2 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
31 typedef struct ATAIdentify
33 UInt16 generalConfiguration
34 UInt16 logicalCylinders
38 UInt16 logicalSectorsPerTrack
40 char serialNumber
42 char firmwareRevision
44 UInt16 multipleModeSectors
51 UInt16 currentLogicalCylinders
52 UInt16 currentLogicalHeads
53 UInt16 currentLogicalSectorsPerTrack
54 UInt16 currentAddressableSectors
55 UInt16 currentMultipleModeSectors
56 UInt16 userAddressableSectors
59 UInt16 advancedPIOModes
60 UInt16 minDMACycleTime
61 UInt16 recDMACycleTime
62 UInt16 minPIOCycleTimeNoIORDY
63 UInt16 minPIOCyclcTimeIORDY
65 UInt16 busReleaseLatency
66 UInt16 serviceLatency
69 UInt16 reserved_10
72 UInt16 commandSetsSupported1
73 UInt16 commandSetsSupported2
74 UInt16 commandSetsSupported3
75 UInt16 commandSetsEnabled1
76 UInt16 commandSetsEnabled2
77 UInt16 commandSetsDefault
79 UInt16 securityEraseTime
80 UInt16 securityEnhancedEraseTime
81 UInt16 currentAdvPowerMgtValue
82 UInt16 reserved_11
83 UInt16 removableMediaSupported
84 UInt16 securityStatus
85 UInt16 reserved_12
90 typedef struct ATAPIInquiry
92 unsigned char devType
; /* 0 Device type, */
93 unsigned char devTypeMod
; /* 1 Device type modifier */
94 unsigned char version
; /* 2 ISO/ECMA/ANSI version */
95 unsigned char format
; /* 3 Response data format */
96 unsigned char length
; /* 4 Additional Length */
97 unsigned char reserved5
; /* 5 Reserved */
98 unsigned char reserved6
; /* 6 Reserved */
99 unsigned char flags
; /* 7 Capability flags */
100 unsigned char vendorName
[8]; /* 8-15 Vendor-specific */
101 unsigned char productName
[16]; /* 16-31 Product id */
102 unsigned char productRevision
[4]; /* 32-35 Product revision */
103 unsigned char vendorSpecific
[20]; /* 36-55 Vendor stuff */
104 unsigned char moreReserved
[40]; /* 56-95 Reserved */
108 * These are device type qualifiers. We need them to distinguish between "unknown"
109 * and "missing" devices.
113 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierConnected
= 0x00, /* Exists and is connected */
114 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierNotConnected
= 0x20, /* Logical unit exists */
115 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierReserved
= 0x40,
116 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierMissing
= 0x60, /* No such logical unit */
117 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierVendorSpecific
= 0x80, /* Non-standardized */
118 kATAPIDevTypeQualifierMask
= 0xE0,
123 kATAPIDevCapRelAdr
= 0x80,
124 kATAPIDevCapWBus32
= 0x40,
125 kATAPIDevCapWBus16
= 0x20,
126 kATAPIDevCapSync
= 0x10,
127 kATAPIDevCapLinked
= 0x08,
128 kATAPIDevCapCmdQue
= 0x02,
129 kATAPIDevCapSftRe
= 0x01,
132 typedef struct ATAPISenseData
134 unsigned char errorCode
; /* 0 Result validity */
135 unsigned char segmentNumber
; /* 1 Segment number */
136 unsigned char senseKey
; /* 2 Sense code, flags */
137 unsigned char info
[4]; /* 3-6 Sense-key specific */
138 unsigned char additionalSenseLength
; /* 7 Sense length info */
139 unsigned char reservedForCopy
[4]; /* 8-11 Sense-key specific */
140 unsigned char additionalSenseCode
; /* 12 What kind of error */
141 unsigned char additionalSenseQualifier
; /* 13 More error info */
142 unsigned char fruCode
; /* 14 Field replacable */
143 unsigned char senseKeySpecific
[2]; /* 15-16 Additional info */
144 unsigned char additional
[101]; /* 17-26 Additional info */
148 * The high-bit of errorCode signals whether there is a logical
149 * block. The low value signals whether there is a valid sense
153 kATAPISenseHasLBN
= 0x80, /* Logical block number set */
154 kATAPISenseInfoValid
= 0x70, /* Is sense key valid? */
155 kATAPISenseInfoMask
= 0x70, /* Mask for sense info */
156 kATAPISenseCurrentErr
= 0x70, /* Error code (byte 0 & 0x7F */
157 kATAPISenseDeferredErr
= 0x71, /* Error code (byte 0 & 0x7F */
161 * These bits may be set in the sense key
163 enum ATAPISenseKeyMasks
165 kATAPISenseKeyMask
= 0x0F,
166 kATAPISenseILI
= 0x20, /* Illegal logical Length */
167 kATAPISenseEOM
= 0x40, /* End of media */
168 kATAPISenseFileMark
= 0x80, /* End of file mark */
171 * ATA sense codes. (Returned after request sense).
175 kATAPISenseNone
= 0x00, /* No error */
176 kATAPISenseRecoveredErr
= 0x01, /* Warning */
177 kATAPISenseNotReady
= 0x02, /* Device not ready */
178 kATAPISenseMediumErr
= 0x03, /* Device medium error */
179 kATAPISenseHardwareErr
= 0x04, /* Device hardware error */
180 kATAPISenseIllegalReq
= 0x05, /* Illegal request for dev. */
181 kATAPISenseUnitAtn
= 0x06, /* Unit attention (not err) */
182 kATAPISenseDataProtect
= 0x07, /* Data protection */
183 kATAPISenseBlankCheck
= 0x08, /* Tape-specific error */
184 kATAPISenseVendorSpecific
= 0x09, /* Vendor-specific error */
185 kATAPISenseCopyAborted
= 0x0a, /* Copy request cancelled */
186 kATAPISenseAbortedCmd
= 0x0b, /* Initiator aborted cmd. */
187 kATAPISenseEqual
= 0x0c, /* Comparison equal */
188 kATAPISenseVolumeOverflow
= 0x0d, /* Write past end mark */
189 kATAPISenseMiscompare
= 0x0e, /* Comparison failed */
194 kATAPIStatusGood
= 0x00,
195 kATAPIStatusCheckCondition
= 0x02,
196 kATAPIStatusConditionMet
= 0x04,
197 kATAPIStatusBusy
= 0x08,
198 kATAPIStatusIntermediate
= 0x10,
199 kATAPIStatusIntermediateMet
= 0x0a,
200 kATAPIStatusReservationConfict
= 0x18,
201 kATAPIStatusCommandTerminated
= 0x22,
202 kATAPIStatusQueueFull
= 0x28,
208 kATAPIDevTypeDirect
= 0, /* Hard disk (not CD-ROM) */
209 kATAPIDevTypeSequential
, /* Magtape or DAT */
210 kATAPIDevTypePrinter
, /* Printer */
211 kATAPIDevTypeProcessor
, /* Attached processor */
212 kATAPIDevTypeWorm
, /* Write-once, read multiple */
, /* CD-ROM */
214 kATAPIDevTypeScanner
, /* Scanner */
215 kATAPIDevTypeOptical
, /* Optical disk */
216 kATAPIDevTypeChanger
, /* Jukebox */
217 kATAPIDevTypeComm
, /* Communication link */
218 kATAPIDevTypeGraphicArts0A
219 kATAPIDevTypeGraphicArts0B
220 kATAPIDevTypeFirstReserved
, /* Reserved sequence start */
221 kATAPIDevTypeUnknownOrMissing
= 0x1F,
222 kATAPIDevTypeMask
= 0x1F,
227 * ATA command codes. Commands defined as ...6, ...10, ...12, are
228 * six-byte, ten-byte, and twelve-byte variants of the indicated command.
232 * These commands are supported for all devices.
236 kATAPICmdChangeDefinition
= 0x40,
237 kATAPICmdCompare
= 0x39,
238 kATAPICmdCopy
= 0x18,
239 kATAPICmdCopyAndVerify
= 0x3a,
240 kATAPICmdInquiry
= 0x12,
241 kATAPICmdLogSelect
= 0x4c,
242 kATAPICmdLogSense
= 0x4d,
243 kATAPICmdModeSelect12
= 0x55,
244 kATAPICmdModeSelect6
= 0x15,
245 kATAPICmdModeSense12
= 0x5a,
246 kATAPICmdModeSense6
= 0x1a,
247 kATAPICmdReadBuffer
= 0x3c,
248 kATAPICmdRecvDiagResult
= 0x1c,
249 kATAPICmdRequestSense
= 0x03,
250 kATAPICmdSendDiagnostic
= 0x1d,
251 kATAPICmdTestUnitReady
= 0x00,
252 kATAPICmdWriteBuffer
= 0x3b,
255 * These commands are supported by direct-access devices only.
257 kATAPICmdFormatUnit
= 0x04,
258 kATAPICmdLockUnlockCache
= 0x36,
259 kATAPICmdPrefetch
= 0x34,
260 kATAPICmdPreventAllowRemoval
= 0x1e,
261 kATAPICmdRead6
= 0x08,
262 kATAPICmdRead10
= 0x28,
263 kATAPICmdReadCapacity
= 0x25,
264 kATAPICmdReadDefectData
= 0x37,
265 kATAPICmdReadLong
= 0x3e,
266 kATAPICmdReassignBlocks
= 0x07,
267 kATAPICmdRelease
= 0x17,
268 kATAPICmdReserve
= 0x16,
269 kATAPICmdRezeroUnit
= 0x01,
270 kATAPICmdSearchDataEql
= 0x31,
271 kATAPICmdSearchDataHigh
= 0x30,
272 kATAPICmdSearchDataLow
= 0x32,
273 kATAPICmdSeek6
= 0x0b,
274 kATAPICmdSeek10
= 0x2b,
275 kATAPICmdSetLimits
= 0x33,
276 kATAPICmdStartStopUnit
= 0x1b,
277 kATAPICmdSynchronizeCache
= 0x35,
278 kATAPICmdVerify
= 0x2f,
279 kATAPICmdWrite6
= 0x0a,
280 kATAPICmdWrite10
= 0x2a,
281 kATAPICmdWriteAndVerify
= 0x2e,
282 kATAPICmdWriteLong
= 0x3f,
283 kATAPICmdWriteSame
= 0x41,
286 * These commands are supported by sequential devices.
288 kATAPICmdRewind
= 0x01,
289 kATAPICmdWriteFilemarks
= 0x10,
290 kATAPICmdSpace
= 0x11,
291 kATAPICmdLoadUnload
= 0x1B,
293 * ANSI ATA-II for CD-ROM devices.
295 kATAPICmdReadCDTableOfContents
= 0x43,
302 * ATA Register ordinals
305 kATARegFeatures
= 0x01,
306 kATARegSectorCount
= 0x02,
307 kATARegSectorNumber
= 0x03,
308 kATARegCylinderLow
= 0x04,
309 kATARegCylinderHigh
= 0x05,
310 kATARegDriveHead
= 0x06,
311 kATARegCommand
= 0x07,
314 kATARegStatus
= 0x07,
316 kATARegDeviceControl
= 0x08,
318 kATARegAltStatus
= 0x08,
321 * ATAPI Register ordinals
323 kATARegATAPIData
= 0x00,
324 kATARegATAPIFeatures
= 0x01,
325 kATARegATAPIIntReason
= 0x02,
326 kATARegATAPIByteCountLow
= 0x04,
327 kATARegATAPIByteCountHigh
= 0x05,
328 kATARegATAPIDeviceSelect
= 0x06,
329 kATARegATAPICommand
= 0x07,
331 kATARegATAPIError
= 0x01,
332 kATARegATAPIStatus
= 0x07,
334 kATARegATAPIDeviceControl
= 0x08,
336 kATARegATAPIAlternateStatus
= 0x08,
341 enum ATASectorCountQDMA
349 kATAPIIntReasonCD
= 0x01,
350 kATAPIIntReasonIO
= 0x02,
351 kATAPIIntReasonREL
= 0x04,
352 kATAPIIntReasonTagBit
= 0x08,
353 kATAPIIntReasonTagMask
= 0xf8,
361 kATACommandSetFeatures
= 0xef,
363 kATACommandIdentify
= 0xec,
365 kATACommandReadSector
= 0x20,
367 kATACommandService
= 0xa2,
369 kATACommandATAPIReset
= 0x08,
370 kATACommandATAPIPacket
= 0xa0,
371 kATACommandATAPIIdentify
= 0xa1,
376 kATAFeatureTransferMode
= 0x03,
377 kATATransferModePIODefault
= 0x00, // SectorCount settings (or'd w/Mode)
378 kATATransferModePIOwFC
= 0x08,
379 kATATransferModeDMA
= 0x20,
380 kATATransferModeUltraDMA33
= 0x40,
381 kATATransferModeMask
= 0x07,
387 kATAStatusERR
= 0x01,
388 kATAStatusIDX
= 0x02,
389 kATAStatusECC
= 0x04,
390 kATAStatusDRQ
= 0x08,
393 kATAStatusDRDY
= 0x40,
394 kATAStatusBSY
= 0x80,
396 kATAStatusSERV
= 0x10,
397 kATAStatusREL
= 0x20,
399 kATAPIStatusCHK
= 0x01,
400 kATAPIStatusDRQ
= 0x08,
401 kATAPIStatusSERV
= 0x10,
402 kATAPIStatusDMRD
= 0x20,
403 kATAPIStatusDRDY
= 0x40,
404 kATAPIStatusBSY
= 0x80,
410 kATAErrorABRT
= 0x04,
412 kATAErrorIDNF
= 0x10,
416 kATAPIErrorILI
= 0x01,
417 kATAPIErrorEOM
= 0x02,
= 0x04,
419 kATAPIErrorSenseKeyBit
= 0x10,
420 kATAPIErrorSenseKeyMask
= 0xf0,
423 enum ATADeviceControl
425 kATADevControlnIEN
= 0x02,
426 kATADevControlSRST
= 0x04,
431 kATASignatureSectorCount
= 0x01,
432 kATASignatureSectorNumber
= 0x01,
433 kATASignatureCylinderLow
= 0x00,
434 kATASignatureCylinderHigh
= 0x00,
436 kATAPISignatureCylinderLow
= 0x14,
437 kATAPISignatureCylinderHigh
= 0xeb,