]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/xnu.git/blob - libkern/libkern/c++/OSDictionary.h
[apple/xnu.git] / libkern / libkern / c++ / OSDictionary.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 /*
29 * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
30 *
32 *
33 * OSDictionary.h created by rsulack on Wed 17-Sep-1997
34 * OSDictionary.h converted to C++ by gvdl on Fri 1998-10-30
35 */
40 #include <libkern/c++/OSCollection.h>
42 class OSArray;
43 class OSSymbol;
44 class OSString;
46 /*!
47 * @header
48 *
49 * @abstract
50 * This header declares the OSDictionary collection class.
51 */
54 /*!
55 * @class OSDictionary
56 *
57 * @abstract
58 * OSDictionary provides an associative store using strings for keys.
59 *
60 * @discussion
61 * OSDictionary is a container for Libkern C++ objects
62 * (those derived from
63 * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/OSMetaClassBase OSMetaClassBase@/link,
64 * in particular @link //apple_ref/doc/class/OSObject OSObject@/link).
65 * Storage and access are associative, based on string-valued keys
66 * (C string, @link //apple_ref/cpp/cl/OSString OSString@/link,
67 * or @link //apple_ref/cpp/cl/OSSymbol OSSymbol@/link).
68 * When adding an object to an OSDictionary, you provide a string identifier,
69 * which can then used to retrieve that object or remove it from the dictionary.
70 * Setting an object with a key that already has an associated object
71 * replaces the original object.
72 *
73 * You must generally cast retrieved objects from
74 * @link //apple_ref/cpp/cl/OSObject OSObject@/link
75 * to the desired class using
76 * <code>@link //apple_ref/cpp/macro/OSDynamicCast OSDynamicCast@/link</code>.
77 * This macro returns the object cast to the desired class,
78 * or <code>NULL</code> if the object isn't derived from that class.
79 *
80 * When iterating an OSDictionary using
81 * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/OSCollectionIterator OSCollectionIterator@/link,
82 * the objects returned from
83 * <code>@link //apple_ref/doc/function/OSCollectionIterator::getNextObject
84 * getNextObject@/link</code>
85 * are dictionary keys (not the object values for those keys).
86 * You can use the keys to retrieve their associated object values.
87 *
88 * As with all Libkern collection classes,
89 * OSDictionary retains keys and objects added to it,
90 * and releases keys and objects removed from it (or replaced).
91 * An OSDictionary also grows as necessary to accommodate new key/value pairs,
92 * <i>unlike</i> Core Foundation collections (it does not, however, shrink).
93 *
94 * <b>Note:</b> OSDictionary currently uses a linear search algorithm,
95 * and is not designed for high-performance access of many values.
96 * It is intended as a simple associative-storage mechanism only.
97 *
98 * <b>Use Restrictions</b>
99 *
100 * With very few exceptions in the I/O Kit, all Libkern-based C++
101 * classes, functions, and macros are <b>unsafe</b>
102 * to use in a primary interrupt context.
103 * Consult the I/O Kit documentation related to primary interrupts
104 * for more information.
105 *
106 * OSDictionary provides no concurrency protection;
107 * it's up to the usage context to provide any protection necessary.
108 * Some portions of the I/O Kit, such as
109 * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/IORegistryEntry IORegistryEntry@/link,
110 * handle synchronization via defined member functions for setting
111 * properties.
112 */
113 class OSDictionary : public OSCollection
114 {
115 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(OSDictionary)
116 friend class OSSerialize;
118 protected:
119 struct dictEntry {
120 const OSSymbol * key;
121 const OSMetaClassBase * value;
122 };
123 dictEntry * dictionary;
124 unsigned int count;
125 unsigned int capacity;
126 unsigned int capacityIncrement;
128 struct ExpansionData { };
130 /* Reserved for future use. (Internal use only) */
131 ExpansionData * reserved;
133 // Member functions used by the OSCollectionIterator class.
134 virtual unsigned int iteratorSize() const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
135 virtual bool initIterator(void * iterator) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
136 virtual bool getNextObjectForIterator(void * iterator, OSObject ** ret) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
138 public:
140 /*!
141 * @function withCapacity
142 *
143 * @abstract
144 * Creates and initializes an empty OSDictionary.
145 *
146 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
147 *
148 * @result
149 * An empty instance of OSDictionary
150 * with a retain count of 1;
151 * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
152 *
153 * @discussion
154 * <code>capacity</code> must be nonzero.
155 * The new dictionary will grow as needed to accommodate more key/object pairs
156 * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
157 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
158 */
159 static OSDictionary * withCapacity(unsigned int capacity);
162 /*!
163 * @function withObjects
164 *
165 * @abstract Creates and initializes an OSDictionary
166 * populated with keys and objects provided.
167 *
168 * @param objects A C array of OSMetaClassBase-derived objects.
169 * @param keys A C array of OSSymbol keys
170 * for the corresponding objects in <code>objects</code>.
171 * @param count The number of keys and objects
172 * to be placed into the dictionary.
173 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
174 * If 0, <code>count</code> is used; otherwise this value
175 * must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
176 *
177 * @result
178 * An instance of OSDictionary
179 * containing the key/object pairs provided,
180 * with a retain count of 1;
181 * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
182 *
183 * @discussion
184 * <code>objects</code> and <code>keys</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>,
185 * and <code>count</code> must be nonzero.
186 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero,
187 * it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
188 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
189 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
190 * (<i>unlike</i>
191 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
192 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
193 */
194 static OSDictionary * withObjects(
195 const OSObject * objects[],
196 const OSSymbol * keys[],
197 unsigned int count,
198 unsigned int capacity = 0);
200 /*!
201 * @function withObjects
202 *
203 * @abstract
204 * Creates and initializes an OSDictionary
205 * populated with keys and objects provided.
206 *
207 * @param objects A C array of OSMetaClassBase-derived objects.
208 * @param keys A C array of OSString keys for the corresponding objects
209 * in <code>objects</code>.
210 * @param count The number of keys and objects
211 * to be placed into the dictionary.
212 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
213 * If 0, <code>count</code> is used; otherwise this value
214 * must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
215 *
216 * @result
217 * An instance of OSDictionary
218 * containing the key/object pairs provided,
219 * with a retain count of 1;
220 * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
221 *
222 * @discussion
223 * <code>objects</code> and <code>keys</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>,
224 * and <code>count</code> must be nonzero.
225 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero, it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
226 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
227 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
228 * (<i>unlike</i>
229 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
230 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
231 */
232 static OSDictionary * withObjects(
233 const OSObject * objects[],
234 const OSString * keys[],
235 unsigned int count,
236 unsigned int capacity = 0);
239 /*!
240 * @function withDictionary
241 *
242 * @abstract
243 * Creates and initializes an OSDictionary
244 * populated with the contents of another dictionary.
245 *
246 * @param dict A dictionary whose contents will be stored
247 * in the new instance.
248 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
249 * If 0, the capacity is set to the number of key/value pairs
250 * in <code>dict</code>;
251 * otherwise <code>capacity</code> must be greater than or equal to
252 * the number of key/value pairs in <code>dict</code>.
253 *
254 * @result
255 * An instance of OSDictionary
256 * containing the key/value pairs of <code>dict</code>,
257 * with a retain count of 1;
258 * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
259 *
260 * @discussion
261 * <code>dict</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>.
262 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero, it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
263 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
264 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
265 * (<i>unlike</i>
266 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
267 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
268 *
269 * The keys and objects in <code>dict</code> are retained for storage
270 * in the new OSDictionary,
271 * not copied.
272 */
273 static OSDictionary * withDictionary(
274 const OSDictionary * dict,
275 unsigned int capacity = 0);
278 /*!
279 * @function initWithCapacity
280 *
281 * @abstract
282 * Initializes a new instance of OSDictionary.
283 *
284 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
285 * @result
286 * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
287 *
288 * @discussion
289 * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
290 * <code>@link //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSDictionary/withCapacity/staticOSDictionary*\/(unsignedint)
291 * withCapacity@/link</code>
292 * instead.
293 *
294 * <code>capacity</code> must be nonzero.
295 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
296 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
297 * (<i>unlike</i>
298 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
299 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
300 */
301 virtual bool initWithCapacity(unsigned int capacity);
304 /*!
305 * @function initWithObjects
306 *
307 * @abstract Initializes a new OSDictionary with keys and objects provided.
308 *
309 * @param objects A C array of OSMetaClassBase-derived objects.
310 * @param keys A C array of OSSymbol keys
311 * for the corresponding objects in <code>objects</code>.
312 * @param count The number of keys and objects to be placed
313 * into the dictionary.
314 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
315 * If 0, <code>count</code> is used; otherwise this value
316 * must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
317 *
318 * @result
319 * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
320 *
321 * @discussion
322 * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
323 * <code>@link
324 * //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSDictionary/withObjects/staticOSDictionary*\/(constOSObject*,constOSString*,unsignedint,unsignedint)
325 * withObjects@/link</code>
326 * instead.
327 *
328 * <code>objects</code> and <code>keys</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>,
329 * and <code>count</code> must be nonzero.
330 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero,
331 * it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
332 * The new dictionary will grow as neede
333 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
334 * (<i>unlike</i>
335 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
336 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
337 */
338 virtual bool initWithObjects(
339 const OSObject * objects[],
340 const OSSymbol * keys[],
341 unsigned int count,
342 unsigned int capacity = 0);
345 /*!
346 * @function initWithObjects
347 *
348 * @abstract
349 * Initializes a new OSDictionary with keys and objects provided.
350 *
351 * @param objects A C array of OSMetaClassBase-derived objects.
352 * @param keys A C array of OSString keys
353 * for the corresponding objects in <code>objects</code>.
354 * @param count The number of keys and objects
355 * to be placed into the dictionary.
356 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
357 * If 0, <code>count</code> is used; otherwise this value
358 * must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
359 *
360 * @result
361 * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
362 *
363 * @discussion
364 * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
365 * <code>@link
366 * //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSDictionary/withObjects/staticOSDictionary*\/(constOSObject*,constOSString*,unsignedint,unsignedint)
367 * withObjects@/link</code>
368 * instead.
369 *
370 * <code>objects</code> and <code>keys</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>,
371 * and <code>count</code> must be nonzero.
372 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero, it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
373 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
374 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
375 * (<i>unlike</i>
376 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
377 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
378 */
379 virtual bool initWithObjects(
380 const OSObject * objects[],
381 const OSString * keys[],
382 unsigned int count,
383 unsigned int capacity = 0);
386 /*!
387 * @function initWithDictionary
388 *
389 * @abstract
390 * Initializes a new OSDictionary
391 * with the contents of another dictionary.
392 *
393 * @param dict A dictionary whose contents will be placed
394 * in the new instance.
395 * @param capacity The initial storage capacity of the new dictionary object.
396 * If 0, the capacity is set to the number of key/value pairs
397 * in <code>dict</code>;
398 * otherwise <code>capacity</code> must be greater than or equal to
399 * the number of key/value pairs in <code>dict</code>.
400 *
401 * @result
402 * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
403 *
404 * @discussion
405 * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
406 * <code>@link withDictionary withDictionary@/link</code> instead.
407 *
408 * <code>dict</code> must be non-<code>NULL</code>.
409 * If <code>capacity</code> is nonzero,
410 * it must be greater than or equal to <code>count</code>.
411 * The new dictionary will grow as needed
412 * to accommodate more key/object pairs
413 * (<i>unlike</i>
414 * @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001497 CFMutableDictionary@/link,
415 * for which the initial capacity is a hard limit).
416 *
417 * The keys and objects in <code>dict</code> are retained for storage
418 * in the new OSDictionary,
419 * not copied.
420 */
421 virtual bool initWithDictionary(
422 const OSDictionary * dict,
423 unsigned int capacity = 0);
426 /*!
427 * @function free
428 *
429 * @abstract
430 * Deallocates or releases any resources
431 * used by the OSDictionary instance.
432 *
433 * @discussion
434 * This function should not be called directly,
435 * use
436 * <code>@link
437 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSObject/release/virtualvoid/()
438 * release@/link</code>
439 * instead.
440 */
441 virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
444 /*!
445 * @function getCount
446 *
447 * @abstract
448 * Returns the current number of key/object pairs
449 * contained within the dictionary.
450 *
451 * @result
452 * The current number of key/object pairs
453 * contained within the dictionary.
454 */
455 virtual unsigned int getCount() const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
458 /*!
459 * @function getCapacity
460 *
461 * @abstract
462 * Returns the number of objects the dictionary can store without reallocating.
463 *
464 * @result
465 * The number objects the dictionary can store without reallocating.
466 *
467 * @discussion
468 * OSDictionary objects grow when full
469 * to accommodate additional key/object pairs.
470 * See
471 * <code>@link
472 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSDictionary/getCapacityIncrement/virtualunsignedint/()
473 * getCapacityIncrement@/link</code>
474 * and
475 * <code>@link
476 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSDictionary/ensureCapacity/virtualunsignedint/(unsignedint)
477 * ensureCapacity@/link</code>.
478 */
479 virtual unsigned int getCapacity() const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
482 /*!
483 * @function getCapacityIncrement
484 *
485 * @abstract
486 * Returns the storage increment of the dictionary.
487 *
488 * @result
489 * The storage increment of the dictionary.
490 *
491 * @discussion
492 * An OSDictionary allocates storage for key/object pairs in multiples
493 * of the capacity increment.
494 */
495 virtual unsigned int getCapacityIncrement() const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
498 /*!
499 * @function setCapacityIncrement
500 *
501 * @abstract
502 * Sets the storage increment of the dictionary.
503 *
504 * @result
505 * The new storage increment of the dictionary,
506 * which may be different from the number requested.
507 *
508 * @discussion
509 * An OSDictionary allocates storage for key/object pairs in multiples
510 * of the capacity increment.
511 * Calling this function does not immediately reallocate storage.
512 */
513 virtual unsigned int setCapacityIncrement(unsigned increment) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
516 /*!
517 * @function ensureCapacity
518 *
519 * @abstract
520 * Ensures the dictionary has enough space
521 * to store the requested number of key/object pairs.
522 *
523 * @param newCapacity The total number of key/object pairs the dictionary
524 * should be able to store.
525 *
526 * @result
527 * The new capacity of the dictionary,
528 * which may be different from the number requested
529 * (if smaller, reallocation of storage failed).
530 *
531 * @discussion
532 * This function immediately resizes the dictionary, if necessary,
533 * to accommodate at least <code>newCapacity</code> key/object pairs.
534 * If <code>newCapacity</code> is not greater than the current capacity,
535 * or if an allocation error occurs, the original capacity is returned.
536 *
537 * There is no way to reduce the capacity of an OSDictionary.
538 */
539 virtual unsigned int ensureCapacity(unsigned int newCapacity) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
542 /*!
543 * @function flushCollection
544 *
545 * @abstract
546 * Removes and releases all keys and objects within the dictionary.
547 *
548 * @discussion
549 * The dictionary's capacity (and therefore direct memory consumption)
550 * is not reduced by this function.
551 */
552 virtual void flushCollection() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
555 /*!
556 * @function setObject
557 *
558 * @abstract
559 * Stores an object in the dictionary under a key.
560 *
561 * @param aKey An OSSymbol identifying the object
562 * placed within the dictionary.
563 * It is automatically retained.
564 * @param anObject The object to be stored in the dictionary.
565 * It is automatically retained.
566 *
567 * @result
568 * <code>true</code> if the addition was successful,
569 * <code>false</code> otherwise.
570 *
571 * @discussion
572 * An object already stored under <code>aKey</code> is released.
573 */
574 virtual bool setObject(
575 const OSSymbol * aKey,
576 const OSMetaClassBase * anObject);
579 /*!
580 * @function setObject
581 *
582 * @abstract Stores an object in the dictionary under a key.
583 *
584 * @param aKey An OSString identifying the object
585 * placed within the dictionary.
586 * @param anObject The object to be stored in the dictionary.
587 * It is automatically retained.
588 *
589 * @result
590 * <code>true</code> if the addition was successful,
591 * <code>false</code> otherwise.
592 *
593 * @discussion
594 * An OSSymbol for <code>aKey</code> is created internally.
595 * An object already stored under <code>aKey</code> is released.
596 */
597 virtual bool setObject(
598 const OSString * aKey,
599 const OSMetaClassBase * anObject);
602 /*!
603 * @function setObject
604 *
605 * @abstract
606 * Stores an object in the dictionary under a key.
607 *
608 * @param aKey A C string identifying the object
609 * placed within the dictionary.
610 * @param anObject The object to be stored in the dictionary.
611 * It is automatically retained.
612 *
613 * @result
614 * <code>true</code> if the addition was successful,
615 * <code>false</code> otherwise.
616 *
617 * @discussion
618 * An OSSymbol for <code>aKey</code> is created internally.
619 * An object already stored under <code>aKey</code> is released.
620 */
621 virtual bool setObject(
622 const char * aKey,
623 const OSMetaClassBase * anObject);
626 /*!
627 * @function removeObject
628 *
629 * @abstract
630 * Removes a key/object pair from the dictionary.
631 *
632 * @param aKey An OSSymbol identifying the object
633 * to be removed from the dictionary.
634 *
635 * @discussion
636 * The removed key (not necessarily <code>aKey</code> itself)
637 * and object are automatically released.
638 */
639 virtual void removeObject(const OSSymbol * aKey);
642 /*!
643 * @function removeObject
644 *
645 * @abstract
646 * Removes a key/object pair from the dictionary.
647 *
648 * @param aKey A OSString identifying the object
649 * to be removed from the dictionary.
650 *
651 * @discussion
652 * The removed key (not necessarily <code>aKey</code> itself)
653 * and object are automatically released.
654 */
655 virtual void removeObject(const OSString * aKey);
658 /*!
659 * @function removeObject
660 *
661 * @abstract
662 * Removes a key/object pair from the dictionary.
663 *
664 * @param aKey A C string identifying the object
665 * to be removed from the dictionary.
666 *
667 * @discussion
668 * The removed key (internally an OSSymbol)
669 * and object are automatically released.
670 */
671 virtual void removeObject(const char * aKey);
674 /*!
675 * @function merge
676 *
677 * @abstract
678 * Merges the contents of a dictionary into the receiver.
679 *
680 * @param aDictionary The dictionary whose contents
681 * are to be merged with the receiver.
682 * @result
683 * <code>true</code> if the merge succeeds, <code>false</code> otherwise.
684 *
685 * @discussion
686 * If there are keys in <code>aDictionary</code> that match keys
687 * in the receiving dictionary,
688 * then the objects in the receiver are replaced
689 * by those from <code>aDictionary</code>,
690 * and the replaced objects are released.
691 */
692 virtual bool merge(const OSDictionary * aDictionary);
695 /*!
696 * @function getObject
697 *
698 * @abstract
699 * Returns the object stored under a given key.
700 *
701 * @param aKey An OSSymbol key identifying the object
702 * to be returned to the caller.
703 *
704 * @result
705 * The object stored under <code>aKey</code>,
706 * or <code>NULL</code> if the key does not exist in the dictionary.
707 *
708 * @discussion
709 * The returned object will be released if removed from the dictionary;
710 * if you plan to store the reference, you should call
711 * <code>@link
712 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSObject/retain/virtualvoid/()
713 * retain@/link</code>
714 * on that object.
715 */
716 virtual OSObject * getObject(const OSSymbol * aKey) const;
719 /*!
720 * @function getObject
721 *
722 * @abstract Returns the object stored under a given key.
723 *
724 * @param aKey An OSString key identifying the object
725 * to be returned to caller.
726 *
727 * @result
728 * The object stored under <code>aKey</code>,
729 * or <code>NULL</code> if the key does not exist in the dictionary.
730 *
731 * @discussion
732 * The returned object will be released if removed from the dictionary;
733 * if you plan to store the reference, you should call
734 * <code>@link
735 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSObject/retain/virtualvoid/()
736 * retain@/link</code>
737 * on that object.
738 */
739 virtual OSObject * getObject(const OSString * aKey) const;
742 /*!
743 * @function getObject
744 *
745 * @abstract
746 * Returns the object stored under a given key.
747 *
748 * @param aKey A C string key identifying the object
749 * to be returned to caller.
750 *
751 * @result
752 * The object stored under <code>aKey</code>,
753 * or <code>NULL</code> if the key does not exist in the dictionary.
754 *
755 * @discussion
756 * The returned object will be released if removed from the dictionary;
757 * if you plan to store the reference, you should call
758 * <code>@link
759 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSObject/retain/virtualvoid/()
760 * retain@/link</code>
761 * on that object.
762 */
763 virtual OSObject * getObject(const char * aKey) const;
766 /*!
767 * @function isEqualTo
768 *
769 * @abstract Tests the equality of two OSDictionary objects
770 * over a subset of keys.
771 *
772 * @param aDictionary The dictionary to be compared against the receiver.
773 * @param keys An OSArray or OSDictionary containing the keys
774 * (as @link //apple_ref/cpp/cl/OSString OSStrings@/link or
775 * @link //apple_ref/cpp/cl/OSSymbol OSSymbols@/link)
776 * describing the intersection for the comparison.
777 *
778 * @result
779 * <code>true</code> if the intersections
780 * of the two dictionaries are equal.
781 *
782 * @discussion
783 * Two OSDictionary objects are considered equal by this function
784 * if both have objects stored for all keys provided,
785 * and if the objects stored in each under
786 * a given key compare as equal using
787 * <code>@link
788 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSMetaClassBase/isEqualTo/virtualbool/(constOSMetaClassBase*)
789 * isEqualTo@/link</code>.
790 */
791 virtual bool isEqualTo(
792 const OSDictionary * aDictionary,
793 const OSCollection * keys) const;
796 /*!
797 * @function isEqualTo
798 *
799 * @abstract Tests the equality of two OSDictionary objects.
800 *
801 * @param aDictionary The dictionary to be compared against the receiver.
802 *
803 * @result
804 * <code>true</code> if the dictionaries are equal,
805 * <code>false</code> if not.
806 *
807 * @discussion
808 * Two OSDictionary objects are considered equal if they have same count,
809 * the same keys, and if the objects stored in each under
810 * a given key compare as equal using
811 * <code>@link
812 * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSMetaClassBase/isEqualTo/virtualbool/(constOSMetaClassBase*)
813 * isEqualTo@/link</code>.
814 */
815 virtual bool isEqualTo(const OSDictionary * aDictionary) const;
818 /*!
819 * @function isEqualTo
820 *
821 * @abstract
822 * Tests the equality of an OSDictionary to an arbitrary object.
823 *
824 * @param anObject An object to be compared against the receiver.
825 *
826 * @result
827 * <code>true</code> if the objects are equal.
828 *
829 * @discussion
830 * An OSDictionary is considered equal to another object
831 * if that object is derived from OSDictionary
832 * and contains the same or equivalent objects.
833 */
834 virtual bool isEqualTo(const OSMetaClassBase * anObject) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
837 /*!
838 * @function serialize
839 *
840 * @abstract
841 * Archives the receiver into the provided
842 * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/OSSerialize OSSerialize@/link object.
843 *
844 * @param serializer The OSSerialize object.
845 *
846 * @result
847 * <code>true</code> if serialization succeeds, <code>false</code> if not.
848 */
849 virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize * serializer) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
852 /*!
853 * @function setOptions
854 *
855 * @abstract
856 * Recursively sets option bits in the dictionary
857 * and all child collections.
858 *
859 * @param options A bitfield whose values turn the options on (1) or off (0).
860 * @param mask A mask indicating which bits
861 * in <code>options</code> to change.
862 * Pass 0 to get the whole current options bitfield
863 * without changing any settings.
864 * @param context Unused.
865 *
866 * @result
867 * The options bitfield as it was before the set operation.
868 *
869 * @discussion
870 * Kernel extensions should not call this function.
871 *
872 * Child collections' options are changed only if the receiving dictionary's
873 * options actually change.
874 */
875 virtual unsigned setOptions(
876 unsigned options,
877 unsigned mask,
878 void * context = 0) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
881 /*!
882 * @function copyCollection
883 *
884 * @abstract
885 * Creates a deep copy of the dictionary
886 * and its child collections.
887 *
888 * @param cycleDict A dictionary of all of the collections
889 * that have been copied so far,
890 * which is used to track circular references.
891 * To start the copy at the top level,
892 * pass <code>NULL</code>.
893 *
894 * @result
895 * The newly copied dictionary, with a retain count of 1,
896 * or <code>NULL</code> if there is insufficient memory to do the copy.
897 *
898 * @discussion
899 * The receiving dictionary, and any collections it contains, recursively,
900 * are copied.
901 * Objects that are not derived from OSCollection are retained
902 * rather than copied.
903 */
904 OSCollection * copyCollection(OSDictionary * cycleDict = 0) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
907 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 0);
908 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 1);
909 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 2);
910 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 3);
911 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 4);
912 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 5);
913 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 6);
914 OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSDictionary, 7);
915 };
917 #endif /* !_IOKIT_IODICTIONARY_H */