* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/dkstat.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#ifdef GPROF
#include <sys/gmon.h>
#include <kern/thread_call.h>
+void bsd_uprofil(struct time_value *syst, user_addr_t pc);
+void get_procrustime(time_value_t *tv);
+int sysctl_clockrate(user_addr_t where, size_t *sizep);
+int tvtohz(struct timeval *tv);
+extern void psignal_sigprof(struct proc *);
+extern void psignal_vtalarm(struct proc *);
+extern void psignal_xcpu(struct proc *);
* Clock handling routines.
* we run through the statistics gathering routine as well.
+int hz = 100; /* GET RID OF THIS !!! */
+int tick = (1000000 / 100); /* GET RID OF THIS !!! */
int bsd_hardclockinit = 0;
-bsd_hardclock(usermode, pc, numticks)
- boolean_t usermode;
- caddr_t pc;
- int numticks;
+ boolean_t usermode,
+#ifdef GPROF
+ caddr_t pc,
+ __unused caddr_t pc,
+ int numticks
+ )
register struct proc *p;
- register int s;
- int ticks = numticks;
- extern int tickdelta;
- extern long timedelta;
register thread_t thread;
int nusecs = numticks * tick;
+ struct timeval tv;
if (!bsd_hardclockinit)
- thread = current_thread();
+ if (bsd_hardclockinit < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ thread = current_thread();
* Charge the time out based on the mode the cpu is in.
* Here again we fudge for the lack of proper interval timers
* one tick.
p = (struct proc *)current_proc();
- if (p && ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) == NULL)) {
- if (usermode) {
- if (p) {
+ if (p && ((p->p_flag & P_WEXIT) == 0)) {
+ if (usermode) {
if (p->p_stats && p->p_stats->p_prof.pr_scale) {
p->p_flag |= P_OWEUPC;
- ast_on(AST_BSD);
+ astbsd_on();
+ }
+ /*
+ * CPU was in user state. Increment
+ * user time counter, and process process-virtual time
+ * interval timer.
+ */
+ if (p->p_stats &&
+ timerisset(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_VIRTUAL].it_value) &&
+ !itimerdecr(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_VIRTUAL], nusecs)) {
+ /* does psignal(p, SIGVTALRM) in a thread context */
+ thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_vtalarm, p, FALSE);
- * CPU was in user state. Increment
- * user time counter, and process process-virtual time
- * interval timer.
+ * If the cpu is currently scheduled to a process, then
+ * charge it with resource utilization for a tick, updating
+ * statistics which run in (user+system) virtual time,
+ * such as the cpu time limit and profiling timers.
+ * This assumes that the current process has been running
+ * the entire last tick.
- if (p->p_stats &&
- timerisset(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_VIRTUAL].it_value) &&
- itimerdecr(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_VIRTUAL], nusecs) == 0) {
- extern void psignal_vtalarm(struct proc *);
+ if (!is_thread_idle(thread)) {
+ if (p->p_limit &&
+ p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY) {
+ time_value_t sys_time, user_time;
+ thread_read_times(thread, &user_time, &sys_time);
+ if ((sys_time.seconds + user_time.seconds + 1) >
+ p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur) {
- /* does psignal(p, SIGVTALRM) in a thread context */
- thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_vtalarm, p, FALSE);
- }
- }
+ /* does psignal(p, SIGXCPU) in a thread context */
+ thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_xcpu, p, FALSE);
- /*
- * If the cpu is currently scheduled to a process, then
- * charge it with resource utilization for a tick, updating
- * statistics which run in (user+system) virtual time,
- * such as the cpu time limit and profiling timers.
- * This assumes that the current process has been running
- * the entire last tick.
- */
- if (p && !(is_thread_idle(thread)))
- {
- if (p->p_limit && (p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY)) {
- time_value_t sys_time, user_time;
- thread_read_times(thread, &user_time, &sys_time);
- if ((sys_time.seconds + user_time.seconds + 1) >
- p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur) {
- extern void psignal_xcpu(struct proc *);
+ if (p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur <
+ p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_max)
+ p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_PROF].it_value) &&
+ !itimerdecr(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_PROF], nusecs)) {
- /* does psignal(p, SIGXCPU) in a thread context */
- thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_xcpu, p, FALSE);
- if (p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur <
- p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_max)
- p->p_limit->pl_rlimit[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur += 5;
+ /* does psignal(p, SIGPROF) in a thread context */
+ thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_sigprof, p, FALSE);
- if (timerisset(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_PROF].it_value) &&
- itimerdecr(&p->p_stats->p_timer[ITIMER_PROF], nusecs) == 0) {
- extern void psignal_sigprof(struct proc *);
- /* does psignal(p, SIGPROF) in a thread context */
- thread_call_func((thread_call_func_t)psignal_sigprof, p, FALSE);
- }
+#ifdef GPROF
- * Increment the time-of-day, and schedule
- * processing of the callouts at a very low cpu priority,
- * so we don't keep the relatively high clock interrupt
- * priority any longer than necessary.
- */
- /*
- * Gather the statistics.
+ * Gather some statistics.
gatherstats(usermode, pc);
- }
- if (timedelta != 0) {
- register delta;
- clock_res_t nsdelta = tickdelta * NSEC_PER_USEC;
- if (timedelta < 0) {
- delta = ticks - tickdelta;
- timedelta += tickdelta;
- nsdelta = -nsdelta;
- } else {
- delta = ticks + tickdelta;
- timedelta -= tickdelta;
- }
- clock_adjust_calendar(nsdelta);
- }
- microtime(&time);
- * Gather statistics on resource utilization.
- *
- * We make a gross assumption: that the system has been in the
- * state it is in (user state, kernel state, interrupt state,
- * or idle state) for the entire last time interval, and
- * update statistics accordingly.
+ * Gather some statistics.
-gatherstats(usermode, pc)
- boolean_t usermode;
- caddr_t pc;
- register int cpstate, s;
- struct proc *proc =current_proc();
#ifdef GPROF
- struct gmonparam *p = &_gmonparam;
+ boolean_t usermode,
+ caddr_t pc
+ __unused boolean_t usermode,
+ __unused caddr_t pc
- /*
- * Determine what state the cpu is in.
- */
- if (usermode) {
- /*
- * CPU was in user state.
- */
- if (proc->p_nice > NZERO)
- cpstate = CP_NICE;
- else
- cpstate = CP_USER;
- } else {
- /*
- * CPU was in system state. If profiling kernel
- * increment a counter. If no process is running
- * then this is a system tick if we were running
- * at a non-zero IPL (in a driver). If a process is running,
- * then we charge it with system time even if we were
- * at a non-zero IPL, since the system often runs
- * this way during processing of system calls.
- * This is approximate, but the lack of true interval
- * timers makes doing anything else difficult.
- */
- cpstate = CP_SYS;
- if (is_thread_idle(current_thread()))
- cpstate = CP_IDLE;
+ )
#ifdef GPROF
+ if (!usermode) {
+ struct gmonparam *p = &_gmonparam;
if (p->state == GMON_PROF_ON) {
+ register int s;
s = pc - p->lowpc;
if (s < p->textsize) {
s /= (HISTFRACTION * sizeof(*p->kcount));
- /*
- * We maintain statistics shown by user-level statistics
- * programs: the amount of time in each cpu state, and
- * the amount of time each of DK_NDRIVE ``drives'' is busy.
- */
- cp_time[cpstate]++;
- for (s = 0; s < DK_NDRIVE; s++)
- if (dk_busy & (1 << s))
- dk_time[s]++;
+ * Set a timeout.
+ *
+ * fcn: function to call
+ * param: parameter to pass to function
+ * ts: timeout interval, in timespec
+ */
+ timeout_fcn_t fcn,
+ void *param,
+ struct timespec *ts)
+ uint64_t deadline = 0;
+ if (ts && (ts->tv_sec || ts->tv_nsec)) {
+ nanoseconds_to_absolutetime((uint64_t)ts->tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC + ts->tv_nsec, &deadline );
+ clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline( deadline, &deadline );
+ }
+ thread_call_func_delayed((thread_call_func_t)fcn, param, deadline);
+ * Cancel a timeout.
+ */
+ register timeout_fcn_t fcn,
+ register void *param)
+ thread_call_func_cancel((thread_call_func_t)fcn, param, FALSE);
* Compute number of hz until specified time.
* Used to compute third argument to timeout() from an
* absolute time.
struct timeval *tv;
+ struct timeval now;
register long ticks;
register long sec;
- int s = splhigh();
+ microtime(&now);
* If number of milliseconds will fit in 32 bit arithmetic,
* then compute number of milliseconds to time and scale to
* Delta times less than 25 days can be computed ``exactly''.
* Maximum value for any timeout in 10ms ticks is 250 days.
- sec = tv->tv_sec - time.tv_sec;
+ sec = tv->tv_sec - now.tv_sec;
if (sec <= 0x7fffffff / 1000 - 1000)
- ticks = ((tv->tv_sec - time.tv_sec) * 1000 +
- (tv->tv_usec - time.tv_usec) / 1000)
+ ticks = ((tv->tv_sec - now.tv_sec) * 1000 +
+ (tv->tv_usec - now.tv_usec) / 1000)
/ (tick / 1000);
else if (sec <= 0x7fffffff / hz)
ticks = sec * hz;
ticks = 0x7fffffff;
- splx(s);
- return (ticks);
-#if 0 /* [ */
- * Convert ticks to a timeval
- */
-ticks_to_timeval(ticks, tvp)
- register long ticks;
- struct timeval *tvp;
- tvp->tv_sec = ticks/hz;
- tvp->tv_usec = (ticks%hz) * tick;
- asert(tvp->tv_usec < 1000000);
+ return (ticks);
-#endif /* ] */
* Return information about system clocks.
-sysctl_clockrate(where, sizep)
- register char *where;
- size_t *sizep;
+sysctl_clockrate(user_addr_t where, size_t *sizep)
struct clockinfo clkinfo;
clkinfo.tick = tick;
clkinfo.profhz = hz;
clkinfo.stathz = hz;
- return sysctl_rdstruct(where, sizep, NULL, &clkinfo, sizeof(clkinfo));
+ return sysctl_rdstruct(where, sizep, USER_ADDR_NULL, &clkinfo, sizeof(clkinfo));
* Compute number of ticks in the specified amount of time.
- struct timeval *tv;
+tvtohz(struct timeval *tv)
register unsigned long ticks;
register long sec, usec;
-bsd_uprofil(struct time_value *syst, unsigned int pc)
+bsd_uprofil(struct time_value *syst, user_addr_t pc)
struct proc *p = current_proc();
int ticks;