- * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
extern void mach_kauth_cred_uthread_update(void);
- thread_t,
- int,
- thread_state_t,
- unsigned int,
- mach_vm_offset_t *,
- int *
- thread_t,
- int,
- thread_state_t,
- unsigned int,
- mach_vm_offset_t *
void * find_user_regs(thread_t);
unsigned int get_msr_exportmask(void);
unsigned int get_msr_rbits(void);
-extern void throttle_lowpri_io(boolean_t);
+extern void throttle_lowpri_io(int);
* thread_userstack:
int flavor,
thread_state_t tstate,
__unused unsigned int count,
- user_addr_t *user_stack,
+ mach_vm_offset_t *user_stack,
int *customstack
state25 = (x86_thread_state32_t *) tstate;
- if (state25->esp)
+ if (state25->esp) {
*user_stack = state25->esp;
- else
+ if (customstack)
+ *customstack = 1;
+ } else {
*user_stack = VM_USRSTACK32;
- if (customstack && state25->esp)
- *customstack = 1;
- else
- *customstack = 0;
+ if (customstack)
+ *customstack = 0;
+ }
state25 = (x86_thread_state64_t *) tstate;
- if (state25->rsp)
+ if (state25->rsp) {
*user_stack = state25->rsp;
- else
+ if (customstack)
+ *customstack = 1;
+ } else {
*user_stack = VM_USRSTACK64;
- if (customstack && state25->rsp)
- *customstack = 1;
- else
- *customstack = 0;
+ if (customstack)
+ *customstack = 0;
+ }
return (KERN_SUCCESS);
- * Duplicate parent state in child
- * for U**X fork.
- */
- thread_t parent,
- thread_t child
- pcb_t parent_pcb;
- pcb_t child_pcb;
- if ((child_pcb = child->machine.pcb) == NULL ||
- (parent_pcb = parent->machine.pcb) == NULL)
- return (KERN_FAILURE);
- /*
- * Copy over the x86_saved_state registers
- */
- if (cpu_mode_is64bit()) {
- if (thread_is_64bit(parent))
- bcopy(USER_REGS64(parent), USER_REGS64(child), sizeof(x86_saved_state64_t));
- else
- bcopy(USER_REGS32(parent), USER_REGS32(child), sizeof(x86_saved_state_compat32_t));
- } else
- bcopy(USER_REGS32(parent), USER_REGS32(child), sizeof(x86_saved_state32_t));
- /*
- * Check to see if parent is using floating point
- * and if so, copy the registers to the child
- */
- fpu_dup_fxstate(parent, child);
-#ifdef MACH_BSD
- /*
- * Copy the parent's cthread id and USER_CTHREAD descriptor, if 32-bit.
- */
- child_pcb->cthread_self = parent_pcb->cthread_self;
- if (!thread_is_64bit(parent))
- child_pcb->cthread_desc = parent_pcb->cthread_desc;
- /*
- * FIXME - should a user specified LDT, TSS and V86 info
- * be duplicated as well?? - probably not.
- */
- // duplicate any use LDT entry that was set I think this is appropriate.
- if (parent_pcb->uldt_selector!= 0) {
- child_pcb->uldt_selector = parent_pcb->uldt_selector;
- child_pcb->uldt_desc = parent_pcb->uldt_desc;
- }
- return (KERN_SUCCESS);
* FIXME - thread_set_child
thread_set_child(thread_t child, int pid)
+ pal_register_cache_state(child, DIRTY);
if (thread_is_64bit(child)) {
x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
-void thread_set_parent(thread_t parent, int pid);
-thread_set_parent(thread_t parent, int pid)
- if (thread_is_64bit(parent)) {
- x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
- iss64 = USER_REGS64(parent);
- iss64->rax = pid;
- iss64->rdx = 0;
- iss64->isf.rflags &= ~EFL_CF;
- } else {
- x86_saved_state32_t *iss32;
- iss32 = USER_REGS32(parent);
- iss32->eax = pid;
- iss32->edx = 0;
- iss32->efl &= ~EFL_CF;
- }
* System Call handling code
- * thread_fast_set_cthread_self: Sets the machine kernel thread ID of the
- * current thread to the given thread ID; fast version for 32-bit processes
- *
- * Parameters: self Thread ID to set
- *
- * Returns: 0 Success
- * !0 Not success
- */
-thread_fast_set_cthread_self(uint32_t self)
- thread_t thread = current_thread();
- pcb_t pcb = thread->machine.pcb;
- struct real_descriptor desc = {
- .limit_low = 1,
- .limit_high = 0,
- .base_low = self & 0xffff,
- .base_med = (self >> 16) & 0xff,
- .base_high = (self >> 24) & 0xff,
- .access = ACC_P|ACC_PL_U|ACC_DATA_W,
- .granularity = SZ_32|SZ_G,
- };
- current_thread()->machine.pcb->cthread_self = (uint64_t) self; /* preserve old func too */
- /* assign descriptor */
- mp_disable_preemption();
- pcb->cthread_desc = desc;
- *ldt_desc_p(USER_CTHREAD) = desc;
- saved_state32(pcb->iss)->gs = USER_CTHREAD;
- mp_enable_preemption();
- return (USER_CTHREAD);
- * thread_fast_set_cthread_self64: Sets the machine kernel thread ID of the
- * current thread to the given thread ID; fast version for 64-bit processes
- *
- * Parameters: self Thread ID
- *
- * Returns: 0 Success
- * !0 Not success
- */
-thread_fast_set_cthread_self64(uint64_t self)
- pcb_t pcb = current_thread()->machine.pcb;
- cpu_data_t *cdp;
- /* check for canonical address, set 0 otherwise */
- self = 0ULL;
- pcb->cthread_self = self;
- mp_disable_preemption();
- cdp = current_cpu_datap();
-#if defined(__x86_64__)
- if ((cdp->cpu_uber.cu_user_gs_base != pcb->cthread_self) ||
- (pcb->cthread_self != rdmsr64(MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE)))
- wrmsr64(MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE, self);
- cdp->cpu_uber.cu_user_gs_base = self;
- mp_enable_preemption();
- return (USER_CTHREAD);
- * thread_set_user_ldt routine is the interface for the user level
- * settable ldt entry feature. allowing a user to create arbitrary
- * ldt entries seems to be too large of a security hole, so instead
- * this mechanism is in place to allow user level processes to have
- * an ldt entry that can be used in conjunction with the FS register.
- *
- * Swapping occurs inside the pcb.c file along with initialization
- * when a thread is created. The basic functioning theory is that the
- * pcb->uldt_selector variable will contain either 0 meaning the
- * process has not set up any entry, or the selector to be used in
- * the FS register. pcb->uldt_desc contains the actual descriptor the
- * user has set up stored in machine usable ldt format.
- *
- * Currently one entry is shared by all threads (USER_SETTABLE), but
- * this could be changed in the future by changing how this routine
- * allocates the selector. There seems to be no real reason at this
- * time to have this added feature, but in the future it might be
- * needed.
- *
- * address is the linear address of the start of the data area size
- * is the size in bytes of the area flags should always be set to 0
- * for now. in the future it could be used to set R/W permisions or
- * other functions. Currently the segment is created as a data segment
- * up to 1 megabyte in size with full read/write permisions only.
- *
- * this call returns the segment selector or -1 if any error occurs
- */
-thread_set_user_ldt(uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t flags)
- pcb_t pcb;
- struct fake_descriptor temp;
- int mycpu;
- if (flags != 0)
- return -1; // flags not supported
- if (size > 0xFFFFF)
- return -1; // size too big, 1 meg is the limit
- mp_disable_preemption();
- mycpu = cpu_number();
- // create a "fake" descriptor so we can use fix_desc()
- // to build a real one...
- // 32 bit default operation size
- // standard read/write perms for a data segment
- pcb = (pcb_t)current_thread()->machine.pcb;
- temp.offset = address;
- temp.lim_or_seg = size;
- temp.size_or_wdct = SZ_32;
- temp.access = ACC_P|ACC_PL_U|ACC_DATA_W;
- // turn this into a real descriptor
- fix_desc(&temp,1);
- // set up our data in the pcb
- pcb->uldt_desc = *(struct real_descriptor*)&temp;
- pcb->uldt_selector = USER_SETTABLE; // set the selector value
- // now set it up in the current table...
- *ldt_desc_p(USER_SETTABLE) = *(struct real_descriptor*)&temp;
- mp_enable_preemption();
#endif /* MACH_BSD */
thread_t thread,
mach_vm_address_t user_stack)
+ pal_register_cache_state(thread, DIRTY);
if (thread_is_64bit(thread)) {
x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
thread_t thread,
int adjust)
+ pal_register_cache_state(thread, DIRTY);
if (thread_is_64bit(thread)) {
x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
thread_setentrypoint(thread_t thread, mach_vm_address_t entry)
+ pal_register_cache_state(thread, DIRTY);
if (thread_is_64bit(thread)) {
x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
thread_setsinglestep(thread_t thread, int on)
+ pal_register_cache_state(thread, DIRTY);
if (thread_is_64bit(thread)) {
x86_saved_state64_t *iss64;
void *
find_user_regs(thread_t thread)
+ pal_register_cache_state(thread, DIRTY);
return USER_STATE(thread);
void *
get_user_regs(thread_t th)
- if (th->machine.pcb)
- return(USER_STATE(th));
- else {
- printf("[get_user_regs: thread does not have pcb]");
- return NULL;
- }
+ pal_register_cache_state(th, DIRTY);
+ return(USER_STATE(th));