+#define kIOMaximumBlockCountReadKey "IOMaximumBlockCountRead" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumBlockCountWriteKey "IOMaximumBlockCountWrite" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumByteCountReadKey "IOMaximumByteCountRead" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumByteCountWriteKey "IOMaximumByteCountWrite" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumSegmentCountReadKey "IOMaximumSegmentCountRead" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumSegmentCountWriteKey "IOMaximumSegmentCountWrite" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumSegmentByteCountReadKey "IOMaximumSegmentByteCountRead" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumSegmentByteCountWriteKey "IOMaximumSegmentByteCountWrite" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMinimumSegmentAlignmentByteCountKey "IOMinimumSegmentAlignmentByteCount" // (OSNumber)
+#define kIOMaximumSegmentAddressableBitCountKey "IOMaximumSegmentAddressableBitCount" // (OSNumber)
+// properties found in services that wish to describe an icon
+// IOIcon =
+// {
+// CFBundleIdentifier = "com.example.driver.example";
+// IOBundleResourceFile = "example.icns";
+// };
+// where IOBundleResourceFile is the filename of the resource
+#define kIOIconKey "IOIcon" // (OSDictionary)
+#define kIOBundleResourceFileKey "IOBundleResourceFile" // (OSString)
+#define kIOBusBadgeKey "IOBusBadge" // (OSDictionary)
+#define kIODeviceIconKey "IODeviceIcon" // (OSDictionary)
+// property of root that describes the machine's serial number as a string
+#define kIOPlatformSerialNumberKey "IOPlatformSerialNumber" // (OSString)
+// property of root that describes the machine's UUID as a string
+#define kIOPlatformUUIDKey "IOPlatformUUID" // (OSString)
+// IODTNVRAM property keys
+#define kIODTNVRAMPanicInfoKey "aapl,panic-info"
+// keys for complex boot information
+#define kIOBootDeviceKey "IOBootDevice" // dict | array of dicts
+#define kIOBootDevicePathKey "IOBootDevicePath" // arch-neutral OSString
+#define kIOBootDeviceSizeKey "IOBootDeviceSize" // OSNumber of bytes
+// keys for OS Version information
+#define kOSBuildVersionKey "OS Build Version"