return: value - representing the ledger peak for the given phys footprint entry
now = kern.globals.sched_tick / 20
- ledger_peak = phys_footprint_entry.le_credit - phys_footprint_entry.le_debit
- if hasattr(phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max, 'le_interval_max') and (phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max.le_interval_max > ledger_peak):
- ledger_peak = phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max.le_interval_max
+ ledger_peak = long(phys_footprint_entry.le_credit) - long(phys_footprint_entry.le_debit)
+ if hasattr(phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max, 'le_interval_max') and (long(phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max.le_interval_max) > ledger_peak):
+ ledger_peak = long(phys_footprint_entry._le._le_max.le_interval_max)
return ledger_peak
-@header("{: >8s} {: >12s} {: >12s} {: >10s} {: >12s} {: >14s} {: >10s} {: >12s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: <20s}\n".format(
-'pid', 'effective', 'requested', 'state', 'user_data', 'physical', 'iokit', 'footprint',
+@header("{: >8s} {: >12s} {: >12s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: >12s} {: >14s} {: >10s} {: >12s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: >10s} {: <20s}\n".format(
+'pid', 'effective', 'requested', 'state', 'relaunch', 'user_data', 'physical', 'iokit', 'footprint',
'recent peak', 'lifemax', 'limit', 'command'))
def GetMemoryStatusNode(proc_val):
""" Internal function to get memorystatus information from the given proc
task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry = task_ledgerp.l_entries[kern.globals.task_ledgers.phys_footprint]
page_size = kern.globals.page_size
- phys_mem_footprint = (task_physmem_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit - task_physmem_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit) / page_size
- iokit_footprint = (task_iokit_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit - task_iokit_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit) / page_size
- phys_footprint = (task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit - task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit) / page_size
- phys_footprint_limit = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_limit / page_size
+ phys_mem_footprint = (long(task_physmem_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit) - long(task_physmem_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit)) / page_size
+ iokit_footprint = (long(task_iokit_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit) - long(task_iokit_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit)) / page_size
+ phys_footprint = (long(task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_credit) - long(task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_debit)) / page_size
+ phys_footprint_limit = long(task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry.le_limit) / page_size
ledger_peak = CalculateLedgerPeak(task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry)
phys_footprint_spike = ledger_peak / page_size
- phys_footprint_lifetime_max = task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry._le._le_max.le_lifetime_max / page_size
+ phys_footprint_lifetime_max = long(task_phys_footprint_ledger_entry._le._le_max.le_lifetime_max) / page_size
- format_string = '{0: >8d} {1: >12d} {2: >12d} {3: #011x} {4: #011x} {5: >12d} {6: >10d} {7: >13d}'
+ format_string = '{0: >8d} {1: >12d} {2: >12d} {3: #011x} {4: >10d} {5: #011x} {6: >12d} {7: >10d} {8: >13d}'
out_str += format_string.format(proc_val.p_pid, proc_val.p_memstat_effectivepriority,
- proc_val.p_memstat_requestedpriority, proc_val.p_memstat_state, proc_val.p_memstat_userdata,
- phys_mem_footprint, iokit_footprint, phys_footprint)
+ proc_val.p_memstat_requestedpriority, proc_val.p_memstat_state, proc_val.p_memstat_relaunch_flags,
+ proc_val.p_memstat_userdata, phys_mem_footprint, iokit_footprint, phys_footprint)
if phys_footprint != phys_footprint_spike:
out_str += "{: >12d}".format(phys_footprint_spike)
# Macro: zprint
-@header("{:^18s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:>10s} {:^6s} {:^6s} {:^6s} {:>10s} {:^15s} {:<20s}".format(
+@header(("{:<18s} {:_^23s} {:_^24s} {:_^13s} {:_^31s}\n"+
+"{:<18s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>8s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>6s} {:>6s} {:>7s} {:>5s} {:>3s} {:>5s} {:>7s} {:<15s} {:<20s}").format(
+'', 'SIZE (bytes)', 'ELEMENTS (#)', 'PAGES', 'ALLOC CHUNK CONFIG',
def GetZoneSummary(zone):
""" Summarize a zone with important information. See help zprint for description of each field
str - summary of the zone
out_string = ""
- format_string = '{:#018x} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:10d} {:6d} {:6d} {:6d} {:10d} {markings} {name:s} '
+ format_string = '{zone:#018x} {zone.cur_size:11,d} {free_size:11,d} {zone.count:8,d} {zone.countfree:7,d} {cache_elem_count:7,d} {zone.page_count:6,d} {zone.count_all_free_pages:6,d} {zone.alloc_size:7,d} {alloc_count:5,d} {alloc_pages:3,d} {alloc_waste:5,d} {zone.elem_size:7,d} {markings:<15s} {zone.zone_name:<20s} '
pagesize = kern.globals.page_size
- free_elements = zone.countfree
- free_size = free_elements * zone.elem_size
+ free_size = zone.countfree * zone.elem_size
mag_capacity = kern.GetGlobalVariable('magazine_element_count')
alloc_pages = zone.alloc_size / pagesize
if zone.zcache[0].zcc_depot_index != -1:
cache_elem_count += zone.zcache[0].zcc_depot_index * mag_capacity
- out_string += format_string.format(zone, zone.cur_size, zone.page_count,
- zone.count, free_elements, free_size, zone.count_all_free_pages,
- zone.elem_size, zone.alloc_size, alloc_count,
- alloc_pages, alloc_waste, cache_elem_count, name = zone.zone_name, markings=markings)
+ out_string += format_string.format(zone=zone, free_size=free_size, alloc_count=alloc_count,
+ alloc_pages=alloc_pages, alloc_waste=alloc_waste, cache_elem_count=cache_elem_count, markings=markings)
if zone.exhaustible :
out_string += "(max: {:d})".format(zone.max_size)
return out_string
-def Zprint(cmd_args=None):
+@lldb_command('zprint', fancy=True)
+def Zprint(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}, O=None):
""" Routine to print a summary listing of all the kernel zones
All columns are printed in decimal
I - zone was destroyed and is no longer valid
global kern
- print GetZoneSummary.header
- for zval in kern.zones:
- print GetZoneSummary(zval)
+ with O.table(GetZoneSummary.header):
+ for zval in kern.zones:
+ print GetZoneSummary(zval)
def TestZprint(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ):
if int(fdptr.fd_rdir) != 0:
print '{0: <25s}\n{1: <s}\n{2: <s}'.format('Current Root Directory:', GetVnodeSummary.header, GetVnodeSummary(fdptr.fd_rdir))
count = 0
- print '\n' + '{0: <5s} {1: <7s}'.format('fd', 'flags') + GetVnodeSummary.header
+ print '\n' + '{0: <5s} {1: <7s} {2: <20s} '.format('fd', 'flags', 'fileglob') + GetVnodeSummary.header
# Hack to get around <rdar://problem/12879494> llb fails to cast addresses to double pointers
- fpptr = Cast(fdptr.fd_ofiles, 'fileproc *')
+ fpptr = Cast(fdptr.fd_ofiles, 'uint64_t *')
while count < fdptr.fd_nfiles:
fpp = dereference(fpptr)
- fproc = Cast(fpp, 'fileproc *')
+ fproc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(fpp), 'fileproc *')
if int(fproc) != 0:
fglob = dereference(fproc).f_fglob
flags = ""
if (fdptr.fd_ofileflags[count] & 2): flags += 'F'
if (fdptr.fd_ofileflags[count] & 4): flags += 'R'
if (fdptr.fd_ofileflags[count] & 8): flags += 'C'
- print '{0: <5d} {1: <7s}'.format(count, flags) + GetVnodeSummary(Cast(fglob.fg_data, 'vnode *'))
+ print '{0: <5d} {1: <7s} {2: <#020x} '.format(count, flags, fglob) + GetVnodeSummary(Cast(fglob.fg_data, 'vnode *'))
count += 1
- fpptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(fpptr) + kern.ptrsize,'fileproc *')
+ fpptr = kern.GetValueFromAddress(int(fpptr) + kern.ptrsize,'uint64_t *')
def ShowAllProcVnodes(cmd_args=None):
def GetVMKernName(tag):
- return FixedTags[tag]
+ """ returns the formatted name for a vmtag and
+ the sub-tag for kmod tags.
+ """
+ if ((tag <= 27) or (tag == 255)):
+ return (FixedTags[tag], "")
+ site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
+ if site:
+ if site.flags & 0x007F:
+ cstr = addressof(site.subtotals[site.subtotalscount])
+ return ("{:<50s}".format(str(Cast(cstr, 'char *'))), "")
+ else:
+ if site.flags & 0x0200:
+ xsite = Cast(site,'OSKextAccount *')
+ tagstr = ".{:<3d}".format(xsite.loadTag)
+ return (GetKmodIDName(xsite.loadTag), tagstr);
+ else:
+ return (kern.Symbolicate(site), "")
+ return ("", "")
@lldb_command("showvmtags", "AS")
def showvmtags(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
if "-A" in cmd_options:
all_tags = True
page_size = unsigned(kern.globals.page_size)
- tagcounts = []
- tagpeaks = []
- for tag in range(256):
- tagcounts.append(0)
- for tag in range(256):
- tagpeaks.append(0)
+ nsites = unsigned(kern.globals.vm_allocation_tag_highest)
+ tagcounts = [0] * nsites
+ tagpeaks = [0] * nsites
+ tagmapped = [0] * nsites
if kern.globals.vm_tag_active_update:
- for tag in range(256):
+ for tag in range(nsites):
site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
if site:
- tagcounts[unsigned(tag)] = unsigned(
- tagpeaks[unsigned(tag)] = unsigned(site.peak)
+ tagcounts[tag] = unsigned(
+ tagmapped[tag] = unsigned(site.mapped)
+ tagpeaks[tag] = unsigned(site.peak)
queue_head = kern.globals.vm_objects_wired
for object in IterateQueue(queue_head, 'struct vm_object *', 'wired_objq'):
CountMapTags(kern.globals.kernel_map, tagcounts, slow)
total = 0
- print " {:<7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:<50s}".format("tag.kmod","peak","size","name")
- for tag in range(256):
- if all_tags or tagcounts[tag]:
+ totalmapped = 0
+ print " vm_allocation_tag_highest: {:<7d} ".format(nsites)
+ print " {:<7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:<50s}".format("tag.kmod", "peak", "size", "mapped", "name")
+ for tag in range(nsites):
+ if all_tags or tagcounts[tag] or tagmapped[tag]:
total += tagcounts[tag]
- tagstr = ""
- sitestr = ""
- if ((tag <= 27) or (tag == 255)):
- sitestr = GetVMKernName(tag)
- else:
- site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
- if site:
- if site.flags & 0x007F:
- cstr = addressof(site.subtotals[site.subtotalscount])
- sitestr = "{:<50s}".format(str(Cast(cstr, 'char *')))
+ totalmapped += tagmapped[tag]
+ (sitestr, tagstr) = GetVMKernName(tag)
+ site = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[tag]
+ print " {:>3d}{:<4s} {:>7d}K {:>7d}K {:>7d}K {:<50s}".format(tag, tagstr, tagpeaks[tag] / 1024, tagcounts[tag] / 1024, tagmapped[tag] / 1024, sitestr)
+ for sub in range(site.subtotalscount):
+ alloctag = unsigned(site.subtotals[sub].tag)
+ amount = unsigned(site.subtotals[sub].total)
+ subsite = kern.globals.vm_allocation_sites[alloctag]
+ if alloctag and subsite:
+ if ((subsite.flags & 0x007f) == 0):
+ kind_str = "named"
- if site.flags & 0x0200:
- xsite = Cast(site,'OSKextAccount *')
- tagstr = ".{:<3d}".format(xsite.loadTag)
- sitestr = GetKmodIDName(xsite.loadTag)
- else:
- sitestr = kern.Symbolicate(site)
- print " {:>3d}{:<4s} {:>7d}K {:>7d}K {:<50s}".format(tag,tagstr,tagpeaks[tag] / 1024, tagcounts[tag] / 1024,sitestr)
- print "Total: {:>7d}K".format(total / 1024)
+ kind_str = "from"
+ (sitestr, tagstr) = GetVMKernName(alloctag)
+ print " {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>7s} {:>7d}K {:s} {:>3d}{:<4s} {:<50s}".format(" ", " ", " ", amount / 1024, kind_str, alloctag, tagstr, sitestr)
+ print "Total: {:>7d}K {:>7d}K".format(total / 1024, totalmapped / 1024)
return None
return hash_id
+def AddressIsFromZoneMap(addr):
+ zone_map_min_address = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_map_min_address')
+ zone_map_max_address = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_map_max_address')
+ if (unsigned(addr) >= unsigned(zone_map_min_address)) and (unsigned(addr) < unsigned(zone_map_max_address)):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def ElementOffsetInForeignPage():
+ zone_element_alignment = 32 # defined in zalloc.c
+ zone_page_metadata_size = sizeof('struct zone_page_metadata')
+ if zone_page_metadata_size % zone_element_alignment == 0:
+ offset = zone_page_metadata_size
+ else:
+ offset = zone_page_metadata_size + (zone_element_alignment - (zone_page_metadata_size % zone_element_alignment))
+ return unsigned(offset)
+def ElementStartAddrFromZonePageMetadata(page_metadata):
+ zone_metadata_region_min = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_metadata_region_min')
+ zone_map_min_address = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_map_min_address')
+ page_size = kern.GetGlobalVariable('page_size')
+ if AddressIsFromZoneMap(page_metadata):
+ page_index = (unsigned(page_metadata) - unsigned(zone_metadata_region_min)) / sizeof('struct zone_page_metadata')
+ element_start_addr = unsigned(zone_map_min_address) + unsigned(page_index * page_size)
+ else:
+ element_start_addr = unsigned(page_metadata) + unsigned(ElementOffsetInForeignPage())
+ return element_start_addr
+def ZonePageStartAddrFromZonePageMetadata(page_metadata):
+ zone_metadata_region_min = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_metadata_region_min')
+ zone_map_min_address = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_map_min_address')
+ page_size = kern.GetGlobalVariable('page_size')
+ if AddressIsFromZoneMap(page_metadata):
+ page_index = (unsigned(page_metadata) - unsigned(zone_metadata_region_min)) / sizeof('struct zone_page_metadata')
+ zone_page_addr = unsigned(zone_map_min_address) + unsigned(page_index * page_size)
+ else:
+ zone_page_addr = unsigned(page_metadata)
+ return unsigned(zone_page_addr)
+def CreateFreeElementsList(zone, first_free):
+ free_elements = []
+ if unsigned(first_free) == 0:
+ return free_elements
+ current = first_free
+ while True:
+ free_elements.append(unsigned(current))
+ next = dereference(Cast(current, 'vm_offset_t *'))
+ next = (unsigned(next) ^ unsigned(kern.globals.zp_nopoison_cookie))
+ next = kern.GetValueFromAddress(next, 'vm_offset_t *')
+ if unsigned(next) == 0:
+ break;
+ current = Cast(next, 'void *')
+ return free_elements
+#Macro: showallocatedzoneelement
+def ShowAllocatedElementsInZone(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
+ """ Show all the allocated elements in a zone
+ usage: showzoneallocelements <address of zone>
+ """
+ if len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Please specify a zone")
+ zone = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct zone *')
+ elements = FindAllocatedElementsInZone(zone)
+ i = 1
+ for elem in elements:
+ print "{0: >10d}/{1:<10d} element: {2: <#20x}".format(i, len(elements), elem)
+ i += 1
+#EndMacro: showallocatedzoneelement
+def FindAllocatedElementsInZone(zone):
+ page_size = kern.GetGlobalVariable('page_size')
+ elements = []
+ page_queues = ["any_free_foreign", "intermediate", "all_used"]
+ found_total = 0
+ for queue in page_queues:
+ found_in_queue = 0
+ if queue == "any_free_foreign" and unsigned(zone.allows_foreign) != 1:
+ continue
+ for zone_page_metadata in IterateQueue(zone.pages.__getattr__(queue), 'struct zone_page_metadata *', 'pages'):
+ free_elements = []
+ first_free_element = kern.GetValueFromAddress(GetFreeList(zone_page_metadata))
+ free_elements = CreateFreeElementsList(zone, first_free_element)
+ chunk_page_count = zone_page_metadata.page_count
+ element_addr_start = ElementStartAddrFromZonePageMetadata(zone_page_metadata)
+ zone_page_start = ZonePageStartAddrFromZonePageMetadata(zone_page_metadata)
+ next_page = zone_page_start + page_size
+ element_addr_end = zone_page_start + (chunk_page_count * page_size)
+ elem = unsigned(element_addr_start)
+ while elem < element_addr_end:
+ if elem not in free_elements:
+ elements.append(elem)
+ found_in_queue += 1
+ elem += zone.elem_size
+ if queue == "any_free_foreign":
+ if (elem + zone.elem_size) >= next_page:
+ zone_page_start = unsigned((elem + page_size) & ~(page_size - 1))
+ next_page = zone_page_start + page_size
+ elem = zone_page_start + unsigned(ElementOffsetInForeignPage())
+ found_total += found_in_queue
+# print "Found {0: <d} allocated elements in the {1: <s} page queue".format(found_in_queue, queue)
+# print "Total number of allocated elements: {0: <d} in zone {1: <s}".format(found_total, zone.zone_name)
+ return elements
+def match_vm_page_attributes(page, matching_attributes):
+ page_ptr = addressof(page)
+ unpacked_vm_object = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object)
+ matched_attributes = 0
+ if "vmp_q_state" in matching_attributes and (page.vmp_q_state == matching_attributes["vmp_q_state"]):
+ matched_attributes += 1
+ if "vm_object" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(unpacked_vm_object) == unsigned(matching_attributes["vm_object"])):
+ matched_attributes += 1
+ if "vmp_offset" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(page.vmp_offset) == unsigned(matching_attributes["vmp_offset"])):
+ matched_attributes += 1
+ if "phys_page" in matching_attributes and (unsigned(_vm_page_get_phys_page(page_ptr)) == unsigned(matching_attributes["phys_page"])):
+ matched_attributes += 1
+ if "bitfield" in matching_attributes and unsigned(page.__getattr__(matching_attributes["bitfield"])) == 1:
+ matched_attributes += 1
+ return matched_attributes
+#Macro scan_vm_pages
+@header("{0: >26s}{1: >20s}{2: >10s}{3: >20s}{4: >20s}{5: >16s}".format("vm_pages_index/zone", "vm_page", "q_state", "vm_object", "offset", "ppn", "bitfield", "from_zone_map"))
+@lldb_command('scan_vm_pages', 'S:O:F:I:P:B:I:N:ZA')
+def ScanVMPages(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
+ """ Scan the global vm_pages array (-A) and/or vmpages zone (-Z) for pages with matching attributes.
+ usage: scan_vm_pages <matching attribute(s)> [-A start vm_pages index] [-N number of pages to scan] [-Z scan vm_pages zone]
+ scan_vm_pages -A: scan vm pages in the global vm_pages array
+ scan_vm_pages -Z: scan vm pages allocated from the vm.pages zone
+ scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -S <vm_page_q_state value>: Find vm pages in the specified queue
+ scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -O <vm_object>: Find vm pages in the specified vm_object
+ scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -F <offset>: Find vm pages with the specified vmp_offset value
+ scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -P <phys_page>: Find vm pages with the specified physical page number
+ scan_vm_pages <-A/-Z> -B <bitfield>: Find vm pages with the bitfield set
+ scan_vm_pages <-A> -I <start_index>: Start the scan from start_index
+ scan_vm_pages <-A> -N <npages>: Scan at most npages
+ """
+ if (len(cmd_options) < 1):
+ raise ArgumentError("Please specify at least one matching attribute")
+ vm_pages = kern.globals.vm_pages
+ vm_pages_count = kern.globals.vm_pages_count
+ start_index = 0
+ npages = vm_pages_count
+ scan_vmpages_array = False
+ scan_vmpages_zone = False
+ attribute_count = 0
+ if "-A" in cmd_options:
+ scan_vmpages_array = True
+ if "-Z" in cmd_options:
+ scan_vmpages_zone = True
+ if scan_vmpages_array == False and scan_vmpages_zone == False:
+ raise ArgumentError("Please specify where to scan (-A: vm_pages array, -Z: vm.pages zone)")
+ attribute_values = {}
+ if "-S" in cmd_options:
+ attribute_values["vmp_q_state"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-S"], 'int')
+ attribute_count += 1
+ if "-O" in cmd_options:
+ attribute_values["vm_object"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-O"], 'vm_object_t')
+ attribute_count += 1
+ if "-F" in cmd_options:
+ attribute_values["vmp_offset"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-F"], 'unsigned long long')
+ attribute_count += 1
+ if "-P" in cmd_options:
+ attribute_values["phys_page"] = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-P"], 'unsigned int')
+ attribute_count += 1
+ if "-B" in cmd_options:
+ valid_vmp_bitfields = [
+ "vmp_in_background",
+ "vmp_on_backgroundq",
+ "vmp_gobbled",
+ "vmp_laundry",
+ "vmp_no_cache",
+ "vmp_private",
+ "vmp_reference",
+ "vmp_busy",
+ "vmp_wanted",
+ "vmp_tabled",
+ "vmp_hashed",
+ "vmp_fictitious",
+ "vmp_clustered",
+ "vmp_pmapped",
+ "vmp_xpmapped",
+ "vmp_free_when_done",
+ "vmp_absent",
+ "vmp_error",
+ "vmp_dirty",
+ "vmp_cleaning",
+ "vmp_precious",
+ "vmp_overwriting",
+ "vmp_restart",
+ "vmp_unusual",
+ "vmp_cs_validated",
+ "vmp_cs_tainted",
+ "vmp_cs_nx",
+ "vmp_reusable",
+ "vmp_lopage",
+ "vmp_written_by_kernel",
+ "vmp_unused_object_bits"
+ ]
+ attribute_values["bitfield"] = cmd_options["-B"]
+ if attribute_values["bitfield"] in valid_vmp_bitfields:
+ attribute_count += 1
+ else:
+ raise ArgumentError("Unknown bitfield: {0:>20s}".format(bitfield))
+ if "-I" in cmd_options:
+ start_index = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-I"], 'int')
+ npages = vm_pages_count - start_index
+ if "-N" in cmd_options:
+ npages = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options["-N"], 'int')
+ if npages == 0:
+ raise ArgumentError("You specified -N 0, nothing to be scanned")
+ end_index = start_index + npages - 1
+ if end_index >= vm_pages_count:
+ raise ArgumentError("Index range out of bound. vm_pages_count: {0:d}".format(vm_pages_count))
+ header_after_n_lines = 40
+ format_string = "{0: >26s}{1: >#20x}{2: >10d}{3: >#20x}{4: >#20x}{5: >#16x}"
+ found_in_array = 0
+ if scan_vmpages_array:
+ print "Scanning vm_pages[{0:d} to {1:d}] for {2:d} matching attribute(s)......".format(start_index, end_index, attribute_count)
+ i = start_index
+ while i <= end_index:
+ page = vm_pages[i]
+ if match_vm_page_attributes(page, attribute_values) == attribute_count:
+ if found_in_array % header_after_n_lines == 0:
+ print ScanVMPages.header
+ print format_string.format(str(i), addressof(page), page.vmp_q_state, _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object), page.vmp_offset, _vm_page_get_phys_page(addressof(page)))
+ found_in_array += 1
+ i += 1
+ found_in_zone = 0
+ if scan_vmpages_zone:
+ page_size = kern.GetGlobalVariable('page_size')
+ num_zones = kern.GetGlobalVariable('num_zones')
+ zone_array = kern.GetGlobalVariable('zone_array')
+ print "Scanning vm.pages zone for {0:d} matching attribute(s)......".format(attribute_count)
+ i = 0
+ while i < num_zones:
+ zone = zone_array[i]
+ if str(zone.zone_name) == "vm pages":
+ break;
+ i += 1
+ if i == num_zones:
+ print "Cannot find vm_pages zone, skip the scan"
+ else:
+ print "Scanning page queues in the vm_pages zone..."
+ elements = FindAllocatedElementsInZone(zone)
+ for elem in elements:
+ page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(elem, 'vm_page_t')
+ if match_vm_page_attributes(page, attribute_values) == attribute_count:
+ if found_in_zone % header_after_n_lines == 0:
+ print ScanVMPages.header
+ vm_object = _vm_page_unpack_ptr(page.vmp_object)
+ phys_page = _vm_page_get_phys_page(page)
+ print format_string.format("vm_pages zone", elem, page.vmp_q_state, vm_object, page.vmp_offset, phys_page)
+ found_in_zone += 1
+ total = found_in_array + found_in_zone
+ print "Found {0:d} vm pages ({1:d} in array, {2:d} in zone) matching the requested {3:d} attribute(s)".format(total, found_in_array, found_in_zone, attribute_count)
+#EndMacro scan_vm_pages
@header("{0: <10s} of {1: <10s} {2: <20s} {3: <20s} {4: <20s} {5: <10s} {6: <5s}\t {7: <28s}\t{8: <50s}".format("index", "total", "vm_page_t", "offset", "next", "phys_page", "wire#", "first bitfield", "second bitfield"))
-@lldb_command('vmobjectwalkpages', 'SBNQP:')
+@lldb_command('vmobjectwalkpages', 'CSBNQP:O:')
def VMObjectWalkPages(cmd_args=None, cmd_options={}):
""" Print the resident pages contained in the provided object. If a vm_page_t is provided as well, we
specifically look for this page, highlighting it in the output or noting if it was not found. For
see and compare this to the object's resident page count field.
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> : Walk and print all the pages for a given object (up to 4K pages by default)
+ vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -C : list pages in compressor after processing resident pages
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -B : Walk and print all the pages for a given object (up to 4K pages by default), traversing the memq backwards
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -N : Walk and print all the pages for a given object, ignore the page limit
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -Q : Walk all pages for a given object, looking for known signs of corruption (i.e. q_state == VM_PAGE_IS_WIRED && wire_count == 0)
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -P <vm_page_t> : Walk all the pages for a given object, annotate the specified page in the output with ***
vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -P <vm_page_t> -S : Walk all the pages for a given object, stopping when we find the specified page
+ vmobjectwalkpages <vm_object_t> -O <offset> : Like -P, but looks for given offset
if "-P" in cmd_options:
page = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options['-P'], 'vm_page_t')
+ off = -1
+ if "-O" in cmd_options:
+ off = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_options['-O'], 'vm_offset_t')
stop = 0
if "-S" in cmd_options:
- if page == 0:
- raise ArgumentError("-S can only be passed when a page is specified with -P")
+ if page == 0 and off < 0:
+ raise ArgumentError("-S can only be passed when a page is specified with -P or -O")
stop = 1
walk_backwards = False
if "-N" in cmd_options:
ignore_limit = 1
+ show_compressed = 0
+ if "-C" in cmd_options:
+ show_compressed = 1
page_count = 0
res_page_count = unsigned(obj.resident_page_count)
page_found = False
out_string += "******"
page_found = True
- if page != 0 or quiet_mode:
+ if (off > 0 and not(page_found) and vmp.vmp_offset == off):
+ out_string += "******"
+ page_found = True
+ if page != 0 or off > 0 or quiet_mode:
if (page_count % 1000) == 0:
print "traversed %d pages ...\n" % (page_count)
if (page_count >= limit and not(ignore_limit)):
print out_string + "Limit reached (%d pages), stopping..." % (limit)
- return
+ break
print out_string
if (page != 0):
print("page found? : %s\n" % page_found)
+ if (off > 0):
+ print("page found? : %s\n" % page_found)
print("Object reports resident page count of %d, we saw %d pages when we walked the resident list.\n" % (unsigned(obj.resident_page_count), unsigned(page_count)))
+ if show_compressed != 0 and obj.pager != 0 and unsigned(obj.pager.mo_pager_ops) == unsigned(addressof(kern.globals.compressor_pager_ops)):
+ pager = Cast(obj.pager, 'compressor_pager *')
+ chunks = pager.cpgr_num_slots / 128
+ pagesize = kern.globals.page_size
+ page_idx = 0
+ while page_idx < pager.cpgr_num_slots:
+ if chunks != 0:
+ chunk = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_islots[page_idx / 128]
+ slot = chunk[page_idx % 128]
+ elif pager.cpgr_num_slots > 2:
+ slot = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_dslots[page_idx]
+ else:
+ slot = pager.cpgr_slots.cpgr_eslots[page_idx]
+ if slot != 0:
+ print("compressed page for offset: %x slot %x\n" % ((page_idx * pagesize) - obj.paging_offset, slot))
+ page_idx = page_idx + 1
def ShowAllAppleProtectPagers(cmd_args=None):
# Dumps the snapshot header info
print lldb_run_command('p *memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot')
- hdr_format = "{0: >32s} {1: >5s} {2: >4s} {3: >6s} {4: >6s} {5: >20s} {6: >20s} {7: >20s} {8: >5s} {9: >10s} {10: >6s} {11: >6s} {12: >10s} {13: >15s} {14: >15s} {15: >15s} {16: >15s}"
+ hdr_format = "{0: >32s} {1: >5s} {2: >4s} {3: >6s} {4: >6s} {5: >20s} {6: >20s} {7: >20s} {8: >5s} {9: >10s} {10: >6s} {11: >6s} {12: >10s} {13: >15s} {14: >15s} {15: >15s}"
if (show_footprint_details == True):
- hdr_format += "{17: >15s} {18: >15s} {19: >12s} {20: >12s} {21: >17s} {22: >10s} {23: >13s} {24: >10s}"
+ hdr_format += "{16: >15s} {17: >15s} {18: >12s} {19: >12s} {20: >17s} {21: >10s} {22: >13s} {23: >10s}"
if (show_footprint_details == False):
- print hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'max', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax')
- print hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)')
+ print hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax')
+ print hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)')
- print hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'max', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax', '|| internal', 'internal_comp', 'iokit_mapped', 'purge_nonvol', 'purge_nonvol_comp', 'alt_acct', 'alt_acct_comp', 'page_table')
- print hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)')
+ print hdr_format.format('command', 'index', 'pri', 'cid', 'pid', 'starttime', 'killtime', 'idletime', 'kill', '#ents', 'fds', 'gen', 'state', 'footprint', 'purgeable', 'lifetimeMax', '|| internal', 'internal_comp', 'iokit_mapped', 'purge_nonvol', 'purge_nonvol_comp', 'alt_acct', 'alt_acct_comp', 'page_table')
+ print hdr_format.format('', '', '', '', '', '(abs)', '(abs)', '(abs)', 'cause', '', '', 'Count', '', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)', '(pages)')
entry_format = "{ >32s} {index: >5d} {e.priority: >4d} {e.jse_coalition_jetsam_id: >6d} { >6d} "\
"{e.jse_starttime: >20d} {e.jse_killtime: >20d} "\
"{e.jse_idle_delta: >20d} {e.killed: >5d} {e.jse_memory_region_count: >10d} "\
- "{e.fds: >6d} {e.jse_gencount: >6d} {e.state: >10x} {e.pages: >15d} {e.max_pages: >15d} "\
+ "{e.fds: >6d} {e.jse_gencount: >6d} {e.state: >10x} {e.pages: >15d} "\
"{e.purgeable_pages: >15d} {e.max_pages_lifetime: >15d}"
if (show_footprint_details == True):
snapshot_list = kern.globals.memorystatus_jetsam_snapshot.entries
idx = 0
while idx < count:
- current_entry = Cast(snapshot_list[idx], 'jetsam_snapshot_entry')
+ current_entry = dereference(Cast(addressof(snapshot_list[idx]), 'jetsam_snapshot_entry *'))
print entry_format.format(index=idx, e=current_entry)
idx +=1