+ * fileport_invoke
+ *
+ * Description: Invoke a function with the fileglob underlying the fileport.
+ * Returns the error code related to the fileglob lookup.
+ *
+ * Parameters: task The target task
+ * action The function to invoke with the fileglob
+ * arg Anonymous pointer to caller state
+ * rval The value returned from calling 'action'
+ */
+fileport_invoke(task_t task, mach_port_name_t name,
+ int (*action)(mach_port_name_t, struct fileglob *, void *),
+ void *arg, int *rval)
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ ipc_port_t fileport;
+ struct fileglob *fg;
+ kr = ipc_object_copyin(task->itk_space, name,
+ MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, (ipc_object_t *)&fileport);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return (kr);
+ if ((fg = fileport_port_to_fileglob(fileport)) != NULL)
+ *rval = (*action)(name, fg, arg);
+ else
+ ipc_port_release_send(fileport);
+ return (kr);
+ * fileport_walk
+ *
+ * Description: Invoke the action function on every fileport in the task.
+ *
+ * This could be more efficient if we refactored mach_port_names()
+ * so that (a) it didn't compute the type information unless asked
+ * and (b) it could be asked to -not- unwire/copyout the memory
+ * and (c) if we could ask for port names by kobject type. Not
+ * clear that it's worth all that complexity, though.
+ *
+ * Parameters: task The target task
+ * action The function to invoke on each fileport
+ * arg Anonymous pointer to caller state.
+ */
+fileport_walk(task_t task,
+ int (*action)(mach_port_name_t, struct fileglob *, void *arg),
+ void *arg)
+ mach_port_name_t *names;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t ncnt, tcnt;
+ vm_map_copy_t map_copy_names, map_copy_types;
+ vm_map_address_t map_names;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ uint_t i;
+ int rval;
+ /*
+ * mach_port_names returns the 'name' and 'types' in copied-in
+ * form. Discard 'types' immediately, then copyout 'names'
+ * back into the kernel before walking the array.
+ */
+ kr = mach_port_names(task->itk_space,
+ (mach_port_name_t **)&map_copy_names, &ncnt,
+ (mach_port_type_t **)&map_copy_types, &tcnt);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return (kr);
+ vm_map_copy_discard(map_copy_types);
+ kr = vm_map_copyout(ipc_kernel_map, &map_names, map_copy_names);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ vm_map_copy_discard(map_copy_names);
+ return (kr);
+ }
+ names = (mach_port_name_t *)(uintptr_t)map_names;
+ for (rval = 0, i = 0; i < ncnt; i++)
+ if (fileport_invoke(task, names[i], action, arg,
+ &rval) == KERN_SUCCESS && -1 == rval)
+ break; /* early termination clause */