+ size_t valsize;
+ error = 0;
+ if (proc_is64bit(sopt->sopt_p)) {
+ len = sizeof(tv64);
+ tv64.tv_sec = tv_p->tv_sec;
+ tv64.tv_usec = tv_p->tv_usec;
+ val = &tv64;
+ } else {
+ len = sizeof(tv32);
+ tv32.tv_sec = tv_p->tv_sec;
+ tv32.tv_usec = tv_p->tv_usec;
+ val = &tv32;
+ }
+ valsize = min(len, sopt->sopt_valsize);
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
+ if (sopt->sopt_val != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ error = copyout(val, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
+ } else {
+ bcopy(val, CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), valsize);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Return: 0 Success
+ * <pr_ctloutput>:EOPNOTSUPP[AF_UNIX]
+ * <pr_ctloutput>:???
+ * <sf_getoption>:???
+ */
+sogetoptlock(struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt, int dolock)
+ int error, optval;
+ struct linger l;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (sopt->sopt_dir != SOPT_GET) {
+ sopt->sopt_dir = SOPT_GET;
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ error = sflt_getsockopt(so, sopt);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ if (error == EJUSTRETURN) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (sopt->sopt_level != SOL_SOCKET) {
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL &&
+ so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput != NULL) {
+ error = (*so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)(so, sopt);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = ENOPROTOOPT;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Allow socket-level (SOL_SOCKET) options to be filtered by
+ * the protocol layer, if needed. A zero value returned from
+ * the handler means use default socket-level processing as
+ * done by the rest of this routine. Otherwise, any other
+ * return value indicates that the option is unsupported.
+ */
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL && (error = so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->
+ pru_socheckopt(so, sopt)) != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = 0;
+ switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
+ case SO_LINGER:
+ l.l_onoff = ((so->so_options & SO_LINGER) ? 1 : 0);
+ l.l_linger = (sopt->sopt_name == SO_LINGER) ?
+ so->so_linger : so->so_linger / hz;
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &l, sizeof(l));
+ break;
+ case SO_DEBUG:
+ optval = so->so_options & sopt->sopt_name;
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof(optval));
+ break;
+ case SO_TYPE:
+ optval = so->so_type;
+ goto integer;
+ case SO_NREAD:
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) {
+ int pkt_total;
+ struct mbuf *m1;
+ pkt_total = 0;
+ m1 = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ while (m1 != NULL) {
+ if (m1->m_type == MT_DATA ||
+ m1->m_type == MT_HEADER ||
+ m1->m_type == MT_OOBDATA) {
+ pkt_total += m1->m_len;
+ }
+ m1 = m1->m_next;
+ }
+ optval = pkt_total;
+ } else {
+ optval = so->so_rcv.sb_cc - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl;
+ }
+ goto integer;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) {
+ int cnt = 0;
+ struct mbuf *m1;
+ m1 = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
+ while (m1 != NULL) {
+ cnt += 1;
+ m1 = m1->m_nextpkt;
+ }
+ optval = cnt;
+ goto integer;
+ } else {
+ error = ENOPROTOOPT;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SO_NWRITE:
+ optval = so->so_snd.sb_cc;
+ goto integer;
+ case SO_ERROR:
+ optval = so->so_error;
+ so->so_error = 0;
+ goto integer;
+ case SO_SNDBUF: {
+ u_int32_t hiwat = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
+ if (so->so_snd.sb_flags & SB_UNIX) {
+ struct unpcb *unp =
+ (struct unpcb *)(so->so_pcb);
+ if (unp != NULL && unp->unp_conn != NULL) {
+ hiwat += unp->unp_conn->unp_cc;
+ }
+ }
+ optval = hiwat;
+ goto integer;
+ }
+ case SO_RCVBUF:
+ optval = so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat;
+ goto integer;
+ optval = so->so_snd.sb_lowat;
+ goto integer;
+ optval = so->so_rcv.sb_lowat;
+ goto integer;
+ tv = (sopt->sopt_name == SO_SNDTIMEO ?
+ so->so_snd.sb_timeo : so->so_rcv.sb_timeo);
+ error = sooptcopyout_timeval(sopt, &tv);
+ break;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_NOSIGPIPE);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_NOADDRAVAIL);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_REUSESHAREUID);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_NOTIFYCONFLICT);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = so_get_restrictions(so);
+ goto integer;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET ||
+ SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ optval = inp_get_awdl_unrestricted(
+ sotoinpcb(so));
+ goto integer;
+ } else {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ optval = inp_get_intcoproc_allowed(
+ sotoinpcb(so));
+ goto integer;
+ } else {
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SO_LABEL:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_BINDRANDOMPORT);
+ goto integer;
+ struct so_np_extensions sonpx = {};
+ sonpx.npx_flags = (so->so_flags & SOF_NPX_SETOPTSHUT) ?
+ sonpx.npx_mask = SONPX_MASK_VALID;
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &sonpx,
+ sizeof(struct so_np_extensions));
+ break;
+ }
+ optval = so->so_traffic_class;
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS);
+ goto integer;
+ error = sogetopt_tcdbg(so, sopt);
+ break;
+#endif /* (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG) */
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_PRIVILEGED_TRAFFIC_CLASS);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = !(so->so_flags & SOF_NODEFUNCT);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = so_get_opportunistic(so);
+ goto integer;
+ case SO_FLUSH:
+ /* This option is not gettable */
+ error = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ optval = so_get_recv_anyif(so);
+ goto integer;
+ /* This option is handled by lower layer(s) */
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL &&
+ so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput != NULL) {
+ (void) so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput(so, sopt);
+ }
+ break;
+ error = flow_divert_token_get(so, sopt);
+ break;
+#endif /* FLOW_DIVERT */
+#if NECP
+ error = necp_get_socket_attributes(so, sopt);
+ break;
+ uuid_t *ncu;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_MULTIPATH) {
+ ncu = &mpsotomppcb(so)->necp_client_uuid;
+ } else if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ ncu = &sotoinpcb(so)->necp_client_uuid;
+ } else {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, ncu, sizeof(uuid_t));
+ break;
+ }
+ uuid_t *nlu;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ if (sotoinpcb(so)->inp_flags2 & INP2_EXTERNAL_PORT) {
+ nlu = &sotoinpcb(so)->necp_client_uuid;
+ } else {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, nlu, sizeof(uuid_t));
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* NECP */
+ case SO_CFIL_SOCK_ID: {
+ cfil_sock_id_t sock_id;
+ sock_id = cfil_sock_id_from_socket(so);
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &sock_id,
+ sizeof(cfil_sock_id_t));
+ break;
+ }
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ optval = (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED);
+ goto integer;
+ optval = ((so->so_flags1 & SOF1_CELLFALLBACK) > 0)
+ ? 1 : 0;
+ goto integer;
+ if ((so->so_flags1 & SOF1_TC_NET_SERV_TYPE)) {
+ optval = so->so_netsvctype;
+ } else {
+ }
+ goto integer;
+ }
+ optval = so_get_netsvc_marking_level(so);
+ goto integer;
+ struct so_mpkl_send_info so_mpkl_send_info;
+ uuid_copy(so_mpkl_send_info.mpkl_uuid, so->so_mpkl_send_uuid);
+ so_mpkl_send_info.mpkl_proto = so->so_mpkl_send_proto;
+ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &so_mpkl_send_info,
+ sizeof(struct so_mpkl_send_info));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ error = ENOPROTOOPT;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dolock) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * The size limits on our soopt_getm is different from that on FreeBSD.
+ * We limit the size of options to MCLBYTES. This will have to change
+ * if we need to define options that need more space than MCLBYTES.
+ */
+soopt_getm(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf **mp)
+ struct mbuf *m, *m_prev;
+ int sopt_size = sopt->sopt_valsize;
+ int how;
+ if (sopt_size <= 0 || sopt_size > MCLBYTES) {
+ return EMSGSIZE;
+ }
+ how = sopt->sopt_p != kernproc ? M_WAIT : M_DONTWAIT;
+ MGET(m, how, MT_DATA);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ if (sopt_size > MLEN) {
+ MCLGET(m, how);
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
+ m_free(m);
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ m->m_len = min(MCLBYTES, sopt_size);
+ } else {
+ m->m_len = min(MLEN, sopt_size);
+ }
+ sopt_size -= m->m_len;
+ *mp = m;
+ m_prev = m;
+ while (sopt_size > 0) {
+ MGET(m, how, MT_DATA);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ m_freem(*mp);
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ if (sopt_size > MLEN) {
+ MCLGET(m, how);
+ if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
+ m_freem(*mp);
+ m_freem(m);
+ return ENOBUFS;
+ }
+ m->m_len = min(MCLBYTES, sopt_size);
+ } else {
+ m->m_len = min(MLEN, sopt_size);
+ }
+ sopt_size -= m->m_len;
+ m_prev->m_next = m;
+ m_prev = m;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* copyin sopt data into mbuf chain */
+soopt_mcopyin(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf *m)
+ struct mbuf *m0 = m;
+ if (sopt->sopt_val == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (m != NULL && sopt->sopt_valsize >= m->m_len) {
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ int error;
+ error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, mtod(m, char *),
+ m->m_len);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ m_freem(m0);
+ return error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bcopy(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val),
+ mtod(m, char *), m->m_len);
+ }
+ sopt->sopt_valsize -= m->m_len;
+ sopt->sopt_val += m->m_len;
+ m = m->m_next;
+ }
+ /* should be allocated enoughly at ip6_sooptmcopyin() */
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ panic("soopt_mcopyin");
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* copyout mbuf chain data into soopt */
+soopt_mcopyout(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf *m)
+ struct mbuf *m0 = m;
+ size_t valsize = 0;
+ if (sopt->sopt_val == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ while (m != NULL && sopt->sopt_valsize >= m->m_len) {
+ if (sopt->sopt_p != kernproc) {
+ int error;
+ error = copyout(mtod(m, char *), sopt->sopt_val,
+ m->m_len);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ m_freem(m0);
+ return error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bcopy(mtod(m, char *),
+ CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, sopt->sopt_val), m->m_len);
+ }
+ sopt->sopt_valsize -= m->m_len;
+ sopt->sopt_val += m->m_len;
+ valsize += m->m_len;
+ m = m->m_next;
+ }
+ if (m != NULL) {
+ /* enough soopt buffer should be given from user-land */
+ m_freem(m0);
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
+ return 0;
+sohasoutofband(struct socket *so)
+ if (so->so_pgid < 0) {
+ gsignal(-so->so_pgid, SIGURG);
+ } else if (so->so_pgid > 0) {
+ proc_signal(so->so_pgid, SIGURG);
+ }
+ selwakeup(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_flags & SB_KNOTE) {
+ KNOTE(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel.si_note,
+ }
+sopoll(struct socket *so, int events, kauth_cred_t cred, void * wql)
+#pragma unused(cred)
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ int revents = 0;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, PROC_NULL);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+ if (events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM)) {
+ if (soreadable(so)) {
+ revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
+ }
+ }
+ if (events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM)) {
+ if (sowriteable(so)) {
+ revents |= events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM);
+ }
+ }
+ if (events & (POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND)) {
+ if (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK)) {
+ revents |= events & (POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND);
+ }
+ }
+ if (revents == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Darwin sets the flag first,
+ * BSD calls selrecord first
+ */
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_SEL;
+ selrecord(p, &so->so_rcv.sb_sel, wql);
+ }
+ if (events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM)) {
+ /*
+ * Darwin sets the flag first,
+ * BSD calls selrecord first
+ */
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_SEL;
+ selrecord(p, &so->so_snd.sb_sel, wql);
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return revents;
+soo_kqfilter(struct fileproc *fp, struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int result;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ so_update_last_owner_locked(so, PROC_NULL);
+ so_update_policy(so);
+ switch (kn->kn_filter) {
+ kn->kn_filtid = EVFILTID_SOREAD;
+ break;
+ kn->kn_filtid = EVFILTID_SOWRITE;
+ break;
+ kn->kn_filtid = EVFILTID_SCK;
+ break;
+ kn->kn_filtid = EVFILTID_SOEXCEPT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ knote_set_error(kn, EINVAL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * call the appropriate sub-filter attach
+ * with the socket still locked
+ */
+ result = knote_fops(kn)->f_attach(kn, kev);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return result;
+static int
+filt_soread_common(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev, struct socket *so)
+ int retval = 0;
+ int64_t data = 0;
+ if (so->so_options & SO_ACCEPTCONN) {
+ /*
+ * Radar 6615193 handle the listen case dynamically
+ * for kqueue read filter. This allows to call listen()
+ * after registering the kqueue EVFILT_READ.
+ */
+ retval = !TAILQ_EMPTY(&so->so_comp);
+ data = so->so_qlen;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* socket isn't a listener */
+ /*
+ * NOTE_LOWAT specifies new low water mark in data, i.e.
+ * the bytes of protocol data. We therefore exclude any
+ * control bytes.
+ */
+ data = so->so_rcv.sb_cc - so->so_rcv.sb_ctl;
+ if (kn->kn_sfflags & NOTE_OOB) {
+ if (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_OOB;
+ data -= so->so_oobmark;
+ retval = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE)
+ && cfil_sock_data_pending(&so->so_rcv) == 0
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ ) {
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_EOF;
+ kn->kn_fflags = so->so_error;
+ retval = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_error) { /* temporary udp error */
+ retval = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ int64_t lowwat = so->so_rcv.sb_lowat;
+ /*
+ * Ensure that when NOTE_LOWAT is used, the derived
+ * low water mark is bounded by socket's rcv buf's
+ * high and low water mark values.
+ */
+ if (kn->kn_sfflags & NOTE_LOWAT) {
+ if (kn->kn_sdata > so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) {
+ lowwat = so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat;
+ } else if (kn->kn_sdata > lowwat) {
+ lowwat = kn->kn_sdata;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * While the `data` field is the amount of data to read,
+ * 0-sized packets need to wake up the kqueue, see 58140856,
+ * so we need to take control bytes into account too.
+ */
+ retval = (so->so_rcv.sb_cc >= lowwat);
+ if (retval && kev) {
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, data);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static int
+filt_sorattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ /* socket locked */
+ /*
+ * If the caller explicitly asked for OOB results (e.g. poll())
+ * from EVFILT_READ, then save that off in the hookid field
+ * and reserve the kn_flags EV_OOBAND bit for output only.
+ */
+ if (kn->kn_filter == EVFILT_READ &&
+ kn->kn_flags & EV_OOBAND) {
+ kn->kn_flags &= ~EV_OOBAND;
+ kn->kn_hook32 = EV_OOBAND;
+ } else {
+ kn->kn_hook32 = 0;
+ }
+ if (KNOTE_ATTACH(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel.si_note, kn)) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_KNOTE;
+ }
+ /* indicate if event is already fired */
+ return filt_soread_common(kn, NULL, so);
+static void
+filt_sordetach(struct knote *kn)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_flags & SB_KNOTE) {
+ if (KNOTE_DETACH(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel.si_note, kn)) {
+ so->so_rcv.sb_flags &= ~SB_KNOTE;
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+static int
+filt_soread(struct knote *kn, long hint)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int retval;
+ if ((hint & SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED) == 0) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ retval = filt_soread_common(kn, NULL, so);
+ if ((hint & SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED) == 0) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return retval;
+static int
+filt_sortouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int retval;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ /* save off the new input fflags and data */
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
+ /* determine if changes result in fired events */
+ retval = filt_soread_common(kn, NULL, so);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return retval;
+static int
+filt_sorprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int retval;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ retval = filt_soread_common(kn, kev, so);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return retval;
+so_wait_for_if_feedback(struct socket *so)
+ if ((SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) &&
+ (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED)) {
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+filt_sowrite_common(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev, struct socket *so)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int64_t data = sbspace(&so->so_snd);
+ if (so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) {
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_EOF;
+ kn->kn_fflags = so->so_error;
+ ret = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_error) { /* temporary udp error */
+ ret = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!socanwrite(so)) {
+ ret = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_PRECONNECT_DATA) {
+ ret = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ int64_t lowwat = so->so_snd.sb_lowat;
+ if (kn->kn_sfflags & NOTE_LOWAT) {
+ if (kn->kn_sdata > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) {
+ lowwat = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
+ } else if (kn->kn_sdata > lowwat) {
+ lowwat = kn->kn_sdata;
+ }
+ }
+ if (data >= lowwat) {
+ if ((so->so_flags & SOF_NOTSENT_LOWAT)
+ && so_notsent_lowat_check == 1
+#endif /* DEBUG || DEVELOPMENT */
+ ) {
+ if ((SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET ||
+ SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) &&
+ so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM) {
+ ret = tcp_notsent_lowat_check(so);
+ }
+#if MPTCP
+ else if ((SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_MULTIPATH) &&
+ ret = mptcp_notsent_lowat_check(so);
+ }
+ else {
+ ret = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (so_wait_for_if_feedback(so)) {
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ if (ret && kev) {
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, data);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_sowattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ /* socket locked */
+ if (KNOTE_ATTACH(&so->so_snd.sb_sel.si_note, kn)) {
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_KNOTE;
+ }
+ /* determine if its already fired */
+ return filt_sowrite_common(kn, NULL, so);
+static void
+filt_sowdetach(struct knote *kn)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if (so->so_snd.sb_flags & SB_KNOTE) {
+ if (KNOTE_DETACH(&so->so_snd.sb_sel.si_note, kn)) {
+ so->so_snd.sb_flags &= ~SB_KNOTE;
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+static int
+filt_sowrite(struct knote *kn, long hint)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int ret;
+ if ((hint & SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED) == 0) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
+ ret = filt_sowrite_common(kn, NULL, so);
+ if ((hint & SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED) == 0) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_sowtouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int ret;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ /*save off the new input fflags and data */
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
+ /* determine if these changes result in a triggered event */
+ ret = filt_sowrite_common(kn, NULL, so);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_sowprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int ret;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ ret = filt_sowrite_common(kn, kev, so);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_sockev_common(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev,
+ struct socket *so, long ev_hint)
+ int ret = 0;
+ int64_t data = 0;
+ uint32_t level_trigger = 0;
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_CONNRESET) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_CONNRESET;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_TIMEOUT) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_NOSRCADDR) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_NOSRCADDR;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_IFDENIED) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_IFDENIED;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_KEEPALIVE) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_KEEPALIVE;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_ADAPTIVE_WTIMO) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_ADAPTIVE_WTIMO;
+ }
+ if (ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_ADAPTIVE_RTIMO) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_ADAPTIVE_RTIMO;
+ }
+ if ((ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_CONNECTED) ||
+ (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_CONNECTED;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_CONNECTED;
+ }
+ if ((ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_DISCONNECTED) ||
+ (so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTED)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_DISCONNECTED;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_DISCONNECTED;
+ }
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL &&
+ (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_EVCONNINFO)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_CONNINFO_UPDATED;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_NOTIFY_ACK) ||
+ tcp_notify_ack_active(so)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_NOTIFY_ACK;
+ }
+ if ((so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE)
+ && cfil_sock_data_pending(&so->so_rcv) == 0
+#endif /* CONTENT_FILTER */
+ ) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_READCLOSED;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_READCLOSED;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_CANTSENDMORE) {
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_WRITECLOSED;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_WRITECLOSED;
+ }
+ if ((ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_SUSPEND) ||
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_SUSPENDED)) {
+ kn->kn_fflags &= ~(NOTE_SUSPEND | NOTE_RESUME);
+ /* If resume event was delivered before, reset it */
+ kn->kn_hook32 &= ~NOTE_RESUME;
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_SUSPEND;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_SUSPEND;
+ }
+ if ((ev_hint & SO_FILT_HINT_RESUME) ||
+ (so->so_flags & SOF_SUSPENDED) == 0) {
+ kn->kn_fflags &= ~(NOTE_SUSPEND | NOTE_RESUME);
+ /* If suspend event was delivered before, reset it */
+ kn->kn_hook32 &= ~NOTE_SUSPEND;
+ kn->kn_fflags |= NOTE_RESUME;
+ level_trigger |= NOTE_RESUME;
+ }
+ if (so->so_error != 0) {
+ ret = 1;
+ data = so->so_error;
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_EOF;
+ } else {
+ u_int32_t data32 = 0;
+ get_sockev_state(so, &data32);
+ data = data32;
+ }
+ /* Reset any events that are not requested on this knote */
+ kn->kn_fflags &= (kn->kn_sfflags & EVFILT_SOCK_ALL_MASK);
+ level_trigger &= (kn->kn_sfflags & EVFILT_SOCK_ALL_MASK);
+ /* Find the level triggerred events that are already delivered */
+ level_trigger &= kn->kn_hook32;
+ /* Do not deliver level triggerred events more than once */
+ if ((kn->kn_fflags & ~level_trigger) != 0) {
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ if (ret && kev) {
+ /*
+ * Store the state of the events being delivered. This
+ * state can be used to deliver level triggered events
+ * ateast once and still avoid waking up the application
+ * multiple times as long as the event is active.
+ */
+ if (kn->kn_fflags != 0) {
+ kn->kn_hook32 |= (kn->kn_fflags &
+ }
+ /*
+ * NOTE_RESUME and NOTE_SUSPEND are an exception, deliver
+ * only one of them and remember the last one that was
+ * delivered last
+ */
+ if (kn->kn_fflags & NOTE_SUSPEND) {
+ kn->kn_hook32 &= ~NOTE_RESUME;
+ }
+ if (kn->kn_fflags & NOTE_RESUME) {
+ kn->kn_hook32 &= ~NOTE_SUSPEND;
+ }
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, data);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_sockattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ /* socket locked */
+ kn->kn_hook32 = 0;
+ if (KNOTE_ATTACH(&so->so_klist, kn)) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_KNOTE;
+ }
+ /* determine if event already fired */
+ return filt_sockev_common(kn, NULL, so, 0);
+static void
+filt_sockdetach(struct knote *kn)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ if ((so->so_flags & SOF_KNOTE) != 0) {
+ if (KNOTE_DETACH(&so->so_klist, kn)) {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_KNOTE;
+ }
+ }
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+static int
+filt_sockev(struct knote *kn, long hint)
+ int ret = 0, locked = 0;
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ long ev_hint = (hint & SO_FILT_HINT_EV);
+ if ((hint & SO_FILT_HINT_LOCKED) == 0) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ locked = 1;
+ }
+ ret = filt_sockev_common(kn, NULL, so, ev_hint);
+ if (locked) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * filt_socktouch - update event state
+ */
+static int
+ struct knote *kn,
+ struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ uint32_t changed_flags;
+ int ret;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ /* save off the [result] data and fflags */
+ changed_flags = (kn->kn_sfflags ^ kn->kn_hook32);
+ /* save off the new input fflags and data */
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
+ /* restrict the current results to the (smaller?) set of new interest */
+ /*
+ * For compatibility with previous implementations, we leave kn_fflags
+ * as they were before.
+ */
+ //kn->kn_fflags &= kev->fflags;
+ /*
+ * Since we keep track of events that are already
+ * delivered, if any of those events are not requested
+ * anymore the state related to them can be reset
+ */
+ kn->kn_hook32 &= ~(changed_flags & EVFILT_SOCK_LEVEL_TRIGGER_MASK);
+ /* determine if we have events to deliver */
+ ret = filt_sockev_common(kn, NULL, so, 0);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return ret;
+ * filt_sockprocess - query event fired state and return data
+ */
+static int
+filt_sockprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct socket *so = (struct socket *)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ int ret = 0;
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ ret = filt_sockev_common(kn, kev, so, 0);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ return ret;
+get_sockev_state(struct socket *so, u_int32_t *statep)
+ u_int32_t state = *(statep);
+ /*
+ * If the state variable is already used by a previous event,
+ * reset it.
+ */
+ if (state != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
+ } else {
+ state &= ~(SOCKEV_CONNECTED);
+ }
+ state |= ((so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTED) ? SOCKEV_DISCONNECTED : 0);
+ *(statep) = state;
+ (2 * SO_LCKDBG_MAX * (2 + (2 * sizeof (void *)) + 1) + 1)
+__private_extern__ const char *
+solockhistory_nr(struct socket *so)
+ size_t n = 0;
+ int i;
+ static char lock_history_str[SO_LOCK_HISTORY_STR_LEN];
+ bzero(lock_history_str, sizeof(lock_history_str));
+ for (i = SO_LCKDBG_MAX - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ n += scnprintf(lock_history_str + n,
+ SO_LOCK_HISTORY_STR_LEN - n, "%p:%p ",
+ so->lock_lr[(so->next_lock_lr + i) % SO_LCKDBG_MAX],
+ so->unlock_lr[(so->next_unlock_lr + i) % SO_LCKDBG_MAX]);
+ }
+ return lock_history_str;
+lck_mtx_t *
+socket_getlock(struct socket *so, int flags)
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ return (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, flags);
+ } else {
+ return so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ }
+socket_lock(struct socket *so, int refcount)
+ void *lr_saved;
+ lr_saved = __builtin_return_address(0);
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_lock) {
+ (*so->so_proto->pr_lock)(so, refcount, lr_saved);
+ } else {
+ LCK_MTX_ASSERT(so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx,
+ lck_mtx_lock(so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx);
+ if (refcount) {
+ so->so_usecount++;
+ }
+ so->lock_lr[so->next_lock_lr] = lr_saved;
+ so->next_lock_lr = (so->next_lock_lr + 1) % SO_LCKDBG_MAX;
+ }
+socket_lock_assert_owned(struct socket *so)
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
+ }
+socket_try_lock(struct socket *so)
+ lck_mtx_t *mtx;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mtx = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ mtx = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
- if (m) {
- if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0)
- m->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
- type = m->m_type;
- if (type == MT_OOBDATA)
- flags |= MSG_OOB;
+ return lck_mtx_try_lock(mtx);
+socket_unlock(struct socket *so, int refcount)
+ void *lr_saved;
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ lr_saved = __builtin_return_address(0);
+ if (so == NULL || so->so_proto == NULL) {
+ panic("%s: null so_proto so=%p\n", __func__, so);
- moff = 0;
- offset = 0;
- while (m && uio->uio_resid > 0 && error == 0) {
- if (m->m_type == MT_OOBDATA) {
- if (type != MT_OOBDATA)
- break;
- } else if (type == MT_OOBDATA)
- break;
-#if 0
- * This assertion needs rework. The trouble is Appletalk is uses many
- * mbuf types (NOT listed in mbuf.h!) which will trigger this panic.
- * For now just remove the assertion... CSM 9/98
- */
- else
- KASSERT(m->m_type == MT_DATA || m->m_type == MT_HEADER,
- ("receive 3"));
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_unlock) {
+ (*so->so_proto->pr_unlock)(so, refcount, lr_saved);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
- /*
- * Make sure to allways set MSG_OOB event when getting
- * out of band data inline.
- */
- if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTOOBFLAG) != 0 &&
- (so->so_options & SO_OOBINLINE) != 0 &&
- (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK) != 0) {
- flags |= MSG_OOB;
- }
- so->so_state &= ~SS_RCVATMARK;
- len = uio->uio_resid;
- if (so->so_oobmark && len > so->so_oobmark - offset)
- len = so->so_oobmark - offset;
- if (len > m->m_len - moff)
- len = m->m_len - moff;
- /*
- * If mp is set, just pass back the mbufs.
- * Otherwise copy them out via the uio, then free.
- * Sockbuf must be consistent here (points to current mbuf,
- * it points to next record) when we drop priority;
- * we must note any additions to the sockbuf when we
- * block interrupts again.
- */
- if (mp == 0) {
- splx(s);
- error = uiomove(mtod(m, caddr_t) + moff, (int)len, uio);
- s = splnet();
- if (error)
- goto release;
- } else
- uio->uio_resid -= len;
- if (len == m->m_len - moff) {
- if (m->m_flags & M_EOR)
- flags |= MSG_EOR;
- if (flags & MSG_PEEK) {
- m = m->m_next;
- moff = 0;
- } else {
- nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
- sbfree(&so->so_rcv, m);
- if (mp) {
- *mp = m;
- mp = &m->m_next;
- so->so_rcv.sb_mb = m = m->m_next;
- *mp = (struct mbuf *)0;
- } else {
- MFREE(m, so->so_rcv.sb_mb);
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- }
- if (m)
- m->m_nextpkt = nextrecord;
- }
- } else {
- if (flags & MSG_PEEK)
- moff += len;
- else {
- if (mp)
- *mp = m_copym(m, 0, len, M_WAIT);
- m->m_data += len;
- m->m_len -= len;
- so->so_rcv.sb_cc -= len;
- }
- }
- if (so->so_oobmark) {
- if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
- so->so_oobmark -= len;
- if (so->so_oobmark == 0) {
- so->so_state |= SS_RCVATMARK;
- postevent(so, 0, EV_OOB);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- offset += len;
- if (offset == so->so_oobmark)
- break;
+ so->unlock_lr[so->next_unlock_lr] = lr_saved;
+ so->next_unlock_lr = (so->next_unlock_lr + 1) % SO_LCKDBG_MAX;
+ if (refcount) {
+ if (so->so_usecount <= 0) {
+ panic("%s: bad refcount=%d so=%p (%d, %d, %d) "
+ "lrh=%s", __func__, so->so_usecount, so,
+ SOCK_DOM(so), so->so_type,
+ SOCK_PROTO(so), solockhistory_nr(so));
- }
- if (flags & MSG_EOR)
- break;
- /*
- * If the MSG_WAITALL flag is set (for non-atomic socket),
- * we must not quit until "uio->uio_resid == 0" or an error
- * termination. If a signal/timeout occurs, return
- * with a short count but without error.
- * Keep sockbuf locked against other readers.
- */
- while (flags & MSG_WAITALL && m == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0 &&
- !sosendallatonce(so) && !nextrecord) {
- if (so->so_error || so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE)
- break;
- error = sbwait(&so->so_rcv);
- if (error) {
- sbunlock(&so->so_rcv);
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ so->so_usecount--;
+ if (so->so_usecount == 0) {
+ sofreelastref(so, 1);
- m = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- if (m)
- nextrecord = m->m_nextpkt;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(mutex_held);
- if (m && pr->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC) {
- if (so->so_options & SO_DONTTRUNC)
- flags |= MSG_RCVMORE;
- else
- { flags |= MSG_TRUNC;
- if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0)
- (void) sbdroprecord(&so->so_rcv);
- }
+/* Called with socket locked, will unlock socket */
+sofree(struct socket *so)
+ lck_mtx_t *mutex_held;
+ if (so->so_proto->pr_getlock != NULL) {
+ mutex_held = (*so->so_proto->pr_getlock)(so, 0);
+ } else {
+ mutex_held = so->so_proto->pr_domain->dom_mtx;
- if ((flags & MSG_PEEK) == 0) {
- if (m == 0)
- so->so_rcv.sb_mb = nextrecord;
- if (pr->pr_flags & PR_WANTRCVD && so->so_pcb)
- (*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_rcvd)(so, flags);
+ sofreelastref(so, 0);
+soreference(struct socket *so)
+ socket_lock(so, 1); /* locks & take one reference on socket */
+ socket_unlock(so, 0); /* unlock only */
+sodereference(struct socket *so)
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
+ * Set or clear SOF_MULTIPAGES on the socket to enable or disable the
+ * possibility of using jumbo clusters. Caller must ensure to hold
+ * the socket lock.
+ */
+somultipages(struct socket *so, boolean_t set)
+ if (set) {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_MULTIPAGES;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_MULTIPAGES;
- if ((so->so_options & SO_WANTMORE) && so->so_rcv.sb_cc > 0)
- flags |= MSG_HAVEMORE;
- if (orig_resid == uio->uio_resid && orig_resid &&
- (flags & MSG_EOR) == 0 && (so->so_state & SS_CANTRCVMORE) == 0) {
- sbunlock(&so->so_rcv);
- splx(s);
- goto restart;
+soif2kcl(struct socket *so, boolean_t set)
+ if (set) {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_IF_2KCL;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_IF_2KCL;
- if (flagsp)
- *flagsp |= flags;
- sbunlock(&so->so_rcv);
- splx(s);
+so_isdstlocal(struct socket *so)
+ struct inpcb *inp = (struct inpcb *)so->so_pcb;
- so,
- uio->uio_resid,
- so->so_rcv.sb_cc,
- 0,
- error);
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) {
+ return inaddr_local(inp->inp_faddr);
+ } else if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ return in6addr_local(&inp->in6p_faddr);
+ }
- return (error);
+ return 0;
-soshutdown(so, how)
- register struct socket *so;
- register int how;
+sosetdefunct(struct proc *p, struct socket *so, int level, boolean_t noforce)
- register struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
- struct kextcb *kp;
- int ret;
+ struct sockbuf *rcv, *snd;
+ int err = 0, defunct;
+ rcv = &so->so_rcv;
+ snd = &so->so_snd;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_soshutdown)
- { ret = (*kp->e_soif->sf_soshutdown)(so, how, kp);
- if (ret)
- return((ret == EJUSTRETURN) ? 0 : ret);
+ defunct = (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT);
+ if (defunct) {
+ if (!(snd->sb_flags & rcv->sb_flags & SB_DROP)) {
+ panic("%s: SB_DROP not set", __func__);
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ goto done;
- how++;
- if (how & FREAD) {
- sorflush(so);
- postevent(so, 0, EV_RCLOSED);
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_NODEFUNCT) {
+ if (noforce) {
+ if (p != PROC_NULL) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d "
+ "name %s level %d) so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "is not eligible for defunct "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_selfpid(),
+ proc_best_name(current_proc()), proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), err);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_NODEFUNCT;
+ if (p != PROC_NULL) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d "
+ "name %s level %d) so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "defunct by force "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_selfpid(),
+ proc_best_name(current_proc()), proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), err);
+ }
+ } else if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED) {
+ struct inpcb *inp = (struct inpcb *)so->so_pcb;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp;
+ if (ifp && IFNET_IS_CELLULAR(ifp)) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_nocell);
+ } else if (so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_nodlgtd);
+ } else if (soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_time == 0) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_notime);
+ } else if (noforce && p != PROC_NULL) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_active);
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG;
+ so->so_extended_bk_start = net_uptime();
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_LXBKIDLEINPROG, &p->p_ladvflag);
+ inpcb_timer_sched(inp->inp_pcbinfo, INPCB_TIMER_LAZY);
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d "
+ "name %s level %d) so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "extend bk idle "
+ "(%d)\n", __func__, proc_selfpid(),
+ proc_best_name(current_proc()), proc_pid(p),
+ proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so), err);
+ return err;
+ } else {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_forced);
+ }
+ }
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_DEFUNCT;
+ /* Prevent further data from being appended to the socket buffers */
+ snd->sb_flags |= SB_DROP;
+ rcv->sb_flags |= SB_DROP;
+ /* Flush any existing data in the socket buffers */
+ if (rcv->sb_cc != 0) {
+ rcv->sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL;
+ selthreadclear(&rcv->sb_sel);
+ sbrelease(rcv);
- if (how & FWRITE) {
- ret = ((*pr->pr_usrreqs->pru_shutdown)(so));
- postevent(so, 0, EV_WCLOSED);
- return(ret);
+ if (snd->sb_cc != 0) {
+ snd->sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL;
+ selthreadclear(&snd->sb_sel);
+ sbrelease(snd);
- return (0);
+ if (p != PROC_NULL) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d name %s level %d) "
+ "so 0x%llx [%d,%d] %s defunct%s\n", __func__,
+ proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so), SOCK_DOM(so),
+ SOCK_TYPE(so), defunct ? "is already" : "marked as",
+ (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED) ?
+ " extbkidle" : "");
+ }
+ return err;
- register struct socket *so;
+sodefunct(struct proc *p, struct socket *so, int level)
- register struct sockbuf *sb = &so->so_rcv;
- register struct protosw *pr = so->so_proto;
- register int s, error;
- struct sockbuf asb;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ struct sockbuf *rcv, *snd;
+ if (!(so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT)) {
+ panic("%s improperly called", __func__);
+ }
+ if (so->so_state & SS_DEFUNCT) {
+ goto done;
+ }
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sorflush)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_sorflush)(so, kp))
- return;
+ rcv = &so->so_rcv;
+ snd = &so->so_snd;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ char s[MAX_IPv6_STR_LEN];
+ char d[MAX_IPv6_STR_LEN];
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ if (p != PROC_NULL) {
+ "%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d name %s level %d) "
+ "so 0x%llx [%s %s:%d -> %s:%d] is now defunct "
+ "[rcv_si 0x%x, snd_si 0x%x, rcv_fl 0x%x, "
+ " snd_fl 0x%x]\n", __func__,
+ proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ (SOCK_TYPE(so) == SOCK_STREAM) ? "TCP" : "UDP",
+ inet_ntop(SOCK_DOM(so), ((SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) ?
+ (void *)&inp->inp_laddr.s_addr :
+ (void *)&inp->in6p_laddr),
+ s, sizeof(s)), ntohs(inp->in6p_lport),
+ inet_ntop(SOCK_DOM(so), (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET) ?
+ (void *)&inp->inp_faddr.s_addr :
+ (void *)&inp->in6p_faddr,
+ d, sizeof(d)), ntohs(inp->in6p_fport),
+ (uint32_t)rcv->sb_sel.si_flags,
+ (uint32_t)snd->sb_sel.si_flags,
+ rcv->sb_flags, snd->sb_flags);
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ } else if (p != PROC_NULL) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d name %s level %d) "
+ "so 0x%llx [%d,%d] is now defunct [rcv_si 0x%x, "
+ "snd_si 0x%x, rcv_fl 0x%x, snd_fl 0x%x]\n", __func__,
+ proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p), level,
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so),
+ (uint32_t)rcv->sb_sel.si_flags,
+ (uint32_t)snd->sb_sel.si_flags, rcv->sb_flags,
+ snd->sb_flags);
- sb->sb_flags |= SB_NOINTR;
- (void) sblock(sb, M_WAIT);
- s = splimp();
- socantrcvmore(so);
- sbunlock(sb);
- selthreadclear(&sb->sb_sel);
- asb = *sb;
- bzero((caddr_t)sb, sizeof (*sb));
- splx(s);
- if (pr->pr_flags & PR_RIGHTS && pr->pr_domain->dom_dispose)
- (*pr->pr_domain->dom_dispose)(asb.sb_mb);
- sbrelease(&asb);
+ /*
+ * Unwedge threads blocked on sbwait() and sb_lock().
+ */
+ sbwakeup(rcv);
+ sbwakeup(snd);
- * Perhaps this routine, and sooptcopyout(), below, ought to come in
- * an additional variant to handle the case where the option value needs
- * to be some kind of integer, but not a specific size.
- * In addition to their use here, these functions are also called by the
- * protocol-level pr_ctloutput() routines.
- */
-sooptcopyin(sopt, buf, len, minlen)
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- void *buf;
- size_t len;
- size_t minlen;
- size_t valsize;
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_DEFUNCTINPROG;
+ if (rcv->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) {
+ sbunlock(rcv, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ }
+ if (snd->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) {
+ sbunlock(snd, TRUE); /* keep socket locked */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Flush the buffers and disconnect. We explicitly call shutdown
+ * on both data directions to ensure that SS_CANT{RCV,SEND}MORE
+ * states are set for the socket. This would also flush out data
+ * hanging off the receive list of this socket.
+ */
+ (void) soshutdownlock_final(so, SHUT_RD);
+ (void) soshutdownlock_final(so, SHUT_WR);
+ (void) sodisconnectlocked(so);
- * If the user gives us more than we wanted, we ignore it,
- * but if we don't get the minimum length the caller
- * wants, we return EINVAL. On success, sopt->sopt_valsize
- * is set to however much we actually retrieved.
+ * Explicitly handle connectionless-protocol disconnection
+ * and release any remaining data in the socket buffers.
- if ((valsize = sopt->sopt_valsize) < minlen)
- return EINVAL;
- if (valsize > len)
- sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize = len;
+ if (!(so->so_state & SS_ISDISCONNECTED)) {
+ (void) soisdisconnected(so);
+ }
+ if (so->so_error == 0) {
+ so->so_error = EBADF;
+ }
- if (sopt->sopt_p != 0)
- return (copyin(sopt->sopt_val, buf, valsize));
+ if (rcv->sb_cc != 0) {
+ rcv->sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL;
+ selthreadclear(&rcv->sb_sel);
+ sbrelease(rcv);
+ }
+ if (snd->sb_cc != 0) {
+ snd->sb_flags &= ~SB_SEL;
+ selthreadclear(&snd->sb_sel);
+ sbrelease(snd);
+ }
+ so->so_state |= SS_DEFUNCT;
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong((volatile long *)&sodefunct_calls);
- bcopy(sopt->sopt_val, buf, valsize);
return 0;
-sosetopt(so, sopt)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockopt *sopt;
+soresume(struct proc *p, struct socket *so, int locked)
- int error, optval;
- struct linger l;
- struct timeval tv;
- short val;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ if (locked == 0) {
+ socket_lock(so, 1);
+ }
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_socontrol)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_socontrol)(so, sopt, kp);
- if (error)
- return((error == EJUSTRETURN) ? 0 : error);
- }
- kp = kp->e_next;
+ if (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: (target pid %d name %s) so 0x%llx "
+ "[%d,%d] resumed from bk idle\n",
+ __func__, proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ proc_pid(p), proc_best_name(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so));
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG;
+ so->so_extended_bk_start = 0;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~P_LXBKIDLEINPROG, &p->p_ladvflag);
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_resumed);
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_active);
+ VERIFY(soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_active >= 0);
+ }
+ if (locked == 0) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 1);
- error = 0;
- if (sopt->sopt_level != SOL_SOCKET) {
- if (so->so_proto && so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)
- return ((*so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)
- (so, sopt));
- error = ENOPROTOOPT;
- } else {
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- case SO_LINGER:
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &l, sizeof l, sizeof l);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
+ return 0;
- so->so_linger = l.l_linger;
- if (l.l_onoff)
- so->so_options |= SO_LINGER;
- else
- so->so_options &= ~SO_LINGER;
- break;
+ * Does not attempt to account for sockets that are delegated from
+ * the current process
+ */
+so_set_extended_bk_idle(struct socket *so, int optval)
+ int error = 0;
- case SO_DEBUG:
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval,
- sizeof optval);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
- if (optval)
- so->so_options |= sopt->sopt_name;
- else
- so->so_options &= ~sopt->sopt_name;
- break;
+ if ((SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET && SOCK_DOM(so) != PF_INET6) ||
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_notsupp);
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ } else if (optval == 0) {
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED;
- case SO_SNDBUF:
- case SO_RCVBUF:
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval,
- sizeof optval);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
+ soresume(current_proc(), so, 1);
+ } else {
+ struct proc *p = current_proc();
+ struct fileproc *fp;
+ int count = 0;
- /*
- * Values < 1 make no sense for any of these
- * options, so disallow them.
- */
- if (optval < 1) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto bad;
- }
+ /*
+ * Unlock socket to avoid lock ordering issue with
+ * the proc fd table lock
+ */
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- case SO_SNDBUF:
- case SO_RCVBUF:
- if (sbreserve(sopt->sopt_name == SO_SNDBUF ?
- &so->so_snd : &so->so_rcv,
- (u_long) optval) == 0) {
- error = ENOBUFS;
- goto bad;
- }
- break;
+ proc_fdlock(p);
+ fdt_foreach(fp, p) {
+ struct socket *so2;
- /*
- * Make sure the low-water is never greater than
- * the high-water.
- */
- so->so_snd.sb_lowat =
- (optval > so->so_snd.sb_hiwat) ?
- so->so_snd.sb_hiwat : optval;
- break;
- so->so_rcv.sb_lowat =
- (optval > so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat) ?
- so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat : optval;
- break;
+ if (FILEGLOB_DTYPE(fp->fp_glob) != DTYPE_SOCKET) {
+ continue;
- break;
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &tv, sizeof tv,
- sizeof tv);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
- if (tv.tv_sec > SHRT_MAX / hz - hz) {
- error = EDOM;
- goto bad;
+ so2 = (struct socket *)fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ if (so != so2 &&
+ so2->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED) {
+ count++;
- val = tv.tv_sec * hz + tv.tv_usec / tick;
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- so->so_snd.sb_timeo = val;
- break;
- so->so_rcv.sb_timeo = val;
+ if (count >= soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_maxperproc) {
- break;
- case SO_NKE:
- { struct so_nke nke;
- struct NFDescriptor *nf1, *nf2 = NULL;
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &nke,
- sizeof nke, sizeof nke);
- if (error)
- goto bad;
- error = nke_insert(so, &nke);
- break;
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
- default:
- error = ENOPROTOOPT;
- break;
- }
- if (error == 0 && so->so_proto && so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput) {
- (void) ((*so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)
- (so, sopt));
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ if (count >= soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_maxperproc) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_toomany);
+ error = EBUSY;
+ } else if (so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) {
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_nodlgtd);
+ error = EBUSY;
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags1 |= SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED;
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_wantok);
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] "
+ "%s marked for extended bk idle\n",
+ __func__, proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so),
+ (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_WANTED) ?
+ "is" : "not");
- return (error);
+ return error;
-/* Helper routine for getsockopt */
-sooptcopyout(sopt, buf, len)
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- void *buf;
- size_t len;
+static void
+so_stop_extended_bk_idle(struct socket *so)
- int error;
- size_t valsize;
- error = 0;
+ so->so_flags1 &= ~SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG;
+ so->so_extended_bk_start = 0;
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_active);
+ VERIFY(soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_active >= 0);
- * Documented get behavior is that we always return a value,
- * possibly truncated to fit in the user's buffer.
- * Traditional behavior is that we always tell the user
- * precisely how much we copied, rather than something useful
- * like the total amount we had available for her.
- * Note that this interface is not idempotent; the entire answer must
- * generated ahead of time.
+ * Force defunct
- valsize = min(len, sopt->sopt_valsize);
- sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
- if (sopt->sopt_val != 0) {
- if (sopt->sopt_p != 0)
- error = copyout(buf, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
- else
- bcopy(buf, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
+ sosetdefunct(current_proc(), so,
+ if (so->so_flags & SOF_DEFUNCT) {
+ sodefunct(current_proc(), so,
- return error;
-sogetopt(so, sopt)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockopt *sopt;
+so_drain_extended_bk_idle(struct socket *so)
- int error, optval;
- struct linger l;
- struct timeval tv;
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct kextcb *kp;
+ if (so && (so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG)) {
+ /*
+ * Only penalize sockets that have outstanding data
+ */
+ if (so->so_rcv.sb_cc || so->so_snd.sb_cc) {
+ so_stop_extended_bk_idle(so);
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_socontrol)
- { error = (*kp->e_soif->sf_socontrol)(so, sopt, kp);
- if (error)
- return((error == EJUSTRETURN) ? 0 : error);
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_drained);
- kp = kp->e_next;
- error = 0;
- if (sopt->sopt_level != SOL_SOCKET) {
- if (so->so_proto && so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput) {
- return ((*so->so_proto->pr_ctloutput)
- (so, sopt));
- } else
- return (ENOPROTOOPT);
- } else {
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- case SO_LINGER:
- l.l_onoff = so->so_options & SO_LINGER;
- l.l_linger = so->so_linger;
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &l, sizeof l);
- break;
- case SO_DEBUG:
- optval = so->so_options & sopt->sopt_name;
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval);
- break;
- case SO_TYPE:
- optval = so->so_type;
- goto integer;
- case SO_NREAD:
- { int pkt_total;
- struct mbuf *m1;
- pkt_total = 0;
- m1 = so->so_rcv.sb_mb;
- if (so->so_proto->pr_flags & PR_ATOMIC)
- {
-#if 0
- kprintf("SKT CC: %d\n", so->so_rcv.sb_cc);
- while (m1)
- { if (m1->m_type == MT_DATA)
- pkt_total += m1->m_len;
-#if 0
- kprintf("CNT: %d/%d\n", m1->m_len, pkt_total);
- m1 = m1->m_next;
- }
- optval = pkt_total;
- } else
- optval = so->so_rcv.sb_cc;
-#if 0
- kprintf("RTN: %d\n", optval);
- goto integer;
- }
- case SO_ERROR:
- optval = so->so_error;
- so->so_error = 0;
- goto integer;
+ * Return values tells if socket is still in extended background idle
+ */
+so_check_extended_bk_idle_time(struct socket *so)
+ int ret = 1;
- case SO_SNDBUF:
- optval = so->so_snd.sb_hiwat;
- goto integer;
+ if ((so->so_flags1 & SOF1_EXTEND_BK_IDLE_INPROG)) {
+ SODEFUNCTLOG("%s[%d, %s]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d]\n",
+ __func__, proc_selfpid(), proc_best_name(current_proc()),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so));
+ if (net_uptime() - so->so_extended_bk_start >
+ soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_time) {
+ so_stop_extended_bk_idle(so);
- case SO_RCVBUF:
- optval = so->so_rcv.sb_hiwat;
- goto integer;
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_expired);
- optval = so->so_snd.sb_lowat;
- goto integer;
+ ret = 0;
+ } else {
+ struct inpcb *inp = (struct inpcb *)so->so_pcb;
- optval = so->so_rcv.sb_lowat;
- goto integer;
+ inpcb_timer_sched(inp->inp_pcbinfo, INPCB_TIMER_LAZY);
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&soextbkidlestat.so_xbkidle_resched);
+ }
+ }
- optval = (sopt->sopt_name == SO_SNDTIMEO ?
- so->so_snd.sb_timeo : so->so_rcv.sb_timeo);
+ return ret;
- tv.tv_sec = optval / hz;
- tv.tv_usec = (optval % hz) * tick;
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &tv, sizeof tv);
- break;
+resume_proc_sockets(proc_t p)
+ if (p->p_ladvflag & P_LXBKIDLEINPROG) {
+ struct fileproc *fp;
+ struct socket *so;
+ proc_fdlock(p);
+ fdt_foreach(fp, p) {
+ if (FILEGLOB_DTYPE(fp->fp_glob) != DTYPE_SOCKET) {
+ continue;
+ }
- default:
- error = ENOPROTOOPT;
- break;
+ so = (struct socket *)fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ (void) soresume(p, so, 0);
- return (error);
+ proc_fdunlock(p);
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~P_LXBKIDLEINPROG, &p->p_ladvflag);
- register struct socket *so;
+__private_extern__ int
+so_set_recv_anyif(struct socket *so, int optval)
- struct proc *p;
+ int ret = 0;
- struct kextcb *kp;
- kp = sotokextcb(so);
- while (kp)
- { if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sohasoutofband)
- { if ((*kp->e_soif->sf_sohasoutofband)(so, kp))
- return;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ if (optval) {
+ sotoinpcb(so)->inp_flags |= INP_RECV_ANYIF;
+ } else {
+ sotoinpcb(so)->inp_flags &= ~INP_RECV_ANYIF;
- kp = kp->e_next;
- if (so->so_pgid < 0)
- gsignal(-so->so_pgid, SIGURG);
- else if (so->so_pgid > 0 && (p = pfind(so->so_pgid)) != 0)
- psignal(p, SIGURG);
- selwakeup(&so->so_rcv.sb_sel);
+ return ret;
- * Network filter support
- */
-/* Run the list of filters, creating extension control blocks */
-sfilter_init(register struct socket *so)
-{ struct kextcb *kp, **kpp;
- struct protosw *prp;
- struct NFDescriptor *nfp;
- prp = so->so_proto;
- nfp = prp->pr_sfilter.tqh_first; /* non-null */
- kpp = &so->so_ext;
- kp = NULL;
- while (nfp)
- { MALLOC(kp, struct kextcb *, sizeof(*kp),
- if (kp == NULL)
- return(ENOBUFS); /* so_free will clean up */
- *kpp = kp;
- kpp = &kp->e_next;
- kp->e_next = NULL;
- kp->e_fcb = NULL;
- kp->e_nfd = nfp;
- kp->e_soif = nfp->nf_soif;
- kp->e_sout = nfp->nf_soutil;
- /*
- * Ignore return value for create
- * Everyone gets a chance at startup
- */
- if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_socreate)
- (*kp->e_soif->sf_socreate)(so, prp, kp);
- nfp = nfp->nf_next.tqe_next;
+__private_extern__ int
+so_get_recv_anyif(struct socket *so)
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ ret = (sotoinpcb(so)->inp_flags & INP_RECV_ANYIF) ? 1 : 0;
- return(0);
+ return ret;
+so_set_restrictions(struct socket *so, uint32_t vals)
+ int nocell_old, nocell_new;
+ int noexpensive_old, noexpensive_new;
+ int noconstrained_old, noconstrained_new;
- * Run the list of filters, freeing extension control blocks
- * Assumes the soif/soutil blocks have been handled.
- */
-sfilter_term(struct socket *so)
-{ struct kextcb *kp, *kp1;
+ /*
+ * Deny-type restrictions are trapdoors; once set they cannot be
+ * unset for the lifetime of the socket. This allows them to be
+ * issued by a framework on behalf of the application without
+ * having to worry that they can be undone.
+ *
+ * Note here that socket-level restrictions overrides any protocol
+ * level restrictions. For instance, SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CELLULAR
+ * socket restriction issued on the socket has a higher precendence
+ * than INP_NO_IFT_CELLULAR. The latter is affected by the UUID
+ * policy PROC_UUID_NO_CELLULAR for unrestricted sockets only,
+ * i.e. when SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CELLULAR has not been issued.
+ */
+ nocell_old = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CELLULAR);
+ noexpensive_old = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_EXPENSIVE);
+ noconstrained_old = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CONSTRAINED);
+ so->so_restrictions |= (vals & (SO_RESTRICT_DENY_IN |
+ nocell_new = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CELLULAR);
+ noexpensive_new = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_EXPENSIVE);
+ noconstrained_new = (so->so_restrictions & SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CONSTRAINED);
+ /* we can only set, not clear restrictions */
+ if ((nocell_new - nocell_old) == 0 &&
+ (noexpensive_new - noexpensive_old) == 0 &&
+ (noconstrained_new - noconstrained_old) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET || SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_INET6) {
+ if (nocell_new - nocell_old != 0) {
+ /*
+ * if deny cellular is now set, do what's needed
+ * for INPCB
+ */
+ inp_set_nocellular(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ if (noexpensive_new - noexpensive_old != 0) {
+ inp_set_noexpensive(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ if (noconstrained_new - noconstrained_old != 0) {
+ inp_set_noconstrained(sotoinpcb(so));
+ }
+ }
- kp = so->so_ext;
- while (kp)
- { kp1 = kp->e_next;
- /*
- * Ignore return code on termination; everyone must
- * get terminated.
- */
- if (kp->e_soif && kp->e_soif->sf_sofree)
- kp->e_soif->sf_sofree(so, kp);
- FREE(kp, M_TEMP);
- kp = kp1;
+ if (SOCK_DOM(so) == PF_MULTIPATH) {
+ mptcp_set_restrictions(so);
- return(0);
+ return 0;
+so_get_restrictions(struct socket *so)
+ return so->so_restrictions & (SO_RESTRICT_DENY_IN |
-sopoll(struct socket *so, int events, struct ucred *cred, void * wql)
+so_set_effective_pid(struct socket *so, int epid, struct proc *p, boolean_t check_cred)
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- int revents = 0;
- int s = splnet();
- if (events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM))
- if (soreadable(so))
- revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
+ struct proc *ep = PROC_NULL;
+ int error = 0;
- if (events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM))
- if (sowriteable(so))
- revents |= events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM);
+ /* pid 0 is reserved for kernel */
+ if (epid == 0) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
- if (events & (POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND))
- if (so->so_oobmark || (so->so_state & SS_RCVATMARK))
- revents |= events & (POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND);
+ /*
+ * If this is an in-kernel socket, prevent its delegate
+ * association from changing unless the socket option is
+ * coming from within the kernel itself.
+ */
+ if (so->last_pid == 0 && p != kernproc) {
+ error = EACCES;
+ goto done;
+ }
- if (revents == 0) {
- so->so_rcv.sb_flags |= SB_SEL;
- selrecord(p, &so->so_rcv.sb_sel, wql);
+ /*
+ * If this is issued by a process that's recorded as the
+ * real owner of the socket, or if the pid is the same as
+ * the process's own pid, then proceed. Otherwise ensure
+ * that the issuing process has the necessary privileges.
+ */
+ if (check_cred && (epid != so->last_pid || epid != proc_pid(p))) {
+ if ((error = priv_check_cred(kauth_cred_get(),
+ error = EACCES;
+ goto done;
+ }
- if (events & (POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM)) {
- so->so_snd.sb_flags |= SB_SEL;
- selrecord(p, &so->so_snd.sb_sel, wql);
+ /* Find the process that corresponds to the effective pid */
+ if ((ep = proc_find(epid)) == PROC_NULL) {
+ error = ESRCH;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a process tries to delegate the socket to itself, then
+ * there's really nothing to do; treat it as a way for the
+ * delegate association to be cleared. Note that we check
+ * the passed-in proc rather than calling proc_selfpid(),
+ * as we need to check the process issuing the socket option
+ * which could be kernproc. Given that we don't allow 0 for
+ * effective pid, it means that a delegated in-kernel socket
+ * stays delegated during its lifetime (which is probably OK.)
+ */
+ if (epid == proc_pid(p)) {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_DELEGATED;
+ so->e_upid = 0;
+ so->e_pid = 0;
+ uuid_clear(so->e_uuid);
+ } else {
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_DELEGATED;
+ so->e_upid = proc_uniqueid(ep);
+ so->e_pid = proc_pid(ep);
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(ep, so->e_uuid, sizeof(so->e_uuid));
+#if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
+ if (ep->p_responsible_pid != so->e_pid) {
+ proc_t rp = proc_find(ep->p_responsible_pid);
+ if (rp != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(rp, so->so_ruuid, sizeof(so->so_ruuid));
+ so->so_rpid = ep->p_responsible_pid;
+ proc_rele(rp);
+ } else {
+ uuid_clear(so->so_ruuid);
+ so->so_rpid = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL && so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner != NULL) {
+ (*so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner)(so, NULL, ep);
+ }
+ if (error == 0 && net_io_policy_log) {
+ uuid_string_t buf;
+ uuid_unparse(so->e_uuid, buf);
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s[%s,%d]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] epid %d (%s) "
+ "euuid %s%s\n", __func__, proc_name_address(p),
+ proc_pid(p), (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so),
+ so->e_pid, proc_name_address(ep), buf,
+ ((so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) ? " [delegated]" : ""));
+ } else if (error != 0 && net_io_policy_log) {
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s[%s,%d]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] epid %d (%s) "
+ "ERROR (%d)\n", __func__, proc_name_address(p),
+ proc_pid(p), (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so),
+ SOCK_DOM(so), SOCK_TYPE(so),
+ epid, (ep == PROC_NULL) ? "PROC_NULL" :
+ proc_name_address(ep), error);
+ }
+ /* Update this socket's policy upon success */
+ if (error == 0) {
+ so->so_policy_gencnt *= -1;
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
+ }
+ if (ep != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_rele(ep);
- splx(s);
- return (revents);
+ return error;
-/*#### IPv6 Integration. Added new routines */
-sooptgetm(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf **mp)
+so_set_effective_uuid(struct socket *so, uuid_t euuid, struct proc *p, boolean_t check_cred)
- struct mbuf *m, *m_prev;
- int sopt_size = sopt->sopt_valsize;
+ uuid_string_t buf;
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ int error = 0;
- MGET(m, sopt->sopt_p ? M_WAIT : M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA);
- if (m == 0)
- return ENOBUFS;
- if (sopt_size > MLEN) {
- MCLGET(m, sopt->sopt_p ? M_WAIT : M_DONTWAIT);
- if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
- m_free(m);
- return ENOBUFS;
+ /* UUID must not be all-zeroes (reserved for kernel) */
+ if (uuid_is_null(euuid)) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this is an in-kernel socket, prevent its delegate
+ * association from changing unless the socket option is
+ * coming from within the kernel itself.
+ */
+ if (so->last_pid == 0 && p != kernproc) {
+ error = EACCES;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Get the UUID of the issuing process */
+ proc_getexecutableuuid(p, uuid, sizeof(uuid));
+ /*
+ * If this is issued by a process that's recorded as the
+ * real owner of the socket, or if the uuid is the same as
+ * the process's own uuid, then proceed. Otherwise ensure
+ * that the issuing process has the necessary privileges.
+ */
+ if (check_cred &&
+ (uuid_compare(euuid, so->last_uuid) != 0 ||
+ uuid_compare(euuid, uuid) != 0)) {
+ if ((error = priv_check_cred(kauth_cred_get(),
+ error = EACCES;
+ goto done;
- m->m_len = min(MCLBYTES, sopt_size);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If a process tries to delegate the socket to itself, then
+ * there's really nothing to do; treat it as a way for the
+ * delegate association to be cleared. Note that we check
+ * the uuid of the passed-in proc rather than that of the
+ * current process, as we need to check the process issuing
+ * the socket option which could be kernproc itself. Given
+ * that we don't allow 0 for effective uuid, it means that
+ * a delegated in-kernel socket stays delegated during its
+ * lifetime (which is okay.)
+ */
+ if (uuid_compare(euuid, uuid) == 0) {
+ so->so_flags &= ~SOF_DELEGATED;
+ so->e_upid = 0;
+ so->e_pid = 0;
+ uuid_clear(so->e_uuid);
} else {
- m->m_len = min(MLEN, sopt_size);
+ so->so_flags |= SOF_DELEGATED;
+ /*
+ * Unlike so_set_effective_pid(), we only have the UUID
+ * here and the process ID is not known. Inherit the
+ * real {pid,upid} of the socket.
+ */
+ so->e_upid = so->last_upid;
+ so->e_pid = so->last_pid;
+ uuid_copy(so->e_uuid, euuid);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The following will clear the effective process name as it's the same
+ * as the real process
+ */
+ if (so->so_proto != NULL && so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner != NULL) {
+ (*so->so_proto->pr_update_last_owner)(so, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (error == 0 && net_io_policy_log) {
+ uuid_unparse(so->e_uuid, buf);
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s[%s,%d]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] epid %d "
+ "euuid %s%s\n", __func__, proc_name_address(p), proc_pid(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so), SOCK_DOM(so),
+ SOCK_TYPE(so), so->e_pid, buf,
+ ((so->so_flags & SOF_DELEGATED) ? " [delegated]" : ""));
+ } else if (error != 0 && net_io_policy_log) {
+ uuid_unparse(euuid, buf);
+ log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s[%s,%d]: so 0x%llx [%d,%d] euuid %s "
+ "ERROR (%d)\n", __func__, proc_name_address(p), proc_pid(p),
+ (uint64_t)DEBUG_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(so), SOCK_DOM(so),
+ SOCK_TYPE(so), buf, error);
- sopt_size -= m->m_len;
- *mp = m;
- m_prev = m;
- while (sopt_size) {
- MGET(m, sopt->sopt_p ? M_WAIT : M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA);
- if (m == 0) {
- m_freem(*mp);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- if (sopt_size > MLEN) {
- MCLGET(m, sopt->sopt_p ? M_WAIT : M_DONTWAIT);
- if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
- m_freem(*mp);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- m->m_len = min(MCLBYTES, sopt_size);
- } else {
- m->m_len = min(MLEN, sopt_size);
- }
- sopt_size -= m->m_len;
- m_prev->m_next = m;
- m_prev = m;
+ /* Update this socket's policy upon success */
+ if (error == 0) {
+ so->so_policy_gencnt *= -1;
+ so_update_policy(so);
+#if NECP
+ so_update_necp_policy(so, NULL, NULL);
+#endif /* NECP */
- return 0;
+ return error;
-/* XXX; copyin sopt data into mbuf chain for (__FreeBSD__ < 3) routines. */
-sooptmcopyin(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf *m)
+netpolicy_post_msg(uint32_t ev_code, struct netpolicy_event_data *ev_data,
+ uint32_t ev_datalen)
- struct mbuf *m0 = m;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
- if (sopt->sopt_val == NULL)
- return 0;
- while (m != NULL && sopt->sopt_valsize >= m->m_len) {
- if (sopt->sopt_p != NULL) {
- int error;
+ /*
+ * A netpolicy event always starts with a netpolicy_event_data
+ * structure, but the caller can provide for a longer event
+ * structure to post, depending on the event code.
+ */
+ VERIFY(ev_data != NULL && ev_datalen >= sizeof(*ev_data));
- error = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, mtod(m, char *),
- m->m_len);
- if (error != 0) {
- m_freem(m0);
- return(error);
- }
- } else
- bcopy(sopt->sopt_val, mtod(m, char *), m->m_len);
- sopt->sopt_valsize -= m->m_len;
- (caddr_t)sopt->sopt_val += m->m_len;
- m = m->m_next;
- }
- if (m != NULL) /* should be allocated enoughly at ip6_sooptmcopyin() */
- panic("sooptmcopyin");
- return 0;
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(ev_msg));
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_NETPOLICY_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = ev_code;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = ev_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = ev_datalen;
+ kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
-/* XXX; copyout mbuf chain data into soopt for (__FreeBSD__ < 3) routines. */
-sooptmcopyout(struct sockopt *sopt, struct mbuf *m)
+socket_post_kev_msg(uint32_t ev_code,
+ struct kev_socket_event_data *ev_data,
+ uint32_t ev_datalen)
- struct mbuf *m0 = m;
- size_t valsize = 0;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
- if (sopt->sopt_val == NULL)
- return 0;
- while (m != NULL && sopt->sopt_valsize >= m->m_len) {
- if (sopt->sopt_p != NULL) {
- int error;
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(ev_msg));
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_SOCKET_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = ev_code;
- error = copyout(mtod(m, char *), sopt->sopt_val,
- m->m_len);
- if (error != 0) {
- m_freem(m0);
- return(error);
- }
- } else
- bcopy(mtod(m, char *), sopt->sopt_val, m->m_len);
- sopt->sopt_valsize -= m->m_len;
- (caddr_t)sopt->sopt_val += m->m_len;
- valsize += m->m_len;
- m = m->m_next;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = ev_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = ev_datalen;
+ kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
+socket_post_kev_msg_closed(struct socket *so)
+ struct kev_socket_closed ev = {};
+ struct sockaddr *socksa = NULL, *peersa = NULL;
+ int err;
+ if ((so->so_flags1 & SOF1_WANT_KEV_SOCK_CLOSED) == 0) {
+ return;
- if (m != NULL) {
- /* enough soopt buffer should be given from user-land */
- m_freem(m0);
- return(EINVAL);
+ err = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_sockaddr)(so, &socksa);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ err = (*so->so_proto->pr_usrreqs->pru_peeraddr)(so,
+ &peersa);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ memcpy(&ev.ev_data.kev_sockname, socksa,
+ min(socksa->sa_len,
+ sizeof(ev.ev_data.kev_sockname)));
+ memcpy(&ev.ev_data.kev_peername, peersa,
+ min(peersa->sa_len,
+ sizeof(ev.ev_data.kev_peername)));
+ socket_post_kev_msg(KEV_SOCKET_CLOSED,
+ &ev.ev_data, sizeof(ev));
+ }
- sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
- return 0;
+ FREE(socksa, M_SONAME);
+ FREE(peersa, M_SONAME);