#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
-#ifdef __ppc__
-#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMDeprecated.h>
/*! @header IOPM.h
@abstract Defines power management constants and keys used by both in-kernel and user space power management.
@discussion IOPM.h defines a range of power management constants used in several in-kernel and user space APIs. Most significantly, the IOPMPowerFlags used to specify the fields of an IOPMPowerState struct are defined here.
Useful only as a Capability.
- @constant kIOPMSleepCapability
+ @constant kIOPMSleepCapability
Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
@constant kIOPMRestartCapability
@constant kIOPMRestart
Used only by certain IOKit Families (USB). Not defined or used by generic Power Management. Read your family documentation to see if you should define a powerstate using these capabilities.
+ @constant kIOPMInitialDeviceState
+ Indicates the initial power state for the device. If <code>initialPowerStateForDomainState()</code> returns a power state with this flag set in the capability field, then the initial power change is performed without calling the driver's <code>setPowerState()</code>.
typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerFlags;
enum {
kIOPMSleepCapability = 0x00000004,
kIOPMRestartCapability = 0x00000080,
kIOPMSleep = 0x00000001,
- kIOPMRestart = 0x00000080
+ kIOPMRestart = 0x00000080,
+ kIOPMInitialDeviceState = 0x00000100
kIOPMNotPowerManaged = 0x0800
* Deprecated IOPMPowerFlags
* Their behavior is undefined when used in IOPMPowerState
* See IOPMrootDomain notification kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange
-#define kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey "SleepWakeUUID"
+ #define kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey "SleepWakeUUID"
/* kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey
* Indicates the Deep Sleep enable state.
#define kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey "Standby Delay"
-/* kIOPMLowBatteryWakeThresholdKey
- * Key refers to a CFNumberRef that represents the percentage of battery
- * remaining charge that will trigger a system wake followed by Deep Sleep.
+/* kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey
+ * Specifies if FileVault key can be stored when going to standby mode
+ * It has a boolean value,
+ * true == Destroy FV key when going to standby mode
+ * false == Retain FV key when going to standby mode
+ * not present == Retain FV key when going to standby mode
-#define kIOPMLowBatteryWakeThresholdKey "LowBatteryWakeThreshold"
+#define kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey "DestroyFVKeyOnStandby"
kIOPMDriverAssertionExternalMediaMountedBit = 0x10,
+ /*! kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit5
+ * Reserved for Thunderbolt.
+ */
kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit5 = 0x20,
- kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit6 = 0x40,
+ /*! kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit
+ * When set, the display should remain powered on while the system's awake.
+ */
+ kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit = 0x40,
kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7 = 0x80
* These commands are issued from system drivers only:
* ApplePMU, AppleSMU, IOGraphics, AppleACPIFamily
+ * TODO: deprecate kIOPMAllowSleep and kIOPMPreventSleep
enum {
kIOPMSleepNow = (1<<0), // put machine to sleep now
#define kIOPMPSCapacityEstimatedKey "CapacityEstimated"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey "ChargeStatus"
#define kIOPMPSBatteryTemperatureKey "Temperature"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey "AdapterDetails"
+#define kIOPMPSChargerConfigurationKey "ChargerConfiguration"
// kIOPMPSBatteryChargeStatusKey may have one of the following values, or may have
// no value. If kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusKey has a NULL value (or no value) associated with it
// then the charge may have been interrupted.
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooHot "HighTemperature"
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooCold "LowTemperature"
+#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusTooHotOrCold "HighOrLowTemperature"
#define kIOPMBatteryChargeStatusGradient "BatteryTemperatureGradient"
// Definitions for battery location, in case of multiple batteries.
kIOPMGoodValue = 3
+// Keys for kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsKey dictionary
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsIDKey "AdapterID"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsWattsKey "Watts"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsRevisionKey "AdapterRevision"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsSerialNumberKey "SerialNumber"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsFamilyKey "FamilyCode"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsAmperageKey "Amperage"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsDescriptionKey "Description"
+#define kIOPMPSAdapterDetailsPMUConfigurationKey "PMUConfiguration"
// Battery's time remaining estimate is invalid this long (seconds) after a wake
#define kIOPMPSInvalidWakeSecondsKey "BatteryInvalidWakeSeconds"
kIOBatteryChargerConnect = (1 << 0)
// Private power management message indicating battery data has changed
// Indicates new data resides in the IORegistry
#define kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x100)
kIOPMClamshellStateOnWake = (1<<10) // used only by Platform Expert
// **********************************************
// Internal power management data structures
// **********************************************
-struct stateChangeNote{
+struct stateChangeNote {
IOPMPowerFlags stateFlags;
unsigned long stateNum;
void * powerRef;
typedef IOPowerStateChangeNotification sleepWakeNote;
#endif /* KERNEL && __cplusplus */
-#endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */
+/*! @struct IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters
+ @abstract A structure describing a system capability change.
+ @discussion A system capability change is a system level transition from a set
+ of system capabilities to a new set of system capabilities. Power management
+ sends a <code>kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange</code> message and provides
+ this structure as the message data (by reference) to
+ <code>gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest</code> clients when system capability
+ changes.
+ @field notifyRef An identifier for this message notification. Clients with pending
+ I/O can signal completion by calling <code>allowPowerChange()</code> with this
+ value as the argument. Clients that are able to process the notification
+ synchronously should ignore this field.
+ @field maxWaitForReply A return value to the caller indicating the maximum time in
+ microseconds to wait for the <code>allowPowerChange()</code> call. The default
+ value is zero, which indicates the client processing has finished, and power
+ management should not wait for an <code>allowPowerChange()</code> call.
+ @field changeFlags Flags will be set to indicate whether the notification precedes
+ the capability change (<code>kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange</code>), or after
+ the capability change has occurred (<code>kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange</code>).
+ @field __reserved1 Set to zero.
+ @field fromCapabilities The system capabilities at the start of the transition.
+ @field toCapabilities The system capabilities at the end of the transition.
+ @field __reserved2 Set to zero.
+ */
+struct IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters {
+ uint32_t notifyRef;
+ uint32_t maxWaitForReply;
+ uint32_t changeFlags;
+ uint32_t __reserved1;
+ uint32_t fromCapabilities;
+ uint32_t toCapabilities;
+ uint32_t __reserved2[4];
+/*! @enum IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeFlags
+ @constant kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange Indicates the system capability will change.
+ @constant kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange Indicates the system capability has changed.
+enum {
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange = 0x01,
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange = 0x02
+enum {
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU = 0x01,
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics = 0x02,
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio = 0x04,
+ kIOPMSystemCapabilityNetwork = 0x08
+#endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */