Commit | Line | Data |
1 | /* | |
2 | * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. | |
3 | * | |
5 | * | |
6 | * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code | |
7 | * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License | |
8 | * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in | |
9 | * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License | |
10 | * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, | |
11 | * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to | |
12 | * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any | |
13 | * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. | |
14 | * | |
15 | * Please obtain a copy of the License at | |
16 | * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. | |
17 | * | |
18 | * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are | |
19 | * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER | |
23 | * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and | |
24 | * limitations under the License. | |
25 | * | |
27 | */ | |
28 | #ifndef _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H | |
29 | #define _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H | |
30 | ||
31 | #include <IOKit/IOService.h> | |
32 | #include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h> | |
33 | #include "IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMPrivate.h" | |
34 | #include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h> | |
35 | ||
36 | #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE | |
37 | struct AggressivesRecord; | |
38 | struct IOPMMessageFilterContext; | |
39 | struct IOPMActions; | |
40 | class PMSettingObject; | |
41 | class IOPMTimeline; | |
42 | class PMEventDetails; | |
43 | class PMTraceWorker; | |
44 | class IOPMPowerStateQueue; | |
45 | class RootDomainUserClient; | |
46 | class PMAssertionsTracker; | |
47 | #endif | |
48 | ||
49 | /*! | |
50 | * Types for PM Assertions | |
51 | * For creating, releasing, and getting PM assertion levels. | |
52 | */ | |
53 | ||
54 | /*! IOPMDriverAssertionType | |
55 | * A bitfield describing a set of assertions. May be used to specify which assertions | |
56 | * to set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>; or to query which | |
57 | * assertions are set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::releasePMAssertion</link>. | |
58 | */ | |
59 | typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionType; | |
60 | ||
61 | /* IOPMDriverAssertionID | |
62 | * Drivers may create PM assertions to request system behavior (keep the system awake, | |
63 | * or keep the display awake). When a driver creates an assertion via | |
64 | * <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>, PM returns a handle to | |
65 | * the assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID. | |
66 | */ | |
67 | typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionID; | |
68 | #define kIOPMUndefinedDriverAssertionID 0 | |
69 | ||
70 | /* IOPMDriverAssertionLevel | |
71 | * Possible values for IOPMDriverAssertionLevel are <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> | |
72 | * and <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> | |
73 | */ | |
74 | typedef uint32_t IOPMDriverAssertionLevel; | |
75 | #define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff 0 | |
76 | #define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn 255 | |
77 | ||
78 | /* | |
79 | * Flags for get/setSleepSupported() | |
80 | */ | |
81 | enum { | |
82 | kRootDomainSleepNotSupported = 0x00000000, | |
83 | kRootDomainSleepSupported = 0x00000001, | |
84 | kFrameBufferDeepSleepSupported = 0x00000002, | |
85 | kPCICantSleep = 0x00000004 | |
86 | }; | |
87 | ||
88 | /* | |
89 | *IOPMrootDomain registry property keys | |
90 | */ | |
91 | #define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features" | |
92 | #define kRootDomainSleepReasonKey "Last Sleep Reason" | |
93 | #define kRootDomainSleepOptionsKey "Last Sleep Options" | |
94 | #define kIOPMRootDomainWakeReasonKey "Wake Reason" | |
95 | #define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey "Wake Type" | |
96 | #define kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey "Power Status" | |
97 | ||
98 | /* | |
99 | * Possible sleep reasons found under kRootDomainSleepReasonsKey | |
100 | */ | |
101 | #define kIOPMClamshellSleepKey "Clamshell Sleep" | |
102 | #define kIOPMPowerButtonSleepKey "Power Button Sleep" | |
103 | #define kIOPMSoftwareSleepKey "Software Sleep" | |
104 | #define kIOPMOSSwitchHibernationKey "OS Switch Sleep" | |
105 | #define kIOPMIdleSleepKey "Idle Sleep" | |
106 | #define kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey "Low Power Sleep" | |
107 | #define kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey "Thermal Emergency Sleep" | |
108 | #define kIOPMMaintenanceSleepKey "Maintenance Sleep" | |
109 | ||
110 | /* | |
111 | * String constants for communication with PM CPU | |
112 | */ | |
113 | #define kIOPMRootDomainLidCloseCString "LidClose" | |
114 | #define kIOPMRootDomainBatPowerCString "BatPower" | |
115 | ||
116 | /* | |
117 | * Supported Feature bitfields for IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature() | |
118 | */ | |
119 | enum { | |
120 | kIOPMSupportedOnAC = (1<<0), | |
121 | kIOPMSupportedOnBatt = (1<<1), | |
122 | kIOPMSupportedOnUPS = (1<<2) | |
123 | }; | |
124 | ||
125 | typedef IOReturn (*IOPMSettingControllerCallback) | |
126 | (OSObject *target, const OSSymbol *type, | |
127 | OSObject *val, uintptr_t refcon); | |
128 | ||
129 | __BEGIN_DECLS | |
130 | IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest( | |
131 | IOServiceInterestHandler, void *, void * = 0); | |
132 | ||
133 | IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( | |
134 | IOServiceInterestHandler handler, | |
135 | void * self, void * ref = 0); | |
136 | ||
137 | IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * ); | |
138 | ||
139 | IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon); | |
140 | __END_DECLS | |
141 | ||
142 | #define IOPM_ROOTDOMAIN_REV 2 | |
143 | ||
144 | class IOPMrootDomain: public IOService | |
145 | { | |
146 | OSDeclareFinalStructors(IOPMrootDomain) | |
147 | ||
148 | public: | |
149 | static IOPMrootDomain * construct( void ); | |
150 | ||
151 | virtual bool start( IOService * provider ); | |
152 | virtual IOReturn setAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long ); | |
153 | virtual IOReturn getAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long * ); | |
154 | ||
155 | virtual IOReturn sleepSystem( void ); | |
156 | IOReturn sleepSystemOptions( OSDictionary *options ); | |
157 | ||
158 | virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * ); | |
159 | virtual bool serializeProperties( OSSerialize * s ) const; | |
160 | ||
161 | /*! @function systemPowerEventOccurred | |
162 | @abstract Other drivers may inform IOPMrootDomain of system PM events | |
163 | @discussion systemPowerEventOccurred is a richer alternative to receivePowerNotification() | |
164 | Only Apple-owned kexts should have reason to call systemPowerEventOccurred. | |
165 | @param event An OSSymbol describing the type of power event. | |
166 | @param value A 32-bit integer value associated with the event. | |
167 | @param shouldUpdate indicates whether the root domain should send a notification | |
168 | to interested parties. Pass false if you're calling systemPowerEventOccurred | |
169 | several times in succession; and pass true only on the last invocatino. | |
170 | @result kIOReturnSuccess on success */ | |
171 | ||
172 | IOReturn systemPowerEventOccurred( | |
173 | const OSSymbol *event, | |
174 | uint32_t intValue ); | |
175 | ||
176 | IOReturn systemPowerEventOccurred( | |
177 | const OSSymbol *event, | |
178 | OSObject *value ); | |
179 | ||
180 | virtual IOReturn receivePowerNotification( UInt32 msg ); | |
181 | ||
182 | virtual void setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags ); | |
183 | ||
184 | virtual IOOptionBits getSleepSupported( void ); | |
185 | ||
186 | void wakeFromDoze( void ); | |
187 | ||
188 | // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature | |
189 | ||
190 | void publishFeature( const char *feature ); | |
191 | ||
192 | // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature | |
193 | // And specifies power sources with kIOPMSupportedOn{AC/Batt/UPS} bitfield. | |
194 | // Returns a unique uint32_t identifier for later removing support for this | |
195 | // feature. | |
196 | // NULL is acceptable for uniqueFeatureID for kexts without plans to unload. | |
197 | ||
198 | void publishFeature( const char *feature, | |
199 | uint32_t supportedWhere, | |
200 | uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID); | |
201 | ||
202 | // KEXT driver announces removal of a previously published power management | |
203 | // feature. Pass 'uniqueFeatureID' returned from publishFeature() | |
204 | ||
205 | IOReturn removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID ); | |
206 | ||
207 | /*! @function copyPMSetting | |
208 | @abstract Copy the current value for a PM setting. Returns an OSNumber or | |
209 | OSData depending on the setting. | |
210 | @param whichSetting Name of the desired setting. | |
211 | @result OSObject value if valid, NULL otherwise. */ | |
212 | ||
213 | OSObject * copyPMSetting( OSSymbol *whichSetting ); | |
214 | ||
215 | /*! @function registerPMSettingController | |
216 | @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings. | |
217 | @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM | |
218 | setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for. | |
219 | @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such. | |
220 | @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this' | |
221 | @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use. | |
222 | @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL, | |
223 | handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to | |
224 | unregisterPMSettingController() | |
225 | @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */ | |
226 | ||
227 | IOReturn registerPMSettingController( | |
228 | const OSSymbol *settings[], | |
229 | IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout, | |
230 | OSObject *target, | |
231 | uintptr_t refcon, | |
232 | OSObject **handle); // out param | |
233 | ||
234 | /*! @function registerPMSettingController | |
235 | @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings. | |
236 | @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM | |
237 | setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for. | |
238 | @param supportedPowerSources bitfield indicating which power sources these | |
239 | settings are supported for (kIOPMSupportedOnAC, etc.) | |
240 | @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such. | |
241 | @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this' | |
242 | @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use. | |
243 | @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL, | |
244 | handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to | |
245 | unregisterPMSettingController() | |
246 | @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */ | |
247 | ||
248 | IOReturn registerPMSettingController( | |
249 | const OSSymbol *settings[], | |
250 | uint32_t supportedPowerSources, | |
251 | IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout, | |
252 | OSObject *target, | |
253 | uintptr_t refcon, | |
254 | OSObject **handle); // out param | |
255 | ||
256 | virtual IONotifier * registerInterest( | |
257 | const OSSymbol * typeOfInterest, | |
258 | IOServiceInterestHandler handler, | |
259 | void * target, void * ref = 0 ); | |
260 | ||
261 | virtual IOReturn callPlatformFunction( | |
262 | const OSSymbol *functionName, | |
263 | bool waitForFunction, | |
264 | void *param1, void *param2, | |
265 | void *param3, void *param4 ); | |
266 | ||
267 | /*! @function createPMAssertion | |
268 | @abstract Creates an assertion to influence system power behavior. | |
269 | @param whichAssertionBits A bitfield specify the assertion that the caller requests. | |
270 | @param assertionLevel An integer detailing the initial assertion level, kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn | |
271 | or kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff. | |
272 | @param ownerService A pointer to the caller's IOService class, for tracking. | |
273 | @param ownerDescription A reverse-DNS string describing the caller's identity and reason. | |
274 | @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID | |
275 | */ | |
276 | IOPMDriverAssertionID createPMAssertion( | |
277 | IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionsBits, | |
278 | IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel, | |
279 | IOService *ownerService, | |
280 | const char *ownerDescription); | |
281 | ||
282 | /* @function setPMAssertionLevel | |
283 | @abstract Modify the level of a pre-existing assertion. | |
284 | @discussion Change the value of a PM assertion to influence system behavior, | |
285 | without undergoing the work required to create or destroy an assertion. Suggested | |
286 | for clients who will assert and de-assert needs for PM behavior several times over | |
287 | their lifespan. | |
288 | @param assertionID An assertion ID previously returned by <link>createPMAssertion</link> | |
289 | @param assertionLevel The new assertion level. | |
290 | @result kIOReturnSuccess if it worked; kIOReturnNotFound or other IOReturn error on failure. | |
291 | */ | |
292 | IOReturn setPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel); | |
293 | ||
294 | /*! @function getPMAssertionLevel | |
295 | @absract Returns the active level of the specified assertion(s). | |
296 | @discussion Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or | |
297 | <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>. If multiple assertions are specified | |
298 | in the bitfield, only returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> | |
299 | if all assertions are active. | |
300 | @param whichAssertionBits Bits defining the assertion or assertions the caller is interested in | |
301 | the level of. If in doubt, pass <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link> as the argument. | |
302 | @result Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or | |
303 | <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> indicating the specified assertion's levels, if available. | |
304 | If the assertions aren't supported on this machine, or aren't recognized by the OS, the | |
305 | result is undefined. | |
306 | */ | |
307 | IOPMDriverAssertionLevel getPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionBits); | |
308 | ||
309 | /*! @function releasePMAssertion | |
310 | @abstract Removes an assertion to influence system power behavior. | |
311 | @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID * | |
312 | */ | |
313 | IOReturn releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion); | |
314 | ||
315 | private: | |
316 | virtual IOReturn changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal ); | |
317 | virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal ); | |
318 | virtual IOReturn requestPowerDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags, IOPowerConnection *, unsigned long ); | |
319 | virtual void powerChangeDone( unsigned long ); | |
320 | virtual bool tellChangeDown( unsigned long ); | |
321 | virtual bool askChangeDown( unsigned long ); | |
322 | virtual void tellChangeUp( unsigned long ); | |
323 | virtual void tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long ); | |
324 | #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE | |
325 | /* Root Domain internals */ | |
326 | public: | |
327 | void tagPowerPlaneService( | |
328 | IOService * service, | |
329 | IOPMActions * actions ); | |
330 | ||
331 | void overrideOurPowerChange( | |
332 | IOService * service, | |
333 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
334 | unsigned long * inOutPowerState, | |
335 | uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags ); | |
336 | ||
337 | void handleOurPowerChangeStart( | |
338 | IOService * service, | |
339 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
340 | uint32_t powerState, | |
341 | uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags ); | |
342 | ||
343 | void handleOurPowerChangeDone( | |
344 | IOService * service, | |
345 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
346 | uint32_t powerState, | |
347 | uint32_t changeFlags ); | |
348 | ||
349 | void overridePowerChangeForUIService( | |
350 | IOService * service, | |
351 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
352 | unsigned long * inOutPowerState, | |
353 | uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags ); | |
354 | ||
355 | void handleActivityTickleForDisplayWrangler( | |
356 | IOService * service, | |
357 | IOPMActions * actions ); | |
358 | ||
359 | bool shouldDelayChildNotification( | |
360 | IOService * service ); | |
361 | ||
362 | void handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice( | |
363 | IOService * service, | |
364 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
365 | uint32_t powerState, | |
366 | uint32_t * inOutChangeFlags ); | |
367 | ||
368 | void handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice( | |
369 | IOService * service, | |
370 | IOPMActions * actions, | |
371 | uint32_t powerState, | |
372 | uint32_t changeFlags ); | |
373 | ||
374 | void askChangeDownDone( | |
375 | IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags, | |
376 | bool * cancel ); | |
377 | ||
378 | void handlePublishSleepWakeUUID( | |
379 | bool shouldPublish); | |
380 | ||
381 | void handleQueueSleepWakeUUID( | |
382 | OSObject *obj); | |
383 | ||
384 | IOReturn setMaintenanceWakeCalendar(const IOPMCalendarStruct * calendar ); | |
385 | ||
386 | // Handle callbacks from IOService::systemWillShutdown() | |
387 | void acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService * from ); | |
388 | ||
389 | // Handle platform halt and restart notifications | |
390 | void handlePlatformHaltRestart( UInt32 pe_type ); | |
391 | ||
392 | IOReturn shutdownSystem( void ); | |
393 | IOReturn restartSystem( void ); | |
394 | void handleSleepTimerExpiration( void ); | |
395 | ||
396 | bool activitySinceSleep(void); | |
397 | bool abortHibernation(void); | |
398 | ||
399 | IOReturn joinAggressiveness( IOService * service ); | |
400 | void handleAggressivesRequests( void ); | |
401 | ||
402 | void tracePoint( uint8_t point ); | |
403 | void tracePoint( uint8_t point, uint8_t data ); | |
404 | void traceDetail( uint32_t data32 ); | |
405 | ||
406 | bool systemMessageFilter( | |
407 | void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 ); | |
408 | ||
409 | void publishPMSetting( | |
410 | const OSSymbol * feature, uint32_t where, uint32_t * featureID ); | |
411 | ||
412 | /*! @function recordPMEvent | |
413 | @abstract Logs IOService PM event timing. | |
414 | @discussion Should only be called from IOServicePM. Should not be exported. | |
415 | @result kIOReturn on success. | |
416 | */ | |
417 | IOReturn recordPMEvent( PMEventDetails *details ); | |
418 | IOReturn recordAndReleasePMEvent( PMEventDetails *details ); | |
419 | IOReturn recordPMEventGated( PMEventDetails *details ); | |
420 | IOReturn recordAndReleasePMEventGated( PMEventDetails *details ); | |
421 | ||
422 | void pmStatsRecordEvent( | |
423 | int eventIndex, | |
424 | AbsoluteTime timestamp); | |
425 | ||
426 | void pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse( | |
427 | const OSSymbol *response, | |
428 | const char *name, | |
429 | int messageType, | |
430 | uint32_t delay_ms, | |
431 | int app_pid); | |
432 | ||
433 | #if HIBERNATION | |
434 | bool getHibernateSettings( | |
435 | uint32_t * hibernateMode, | |
436 | uint32_t * hibernateFreeRatio, | |
437 | uint32_t * hibernateFreeTime ); | |
438 | #endif | |
439 | ||
440 | private: | |
441 | friend class PMSettingObject; | |
442 | friend class RootDomainUserClient; | |
443 | friend class PMAssertionsTracker; | |
444 | ||
445 | static IOReturn sysPowerDownHandler( void * target, void * refCon, | |
446 | UInt32 messageType, IOService * service, | |
447 | void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize ); | |
448 | ||
449 | static IOReturn displayWranglerNotification( void * target, void * refCon, | |
450 | UInt32 messageType, IOService * service, | |
451 | void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize ); | |
452 | ||
453 | static IOReturn rootBusyStateChangeHandler( void * target, void * refCon, | |
454 | UInt32 messageType, IOService * service, | |
455 | void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize ); | |
456 | ||
457 | static bool displayWranglerMatchPublished( void * target, void * refCon, | |
458 | IOService * newService, | |
459 | IONotifier * notifier); | |
460 | ||
461 | static bool batteryPublished( void * target, void * refCon, | |
462 | IOService * resourceService, | |
463 | IONotifier * notifier); | |
464 | ||
465 | IOService * wrangler; | |
466 | IOService * wranglerConnection; | |
467 | ||
468 | IOLock *featuresDictLock; // guards supportedFeatures | |
469 | IOPMPowerStateQueue *pmPowerStateQueue; | |
470 | ||
471 | OSArray *allowedPMSettings; | |
472 | OSArray *noPublishPMSettings; | |
473 | PMTraceWorker *pmTracer; | |
474 | PMAssertionsTracker *pmAssertions; | |
475 | ||
476 | // Settings controller info | |
477 | IOLock *settingsCtrlLock; | |
478 | OSDictionary *settingsCallbacks; | |
479 | OSDictionary *fPMSettingsDict; | |
480 | ||
481 | IONotifier *_batteryPublishNotifier; | |
482 | IONotifier *_displayWranglerNotifier; | |
483 | ||
484 | // Statistics | |
485 | const OSSymbol *_statsNameKey; | |
486 | const OSSymbol *_statsPIDKey; | |
487 | const OSSymbol *_statsTimeMSKey; | |
488 | const OSSymbol *_statsResponseTypeKey; | |
489 | const OSSymbol *_statsMessageTypeKey; | |
490 | ||
491 | OSString *queuedSleepWakeUUIDString; | |
492 | OSArray *pmStatsAppResponses; | |
493 | ||
494 | bool uuidPublished; | |
495 | PMStatsStruct pmStats; | |
496 | ||
497 | // Pref: idle time before idle sleep | |
498 | unsigned long sleepSlider; | |
499 | unsigned long idleSeconds; | |
500 | uint64_t autoWakeStart; | |
501 | uint64_t autoWakeEnd; | |
502 | ||
503 | // Difference between sleepSlider and longestNonSleepSlider | |
504 | unsigned long extraSleepDelay; | |
505 | ||
506 | // Used to wait between say display idle and system idle | |
507 | thread_call_t extraSleepTimer; | |
508 | thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry; | |
509 | ||
510 | // IOPMActions parameter encoding | |
511 | enum { | |
512 | kPMActionsFlagIsDisplayWrangler = 0x00000001, | |
513 | kPMActionsFlagIsGraphicsDevice = 0x00000002, | |
514 | kPMActionsFlagIsAudioDevice = 0x00000004, | |
515 | kPMActionsFlagLimitPower = 0x00000008, | |
516 | kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask = 0x000000ff | |
517 | }; | |
518 | ||
519 | // Track system capabilities. | |
520 | uint32_t _desiredCapability; | |
521 | uint32_t _currentCapability; | |
522 | uint32_t _pendingCapability; | |
523 | uint32_t _highestCapability; | |
524 | OSSet * _joinedCapabilityClients; | |
525 | uint32_t _systemStateGeneration; | |
526 | ||
527 | // Type of clients that can receive system messages. | |
528 | enum { | |
529 | kSystemMessageClientConfigd = 0x01, | |
530 | kSystemMessageClientApp = 0x02, | |
531 | kSystemMessageClientUser = 0x03, | |
532 | kSystemMessageClientKernel = 0x04, | |
533 | kSystemMessageClientAll = 0x07 | |
534 | }; | |
535 | uint32_t _systemMessageClientMask; | |
536 | ||
537 | // Power state and capability change transitions. | |
538 | enum { | |
539 | kSystemTransitionNone = 0, | |
540 | kSystemTransitionSleep = 1, | |
541 | kSystemTransitionWake = 2, | |
542 | kSystemTransitionCapability = 3, | |
543 | kSystemTransitionNewCapClient = 4 | |
544 | } _systemTransitionType; | |
545 | ||
546 | unsigned int systemBooting :1; | |
547 | unsigned int systemShutdown :1; | |
548 | unsigned int systemDarkWake :1; | |
549 | unsigned int clamshellExists :1; | |
550 | unsigned int clamshellClosed :1; | |
551 | unsigned int clamshellDisabled :1; | |
552 | unsigned int desktopMode :1; | |
553 | unsigned int acAdaptorConnected :1; | |
554 | ||
555 | unsigned int idleSleepTimerPending :1; | |
556 | unsigned int userDisabledAllSleep :1; | |
557 | unsigned int childPreventSystemSleep :1; | |
558 | unsigned int ignoreTellChangeDown :1; | |
559 | unsigned int wranglerAsleep :1; | |
560 | unsigned int wranglerTickled :1; | |
561 | unsigned int wranglerSleepIgnored :1; | |
562 | unsigned int graphicsSuppressed :1; | |
563 | ||
564 | unsigned int capabilityLoss :1; | |
565 | unsigned int pciCantSleepFlag :1; | |
566 | unsigned int pciCantSleepValid :1; | |
567 | unsigned int logWranglerTickle :1; | |
568 | unsigned int logGraphicsClamp :1; | |
569 | unsigned int darkWakeToSleepASAP :1; | |
570 | unsigned int darkWakeMaintenance :1; | |
571 | unsigned int darkWakeSleepService :1; | |
572 | unsigned int darkWakePostTickle :1; | |
573 | ||
574 | unsigned int sleepTimerMaintenance :1; | |
575 | unsigned int lowBatteryCondition :1; | |
576 | unsigned int hibernateDisabled :1; | |
577 | unsigned int hibernateNoDefeat :1; | |
578 | unsigned int hibernateAborted :1; | |
579 | unsigned int rejectWranglerTickle :1; | |
580 | ||
581 | uint32_t hibernateMode; | |
582 | uint32_t userActivityCount; | |
583 | uint32_t userActivityAtSleep; | |
584 | uint32_t lastSleepReason; | |
585 | ||
586 | // Info for communicating system state changes to PMCPU | |
587 | int32_t idxPMCPUClamshell; | |
588 | int32_t idxPMCPULimitedPower; | |
589 | ||
590 | IOOptionBits platformSleepSupport; | |
591 | uint32_t _debugWakeSeconds; | |
592 | uint32_t _lastDebugWakeSeconds; | |
593 | ||
594 | queue_head_t aggressivesQueue; | |
595 | thread_call_t aggressivesThreadCall; | |
596 | OSData * aggressivesData; | |
597 | ||
598 | AbsoluteTime wranglerSleepTime; | |
599 | AbsoluteTime systemWakeTime; | |
600 | ||
601 | // PCI top-level PM trace | |
602 | IOService * pciHostBridgeDevice; | |
603 | IOService * pciHostBridgeDriver; | |
604 | ||
605 | IONotifier * systemCapabilityNotifier; | |
606 | ||
607 | IOPMTimeline *timeline; | |
608 | ||
609 | IOPMSystemSleepPolicyHandler _sleepPolicyHandler; | |
610 | void * _sleepPolicyTarget; | |
611 | IOPMSystemSleepPolicyVariables *_sleepPolicyVars; | |
612 | ||
613 | // IOPMrootDomain internal sleep call | |
614 | IOReturn privateSleepSystem( uint32_t sleepReason ); | |
615 | void reportUserInput( void ); | |
616 | bool checkSystemCanSleep( IOOptionBits options = 0 ); | |
617 | ||
618 | void adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP = false ); | |
619 | void setQuickSpinDownTimeout( void ); | |
620 | void restoreUserSpinDownTimeout( void ); | |
621 | ||
622 | bool shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed(void ); | |
623 | void sendClientClamshellNotification( void ); | |
624 | ||
625 | // Inform PMCPU of changes to state like lid, AC vs. battery | |
626 | void informCPUStateChange( uint32_t type, uint32_t value ); | |
627 | ||
628 | void dispatchPowerEvent( uint32_t event, void * arg0, uint64_t arg1 ); | |
629 | void handlePowerNotification( UInt32 msg ); | |
630 | ||
631 | IOReturn setPMSetting(const OSSymbol *, OSObject *); | |
632 | ||
633 | void startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds ); | |
634 | void cancelIdleSleepTimer( void ); | |
635 | ||
636 | IOReturn setAggressiveness( | |
637 | unsigned long type, | |
638 | unsigned long value, | |
639 | IOOptionBits options ); | |
640 | ||
641 | void synchronizeAggressives( | |
642 | queue_head_t * services, | |
643 | const AggressivesRecord * array, | |
644 | int count ); | |
645 | ||
646 | void broadcastAggressives( | |
647 | const AggressivesRecord * array, | |
648 | int count ); | |
649 | ||
650 | // getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor should only be called by our friend RootDomainUserClient | |
651 | IOMemoryDescriptor *getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor(void); | |
652 | ||
653 | IOReturn setPMAssertionUserLevels(IOPMDriverAssertionType); | |
654 | ||
655 | void publishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish ); | |
656 | ||
657 | void evaluatePolicy( int stimulus, uint32_t arg = 0 ); | |
658 | ||
659 | void evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions, | |
660 | IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions); | |
661 | ||
662 | void deregisterPMSettingObject( PMSettingObject * pmso ); | |
663 | ||
664 | #if HIBERNATION | |
665 | bool getSleepOption( const char * key, uint32_t * option ); | |
666 | bool evaluateSystemSleepPolicy( IOPMSystemSleepParameters * p, int phase ); | |
667 | void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly( void ); | |
668 | void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyFinal( void ); | |
669 | #endif /* HIBERNATION */ | |
670 | #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ | |
671 | }; | |
672 | ||
673 | #ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE | |
674 | class IORootParent: public IOService | |
675 | { | |
676 | OSDeclareFinalStructors(IORootParent) | |
677 | ||
678 | public: | |
679 | static void initialize( void ); | |
680 | virtual OSObject * copyProperty( const char * aKey ) const; | |
681 | bool start( IOService * nub ); | |
682 | void shutDownSystem( void ); | |
683 | void restartSystem( void ); | |
684 | void sleepSystem( void ); | |
685 | void dozeSystem( void ); | |
686 | void sleepToDoze( void ); | |
687 | void wakeSystem( void ); | |
688 | }; | |
689 | #endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */ | |
690 | ||
691 | #endif /* _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H */ |