37 An OSSymbol object represents a unique string value. When creating an OSSymbol, a string is given and an OSSymbol representing this string is created if none exist for this string. If a symbol for this string already exists, then a reference to an existing symbol is returned.
64 @abstract Overriden super class release method so we can synchronise with the symbol pool.
65 @discussion When we release an symbol we need to synchronise the destruction of the object with any potential searches that may be occuring through the family factor methods. See OSObject::taggedRelease
71 @abstract Overriden super class release method so we can synchronise with the symbol pool.
72 @discussion When we release an symbol we need to synchronise the destruction of the object with any potential searches that may be occuring through the family factor methods. See OSObject::free
80 @discussion The C++ language has forced me to override this method even though I have implemented it as { super::taggedRelease(tag) }. It seems that C++ is confused about the appearance of the protected taggedRelease with 2 args and refuses to only inherit one function. See OSObject::taggedRelease
87 @abstract A static constructor function to create an OSSymbol instance from an OSString object or returns an existing OSSymbol object based on the OSString object given.
94 @abstract A static constructor function to create an OSSymbol instance from a simple c-string returns an existing OSSymbol object based on the string object given.
109 @abstract A member function which tests the equality between two OSSymbol objects. Two OSSymbol objects are only equivalent when their references are identical
110 @param aSymbol The OSSymbol object to be compared against the receiver.
111 @result Returns true if the two objects are equivalent, false otherwise.