2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
30 #include <libkern/c++/OSKext.h>
31 #include <libkern/c++/OSSharedPtr.h>
32 #include <IOKit/IOKitServer.h>
33 #include <IOKit/IOKitKeysPrivate.h>
34 #include <IOKit/IOUserClient.h>
35 #include <IOKit/IOService.h>
36 #include <IOKit/IORegistryEntry.h>
37 #include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
38 #include <IOKit/IOMemoryDescriptor.h>
39 #include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
40 #include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
41 #include <IOKit/IOBSD.h>
42 #include <IOKit/IOStatisticsPrivate.h>
43 #include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
44 #include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
45 #include <IOKit/IOUserServer.h>
46 #include <IOKit/system.h>
47 #include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
48 #include <DriverKit/OSAction.h>
50 #include <sys/kauth.h>
51 #include <sys/codesign.h>
59 #include <security/mac_framework.h>
61 #include <sys/kauth.h>
65 #endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
67 #include <IOKit/assert.h>
69 #include "IOServicePrivate.h"
70 #include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
72 #define SCALAR64(x) ((io_user_scalar_t)((unsigned int)x))
73 #define SCALAR32(x) ((uint32_t )x)
74 #define ARG32(x) ((void *)(uintptr_t)SCALAR32(x))
75 #define REF64(x) ((io_user_reference_t)((UInt64)(x)))
76 #define REF32(x) ((int)(x))
79 kIOUCAsync0Flags
= 3ULL,
80 kIOUCAsync64Flag
= 1ULL,
81 kIOUCAsyncErrorLoggedFlag
= 2ULL
86 #define IOStatisticsRegisterCounter() \
88 reserved->counter = IOStatistics::registerUserClient(this); \
91 #define IOStatisticsUnregisterCounter() \
94 IOStatistics::unregisterUserClient(reserved->counter); \
97 #define IOStatisticsClientCall() \
99 IOStatistics::countUserClientCall(client); \
104 #define IOStatisticsRegisterCounter()
105 #define IOStatisticsUnregisterCounter()
106 #define IOStatisticsClientCall()
108 #endif /* IOKITSTATS */
112 #define FAKE_STACK_FRAME(a) \
113 const void ** __frameptr; \
114 const void * __retaddr; \
115 __frameptr = (typeof(__frameptr)) __builtin_frame_address(0); \
116 __retaddr = __frameptr[1]; \
119 #define FAKE_STACK_FRAME_END() \
120 __frameptr[1] = __retaddr;
122 #else /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
124 #define FAKE_STACK_FRAME(a)
125 #define FAKE_STACK_FRAME_END()
127 #endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
129 #define ASYNC_REF_COUNT (sizeof(io_async_ref_t) / sizeof(natural_t))
130 #define ASYNC_REF64_COUNT (sizeof(io_async_ref64_t) / sizeof(io_user_reference_t))
132 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
135 #include <mach/mach_traps.h>
136 #include <vm/vm_map.h>
139 struct IOMachPortHashList
141 static_assert(IKOT_MAX_TYPE
<= 255);
143 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
145 // IOMachPort maps OSObjects to ports, avoiding adding an ivar to OSObject.
146 class IOMachPort
: public OSObject
148 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOMachPort
) link
157 static IOMachPort
* withObjectAndType(OSObject
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
159 static IOMachPortHashList
* bucketForObject(OSObject
160 ipc_kobject_type_t type
162 static IOMachPort
* portForObjectInBucket(IOMachPortHashList
, OSObject
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
164 static bool noMoreSendersForObject( OSObject
* obj
165 ipc_kobject_type_t type
, mach_port_mscount_t
* mscount
166 static void releasePortForObject( OSObject
* obj
167 ipc_kobject_type_t type
168 static void setHoldDestroy( OSObject
* obj
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
170 static mach_port_name_t
makeSendRightForTask( task_t task
171 io_object_t obj
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
173 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
176 #define super OSObject
177 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructorsWithZone(IOMachPort
, OSObject
179 static IOLock
* gIOObjectPortLock
180 IOLock
* gIOUserServerLock
182 SECURITY_READ_ONLY_LATE(const struct io_filter_callbacks
*) gIOUCFilterCallbacks
184 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
186 SLIST_HEAD(IOMachPortHashList
, IOMachPort
188 #if defined(XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX)
189 #define PORT_HASH_SIZE 4096
190 #else /* defined(!XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX) */
191 #define PORT_HASH_SIZE 256
192 #endif /* !defined(!XNU_TARGET_OS_OSX) */
194 IOMachPortHashList gIOMachPortHash
197 IOMachPortInitialize(void)
199 for (size_t i
= 0; i
; i
++) {
200 SLIST_INIT(&gIOMachPortHash
205 IOMachPort::bucketForObject(OSObject
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
207 return &gIOMachPortHash
211 IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(IOMachPortHashList
, OSObject
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
213 IOMachPort
215 SLIST_FOREACH(machPort
, bucket
, link
) {
216 if (machPort
== obj
&& machPort
== type
) {
224 IOMachPort::withObjectAndType(OSObject
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
226 IOMachPort
228 machPort
= new IOMachPort
229 if (__improbable(machPort
&& !machPort
->init())) {
233 machPort
= obj
234 machPort
= (typeof(machPort
235 machPort
= iokit_alloc_object_port(obj
, type
237 obj
244 IOMachPort::noMoreSendersForObject( OSObject
* obj
245 ipc_kobject_type_t type
, mach_port_mscount_t
* mscount
247 IOMachPort
250 bool destroyed
= true;
252 IOMachPortHashList
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(obj
, type
256 lck_mtx_lock(gIOObjectPortLock
258 machPort
= IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(bucket
, obj
, type
261 destroyed
= (machPort
<= *mscount
263 *mscount
= machPort
264 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
== type
) && (uc
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, obj
))) {
269 SLIST_REMOVE(bucket
, machPort
, IOMachPort
, link
271 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
274 obj
277 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
== type
) && (action
= OSDynamicCast(OSAction
, obj
))) {
290 IOMachPort::releasePortForObject( OSObject
* obj
291 ipc_kobject_type_t type
293 IOMachPort
294 IOMachPortHashList
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(obj
, type
!= type
298 lck_mtx_lock(gIOObjectPortLock
300 machPort
= IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(bucket
, obj
, type
302 if (machPort
&& !machPort
) {
304 SLIST_REMOVE(bucket
, machPort
, IOMachPort
, link
306 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
309 obj
312 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
317 IOMachPort::setHoldDestroy( OSObject
* obj
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
319 IOMachPort
* machPort
321 IOMachPortHashList
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(obj
, type
322 lck_mtx_lock(gIOObjectPortLock
324 machPort
= IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(bucket
, obj
, type
327 machPort
= true;
330 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
334 IOMachPortDestroyUserReferences(OSObject
* obj
, natural_t type
336 IOMachPort::releasePortForObject(obj
, type
340 IOUserClient::destroyUserReferences( OSObject
* obj
342 IOMachPort
344 IOMachPort::releasePortForObject( obj
347 // IOMachPort::releasePortForObject( obj, IKOT_IOKIT_CONNECT );
350 IOMachPortHashList
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(obj
351 IOMachPortHashList
353 lck_mtx_lock(gIOObjectPortLock
355 IOUserClient
* uc
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, obj
356 if (uc
&& uc
) {
357 mappingBucket
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(uc
360 machPort
= IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(bucket
, obj
362 if (machPort
) {
363 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
367 SLIST_REMOVE(bucket
, machPort
, IOMachPort
, link
368 obj
373 uc
374 machPort
= uc
375 SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(mappingBucket
, machPort
, link
376 iokit_switch_object_port(machPort
, uc
378 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
380 uc
383 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
387 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
398 IOMachPort::makeSendRightForTask( task_t task
399 io_object_t obj
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
401 return iokit_make_send_right( task
, obj
, type
405 IOMachPort::free( void )
408 iokit_destroy_object_port( port
413 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
416 IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(task_t task
422 IOTaskRegistryCompatibilityMatching(task_t task
, OSDictionary
* matching
424 if (!IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(task
)) {
427 matching
, kOSBooleanTrue
430 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
432 class IOUserIterator
: public OSIterator
434 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOUserIterator
436 OSObject
* userIteratorObject
439 static IOUserIterator
* withIterator(LIBKERN_CONSUMED OSIterator
* iter
440 virtual bool init( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
441 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
443 virtual void reset() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
444 virtual bool isValid() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
445 virtual OSObject
446 virtual OSObject
* copyNextObject();
449 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
451 class IOUserNotification
: public IOUserIterator
453 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOUserNotification
455 #define holdNotify userIteratorObject
459 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
461 virtual void setNotification( IONotifier
* obj
463 virtual void reset() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
464 virtual bool isValid() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
467 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
469 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOUserIterator
, OSIterator
472 IOUserIterator::withIterator(OSIterator
* iter
480 me
= new IOUserIterator
481 if (me
&& !me
->init()) {
488 me
= iter
494 IOUserIterator::init( void )
496 if (!OSObject::init()) {
500 lock
= IOLockAlloc();
509 IOUserIterator::free()
511 if (userIteratorObject
) {
512 userIteratorObject
521 IOUserIterator::reset()
524 assert(OSDynamicCast(OSIterator
, userIteratorObject
525 ((OSIterator
530 IOUserIterator::isValid()
535 assert(OSDynamicCast(OSIterator
, userIteratorObject
536 ret
= ((OSIterator
543 IOUserIterator::getNextObject()
550 IOUserIterator::copyNextObject()
552 OSObject
* ret
555 if (userIteratorObject
) {
556 ret
= ((OSIterator
566 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
568 // functions called from osfmk/device/iokit_rpc.c
571 iokit_port_object_description(io_object_t obj
, kobject_description_t desc
573 IORegistryEntry
* regEntry
574 IOUserNotification
* __unused noti
575 _IOServiceNotifier
* __unused serviceNoti
576 OSSerialize
* __unused s
578 if ((regEntry
= OSDynamicCast(IORegistryEntry
, obj
))) {
579 snprintf(desc
, "%s(0x%qx)", obj
->getMetaClass()->getClassName(), regEntry
581 } else if ((noti
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserNotification
, obj
582 && ((serviceNoti
= OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceNotifier
, noti
)))) {
583 s
= OSSerialize::withCapacity((unsigned int) page_size
584 if (s
&& serviceNoti
)) {
585 snprintf(desc
, "%s(%s)", obj
->getMetaClass()->getClassName(), s
587 OSSafeReleaseNULL(s
588 #endif /* DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG */
590 snprintf(desc
, "%s", obj
594 // FIXME: Implementation of these functions are hidden from the static analyzer.
595 // As for now, the analyzer doesn't consistently support wrapper functions
596 // for retain and release.
597 #ifndef __clang_analyzer__
599 iokit_add_reference( io_object_t obj
, natural_t type
== type
608 && (uc
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, obj
))) {
609 OSIncrementAtomic(&uc
616 iokit_remove_reference( io_object_t obj
622 #endif // __clang_analyzer__
625 iokit_remove_connect_reference( io_object_t obj
628 bool finalize
= false;
634 if ((uc
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, obj
))) {
635 if (1 == OSDecrementAtomic(&uc
) && uc
->isInactive()) {
636 IOLockLock(gIOObjectPortLock
637 if ((finalize
= uc
)) {
638 uc
= false;
640 IOLockUnlock(gIOObjectPortLock
643 uc
651 IOUserClient::finalizeUserReferences(OSObject
* obj
656 if ((uc
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, obj
))) {
657 IOLockLock(gIOObjectPortLock
658 if ((uc
= (0 != uc
))) {
661 IOLockUnlock(gIOObjectPortLock
667 iokit_port_for_object( io_object_t obj
, ipc_kobject_type_t type
669 IOMachPort
670 ipc_port_t port
672 IOMachPortHashList
= IOMachPort::bucketForObject(obj
, type
674 lck_mtx_lock(gIOObjectPortLock
676 machPort
= IOMachPort::portForObjectInBucket(bucket
, obj
, type
678 if (__improbable(machPort
)) {
679 machPort
= IOMachPort::withObjectAndType(obj
, type
680 if (__improbable(machPort
)) {
, machPort
, link
688 iokit_retain_port(machPort
689 port
= machPort
692 lck_mtx_unlock(gIOObjectPortLock
698 iokit_client_died( io_object_t obj
, ipc_port_t
/* port */,
699 ipc_kobject_type_t type
, mach_port_mscount_t
* mscount
701 IOUserClient
* client
703 IOUserNotification
* notify
704 IOUserServerCheckInToken
* token
706 if (!IOMachPort::noMoreSendersForObject( obj
, type
, mscount
)) {
707 return kIOReturnNotReady
712 if ((client
= OSDynamicCast( IOUserClient
, obj
))) {
713 IOStatisticsClientCall();
714 IORWLockWrite(client
715 client
716 IORWLockUnlock(client
720 if ((map
= OSDynamicCast( IOMemoryMap
, obj
))) {
722 } else if ((notify
= OSDynamicCast( IOUserNotification
, obj
))) {
723 notify
->setNotification( NULL
727 if ((token
= OSDynamicCast( IOUserServerCheckInToken
, obj
))) {
728 IOUserServerCheckInToken::notifyNoSenders( token
733 return kIOReturnSuccess
737 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
739 class IOServiceUserNotification
: public IOUserNotification
741 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOServiceUserNotification
744 mach_msg_header_t msgHdr
745 OSNotificationHeader64 notifyHeader
748 enum { kMaxOutstanding
= 1024 };
751 mach_msg_size_t msgSize
758 virtual bool init( mach_port_t port
, natural_t type
759 void * reference
, vm_size_t referenceSize
761 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
762 void invalidatePort(void);
764 static bool _handler( void * target
765 void * ref
, IOService
* newService
, IONotifier
* notifier
766 virtual bool handler( void * ref
, IOService
* newService
768 virtual OSObject
769 virtual OSObject
* copyNextObject() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
772 class IOServiceMessageUserNotification
: public IOUserNotification
774 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOServiceMessageUserNotification
777 mach_msg_header_t msgHdr
778 mach_msg_body_t msgBody
779 mach_msg_port_descriptor_t ports
780 OSNotificationHeader64 notifyHeader
__attribute__ ((packed
784 mach_msg_size_t msgSize
791 virtual bool init( mach_port_t port
, natural_t type
792 void * reference
, vm_size_t referenceSize
793 mach_msg_size_t extraSize
796 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
797 void invalidatePort(void);
799 static IOReturn
_handler( void * target
, void * ref
800 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* provider
801 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t argSize
802 virtual IOReturn
handler( void * ref
803 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* provider
804 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t argSize
806 virtual OSObject
807 virtual OSObject
* copyNextObject() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE
810 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
813 #define super IOUserIterator
814 OSDefineMetaClass( IOUserNotification
, IOUserIterator
815 OSDefineAbstractStructors( IOUserNotification
, IOUserIterator
817 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
820 IOUserNotification::free( void )
823 assert(OSDynamicCast(IONotifier
, holdNotify
824 ((IONotifier
827 // can't be in handler now
834 IOUserNotification::setNotification( IONotifier
* notify
836 OSObject
* previousNotify
838 IOLockLock( gIOObjectPortLock
840 previousNotify
= holdNotify
843 IOLockUnlock( gIOObjectPortLock
845 if (previousNotify
) {
846 assert(OSDynamicCast(IONotifier
, previousNotify
847 ((IONotifier
852 IOUserNotification::reset()
858 IOUserNotification::isValid()
863 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
866 #define super IOUserNotification
867 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOServiceUserNotification
, IOUserNotification
869 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
872 IOServiceUserNotification::init( mach_port_t port
, natural_t type
873 void * reference
, vm_size_t referenceSize
876 if (!super::init()) {
880 newSet
= OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
885 if (referenceSize
> sizeof(OSAsyncReference64
)) {
889 msgSize
= (mach_msg_size_t
) (sizeof(PingMsg
) - sizeof(OSAsyncReference64
) + referenceSize
891 pingMsg
= (PingMsg
*) IOMalloc( msgSize
896 bzero( pingMsg
, msgSize
898 pingMsg
= port
899 pingMsg
902 pingMsg
= msgSize
903 pingMsg
= kOSNotificationMessageID
905 pingMsg
= 0;
906 pingMsg
= type
907 bcopy( reference
, pingMsg
, referenceSize
913 IOServiceUserNotification::invalidatePort(void)
916 pingMsg
921 IOServiceUserNotification::free( void )
933 if (_pingMsg
&& _msgSize
) {
934 if (_pingMsg
) {
935 iokit_release_port_send(_pingMsg
937 IOFree(_pingMsg
, _msgSize
946 IOServiceUserNotification::_handler( void * target
947 void * ref
, IOService
* newService
, IONotifier
* notifier
949 return ((IOServiceUserNotification
*) target
)->handler( ref
, newService
953 IOServiceUserNotification::handler( void * ref
954 IOService
* newService
958 ipc_port_t port
959 bool sendPing
= false;
963 count
= newSet
964 if (count
< kMaxOutstanding
) {
965 newSet
->setObject( newService
966 if ((sendPing
= (armed
&& (0 == count
)))) {
973 if (kIOServiceTerminatedNotificationType
== pingMsg
) {
974 IOMachPort::setHoldDestroy( newService
978 if ((port
= iokit_port_for_object( this, IKOT_IOKIT_OBJECT
))) {
979 pingMsg
= port
981 pingMsg
984 kr
= mach_msg_send_from_kernel_with_options( &pingMsg
985 pingMsg
989 iokit_release_port( port
!= kr
) && !ipcLogged
) {
994 IOLog("%s: mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper(0x%x)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
, kr
1001 IOServiceUserNotification::getNextObject()
1008 IOServiceUserNotification::copyNextObject()
1015 count
= newSet
1017 result
= newSet
->getObject( count
- 1 );
1019 newSet
->removeObject( count
- 1);
1030 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1032 OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOServiceMessageUserNotification
, IOUserNotification
1034 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1037 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::init( mach_port_t port
, natural_t type
1038 void * reference
, vm_size_t referenceSize
, mach_msg_size_t extraSize
1041 if (!super::init()) {
1045 if (referenceSize
> sizeof(OSAsyncReference64
)) {
1049 clientIs64
= client64
1051 owningPID
= proc_selfpid();
1053 extraSize
+= sizeof(IOServiceInterestContent64
1054 msgSize
= (mach_msg_size_t
) (sizeof(PingMsg
) - sizeof(OSAsyncReference64
) + referenceSize
1055 pingMsg
= (PingMsg
*) IOMalloc( msgSize
1060 bzero( pingMsg
, msgSize
1062 pingMsg
= port
1063 pingMsg
1067 pingMsg
= msgSize
1068 pingMsg
= kOSNotificationMessageID
1070 pingMsg
= 1;
1072 pingMsg
1073 pingMsg
1074 pingMsg
1076 pingMsg
= extraSize
1077 pingMsg
= type
1078 bcopy( reference
, pingMsg
, referenceSize
1084 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::invalidatePort(void)
1087 pingMsg
1092 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::free( void )
1102 if (_pingMsg
&& _msgSize
) {
1103 if (_pingMsg
) {
1104 iokit_release_port_send(_pingMsg
1106 IOFree( _pingMsg
, _msgSize
1111 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::_handler( void * target
, void * ref
1112 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* provider
1113 void * argument
, vm_size_t argSize
1115 return ((IOServiceMessageUserNotification
*) target
1116 ref
, messageType
, provider
, argument
, argSize
1120 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::handler( void * ref
1121 UInt32 messageType
, IOService
* provider
1122 void * messageArgument
, vm_size_t callerArgSize
1124 enum { kLocalMsgSize
= 0x100 };
1125 uint64_t stackMsg
/ sizeof(uint64_t)];
1129 mach_msg_size_t thisMsgSize
1130 ipc_port_t thisPort
, providerPort
1131 struct PingMsg
* thisMsg
1132 IOServiceInterestContent64
* data
1134 if (kIOMessageCopyClientID
== messageType
) {
1135 *((void **) messageArgument
) = OSNumber::withNumber(owningPID
, 32);
1136 return kIOReturnSuccess
1139 if (callerArgSize
== 0) {
1141 argSize
= sizeof(data
1143 argSize
= sizeof(uint32_t);
1146 if (callerArgSize
> kIOUserNotifyMaxMessageSize
) {
1147 callerArgSize
= kIOUserNotifyMaxMessageSize
1149 argSize
= callerArgSize
1152 // adjust message size for ipc restrictions
1154 type
= pingMsg
1155 type
&= ~(kIOKitNoticationMsgSizeMask
<< kIOKitNoticationTypeSizeAdjShift
1156 type
|= ((argSize
& kIOKitNoticationMsgSizeMask
) << kIOKitNoticationTypeSizeAdjShift
1157 argSize
= (argSize
+ kIOKitNoticationMsgSizeMask
) & ~kIOKitNoticationMsgSizeMask
1159 if (os_add3_overflow(msgSize
, sizeof(IOServiceInterestContent64
) - sizeof(data
), argSize
, &thisMsgSize
)) {
1160 return kIOReturnBadArgument
1163 if (thisMsgSize
> sizeof(stackMsg
)) {
1164 allocMsg
= IOMalloc(thisMsgSize
1166 return kIOReturnNoMemory
1168 thisMsg
= (typeof(thisMsg
1171 thisMsg
= (typeof(thisMsg
1174 bcopy(pingMsg
, thisMsg
, msgSize
1175 thisMsg
= type
1176 data
= (IOServiceInterestContent64
*) (((uint8_t *) thisMsg
) + msgSize
1177 // == pingMsg->notifyHeader.content;
1178 data
= messageType
1180 if (callerArgSize
== 0) {
1181 data
[0] = (io_user_reference_t
) messageArgument
1183 data
[0] |= (data
[0] << 32);
1186 bcopy( messageArgument
, data
, callerArgSize
1187 bzero((void *)(((uintptr_t) &data
[0]) + callerArgSize
), argSize
- callerArgSize
1190 thisMsg
= type
1191 thisMsg
= thisMsgSize
1193 providerPort
= iokit_port_for_object( provider
1194 thisMsg
= providerPort
1195 thisPort
= iokit_port_for_object( this, IKOT_IOKIT_OBJECT
1196 thisMsg
= thisPort
1198 kr
= mach_msg_send_from_kernel_with_options( &thisMsg
1199 thisMsg
1203 iokit_release_port( thisPort
1206 iokit_release_port( providerPort
1210 IOFree(allocMsg
, thisMsgSize
1213 if ((KERN_SUCCESS
!= kr
) && !ipcLogged
) {
1215 IOLog("%s: mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper (0x%x)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
, kr
1218 return kIOReturnSuccess
1222 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::getNextObject()
1228 IOServiceMessageUserNotification::copyNextObject()
1233 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
1236 #define super IOService
1237 OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IOUserClient
, IOService
1239 IOLock
* gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1242 IOUserClient::initialize( void )
1244 gIOObjectPortLock
= IOLockAlloc();
1245 gIOUserClientOwnersLock
= IOLockAlloc();
1246 gIOUserServerLock
= IOLockAlloc();
1247 assert(gIOObjectPortLock
&& gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1250 IOTrackingQueueCollectUser(IOUserIterator::gMetaClass
1251 IOTrackingQueueCollectUser(IOServiceMessageUserNotification::gMetaClass
1252 IOTrackingQueueCollectUser(IOServiceUserNotification::gMetaClass
1253 IOTrackingQueueCollectUser(IOUserClient::gMetaClass
1254 IOTrackingQueueCollectUser(IOMachPort::gMetaClass
1255 #endif /* IOTRACKING */
1260 __attribute__((__noreturn__
1262 IOUserClient::setAsyncReference(OSAsyncReference asyncRef
1263 mach_port_t wakePort
1264 void *callback
, void *refcon
1267 panic("setAsyncReference not valid for 64b");
1269 asyncRef
] = ((uintptr_t) wakePort
1270 | (kIOUCAsync0Flags
& asyncRef
1271 asyncRef
] = (uintptr_t) callback
1272 asyncRef
] = (uintptr_t) refcon
1277 IOUserClient::setAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 asyncRef
1278 mach_port_t wakePort
1279 mach_vm_address_t callback
, io_user_reference_t refcon
1281 asyncRef
] = ((io_user_reference_t
) wakePort
1282 | (kIOUCAsync0Flags
& asyncRef
1283 asyncRef
] = (io_user_reference_t
) callback
1284 asyncRef
] = refcon
1288 IOUserClient::setAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 asyncRef
1289 mach_port_t wakePort
1290 mach_vm_address_t callback
, io_user_reference_t refcon
, task_t task
1292 setAsyncReference64(asyncRef
, wakePort
, callback
, refcon
1293 if (vm_map_is_64bit(get_task_map(task
))) {
1294 asyncRef
] |= kIOUCAsync64Flag
1298 static OSDictionary
1299 CopyConsoleUser(UInt32 uid
1302 OSDictionary
* user
1304 if ((array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
1305 IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot()->copyProperty(gIOConsoleUsersKey
)))) {
1306 for (unsigned int idx
= 0;
1307 (user
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, array
1311 if ((num
= OSDynamicCast(OSNumber
, user
1312 && (uid
== num
->unsigned32BitValue())) {
1322 static OSDictionary
1323 CopyUserOnConsole(void)
1326 OSDictionary
* user
1328 if ((array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
1329 IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot()->copyProperty(gIOConsoleUsersKey
)))) {
1330 for (unsigned int idx
= 0;
1331 (user
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, array
1333 if (kOSBooleanTrue
== user
)) {
1344 IOUserClient::clientHasAuthorization( task_t task
1345 IOService
* service
1349 p
= (proc_t
) get_bsdtask_info(task
1351 uint64_t authorizationID
1353 authorizationID
= proc_uniqueid(p
1354 if (authorizationID
) {
1355 if (service
->getAuthorizationID() == authorizationID
) {
1356 return kIOReturnSuccess
1361 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
1365 IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege( void * securityToken
1366 const char * privilegeName
1369 security_token_t token
1370 mach_msg_type_number_t count
1372 OSDictionary
* user
1376 if (!strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeForeground
1377 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeForeground
))) {
1378 if (task_is_gpu_denied(current_task())) {
1379 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1381 return kIOReturnSuccess
1385 if (!strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleSession
1386 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleSession
))) {
1390 task
= (task_t
) securityToken
1392 task
= current_task();
1394 p
= (proc_t
) get_bsdtask_info(task
1395 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1397 if (p
&& (cred
= kauth_cred_proc_ref(p
))) {
1398 user
= CopyUserOnConsole();
1401 if ((num
= OSDynamicCast(OSNumber
, user
1402 && (cred
== (au_asid_t
) num
->unsigned32BitValue())) {
1403 kr
= kIOReturnSuccess
1407 kauth_cred_unref(&cred
1412 if ((secureConsole
= !strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeSecureConsoleProcess
1413 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeSecureConsoleProcess
)))) {
1414 task
= (task_t
1416 task
= (task_t
1419 count
1420 kr
= task_info( task
, (task_info_t
) &token
, &count
!= kr
) {
1423 } else if (!strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
1424 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
))) {
1425 if (0 != token
[0]) {
1426 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1428 } else if (!strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeLocalUser
1429 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeLocalUser
))) {
1430 user
= CopyConsoleUser(token
1434 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1436 } else if (secureConsole
|| !strncmp(privilegeName
, kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleUser
1437 sizeof(kIOClientPrivilegeConsoleUser
))) {
1438 user
= CopyConsoleUser(token
1440 if (user
) != kOSBooleanTrue
) {
1441 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1442 } else if (secureConsole
) {
1443 OSNumber
* pid
= OSDynamicCast(OSNumber
, user
1444 if (pid
&& pid
->unsigned32BitValue() != ((IOUCProcessToken
) {
1445 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1450 kr
= kIOReturnNotPrivileged
1453 kr
= kIOReturnUnsupported
1458 #define MAX_ENTITLEMENTS_LEN (128 * 1024)
1461 IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlements(task_t task
1466 void *entitlements_blob
1467 OSDictionary
1469 p
= (proc_t
1475 if (cs_entitlements_dictionary_copy(p
, (void **)&entitlements
) == 0) {
1477 return entitlements
1481 if (cs_entitlements_blob_get(p
, &entitlements_blob
, &len
) != 0) {
1484 return IOUserClient::copyEntitlementsFromBlob(entitlements_blob
, len
1488 IOUserClient::copyEntitlementsFromBlob(void *entitlements_blob
, size_t len
1490 char *entitlements_data
1491 OSObject
1492 OSString
1493 OSDictionary
1495 if (len
<= offsetof(CS_GenericBlob
, data
)) {
1500 * Per <rdar://problem/11593877>, enforce a limit on the amount of XML
1501 * we'll try to parse in the kernel.
1503 len
-= offsetof(CS_GenericBlob
, data
1504 if (len
) {
1505 IOLog("failed to parse entitlements: %lu bytes of entitlements exceeds maximum of %u\n",
1506 len
1511 * OSUnserializeXML() expects a nul-terminated string, but that isn't
1512 * what is stored in the entitlements blob. Copy the string and
1515 entitlements_data
= (char *)IOMalloc(len
+ 1);
1516 if (entitlements_data
) {
1519 memcpy(entitlements_data
, ((CS_GenericBlob
, len
1520 entitlements_data
] = '\0';
1522 entitlements_obj
= OSUnserializeXML(entitlements_data
, len
+ 1, &errorString
1523 if (errorString
) {
1524 IOLog("failed to parse entitlements: %s\n", errorString
1527 if (entitlements_obj
) {
1531 entitlements
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, entitlements_obj
1532 if (entitlements
) {
1535 entitlements_obj
1538 if (entitlements_data
) {
1539 IOFree(entitlements_data
, len
+ 1);
1541 if (entitlements_obj
) {
1542 entitlements_obj
1544 if (errorString
) {
1545 errorString
1547 return entitlements
1551 IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlementsVnode(vnode_t vnode
, off_t offset
1554 void *entitlements_blob
1556 if (cs_entitlements_blob_get_vnode(vnode
, offset
, &entitlements_blob
, &len
) != 0) {
1559 return IOUserClient::copyEntitlementsFromBlob(entitlements_blob
, len
1563 IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlement( task_t task
1564 const char * entitlement
1566 OSDictionary
1569 entitlements
= copyClientEntitlements(task
1570 if (entitlements
) {
1574 /* Fetch the entitlement value from the dictionary. */
1575 value
= entitlements
1576 if (value
) {
1580 entitlements
1585 IOUserClient::copyClientEntitlementVnode(
1586 struct vnode
1588 const char *entitlement
1590 OSDictionary
1593 entitlements
= copyClientEntitlementsVnode(vnode
, offset
1594 if (entitlements
) {
1598 /* Fetch the entitlement value from the dictionary. */
1599 value
= entitlements
1600 if (value
) {
1604 entitlements
1609 IOUserClient::init()
1611 if (getPropertyTable() || super::init()) {
1619 IOUserClient::init(OSDictionary
* dictionary
1621 if (getPropertyTable() || super::init(dictionary
)) {
1629 IOUserClient::initWithTask(task_t owningTask
1633 if (getPropertyTable() || super::init()) {
1641 IOUserClient::initWithTask(task_t owningTask
1644 OSDictionary
* properties
1648 ok
= super::init( properties
1649 ok
&= initWithTask( owningTask
, securityID
, type
1655 IOUserClient::reserve()
1658 reserved
= IONewZero(ExpansionData
, 1);
1663 setTerminateDefer(NULL
, true);
1664 IOStatisticsRegisterCounter();
1669 struct IOUserClientOwner
1671 queue_chain_t taskLink
1673 queue_chain_t ucLink
1677 IOUserClient::registerOwner(task_t task
1679 IOUserClientOwner
* owner
1683 IOLockLock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1686 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
1689 queue_init(&owners
1691 queue_iterate(&owners
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, ucLink
1693 if (task
!= owner
) {
1701 owner
= IONew(IOUserClientOwner
, 1);
1703 ret
= kIOReturnNoMemory
1707 queue_enter_first(&owners
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, ucLink
1708 queue_enter_first(task_io_user_clients(task
), owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, taskLink
1709 if (messageAppSuspended
) {
1710 task_set_message_app_suspended(task
, true);
1715 IOLockUnlock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1721 IOUserClient::noMoreSenders(void)
1723 IOUserClientOwner
* owner
1724 IOUserClientOwner
* iter
1725 queue_head_t
* taskque
1726 bool hasMessageAppSuspended
1728 IOLockLock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1731 while (!queue_empty(&owners
)) {
1732 owner
= (IOUserClientOwner
*)(void *) queue_first(&owners
1733 taskque
= task_io_user_clients(owner
1734 queue_remove(taskque
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, taskLink
1735 hasMessageAppSuspended
= false;
1736 queue_iterate(taskque
, iter
, IOUserClientOwner
*, taskLink
) {
1737 hasMessageAppSuspended
= iter
1738 if (hasMessageAppSuspended
) {
1742 task_set_message_app_suspended(owner
, hasMessageAppSuspended
1743 queue_remove(&owners
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, ucLink
1744 IODelete(owner
, IOUserClientOwner
, 1);
1746 owners
= owners
1749 IOLockUnlock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1754 iokit_task_app_suspended_changed(task_t task
1756 queue_head_t
* taskque
1757 IOUserClientOwner
* owner
1760 IOLockLock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1762 taskque
= task_io_user_clients(task
1764 queue_iterate(taskque
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, taskLink
) {
1765 if (!owner
) {
1769 set
= OSSet::withCapacity(4);
1774 set
1777 IOLockUnlock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1780 set
->iterateObjects(^bool (OSObject
* obj
) {
1783 uc
= (typeof(uc
1787 str
= IOCopyLogNameForPID(task_pid(task
1788 IOLog("iokit_task_app_suspended_changed(%s) %s %d\n", str
? str
->getCStringNoCopy() : "",
1789 uc
->getName(), task_is_app_suspended(task
1790 OSSafeReleaseNULL(str
1793 uc
1801 extern "C" kern_return_t
1802 iokit_task_terminate(task_t task
1804 IOUserClientOwner
* owner
1805 IOUserClient
* dead
1807 queue_head_t
* taskque
1809 IOLockLock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1811 taskque
= task_io_user_clients(task
1813 while (!queue_empty(taskque
)) {
1814 owner
= (IOUserClientOwner
*)(void *) queue_first(taskque
1816 queue_remove(taskque
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, taskLink
1817 queue_remove(&uc
, owner
, IOUserClientOwner
*, ucLink
1818 if (queue_empty(&uc
)) {
1820 IOLog("destroying out of band connect for %s\n", uc
1821 // now using the uc queue head as a singly linked queue,
1822 // leaving .next as NULL to mark it empty
1823 uc
1824 uc
= (queue_entry_t
) dead
1827 IODelete(owner
, IOUserClientOwner
, 1);
1830 IOLockUnlock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
1834 dead
= (IOUserClient
*)(void *) dead
1835 uc
1836 if (uc
|| !uc
) {
1842 return KERN_SUCCESS
1845 struct IOUCFilterPolicy
1847 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
1848 IOUCFilterPolicy
* next
1852 IOUserClient::filterForTask(task_t task
, io_filter_policy_t addFilterPolicy
1854 IOUCFilterPolicy
* elem
1855 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
1858 IOLockLock(filterLock
1860 for (elem
= reserved
; elem
&& (elem
!= task
); elem
= elem
) {
1864 if (addFilterPolicy
) {
1865 assert(addFilterPolicy
== elem
1867 filterPolicy
= elem
1868 } else if (addFilterPolicy
) {
1869 elem
= IONewZero(IOUCFilterPolicy
, 1);
1872 elem
= addFilterPolicy
1873 elem
= reserved
1874 reserved
= elem
1875 filterPolicy
= addFilterPolicy
1879 IOLockUnlock(filterLock
1880 return filterPolicy
1884 IOUserClient::free()
1887 mappings
1893 IOLockFree(filterLock
1896 IOStatisticsUnregisterCounter();
1898 assert(!owners
1899 assert(!owners
1902 IOUCFilterPolicy
* elem
1903 IOUCFilterPolicy
* nextElem
1904 for (elem
= reserved
; elem
; elem
= nextElem
) {
1905 nextElem
= elem
1906 if (elem
&& gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
1907 gIOUCFilterCallbacks
1909 IODelete(elem
, IOUCFilterPolicy
, 1);
1911 IODelete(reserved
, ExpansionData
, 1);
1918 IOUserClient::clientDied( void )
1920 IOReturn ret
= kIOReturnNotReady
1922 if (sharedInstance
|| OSCompareAndSwap8(0, 1, &closed
)) {
1923 ret
= clientClose();
1930 IOUserClient::clientClose( void )
1932 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1936 IOUserClient::getService( void )
1942 IOUserClient::registerNotificationPort(
1943 mach_port_t
/* port */,
1945 UInt32
/* refCon */)
1947 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1951 IOUserClient::registerNotificationPort(
1954 io_user_reference_t refCon
1956 return registerNotificationPort(port
, type
, (UInt32
) refCon
1960 IOUserClient::getNotificationSemaphore( UInt32 notification_type
1961 semaphore_t
* semaphore
1963 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1967 IOUserClient::connectClient( IOUserClient
* /* client */ )
1969 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1973 IOUserClient::clientMemoryForType( UInt32 type
1974 IOOptionBits
* options
1975 IOMemoryDescriptor
** memory
1977 return kIOReturnUnsupported
1981 IOUserClient::clientMemoryForType( UInt32 type
1982 IOOptionBits
* options
1983 OSSharedPtr
>& memory
1985 IOMemoryDescriptor
* memoryRaw
= nullptr;
1986 IOReturn result
= clientMemoryForType(type
, options
, &memoryRaw
1987 memory
, OSNoRetain
1993 IOUserClient::mapClientMemory(
1996 IOOptionBits mapFlags
1997 IOVirtualAddress atAddress
2004 IOUserClient::mapClientMemory64(
2007 IOOptionBits mapFlags
2008 mach_vm_address_t atAddress
2011 IOOptionBits options
= 0;
2012 IOMemoryDescriptor
* memory
2013 IOMemoryMap
* map
2015 err
= clientMemoryForType((UInt32
) type
, &options
, &memory
2017 if (memory
&& (kIOReturnSuccess
== err
)) {
2018 FAKE_STACK_FRAME(getMetaClass());
2020 options
= (options
& ~kIOMapUserOptionsMask
2021 | (mapFlags
& kIOMapUserOptionsMask
2022 map
= memory
->createMappingInTask( task
, atAddress
, options
2032 IOUserClient::exportObjectToClient(task_t task
2033 OSObject
, io_object_t
2035 mach_port_name_t name
2037 name
= IOMachPort::makeSendRightForTask( task
, obj
2039 *clientObj
= (io_object_t
)(uintptr_t) name
2045 return kIOReturnSuccess
2049 IOUserClient::copyPortNameForObjectInTask(task_t task
2050 OSObject
, mach_port_name_t
* port_name
2052 mach_port_name_t name
2054 name
= IOMachPort::makeSendRightForTask( task
, obj
2056 *(mach_port_name_t
*) port_name
= name
2058 return kIOReturnSuccess
2062 IOUserClient::copyObjectForPortNameInTask(task_t task
, mach_port_name_t port_name
2067 object
= iokit_lookup_object_with_port_name(port_name
, task
2071 return object
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnIPCError
2075 IOUserClient::copyObjectForPortNameInTask(task_t task
, mach_port_name_t port_name
2076 OSSharedPtr
>& obj
2078 OSObject
* objRaw
2079 IOReturn result
= copyObjectForPortNameInTask(task
, port_name
, &objRaw
2080 obj
, OSNoRetain
2085 IOUserClient::adjustPortNameReferencesInTask(task_t task
, mach_port_name_t port_name
, mach_port_delta_t delta
2087 return iokit_mod_send_right(task
, port_name
, delta
2091 IOUserClient::getExternalMethodForIndex( UInt32
/* index */)
2096 IOExternalAsyncMethod
2097 IOUserClient::getExternalAsyncMethodForIndex( UInt32
/* index */)
2104 getExternalTrapForIndex(UInt32 index
2109 #pragma clang diagnostic push
2110 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
2112 // Suppressing the deprecated-declarations warning. Avoiding the use of deprecated
2113 // functions can break clients of kexts implementing getExternalMethodForIndex()
2116 getTargetAndMethodForIndex(IOService
, UInt32 index
2118 IOExternalMethod
= getExternalMethodForIndex(index
2121 *targetP
= (IOService
*) method
2129 getTargetAndMethodForIndex(OSSharedPtr
>& targetP
, UInt32 index
2131 IOService
* targetPRaw
2132 IOExternalMethod
* result
= getTargetAndMethodForIndex(&targetPRaw
, index
2133 targetP
, OSRetain
2137 IOExternalAsyncMethod
2139 getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex(IOService
** targetP
, UInt32 index
2141 IOExternalAsyncMethod
= getExternalAsyncMethodForIndex(index
2144 *targetP
= (IOService
*) method
2150 IOExternalAsyncMethod
2152 getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex(OSSharedPtr
>& targetP
, UInt32 index
2154 IOService
* targetPRaw
2155 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* result
= getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex(&targetPRaw
, index
2156 targetP
, OSRetain
2162 getTargetAndTrapForIndex(IOService
** targetP
, UInt32 index
2164 IOExternalTrap
= getExternalTrapForIndex(index
2167 *targetP
= trap
2172 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
2175 IOUserClient::releaseAsyncReference64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
2178 port
= (mach_port_t
) (reference
[0] & ~kIOUCAsync0Flags
!= port
) {
2181 iokit_release_port_send(port
2184 return kIOReturnSuccess
2188 IOUserClient::releaseNotificationPort(mach_port_t port
!= port
) {
2191 iokit_release_port_send(port
2194 return kIOReturnSuccess
2198 IOUserClient::sendAsyncResult(OSAsyncReference reference
2199 IOReturn result
, void *args
[], UInt32 numArgs
2201 OSAsyncReference64 reference64
2202 io_user_reference_t args64
2205 if (numArgs
> kMaxAsyncArgs
) {
2206 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
2209 for (idx
= 0; idx
< kOSAsyncRef64Count
; idx
++) {
2210 reference64
] = REF64(reference
2213 for (idx
= 0; idx
< numArgs
; idx
++) {
2214 args64
] = REF64(args
2217 return sendAsyncResult64(reference64
, result
, args64
, numArgs
2221 IOUserClient::sendAsyncResult64WithOptions(OSAsyncReference64 reference
2222 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
, IOOptionBits options
2224 return _sendAsyncResult64(reference
, result
, args
, numArgs
, options
2228 IOUserClient::sendAsyncResult64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
2229 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
2231 return _sendAsyncResult64(reference
, result
, args
, numArgs
, 0);
2235 IOUserClient::_sendAsyncResult64(OSAsyncReference64 reference
2236 IOReturn result
, io_user_reference_t args
[], UInt32 numArgs
, IOOptionBits options
2239 mach_msg_header_t msgHdr
2242 OSNotificationHeader notifyHdr
2243 IOAsyncCompletionContent asyncContent
2244 uint32_t args
2247 OSNotificationHeader64 notifyHdr
2248 IOAsyncCompletionContent asyncContent
2249 io_user_reference_t args
] __attribute__ ((packed
2254 mach_port_t replyPort
2257 // If no reply port, do nothing.
2258 replyPort
= (mach_port_t
) (reference
[0] & ~kIOUCAsync0Flags
2259 if (replyPort
) {
2260 return kIOReturnSuccess
2263 if (numArgs
> kMaxAsyncArgs
) {
2264 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
2267 bzero(&replyMsg
, sizeof(replyMsg
2268 replyMsg
2270 replyMsg
= replyPort
2271 replyMsg
2272 replyMsg
= kOSNotificationMessageID
2273 if (kIOUCAsync64Flag
& reference
[0]) {
2274 replyMsg
2275 sizeof(replyMsg
) + sizeof(replyMsg
2276 - (kMaxAsyncArgs
- numArgs
) * sizeof(io_user_reference_t
2277 replyMsg
= sizeof(IOAsyncCompletionContent
2278 + numArgs
* sizeof(io_user_reference_t
2279 replyMsg
= kIOAsyncCompletionNotificationType
2280 /* Copy reference except for reference[0], which is left as 0 from the earlier bzero */
2281 bcopy(&reference
[1], &replyMsg
[1], sizeof(OSAsyncReference64
) - sizeof(reference
2283 replyMsg
= result
2285 bcopy(args
, replyMsg
, numArgs
* sizeof(io_user_reference_t
2290 replyMsg
2291 sizeof(replyMsg
) + sizeof(replyMsg
2292 - (kMaxAsyncArgs
- numArgs
) * sizeof(uint32_t);
2294 replyMsg
= sizeof(IOAsyncCompletionContent
2295 + numArgs
* sizeof(uint32_t);
2296 replyMsg
= kIOAsyncCompletionNotificationType
2298 /* Skip reference[0] which is left as 0 from the earlier bzero */
2299 for (idx
= 1; idx
< kOSAsyncRefCount
; idx
++) {
2300 replyMsg
] = REF32(reference
2303 replyMsg
= result
2305 for (idx
= 0; idx
< numArgs
; idx
++) {
2306 replyMsg
] = REF32(args
2310 if ((options
& kIOUserNotifyOptionCanDrop
) != 0) {
2311 kr
= mach_msg_send_from_kernel_with_options( &replyMsg
2312 replyMsg
2314 /* Fail on full queue. */
2315 kr
= mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper( &replyMsg
2316 replyMsg
2318 if ((KERN_SUCCESS
!= kr
!= kr
) && !(kIOUCAsyncErrorLoggedFlag
& reference
[0])) {
2319 reference
[0] |= kIOUCAsyncErrorLoggedFlag
2320 IOLog("%s: mach_msg_send_from_kernel_proper(0x%x)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
, kr
2326 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2329 #define CHECK(cls, obj, out) \
2331 if( !(out = OSDynamicCast( cls, obj))) \
2332 return( kIOReturnBadArgument )
2334 #define CHECKLOCKED(cls, obj, out) \
2335 IOUserIterator * oIter; \
2337 if( !(oIter = OSDynamicCast(IOUserIterator, obj))) \
2338 return (kIOReturnBadArgument); \
2339 if( !(out = OSDynamicCast(cls, oIter->userIteratorObject))) \
2340 return (kIOReturnBadArgument)
2342 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2344 // Create a vm_map_copy_t or kalloc'ed data for memory
2345 // to be copied out. ipc will free after the copyout.
2347 static kern_return_t
2348 copyoutkdata( const void * data
, vm_size_t len
2349 io_buf_ptr_t
* buf
2354 err
= vm_map_copyin( kernel_map
), len
2355 false /* src_destroy */, ©
2357 assert( err
2358 if (err
) {
2359 *buf
= (char *) copy
2365 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2367 /* Routine io_server_version */
2369 is_io_server_version(
2370 mach_port_t master_port
2373 *version
2374 return kIOReturnSuccess
2377 /* Routine io_object_get_class */
2379 is_io_object_get_class(
2381 io_name_t className
2383 const OSMetaClass
* my_obj
2386 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2389 my_obj
= object
2391 return kIOReturnNotFound
2394 strlcpy( className
, my_obj
->getClassName(), sizeof(io_name_t
2396 return kIOReturnSuccess
2399 /* Routine io_object_get_superclass */
2401 is_io_object_get_superclass(
2402 mach_port_t master_port
2404 io_name_t class_name
2407 const OSMetaClass
* meta
2408 const OSMetaClass
* super
2409 const OSSymbol
* name
2412 if (!obj_name
|| !class_name
) {
2413 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2415 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
2416 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
2419 ret
= kIOReturnNotFound
2422 name
= OSSymbol::withCString(obj_name
2426 meta
= OSMetaClass::copyMetaClassWithName(name
2430 super
= meta
2434 cstr
= super
2438 strlcpy(class_name
, cstr
, sizeof(io_name_t
2439 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
2442 OSSafeReleaseNULL(name
2444 meta
2450 /* Routine io_object_get_bundle_identifier */
2452 is_io_object_get_bundle_identifier(
2453 mach_port_t master_port
2455 io_name_t bundle_name
2458 const OSMetaClass
* meta
2459 const OSSymbol
* name
2460 const OSSymbol
* identifier
2463 if (!obj_name
|| !bundle_name
) {
2464 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2466 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
2467 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
2470 ret
= kIOReturnNotFound
2473 name
= OSSymbol::withCString(obj_name
2477 meta
= OSMetaClass::copyMetaClassWithName(name
2481 identifier
= meta
2485 cstr
= identifier
2489 strlcpy(bundle_name
, identifier
->getCStringNoCopy(), sizeof(io_name_t
2490 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
2493 OSSafeReleaseNULL(name
2495 meta
2501 /* Routine io_object_conforms_to */
2503 is_io_object_conforms_to(
2505 io_name_t className
2506 boolean_t
2509 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2512 *conforms
!= object
->metaCast( className
2514 return kIOReturnSuccess
2517 /* Routine io_object_get_retain_count */
2519 is_io_object_get_retain_count(
2521 uint32_t *retainCount
2524 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2527 *retainCount
= object
2528 return kIOReturnSuccess
2531 /* Routine io_iterator_next */
2533 is_io_iterator_next(
2534 io_object_t iterator
2535 io_object_t
2540 IOUserIterator
* uiter
2542 if ((uiter
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserIterator
, iterator
))) {
2543 obj
= uiter
2544 } else if ((iter
= OSDynamicCast(OSIterator
, iterator
))) {
2545 obj
= iter
2550 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2555 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
2557 ret
= kIOReturnNoDevice
2563 /* Routine io_iterator_reset */
2565 is_io_iterator_reset(
2566 io_object_t iterator
2568 CHECK( OSIterator
, iterator
, iter
2572 return kIOReturnSuccess
2575 /* Routine io_iterator_is_valid */
2577 is_io_iterator_is_valid(
2578 io_object_t iterator
2579 boolean_t
2581 CHECK( OSIterator
, iterator
, iter
2583 *is_valid
= iter
2585 return kIOReturnSuccess
2588 static kern_return_t
2589 internal_io_service_match_property_table(
2590 io_service_t _service
2591 const char * matching
2592 mach_msg_type_number_t matching_size
2595 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
2599 OSDictionary
* dict
2601 assert(matching_size
2604 obj
= OSUnserializeXML(matching
, matching_size
2606 if ((dict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, obj
))) {
2607 IOTaskRegistryCompatibilityMatching(current_task(), dict
2608 *matches
= service
->passiveMatch( dict
2609 kr
= kIOReturnSuccess
2611 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
2621 /* Routine io_service_match_property_table */
2623 is_io_service_match_property_table(
2624 io_service_t service
2625 io_string_t matching
2626 boolean_t
2628 return kIOReturnUnsupported
2632 /* Routine io_service_match_property_table_ool */
2634 is_io_service_match_property_table_ool(
2635 io_object_t service
2636 io_buf_ptr_t matching
2637 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2638 kern_return_t
2639 boolean_t
2643 vm_map_offset_t map_data
2645 kr
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) matching
2646 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== kr
) {
2649 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
2650 *result
= internal_io_service_match_property_table(service
2651 (const char *)data
, matchingCnt
, matches
2652 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, matchingCnt
2658 /* Routine io_service_match_property_table_bin */
2660 is_io_service_match_property_table_bin(
2661 io_object_t service
2662 io_struct_inband_t matching
2663 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2666 return internal_io_service_match_property_table(service
, matching
, matchingCnt
, matches
2669 static kern_return_t
2670 internal_io_service_get_matching_services(
2671 mach_port_t master_port
2672 const char * matching
2673 mach_msg_type_number_t matching_size
2674 io_iterator_t
2678 OSDictionary
* dict
2680 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
2681 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
2684 assert(matching_size
2685 obj
= OSUnserializeXML(matching
, matching_size
2687 if ((dict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, obj
))) {
2688 IOTaskRegistryCompatibilityMatching(current_task(), dict
2689 *existing
= IOUserIterator::withIterator(IOService::getMatchingServices( dict
2690 kr
= kIOReturnSuccess
2692 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
2702 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_services */
2704 is_io_service_get_matching_services(
2705 mach_port_t master_port
2706 io_string_t matching
2707 io_iterator_t
2709 return kIOReturnUnsupported
2712 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_services_ool */
2714 is_io_service_get_matching_services_ool(
2715 mach_port_t master_port
2716 io_buf_ptr_t matching
2717 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2718 kern_return_t
2719 io_object_t
2723 vm_map_offset_t map_data
2725 kr
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) matching
2726 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== kr
) {
2729 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
2730 // and mig will copy out objects on success
2732 *result
= internal_io_service_get_matching_services(master_port
2733 (const char *) data
, matchingCnt
, existing
2734 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, matchingCnt
2740 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_services_bin */
2742 is_io_service_get_matching_services_bin(
2743 mach_port_t master_port
2744 io_struct_inband_t matching
2745 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2746 io_object_t
2748 return internal_io_service_get_matching_services(master_port
, matching
, matchingCnt
, existing
2752 static kern_return_t
2753 internal_io_service_get_matching_service(
2754 mach_port_t master_port
2755 const char * matching
2756 mach_msg_type_number_t matching_size
2757 io_service_t
2761 OSDictionary
* dict
2763 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
2764 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
2767 assert(matching_size
2768 obj
= OSUnserializeXML(matching
, matching_size
2770 if ((dict
= OSDynamicCast( OSDictionary
, obj
))) {
2771 IOTaskRegistryCompatibilityMatching(current_task(), dict
2772 *service
= IOService::copyMatchingService( dict
2773 kr
= *service
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnNotFound
2775 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
2785 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_service */
2787 is_io_service_get_matching_service(
2788 mach_port_t master_port
2789 io_string_t matching
2790 io_service_t
2792 return kIOReturnUnsupported
2795 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_services_ool */
2797 is_io_service_get_matching_service_ool(
2798 mach_port_t master_port
2799 io_buf_ptr_t matching
2800 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2801 kern_return_t
2802 io_object_t
2806 vm_map_offset_t map_data
2808 kr
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) matching
2809 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== kr
) {
2812 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
2813 // and mig will copy out objects on success
2815 *result
= internal_io_service_get_matching_service(master_port
2816 (const char *) data
, matchingCnt
, service
2817 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, matchingCnt
2823 /* Routine io_service_get_matching_service_bin */
2825 is_io_service_get_matching_service_bin(
2826 mach_port_t master_port
2827 io_struct_inband_t matching
2828 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2829 io_object_t
2831 return internal_io_service_get_matching_service(master_port
, matching
, matchingCnt
, service
2834 static kern_return_t
2835 internal_io_service_add_notification(
2836 mach_port_t master_port
2837 io_name_t notification_type
2838 const char * matching
2839 size_t matching_size
2842 vm_size_t referenceSize
2844 io_object_t
* notification
2846 IOServiceUserNotification
* userNotify
2847 IONotifier
* notify
2848 const OSSymbol
* sym
2850 OSDictionary
* dict
2852 natural_t userMsgType
2854 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
2855 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
2859 err
= kIOReturnNoResources
2861 if (matching_size
> (sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
) * 1024)) {
2862 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
2865 if (!(sym
= OSSymbol::withCString( notification_type
))) {
2866 err
= kIOReturnNoResources
2869 assert(matching_size
2870 obj
= OSUnserializeXML(matching
, matching_size
2871 dict
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, obj
2873 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
2876 IOTaskRegistryCompatibilityMatching(current_task(), dict
2878 if ((sym
== gIOPublishNotification
2879 || (sym
== gIOFirstPublishNotification
)) {
2880 userMsgType
= kIOServicePublishNotificationType
2881 } else if ((sym
== gIOMatchedNotification
2882 || (sym
== gIOFirstMatchNotification
)) {
2883 userMsgType
= kIOServiceMatchedNotificationType
2884 } else if ((sym
== gIOTerminatedNotification
2885 || (sym
== gIOWillTerminateNotification
)) {
2886 userMsgType
= kIOServiceTerminatedNotificationType
2888 userMsgType
= kLastIOKitNotificationType
2891 userNotify
= new IOServiceUserNotification
2893 if (userNotify
&& !userNotify
->init( port
, userMsgType
2894 reference
, referenceSize
, client64
)) {
2895 userNotify
2902 notify
= IOService::addMatchingNotification( sym
, dict
2903 &userNotify
, userNotify
2905 *notification
= userNotify
2906 userNotify
->setNotification( notify
2907 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
2909 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
2913 if ((kIOReturnSuccess
!= err
) && userNotify
) {
2914 userNotify
2915 userNotify
2930 /* Routine io_service_add_notification */
2932 is_io_service_add_notification(
2933 mach_port_t master_port
2934 io_name_t notification_type
2935 io_string_t matching
2937 io_async_ref_t reference
2938 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
2939 io_object_t
* notification
2941 return kIOReturnUnsupported
2944 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_64 */
2946 is_io_service_add_notification_64(
2947 mach_port_t master_port
2948 io_name_t notification_type
2949 io_string_t matching
2950 mach_port_t wake_port
2951 io_async_ref64_t reference
2952 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
2953 io_object_t
2955 return kIOReturnUnsupported
2958 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_bin */
2960 is_io_service_add_notification_bin
2962 mach_port_t master_port
2963 io_name_t notification_type
2964 io_struct_inband_t matching
2965 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2966 mach_port_t wake_port
2967 io_async_ref_t reference
2968 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
2969 io_object_t
2971 io_async_ref_t zreference
2973 if (referenceCnt
) {
2974 return kIOReturnBadArgument
2976 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
2977 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
2979 return internal_io_service_add_notification(master_port
, notification_type
2980 matching
, matchingCnt
, wake_port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref_t
2981 false, notification
2984 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_bin_64 */
2986 is_io_service_add_notification_bin_64
2988 mach_port_t master_port
2989 io_name_t notification_type
2990 io_struct_inband_t matching
2991 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
2992 mach_port_t wake_port
2993 io_async_ref64_t reference
2994 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
2995 io_object_t
2997 io_async_ref64_t zreference
2999 if (referenceCnt
) {
3000 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3002 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
3003 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
3005 return internal_io_service_add_notification(master_port
, notification_type
3006 matching
, matchingCnt
, wake_port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref64_t
3007 true, notification
3010 static kern_return_t
3011 internal_io_service_add_notification_ool(
3012 mach_port_t master_port
3013 io_name_t notification_type
3014 io_buf_ptr_t matching
3015 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
3016 mach_port_t wake_port
3018 vm_size_t referenceSize
3020 kern_return_t
3021 io_object_t
3025 vm_map_offset_t map_data
3027 kr
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) matching
3028 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== kr
) {
3031 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
3032 // and mig will copy out objects on success
3033 *notification
3034 *result
= internal_io_service_add_notification( master_port
, notification_type
3035 (char *) data
, matchingCnt
, wake_port
, reference
, referenceSize
, client64
, notification
3036 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, matchingCnt
3042 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_ool */
3044 is_io_service_add_notification_ool(
3045 mach_port_t master_port
3046 io_name_t notification_type
3047 io_buf_ptr_t matching
3048 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
3049 mach_port_t wake_port
3050 io_async_ref_t reference
3051 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
3052 kern_return_t
3053 io_object_t
3055 io_async_ref_t zreference
3057 if (referenceCnt
) {
3058 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3060 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
3061 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
3063 return internal_io_service_add_notification_ool(master_port
, notification_type
3064 matching
, matchingCnt
, wake_port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref_t
3065 false, result
, notification
3068 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_ool_64 */
3070 is_io_service_add_notification_ool_64(
3071 mach_port_t master_port
3072 io_name_t notification_type
3073 io_buf_ptr_t matching
3074 mach_msg_type_number_t matchingCnt
3075 mach_port_t wake_port
3076 io_async_ref64_t reference
3077 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
3078 kern_return_t
3079 io_object_t
3081 io_async_ref64_t zreference
3083 if (referenceCnt
) {
3084 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3086 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
3087 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
3089 return internal_io_service_add_notification_ool(master_port
, notification_type
3090 matching
, matchingCnt
, wake_port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref64_t
3091 true, result
, notification
3094 /* Routine io_service_add_notification_old */
3096 is_io_service_add_notification_old(
3097 mach_port_t master_port
3098 io_name_t notification_type
3099 io_string_t matching
3101 // for binary compatibility reasons, this must be natural_t for ILP32
3103 io_object_t
* notification
3105 return is_io_service_add_notification( master_port
, notification_type
3106 matching
, port
, &ref
, 1, notification
3110 static kern_return_t
3111 internal_io_service_add_interest_notification(
3112 io_object_t _service
3113 io_name_t type_of_interest
3116 vm_size_t referenceSize
3118 io_object_t
* notification
3120 IOServiceMessageUserNotification
* userNotify
3121 IONotifier
* notify
3122 const OSSymbol
* sym
3125 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
3127 err
= kIOReturnNoResources
3128 if ((sym
= OSSymbol::withCString( type_of_interest
))) {
3130 userNotify
= new IOServiceMessageUserNotification
3132 if (userNotify
&& !userNotify
->init( port
, kIOServiceMessageNotificationType
3133 reference
, referenceSize
3134 kIOUserNotifyMaxMessageSize
3136 userNotify
3143 notify
= service
->registerInterest( sym
3144 &userNotify
, userNotify
3146 *notification
= userNotify
3147 userNotify
->setNotification( notify
3148 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
3150 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3157 if ((kIOReturnSuccess
!= err
) && userNotify
) {
3158 userNotify
3159 userNotify
3166 /* Routine io_service_add_message_notification */
3168 is_io_service_add_interest_notification(
3169 io_object_t service
3170 io_name_t type_of_interest
3172 io_async_ref_t reference
3173 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
3174 io_object_t
* notification
3176 io_async_ref_t zreference
3178 if (referenceCnt
) {
3179 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3181 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
3182 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
3184 return internal_io_service_add_interest_notification(service
, type_of_interest
3185 port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref_t
), false, notification
3188 /* Routine io_service_add_interest_notification_64 */
3190 is_io_service_add_interest_notification_64(
3191 io_object_t service
3192 io_name_t type_of_interest
3193 mach_port_t wake_port
3194 io_async_ref64_t reference
3195 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
3196 io_object_t
3198 io_async_ref64_t zreference
3200 if (referenceCnt
) {
3201 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3203 bcopy(&reference
[0], &zreference
[0], referenceCnt
* sizeof(zreference
3204 bzero(&zreference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(zreference
3206 return internal_io_service_add_interest_notification(service
, type_of_interest
3207 wake_port
, &zreference
[0], sizeof(io_async_ref64_t
), true, notification
3211 /* Routine io_service_acknowledge_notification */
3213 is_io_service_acknowledge_notification(
3214 io_object_t _service
3215 natural_t notify_ref
3216 natural_t response
3218 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
3220 return service
)(uintptr_t) notify_ref
3221 (IOOptionBits
) response
3224 /* Routine io_connect_get_semaphore */
3226 is_io_connect_get_notification_semaphore(
3227 io_connect_t connection
3228 natural_t notification_type
3229 semaphore_t
3232 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
3234 IOStatisticsClientCall();
3235 IORWLockWrite(client
3236 ret
= client
) notification_type
3238 IORWLockUnlock(client
3243 /* Routine io_registry_get_root_entry */
3245 is_io_registry_get_root_entry(
3246 mach_port_t master_port
3249 IORegistryEntry
* entry
3251 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
3252 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
3255 entry
= IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot();
3261 return kIOReturnSuccess
3264 /* Routine io_registry_create_iterator */
3266 is_io_registry_create_iterator(
3267 mach_port_t master_port
3270 io_object_t
3272 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
3273 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
3276 *iterator
= IOUserIterator::withIterator(
3277 IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
3278 IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
), options
3280 return *iterator
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnBadArgument
3283 /* Routine io_registry_entry_create_iterator */
3285 is_io_registry_entry_create_iterator(
3286 io_object_t registry_entry
3289 io_object_t
3291 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3293 *iterator
= IOUserIterator::withIterator(
3294 IORegistryIterator::iterateOver( entry
3295 IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
), options
3297 return *iterator
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnBadArgument
3300 /* Routine io_registry_iterator_enter */
3302 is_io_registry_iterator_enter_entry(
3303 io_object_t iterator
3305 CHECKLOCKED( IORegistryIterator
, iterator
, iter
3307 IOLockLock(oIter
3309 IOLockUnlock(oIter
3311 return kIOReturnSuccess
3314 /* Routine io_registry_iterator_exit */
3316 is_io_registry_iterator_exit_entry(
3317 io_object_t iterator
3321 CHECKLOCKED( IORegistryIterator
, iterator
, iter
3323 IOLockLock(oIter
3324 didIt
= iter
3325 IOLockUnlock(oIter
3327 return didIt
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnNoDevice
3330 /* Routine io_registry_entry_from_path */
3332 is_io_registry_entry_from_path(
3333 mach_port_t master_port
3335 io_object_t
3337 IORegistryEntry
* entry
3339 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
3340 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
3343 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath( path
3345 if (!entry
&& IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(current_task())) {
3346 OSDictionary
* matching
3347 const OSObject
* objects
[2] = { kOSBooleanTrue
3348 const OSSymbol
* keys
[2] = { gIOCompatibilityMatchKey
, gIOPathMatchKey
3350 objects
[1] = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(path
3351 matching
= OSDictionary::withObjects(objects
, keys
, 2, 2);
3353 entry
= IOService::copyMatchingService(matching
3355 OSSafeReleaseNULL(matching
3356 OSSafeReleaseNULL(objects
3359 *registry_entry
= entry
3361 return kIOReturnSuccess
3365 /* Routine io_registry_entry_from_path */
3367 is_io_registry_entry_from_path_ool(
3368 mach_port_t master_port
3369 io_string_inband_t path
3370 io_buf_ptr_t path_ool
3371 mach_msg_type_number_t path_oolCnt
3372 kern_return_t
3373 io_object_t
3375 IORegistryEntry
* entry
3376 vm_map_offset_t map_data
3381 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
3382 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
3387 res
= err
3392 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3394 if (path_oolCnt
> (sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
) * 1024)) {
3395 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
3398 err
= vm_map_copyout(kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) path_ool
== err
) {
3400 // must return success to mig after vm_map_copyout() succeeds, so result is actual
3401 cpath
= CAST_DOWN(const char *, map_data
3402 if (cpath
- 1]) {
3403 res
= kIOReturnBadArgument
3408 if ((KERN_SUCCESS
== err
== res
)) {
3409 entry
= IORegistryEntry::fromPath(cpath
3410 res
= entry
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnNotFound
3414 vm_deallocate(kernel_map
, map_data
, path_oolCnt
!= err
) {
3420 *registry_entry
= entry
3427 /* Routine io_registry_entry_in_plane */
3429 is_io_registry_entry_in_plane(
3430 io_object_t registry_entry
3432 boolean_t
3434 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3436 *inPlane
= entry
->inPlane( IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
3438 return kIOReturnSuccess
3442 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_path */
3444 is_io_registry_entry_get_path(
3445 io_object_t registry_entry
3450 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3452 length
= sizeof(io_string_t
3453 if (entry
->getPath( path
, &length
, IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
))) {
3454 return kIOReturnSuccess
3456 return kIOReturnBadArgument
3460 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_path */
3462 is_io_registry_entry_get_path_ool(
3463 io_object_t registry_entry
3465 io_string_inband_t path
3466 io_buf_ptr_t
3467 mach_msg_type_number_t
3469 enum { kMaxPath
= 16384 };
3474 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3478 length
= sizeof(io_string_inband_t
3479 if (entry
, &length
, IORegistryEntry::getPlane(plane
))) {
3480 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
3483 buf
= IONew(char, length
3485 err
= kIOReturnNoMemory
3486 } else if (!entry
, &length
, IORegistryEntry::getPlane(plane
))) {
3487 err
= kIOReturnError
3489 *path_oolCnt
= length
3490 err
= copyoutkdata(buf
, length
, path_ool
3493 IODelete(buf
, char, kMaxPath
3501 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_name */
3503 is_io_registry_entry_get_name(
3504 io_object_t registry_entry
3507 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3509 strncpy( name
, entry
->getName(), sizeof(io_name_t
3511 return kIOReturnSuccess
3514 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_name_in_plane */
3516 is_io_registry_entry_get_name_in_plane(
3517 io_object_t registry_entry
3518 io_name_t planeName
3521 const IORegistryPlane
* plane
3522 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3525 plane
= IORegistryEntry::getPlane( planeName
3530 strncpy( name
, entry
->getName( plane
), sizeof(io_name_t
3532 return kIOReturnSuccess
3535 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_location_in_plane */
3537 is_io_registry_entry_get_location_in_plane(
3538 io_object_t registry_entry
3539 io_name_t planeName
3540 io_name_t location
3542 const IORegistryPlane
* plane
3543 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3546 plane
= IORegistryEntry::getPlane( planeName
3551 const char * cstr
= entry
->getLocation( plane
3554 strncpy( location
, cstr
, sizeof(io_name_t
3555 return kIOReturnSuccess
3557 return kIOReturnNotFound
3561 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_registry_entry_id */
3563 is_io_registry_entry_get_registry_entry_id(
3564 io_object_t registry_entry
3565 uint64_t *entry_id
3567 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3569 *entry_id
= entry
3571 return kIOReturnSuccess
3576 IOCopyPropertyCompatible(IORegistryEntry
* regEntry
, const char * name
3579 OSObject
* compatProps
3580 OSDictionary
* props
3582 obj
= regEntry
3584 && IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(current_task())
3585 && (compatProps
= regEntry
))) {
3586 props
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, compatProps
3588 obj
= props
3593 compatProps
3599 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_property */
3601 is_io_registry_entry_get_property_bytes(
3602 io_object_t registry_entry
3603 io_name_t property_name
3604 io_struct_inband_t buf
3605 mach_msg_type_number_t
3613 unsigned int len
= 0;
3614 const void * bytes
3615 IOReturn ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
3617 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3620 if (0 != mac_iokit_check_get_property(kauth_cred_get(), entry
, property_name
)) {
3621 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
3625 obj
= IOCopyPropertyCompatible(entry
, property_name
3627 return kIOReturnNoResources
3630 // One day OSData will be a common container base class
3632 if ((data
= OSDynamicCast( OSData
, obj
))) {
3633 len
= data
3634 bytes
= data
3635 if (!data
->isSerializable()) {
3638 } else if ((str
= OSDynamicCast( OSString
, obj
))) {
3639 len
= str
->getLength() + 1;
3640 bytes
= str
3641 } else if ((boo
= OSDynamicCast( OSBoolean
, obj
))) {
3642 len
= boo
->isTrue() ? sizeof("Yes") : sizeof("No");
3643 bytes
= boo
->isTrue() ? "Yes" : "No";
3644 } else if ((off
= OSDynamicCast( OSNumber
, obj
))) {
3645 offsetBytes
= off
3646 len
= off
3647 if (len
> sizeof(offsetBytes
)) {
3648 len
= sizeof(offsetBytes
3650 bytes
= &offsetBytes
3651 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
3652 bytes
= (const void *)
3653 (((UInt32
) bytes
) + (sizeof(UInt64
) - len
3656 ret
= kIOReturnBadArgument
3660 if (*dataCnt
< len
) {
3661 ret
= kIOReturnIPCError
3664 bcopy( bytes
, buf
, len
3673 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_property */
3675 is_io_registry_entry_get_property(
3676 io_object_t registry_entry
3677 io_name_t property_name
3678 io_buf_ptr_t
3679 mach_msg_type_number_t
3685 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3688 if (0 != mac_iokit_check_get_property(kauth_cred_get(), entry
, property_name
)) {
3689 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
3693 obj
= IOCopyPropertyCompatible(entry
, property_name
3695 return kIOReturnNotFound
3698 OSSerialize
* s
= OSSerialize::withCapacity(4096);
3701 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3704 if (obj
->serialize( s
)) {
3705 len
= s
3706 *propertiesCnt
= len
3707 err
= copyoutkdata( s
->text(), len
, properties
3709 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3718 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_property_recursively */
3720 is_io_registry_entry_get_property_recursively(
3721 io_object_t registry_entry
3723 io_name_t property_name
3725 io_buf_ptr_t
3726 mach_msg_type_number_t
3732 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3735 if (0 != mac_iokit_check_get_property(kauth_cred_get(), entry
, property_name
)) {
3736 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
3740 obj
= entry
->copyProperty( property_name
3741 IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
), options
3743 return kIOReturnNotFound
3746 OSSerialize
* s
= OSSerialize::withCapacity(4096);
3749 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3752 if (obj
->serialize( s
)) {
3753 len
= s
3754 *propertiesCnt
= len
3755 err
= copyoutkdata( s
->text(), len
, properties
3757 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3766 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_properties */
3768 is_io_registry_entry_get_properties(
3769 io_object_t registry_entry
3770 io_buf_ptr_t
3771 mach_msg_type_number_t
3773 return kIOReturnUnsupported
3778 struct GetPropertiesEditorRef
3780 IORegistryEntry
* entry
3781 OSCollection
* root
3784 static const OSMetaClassBase
3785 GetPropertiesEditor(void * reference
3787 OSCollection
* container
3788 const OSSymbol
* name
3789 const OSMetaClassBase
* value
3791 GetPropertiesEditorRef
* ref
= (typeof(ref
3794 ref
= container
3796 if (ref
== container
) {
3797 if (0 != mac_iokit_check_get_property(ref
, ref
, name
->getCStringNoCopy())) {
3807 #endif /* CONFIG_MACF */
3809 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin_buf */
3811 is_io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin_buf(
3812 io_object_t registry_entry
3813 mach_vm_address_t buf
3814 mach_vm_size_t
3815 io_buf_ptr_t
3816 mach_msg_type_number_t
3818 kern_return_t err
= kIOReturnSuccess
3820 OSObject
* compatProperties
3822 OSSerialize::Editor editor
3823 void * editRef
3825 CHECK(IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3828 GetPropertiesEditorRef ref
3829 if (mac_iokit_check_filter_properties(kauth_cred_get(), entry
)) {
3830 editor
= &GetPropertiesEditor
3832 ref
= kauth_cred_get();
3838 s
= OSSerialize::binaryWithCapacity(4096, editor
, editRef
3840 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3843 if (IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(current_task())
3844 && (compatProperties
= entry
))) {
3845 OSDictionary
* dict
3847 dict
= entry
3849 err
= kIOReturnNoMemory
3851 dict
3852 dict
, compatProperties
3853 if (!dict
)) {
3854 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3858 compatProperties
3859 } else if (!entry
)) {
3860 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3863 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== err
) {
3864 len
= s
3865 if (buf
&& bufsize
&& len
<= *bufsize
) {
3868 *properties
= nullptr;
3869 if (copyout(s
->text(), buf
, len
)) {
3870 err
= kIOReturnVMError
3872 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
3878 *propertiesCnt
= len
3879 err
= copyoutkdata( s
->text(), len
, properties
3887 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin */
3889 is_io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin(
3890 io_object_t registry_entry
3891 io_buf_ptr_t
3892 mach_msg_type_number_t
3894 return is_io_registry_entry_get_properties_bin_buf(registry_entry
3895 0, NULL
, properties
, propertiesCnt
3898 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_property_bin_buf */
3900 is_io_registry_entry_get_property_bin_buf(
3901 io_object_t registry_entry
3903 io_name_t property_name
3905 mach_vm_address_t buf
3906 mach_vm_size_t
3907 io_buf_ptr_t
3908 mach_msg_type_number_t
3913 const OSSymbol
* sym
3915 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
3918 if (0 != mac_iokit_check_get_property(kauth_cred_get(), entry
, property_name
)) {
3919 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
3923 sym
= OSSymbol::withCString(property_name
3925 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3928 if (gIORegistryEntryPropertyKeysKey
== sym
) {
3929 obj
= entry
3931 if ((kIORegistryIterateRecursively
& options
) && plane
[0]) {
3932 if (!IOTaskRegistryCompatibility(current_task())) {
3933 obj
= entry
3934 IORegistryEntry::getPlane(plane
), options
3936 obj
= IOCopyPropertyCompatible(entry
, property_name
3937 if ((NULL
== obj
) && plane
&& (options
& kIORegistryIterateRecursively
)) {
3938 IORegistryIterator
* iter
3939 iter
= IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(entry
, IORegistryEntry::getPlane(plane
), options
3941 while ((NULL
== obj
) && (entry
= iter
->getNextObject())) {
3942 obj
= IOCopyPropertyCompatible(entry
, property_name
3949 obj
= IOCopyPropertyCompatible(entry
, property_name
3951 if (obj
&& gIORemoveOnReadProperties
)) {
3952 entry
3958 return kIOReturnNotFound
3961 OSSerialize
* s
= OSSerialize::binaryWithCapacity(4096);
3964 return kIOReturnNoMemory
3967 if (obj
->serialize( s
)) {
3968 len
= s
3969 if (buf
&& bufsize
&& len
<= *bufsize
) {
3972 *properties
= nullptr;
3973 if (copyout(s
->text(), buf
, len
)) {
3974 err
= kIOReturnVMError
3976 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
3982 *propertiesCnt
= len
3983 err
= copyoutkdata( s
->text(), len
, properties
3986 err
= kIOReturnUnsupported
3995 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_property_bin */
3997 is_io_registry_entry_get_property_bin(
3998 io_object_t registry_entry
4000 io_name_t property_name
4002 io_buf_ptr_t
4003 mach_msg_type_number_t
4005 return is_io_registry_entry_get_property_bin_buf(registry_entry
, plane
4006 property_name
, options
, 0, NULL
, properties
, propertiesCnt
4010 /* Routine io_registry_entry_set_properties */
4012 is_io_registry_entry_set_properties
4014 io_object_t registry_entry
4015 io_buf_ptr_t properties
4016 mach_msg_type_number_t propertiesCnt
4017 kern_return_t
* result
4023 vm_map_offset_t map_data
4025 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
4027 if (propertiesCnt
> sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
) * 1024) {
4028 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
4031 err
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) properties
4032 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== err
) {
4037 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
4038 obj
= OSUnserializeXML((const char *) data
, propertiesCnt
4039 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, propertiesCnt
4042 res
= kIOReturnBadArgument
4045 else if (0 != mac_iokit_check_set_properties(kauth_cred_get(),
4046 registry_entry
, obj
)) {
4047 res
= kIOReturnNotPermitted
4051 res
= entry
->setProperties( obj
4067 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_child_iterator */
4069 is_io_registry_entry_get_child_iterator(
4070 io_object_t registry_entry
4072 io_object_t
4074 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
4076 *iterator
= IOUserIterator::withIterator(entry
4077 IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
4079 return kIOReturnSuccess
4082 /* Routine io_registry_entry_get_parent_iterator */
4084 is_io_registry_entry_get_parent_iterator(
4085 io_object_t registry_entry
4087 io_object_t
4089 CHECK( IORegistryEntry
, registry_entry
, entry
4091 *iterator
= IOUserIterator::withIterator(entry
4092 IORegistryEntry::getPlane( plane
4094 return kIOReturnSuccess
4097 /* Routine io_service_get_busy_state */
4099 is_io_service_get_busy_state(
4100 io_object_t _service
4101 uint32_t *busyState
4103 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4105 *busyState
= service
4107 return kIOReturnSuccess
4110 /* Routine io_service_get_state */
4112 is_io_service_get_state(
4113 io_object_t _service
4115 uint32_t *busy_state
4116 uint64_t *accumulated_busy_time
4118 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4120 *state
= service
4121 *busy_state
= service
4122 *accumulated_busy_time
= service
4124 return kIOReturnSuccess
4127 /* Routine io_service_wait_quiet */
4129 is_io_service_wait_quiet(
4130 io_object_t _service
4131 mach_timespec_t wait_time
4135 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4137 timeoutNS
= wait_time
4138 timeoutNS
*= kSecondScale
4139 timeoutNS
+= wait_time
4141 return service
4144 /* Routine io_service_request_probe */
4146 is_io_service_request_probe(
4147 io_object_t _service
4150 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4152 return service
->requestProbe( options
4155 /* Routine io_service_get_authorization_id */
4157 is_io_service_get_authorization_id(
4158 io_object_t _service
4159 uint64_t *authorization_id
4163 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4165 kr
= IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege((void *) current_task(),
4166 kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
4167 if (kIOReturnSuccess
!= kr
) {
4171 *authorization_id
= service
4176 /* Routine io_service_set_authorization_id */
4178 is_io_service_set_authorization_id(
4179 io_object_t _service
4180 uint64_t authorization_id
4182 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4184 return service
->setAuthorizationID( authorization_id
4187 /* Routine io_service_open_ndr */
4189 is_io_service_open_extended(
4190 io_object_t _service
4192 uint32_t connect_type
4194 io_buf_ptr_t properties
4195 mach_msg_type_number_t propertiesCnt
4196 kern_return_t
* result
4197 io_object_t
4199 IOUserClient
* client
4200 kern_return_t err
4201 IOReturn res
= kIOReturnSuccess
4202 OSDictionary
* propertiesDict
4204 bool disallowAccess
4206 CHECK( IOService
, _service
, service
4209 return kIOReturnBadArgument
4211 assert(owningTask
== current_task());
4212 if (owningTask
!= current_task()) {
4213 return kIOReturnBadArgument
4217 if (mac_iokit_check_open_service(kauth_cred_get(), service
, connect_type
) != 0) {
4218 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
4223 return kIOReturnUnsupported
4229 vm_map_offset_t map_data
4231 if (propertiesCnt
> sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
)) {
4232 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
4235 err
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
) properties
4237 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
== err
) {
4239 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
4240 obj
= OSUnserializeXML((const char *) data
, propertiesCnt
4241 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, propertiesCnt
4242 propertiesDict
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, obj
4243 if (!propertiesDict
) {
4244 res
= kIOReturnBadArgument
4250 if (kIOReturnSuccess
!= res
) {
4255 crossEndian
= (ndr
!= NDR_record
4257 if (!propertiesDict
) {
4258 propertiesDict
= OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
4260 OSData
* data
= OSData::withBytes(&ndr
, sizeof(ndr
4262 if (propertiesDict
) {
4263 propertiesDict
, data
4269 res
= service
->newUserClient( owningTask
, (void *) owningTask
4270 connect_type
, propertiesDict
, &client
4272 if (propertiesDict
) {
4273 propertiesDict
4276 if (res
== kIOReturnSuccess
) {
4277 assert( OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, client
4278 if (!client
) {
4279 if (!client
->reserve()) {
4280 client
4281 OSSafeReleaseNULL(client
4282 res
= kIOReturnNoMemory
4287 if (res
== kIOReturnSuccess
) {
4288 client
!= client
4289 if (client
) {
4290 IOLockLock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
4292 if (!client
) {
4293 client
= IORWLockAlloc();
4294 client
= IOLockAlloc();
4296 client
!= client
4299 extern const OSSymbol
* gIOSurfaceIdentifier
4300 obj
= client
4302 client
= (kOSBooleanFalse
!= client
4304 const OSMetaClass
* meta
4306 meta
= client
4307 kext
= meta
4308 if (!kext
|| !kext
)) {
4309 client
= true;
4310 client
, kOSBooleanTrue
4315 if (client
) {
4316 IOLockUnlock(gIOUserClientOwnersLock
4319 disallowAccess
= (crossEndian
4320 && (kOSBooleanTrue
!= service
4321 && (kOSBooleanTrue
!= client
4322 if (disallowAccess
) {
4323 res
= kIOReturnUnsupported
4326 else if (0 != mac_iokit_check_open(kauth_cred_get(), client
, connect_type
)) {
4327 res
= kIOReturnNotPermitted
4331 if ((kIOReturnSuccess
== res
4332 && gIOUCFilterCallbacks
4333 && gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
4334 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
4335 filterPolicy
= client
, 0);
4336 if (!filterPolicy
) {
4337 res
= gIOUCFilterCallbacks
, client
, connect_type
, &filterPolicy
4338 if (kIOReturnUnsupported
== res
) {
4339 res
= kIOReturnSuccess
4340 } else if (kIOReturnSuccess
== res
) {
4341 client
, filterPolicy
4346 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== res
) {
4347 res
= client
4350 if (kIOReturnSuccess
!= res
) {
4351 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4352 client
4357 OSString
* creatorName
= IOCopyLogNameForPID(proc_selfpid());
4359 client
, creatorName
4360 creatorName
4362 client
, false);
4366 *connection
= client
4372 /* Routine io_service_close */
4374 is_io_service_close(
4375 io_object_t connection
4378 if ((mappings
= OSDynamicCast(OSSet
, connection
))) {
4379 return kIOReturnSuccess
4382 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4384 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4386 if (client
|| OSCompareAndSwap8(0, 1, &client
)) {
4387 IORWLockWrite(client
4388 client
4389 IORWLockUnlock(client
4391 IOLog("ignored is_io_service_close(0x%qx,%s)\n",
4392 client
->getRegistryEntryID(), client
4395 return kIOReturnSuccess
4398 /* Routine io_connect_get_service */
4400 is_io_connect_get_service(
4401 io_object_t connection
4402 io_object_t
4404 IOService
* theService
4406 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4408 theService
= client
4410 theService
4413 *service
= theService
4415 return theService
? kIOReturnSuccess
: kIOReturnUnsupported
4418 /* Routine io_connect_set_notification_port */
4420 is_io_connect_set_notification_port(
4421 io_object_t connection
4422 uint32_t notification_type
4427 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4429 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4430 IORWLockWrite(client
4431 ret
= client
->registerNotificationPort( port
, notification_type
4432 (io_user_reference_t
) reference
4433 IORWLockUnlock(client
4437 /* Routine io_connect_set_notification_port */
4439 is_io_connect_set_notification_port_64(
4440 io_object_t connection
4441 uint32_t notification_type
4443 io_user_reference_t reference
4446 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4448 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4449 IORWLockWrite(client
4450 ret
= client
->registerNotificationPort( port
, notification_type
4452 IORWLockUnlock(client
4456 /* Routine io_connect_map_memory_into_task */
4458 is_io_connect_map_memory_into_task
4460 io_connect_t connection
4461 uint32_t memory_type
4463 mach_vm_address_t
4464 mach_vm_size_t
4471 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4474 return kIOReturnBadArgument
4477 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4478 if (client
) {
4479 IORWLockWrite(client
4481 map
= client
->mapClientMemory64( memory_type
, into_task
, flags
, *address
4482 if (client
) {
4483 IORWLockUnlock(client
4487 *address
= map
4489 *size
= map
4492 if (client
4493 || (into_task
!= current_task())) {
4494 // push a name out to the task owning the map,
4495 // so we can clean up maps
4496 mach_port_name_t name __unused
4497 IOMachPort::makeSendRightForTask(
4498 into_task
, map
4501 // keep it with the user client
4502 IOLockLock( gIOObjectPortLock
4503 if (NULL
== client
) {
4504 client
= OSSet::withCapacity(2);
4506 if (client
) {
4507 client
->setObject( map
4509 IOLockUnlock( gIOObjectPortLock
4512 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
4514 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
4520 /* Routine is_io_connect_map_memory */
4522 is_io_connect_map_memory(
4523 io_object_t connect
4531 mach_vm_address_t address
4532 mach_vm_size_t size
4534 address
= SCALAR64(*mapAddr
4535 size
= SCALAR64(*mapSize
4537 err
= is_io_connect_map_memory_into_task(connect
, type
, task
, &address
, &size
, flags
4539 *mapAddr
= SCALAR32(address
4540 *mapSize
= SCALAR32(size
4547 IOUserClient::removeMappingForDescriptor(IOMemoryDescriptor
* mem
4550 IOMemoryMap
* map
4552 IOLockLock(gIOObjectPortLock
4554 iter
= OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(mappings
4556 while ((map
= OSDynamicCast(IOMemoryMap
, iter
->getNextObject()))) {
4557 if (mem
== map
->getMemoryDescriptor()) {
4559 mappings
4566 IOLockUnlock(gIOObjectPortLock
4572 /* Routine io_connect_unmap_memory_from_task */
4574 is_io_connect_unmap_memory_from_task
4576 io_connect_t connection
4577 uint32_t memory_type
4579 mach_vm_address_t address
4582 IOOptionBits options
= 0;
4583 IOMemoryDescriptor
* memory
4586 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4589 return kIOReturnBadArgument
4592 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4593 if (client
) {
4594 IORWLockWrite(client
4596 err
= client
) memory_type
, &options
, &memory
4597 if (client
) {
4598 IORWLockUnlock(client
4601 if (memory
&& (kIOReturnSuccess
== err
)) {
4602 options
= (options
& ~kIOMapUserOptionsMask
4603 | kIOMapAnywhere
| kIOMapReference
4605 map
= memory
->createMappingInTask( from_task
, address
, options
4608 IOLockLock( gIOObjectPortLock
4609 if (client
) {
4610 client
->removeObject( map
4612 IOLockUnlock( gIOObjectPortLock
4614 mach_port_name_t name
= 0;
4615 bool is_shared_instance_or_from_current_task
= from_task
!= current_task() || client
4616 if (is_shared_instance_or_from_current_task
) {
4617 name
= IOMachPort::makeSendRightForTask( from_task
, map
4622 map
4623 err
= iokit_mod_send_right( from_task
, name
, -2 );
4624 err
= kIOReturnSuccess
4626 IOMachPort::releasePortForObject( map
4628 if (!is_shared_instance_or_from_current_task
) {
4632 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
4640 is_io_connect_unmap_memory(
4641 io_object_t connect
4647 mach_vm_address_t address
4649 address
= SCALAR64(mapAddr
4651 err
= is_io_connect_unmap_memory_from_task(connect
, type
, task
, mapAddr
4657 /* Routine io_connect_add_client */
4659 is_io_connect_add_client(
4660 io_object_t connection
4661 io_object_t connect_to
4663 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4664 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connect_to
, to
4668 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4669 if (client
) {
4670 IORWLockWrite(client
4672 ret
= client
->connectClient( to
4673 if (client
) {
4674 IORWLockUnlock(client
4680 /* Routine io_connect_set_properties */
4682 is_io_connect_set_properties(
4683 io_object_t connection
4684 io_buf_ptr_t properties
4685 mach_msg_type_number_t propertiesCnt
4686 kern_return_t
* result
4688 return is_io_registry_entry_set_properties( connection
, properties
, propertiesCnt
, result
4691 /* Routine io_user_client_method */
4693 is_io_connect_method_var_output
4695 io_connect_t connection
4697 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_input
4698 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_inputCnt
4699 io_struct_inband_t inband_input
4700 mach_msg_type_number_t inband_inputCnt
4701 mach_vm_address_t ool_input
4702 mach_vm_size_t ool_input_size
4703 io_struct_inband_t inband_output
4704 mach_msg_type_number_t
4705 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_output
4706 mach_msg_type_number_t
4707 io_buf_ptr_t
4708 mach_msg_type_number_t
4711 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4713 IOExternalMethodArguments args
4715 IOMemoryDescriptor
* inputMD
4716 OSObject
* structureVariableOutputData
4718 bzero(&args
[0], sizeof(args
4719 args
= 0;
4720 args
= kIOExternalMethodArgumentsCurrentVersion
4722 args
= selector
4724 args
4725 args
4726 args
= 0;
4727 args
= &structureVariableOutputData
4729 args
= scalar_input
4730 args
= scalar_inputCnt
4731 args
= inband_input
4732 args
= inband_inputCnt
4734 if (ool_input
&& (ool_input_size
<= sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
))) {
4735 return kIOReturnIPCError
4739 inputMD
= IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(ool_input
, ool_input_size
4740 kIODirectionOut
| kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite
4744 args
= inputMD
4746 args
= scalar_output
4747 args
= *scalar_outputCnt
4748 bzero(&scalar_output
[0], *scalar_outputCnt
* sizeof(scalar_output
4749 args
= inband_output
4750 args
= *inband_outputCnt
4751 args
4752 args
= 0;
4754 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4755 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
4757 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
= client
->filterForTask(current_task(), 0);
4758 if (filterPolicy
&& gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
4759 ret
= gIOUCFilterCallbacks
, io_filter_type_external_method
, selector
4761 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== ret
) {
4762 if (client
) {
4763 IORWLockRead(client
4765 ret
= client
->externalMethod( selector
, &args
4766 if (client
) {
4767 IORWLockUnlock(client
4771 *scalar_outputCnt
= args
4772 *inband_outputCnt
= args
4774 if (var_outputCnt
&& var_output
&& (kIOReturnSuccess
== ret
)) {
4775 OSSerialize
* serialize
4779 if ((serialize
= OSDynamicCast(OSSerialize
, structureVariableOutputData
))) {
4780 len
= serialize
4781 *var_outputCnt
= len
4782 ret
= copyoutkdata(serialize
->text(), len
, var_output
4783 } else if ((data
= OSDynamicCast(OSData
, structureVariableOutputData
))) {
4784 len
= data
4785 *var_outputCnt
= len
4786 ret
= copyoutkdata(data
->getBytesNoCopy(), len
, var_output
4788 ret
= kIOReturnUnderrun
4795 if (structureVariableOutputData
) {
4796 structureVariableOutputData
4802 /* Routine io_user_client_method */
4804 is_io_connect_method
4806 io_connect_t connection
4808 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_input
4809 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_inputCnt
4810 io_struct_inband_t inband_input
4811 mach_msg_type_number_t inband_inputCnt
4812 mach_vm_address_t ool_input
4813 mach_vm_size_t ool_input_size
4814 io_struct_inband_t inband_output
4815 mach_msg_type_number_t
4816 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_output
4817 mach_msg_type_number_t
4818 mach_vm_address_t ool_output
4819 mach_vm_size_t
4822 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4824 IOExternalMethodArguments args
4826 IOMemoryDescriptor
* inputMD
4827 IOMemoryDescriptor
* outputMD
4829 bzero(&args
[0], sizeof(args
4830 args
= 0;
4831 args
= kIOExternalMethodArgumentsCurrentVersion
4833 args
= selector
4835 args
4836 args
4837 args
= 0;
4838 args
4840 args
= scalar_input
4841 args
= scalar_inputCnt
4842 args
= inband_input
4843 args
= inband_inputCnt
4845 if (ool_input
&& (ool_input_size
<= sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
))) {
4846 return kIOReturnIPCError
4849 if (*ool_output_size
<= sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
)) {
4850 return kIOReturnIPCError
4852 if (*ool_output_size
) {
4853 return kIOReturnIPCError
4858 inputMD
= IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(ool_input
, ool_input_size
4859 kIODirectionOut
| kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite
4863 args
= inputMD
4865 args
= scalar_output
4866 args
= *scalar_outputCnt
4867 bzero(&scalar_output
[0], *scalar_outputCnt
* sizeof(scalar_output
4868 args
= inband_output
4869 args
= *inband_outputCnt
4871 if (ool_output
&& ool_output_size
) {
4872 outputMD
= IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(ool_output
, *ool_output_size
4873 kIODirectionIn
, current_task());
4876 args
= outputMD
4877 args
= ool_output_size
4878 ? ((typeof(args
)) * ool_output_size
4881 IOStatisticsClientCall();
4882 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
4883 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
= client
->filterForTask(current_task(), 0);
4884 if (filterPolicy
&& gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
4885 ret
= gIOUCFilterCallbacks
, io_filter_type_external_method
, selector
4887 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== ret
) {
4888 if (client
) {
4889 IORWLockRead(client
4891 ret
= client
->externalMethod( selector
, &args
4892 if (client
) {
4893 IORWLockUnlock(client
4897 *scalar_outputCnt
= args
4898 *inband_outputCnt
= args
4899 *ool_output_size
= args
4905 outputMD
4911 /* Routine io_async_user_client_method */
4913 is_io_connect_async_method
4915 io_connect_t connection
4916 mach_port_t wake_port
4917 io_async_ref64_t reference
4918 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
4920 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_input
4921 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_inputCnt
4922 io_struct_inband_t inband_input
4923 mach_msg_type_number_t inband_inputCnt
4924 mach_vm_address_t ool_input
4925 mach_vm_size_t ool_input_size
4926 io_struct_inband_t inband_output
4927 mach_msg_type_number_t
4928 io_scalar_inband64_t scalar_output
4929 mach_msg_type_number_t
4930 mach_vm_address_t ool_output
4931 mach_vm_size_t
* ool_output_size
4934 CHECK( IOUserClient
, connection
, client
4936 IOExternalMethodArguments args
4938 IOMemoryDescriptor
* inputMD
4939 IOMemoryDescriptor
* outputMD
4941 if (referenceCnt
< 1) {
4942 return kIOReturnBadArgument
4945 bzero(&args
[0], sizeof(args
4946 args
= 0;
4947 args
= kIOExternalMethodArgumentsCurrentVersion
4949 reference
[0] = (io_user_reference_t
) wake_port
4950 if (vm_map_is_64bit(get_task_map(current_task()))) {
4951 reference
[0] |= kIOUCAsync64Flag
4954 args
= selector
4956 args
= wake_port
4957 args
= reference
4958 args
= referenceCnt
4960 args
4962 args
= scalar_input
4963 args
= scalar_inputCnt
4964 args
= inband_input
4965 args
= inband_inputCnt
4967 if (ool_input
&& (ool_input_size
<= sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
))) {
4968 return kIOReturnIPCError
4971 if (*ool_output_size
<= sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
)) {
4972 return kIOReturnIPCError
4974 if (*ool_output_size
) {
4975 return kIOReturnIPCError
4980 inputMD
= IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(ool_input
, ool_input_size
4981 kIODirectionOut
| kIOMemoryMapCopyOnWrite
4985 args
= inputMD
4987 args
= scalar_output
4988 args
= *scalar_outputCnt
4989 bzero(&scalar_output
[0], *scalar_outputCnt
* sizeof(scalar_output
4990 args
= inband_output
4991 args
= *inband_outputCnt
4994 outputMD
= IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange(ool_output
, *ool_output_size
4995 kIODirectionIn
, current_task());
4998 args
= outputMD
4999 args
= ((typeof(args
)) * ool_output_size
5001 IOStatisticsClientCall();
5002 ret
= kIOReturnSuccess
5003 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
= client
->filterForTask(current_task(), 0);
5004 if (filterPolicy
&& gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
5005 ret
= gIOUCFilterCallbacks
, io_filter_type_external_async_method
, selector
5007 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== ret
) {
5008 if (client
) {
5009 IORWLockRead(client
5011 ret
= client
->externalMethod( selector
, &args
5012 if (client
) {
5013 IORWLockUnlock(client
5017 *scalar_outputCnt
= args
5018 *inband_outputCnt
= args
5019 *ool_output_size
= args
5025 outputMD
5031 /* Routine io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO */
5033 is_io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(
5034 io_object_t connect
5036 io_scalar_inband_t input
5037 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5038 io_scalar_inband_t output
5039 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5043 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5044 io_scalar_inband64_t _output
5046 mach_msg_type_number_t struct_outputCnt
= 0;
5047 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5049 bzero(&_output
[0], sizeof(_output
5050 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5051 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5054 err
= is_io_connect_method(connect
, index
5058 NULL
, &struct_outputCnt
5059 _output
, outputCount
5060 0, &ool_output_size
5062 for (i
= 0; i
< *outputCount
; i
++) {
5063 output
] = SCALAR32(_output
5070 shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(
5071 IOExternalMethod
* method
5073 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5074 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5075 io_user_scalar_t
* output
5076 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5079 io_scalar_inband_t _output
5081 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5083 bzero(&_output
[0], sizeof(_output
5085 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5086 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5087 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5090 if (*outputCount
!= method
) {
5091 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5092 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5096 func
= method
5098 switch (inputCount
) {
5100 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5101 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
[4]), ARG32(input
5104 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5105 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5109 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5111 &_output
[0], &_output
[1] );
5114 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5115 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
[2] );
5118 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5119 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5123 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
5124 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5125 &_output
[3], &_output
[4] );
5128 err
= (object
)( &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5129 &_output
[3], &_output
[4], &_output
[5] );
5133 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5138 for (i
= 0; i
< *outputCount
; i
++) {
5139 output
] = SCALAR32(_output
5145 /* Routine io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO */
5147 is_io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO(
5148 io_object_t connect
5149 mach_port_t wake_port
5150 io_async_ref_t reference
5151 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
5153 io_scalar_inband_t input
5154 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5155 io_scalar_inband_t output
5156 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5160 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5161 io_scalar_inband64_t _output
5162 io_async_ref64_t _reference
5164 if (referenceCnt
) {
5165 return kIOReturnBadArgument
5167 bzero(&_output
[0], sizeof(_output
5168 for (i
= 0; i
< referenceCnt
; i
++) {
5169 _reference
] = REF64(reference
5171 bzero(&_reference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(_reference
5173 mach_msg_type_number_t struct_outputCnt
= 0;
5174 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5176 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5177 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5180 err
= is_io_connect_async_method(connect
5181 wake_port
, _reference
, referenceCnt
5186 NULL
, &struct_outputCnt
5187 _output
, outputCount
5188 0, &ool_output_size
5190 for (i
= 0; i
< *outputCount
; i
++) {
5191 output
] = SCALAR32(_output
5196 /* Routine io_async_method_scalarI_structureO */
5198 is_io_async_method_scalarI_structureO(
5199 io_object_t connect
5200 mach_port_t wake_port
5201 io_async_ref_t reference
5202 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
5204 io_scalar_inband_t input
5205 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5206 io_struct_inband_t output
5207 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5210 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5211 io_async_ref64_t _reference
5213 if (referenceCnt
) {
5214 return kIOReturnBadArgument
5216 for (i
= 0; i
< referenceCnt
; i
++) {
5217 _reference
] = REF64(reference
5219 bzero(&_reference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(_reference
5221 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5222 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5224 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5225 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5228 return is_io_connect_async_method(connect
5229 wake_port
, _reference
, referenceCnt
5234 output
, outputCount
5235 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5236 0, &ool_output_size
5239 /* Routine io_async_method_scalarI_structureI */
5241 is_io_async_method_scalarI_structureI(
5242 io_connect_t connect
5243 mach_port_t wake_port
5244 io_async_ref_t reference
5245 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
5247 io_scalar_inband_t input
5248 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5249 io_struct_inband_t inputStruct
5250 mach_msg_type_number_t inputStructCount
5253 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5254 io_async_ref64_t _reference
5256 if (referenceCnt
) {
5257 return kIOReturnBadArgument
5259 for (i
= 0; i
< referenceCnt
; i
++) {
5260 _reference
] = REF64(reference
5262 bzero(&_reference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(_reference
5264 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5265 mach_msg_type_number_t inband_outputCnt
= 0;
5266 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5268 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5269 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5272 return is_io_connect_async_method(connect
5273 wake_port
, _reference
, referenceCnt
5276 inputStruct
, inputStructCount
5278 NULL
, &inband_outputCnt
5279 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5280 0, &ool_output_size
5283 /* Routine io_async_method_structureI_structureO */
5285 is_io_async_method_structureI_structureO(
5286 io_object_t connect
5287 mach_port_t wake_port
5288 io_async_ref_t reference
5289 mach_msg_type_number_t referenceCnt
5291 io_struct_inband_t input
5292 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5293 io_struct_inband_t output
5294 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5297 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5298 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5299 io_async_ref64_t _reference
5301 if (referenceCnt
) {
5302 return kIOReturnBadArgument
5304 for (i
= 0; i
< referenceCnt
; i
++) {
5305 _reference
] = REF64(reference
5307 bzero(&_reference
- referenceCnt
) * sizeof(_reference
5309 return is_io_connect_async_method(connect
5310 wake_port
, _reference
, referenceCnt
5315 output
, outputCount
5316 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5317 0, &ool_output_size
5322 shim_io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO(
5323 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* method
5325 mach_port_t asyncWakePort
5326 io_user_reference_t
* asyncReference
5327 uint32_t asyncReferenceCount
5328 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5329 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5330 io_user_scalar_t
* output
5331 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5335 io_scalar_inband_t _output
5337 io_async_ref_t reference
5339 bzero(&_output
[0], sizeof(_output
5340 for (i
= 0; i
< asyncReferenceCount
; i
++) {
5341 reference
] = REF32(asyncReference
5344 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5347 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5348 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5349 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5352 if (*outputCount
!= method
) {
5353 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5354 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5358 func
= method
5360 switch (inputCount
) {
5362 err
= (object
)( reference
5363 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5364 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
[4]), ARG32(input
5367 err
= (object
)( reference
5368 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5369 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5373 err
= (object
)( reference
5374 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5376 &_output
[0], &_output
[1] );
5379 err
= (object
)( reference
5380 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5381 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
[2] );
5384 err
= (object
)( reference
5385 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5386 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5390 err
= (object
)( reference
5392 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5393 &_output
[3], &_output
[4] );
5396 err
= (object
)( reference
5397 &_output
[0], &_output
[1], &_output
5398 &_output
[3], &_output
[4], &_output
[5] );
5402 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5406 for (i
= 0; i
< *outputCount
; i
++) {
5407 output
] = SCALAR32(_output
5414 /* Routine io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO */
5416 is_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO(
5417 io_object_t connect
5419 io_scalar_inband_t input
5420 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5421 io_struct_inband_t output
5422 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5425 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5427 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5428 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5430 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5431 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5434 return is_io_connect_method(connect
, index
5438 output
, outputCount
5439 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5440 0, &ool_output_size
5444 shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO(
5446 IOExternalMethod
* method
5448 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5449 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5450 io_struct_inband_t output
5451 IOByteCount
* outputCount
5456 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5459 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5460 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5461 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5464 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5465 && (*outputCount
!= method
)) {
5466 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5467 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5471 func
= method
5473 switch (inputCount
) {
5475 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5476 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5480 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5482 output
, (void *)outputCount
5485 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5486 output
, (void *)outputCount
5489 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5490 output
, (void *)outputCount
5493 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
5494 output
, (void *)outputCount
5497 err
= (object
)( output
, (void *)outputCount
5501 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5510 shim_io_async_method_scalarI_structureO(
5511 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* method
5513 mach_port_t asyncWakePort
5514 io_user_reference_t
* asyncReference
5515 uint32_t asyncReferenceCount
5516 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5517 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5518 io_struct_inband_t output
5519 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5524 io_async_ref_t reference
5526 for (i
= 0; i
< asyncReferenceCount
; i
++) {
5527 reference
] = REF32(asyncReference
5530 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5532 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5533 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5534 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5537 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5538 && (*outputCount
!= method
)) {
5539 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5540 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5544 func
= method
5546 switch (inputCount
) {
5548 err
= (object
)( reference
5549 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5550 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5554 err
= (object
)( reference
5555 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5557 output
, (void *)outputCount
5560 err
= (object
)( reference
5561 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5562 output
, (void *)outputCount
5565 err
= (object
)( reference
5566 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5567 output
, (void *)outputCount
5570 err
= (object
)( reference
5572 output
, (void *)outputCount
5575 err
= (object
)( reference
5576 output
, (void *)outputCount
5580 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5587 /* Routine io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI */
5589 is_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI(
5590 io_connect_t connect
5592 io_scalar_inband_t input
5593 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5594 io_struct_inband_t inputStruct
5595 mach_msg_type_number_t inputStructCount
5598 io_scalar_inband64_t _input
5600 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5601 mach_msg_type_number_t inband_outputCnt
= 0;
5602 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5604 for (i
= 0; i
< inputCount
; i
++) {
5605 _input
] = SCALAR64(input
5608 return is_io_connect_method(connect
, index
5610 inputStruct
, inputStructCount
5612 NULL
, &inband_outputCnt
5613 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5614 0, &ool_output_size
5618 shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI(
5619 IOExternalMethod
* method
5621 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5622 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5623 io_struct_inband_t inputStruct
5624 mach_msg_type_number_t inputStructCount
5627 IOReturn err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5630 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5631 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5632 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5635 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5636 && (inputStructCount
!= method
)) {
5637 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputStructCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5638 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputStructCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5642 func
= method
5644 switch (inputCount
) {
5646 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5647 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5651 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), (void *) input
5653 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5656 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5657 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5661 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5662 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5666 err
= (object
)( ARG32(input
5667 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5671 err
= (object
)( inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5672 NULL
5676 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5684 shim_io_async_method_scalarI_structureI(
5685 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* method
5687 mach_port_t asyncWakePort
5688 io_user_reference_t
* asyncReference
5689 uint32_t asyncReferenceCount
5690 const io_user_scalar_t
* input
5691 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5692 io_struct_inband_t inputStruct
5693 mach_msg_type_number_t inputStructCount
5697 IOReturn err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5698 io_async_ref_t reference
5700 for (i
= 0; i
< asyncReferenceCount
; i
++) {
5701 reference
] = REF32(asyncReference
5705 if (inputCount
!= method
) {
5706 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
5707 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5710 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5711 && (inputStructCount
!= method
)) {
5712 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputStructCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5713 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputStructCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5717 func
= method
5719 switch (inputCount
) {
5721 err
= (object
)( reference
5722 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5723 ARG32(input
[3]), ARG32(input
5727 err
= (object
)( reference
5728 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5730 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5733 err
= (object
)( reference
5734 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
[1]), ARG32(input
5735 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5739 err
= (object
)( reference
5740 ARG32(input
[0]), ARG32(input
5741 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5745 err
= (object
)( reference
5747 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5751 err
= (object
)( reference
5752 inputStruct
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputStructCount
5753 NULL
5757 IOLog("%s: Bad method table\n", object
5764 /* Routine io_connect_method_structureI_structureO */
5766 is_io_connect_method_structureI_structureO(
5767 io_object_t connect
5769 io_struct_inband_t input
5770 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5771 io_struct_inband_t output
5772 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5774 mach_msg_type_number_t scalar_outputCnt
= 0;
5775 mach_vm_size_t ool_output_size
= 0;
5777 return is_io_connect_method(connect
, index
5781 output
, outputCount
5782 NULL
, &scalar_outputCnt
5783 0, &ool_output_size
5787 shim_io_connect_method_structureI_structureO(
5788 IOExternalMethod
* method
5790 io_struct_inband_t input
5791 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5792 io_struct_inband_t output
5793 IOByteCount
* outputCount
5796 IOReturn err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5799 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5800 && (inputCount
!= method
)) {
5801 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5802 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5805 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5806 && (*outputCount
!= method
)) {
5807 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5808 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5812 func
= method
5814 if (method
) {
5815 if (method
) {
5816 err
= (object
)( input
, output
5817 (void *)(uintptr_t)inputCount
, outputCount
5819 err
= (object
)( output
, outputCount
5822 err
= (object
)( input
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputCount
5831 shim_io_async_method_structureI_structureO(
5832 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* method
5834 mach_port_t asyncWakePort
5835 io_user_reference_t
* asyncReference
5836 uint32_t asyncReferenceCount
5837 io_struct_inband_t input
5838 mach_msg_type_number_t inputCount
5839 io_struct_inband_t output
5840 mach_msg_type_number_t
* outputCount
5845 io_async_ref_t reference
5847 for (i
= 0; i
< asyncReferenceCount
; i
++) {
5848 reference
] = REF32(asyncReference
5851 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5853 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5854 && (inputCount
!= method
)) {
5855 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient inputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)inputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5856 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)inputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5859 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= method
5860 && (*outputCount
!= method
)) {
5861 IOLog("%s:%d %s: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx\n", __FUNCTION__
, __LINE__
, object
->getName(), (uint64_t)*outputCount
, (uint64_t)method
, (uint64_t)kIOUCVariableStructureSize
5862 DTRACE_IO2(iokit_count_mismatch
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)*outputCount
, uint64_t, (uint64_t)method
5866 func
= method
5868 if (method
) {
5869 if (method
) {
5870 err
= (object
)( reference
5872 (void *)(uintptr_t)inputCount
, outputCount
5874 err
= (object
)( reference
5875 output
, outputCount
5878 err
= (object
)( reference
5879 input
, (void *)(uintptr_t)inputCount
5886 /* Routine io_catalog_send_data */
5888 is_io_catalog_send_data(
5889 mach_port_t master_port
5891 io_buf_ptr_t inData
5892 mach_msg_type_number_t inDataCount
5893 kern_return_t
* result
5896 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
5897 #else /* NO_KEXTD */
5898 OSObject
* obj
5900 kern_return_t kr
= kIOReturnError
5902 //printf("io_catalog_send_data called. flag: %d\n", flag);
5904 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
5905 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
5908 if ((flag
!= kIOCatalogRemoveKernelLinker__Removed
5909 flag
!= kIOCatalogKextdActive
5910 flag
!= kIOCatalogKextdFinishedLaunching
) &&
5911 (!inData
|| !inDataCount
)) {
5912 return kIOReturnBadArgument
5915 if (!IOTaskHasEntitlement(current_task(), kIOCatalogManagementEntitlement
)) {
5916 OSString
* taskName
= IOCopyLogNameForPID(proc_selfpid());
5917 IOLog("IOCatalogueSendData(%s): Not entitled\n", taskName
? taskName
->getCStringNoCopy() : "");
5918 OSSafeReleaseNULL(taskName
5919 // For now, fake success to not break applications relying on this function succeeding.
5920 // See <rdar://problem/32554970> for more details.
5921 return kIOReturnSuccess
5925 vm_map_offset_t map_data
5927 if (inDataCount
> sizeof(io_struct_inband_t
) * 1024) {
5928 return kIOReturnMessageTooLarge
5931 kr
= vm_map_copyout( kernel_map
, &map_data
, (vm_map_copy_t
5932 data
= CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t
, map_data
5934 if (kr
) {
5938 // must return success after vm_map_copyout() succeeds
5941 obj
= (OSObject
*)OSUnserializeXML((const char *)data
, inDataCount
5942 vm_deallocate( kernel_map
, data
, inDataCount
5944 *result
= kIOReturnNoMemory
5945 return KERN_SUCCESS
5951 case kIOCatalogResetDrivers
5952 case kIOCatalogResetDriversNoMatch
: {
5955 array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
, obj
5957 if (!gIOCatalogue
5958 flag
== kIOCatalogResetDrivers
)) {
5959 kr
= kIOReturnError
5962 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5967 case kIOCatalogAddDrivers
5968 case kIOCatalogAddDriversNoMatch
: {
5971 array
= OSDynamicCast(OSArray
, obj
5973 if (!gIOCatalogue
->addDrivers( array
5974 flag
== kIOCatalogAddDrivers
)) {
5975 kr
= kIOReturnError
5978 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5983 case kIOCatalogRemoveDrivers
5984 case kIOCatalogRemoveDriversNoMatch
: {
5985 OSDictionary
* dict
5987 dict
= OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary
, obj
5989 if (!gIOCatalogue
->removeDrivers( dict
5990 flag
== kIOCatalogRemoveDrivers
)) {
5991 kr
= kIOReturnError
5994 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
5999 case kIOCatalogStartMatching__Removed
6000 case kIOCatalogRemoveKernelLinker__Removed
6001 case kIOCatalogKextdActive
6002 case kIOCatalogKextdFinishedLaunching
6003 kr
6007 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6016 return KERN_SUCCESS
6017 #endif /* NO_KEXTD */
6020 /* Routine io_catalog_terminate */
6022 is_io_catalog_terminate(
6023 mach_port_t master_port
6029 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6030 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6033 kr
= IOUserClient::clientHasPrivilege((void *) current_task(),
6034 kIOClientPrivilegeAdministrator
6035 if (kIOReturnSuccess
!= kr
) {
6040 #if !defined(SECURE_KERNEL)
6041 case kIOCatalogServiceTerminate
6042 kr
= gIOCatalogue
, name
6045 case kIOCatalogModuleUnload
6046 case kIOCatalogModuleTerminate
6047 kr
= gIOCatalogue
6048 flag
== kIOCatalogModuleUnload
6053 kr
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6060 /* Routine io_catalog_get_data */
6062 is_io_catalog_get_data(
6063 mach_port_t master_port
6065 io_buf_ptr_t
6066 mach_msg_type_number_t
6068 kern_return_t kr
= kIOReturnSuccess
6071 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6072 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6075 //printf("io_catalog_get_data called. flag: %d\n", flag);
6077 s
= OSSerialize::withCapacity(4096);
6079 return kIOReturnNoMemory
6082 kr
= gIOCatalogue
, s
6084 if (kr
== kIOReturnSuccess
) {
6089 size
= s
6090 kr
= vm_allocate_kernel(kernel_map
, &data
, size
6091 if (kr
== kIOReturnSuccess
) {
6092 bcopy(s
->text(), (void *)data
, size
6093 kr
= vm_map_copyin(kernel_map
, (vm_map_address_t
6095 *outData
= (char *)copy
6096 *outDataCount
= size
6105 /* Routine io_catalog_get_gen_count */
6107 is_io_catalog_get_gen_count(
6108 mach_port_t master_port
6111 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6112 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6115 //printf("io_catalog_get_gen_count called.\n");
6118 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6121 *genCount
= gIOCatalogue
6123 return kIOReturnSuccess
6126 /* Routine io_catalog_module_loaded.
6127 * Is invoked from IOKitLib's IOCatalogueModuleLoaded(). Doesn't seem to be used.
6130 is_io_catalog_module_loaded(
6131 mach_port_t master_port
6134 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6135 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6138 //printf("io_catalog_module_loaded called. name %s\n", name);
6141 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6144 gIOCatalogue
6146 return kIOReturnSuccess
6150 is_io_catalog_reset(
6151 mach_port_t master_port
6154 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6155 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6159 case kIOCatalogResetDefault
6160 gIOCatalogue
6164 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6167 return kIOReturnSuccess
6171 iokit_user_client_trap(struct iokit_user_client_trap_args
6173 kern_return_t result
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6174 IOUserClient
* userClient
6178 ref
= (uintptr_t) args
6179 if ((1ULL << 32) & ref
) {
6180 object
= iokit_lookup_uext_ref_current_task((mach_port_name_t
) ref
6182 result
= IOUserServerUEXTTrap(object
, args
, args
, args
, args
, args
, args
6184 OSSafeReleaseNULL(object
6185 } else if ((userClient
= OSDynamicCast(IOUserClient
, iokit_lookup_connect_ref_current_task((mach_port_name_t
) ref
)))) {
6186 IOExternalTrap
6187 IOService
6189 result
= kIOReturnSuccess
6190 io_filter_policy_t filterPolicy
= userClient
->filterForTask(current_task(), 0);
6191 if (filterPolicy
&& gIOUCFilterCallbacks
) {
6192 result
= gIOUCFilterCallbacks
, io_filter_type_trap
, args
6194 if (kIOReturnSuccess
== result
) {
6195 trap
= userClient
, args
6197 if (trap
&& target
) {
6203 result
= (target
, args
, args
, args
, args
, args
6207 iokit_remove_connect_reference(userClient
6213 /* Routine io_device_tree_entry_exists_with_name */
6215 is_io_device_tree_entry_exists_with_name(
6216 mach_port_t master_port
6220 OSCollectionIterator
6222 if (master_port
!= master_device_port
) {
6223 return kIOReturnNotPrivileged
6226 iter
= IODTFindMatchingEntries(IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot(), kIODTRecursive
, name
6227 *exists
= iter
&& iter
6228 OSSafeReleaseNULL(iter
6230 return kIOReturnSuccess
6235 IOUserClient::externalMethod( uint32_t selector
, IOExternalMethodArguments
* args
6236 IOExternalMethodDispatch
* dispatch
, OSObject
* target
, void * reference
6240 IOByteCount structureOutputSize
6244 count
= dispatch
6245 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= count
) && (count
!= args
)) {
6246 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6249 count
= dispatch
6250 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= count
6251 && (count
!= ((args
6252 ? args
->getLength() : args
))) {
6253 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6256 count
= dispatch
6257 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= count
) && (count
!= args
)) {
6258 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6261 count
= dispatch
6262 if ((kIOUCVariableStructureSize
!= count
6263 && (count
!= ((args
6264 ? args
->getLength() : args
))) {
6265 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6268 if (dispatch
) {
6269 err
= (*dispatch
, reference
, args
6271 err
= kIOReturnNoCompletion
; /* implementator can dispatch */
6277 // pre-Leopard API's don't do ool structs
6278 if (args
|| args
) {
6279 err
= kIOReturnIPCError
6283 structureOutputSize
= args
6285 if (args
) {
6286 IOExternalAsyncMethod
* method
6288 if (!(method
= getAsyncTargetAndMethodForIndex(&object
, selector
)) || !object
) {
6289 return kIOReturnUnsupported
6292 if (kIOUCForegroundOnly
& method
) {
6293 if (task_is_gpu_denied(current_task())) {
6294 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
6298 switch (method
& kIOUCTypeMask
) {
6299 case kIOUCScalarIStructI
6300 err
= shim_io_async_method_scalarI_structureI( method
, object
6301 args
, args
, args
6302 args
, args
6303 (char *)args
, args
6306 case kIOUCScalarIScalarO
6307 err
= shim_io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( method
, object
6308 args
, args
, args
6309 args
, args
6310 args
, &args
6313 case kIOUCScalarIStructO
6314 err
= shim_io_async_method_scalarI_structureO( method
, object
6315 args
, args
, args
6316 args
, args
6317 (char *) args
, &args
6321 case kIOUCStructIStructO
6322 err
= shim_io_async_method_structureI_structureO( method
, object
6323 args
, args
, args
6324 (char *)args
, args
6325 (char *) args
, &args
6329 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6333 IOExternalMethod
* method
6335 if (!(method
= getTargetAndMethodForIndex(&object
, selector
)) || !object
) {
6336 return kIOReturnUnsupported
6339 if (kIOUCForegroundOnly
& method
) {
6340 if (task_is_gpu_denied(current_task())) {
6341 return kIOReturnNotPermitted
6345 switch (method
& kIOUCTypeMask
) {
6346 case kIOUCScalarIStructI
6347 err
= shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI( method
, object
6348 args
, args
6349 (char *) args
, args
6352 case kIOUCScalarIScalarO
6353 err
= shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( method
, object
6354 args
, args
6355 args
, &args
6358 case kIOUCScalarIStructO
6359 err
= shim_io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO( method
, object
6360 args
, args
6361 (char *) args
, &structureOutputSize
6365 case kIOUCStructIStructO
6366 err
= shim_io_connect_method_structureI_structureO( method
, object
6367 (char *) args
, args
6368 (char *) args
, &structureOutputSize
6372 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6377 if (structureOutputSize
) {
6378 structureOutputSize
= 0;
6379 err
= kIOReturnBadArgument
6382 args
= ((typeof(args
6388 IOUserClient::registerFilterCallbacks(const struct io_filter_callbacks
, size_t size
6390 if (size
< sizeof(*callbacks
)) {
6391 return kIOReturnBadArgument
6393 if (!OSCompareAndSwapPtr(NULL
, __DECONST(void *, callbacks
), &gIOUCFilterCallbacks
)) {
6394 return kIOReturnBusy
6396 return kIOReturnSuccess
6400 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 0);
6401 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 1);
6403 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUserClient
, 0);
6404 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOUserClient
, 1);
6406 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 2);
6407 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 3);
6408 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 4);
6409 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 5);
6410 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 6);
6411 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 7);
6412 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 8);
6413 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 9);
6414 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 10);
6415 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 11);
6416 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 12);
6417 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 13);
6418 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 14);
6419 OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOUserClient
, 15);