- /*!
- @function recordStartupExtensions
- @abstract Records extensions made available by the primary booter.
- <p>
- This function is for internal use by the kernel startup linker.
- Kernel extensions should never call it.
- @result Returns true if startup extensions were successfully recorded,
- false if not.
- */
- virtual bool recordStartupExtensions(void);
- /*!
- @function addExtensionsFromArchive()
- @abstract Records an archive of extensions, as from device ROM.
- <p>
- This function is currently for internal use.
- Kernel extensions should never call it.
- @param mkext An OSData object containing a multikext archive.
- @result Returns true if mkext was properly unserialized and its
- contents recorded, false if not.
- */
- virtual bool addExtensionsFromArchive(OSData * mkext);