- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1989, 1993
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2006 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sockio.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <net/dlil.h>
#include <net/if.h>
-#include <net/netisr.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <net/if_llc.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
#include <net/if_types.h>
-#include <net/ndrv.h>
+#include <net/kpi_protocol.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_var.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <netinet/in_arp.h>
#include <sys/socketvar.h>
#include <net/dlil.h>
-#if LLC && CCITT
-extern struct ifqueue pkintrq;
-#include <net/bridge.h>
/* #include "vlan.h" */
#if NVLAN > 0
#include <net/if_vlan_var.h>
#endif /* NVLAN > 0 */
+#include <net/ether_if_module.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
-static u_long lo_dlt = 0;
-static ivedonethis = 0;
-static u_char etherbroadcastaddr[6] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
+/* Local function declarations */
+extern void *kdp_get_interface(void);
+extern void kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses(struct in_addr *ipaddr,
+ struct ether_addr *macaddr);
-#define IFP2AC(IFP) ((struct arpcom *)IFP)
+#define _ip_copy(dst, src) \
+ bcopy(src, dst, sizeof (struct in_addr))
+static void
+ether_inet_arp_input(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m)
+ struct ether_arp *ea;
+ struct sockaddr_dl sender_hw;
+ struct sockaddr_in sender_ip;
+ struct sockaddr_in target_ip;
+ if (mbuf_len(m) < sizeof (*ea) && mbuf_pullup(&m, sizeof (*ea)) != 0)
+ return;
+ ea = mbuf_data(m);
+ /* Verify this is an ethernet/ip arp and address lengths are correct */
+ if (ntohs(ea->arp_hrd) != ARPHRD_ETHER ||
+ ntohs(ea->arp_pro) != ETHERTYPE_IP ||
+ ea->arp_pln != sizeof (struct in_addr) ||
+ ea->arp_hln != ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
+ mbuf_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Verify the sender is not broadcast */
+ if (bcmp(ea->arp_sha, etherbroadcastaddr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) == 0) {
+ mbuf_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ bzero(&sender_ip, sizeof (sender_ip));
+ sender_ip.sin_len = sizeof (sender_ip);
+ sender_ip.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ _ip_copy(&sender_ip.sin_addr, ea->arp_spa);
+ target_ip = sender_ip;
+ _ip_copy(&target_ip.sin_addr, ea->arp_tpa);
+ bzero(&sender_hw, sizeof (sender_hw));
+ sender_hw.sdl_len = sizeof (sender_hw);
+ sender_hw.sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+ sender_hw.sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
+ sender_hw.sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ bcopy(ea->arp_sha, LLADDR(&sender_hw), ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ /* update L2 reachability record, if present */
+ arp_llreach_set_reachable(ifp, LLADDR(&sender_hw), ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ arp_ip_handle_input(ifp, ntohs(ea->arp_op), &sender_hw, &sender_ip,
+ &target_ip);
+ mbuf_freem(m);
* Process a received Ethernet packet;
* the packet is in the mbuf chain m without
* the ether header, which is provided separately.
-inet_ether_input(m, frame_header, ifp, dl_tag, sync_ok)
- struct mbuf *m;
- char *frame_header;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- u_long dl_tag;
- int sync_ok;
+static errno_t
+ether_inet_input(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol_family,
+ mbuf_t m_list)
- register struct ether_header *eh = (struct ether_header *) frame_header;
- register struct ifqueue *inq=0;
- u_short ether_type;
- int s;
- u_int16_t ptype = -1;
- unsigned char buf[18];
-#if ISO || LLC || NETAT
- register struct llc *l;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) {
- m_freem(m);
- }
+#pragma unused(ifp, protocol_family)
+ mbuf_t m;
+ mbuf_t *tailptr = &m_list;
+ mbuf_t nextpkt;
+ /* Strip ARP and non-IP packets out of the list */
+ for (m = m_list; m; m = nextpkt) {
+ struct ether_header *eh = mbuf_pkthdr_header(m);
+ struct ifnet *mifp;
+ /*
+ * Trust the ifp in the mbuf, rather than ifproto's
+ * since the packet could have been injected via
+ * a dlil_input_packet_list() using an ifp that is
+ * different than the one where the packet really
+ * came from.
+ */
+ mifp = mbuf_pkthdr_rcvif(m);
+ nextpkt = m->m_nextpkt;
+ if (eh->ether_type == htons(ETHERTYPE_IP)) {
+ /*
+ * Update L2 reachability record, if present
+ * (and if not a broadcast sender).
+ */
+ if (bcmp(eh->ether_shost, etherbroadcastaddr,
+ ETHER_ADDR_LEN) != 0) {
+ arp_llreach_set_reachable(mifp, eh->ether_shost,
+ }
+ /* put this packet in the list */
+ *tailptr = m;
+ tailptr = &m->m_nextpkt;
+ } else {
+ /* Pass ARP packets to arp input */
+ m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ if (eh->ether_type == htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP))
+ ether_inet_arp_input(mifp, m);
+ else
+ mbuf_freem(m);
+ }
+ }
- ifp->if_lastchange = time;
+ *tailptr = NULL;
- if (eh->ether_dhost[0] & 1) {
- if (bcmp((caddr_t)etherbroadcastaddr, (caddr_t)eh->ether_dhost,
- sizeof(etherbroadcastaddr)) == 0)
- m->m_flags |= M_BCAST;
- else
- m->m_flags |= M_MCAST;
- }
- if (m->m_flags & (M_BCAST|M_MCAST))
- ifp->if_imcasts++;
+ /* Pass IP list to ip input */
+ if (m_list != NULL && proto_input(PF_INET, m_list) != 0) {
+ mbuf_freem_list(m_list);
+ }
- ether_type = ntohs(eh->ether_type);
+ return (EJUSTRETURN);
-#if NVLAN > 0
- if (ether_type == vlan_proto) {
- if (vlan_input(eh, m) < 0)
- ifp->if_data.ifi_noproto++;
- }
-#endif /* NVLAN > 0 */
+static errno_t
+ether_inet_pre_output(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol_family,
+ mbuf_t *m0, const struct sockaddr *dst_netaddr,
+ void *route, char *type, char *edst)
+#pragma unused(protocol_family)
+ struct mbuf *m = *m0;
+ const struct ether_header *eh;
+ errno_t result = 0;
- switch (ether_type) {
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING)) != (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING))
+ return (ENETDOWN);
- if (ipflow_fastforward(m))
- ptype = mtod(m, struct ip *)->ip_p;
- if ((sync_ok == 0) ||
- (ptype != IPPROTO_TCP && ptype != IPPROTO_UDP)) {
- schednetisr(NETISR_IP);
+ /*
+ * Tell ether_frameout it's ok to loop packet unless negated below.
+ */
+ m->m_flags |= M_LOOP;
+ switch (dst_netaddr->sa_family) {
+ case AF_INET: {
+ struct sockaddr_dl ll_dest;
+ result = arp_lookup_ip(ifp,
+ (const struct sockaddr_in *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)dst_netaddr,
+ &ll_dest, sizeof (ll_dest), (route_t)route, *m0);
+ if (result == 0) {
+ u_int16_t ethertype_ip = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ bcopy(LLADDR(&ll_dest), edst, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ bcopy(ðertype_ip, type, sizeof (ethertype_ip));
+ }
+ break;
- inq = &ipintrq;
- break;
+ case pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT:
+ case AF_UNSPEC:
+ m->m_flags &= ~M_LOOP;
+ eh = (const struct ether_header *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)
+ dst_netaddr->sa_data;
+ (void) memcpy(edst, eh->ether_dhost, 6);
+ bcopy(&eh->ether_type, type, sizeof (u_short));
+ break;
- schednetisr(NETISR_ARP);
- inq = &arpintrq;
- break;
+ default:
+ printf("%s: can't handle af%d\n", if_name(ifp),
+ dst_netaddr->sa_family);
- default: {
- return ENOENT;
+ result = EAFNOSUPPORT;
+ break;
- }
- if (inq == 0)
- return ENOENT;
- s = splimp();
- if (IF_QFULL(inq)) {
- IF_DROP(inq);
- m_freem(m);
- splx(s);
- } else
- IF_ENQUEUE(inq, m);
- splx(s);
- if ((sync_ok) &&
- (ptype == IPPROTO_TCP || ptype == IPPROTO_UDP)) {
- extern void ipintr(void);
- s = splnet();
- ipintr();
- splx(s);
- }
- return 0;
+ return (result);
-inet_ether_pre_output(ifp, m0, dst_netaddr, route, type, edst, dl_tag )
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf **m0;
- struct sockaddr *dst_netaddr;
- caddr_t route;
- char *type;
- char *edst;
- u_long dl_tag;
+static errno_t
+ether_inet_resolve_multi(ifnet_t ifp, const struct sockaddr *proto_addr,
+ struct sockaddr_dl *out_ll, size_t ll_len)
- struct rtentry *rt0 = (struct rtentry *) route;
- int s;
- register struct mbuf *m = *m0;
- register struct rtentry *rt;
- register struct ether_header *eh;
- int off, len = m->m_pkthdr.len;
- int hlen; /* link layer header lenght */
- struct arpcom *ac = IFP2AC(ifp);
- if ((ifp->if_flags & (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING)) != (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING))
- return ENETDOWN;
- rt = rt0;
- if (rt) {
- if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_UP) == 0) {
- rt0 = rt = rtalloc1(dst_netaddr, 1, 0UL);
- if (rt0)
- rt->rt_refcnt--;
- else
- }
- if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) {
- if (rt->rt_gwroute == 0)
- goto lookup;
- if (((rt = rt->rt_gwroute)->rt_flags & RTF_UP) == 0) {
- rtfree(rt); rt = rt0;
- lookup: rt->rt_gwroute = rtalloc1(rt->rt_gateway, 1,
- 0UL);
- if ((rt = rt->rt_gwroute) == 0)
- return (EHOSTUNREACH);
- }
- }
+ static const size_t minsize =
+ offsetof(struct sockaddr_dl, sdl_data[0]) + ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sin =
+ (const struct sockaddr_in *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)proto_addr;
+ if (proto_addr->sa_family != AF_INET)
+ return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+ if (proto_addr->sa_len < sizeof (struct sockaddr_in))
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if (ll_len < minsize)
+ return (EMSGSIZE);
+ bzero(out_ll, minsize);
+ out_ll->sdl_len = minsize;
+ out_ll->sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+ out_ll->sdl_index = ifp->if_index;
+ out_ll->sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
+ out_ll->sdl_nlen = 0;
+ out_ll->sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ out_ll->sdl_slen = 0;
+ ETHER_MAP_IP_MULTICAST(&sin->sin_addr, LLADDR(out_ll));
+ return (0);
- if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_REJECT)
- if (rt->rt_rmx.rmx_expire == 0 ||
- time_second < rt->rt_rmx.rmx_expire)
- return (rt == rt0 ? EHOSTDOWN : EHOSTUNREACH);
- }
+static errno_t
+ether_inet_prmod_ioctl(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol_family,
+ u_long command, void *data)
+#pragma unused(protocol_family)
+ int error = 0;
+ switch (command) {
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* struct ifaddr pointer */
+ case SIOCAIFADDR: { /* struct ifaddr pointer */
+ /*
+ * Note: caller of ifnet_ioctl() passes in pointer to
+ * struct ifaddr as parameter to SIOC{A,S}IFADDR, for
+ * legacy reasons.
+ */
+ struct ifaddr *ifa = data;
- hlen = ETHER_HDR_LEN;
+ if (!(ifnet_flags(ifp) & IFF_RUNNING)) {
+ ifnet_set_flags(ifp, IFF_UP, IFF_UP);
+ ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, SIOCSIFFLAGS, NULL);
+ }
- /*
- * Tell ether_frameout it's ok to loop packet unless negated below.
- */
- m->m_flags |= M_LOOP;
+ if (ifaddr_address_family(ifa) != AF_INET)
+ break;
- switch (dst_netaddr->sa_family) {
+ inet_arp_init_ifaddr(ifp, ifa);
- case AF_INET:
- if (!arpresolve(ac, rt, m, dst_netaddr, edst, rt0))
- return (EJUSTRETURN); /* if not yet resolved */
- off = m->m_pkthdr.len - m->m_len;
- *(u_short *)type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
- break;
+ if (command != SIOCSIFADDR)
+ break;
- case AF_UNSPEC:
- m->m_flags &= ~M_LOOP;
- eh = (struct ether_header *)dst_netaddr->sa_data;
- (void)memcpy(edst, eh->ether_dhost, 6);
- *(u_short *)type = eh->ether_type;
- break;
+ /*
+ * Register new IP and MAC addresses with the kernel
+ * debugger if the interface is the same as was registered
+ * by IOKernelDebugger. If no interface was registered,
+ * fall back and just match against en0 interface.
+ * Do this only for the first address of the interface
+ * and not for aliases.
+ */
+ if ((kdp_get_interface() != 0 &&
+ kdp_get_interface() == ifp->if_softc) ||
+ (kdp_get_interface() == 0 && ifp->if_unit == 0))
+ kdp_set_ip_and_mac_addresses(&(IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr),
+ (struct ether_addr *)IF_LLADDR(ifp));
+ break;
+ }
- default:
- kprintf("%s%d: can't handle af%d\n", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit,
- dst_netaddr->sa_family);
+ case SIOCGIFADDR: { /* struct ifreq */
+ struct ifreq *ifr = data;
+ ifnet_guarded_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifp, ifr->ifr_addr.sa_data,
+ break;
+ }
- }
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
- return (0);
+ return (error);
-ether_inet_prmod_ioctl(dl_tag, ifp, command, data)
- u_long dl_tag;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- int command;
- caddr_t data;
+static void
+ether_inet_event(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol,
+ const struct kev_msg *event)
- struct ifaddr *ifa = (struct ifaddr *) data;
- struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *) data;
- struct rslvmulti_req *rsreq = (struct rslvmulti_req *) data;
- int error = 0;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- struct arpcom *ac = (struct arpcom *) ifp;
- struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
- struct sockaddr_in *sin;
- u_char *e_addr;
-#if 0
- /* No tneeded at soo_ioctlis already funnelled */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock,TRUE);
- switch (command) {
- switch(rsreq->sa->sa_family) {
- case AF_INET:
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)rsreq->sa;
- if (!IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr)))
- MALLOC(sdl, struct sockaddr_dl *, sizeof *sdl, M_IFMADDR,
- sdl->sdl_len = sizeof *sdl;
- sdl->sdl_family = AF_LINK;
- sdl->sdl_index = ifp->if_index;
- sdl->sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
- sdl->sdl_nlen = 0;
- sdl->sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
- sdl->sdl_slen = 0;
- e_addr = LLADDR(sdl);
- ETHER_MAP_IP_MULTICAST(&sin->sin_addr, e_addr);
- *rsreq->llsa = (struct sockaddr *)sdl;
- default:
- /*
- * Well, the text isn't quite right, but it's the name
- * that counts...
- */
+#pragma unused(protocol)
+ ifaddr_t *addresses;
+ if (event->vendor_code != KEV_VENDOR_APPLE ||
+ event->kev_class != KEV_NETWORK_CLASS ||
+ event->kev_subclass != KEV_DL_SUBCLASS ||
+ event->event_code != KEV_DL_LINK_ADDRESS_CHANGED) {
+ return;
- }
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0) {
- ifp->if_flags |= IFF_UP;
- dlil_ioctl(0, ifp, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (caddr_t) 0);
- }
+ if (ifnet_get_address_list_family(ifp, &addresses, AF_INET) == 0) {
+ int i;
- switch (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family) {
+ for (i = 0; addresses[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ inet_arp_init_ifaddr(ifp, addresses[i]);
+ }
- case AF_INET:
+ ifnet_free_address_list(addresses);
+ }
- if (ifp->if_init)
- ifp->if_init(ifp->if_softc); /* before arpwhohas */
+static errno_t
+ether_inet_arp(ifnet_t ifp, u_short arpop, const struct sockaddr_dl *sender_hw,
+ const struct sockaddr *sender_proto, const struct sockaddr_dl *target_hw,
+ const struct sockaddr *target_proto)
+ mbuf_t m;
+ errno_t result;
+ struct ether_header *eh;
+ struct ether_arp *ea;
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sender_ip =
+ (const struct sockaddr_in *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)sender_proto;
+ const struct sockaddr_inarp *target_ip =
+ (const struct sockaddr_inarp *)(uintptr_t)(size_t)target_proto;
+ char *datap;
+ if (target_ip == NULL)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if ((sender_ip && sender_ip->sin_family != AF_INET) ||
+ target_ip->sin_family != AF_INET)
+ return (EAFNOSUPPORT);
+ result = mbuf_gethdr(MBUF_DONTWAIT, MBUF_TYPE_DATA, &m);
+ if (result != 0)
+ return (result);
+ mbuf_setlen(m, sizeof (*ea));
+ mbuf_pkthdr_setlen(m, sizeof (*ea));
+ /* Move the data pointer in the mbuf to the end, aligned to 4 bytes */
+ datap = mbuf_datastart(m);
+ datap += mbuf_trailingspace(m);
+ datap -= (((uintptr_t)datap) & 0x3);
+ mbuf_setdata(m, datap, sizeof (*ea));
+ ea = mbuf_data(m);
- //
- // See if another station has *our* IP address.
- // i.e.: There is an address conflict! If a
- // conflict exists, a message is sent to the
- // console.
- //
- if (IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- /* don't bother for */
- ac->ac_ipaddr = IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr;
- arpwhohas(ac, &IA_SIN(ifa)->sin_addr);
- }
+ /*
+ * Prepend the ethernet header, we will send the raw frame;
+ * callee frees the original mbuf when allocation fails.
+ */
+ result = mbuf_prepend(&m, sizeof (*eh), MBUF_DONTWAIT);
+ if (result != 0)
+ return (result);
- arp_ifinit(IFP2AC(ifp), ifa);
+ eh = mbuf_data(m);
+ eh->ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP);
- break;
+ mac_mbuf_label_associate_linklayer(ifp, m);
- default:
- break;
+ /* Fill out the arp header */
+ ea->arp_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ ea->arp_hln = sizeof (ea->arp_sha);
+ ea->arp_pln = sizeof (ea->arp_spa);
+ ea->arp_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
+ ea->arp_op = htons(arpop);
+ /* Sender Hardware */
+ if (sender_hw != NULL) {
+ bcopy(CONST_LLADDR(sender_hw), ea->arp_sha,
+ sizeof (ea->arp_sha));
+ } else {
+ ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifp, ea->arp_sha, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(ifp, eh->ether_shost, sizeof (eh->ether_shost));
- break;
+ /* Sender IP */
+ if (sender_ip != NULL) {
+ bcopy(&sender_ip->sin_addr, ea->arp_spa, sizeof (ea->arp_spa));
+ } else {
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ /* Look for an IP address to use as our source */
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr != NULL &&
+ ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+ bcopy(&((struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)
+ ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr, ea->arp_spa,
+ sizeof (ea->arp_spa));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ if (ifa == NULL) {
+ mbuf_freem(m);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ }
- {
- struct sockaddr *sa;
+ /* Target Hardware */
+ if (target_hw == NULL) {
+ bzero(ea->arp_tha, sizeof (ea->arp_tha));
+ bcopy(etherbroadcastaddr, eh->ether_dhost,
+ sizeof (eh->ether_dhost));
+ m->m_flags |= M_BCAST;
+ } else {
+ bcopy(CONST_LLADDR(target_hw), ea->arp_tha,
+ sizeof (ea->arp_tha));
+ bcopy(CONST_LLADDR(target_hw), eh->ether_dhost,
+ sizeof (eh->ether_dhost));
+ if (bcmp(eh->ether_dhost, etherbroadcastaddr,
+ m->m_flags |= M_BCAST;
+ }
- sa = (struct sockaddr *) & ifr->ifr_data;
- bcopy(IFP2AC(ifp)->ac_enaddr,
- (caddr_t) sa->sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
- }
- break;
+ /* Target IP */
+ bcopy(&target_ip->sin_addr, ea->arp_tpa, sizeof (ea->arp_tpa));
- * Set the interface MTU.
+ * PKTF_{INET,INET6}_RESOLVE_RTR are mutually exclusive, so make
+ * sure only one of them is set (just in case.)
- if (ifr->ifr_mtu > ETHERMTU) {
- error = EINVAL;
- } else {
- ifp->if_mtu = ifr->ifr_mtu;
- }
- break;
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags &= ~(PKTF_INET6_RESOLVE | PKTF_RESOLVE_RTR);
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_INET_RESOLVE;
+ /*
+ * If this is an ARP request for a (default) router, mark
+ * the packet accordingly so that the driver can find out,
+ * in case it needs to perform driver-specific action(s).
+ */
+ if (arpop == ARPOP_REQUEST && (target_ip->sin_other & SIN_ROUTER))
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_RESOLVE_RTR;
- default:
- return EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
+ if (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_TXSTART) {
+ /*
+ * Use control service class if the interface
+ * supports transmit-start model
+ */
+ (void) m_set_service_class(m, MBUF_SC_CTL);
+ }
- //(void) thread_funnel_set(network_flock, FALSE);
+ ifnet_output_raw(ifp, PF_INET, m);
- return (error);
+ return (0);
-ether_attach_inet(struct ifnet *ifp)
+ether_attach_inet(struct ifnet *ifp, protocol_family_t proto_family)
- struct dlil_proto_reg_str reg;
- struct dlil_demux_desc desc;
- struct dlil_demux_desc desc2;
- u_long ip_dl_tag=0;
- u_short en_native=ETHERTYPE_IP;
- u_short arp_native=ETHERTYPE_ARP;
- int stat;
- int i;
- stat = dlil_find_dltag(ifp->if_family, ifp->if_unit, PF_INET, &ip_dl_tag);
- if (stat == 0)
- return ip_dl_tag;
- TAILQ_INIT(®.demux_desc_head);
- desc.type = DLIL_DESC_RAW;
- desc.variants.bitmask.proto_id_length = 0;
- desc.variants.bitmask.proto_id = 0;
- desc.variants.bitmask.proto_id_mask = 0;
- desc.native_type = (char *) &en_native;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(®.demux_desc_head, &desc, next);
- reg.interface_family = ifp->if_family;
- reg.unit_number = ifp->if_unit;
- reg.input = inet_ether_input;
- reg.pre_output = inet_ether_pre_output;
- reg.event = 0;
- reg.offer = 0;
- reg.ioctl = ether_inet_prmod_ioctl;
- reg.default_proto = 1;
- reg.protocol_family = PF_INET;
- desc2 = desc;
- desc2.native_type = (char *) &arp_native;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(®.demux_desc_head, &desc2, next);
- stat = dlil_attach_protocol(®, &ip_dl_tag);
- if (stat) {
- printf("WARNING: ether_attach_inet can't attach ip to interface\n");
- return stat;
- }
- /* XXX avoid free'ing the interface */
- ifp->if_eflags |= IFEF_DETACH_DISABLED;
- return ip_dl_tag;
+#pragma unused(proto_family)
+ struct ifnet_attach_proto_param_v2 proto;
+ struct ifnet_demux_desc demux[2];
+ u_short en_native = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
+ u_short arp_native = htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP);
+ errno_t error;
+ bzero(&demux[0], sizeof (demux));
+ demux[0].type = DLIL_DESC_ETYPE2;
+ demux[0].data = &en_native;
+ demux[0].datalen = sizeof (en_native);
+ demux[1].type = DLIL_DESC_ETYPE2;
+ demux[1].data = &arp_native;
+ demux[1].datalen = sizeof (arp_native);
+ bzero(&proto, sizeof (proto));
+ proto.demux_list = demux;
+ proto.demux_count = sizeof (demux) / sizeof (demux[0]);
+ proto.input = ether_inet_input;
+ proto.pre_output = ether_inet_pre_output;
+ proto.ioctl = ether_inet_prmod_ioctl;
+ proto.event = ether_inet_event;
+ proto.resolve = ether_inet_resolve_multi;
+ proto.send_arp = ether_inet_arp;
+ error = ifnet_attach_protocol_v2(ifp, proto_family, &proto);
+ if (error && error != EEXIST) {
+ printf("WARNING: %s can't attach ip to %s\n", __func__,
+ if_name(ifp));
+ }
+ return (error);
-int ether_detach_inet(struct ifnet *ifp)
+ether_detach_inet(struct ifnet *ifp, protocol_family_t proto_family)
- u_long ip_dl_tag = 0;
- int stat;
- stat = dlil_find_dltag(ifp->if_family, ifp->if_unit, PF_INET, &ip_dl_tag);
- if (stat == 0) {
- stat = dlil_detach_protocol(ip_dl_tag);
- if (stat) {
- printf("WARNING: ether_detach_inet can't detach ip from interface\n");
- }
- }
- return stat;
+ (void) ifnet_detach_protocol(ifp, proto_family);